Esotericism Part 2 Sec 10


maze4And/or: "The stone circle is amazing {i.e.,Maeshowe/Orkney}...We went in and each walked around the circle, first widdershins and then deosil, before going to the center. And the center is not in the middle! This is common in the old British sacred sites; if you look at the Troy Town you'll see that, in this very ancient labyrinth, its center is not in the middle. Nowadays we are encouraged to have a very simplistic idea of ''center'' and ''balance''...Our ancestors had a much wider view of 'balance' and incorporated it into the sacred sites they built..."[Page 45-46, 'Elen of the Ways'].

Question. How would balance be 'brought back to center'. How would it be represented?


And/or: ''Cassandra or Kassandra (Ancient Greek: Κασσάνδρα, pronounced [kas:ándra], also Κασάνδρα, and sometimes referred to as Alexandra)[2] in Greek mythology was a Trojan priestess dedicated to the god Apollo and fated by him to utter true prophecies but never to be believed....Before the fall of Troy took place, Cassandra foresaw that if Paris goes to Sparta and brings Helen back as his wife, the arrival of Helen will spark the downfall and destruction of Troy during the Trojan War. Despite the prophecy and ignoring Cassandra's warning, Paris still went to Sparta and returned with Helen. While the people of Troy rejoiced, Cassandra, angry with Helen's arrival, furiously snatched away Helen's golden veil and tore at her hair.''


''Cassandra was described by the chronicler Malalas in his account of the Chronography as "shortish, round-faced, white, mannish figure, good nose, good eyes, dark pupils, blondish, curly, good neck, bulky breasts, small feet, calm, noble, priestly, an accurate prophet foreseeing everything, practicing hard, virgin".[9] Meanwhile, in the account of Dares the Phrygian, she was illustrated as ". . .of moderate stature, round-mouthed, and auburn-haired. Her eyes flashed. She knew the future." [Wiki].

''T'' shape?

Side note: The narrator Robert Powell goes to Israel to discover more about the man he depicted several years ago {Life of Jesus}. Goes to the area where Christ actually went himself in his ''forty days in the wilderness''. So impressed with the place then and now ''it allows you to find your own compass - your own center." [Robert Powell and the Real Jesus of Nazareth'. Part 2].

Refresher: ''You can only go half through a 'forest' - before you are coming out the other side.''

And/or:  Recall the internal structure with the Gt. Pyramid - something offset to the norm. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Side note: "In and through it, human nature as a whole, and the work of the individual {Aries to Cancer realm plus Leo to Scorpio realm} are not only unified and integrated, but they acquire a 'divine' meaning. They acquire it because divinity as 'incarnated' in collective humanity at the winter solstice {Capricorn?}, after having illuminated the mind of humanity through the phase of Sagittarius." [Page 145/159, 'The Zodiac as the Universal Matrix'].

Try ''octave/s'' to see it from a different perspective {i.e.,'seven' in relation to 'eight'}.

All as means...?

''Chicks'' ? therefore 'egg'? {even if the ''sun'' is being used to represent it i.e., the 'birth' of something.} And/or: 'Weak legs' ? as opposed to say 'strong' ones {i.e., as one example the elephant}. Try ''Homer'' to enlarge. That link to ''duality'' its aim {Sagittarius?}  and purpose.

And/or: "Sagittarius decan 3 is ruled by Saturn. The Sun slithers its way through the constellations of the Serpent Bearer, the Scorpion, the Dragon, the Altar, the Southern Triangle and the Bird of Paradise from December 13 – 21 {i.e., with a ''Capricornian'' perspective in mind }. I believe that Sagittarius decan 3 must be one of the most difficult decans to be born under. If I was to do a modern Ptolemy and assign a planet here, I would probably choose Eris and Orcus. Like the new energies, these people are often seen as trouble makers, misunderstood, exiled and tortured for their beliefs. If these folk are brought up in a loving family, have access to the nature spirits and are free to express their unique selves, then they are as good as gold. But if not, their dark side is the most treacherous of all. More than any other decan, these folk absolutely cannot function as an inauthentic being. They will see right through any false veneer."[''. Parenthesis/italics, this readers].

Bearded/UNbearded as a means...? Try 2:9 to enlarge one way or the other.

Similar to the author of the 'Tutankhamun Prophecies'. This author is obsessed with Sagittarius: ''I'm already persuaded by his {i.e.,P. Burley's} identification of Sagittarius with the 'vulture' and of the disc held up by its wing with the sun..." Same book.

'Trees' for the wood. OR 'Wood' for the trees?

Question. What {solitary?} tree was found atop that hill that eventually became defined as Gobekli-tepe?

"The power of the vulture is to take the putrefactions of life, digest them, and return them to life in the form of a new egg. The name Mut means both 'death' and 'mother'....The goddess Mut consort of Amun....death into life....The vulture headdress always worn by the Queen.....Why a vulture to indicate motherhood? Because in the desert climate where starvation is a possibility, the self-sacrificing vulture was observed to pluck at its own breast and feed its flesh to its children. Mut was so strongly identified with Queen Mother that the hieroglyphs for both egg and vulture were used to denote any goddess, or, for that matter any mother...Muts husband = Amun and son Khonsu....Nekhbet was the archaic form of the vulture goddess who became known as Mut....Her place of power = Nekhen {Hierkonpolis} - the original city of the dead....As Nekhbet, she wings her way through every temple and is carved into the lintels of each doorway...She watches constantly and knows the exact moment that 'death' of the old occurs - which is the ripest moment for initiating change that brings a new level of consciousness...A new chapter in the Great Work...." [Pages 63/4 'The Union of Isis and Thoth].

What does 'five' represent? ''Serpent hands'' in relation to ''the eye of the needle.' ''Bobbin'' as a foundation?

Scorpio, not Sagittarius, that has been identified with something close to a bird {i.e.,in Scorpio's case - the 'eagle'}. Enlarged elsewhere. That sting in the tail in relation to redeemed/unredeemed {'antidote'}. And/or Libra's scales {the only 'sign' that is represented with an inanimate object} - in relation to Scorpio's ''claws''. All enlarged throughout.

'Archaic: 'Saturn and the Theoretical Foundations of an Emerging Discipline'.

DEFINE ''Saturn'' - in relation to a ''line of sight'' - ALL AS A MEANS...?

The foundation of something?


Analogy: 'Head of Annwn'? {i.e., Page 21 'Mabon and the Mysteries of Britain'}.

A side step: "At near by Nevali Cori, its cult building, which dates back to 8400-8000 BC, was orientated S/W to N/E, with a niche at the center of the N/E? wall, in which archaeologists discovered a life size egg like head with crude ears and a carved 'ponytail '. The fact that the north would appear to have been a direction of veneration among the earliest Neolithic stone temples of the region does suggest that the Nevali Cori stone head symbolized some kind of personification of what German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt referred to, in connection with Gobekli-tepe, as a personalized deity, a 'non - terrestrial being.' We do not know what that was, but from the heads egg like appearance and its placement in the N/W? wall of the cult building, the chances are that it expressed their view of cosmic life and death, what the Sabians called the Primal Cause." [Page 16, 211 'The Cygnus Mystery'].

Question. What do you think? Clue. Link to the Sphinx and Olmec heads. Picture of same, found within. Find it to understand it. Also a link to 'Coco' [ Cocoanut] of Oak Island fame. Found within.

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

What would it look like if it was covered? ''Error runs down a plane while truth has to ….'' In the micro SENSE of the word. Gobekli-tepe in the macro SENSE of same. In other words Precession is an aspect to be considered i.e., that bird could be a Phoenix BUT even so the common factor still remains {hidden?} the SAME - in the word ''chick''. Recall the Phoenix myth.

Side note: Attempting to 'define' the above gives us the chance to get into the heads of such individuals as belonged to the such groups as: "Around 9000 years age mainland Europe underwent a social and technological revolution...the Neolithic era. Characterized by farming and permanent settlements, the new culture and its ideas slowly expanded west, before they finally crossed into Britain around 4000BC....Long Barrow burial tombs....the funeral practices of which were peculiar....They had de-fleshment and cutting off of heads. Heads were treated completely different to other parts of the body....The whole Barrow was then covered with earth dug from large pits...." ['Operation Stonehenge: What lies Beneath' / BBC 1. Episode 1].

Question. What were those 'pits' then used for?

Refresher: "Many years ago the English psychologist, F. W. H. Meyes, suggested that - ''hidden in the depth of our being is a rubbish heap as well as a treasure house''.

Try ''West'' and/or ''peculiar'' as a means....?

Continued: Or the Greek equivalent, the 'name' Apollo. Meaning 'stone', [ i.e.,Ancient Macedonian. 'Greeks' origins. Later meanings, ''assembly'' and/or ''unity''. Think on it, relative to ''philosophers stone'' in relation to the wider picture, the 'whole' picture. A re-union of something. [Wikipedia and/or 'Jesus Christ Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism.' Mentioned elsewhere].

Apollo being the 'son' of Zeus. Recall what Zeus represents. [Use the 'find' indicator, rather than... in one ear and out the other]. That 'development', one stage further. Another meaning..."a wall/fence ['dividing line'] from animals", [Wikipedia]. Compare to the 'meaning' of Anubis.

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

Together with the Biblical equivalent..." My flesh and heart fade away, while god becomes the Rock of my heart and my portion forever" [Psalm 73:26] This verse refers to the purity of the mind and heart, when 'cleansed' of things other than the 'divine';. When a person attains such a state, the 'divine' essence is actually seen as entering the mind and dwelling in it". [Chapter one. 'Meditation and the Bible'. A. Kaplan].

Represented as ''eagle'' ?

" may be said that meditation is the act of turning the attention upon some subject or object for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of its nature." Quote from within the book by C.Seymour.

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

pinei.e.,the 'result' of an interest in something; a continual interest; ['repetition' link] in relation to the 'Ba/Ka', by way of the 'Pineal gland'? , the process of which, the author of 'The ancient Secret of the Flower of life' [mentioned elsewhere], calls the Mer-Ka-Ba. Hebrew equivalent, 'merkavah',by way of 'Shekhinah'. Represented as a 'chariot.'


Side note: A group of Pine Martens = ''A richness''. ['Autumnwatch'].

"The Qabalistic doctrine of 'evil' and the fall needs not concern us here. The Shekhinah is, in a sense, 'exiled' through the fall {key}. She is 'Rachel weeping for her children' and, in the later teachings of Isaac Luria, the exile of the Shekhinah will only end with the coming of the Messiah. The philosophy represented by the Zohar has its 'mystical' side. Ecstasy is stressed little, but the idea of attainment of union with the 'divine' is all important. There is no sexual asceticism whatever; marriage, in true Jewish style, is regarded as a sacred mystery reflecting the union of 'god' with the Shekhinah." [From the book 'The Christ, Psychotherapy and Magic'. Some emphasis, this readers].

Question. Shadow and/or anima? Which is which? Hence...

"For the school of Luria, the process of restitution {Tikkun} is the purpose of Israel; the restoration of cosmic harmony is 'her' task; that is why she is scattered - in order 'to lift everything up'.

In other words - is it 'shadow' or 'anima' that will ''lift everything up''. OR both? ''Union''?

Analogy of same..."Rhythm in prayer [or 'ritual' or study - enlarged elsewhere - this readers input] - makes it pass from the psychological domain to that of life, from the domain of personnel tendencies and moods, to that of the fundamental and universal impulses of life itself ," [ i.e.,''divine bit'' link; i.e.,the understanding and ''connectedness'' of]. Extract from the book by Tomberg.

As seen {worded?} from a different perspective: "But the quest for spirit and the development of consciousness gradually changes the quality of the personal ka until the time comes when through the awakening of the spirit the man gains contact with his divine ka and the tyranny of the lower diminishes...'' ['Her-Bak'].

imagesIFI6O2VRA present example: in the modern {''natural''?} sense of the word: "Your perspective changes. You don't see any borders. When i was on earth i thought of my home, in terms of my house, my city, my country. But when i could see the whole world {objective view?} i understood that planet earth is my home. We do everything to ensure our homes are good, beautiful and peaceful, and we should do the same for the planet - it is our home...A person becomes kinder when he sees his world from far {''afar''?} away. Sometimes i joke that, when you have aggressive politicians who cause problems for ordinary people you should put them in a rocket and send them into space, where they will understand the planet and humanity upon it... " [Quote from Alexander Lazutkin and Alexander Volkov from a position {perspective?} above earth on the Russian sky lab - Mir. 'Cosmonauts: The Space Race' / Series 1. Episode 2].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

As [one] example..."On an island there lived three hermits. They were so simple that the only prayer they used was: ''We art three; thou art three - have mercy on us!" Great 'miracles' were manifested during this naive prayer." [Extract from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' from a folk tale by Leo Tolstoy]. For a further head scratch - try ''grace'' [link to ''mercy''] before those first impressions tell the ''lower'' something else. While recalling what ''three'' [universally] represent.

Arya Starks 'hit list'? {repetition of}. Game of Thrones.

Nazca Lines?

''Golden flower'' to enlarge.

Analogy of same, but from a different perspective {'angle'} - from a different approach - but with the same aim in mind..."The path of gnani yoga is to see through the illusion of separateness and know the underlying oneness of 'god'. This is done through stilling the mind in meditation { a 'study' program does the same} - by constantly asking profound questions such as 'Who am i', and by immersing the intellect in mystical philosophy." [ 'World Mysticism' by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

Javelin prayer or 'spear' {pierced/wounded link?}.

A working example {if only in the spiritual {prayer?} sense of the word}: "The practice of short repetitive prayer has of course been well recognised in the West. Human nature would have led to its discovery, even if there if had been no tradition; and in fact, through Cassia, the teaching of the Desert on this subject was made accessible to the Latin world. St. Benedict, following Cassian, says that prayer should be ''short and pure'', and in medieval times a saying was current that 'short prayer pierces heaven'. The story is told of St. Francis spending a whole night repeating the formula : 'Deus meus et omnia.' In 14th century England Walter Hilton offers for our guidance a formula: 'I am nought, I have nought, I covert nought, but one {''bit'' link}, and he explains, very much in the spirit of Abbott Isaac, that the first two clauses are an expression of humility and the last two of love {i.e.,''grace'' link}." ['Unseen Warfare' / Nicodemus and Theophan the Recluse. Parenthesis, this readers].

''Repetition'' in relation to prayer. 'Revision' in relation to a study program. Both of which = 'To plough ones furrow'. Try ''pierce'' = results of.

''Grace'' in relation to those ''positives'' {over?} ''negatives'' that we are all taught in one form or another from as early as one can remember - mainly parents or brothers/sisters or relations or friends or teachers or {religion?} or {meditation?} or similar forms. OR just life in general - on a day to day basis...That learning curve that we all find ourselves on, i.e.,to question oneself; to internalize {higher/lower?}. The only difference is - this subject makes us aware of that learning curve and its possible significance in the bigger {Macro?} picture.

Top/down in relation to bottom/up.

REFRESHER: "Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with." [First sentence; first paragraph; first page of the book by Q. S. Lam].

Fact or fiction. A possibility or not?

"Keep fighting!" The Democrats secret weapon? In other words Will they EVER loose again now that EVERYBODY knows what to expect?

'Elephant in the Dark'?

A practical example: ''Sometimes people are mean to me or stuff goes wrong. Then i get mad. When i get annoyed i go into a different version of me. In my bad version, it's like me wanting to be horrible, but in the good version of me, i want to take away the bad version - but the bad version keeps fighting back.'' [Kai / 'Dispatches: Growing Up Poor: Britain's Hidden Homeless Kids' / Channel 4 / 25.10.21].



Something left outside - at the front door - of Vatican City. ''The smallest {child ?} independent state in the world'' {cubit?}. And/or ''a tiny walled enclave'' And/or ''the heart of Rome''. Coincidence or a meaningful one? "The house that is in the walled city shall be established." {Lev.25:30}. Recall the white wall at Saqqara and/or Memphis. Try Qena {''New City''} to 'see' something further.

Only fully understood from the 18th dynasty onward. [Chapter One, same book,i.e.,'Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life' ]. Hence the reason why the title 'Pharaoh'; or more importantly what it implies; took over from 'King', i.e.,start of the lower within the higher. Together with information of same [on the pineal gland] throughout the book; if only in its 'overview' aspect; 'The Source Field Investigations'. D. Wilcock].

’Stone’ represents; in part; the ‘eternal bit’. ’Philosophers’ represents the ‘thinking bit’. Indirect link to the ‘life bit’...and therefore...a subtle link to that familiar subject...The Psyche/ Psychology. That universal subject that all use to represent something. To define something. From the dawn of human kind. Even before the written word came into common use.

Eastern equivalent..."It is on this plane that the Manvantaric manifestations begin; for it is in this soul that slumbers, during the Pralaya, the Divine Thought, wherein lies concealed the plan of every future Cosmogony and Theogony. It is the one life, eternal, invisible, yet Omnipresent, without beginning or end, yet periodical in its regular manifestations, between which periods reigns the dark mystery of non being; unconscious, yet absolute consciousness; unrealisable, yet the one existing reality....Its one absolute attribute, which is itself eternal, ceaseless 'motion', is called in esoteric parlance the 'great breath'......." [Page 1/2 'The Secret Doctrine' by M. Blavatsky].

Found on Oak island.

Another author uses the word 'thought' to express that same intention, [fortunately for the reader, without all the 'related' jargon. 'Jargon' in the sense of applying similar words, used for the same purpose / intention, by other authors...such words as... 'unmanifest' and 'ineffable'. In relation to their flip side i.e.,manifest and effable. Explained elsewhere]...through-out the book, 'The Kabbalah and the Age of the Universe'. Mentioned elsewhere. Think about both, relative to what this subject implies by the word 'divine', in relation to... from an 'unconscious' to a now possible 'conscious' understanding. [N.B. Both of which have to be represented for that 'learning' and or understanding to take place ].

"The world we live in, is woven [key] out of the 'material' of which human thought exists." [R. Steiner. 'Theosophy, chapter three]. That universal framework gives a logic to that statement. Can you see it yet?

"Know thyself". That head-liner that can be found somewhere within all the ’Mystery clubs’, some say no more so than at Delphi, of whom Apollo was the main 'patron'. The main 'figure head', [representational of]. North of Delos, within its own landscape, [or more to the 'point'. S/e in relation to N/w].

'Head' in relation to 'loins'. 'Elder' relative to 'younger'? As a means to something. As is Pallas Athene who came from the head of Zeus - 'fully armed' - the goddess of wisdom.

"I owe a debt of gratitude to my friend J. Michell whose book 'City of Revelation' led me to the study of Greek gematria and its pre-Christian origins. It was the musicologist Joscelyn Godwin who introduced me to the monochord - and hence the ancient science of harmonics - which also marked an important turning point in my research. This experience led me to notice the fundamental relationship between Greek gematria and Pythagorean theory of Means. Siemen Terpstra, another servant of the Muses, also came along at the right time; his monograph on 'Means and Music' helped lead me to recognize that ratios of the Means themselves, define the central values of Greek gematria..." [Preface, 'Jesus Christ sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and early Christian Symbolism'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''means''.

Origins of. {Relative to a study program?}: "The effect of music was to build and strengthen the organ of thought. Thought is akin to light. When we understand something we still say: I see. So thought and music, music and light are akin {brothers and sisters? or two 'brothers' and/or 'sisters'?}. And light is wisdom - the 'pure virgin' wisdom of the celestial spheres. The Bards could understand how music comes from the ''eternal feminine'' - from the Virgin Sophia {wisdom}, the 'virgin' of the Light - where knowledge is unsullied and pure; and where, in the radiance of the stars of Gemini, there is understanding of the brotherhood of man, of ''I'' and ''Thou''. And that is 'love'. But the teachers of music could not yet aspire to inculcate eternal love, through music, in others {'grace' link} - though they had to discover it for themselves. The effect of their music to begin with, was to clarify the ''Gemini'' effect {i.e.,'Twins' - as in brother/sister?} - in other people, as separation and association of ideas - light in thinking - logical thought. So we find among the later Bards, a great deal of logical thinking, of theological and philosophical {N.B. ''Sophia'' link} - doctrines, mainly in the form of poetry. Logical thinking tends to tear one away from dreaminess or instinctive action and impulse - allowing a separating of ourselves from surroundings - so as to observe them..." HENCE "If music be not only the 'the food of love', but the builder and nourisher of the powers of clear thinking, it could be no other than the preparer of the age when, the great visions of the past being lost, man had to find his way to a precise and objective 'intellectuality' in regard to his knowledge of the world and of himself. It was the Swan song of the old Gods; and we hear it still in the Fire music of Brunnhilde's sleep...There is in Wagner a true echo of the magic of Merlin... and It was there function to be 'psychologists' - if one can use that word. They had to 'suffer' and endure and overcome all that belongs to the 'impurity' of the human soul in face of the Divine Soul, the eternal feminine - the Goddess Ceridwen. Every poet knows this suffering. Theirs was a Dionysian..." ['The Flaming Door: The Mission of the Celtic Folk Soul' / C. Merry. All emphasis/parenthesis - this readers].

In 'profile' as opposed to face on. Enlarged elsewhere.

Once again that same link to that same subject that Mr C. Jung took forward in leaps and bounds many decades ago. Cross referencing certain repetitive words [ Keys/archetypes ] which had the same subtle meanings in relation to his chosen profession, i.e., in relation to his understanding of psychology. Just as Champollion did. Only then with symbols. As with the Rosetta stone.

Something else being 'carried'. ''Abroad'' to enlarge.

The Hebrews symbolized it with the ‘Ark of the covenant’. That rectangular box that was forever being carried around. Rectangular in relation to the human form. Link to the ‘Turin shroud’. Forever at ‘ones side’. [ Key ] Symbolic, [ implied by the same authors ] of carrying ones own ‘real self’ around, i.e., coexistence of both.

Notice the ark of the covenant ‘disappeared’ somewhere beyond the river Jordan. Inside the ‘temple’. [ Key. Explained elsewhere]. Most individuals with a basic understanding of the subject are aware that everything up to that same river implies; is symbolic a representation, of the physical world. As does the ‘forty years in the wilderness’. Beyond that river is indicative of the 'next journey’. The ‘next leg’, i.e., B-C. Within ones ‘whole’ journey. The Egyptian equivalent was the Nile.

"A river of thoughts."

As the ‘temple’ was ‘constructed’ beyond that same river...then to say it ’disappeared’...means from the ‘view point’ of the observer in [A] i.e., not visible to the observer in [A]...Only relative to the ‘observer’ in [B]. So using the same deductive logic. The ‘temple’ because it took ‘form’ in [B] implies that it could not have been ‘constructed’ in the physical world [A]. Hence the conclusion that the ‘temple’ cannot be found in [A].

"It is a means for the whole to know itself." Seth quote, in answer to the question, "...what is existence...

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. The time has come for external forms and expressions to be left behind. There is no Temple in the heavenly Jerusalem, for religion has no place in heaven. Man is his own temple,[key] and his heart is the altar.[key]" [First chapter, first page, first paragraph of the book 'The Mind of Christ: Meditations on Christian Themes' by Anthony Duncan].

"...the symbol of the lower will is the Altar." [Quote from within the book by I. Regardie]. . Question. What would 'higher' be represented as? If only within this subject.

Low table/altar?

Side note: Day 11: Healing of the one bound in chains. Miracle of the Swine @ Kursi in Israel = { throne/chair or low table} + Chapel/monastery = 6 columns in two rows {Abydos link?}. [Kathleen Nichols/ Magdala].

Continued: Proven by the lack of archaeology evidence of that same temple, i.e., Solomons temple, {regardless of such publications as 'A Test of Time' by D. Rohl]...and by such in depth researchers as Mr Finkelstein. ’The Bible Unearthed’...and/or...'The Secret Doctrine' by M. Blavatsky,[book one, part two]...and such publications as ‘The Secrets of Solomons Temple’. By Kevin Gest.

"One aspect of lodge manifestation has certainly changed over time. That is the significance given to King Solomon and his temple. It is difficult to know whether Solomon's reputation, masonically speaking, has more to do with his being an epitome of wisdom, than his commissioning a temple for the Jewish priesthood." [Extract from the book 'Freemasonry: The Reality' by T. Churton].

"Analogy of same; from a different perspective; but the implication gives the same answer..."The Qabalist is, at heart, a ritualist. He approaches the 'Doorways' in a manner of a ceremonial magician. Sometimes he will go so far as to build a physical environment that makes the job easier. In his temple or his lodge, he will set up the symbols as a focus for his mind. But ultimately this is not necessary. The important temple is built up , by will and imagination, on the Astral Plane." [Chapter 7, 'Astral Doorways' by J. Brennan]. Recall what 'Astral Plane' implies, before those first impressions take off.


As {ONE} example: Conversation between A. Duncan, an 'angel' {his higher self} and Pan {aspect of his 'lower' self}: Angel: ''It is time WE introduce a third party. Here is Pan! Duncan: ''Pan? Does he really exist? Who is he? What am i to make of him? Angel: ''Pan is the hierarch of the Elemental creatures on Earth. If you like, you may call the King of the Fairies {'faerie'}. Like me, he is YOUR brother in Christ. Pan: ''I am standing by your right shoulder. I have come in from the garden. ...We dont live in this world in the same way you do. We live in the world as it really is. You live in it in a strange way we cannot understand. Duncan: ''Is this house {or 'temple'?} real to you? Are our roads and railways and factories and cities real to you? Pan: You cannot understand. Your 'house' is here, and then again, it is not here {'rooms of the mind'?}. It is not in our world, but we are in both worlds. Duncan: ''I think i understand. It is as if we live on two different wavelengths in the same world; different, but close to one another. If my house is not in your world, what is here in its place? And what about me? Where am i if i am not here in your world? Pan: You ask to many questions. As to your house, in your world it is here, in my world we are in the middle of a LAKE {'silence' link?} HENCE...''My world is nicer. And you? You are in both, and yet not in both.'' [Page 21/2 'The Sword in the Sun' / A Duncan].

Upside down in the southern hemisphere.

Analogy? Lake Titicaca = Rock of the Puma. 'See' it?

Try 'Philemon' for another.

''The meaning of the name Titicaca is uncertain, but it has been variously translated as Rock of the Puma or Crag of Lead. Titicaca lies between Andean ranges in a vast basin (about 22,400 square miles [58,000 square km] in area) that comprises most of the Altiplano (High Plateau) of the central Andes...Lake Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America and the highest of the world's large lakes. Titicaca is one of less than twenty ancient lakes on earth, and is thought to be there million years old. Lake Titicaca sits 3 810 m above sea level and is situated between Peru to the west and Bolivia to the east.''

N.B. ''The Sea of Galilee (Hebrew: יָם כִּנֶּרֶת, Judeo-Aramaic: יַמּא דטבריא, גִּנֵּיסַר, Arabic: بحيرة طبريا), also called Lake Tiberias or Kinneret, is a freshwater lake in Israel. It is the lowest freshwater lake on Earth and the second-lowest lake in the world (after the Dead Sea, a salt lake),[3] at levels between 215 metres (705 ft) and 209 metres (686 ft) below sea level.''

Sat on a 'low table'?

Side step: "The name of the mantle was Gwen. One of its properties was that whoever wore it would be 'invisible' to those about him, yet the wearer would 'see' everything. Another mysteries property of this mantle was that it ' would retain no colour other than its own'. This is the well known cloak of invisibility, the stock in trade of every wizard from Merlin to Harry Potter, but its nature is more subtle than is popular assumed...It is a 'faery' gift offered to those who 'travel' between the worlds in order to ease their passage. Indeed it might be more accurate to say that the cloak is a technique rather than an actual object, because when it is worn it indicates that the wearer is 'functioning' at a higher level than that of the physical world. We would now call this technique 'rising in the spiritual vision' OR 'entering a higher state of consciousness' - although these terms are not those used by the early storytellers. When it is said that the 'cloak' would not allow any other colour on it but its own this is a matter of physics, not poetic hyperbole {'137'?}. The purple colour of the cloak indicates the indigo of the astral levels, the rate of vibration which must be touched upon in order to enter into the inner world..." ['Red Tree, White Tree / W. Berg]. Try ''indigo''.

Question. Could not a eureka moment also be described as the development into a ''higher state of consciousness'' ?

'Mantle'' of the earth and a 'fireplace' relative to Mineral/Vegetable/ a means....?


Side note: The English word 'focus' comes from the Latin for 'fireplace'. ['The Chase' / ITV / 31.1.22].

From a different perspective: "...edges were blurred over time'' in relation to the term ''Faery-Folk''. [Page 64 'The Western Way: A Practical Guide to the Western Mystery Tradition' / C + J Matthews. Chapter 2].

A ''Lightness'' of something as a means....

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

nhy''The word 'mystery' comes from the Greek 'myein', to keep silent....The real secret about the mysteries is that they cannot be communicated by one being {'teacher'?} to another: the mystery guardian can only give guidelines and keys to knowledge, not actual knowledge itself, which is revealed to the initiate by personal experience and {or?} revelatory realisation....Although the keys to the mysteries are given to the initiate of the Western Way, each must still find the way in darkness by the light of personal intuition." [Same book. Chapter 1].

Something 'unknown' becoming 'known'. Regardless of what {method} is applied.

The above being an example of the 'ritual' method. A study program can do the same. The 'Hearth Fire' way?

''.....this new property became a real inextinguishable hearth, always burning, of consciousness.'' [Page 32 Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson' / Gurdjieff].

"Psychology and esotericism set out to explore the darkness outside of our knowledge, whether it be dwelling in the 'unconscious' or the 'astral', the mundus imaginalis, or the dark side of the Tree of Life." [Extract from the book 'The Magister'].

Convex or concave?

''Dark side'' = Nephthys or Pallas or Dark Aphrodite or Black Madonna etc., Understanding that gives clues to the possible area where the ''treasures'' mentioned in the Copper Scrolls could be found. Found in Caves above the Dead Sea. Question. Where was Mary Magdalene born?

Dark and light - 'UNmanifested' in relation to 'manifested' - as a representation of something - as a MEANS to an understanding - from the dawn of human {thinking?} kind.

Think about it all in relation to that universal {'eternal'?} ''bit''.

Refresher: '' You cannot have one without the other; but one has to come before the other."

"Nearly one and a half millennia ago, a then unknown monk living in a relatively remote corner of the Roman empire took the same 'numbers', and many others associated with the Temple, and gave them a symbolic interpretation. History knows him as Venerable Bede." [From the book by K. Gest].

A very similar book to the ‘Hiram Key’ [ in reference to K. Gest] but with - for this reader at least - more substance to it. Especially in relation to the ‘Temple’ symbolism in relation to ‘Freemasonry’, and that relation to 'Hiram Abif'. One understands that 'inner' meaning, the other does not, i.e.,Hiram = 'Kingly / Noble'. Abif = 'lost one', i.e., 'unknown' link. "The king that was lost", [authors hypothesis... Literally]. Actual = 'Upper' in relation to 'lower'. [explained elsewhere]. Getting it?

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

The name Harim Abir, Freemasons equivalent of the 'substitute' king of bygone days. 'Sacrifice' the 'lower' in order to understand the 'higher', by way of an inner understanding...that each 'candidate' has to work out for themselves, in relation to their own journey, i.e., in this case, within the context of 'Freemasonry'. Try ''Altar''. Purpose of; if only in this subject.

Once understood then those "genuine secrets that were lost" are now found, i.e.,'known'. FROM something UNknown [ Chapter one. 'The Hiram Key'].

All explained within. Exodus more than likely did not take place. Or at least not in the literal sense,[only in part]. The old testament is - in the main - symbolic of a ‘journey’. That inner one, [in their opinion, by way of implication].

Refresher: "To sacrifice a 'lower' value to a 'higher' value is to give substance and power to the desire which has been 'sacrificed'. If this higher value is of a 'spiritual' order, the spiritual power is attracted by this desire, and givers to the sacrificer a power of domination over his lower states." ['Journey into the Light'].

A working example: ''Baby Pelicans piercing into their own Mothers breast/Heart...a sign that points to a deeper reality {in relation to the Upper Room of the Last Supper and/or the Washing of Feet i.e., lower room}. ['Pilgrimage of Grace' / Magdala /March 2022].

Recall Vulture goddess of Egypt. 'Wife' of Amun.

Good or bad?

A practical example: ''Sometimes people are mean to me or stuff goes wrong. Then i get mad. When i get annoyed i go into a different version of me. In my bad version, it's like me wanting to be horrible, but in the good version of me, i want to take away the bad version - but the bad version keeps fighting back.'' [Kai / 'Dispatches: Growing Up Poor: Britain's Hidden Homeless Kids' / Channel 4 / 25.10.21].

Food for thought: Porsche or Reliant Robin?

In the New Testament that 'last supper' in the 'upper' room is symbolic of same, and represents all that preceded it, [in its 'physical' state]. As for 'representation' of the 'inner'...the word 'Gnosis', i.e.,what the 'Apostles' learned in relation to the 'multitudes'. Remember, there were twelve in 'number', [explained elsewhere. Symbolism of].

"More than fifteen centuries have passed since the appearance of St. Augustine's great work 'The City of God' [Civitas Dei]. This work represents the first comprehensive survey of world history, as far as it could be known at that time, reaching beyond the political, social, and economic aspects. This history of the world embraces not only the conflicts and struggles between various human interests, but also - and especially - the workings of a providence that transcends them... It was the first work of philosophical history in the West that was intended at the same time to be a further pursuance of the biblical method of approach. Augustine learned from the Bible to distinguish the essential from the inessential, and to perceive the relationships of essential significance between events in the course of the destiny of humanity. Making use of this method that he had learned from the Bible, he also applied it to a consideration of post biblical times. Thus arose in the occident the first work that had something to say about the meaning of world history." [Chapter 3, 'Lazarus Come Forth'. Mentioned elsewhere].

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

A ''basket'' that is not a basket. Try part 1 to begin something.

As does: "The first settlement of Troy was founded in about 2500BC, and nine levels of continuous human habitation have been discovered, the ruins of one level becoming the foundations of the next. Despite more than a century of of archeological research on the site, the detritus of war has not been found in any significant quantity. Precisely which of the many 'Troys' on the sight was Homer's is a matter for speculation, but at about 1220BC one of the levels of habitation, known to archeologists as Troy VIIa, was destroyed by fire. This has been said to be the real life event that influenced Homer to use the destruction of a rich and powerful city for his epic....

Remedy: "Head Jar"

That Troy burned is without doubt, but who put the city to the torch? There is no convincing evidence that the siege of Troy so graphically described in the Iliad ever happened. Nor is there proof that any characters such as Achilles, Agamemnon, Hector and Paris etc., ever existed except in the imagination. A more likely explanation for the burning of Troy VIIa, may lie with the mysteries Sea Peoples, who at that turbulent period in history are thought to have created widespread devastation in mainland Greece, Asia Minor, Cyprus and Syria. They were finally destroyed by the Egyptians in a land and sea battle in the Nile delta {1180bc}, but they took with them to the grave all knowledge of their origins." [Homer's Secret Iliad']. Follow the title of the book to 'see' if you can spot those universal 'themes'.

N.B. The Nile delta from where the 'Children of Israel' began their own journey. Enlarged elsewhere.

A working {mindset} example: ''Initiates know that our science, although purely natural and simple, is in no way vulgar; the terms we use, following the masters, are no less so....Thus hoping to enlighten the studious and to divert the blind, the greedy, and the unworthy. Learn, you who already know, that all our purifications, are igneous, that all our purifications are made in fire, by fire, and with fire...These actions described as calcination, because the matter subjected to the flame, yields its impure scorched parts to it....'' [Page 152/385 'The Dwellings of the Philosophers' / Fulcanelli].

Try ''fingers''.

A working in progress: Hundreds of Phoenician ceramic figurines found on the seafloor off northern Israel - 50 years ago. Deliberately cast into the 'water' ''as part of a ritual that was repeated from the 7th throught 3rd centuries BC''...ALL women - ''Some have protruding bellies or a hand placed over the abdomen {'navel'?} - and others carrying children''.....Some are believed to bear the symbol of the goddess Tanit {child sacrifice}. [Page 18 'Archaeology' / Jan/Feb 2021].


Another example of ''method'' {i.e.,in order to 'see' something other than the obvious}: "It is equally evident in the account of the battle of Kadesh that it could not possibly be the reigning king who is involved. This warrior single handedly slays thousands of enemies and destroys thousands of combat chariots! It is meaningless to attempt to speak of this royal aspect in Ancient Egypt without correctly situating the king and his actions. It is equally unproductive to approach these writings in a historical frame of mind and to neglect what they really are: a constant reminder of the secret of sacred science, the Opus Magnum..." i.e.,''this battle of Kadesh is the battle of the 'light' against the 'shadows', but it is also the fixation of this light in corporal form, which is the first great victory of knowledge over ignorance {represented} - as the becoming of Tum {Atum} according to the Heliopolitan mystery. It is impossible to 'enter' the 'temple' without it. Atum {whence Adam}, is the product of this 'battle' which the tableaux of the pylon describes...." ['Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy' / R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz].

Question. Conspiracy theorists?

Fire/water. Spirit/soul. Top/Bottom. 'Flood' waters at the base. Which and why? And/or: 'Died' at the age of ''nineteen''. What does '19' represent?

The same can be said for such programs as 'Tut's Treasures: Hidden Secrets' / Nat Geo. 4 daggers found in the tomb of same together with 6 chariots and eight shields. Plenty of 'Arrows'. On the harness belonging to the horses - pictures of bonded individuals {rope/knot link}. Analysis being the same - ''A warrior king, subduing all his neighbours - a sign of strength etc.''

A closer to the mark {'arrow' link} analogy would be to get into that mind set.

'Spirit fire' in relation to soul.


And/or: ''According to ancient and Neoplatonic systems, 6 is the most perfect number as it is both the sum and the product of its parts: it is formed either by adding 1+2+3 or by multiplying same numbers. Furthermore it is the product of the first male {2} and the first female {3} numbers. From the psychologists viewpoint, it represents a combination of analysis and synthesis in its simplest form: 2x3. It summarizes all the plane figures of geometry {point, line and triangle}, and since the cube is composed of 6 squares, it is the ideal form for any closed construction. Biblical exegetes were delighted to discover these mathematical qualities, for they knew that god had completed his work of creation in 'six' days....Six is not purr-fect because god had 'created' the world in 6 days; rather, god has purr-fected the world in 6 days because the number was perfect." [ From the chapter : The Perfect Number of the Created World / 'The Mystery of Numbers' / Annemarie Schimmel].

Six petalled?

Side note: {A work in progress}: ''The Jewish Talmud, a 4th century AD source, referred to Magdala as Migdal-Nunya, meaning ''tower of fish''....This is one explanation for the origin of the town's name, Migdal, meaning tower. The Further north, part of the harbor, most likely in use up until 67AD....Archaeologists believe that shortly after the conquest, flooding covered the northern side of Magdala, burying thus preserving it for 2000 years.'' [Pages 16/25/30 'Mary Magdalene: Insights From Ancient Magdala' / J. Ristine].

Continued: In the same program a figure is seen within a 'cage' on board a ship {within a 'journey'}. The usual prognosis prevails. Something closer to the mark would be: ''Mystics and poets experience this world as a cubic cage in which they are 'imprisoned', struggling in vain to escape the bondage of the five senses and the four elements. Persian poets refer this situation as shashdara, ''6 door'', which is the hopeless position of the gambler in a trictrac game." [Same book].

Try ''Poets''.

''A doctors prognosis comes from the Latin 'to know before' {i.e., prediction}.''


From a different perspective: ''This first step of freedom is like a bird from a cage....How are we to be set free? The Passover Lamb is a guiding light from slavery of 'sin'....From Egypt to Sinai there are 'seventy' palm trees and 'twelve' wells.'' [Passover / Pilgrimage:Lent / Day 10 / Magdala].

Any soldiers?

Side note: Tutankhamun linen found bearing the kings name ''with the first date ever to have come to light: Year Six i.e., ''The good god, Lord of the two lands, Tutankhamun, Beloved of Min, linen of year 6.'' And/or: Inscription found on the Barkal lions {Gebel Barkal} ''referring to Amenhotep III as his 'father'...'' And/or: ''In Tutankhamun's Syrian battle scene - soldiers are shown with several skewered hands on their spears. Another unique detail involves the voyage home after victory. On one block we can see a bound Syrian prisoner suspended in a cage {''as a trophy of war. He wanted to be viewed as a warrior''}....'' [Pages 21-29 'Ancient Egypt' / Jan/Feb 2023].

Continued:  'The Gambler'' of Chaco Canyon fame. S/W America. The beginning {fate} of something. Negative aspect. A 'hero' { positive aspect} he is fated to meet and 'struggle' with - like Arthur of similar legends who also is associated with S/W. Coincidence?

Question. What represents S/E?

Prehistoric {landscape} equivalent = Heavy 'stones' {Dolmens} along the west coast with a triple aspect and 'altar' connection. All the way to the N/W.  Along the east coast the start of pilgrim journeys begin {i.e., Pedlars WAY} and/or many ''Bogmen'' found throughout Europe from a S/E - N/W direction. Bogs in relation to ''vegetative'' matter. Stones relative to ''mineral''. Man the common factor.

Mineral/Veg/Animal as a means...?

Question. Why N/W?

Side note: On Oak Island a path is found in the ''swamp'' in the S/E corner. Something that should not be there. Of human creation. Hundreds of years in the making.

John Dee / Francis Bacon?

REFRESHER: ''IT IS a little known fact, but documented, that at the height of his fortunes Dr Dee owned a charter granting him ownership of the vast landmass called Canada, and his vision of a British Empire - a phrase he coined - helped inspire and guide the nations voyages of discovery.'' [Pages 418 -420 'The Secret History of the World' / J. Black].

And/or Francis Bacon - the father of the Scientific Method.

Question. Who would know that he would be given such a ''charter'' or that the ''method'' would be invented. Someone of a priviledged rank/family or members of subject material - BEFORE ''the written word came into common use''?

'19' ?

Analogy of same..."That we are performing a historical summary is also prone to interpretive misunderstandings. We might miss how the curriculum itself was developed, in what order, and in what way was it developed as a response-in-time {at the time} to its reception. Taking the whole as a historical artefact for analysis may disguise useful information as to the intentions behind that development." Extract from the book 'The Magister']. i.e.,..

''In 1926, a group of about twenty German-Catholic settlers came to the Sea of Galilee with all their belongings. They were farmers, country men and men of faith. Following clews - they had found in a journal of a former PILGRIM - they decided to go on an unrealistic adventure which entailed nothing other than the search for the ancient city of Magdala....'' [Page 79 'The Magdala Project' / J. Garcia].

"There are and have been various secret and not-so-secret groups using the name Illuminati within their ranks, including the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, but perhaps this is only symbolic of something within, a visible sign of an invisible grace; and as such it can easily mislead the foolish, but it can also guide the wise, just like an earthly and temporary Temple, which the wise discern to be but a symbol of the spiritual and eternal Temple within..." [Extract from the book 'The Cosmic Trigger' by R. A. Wilson]. And/or...

"Four Corners Monument, marking the only spot in the United States where four states (Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico) come together."

"The word ''temple'' comes from a route meaning to 'separate', as does ''sacred'' - 'to remove from the profane'. Thus any circle cast creates a temple boundary. When i teach this personally, i teach students to create a circle, charge it with colour/sound/texture that reflects their will, then 'extend' it to the end of universe. Thus universe becomes the temple..." [Extract from the book 'The Magister'. Mentioned elsewhere].

N.B. The above two examples; with the same aim - but from two different methods of approach {of learning?}. The study of the subject - for what-ever-reason {or method} gives the same result {i.e., if only to readdress those first impressions}. Simply because all that 'information' - in what ever form - its original intentions were - is now out there in the public domain.

A working example: {i.e., a work in progress}: '' The eight columns in the Duc in Altum: Magdala relative to the 12 pillars of the Apostles {foundation}. [Day 32 'Pilgrims of Magdala' /Kathleen Nichols / Israel].

Seven into Eight?

i.e.,.."One aspect of lodge manifestation has certainly changed over time. That is the significance given to King Solomon and his temple. It is difficult to know whether Solomon's reputation, masonically speaking, has more to do with his being an epitome of wisdom, than his commissioning a temple for the Jewish priesthood." [Extract from the book 'Freemasonry: The Reality' by T. Churton].

Think about in relation to such books as 'A Test of Time'. Enlarged elsewhere.

From a different perspective/angle {90 or 180?}: "There were only eight Rosicrucian brothers in the original brotherhood, and their 'House of the Holy Spirit' was  supposed by many to exist on another 'plane'. Later generations were still elusive enough to suggest that there were only ever a few of them." [Page 465 'The Secret History of the World'].

Walking to the left towards the rising sun."

Side note: Neil Oliver - visiting the Orkneys - is told about a 'Temple complex'.....''now that's a loaded word'' replies Mr Oliver. Site eventually filled in. As are a number of others i.e.,Gobekli-tepe etc. In excess of 2000 years ago. Change of Procession? Decommissioned purposely. Involution/Evolution? Cattle bones found under paving stones. Walked upon with understanding? A giant feast took place 600 animals. Any coming together of planets? All as a means....?

Professor Pearson uses a phrase ''under the horizon'' and N. Oliver ''a swan song''. Coincidence or a meaningful one? {i.e., synchronistic}.

A pot {'vase'?} of some description is found with goodies inside: Recall similar found at the bottom of the shaft in the Step Pyramid.

Refresher: "Many years ago the English psychologist, F. W. H. Meyes, suggested that - ''hidden in the depth of our being is a rubbish heap as well as a treasure house''.

Many 'rubbish' pits found on most sites - ''unusual'' items found within. Many ex grain pits. Decommissioned. Anything? One of those relates more to the word ''treasure''.

Question. Where would a re-commissioning begin?

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

Refresher: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. The time has come for external forms and expressions to be left behind. There is no Temple in the heavenly Jerusalem, for religion has no place in heaven. Man is his own temple,[key] and his heart is the altar." Enlarged elsewhere.

The real questions however, are those universal ones. Fact or fiction. A possibility or not?


Circumambulation ....Why right to left....and not left to times. Enlarged within.

A working example: "In G. A. Gaskell’s Dictionary we find many interesting statements relative to this sign: “A symbol of the seventh period of the cycle of life, which is the first period of evolution on the astral plane. The first point of Libra represents the balance between involution and evolution, and the commencement of the evolution from homogeneity to heterogeneity of the many forms and qualities.”

Mr. Gaskell quotes Swedenborg as saying that “The Celestial Man is the ‘seventh day’; all combat then ceaseth and it is sanctified. Every regenerate person is a ‘sabbath,’ when he becomes celestial; because he is a likeness of the Lord.”

Side note: "The fascinating mathematics behind the numbering pattern on dice ensures that each number has an equal chance of appearing when the dice is rolled. Here’s how it works: The numbers 1 and 6 are placed opposite each other. Similarly, 2 and 5, as well as 3 and 4, are also opposite each other. This arrangement ensures that the total number of dots on each side of the dice adds up to 7...."

'Spirit' or 'Soul'?  {'Evolution'} Male or female feet.

Fire or water? {'involution'}.

Continued: "Mr. Gaskell writes most sympathetically of Libra as one of the equinoctial signs: It is a symbol of a point of balance and change reached in the soul’s development (sun’s course), when a line, as it were, is crossed and a new soul-process is entered upon. The process of Involution is commenced when the Logos (sun) manifests on the upper buddhic plane, at the point symbolized by the first point of Aries; and, after the completion of the process in Virgo, the first point of Libra signifies the commencement of the new process of Evolution in which humanity is now taking part. The Zodiac is a symbol of the Great Cycle of Life. As the sun (Logos) passes through the six northern signs, the process of Involution of the qualities is accomplished: and, as it passes through the six southern signs, so Evolution will be completed, and the qualities and souls returned to God who emanated them.”

'Triangle'? Tomb or Womb?

Spirit and matter are equilibrized when the soul is fully purified, and when, at last, Spirit has a sufficient quantity of the finest (super-microscopic) particles with which to complete the Spiritual body. Spirit is the finest of matter; matter is the coarsest Spirit.

Empedocles says: “At one time all the limbs which form the human body united into one by Love, grow vigorously in the prime of life; but yet at another time, separated by evil Strife, they wander each in different directions along the breakers of the sea of life.”


Error runs down a plane while truth has to....?

The ‘temple’ represents; in part; the ‘uni/domains/’ therefore an indirect link to ‘altered states’. [Explained within.] The ‘ark of the covenant’ represents man and woman's potential within it. Especially in relation to ones ‘new form’, i.e., from [B] onwards.

In the old testament that ‘potential’ is sometimes represented - in part - with a Chariot as in Isaiah and Ezekiel journey to ‘heaven’. Islams equivalent = Muhammad's ‘night journey’. Kabbalah equivalent = ‘Merkavah’. Pagan equivalent= Gog/Magog, [ explained elsewhere ] in its ‘yet to be discovered state’, i.e., depicted as more ‘surreal’,or imaginative, than realistic. Think about it, i.e., in relation to a possible potential.

Side note: "Ideler thinks that the original figure was made up of five stars {i.e.,Auriga} that were represented by the 'Driver' standing on a sloping antique chariot - other stars showing the reins...Those stars also representing the forecast of a Storm Wind at their heliacal rising, or by their disappearance in the mists {of time?}." [Page 84 'Star Names and Their Meanings'].

Picture...'Gog/Magog', [as used throughout, all religions]... its original depiction. Epona, the horse 'goddess'[ recall what the 'horse' represents] between the 'spirit' [ more than likely, represented as an 'androgyny' figure] ...of 'something', and the 'shadow' equivalent, the 'warrior'. Both relevant to amongst others...the Hebrew 'pillars'.

One represents a 'start' point the other 'represents' the possibility / 'potential' of a return journey, [i.e., 'to establish' and 'by strength', as in strength of character, by way of, thought, emotion and will]. All on the 'side' of a hill / 'mountain'..the 'warrior' being positioned on the lowest part, indicative of the 'fall'. All more than likely, half way up, that same 'mountain'... indicative of ??....Clue...

Hero / shadow / anima. Which and why?

"Error runs down an inclined plane, while truth has to laboriously climb its way up hill". [Extract taken from first page; introduction; of the book 'The Secret Doctrine'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Think on it, relative to ascending / descending passages. [ Or 'The Warrior Within' {Philosophies of Bruce Lee} by J. Little . A very informed / interesting read].

A working example: "It ascends from the earth to the heaven and again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things 'superior' and 'inferior'. By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world and thereby all obscurity shall 'fly' from you..."['Emerald Tablet'].

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it from different perspectives - before those two larger {superior?} questions are asked.

A work in progress?: ''Anglesey is also home to the village with the longest name in Europe - LlanfairpwllgwyGOGerychwyrndrobwilliantysilioGOGOGOCH....'' ['Readers Dijest' / April 2021].

'Circle of Giants' link? Therefore those ''blue stones''?

Question. What would be the 'longest' name in Asia?


Analogy...'Stairway to Heaven' by L. Byrne.

Analogy; with same principle in mind but from different cultures: "...and its aim; to provide a graduated spiritual ascent narrative." [Quote from the book 'The Magister' i.e.,as a representation of the ''Western Way''. Enlarged within].

And/or Hebrew equivalent = ''Jacobs Ladder''. Question. Coincidence or a ''meaningful one? OR a universal conspiracy?



A {working?} example: "The first step along this path is to notice that we live in 'different states of consciousness'. This is not as obvious as it sounds. I am not here referring to moments of happiness in contrast to to times of depression, but to a 'state of being' that puts in touch with a deeper reality..." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way'].

Follow the title of the book to understand it within the context of the overall subject.

Notice also the 'chariot' {in the Gog / Magog picture} ....similar in meaning to the 'horse', both have a common factor, in the 'spiritual' sense. 'Chariot' more related to the word 'Throne'. Explained elsewhere. Together with chapter one and four, 'The Thirteen Petalled Rose'. Mentioned elsewhere.

Horses in relation to Poseidon.

Inner or external battle?

Another example with the same principle - ''Such is the obvious teaching of this sacred book [in relation to 'The Bhagavat Gita'. Enlarged elsewhere]. But, as all the acts of an Avatar are symbolical, we may pass from the outer to the inner planes, and see in the 'fight' of Kurukshetra the battle field of the soul, and, in the sons of Dhritarashhtra, 'enemies' it meets in its progress. Arjuna becomes the type of the struggling soul of the disciple, and Sri Krishna is the Logos of the soul. Thus the teaching of the ''ancient battlefield'' gives guidance in all later days, and trains the aspiring soul in treading the steep and thorny path that leads to peace. To all such souls in East and West come these divine lessons, for the path is one, though it has many names, and all souls seek the same goal, though they may not realize their unity." [Preface to the book, 'The Bhagavat Gita' by Annie Besant].

Analogy: "You can follow two paths in the mountains, Her-Bak,'' said the sage. ''The first winds round it with many a twist, exploring; the slope is gentle, the ascent easy, varied, amusing. This path avoids points of danger. It never attacks the Peak {of silence?} and halts at shelters known to be safe. The other is steep {cliff?}, takes each phase of the climb without detour, skirts precipices {'overhangs'?} and reaches a summit that is only accessible to a man who can face naked sunlight and danger. Which path will you choose Her-Bak?'' [Page 89 'Her-Bak: Egyptian Initiate' / Isha Schwaller de Lubicz].

''Purest'' ?

A proven: ''I decided to test Joe Campbell hypothesis that myths are corporeal or at least contained innately in the memories of sinews and the caches of the brain....I would have to look for them in their PUREST form in the minds of children - and not just any children, but ones who had not been exposed to radio, television, or movies, from which they could have picked up mythic stories....I was looking for the causal zone of myth. After a search i was able to locate a number of children whose parents refused to have any media in the house.'' [Page 95 'A Mythic Life' / J. Houston].

The author goes on to describe a ''new story'' as requested of a young man called Jimmy who searches within himself for one. Briefly; VERY briefly: ''Once upon a time there was a little boy, who had a mummy; loved his mummy, married her; had many babies; and then goes away with his sister.'' The author believing the above relates to the Oedipus myth. For this reader it relates more to the Egyptian culture - Pharaohs, mothers and sisters. Meritaten in particular. Enlarged elsewhere. A more PROVEN example - for this reader - with possible synchronistic links would be:

A practical example:  ''I think this is the hardest thing i've ever done. But i will tell you without shame, that i pray i come out of here a better man, and a thankful man, for all my blessings....I've been told countless times i'm to much to hang around with - the reason i don't have many friends....I've been thinking of all the people i've neglected along the way....Especially mother and father....Life's a tragedy all around for all of us, but now i'm sat here in Rock House with all this time on my hands, at the apex of my career, it gives time for thought - {reflection} 'i feel i hav'nt done my family right especially parents and sister ....I,ve pursued everything that I wanted to do without considering them - but in the end it can only be what it is - 'it is what it is' - I like that saying....Todays day ninety-nine; Christmas Day. I plant this Christmas tree with this star i made on top at Rock House. I'II never forget this Christmas. Never as long as i live....I never thought that anything could change me or crack me, but i'm certainly going to be a more thankful man....{Day after} ''Today is day 100. This is a great day for me. Very great. Just struck off day one hundred on this calendar tree. Day one - all the way down there at the base....I dedicate this day to my deceased mother....{reflection} ''I've always been alone. Even when i'm with someone or in a crowd - a sort of island that way.... Its dead silent right now, dead silent and calm. Everything has a rhythm and a beat and a silence....i just love to hear that dead silence - if that makes any sense." [Roland / winner of 'Alone' / History Channel/ 2020].

"The tide draws out, the Sun is eclipsed; our emotional world is withdrawn and our awareness vanishes. There is a period of divine emptiness, a 'holy' moment like no other - the house is now prepared for the master's return." [Extract from the book 'The Magister'. Emphasis this readers].

Try Billy Connolly for another.

Keep fighting or lying? Which one is Fake news?

Happy or sad?

"Stand aside in the coming battle, and though thou fightest be not thou the warrior. Look for the warrior and let him fight in thee...He is thyself; yet infinitely wiser and stronger than thyself. Look for him, else in the fever and hurry of the fight thou mayest pass him - and he will not know thee unless thou knowest him." Extract taken from 'The Light on the Path' by Mabel Collins. Link to ''teacher'' symbolism. As well as the ''Shepherds of Arcadia'' and ''transcendent third'' symbolism. All Enlarged elsewhere. Finally try ''wrestle''.

''Essenes'' ?

"God will establish in strength [the hearts] of those who believe with the word that stands firm in the world and in the Hereafter." [Quran 14:27. Extract taken [including parenthesis] from, Chapter 3, 'The Secret of Secrets']. Try ''logos''.

The ''pencil sketch''[ mentioned elsewhere] indicative of same. Placed in the middle of a stairwell. 'sketch' in relation to 'shadow'. The understanding of which [indicative of 'light'] makes known, that which was once lost. Hence, ''that which was lost, is now found.'' Or as in the above example, putting all the available clues [keys] together, helps to solve the 'riddle' of Fulcanelli.

"The lengthened shadow of a man Is history, said Emerson." [Extract from 'Selected Poems' by T. S. Eliot].

Head in the clouds or somewhere else?

Above or below the cloud?

"The chalice, symbol of human receptivity to the 'divine' initiative; the rising 'tide' of light; symbolising the 'waters' of baptism; the round table; the upper room; the winding stair; the 'cloud' of unknowing, and so on - All are symbols of universal validity, found in various forms in various traditions." [From the book by A. Duncan].

'The Upper Room' {chapter} within the book 'A Man Seen Afar' / Wellesley Tudor Pole.

Side note: ''Thousands of Buddhists manuscripts were housed in a nine storey building at Nalanda {N/E India}. One Chinese scholar adored it here:  ''There are richly adorned towers and fairy tale turrets. Roofs covered with tiles that reflect the light in a thousand shades. There are observatories, and the upper rooms tower above the clouds. These things add to the beauty of the scene.''  ['Genius of the Ancient World: Buddhism' / Bettany Hughes].

'Spirit' or 'Soul'? Male or female feet. Top-down or Bottom-up?

''According to the early 7th-century Tang dynasty Chinese pilgrim, Xuanzang, the local tradition explains that the name Nālandā (Hindi/Magahi: नालन्दा) came from a Naga – serpent deity in Indian religions – whose name was Nalanda. He offers an alternate meaning "charity without intermission", from "na-alam-da"; however, this split does not mean this.[23] Hiranand Sastri, an archaeologist who headed the excavation of the ruins, attributes the name to the abundance of nālas (lotus-stalks) in the area and believes that Nalanda would then represent the giver of lotus-stalks.''

''In the zodiac of Denderah, where Virgo is represented, she seems to be holding some sort of long stemmed plant that could be a reed or a lily.'' [Page 305 'Magi: Quest for a Secret Tradition'].


A work in progress: ''Every journey great or small begins with the first step, says a Chinese proverb....Each person will find his or her way and attract the circumstances for that inner development, which is very personal. There will be signposts along the way....In each of us there is a mysteries and strange longing, a faint echo. We hear it and hear it not, and sometimes the whole life can pass without our knowing of what this call is. I asked someone to translate a Persian song and it went like this: 'I am calling to you from AFAR. Since aeons of time. Calling, calling, since always. I can't hear - so you say - Who is calling and why?'' [Foreward 'The Lover and the Serpent' / Llewellyn  Vaughan-Lee].

Spirit or soul?

Hebrew equivalent; with same principle in mind: "In an earlier chapter, i made reference to the Ark being positioned in the Tabernacle, so that it was illuminated by the sun at dawn, a function underlined in the translation of Bede's 'De Templo' : 'So that the equinoctial sunrise could shed its rays directly on the Ark, through the three doors, namely the portico, the temple and the oracle'...Further more , the point that represented the center between the solstices and the equinox corresponded exactly with the bodies of the respective cherubim... In many respects, this was characteristic of the origins of the octagram, and/or the Celtic festivals that were held midway between the solstices and the equinoxes. As the beam of 'light' moved from the body of the cherub that was positioned in the north of the chamber, the intensity of the light quickly diminished so that about three quarters of the way along the northern most 'wing', the beam of light was extinguished. This raised an interesting idea. The cherubim have wings, and wings have feathers. If the wings were suitably arranged so that the 'feathers' at the bottom edge of the wings were clearly defined, and had suitable spacing, then as the sun moved north and south from the equinox, then the position of the spread of the sunlight would record the passage of the sun. The cherubim would act as a calendar, and an indicator of the passage of the seasons. Tradition has it that the high priest entered the holy of holies on one day of the year only. I wondered what could have been happening and was of such significance for this solitary event..." [From the book by K. Gest].

The 'middle/center' of something - represented with solstices and equinoxes - as a means to explain {awaken ?} something other than the obvious, i.e.,seasoning harvesting and/or ''the passage of the seasons''. Try ''cherub'' and/or ''wings'' - as simple as it may seem - to those first impressions.

Further head scratch - 'portico' in relation to portcullis - while recalling one of the same in the 'upper' chamber of Egypt's largest, i.e.,what do ''gates'' represent. Then try ''upper''.

Analogy?...''Cataract from the Greek Kataraktes - meaning waterfall or portcullis, an obstruction that descends from above." ['Cataracts' / J. Berger]. Once the ''portcullis'' risen...

"Got to see it, rather than just read it..." John Humphrys talking to D. Tennant and Greg Doran in relation to the plays by W. Shakespeare. [400th anniversary. Radio 4. 23/04/16].

White or red?

A working example: ''I remembered again the words of the chimera i encountered towards the end of Solution - that scaly legged Annabelle who had said softly, 'i'm still waiting'. I knew that my 'master' was right: it wasn't Annabelle who was waiting, but she - she who taken on her shape because my eyes couldn't then withstand the sight of her raw self. A dead weight was raised from me. 'And you master - did you find what you were looking for?' He shook his head. 'The Albedo, yes. But not the holy marriage of Heaven and Earth. My 'time' ran out before i could attain the 'immortal' Red Tincture.'' [Page 363 'Mercurius'].

"The true voyage of discovery, lies not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust.

Remembering what ? Bridge over troubled waters?

A working example: "The portcullis on the gate was lifted to show that this castle could be entered by anyone...Then, as this realization that all around us was the unlifted veil of Isis...we began to understand what had lain behind our earlier feelings...We were remembering...How could we know such things unless we were 'connected' to the archetypal planes themselves...Plato had called such 'remembering' ''anamnesis'', or recollection...Anemnesis is a knowledge derived from the capacity within the soul - even a memory bank within it..." ['The Zelator'].

Akashic records?

Question. Was the 'portcullis' {i.e.,antechamber of Great Pyramid} open when FIRST FOUND ? Clue. Embossed or Debossed?


Higher/lower within the whole. Recall what the horse represents. Try Part 5.

As a working example, i.e., apply {understand?} the above to define the following..."The teachings of the Gita are spoken by Krishna, who is acting as the charioteer of Arjuna; they are overheard by Sanjaya as the result of the blessing of Vyasa, the author of the Scriptures, and who signifies the power of inspiration, and they are repeated to Dhritarshtra, the blind old king. [ ''Blind''...a link to the ''unknown'' aspect of what ''king'' represents ]. This is the framework in which the teachings of the Gita are set. Who are these persons, and what is the significance of the two charioteers?" Understanding that question gives an answer to the two ''riders'' on one horse as seen on the seal of the Knights Templar's.

Analogy? "The peninsula of Messini, the land of Nestor, the Gerenian charioteer, was associated with five sided Auriga, the constellation of the charioteer." AND/OR ''the smooth talking Nestor was associated with Capella in Auriga." ['Homer's Secret Iliad']. Follow the title to 'see' it from a different perspective - yet a broader one?

'Five' {within this subject material} = ''Quintessence'' ?

Find it to understand it {if only} to get into a MIND SET.

'Ways of Seeing' / J. Berger. [in the artistic / literal sense of the 'word'?]. Common factor = ''getting ones head around it''.

East or West?

And/or {as a working example?}: "A man in your position should read Goethe. Everyone on the path should read Goethe...The man was ahead of his time, and knew better than anyone that the approach to Nature should be artistic, yet rooted in attention to facts...He said: 'While the true is Godlike, it does not 'appear' directly. We must divine its reality from its manifestations'." ['The Zelator'. Emphasis, this readers].

"...yet rooted in attention to facts" = the objective view? Question. What symbol represents it? Answer in relation to UNmanifested/manifested. 'See' it?

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

'Huts' raised off marsh land. Something relevant to Hatshepsut in the 'inner' sense of the word. Wet/dry? As a means....?

Analogy..."The Yamuna beach is hallowed by memories of the child Sri Krishna. Here he engaged with innocent sweetness in his lilas {plays} with the gopis {milk maids}, exemplifying the supernal love which ever exists between a divine incarnation and his devotees. The life of Lord Krishna has been misunderstood by many Western commentators. Scriptural allegory is baffling to literal minds. An amusing blunder by a translator will illustrate this point. The story concerns an inspired medieval saint, the cobbler Ravidas, who sang in the simple terms of his own trade of the spiritual glory hidden in all mankind: 'Under the vast vault of blue; lives the divinity clothed in hide'. One turns aside to hide a smile on hearing the pedestrian interpretation given to Ravida's poem by a Western writer: 'He afterwards built a hut, set up in it an idol which he made from a hide, and applied himself to its worship.' " [Extract from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi: Paramahansa Yogananda' . Emphasis, this readers].

'Finding ones feet' ?

templar's seal


"Krishna as we have seen , is the 'Divine' Soul who imparts the life giving wisdom to the individual soul, [Arjuna]. The symbol of the charioteer is one that occurs in the Upanishads and also in the dialogues of Plato. In the Upanishads the individual soul is described as the Rider in the chariot of the body, while ''buddhi,'' a spiritual faculty that we shall discuss later, is the charioteer. In the Gita, however, the use to which the symbol is put, is slightly different. True, the individual soul in the form of Arjuna is still the 'rider' in the chariot, but the charioteer is, as we have seen, the Divine self, in the 'person' [form] of Krishna. " [Both inserts from the introduction,'The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gita' by Sri Krishna Prem. Emphasis, this readers].

In other words - all 'aspects' of the same individual; representational of, i.e.,Krishna being an aspect of Arjuna and Arjuna being an aspect of Krishna. Question. Why milk maids? Answer found elsewhere.

Milky way / Milky sap of the Sycamore / Alabaster as the beginning of something.


''Higher'' in relation to ''lower''. Benefit of relative to a ''journey''. The micro within the macro. That Understanding explains the word 'Teacher' within the ''Dead Sea Scrolls'' and therefore by implication the 'beliefs' of the Essenes, i.e.,lower relative to higher. More to the point ''higher'' teaching ''lower''. Representational of.

A practical example: ''Sometimes people are mean to me or stuff goes wrong. Then i get mad. When i get annoyed i go into a different version of me. In my bad version, it's like me wanting to be horrible, but in the good version of me, i want to take away the bad version - but the bad version keeps fighting back.'' [Kai / 'Dispatches: Growing Up Poor: Britain's Hidden Homeless Kids' / Channel 4 / 25.10.21].

Side note: The extended forearms of the Lion {Sphinx?} according to the author of 'The Temples of Karnak' {R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz} - represents the symbol of ''superiority''. [Page 19]. Question. ''Raised arms''?

In the universal {'mind set'} SENSE of the word: "This lower self is composed of a great many I's, of which each one has its peculiar claims, and whose demands grow in proportion as we attempt to satisfy them. They are the semi-intellectual forces of the soul that would rend the soul to pieces if they were allowed to grow, and which must be subdued by the power of the real 'Master', the superior ''I'' - the Spirit."[ Introduction to the book by F. Hartman].

A working example:''.....Conflict is useful to the production of growth and enhancement of our being only when it leads to a resolution of the ''opposites''....No psychological conflict is ever truly resolved when one opposite wins over the other. Only when the opposites are reconciled on a plane or in a dimension superior to themselves can we say that there has been a real solution.

'Looking back' in relation to a ''line of sight''?

Refresher: ''East a beginning - west its ending.''

Narmer Palette. Union of upper and lower. 'Struggle' resolved?

" accomplish this task it is not necessary to become a misanthrope and retire into a jungle to feed on the products of ones own morbid imagination; the struggles caused by the petty annoyances of everyday life is the best school to exercise the will power for those that have not yet gained the mastery over self."

Question. Nothing more than a yoga exercise? All the way back to the Essenes?

Spirit and soul. Twins?

Side note: "Sharatan and Mesarthim {Stars in Aries} constituted the 27th nakshatra {'Lunar Mansions'} - the Ashwins or horseman...The two horsemen corresponding to the Gemini of Rome, but figured as a horses head...'' [Page 82, 'Star Names Their Lore and Meaning']. Try ''Ashwin'' and/or ''27'' to make a connection to the greater whole. Templars?

Amarna's 'horse blinkers'?

Chumlee Russell or James Horncastle?

A working example?...''Because the gods often merge with one another, and spirit is recognised to exist in all things, there is no definitive count. In this book, we will introduce 26 major principles, one by one, as they appear to perform their respective functions - according to the principles they represent....'' [Page 9 'Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt' / N. Scully. L. Wolf].

Spirit {26} Soul {'one'?}.

And/or: "Another central idea in the 4th Way is that the individual is not one. We have no permanent 'I' or ego. Every thought, feeling, sensation, desire is an 'I' which believes that it is the whole person. Yet non of these ''I's'' are connected and each depends on the change of external circumstances. To make things worse, there are often impenetrable defences between each 'I' which the work called ''buffers'' separating these subpersonalities from one another." ['The Wisdom of the 4th Way']. Continued elsewhere.

Hebrew equivalent: ''Buffers'' in relation to 'Walls of Jericho'. Enlarged elsewhere.

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it from other perspectives.

Found in every pharaoh's 'tomb'.

The author - and therefore the essential nature {essence} of the system itself - defines what all those ''I'' are, relative to each individual. In other words all those positives and negatives - and how they are addressed - relative to a balance - day by day. Benefits of - and not just in the physical world. Hence that link {eventually} to the divine ''bit''....

"In order to see clearly the roots of our psychological distortions, the 4th Way defines two aspects of the individual: essence and personality. Essence is what a person is born with, personality is that which is acquired." [Same book]. ''Essence'' which 'includes' the above.

Question. Polytheism V monotheism?

"Egyptian mythology, when understood as a system of Yoga [ union of 'higher' / 'lower'. Enlarged elsewhere], gives every individual insight into their own divine nature and also a deeper insight into all religions and Yoga systems." [Extract from the book by S. Ashby].

N.B. ''Higher'' = Vulture - Lotus - Reed or Su plant. ''Lower'' = Cobra - Papyrus - Bee. All as a representation of something.

"Silence thy thoughts, and fix thy whole attention on thy Master, whom yet thou dost not see, but whom thy feelest." ['Voice of Silence' by H. Blavatsky]. I.E.,benefit of; if only in understanding that first yet last subject.

"No longer can he think that He whom he has worshiped, the Teacher of his heart, 'friend' of his nights and days, is any personal being, man or superman or god. Rather he sees that, be the form what it may, it was the Light of the Eternal which, shining through 'loved' but yet symbolic eyes ['Song of Songs' link], has led him on the Path, and is both Path and Goal." [Chapter 11, 'The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gita'].

"Know that all will return to its origin. The heart, the essence, has 'to be' awakened, made alive, to find its way back to its divine origin. It has to hear the call [Great Cackler, plus others, link]. One has to find the 'one', through whom the call will come, the true teacher. That is an obligation upon one. The Prophet says, 'Knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim, woman and man.' That knowledge is the final stage of all knowledge, the divine wisdom, the knowledge which will lead one to ones origin, to the truth." [Chapter 5, 'The Secret of Secrets' ]. Try ''to be'' and or 'to be'.

"Moreover, knowing that the saviour teaches nothing in a merely human way, but teaches all things to his own with divine and mystic wisdom, we must not listen to his utterances carnally; but with due investigation and intelligence must search out and learn the meaning hidden in them." Quote by Clement of Alexandria.

"While one may have many teachers in life, Clement of Alexandria states that the ultimate spiritual teacher is the Logos itself, "the teacher from whom all instruction comes." [Put ''logos'' in the search box].

Such authors as Hugh Schonfield of 'The Essene Odyssey' believes the same to be an actual individual. Question. When ALL the available information is accessed, what do you think?

"Known as the Teacher of Righteousness or the True Teacher, the founder of the Essenes has always been a faceless figure, his personality a matter of conjecture, his real name never allowed to be written. Schonfield's inspiration was to apply a cypher [previously used in the Hebrew text of the bible] to the obviously false names found in the Scrolls. Decoded these proved to be the names of Asaph and Joseph - yet even these were pseudonyms for the real man. Asaph and Joseph were both famous in Jewish history - Joseph the biblical patriarch and Asaph, a Levite at the time of King Solomon reputed to have helped in the design of the Temple of Jerusalem. Schonfield therefore concluded that the True Teacher had been given these names as a 'cover.' ''..............................."As well as tracing the wanderings of the Essenes and their leader, Dr Schonfield has a deep interest in the more complex and mystical aspects of their beliefs. He has theories about their doctrine of Archetypal Man - Sky Man, as he calls him - who embraces the structure of the universe and the destiny of mankind." [Page 25 of the 'Standard Newspaper' dated November 12th 1984- article entitled 'Cracking the Code of the True Teacher' by the reporter Felix Barker - including parenthesis]. Very similar [ if only for this reader] to the author of the Tutankhamun Prophecies. Explained elsewhere.

'The Sky-Religion in Egypt' / G. A. Wainwright.

"The figures in a persons dream generally image aspects of his own psyche....and if one dreams of the Teacher, it usually refers to the inner teacher, the wise old man or wise old woman who is a personification of the Higher Self." [Page 8 'The Lover and the Serpent' / Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee].

Smith / Jones to enlarge.


'For whom the bell tolls'? Eleventh hour? English/Germans or the Euro?

90 V 180?

Something extra: "....archetypal forces are perceptible. Essential wisdom teachings are available to those who have the correct keys; it is the realm of quest and achievement, of challenge and encounter, of initiation and enlightenment. It is not illusory, a figment of the imagination or an anthropological invention. It is not heaven, hell or analogous to any drug induced vision. The 'Otherworld' is the mythological reality or symbolic continuum within which we can encounter the archetypal energies of the 'gods' and their acts. The Otherworld has its own valid reality which is not accessible to the 'five' senses, though it is appreciable by the 'sixth'. It is often spoken of as a state of consciousness, though this is itself an unclear definition, implying a merely psychological foundation for its existence. The Otherworld {'domain'?} exists in its own right, is consistent to its own rules and as a visitable reality is not merely confined to the 'psychic' people." [Page 11 'Mabon and the Mysteries of Britain'. All emphasis, this readers]. Try ''five/six'' {'eleven'?} to take subject material further.

Think about it all in relation to that ''bit''. And/or ''sixth'' in relation to the 'minds eye' by way of an objective exercise.

Try that one.

'She who loves silence'. What came after the structure/form of 'pyr'amids?

A working example: "If you want to examine the human life of Jesus, you will be up against the divergences in the four Gospels {starting with the contradictory data of his two genealogies according to Luke and Mathew}. On the other hand, you will be up against a total silence which surrounds the years between the first manifestation of his consciousness in the Temple of Jerusalem and his baptism by John the Baptist. The legend that attributes to him an Essene or Egyptian initiation remains in the realm of hypothesis. And what difference does it make IF he was instructed by the sages or by his own revelation? Even the identity of the human personality that is attributed to him is likewise of no importance to me..." ['Journey into the Light'. Highlights, this readers].

Refresher: See below.

"Josephus, born at Jerusalem in 37AD., was the greatest historian of the Jews in that period. Philo was the greatest Jewish philosopher of that period. Both men had person knowledge of the ancient Essenes. Both scholars make clear that the Essenian roots are incredibly ancient. Josephus declares that the Essenes have existed ''from time immorial'' and ''countless generations''. Philo agrees, calling the Essenes ''the most ancient of all the initiates'' with a ''teaching perpetuated through an immense space of ages''.

AS AN EXAMPLE: "Archetypes are primordial ideas that structure reality. They appear to us in the form of symbolic images. As Jung explained, a single archetype may appear in the form of a variety of symbols. Such images are more than subjective fantasies. They are the vocabulary of the psyche itself, through which the initiate can 'communicate' with their own inner depths." [ From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

REFRESHER: "Crowley once said that the 'magicians' sole aim was to interpret his own 'magical' record, and after many years i have come to agree with him." [Same book,i.e.,'The Magister' - emphasis, this readers].


Water Lilies by Claude Monet. "The main focus of his work for the last 30 years during which he suffered from cataracts of the eyes." [Wiki]. Try ''portcullis'' to see something from a broader spectrum. Question. ''137'' ?

Rhodes Island: Stag and deer.

As an example..."Many examples from literature show the anima as a 'guide and mediator' {teacher?} to the inner world. Francesco Colonna's 'Hypnerotomachia' Rider Haggard's 'She', or the 'eternal feminine' in Goethe's 'Faust'. In a medieval mystical text, an anima figure explains her own nature as follows: ''I am the flower of the fields and the lily of the valleys. I am the mother of fair love and of fear and of knowledge and of holy hope..." ['Man and his Symbols' / C. Jung]. Enlarged / continued elsewhere.

From a different perspective. 'Gap'?

Analogy: "Hero and Leander is the Greek myth relating the story of Hero (Ancient GreekἩρώHērṓ[hɛː.rɔ̌ː]), a priestess of Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology) who dwelt in a tower in Sestos on the European side of the Hellespont, and Leander (Ancient GreekΛέανδρος (Léandros) and Λείανδρος), a young man from Abydos on the opposite side of the strait. Leander falls in love with Hero and swims every night across the Hellespont to spend time with her. Hero lights a lamp at the top of her tower to guide his way."

Working example: "It's worth noting that there is no trace of the Roman name Deva Victrix in the modern name of Chester or in the names Bede knew for the city in when he wrote his Ecclesiastical History in 731....."

'Colonnade' to enlarge.

Side note: The ''She'' of Eddie Izzard?

Continued: ''Flower'' in relation to 'Chakra' - Lily in relation to ? ALL as a means...?

Side note: ''The term 'Impressionism' came about because of Monet's Water Lilies {nympheas}. I heard that one on  'Pointless'....'' ['T' on 'Salvage Hunters' / S8 EP5].

Lotus to enlarge.

The first series of "Water Lilies," a total of 25 {'twentyfive'} canvases, was exhibited at the Galerie Durand-Ruel in 1900. This was followed nine years later by a second series of forty-eight canvases. "These landscapes of water and reflection have become an obsession," wrote Monet on August 11, 1908. "This is beyond the strength of an old man, and yet I want to express what I feel. I have destroyed some of the canvases. I begin once again. ... I hope something will come of all this effort."

Team player or ''purest'' ?

Guardian of the hearth. UNveiled? N/W?

Continued: ''Yet it is this primitive subject of the sages....despised by the ignorant ones, which is the only one, the sole dispenser of the celestial water, our first mercury {'corner stone'?}, and the great Alkahest {i.e., vigor/strength from the hearth of energy}. It is the loyal servant and the salt of the earth, what Madame Hillel-Erlanger calls Gilly....The alkahest is the purest mercurial principle which can be removed  either from mercury or from sea salt....'' [ Pages 363/4 'The Dwellings of the Philosophers' / Fulcanelli].

Gilly? {flower}. Game of Thrones.

And/or..."The archetype is metaphysical because it transcends consciousness.'' Quote from the book by M. Esther Harding. Recall what 'metaphysical' became known as in the present day. Explained elsewhere. Recall its 'use' in understanding something - anything- that cannot be examined directly.

"God is a hypothesis which is ''very probably necessary''. Quote by Eliphas Levi.

'What is God?' J. Needleman.

''God is in the detail''?

'Guide for the Perplexed' / Moses Maimonides. [Chapter 31 'On the Study of Metaphysics'].

Androgynous. 'Odds/Evens' to enlarge.


A working? example..."The solemn rites end at dawn and he emerges from the sanctuary wearing twelve different stoles - no doubt corresponding to the wholeness of the zodiacal signs, elsewhere symbolized by the initiatory twelve labours of Heracles, the archetypal man." [Extract from the book by G. Knight in relation to Lucius of 'Golden Ass' fame].

What about ''archetypal'' woman?

Recall the attempt of same {in relation to eleven/twelve} by the author of the 'Tutankhamun Prophecies'. Enlarged elsewhere.


Yes or No?

And/or..."Do you get any sense of what religion or science or magic was practiced here...OR "Is this the origin of a new religion or maybe a different way of understanding the world; its amazing that something that might have kicked off throughout Britain may have started in these Islands {Orkney}...Could an individual be behind it - a messianic figure or an inspirational spiritual leader here 4-5000 years ago...I think something profound was started in Orkney around 5000 years ago. It reflected a fundamental change to the way....

….as an example - recall the details of this one.

….people understood the world and themselves within it. But i cannot shake off the idea that if you follow its path all the way back to the beginning that it would lead to someone - someone who was a great visionary and thinker - and the message they had to give, changed the world and the people around them. We know some of the names of this worlds great visionaries - but the mystery name of the Orkney's must remain anonymous." [From the program 'Sacred Wonders of Britain' {episode 1} narrated by N. Oliver]. Other information elsewhere. Try ''Orkney''.

Question. When ALL the available information is assessed. What do you think?

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

A 'crown' of serpents?

Question 2. What is the difference between the words ''magic'' {and/or 'magical'} and ''mystical?'' and why are they applied? Enlarged elsewhere. Try Part 4 before those first impressions make one yawn; while 'creating' an inner 'vision' {archetype?} of the armchair and TV set.

As part of that ''true poetry''. Others found throughout.

From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that remains the language of TRUE poetry....but it is only fair to warn the reader that this remains a very difficult book, as well as a very queer one {'peculiar'?}, to be avoided by anyone with a distracted, tired or rigidly scientific mind...." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].
Side note: Why a 'serpent'? Crawls on belly {horizontal?} but can strike in the vertical? Can be found in both salt and fresh water? Sheds its skin? etc. All as a means...?
Try ''poison/antidote''.

Refresher: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'],

''Still small voice?''

Triangular headgear or 'tumulus'?

"Behind the veil of all hieratic and mystical allegories of ancient doctrines, behind the darkness and strange ordeals of all initiations, under the seal of all sacred writings, in the ruins of Ninevah or Thebes, on the crumbling stones of the old temples and on the blackened visage of the Assyrian or Egyptian sphinx, in the monstrous or marvelous paintings which interpret to the faithful of India the inspired pages of the Vedas, in the cryptic emblems of our old books on alchemy, in the ceremonies practiced at reception by all secret societies, there are found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed." [Introduction to the book 'Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual' by E. Levi]. Recall what ''magic'' represents - before those first impressions take hold.

'Treasures Decoded: Jonah and the Whale' / S5 EP1.

''The story of Jonah has great theological import. It concerns a disobedient prophet who rejected his divine commission, was cast overboard in a storm and swallowed by a great fish, rescued in a marvelous manner, and returned to his starting point. Now he obeys and goes to Nineveh, the capital of Israel's ancient enemy. Jonah being swallowed by the giant fish was regarded as a foreshadowing of Jesus's crucifixion and Jonah emerging from the fish after three days was seen as a parallel for Jesus emerging from the tomb after three days.''

'Whale' to enlarge.


Erect/flaccid as a means....?

Side note: ''When Still and I spoke, the scientists had not yet presented their surprising revelations about the giant. But the vicar told me that any suggestion that the monks of Cerne Abbey would have been horrified by the presence of a naked figure on the hillside failed to comprehend the aspirations of the cloistered life. “The most difficult part of being a monk is coming to terms with yourself and your own existence,” he said. “Benedict said, ‘Remain in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything.’ You have to stay in your place, in your spot, and come to terms with who you are. So the link with the giant would be about being frank and honest about what we are.

Coming/Going from/to the west. ''Westward leading, still proceding - guide us to ....?

That is exactly what the giant is, and that is what the monks would have been trying to do.” Outside Still’s church, of which he is the fortysixth vicar in a lineage stretching back seven centuries, he urged me to look up at the building’s façade. Carved into the stone of the tower, which dates from the early sixteenth century, were several grotesque images of oversized figures eating smaller figures. “I had grotesques on my previous churches, but I’m not aware of images of giants eating people,” he said. He’d never noticed them before that afternoon, while waiting outside the church for our appointment, he told me. “You just walk past things, and you don’t see them,” he said.

Before leaving Cerne Abbas, I walked past the site of the former abbey to the foot of Giant Hill, and then started my own ascent up the well-worn path. The gradient was formidable: it was like climbing a long staircase.''

Cronus to enlarge.

'Lions' to enlarge. 'Triangular'?

Ishtar. 'House' to enlarge.

Continued: ''The English placename Nineveh comes from Latin Nīnevē and Septuagint Greek Nineuḗ (Νινευή) under influence of the Biblical Hebrew Nīnəweh (נִינְוֶה),[3] from the Akkadian Ninua (var. Ninâ)[4] or Old Babylonian Ninuwā.[3] The original meaning of the name is unclear but may have referred to a patron goddess. The cuneiform for Ninâ (𒀏) is a fish within a house (cf. Aramaic nuna, "fish"). This may have simply intended "Place of Fish" or may have indicated a goddess associated with fish or the Tigris, possibly originally of Hurrian origin.[4] The city was later said to be devoted to "the goddess Ishtar of Nineveh" and Nina was one of the Sumerian and Assyrian names of that goddess.''

'Tower of the Fish' to enlarge.

"Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with." [First sentence; first paragraph; first page of the book by Q. S. Lam]. Link to 'higher' / 'lower'. Benefit of. If only in defining a subject.

And/or..."You may care to dwell upon the parable which indicates that 'God' is not to be found in the strong wind nor the earthquake, nor in the fire but only within the silence of the still small voice." [From the book 'The Silent Road'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''child''.

'Reed' huts? Thatched?


A work in progress: ''One evening i sat on a low rock and watched the sun set behind the pyramids at Giza....As i left the plateau in dusky light, i caught a glipse of the moon over my 'shoulder'. A breeze kicked up and blew sand into my face. Worse than feeling like a fool, i felt like a tourist, 'foreign' in a place that i longed for as Home. On the evening train from Cairo to Luxor, i met a 'young man' who told me that the day before he had climbed the pyramid of Menkaure at sunrise. He had bribed the guard with a 'five' hundred dollar bill...Where i wonder were the miracles for which Egypt is legendary....Stories of the making of labyrinths and the mysteries of initiations...One of the more intriging stories is about the singing Colossus of Memnon - one of a pair of statues that rise sixty feet above the plain of West Thebes. Both represent Amenhotep III. After they were shattered by an earthquake in 27AD - the 'southern' one was said to emit a three musical note at 'dawn' - one note each hour; variously described as plaintive singing, the blowing of a trumpet {'rooster'?}, and the striking of a gong....The Romans gave it the title of oracle and was said to signify Memnon greeting his mother, the dawn....I woke before sunrise {heliacal?} on the train the next morning. Before dawn the plains of Qena seemed GREY and lifeless, but at the moment the sun crested {'Kingfisher/peacock' or rainbow?}, the world filled with colour. Green fields lay in even squares as donkeys grazed under the date palms clustered around the mud brick and thatched houses....Three white cranes, three creatures of light, swooped one at a time over the green fields of Qena.'' [Page 30/31 'Dreams of Isis: A Womans Spiritual Sojourn' / N. Ellis].

Sad or joyous?

The Roman Goddess of Dawn. Whose brother was the sun, and sister the moon. Painted by the same artist, as that of The Shepherds of Arcadia. Question. Over the 'rooftops'?

'Station of No Station'?

Bells to enlarge.

N.B. The national bird of India is the peacock.

Side step: "No doubt, dear friend, but i am demanding even more: I want the direct way through simplicity. Weren't you struck by the insistence of the teachings of the Gospel {like that of the sage Lao-tse} on the essential conditions for entering into the 'Divine kingdom': 'submission to the will of the father' and 'childlike simplicity'..." ['Journey Into the Light'].

REFRESHER: And/or... 'The Son is the consciousness of the Father.' The 'Father' is the Mystery...the dazzling darkness of UNconscious Consciousness." Quote by Clement of Alexandria. See it?

Dazzling Aten?


'internal' ?

''One of the connotations of the word 'katsina' is - 'one who listens'....'' [Page 163 'The Orion Zone' / G. A. David]. Hieroglyph / Archon to enlarge.

Exercise with same intent in mind..."Meditation in Moon Mysteries [i.e., the symbols of] may be defined briefly as the pursuit of inner active objectives. And in some of the quieter moments of deep meditation, which is an inner process that is not externalized, one becomes at times strongly aware of an observer or watcher. He [or it] almost seems to be something or someone that is external to oneself. Some authorities consider this 'watcher' to be an entity external to that unity which is a man. Others consider 'it' to be the 'higher' self that forever dwells in the most secret recesses of a man's being ['niche' and/or 'chamber' link]. Really it is the conscious finding of this ''hidden one'' that is important, the labeling is actually of little value, and it does not matter if 'he' be you or not you." [From the chapter entitled 'Old Religion'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Think on it relative to the ''he'' - within that inner experience; as explained by the author Betty Shine. Egyptian equivalent - Sokar. Explained elsewhere. Commonly known as 'Guardian of the Gate'. The distinction [''finding''] of which defines that 'boundary' between 'higher' and 'lower'. Objective / subjective. Representational of. Question. Shadow or Anima archetype. Or both?

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

"It is for this reason that the archetype is so important for the psychology of religion. All religions and all metaphysical concepts rest upon archetypal foundations and, to the extent to which we are able to explore them, we succeed in gaining at least a superficial glance behind the scenes of world history, and can lift a little the veil of mystery which hides the meaning of 'metaphysical' ideas." [Introduction to the book - 'Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern'. Mentioned elsewhere].

'Five' ?

Three and four?

Something extra; which can be 'assessed' to a possible understanding when similar ''quotes'' are used by analogy: "The 'lower' was prepared. The 'upper' was resigned. The great Five  {'quintessence'?} waited for the point of equidistant merging. The foundation note ascended. Deep answered unto deep. The fivefold chord awaited the response from 'Those' whose hour had come. Dark grew the space between the spheres. Radiant two balls became. The three-fold thirty-five, finding the distance just, flashed like a sheet of intermittent 'flame' {'lightening'?}, and lo, the work was done. The great Five, met the Three and Four. The point of intermediate was achieved. The hour of 'sacrifice', the sacrifice of Flame, arrived, and for aeons had endured. The timeless Ones entered into time. The Watchers began their task, and lo, the work proceeds." ['Stanza V of Dzyan' from the book 'A Treatise on Cosmic Fire' / A. Bailey].

By way of ''analogy'' try: ''sacrifice'' / ''fire'' / ''three and four'' / ''35'' / ''five'' etc/etc.

All as a means.…?

And/or:  ''The 35th course of masonry was a hard one to climb over, being made of particular massive blocks, much larger than any of the others we had so far encountered {except those at the very base} and estimated to weigh between 10 and 15 tons apiece. This contradicted engineering logic and commonsense, both of which called for a progressive decrease in the size and weight of blocks that had to be transported to the summit as the pyramid rose higher." [Page 283 'Fingerprints of the Gods' / G. Hancock].

Therefore symbolic of something?

Try ''35''.

Refresher: "To sacrifice a 'lower' value to a 'higher' value is to give substance and power to the desire which has been 'sacrificed'. If this higher value is of a 'spiritual' order, the spiritual power is attracted by this desire, and givers to the sacrificer a power of domination over his lower states." ['Journey into the Light'].

Mad, bad or just sad?

Whats the remedy?

A practical example: ''Sometimes people are mean to me or stuff goes wrong. Then i get mad. When i get annoyed i go into a different version of me. In my bad version, it's like me wanting to be horrible, but in the good version of me, i want to take away the bad version - but the bad version keeps fighting back.'' [Kai / 'Dispatches: Growing Up Poor: Britain's Hidden Homeless Kids' / Channel 4 / 25.10.21].

From yet another perspective: "Here is what the ancient Egyptians said about the First Time, Zep Tepi, when the 'gods' ruled in their country: they said it was a golden age during which the waters of the Abyss receded, the primordial darkness was banished, and humanity, emerging into the 'light' was offered the gifts of 'civilization'. They spoke also of intermediaries between gods and men - the Urshu, a category of 'lesser' divinities whose title meant 'The Watchers'..." [Page 381 'Fingerprints of the Gods'].

Side note: The above author believing that ''first time'' to be ONLY 12,500 thousand years ago. Question. WHEN ALL the available information is assessed correctly - what do you think?

Recall the ''Help'' section.

From a different perspective: ''But first it is necessary to define some of the terms used throughout this work, and which, for various reasons, may be unfamiliar. The first is the term the 'Western Way' - by this we are referring to a body of esoteric teaching and knowledge which constitutes a system of 'magical' technique and belief dating from the beginning of time - 'Foretime' in which our ancestors {Neanderthal/Cro-magnon?} first began to explore the inner realms of existence. And it is a Western Way to distinguish it from the Eastern or Oriental  paths....The product of this inner journey is the recovery of our own traditional wisdom, often revealed by symbols during dreams or INSIGHTS received through 'meditation' { and/or study}....'' ['Page 2/14 'The Western Way' / C+J Matthews. Parenthesis, this readers].

Same applies to the following: "The king is a flame, moving before the wind to the end of the sky and to the end of the earth [''horizon?''}….the king travels the air and traverses the earth {''Running the fields''?}....there is brought to him a way of ascent to the sky {''kundalini''?}….."

'Mountain low. Valley high'.

His answer: ''Is it possible that the constant reference to archaic literature to something like aviation could be valid historical testimony concerning the achievements of a forgotten and remote technological age. We will never know unless we try to find out....No doubt many are unhistorical, but at the end of the investigation that underlies this book, I am certain that many others are not." [Page 489 'Fingerprints of the Gods'].

Try ''Watcher''

Question. When all the available 'information' is assessed {''gathered''} what do you think?

A closer analogy could be:

Only the soul can remove 'fire' from granite i.e., a coming together {'gathering'?} of spirit/soul. Get it?

Guardian? i.e., anima?

"The 'guardian of the threshold' spoken of in the Hermetic tradition is the great judge, {Book of Judges?} charged with preserving the equilibrium of that which is above and that which is below. The traditional iconography of the Church represents him with a sword and balance...He is therefore the administrator of the justice of conscience. His balance signifies the negative aspect of conscience, and his sword the positive aspect of same..." [Extract from the book by Tomberg. 'Letter 18' ].

'Two edged sword'?

N.B. The author of 'Journey into the Light' defines the same as ones ''Permanent Witness''. 'See' it?

If this subjects main teaching aid - is by the definitions and representations of the workings of the pysche - then what is being implied. Clue -

"Do not imagine that rice sustains you nor that money or men support you. Could they aid if the Lord withdraws from your life breath? They are his instruments merely. Is it by any skill of yours that food digests in your stomach? Use the sword of your discrimination, Mukunda! Cut through the chains of agency and perceive the Single Cause. I found his incisive words entering some deep marrow..." [Extract from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi'. Mentioned elsewhere].

'Guardian of the Gate'? Therefore 'garden' of Eden link?

"Helios was seen as the heart of the celestial pattern, and his physical aspect was seen as a lower manifestation of a higher principle which we may characterize as the Idea of the Solar Logos, [Solar = 'sun' = light = known quantity. Lunar = 'moon' = unknown quantity. Representational of - as a means to an understanding - this readers input ]...


MOTMOT Stone monument. Found at the base {under it} - of the tallest hieroglyphic stone stairway in Pre-Columbian America. ''The only monument thought to be dedicated to an early classic dynastic founder." Father and son - Mayan equivalent, {i.e.,son of} - its first stone representation? i.e.,Lord of the West. Question. If 'father' = west. What 'position' should the 'son' represent? Hebrew equivalent = David/Solomon?

"Clement of Alexandria elucidates the idea that Jesus is the 'son of god' by explaining: 'The Son is the consciousness of the Father.' The 'Father' is the Mystery...the dazzling darkness of UNconscious Consciousness." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy. Emphasis, this readers].

...This particular doctrine came to permeate the whole of Hellenistic cosmology in one form or another, influencing scientific, metaphysical, and theological thought"........

"Represented by Hermes Trismegistos, the spiritual 'father' and Tat, his 'son', the aspiring initiate. In an esoteric sense, ''Hermes'' and ''Tat'' may represent two aspects of an individuals soul, the higher [sun?] and lower [moon?] natures respectively." ......."The prologue to the Fourth Gospel makes it clear to those who ''received'' the Logos, experienced a divinizing energy, thus becoming ''sons of god,'' a transformation also referred to in the Hermetic writings. Elsewhere in the Fourth Gospel, this is referred to in Greek as ''the birth from above." [Chapter 3, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God'. Mentioned elsewhere].

Further clue. As most find out, [sooner or later] within this subject by objective analysis; by cross referencing that 'same' information [framework] from different cultures; Arjuna is the Hindu equivalent of the Egyptian Horus or the Greek Apollo.

Same principles, different culture. "In Qabalistic pneumatology, Keser is a correspondence of the Monad [explained elsewhere], the dynamic and essential 'self-hood' of a man, the spirit which seeks experience through incarnation here on earth. That this 'potential' [ or Sephirah] is placed above the head rather than say, within the brain, or in the center of the heart, is highly significant. It is the light of the spirit that shines always into the darkness below. ''The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord." And again, ''When his candle shined upon my head and by his light i walked through darkness." This is an idea which has its parallels in other systems too. For example, in the 'Epitome of Theosophy' we find Judge writing: ''It is held that the real man, who is the higher self, being a spark of the divine, overshadows the visible being, which has the possibility of becoming united to that spark. Thus it is said, that the higher spirit is not in the man, but above him." [Quote by I. Regardie from the book 'The New Dimensions Red Book'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"Those of a philosophical turn of thought may reflect that the candle is an image of humanity. The wax corresponds to the body, the wick to the mind, and the flame to the spirit." [Extract from the book 'ABC of Witchcraft: Past and Present' by D. Valiente].

Understanding that universal framework defines the above. It defines amongst other things the difference between reincarnation and incarnation and therefore the beliefs of the Essenes. Recall what ''incarnation'' implies.

"This life principle, this basic essential of Being, and this mysteries elusive factor is the correspondence in man of that which we call spirit or life in the macrocosm." [Introduction to the book 'Treatise on White Magic' or 'The Way of the Disciple' by A. Bailey]. Recall what ''correspondence'' implies.

hareDon't forget those first impressions, i.e., ".....solve the riddles, link the obscurities together in your own consciousness, and create magic." [Chapter two, 'The Underworld Initiation' - The authentic Core of Western Mysteries Revealed Through Oral Traditions, Celtic Myth and Legend - by R. J. Stewart]. Link to ''eureka moments''.

"By the name of the One who lit the hearts candle with the flame of life, enlightening the soul with thought. The 'One' whose light shines upon this world and the next and through whose bounty Adams plain clay produced a rose garden." [First page, first paragraph, 'The Tree of Being' by Ibn Arabi]. Question. Can you distinguish by now soul in relation to spirit?

'Candle of Vision' by G. Russell

"Several gods have been mentioned who are connected to the bee, but it is the Ashwins, the twin horsemen, the lords of light, who seem first to have been associated with the honey [madhu] cult. In the Rig-Veda there are many hymns in which they are mentioned in connection with honey. It was their chariot only which was called Madhuvahana, honey - bearing; in it, drawn by white horses which are compared with ambrosial swans, they carry 'honey to the bee.'' [Chapter 4, 'The Sacred Bee' by H. Ransome].

One loop or two?

And/or: "I will add something,'' the mystic said. 'Sw' means ''he'', but in royal symbols sw refers to the king of the South, 'bit' to the king of the North. Yet, to designate royalty 'sw', not 'bit' is used....Pharaoh is earthly king. He the personality par excellence whose power in action and the functional importance of whose gestures one always tries to affirm. If a king runs he is that which moves. If to shoot arrows he bends the bow better than any other. He is the principle of the penetrative force. At the helm of the sacred bark he is that which steers...'prisoners' serve him as footstool, putting them under his sandals...subduing hostile powers....He is the IDEA incarnate in action, personified in EARTHLY existence. You may relate therefore 'swt' with personality, earthly concretion, the white crown, Osirian perfection, purity, represented by is the Neter Osiris....renewer of earthly lives, who defines the phases of terrestrial royalty, each phases the loop that encloses a kings name. 'What then does the bee in the symbol of the king of the NORTH mean' asked Her-Bak. 'Bit' refers to the Horus revelation' replied the sage." [Page 87/8 'Her-Bak: Egyptian Initiate].

Try ''Smith and Jones''.

''The Beehive Cluster (also known as Praesepe (Latin for "manger" or "crib"), M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189), is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. One of the nearest open clusters to Earth, it contains a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters holding around 1,000 stars. Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye, and has been known since ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as a "nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer". It was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope.''

SIDE NOTE: ''The whole of Britain is full of traces of white horses....Why do the Continental representations of Epona show her with a KEY in her hand?" [Pages 96/7 'GogMagog' / T. Lethbridge].

''In Gallo-Roman religion, Epona was a protector of horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules. She was particularly a goddess of fertility, as shown by her attributes of a patera, cornucopia, ears of grain and the presence of foals in some sculptures. She and her horses might also have been leaders of the soul in the after-life ride, with parallels in Rhiannon of the Mabinogion. The worship of Epona, "the sole Celtic divinity ultimately worshipped in Rome itself", was widespread in the Roman Empire between the first and third centuries AD; this is unusual for a Celtic deity, most of whom were associated with specific localities.'' [Wiki].

Put those keys together to attempt a MIND SET. While recalling the {attributes?} and such {concepts?} to same - in relation - to ''sound''.

Continued: A working example..."Honey has served mankind as food since the Old Stone Age. A dark red rock painted in the cave of Arana near Bicorp in Spain shows the precursors of the ''honey thieves'' climbing tall trees in order to rob the bees. The different methods of obtaining honey: directly from flowers, from wild bees, and by the domestication of bees, would provide a special system of dating, varying with the region and people. The common - archetype and biologically grounded - factor is that in addition to nourishment {as it seems unlikely that men ever lived on honey alone} - 'zoe' seeks sweetness and finds an intensification in it."

Question. What does ''sweetness'' imply - besides the obvious?

Sour or sweet? spirit or soul? External/internal ALL as a means....?

The 'Cloud People' of Peru. Semi-circular head - in the shape of a 'bowl'. Lower of the Higher?

Side note: " Do not give up, then, but labour at it till you feel desire. For the first time you do it, you will find only a darkness, and as it were a cloud of unknowing, you do not know what, except that you feel in your will a naked purpose towards 'god'. Whatever you do, this darkness and this cloud are between you are 'your god', and hold you back from seeing him clearly by the light of understanding in your reason and from 'experiencing' him in the sweetness of 'love' in your feelings. And so prepare to remain in this 'darkness' as long as you can, always 'begging' for him your love, for if you are ever to feel or 'see' him, so far as is possible in this life, it must always be in this cloud and darkness. And if you are willing to labour eagerly as I tell you, I trust in this mercy that you will reach your goal." [Chapter 3, 'The Cloud of Unknowing'].

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it in its less {cloudy?} state. That universal one.

'Transforming fingers'? Face to face?

A {working?} example {i.e., if only in the Old Testament sense of the 'word'}: "I will deliver thee into the hand of them that thou hatest, into the hand of them from whom thy mind is alienated. And they shall deal with thee hatefully, and shall take away all thy labour - and shall leave thee naked and bare...." [Ezekiel 23:29].

And/or: ''In an episode known as the temptation of Saint Antony....he was granted a vision of the 'devil' - a tall black man with his head in the clouds. He also 'saw' angels who were able to guide some human spirits up, beyond the devils reach.'' [Page 329 'The Secret History of the World' / J. Black].

Higher of the 'lower' ?

Try Gog/Magog.

Continued: N.B. The Greeks defined that 'life bit' within the words - or more importantly the distinction between the two - zoe and bios - i.e.,"A wide range of meaning is bound up with the Latin word 'vita' and its Romance descendants, and with life, or German 'Leben' and Scandinavian 'liv' as well. In their every day language the Greeks possessed two different words that have the same root as vita but present very different phonetic forms: bios and zoe. While the Greek language ''was in the making,'' these forms were produced by a phonetic development whose laws can be formulated with precision. Both words have maintained themselves, a phenomenon made possible by an insight, a distinction of the kind referred to above. This distinction and insight are reflected in the Greek language..." [From the 'Introduction' to the book by C. Kerenyi].

The ''bee'' on many a Royal cartouche.

"The siren heralds a friend - the bee a stranger." Stranger; in relation to something 'unknown'. Analogy of same principle - top/down in relation to bottom/up. The 'middle' ground being something indicative of a ''reversal of fortune''.

''Truth is stranger than fiction.''

To understand fully what is being implied, decipher what those ''keys'' represent. [Highlighted]. Found within.

A work in progress {example of?}: 'The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius' / G. Farmelo.