Esotericism Part 2 Sec 01




nhyThat horizontal/vertical link to the true symbolism of the Sphinx and pyramids, [explained elsewhere].

"Horizon, is nothing but the limit of our sight." [Quote from the book 'Beyond the Horizon' by R. Parks]. Link to 'boundary' lines [keys].

"We shall show them our signs upon the horizons and in themselves, until it is clear to them that this is the truth." [Quran 41:53].

Egyptian equivalent...Horus in/of the horizon. Enlarged elsewhere.

Refresher and/or analogy: All this suggests that humanity originally possessed something which was a part of itself, but 'in heaven', and only to be found there; and that later 'it came down' in order to go through - in man - a tremendous 'evolution' on earth....There is this spirit in us which is IN the world but not OF the world. It is present in every human being...." [Page 12 'Spiritual Knowledge: The Reality and its Shadow' / Eleanor Merry].

Horus IN/OF the Horizon?

Recall ''Life takes refuge in a sacred space'' in Part 1.

"To broaden ones outlook". Benefits of. Purpose of.


"The idea that we are not awake but live in a partial dream state from which we can awaken opens onto radically new horizons..." ['The Wisdom of the 4th Way']. Continued elsewhere.

An objective one.

"When, through contact with his 'higher' self [link to ''teacher'' of Dead Sea Scroll fame. Enlarged elsewhere] - he participates in the knowledge of the objective, and when through the climbing of the mountain of vision his perspective changes and his horizon enlarges..." Explained within.

As it does in ANY SUBJECT. Yes or no?

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

''Vision'' in relation to: "bazon {'vision'} is derived from baza ''to see''..." [Page 238 'Guide for the Perplexed' / M. Maimonides]. Try ''vision'' Part 3.

And/or: "Vision is the heart of seeing things invisible." [The Sacred Order of the 'Blinded Wanderer']. 'Planets'?

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].


One 'peak' or two? Waxing or Waning?

As seen from a different perspective: "The manifestation of Atum-Ra between the twin peaks of the mountain of the horizon." [Picture of same, page 256 'Temple of the Cosmos'].

'Signs of the Gods' by Erich V. Daniken. Understand this subject to define what those 'signs' truly mean.

''Horizon of the Aten''?

''Manifestation'' of something relative to the ''Seat of First Occasion'' in relation to ''He who Walked with God''. A top/middle/end. Head in relation to feet. North in relation to South. Or would that be vice-versa?

'By endurance we conquer'. Ernest Shackleton. Try 'Struggle''.

Refresher: ''Where good deeds are ships on which to ride the waves."

'The highs don't last forever, but then neither do the lows'.

Side note: "The Pictish 'crown' descended in the 'female' line. Here the oculus {'eye'} survives strongly on the bows of boats." [Page 126 of the book by T. Lethbridge].

Exercise: The bow of the boat facing South - ''indicates the Land of Punt'' - as seen within Hatshepsut's Mortuary monument in Upper Egypt. On its Southern Wall. A 'turtle' in the S/E corner together with a 'raised' Hut {'tent' link?} ladders exposed. Brackish water mentioned.   ['Unexplained and Unexplored: Egypt's Land of the Gods' / Ser. 1. Episode 7].

The ''Northern Monastery'' at the 'head' of the Valley of the Kings.

'Monastery' link to silence and/or male aspect. Therefore 'animus' link? {i.e., from a female perspective}.

'Head of the Corner'? OR would that be ''turning a corner''  - If only in the ''matriarchal'' sense of the word?

Spirit to soul? S/W - S/E?

Bridge over troubled waters?

Analogy: The first hints of Bronze Age activity on the site (which lies on the south-east edge of the Flag Fen Basin) had emerged in the 1970s, when quarrying brought fragments of metalwork and pottery to the surface; further clues came in 1999, when local archaeologist Martin Redding spotted a series of stumps sticking out of a flooded quarry pit. Evaluations by Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) followed in 2004 and 2006, but with no immediate threat to the underlying remains they were left largely undisturbed, albeit with careful monitoring in place. The results of the monitoring and their interpretation were equivocal, and therefore an agreement was reached between Forterra and Historic England to excavate the potentially at-risk remains.

horizonAnalogy {that very first one?}: "Oceanus is proposed as the god who rules the river of the same name that was said to encircle {'girdle'?} the earth and into which the Sun set each night. Experience of those who has 'sailed' the wide seas beyond the horizon {'seat of first occasion'?} - visible from land, and had never come across such a 'river', must raise doubts about the Greeks taking this as a literal concept. If, however, Oceanus is designated as god of the horizon, then another part of Homer's universe falls into place. In hot climates, the line where the skies meet the earth can be disturbed by dust and atmospheric turbulence and may appear to be a shimmering band, perhaps even like sunlight reflected {'moon'?} from a river." ['Homer's Secret Iliad'].

Sun / moon - in the abstract sense of the word - as a means...?

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it in its broader context.

dawnA working example: "Immediately, everything fell into place, We instantly perceived other, less obvious, connections between the two men. 'So you suggest that Alkindi's view of alchemy, though expressed in very different terms, resurfaced in the writings of Boyle?' We were restating the obvious, for already we had been enlightened by this remarkable man. Everything had been made clear to the consciousness soul, reflected from the surface of that eternal river..." ['The Zelator'].

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it {reflected?} in its broader {universal?} context.

That number three represented in the tri-root of the Arabic language/alphabet. The reason why each word in Arabic has many subtle nuances to anyone with a basic understanding of linguistics knows. Which is especially important in helping to understand any subject, including this one.

'The Great Triad' by Rene Guenon.

No better author who accomplishes that than A. Schimmel. Especially her book...‘Deciphering the signs of god’. Just change the word ‘signs’ to ‘keys’ {and/or vice versa} and you should understand at whats being hinted at. It also indicates the Quran/s true purpose in relation to those ’signs’ and their benefit to the reader...,by way of ‘reason and understanding’.[keys], both words that are constantly used throughout.

'Signs of the unseen' by J. Rumi

As is the word 'inspiration' [key], by Mr J. Michell within his book 'The New View over Atlantis'. Enticing the reader to understand that same framework, ['lower' half] 'by way' of his own knowledge of 'Landscape' symbolism, just as Gurdjieff and Plato do within their own chosen subjects, [explained elsewhere]. 'Inspiration' in relation to reason and understanding.


''You are in my heart...There is no other who knows you...Only your 'Son' whom you have taught your ways and might...When you have dawned they live...When you set they die...All 'eyes' are on your beauty until you set..." ['Great Hymn to Aten']. All as a means...?

"And so we have by our command sent inspiration to you: you did not know what revelation was or what faith was; but we have made the Quran a light with which we guide such of our servants as we will; and truly you are guiding to the straight way, the way of god, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth; witness how all affairs incline towards 'god'." [42:52-53].

'The {dawn}ing of a new day' - relative to an understanding.

A working example {and/or work in progress}: ''My soul has thirsted for the living god; when shall i come and appear before the face of god?'....Mary Magdalene comes face to face with Jesus. It is above all a transforming encounter....She stands in a garden, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, yet she is here at the foot of Mount Arbel, in her home town of Magdala.'' [Pages 91/136 'Mary Magdalene: Insights from Ancient Magdala' / J. Ristine].

Spirit and soul. Which and why?

Flat topped? Analogy?

Flat topped crown - special to Amarna - in the 'middle' of Egypt. Also associated with ''sunshade'' {i.e., shadow aspect} - BEGINNING from a southern perspective. Pages 30-38 'Nefertiti' / A. Dodson.

Something to ponder on {landscape equivalent?}: And/or as seen from a different perspective: "It is the mystery of 'tears' - and of inspiration - that the 14th Arcanum of the Tarot aims at in particular. It is the spiritual exercise dedicated to inspiration. Inspiration... is not something that not simply happens, as in the case of vision...Rather, it is the co-activity, the concerted activity of the higher Self and the lower self. It is essentially the flow emanating from two 'vases' at once...It represents the knowledge of how to be active and passive at the same time. Active, in what concerns the question or demand. And passive in what concerns the answer or solution...It is a matter of simultaneous activity and passivity...It is inspiration in common which underlies the mental and symbolic language common to Hermeticists - the language of analogy, the marriage of opposites...The ardent belief that all is knowable and revealable..." ['Letter 14' from the book 'Meditations on the Tarot'].

''Two vases''? Where have you seen it?


And/or: ''For all human beings, in addition to what we may call ordinary, everyday self, also bear within themselves a higher self or higher human being. This 'higher' human being remains concealed until it is awakened - WITHIN ourselves. Until then, the higher faculties are latent - remain hidden.''

Amun? {i.e., ''hidden''} and or Jesus/Mary Magdalene? {i.e., higher/lower}.

"The morning is wiser than the evening.'' Proverb quote of the 'Even' people. Reindeer herders. Alexei Solodikov. {Russia with Simon Reeves. BBC1. Episode 1}.


And/or 'Mercury' as a means...? Enlarged elsewhere.

Side note: ''Worn in the American Artic and traditionally made from seal or reindeer skin, a mukluk is a type of boot.'' ['Tipping Point'].

A different perspective: ''It is indeed of the sulphur of metals that the masters speak when they describe the manner of extracting and preparing this first agent....It is also this sulphur joined to mercury which contributes to the generation of our 'egg' by giving it its vegetative faculty. This real 'father' of the stone is therefore independent from it since the 'stone' comes from it...." [Page 396 'The Dwelling of the Philosophers' / Fulcanelli].

That 'lower half' [i.e., represented as a 'potential' still 'dormant'; still an ''unknown'' quantity; therefore represented more often than not as 'shadow' and/or 'animal' / basic instincts aspect], as implied by the Celts with Cernunnos, or Cronos of Greek fame, [explained elsewhere].

The Greek 'Pan' another representation of the lower within the higher, but now in relation to Zeus, i.e.,'shadow' part of same ['lower',i.e.,now the start point of a 'learning process' within the 'higher' divisions]. Hence the reason why he lives in a 'shallow cave'.... 'A wild and unkempt place'. ['Higher' part of 'Zeus' = Apollo]. All within a 'development' of same, i.e.,recall what 'Zeus' represents. Pan / Apollo, represent; amongst others; both negative/positive within same. Finally, what does 'Zeus' truly represent.

'The Encounter'.

A {deeper?} head scratch, in respect to a further 'development'..."Long ago it was said at the time of the crucifixion, a strange voice was heard, calling out across the seas: 'Great Pan is dead', and this was thought to mean that all the old gods and all their ways had been killed because the One True god had come. This is not quite accurate; though there is truth in it. Pan was not dead, but something connected with 'death' did come to earth. It changed." [Extract from the book by G. Knight]. Try ''grace''. Its intent and {purpose?}.


When {Banksy?} or the north wind blows? Djedefre?

The Western way describes the same - in relation to ''pan'' - or more importantly, what it represents / implies i.e., with the same intent; with the 'sisters at the back of the North wind', i.e., from an 'unconscious', 'unknown' [but now with 'anima' in mind] - start point, i.e.,recall what the 'feminine' aspect; in some form or other, is a representation of. Therefore by the same logic ''pan'' in one form or another has to represent more 'shadow' than 'anima'. If only from the 'male' perspective? ['Power within the Land'. Mentioned within].

''Denial of an aspect of wholeness is the key ingredient in the formation of the shadow." ['Mysteries of the Dark Moon' / Demetra George].

Patriarch / Matriarch?

Side note: Understanding all the above - gives clues to understanding the following: "The god Pan is sometimes connected with Saturn, being a 'goatly' figure. The word 'panic' comes from Pan as does the prefix 'pan'. For example a pan-African conference is a conference in which all the counties of Africa are represented. So 'pan-' something, is a collection of things, a community of things celebrating their difference, and in that sense their sameness and unity as well. Pantheism is a celebration of the invisible {unmanifested?} god present in the multiplicity of everything in nature, and in the world of the senses." ['Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs'].

Aspects of 'nature' used to 'manifest' something - if only in defining subject material.

A work in progress: ''At the foothills of Mount Hermon - within a cliff face - {Banias} there is a cave with a spring within it. Pan was worshipped there. Pan will always be found more often than not in a cave or a NATURAL surrounding. A lot of storms pass through this way with thunder and lightening - from which the word ''panic'' comes from...'' [Kathleen Nichols / Magdala Project / Israel].

Other aspects associated with Pan the word ''nymph'' {i.e., female aspect} + Banias = ''the way of the sea'' from which the spring creates the river Banias which became one of the tributaries of the Jordan river. ALL as a means...?


Bush Barrow 'lozenge' .

As one example: "If truth were the same for everyone, then things would indeed be simple. But it is not. Truth is a concept, and so varies with the individual as situations and backgrounds vary....Do not confuse truth with Law. A group of men may make a law, and by so deciding it becomes truth within his tribe - but man-made truth only. Another group may recognise a law of nature which is universal to all creation - and this is truth - but truth not made by man. And then of course there are those grey area's of spiritual morality which are neither black nor white {'mottled'?}, but remind us that there no absolutes in creation. Truth which is derived from the patterns of nature, is the closest we can come to Absolute Truth. This is why the Druids founded 'colleges', where all learning and philosophy is patterned after natural phenomenon: the cycles of seasons, the science of rainbows and light, the ways of beasts {'cattle'?} or stars...'Natural philosophy' we call it. These teachings are not from the 'hand' of men - but from the Hand of 'He who dwells in The Beyond {that ''bit''?}. And so certain learnings and truths are clearly identified beyond others..." [Page 218 of the book by Douglas Monroe]. Try ''egg'' [5:6].

Try ''fingers''.

REFRESHER: ''The ancient sages pictured truth as a delicate thing, egg born, and in perpetual need of protection....." Try ''egg' throughout.

'How to Connect With Nature' / Tristan Gooley.

Try ''Mona''. All as a means...?


Back of the head ? Or 'heart' {Antares?} of the 'dragon? Spirit/soul? ''Seat of First Occasion''?

Sutton Hoo purse clasp: Wolfs / eagles and ducks: "The plaques include twinned images of a bird-of-prey swooping on a duck-like bird (above), and a man standing heroically between two beasts. These images must have had deep significance for the Anglo-Saxons, but it is impossible for us to interpret them. The fierce creatures are perhaps a powerful evocation of strength and courage, qualities that a successful leader of men must possess. Strikingly similar images of a man between beasts are known from Scandinavia....The lid was made to cover a leather pouch containing gold coins. It hung by three hinged straps from the waist belt, and was fastened by a gold buckle. The lid had totally decayed but was probably made of whalebone—a precious material in early Anglo-Saxon England. Seven gold, garnet cloisonné and millefiori glass plaques were set into it. These are made with a combination of very large garnets and small ones, deliberately used to pick out details of the imagery. This combination could link the purse-lid and the fine shoulder clasps, which were also found in the ship burial, to the workshop of a single master-craftsman."

As seen from a different perspective {top/down?}: "Brown says that the stars in the 'Bow' were the Persian Gau...others were called the Archers Eye. Ptolemy catalogued them as a nebulous double star - among the first to be so designated...With the Chinese it was a Flag Staff...In Arabia it marked the 'back of the head' earmarked the 19th manzil, called the Bright One of that lunar station...The 19th manzil lay in the vacant space from the upper part of the figure towards the horns of the Sea Goat and was known as Al Baldah - The City, District - for this region is comparatively untenanted. It was marked by one scarcely distinguishable star, and was bounded by six others in the form of a Bow, the Arabs Kaus which, however, was not our Bow of Sagittarius. It also was the Necklace {menat?} and the Ostrich Nest; while the space between this and the preceding mansions was designated ''the head of Sagittarius and his two locks i.e., the interstice between the two eyebrows which are not connected to each other....other attributes = ''sole of the left foot'' {'Heel' stone of Stonehenge?} / ''calf of the leg to the heel {Saturn?}'' / yellow or the peculiar green sanguine'' / yoke of the sea {in relation to the vane of the arrow in the archers hand} " [Page 355-360 'Star names and their meaning' under Sagittarius].

What about the ''Toe''?

Put those keys together to take something further, i.e., ''flag/pennant'' etc. Sandels?

19TH NOME? and/or: Iris/Rainbow?

Side note: A rainbow mentioned after lighting up Westminster Hall on the EVE of the 'nineteenth' . {Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II}.

And/or: ''In Arabia the Lunar Mansions {Per-Wer?} were known as the Stars of Entering {'from the back of the head'?}, and the Road Side Inns, although better known as The Mansions, or Resting Places {'stations'?}, of the moon; manzil in the singular, signifying the NOONDAY halt of camel and rider in the desert {'ship of the desert'?}. Readers of Ben Hur will recall this in connection of Balthasdar, the Egyptian, at the meeting of the Magi in their search for Him ''that is born King of the Jews'' after they saw: his star in the east, and are come to worship him {bended 'knee'?}. They are alluded to the 10th sura of the Koran, where, referring to the moon, it says that god hath appointed her stations, that ye may know the number of years, and the computation of time.'' [Pages 8-9 'Star Names and their Lore and Meaning' / R. Allen].

N.B. Unused Bow found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Hussein Abdul Rasoul - 'The 'Water-Boy' - whose 'heel' found the first step of 'sixteen' that led to the tomb of the 'golden child'.

''On the morning of November 4th, 1922, a water-boy hit a strange rock with his heel as he tried to make a place to set jars of water. The sand around the rock was cleared revealing that the rock was in fact a step. Everyone was so excited as they knew that most tombs in the valley had stairways cutting into the rock. They began to clear the area of sand and gradually uncovered another step, then another, and another until a flight of steps was cleared.'' [Wiki].

'Train' of thoughts?

'Station of No Station'?

Stretched neck? Real or symbolic?

And/or: ''The Giraffe constellation is a long, faint, and straggling likes its namesake. It stretches from the POLE STAR {'anchor'?} to Perseus, Auriga, and the Lynx - the hind quarters {'plough-share'?} within the Milky Way. It was formed by Bartschius, who published it, in OUTLINE only in 1614, and wrote that it represented to him the Camel that brought Rebecca to Isaac.....The Chinese located seven asterisms within its boundaries....titles used such as State Umbrella, Higher Minister, Higher Guard, Four Supporters of the Throne used.'' [Page 106 'Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning' / R. Allen].

Pawnee to enlarge.

Question. 'Hoeing' {Pre-} 'Ploughing' {Post?}.

'To plough ones furrow'?

The Oxen Way?

Side note: ''In a similar way, snow leopards were once known as ounce. The name might come from Latin: luncea which means lynx. In French the word became lonce which was altered over time to l'once because French speakers thought the “L” meant “the”.

A work in progress: ''The origin of the superstition not to put the umbrella up inside the house {when wet},  tempting bad luck, maybe came from the Egyptians. They were used in Egypt to protect religious leaders and nobility from the sun - thought to ward of spirits that might do them harm - so putting up an umbrella inside was thought to offend the sun god.'' ['Black Cats, New Moons and Ladders: Origins of Superstitions' / Mirthy 2022].

''Sunshade'' to enlarge.

Open aired?

From a different perspective: ''Genesis 'eighteen' tells the story of Abraham and Sarah’s generous hospitality to three visitors who came to them by the oaks of Mamre. Seminomadic life would often bring people from different families and regions into contact with one another, Canaan being part of a natural land bridge between Asia and Africa and, consequently, a popular trade route. In the absence of a formal industry of hospitality, which would only develop later, people living in cities, villages, small towns, and even encampments had a social obligation to welcome strangers.

Any sirens?

Side note: A widely quoted Bedouin apothegm is "I am against my brother, my brother and I are against my cousin, my cousin and I are against the stranger"[27] sometimes quoted as "I and my brother are against my cousin, I and my cousin are against the stranger."[28] This saying signifies a hierarchy of loyalties based on the proximity of some person to oneself, beginning with the self, and proceeding through the nuclear family as defined by male kinship, and then, in principle at least, to an entire genetic or linguistic group (which is perceived as akin to kinship in the Middle East and North Africa generally). Disputes are settled, interests are pursued, and justice and order are dispensed and maintained by means of this framework, organized according to an ethic of self-help and collective responsibility (Andersen 14). The individual family unit (referred to as a tent or bayt) usually traditionally comprised three or four adults (a married couple plus siblings or parents) and any number of children.[29]

The Bedouins' ethos comprises courage, hospitality, loyalty to family and pride of ancestry. Bedouin tribes were not controlled by a central power, like a government or empire, but rather were led by tribal chiefs. Some chiefs exercised their power from oases, where merchants would organise trade through the territory controlled by the tribe.

"The Siren heralds a friend, the bee a stranger."

Continued: Let’s take a look at the biblical text itself: The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day {zenith?}. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground.

Five o'clock shadow?

Anima or animus?

He said, “If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way—now that you have come to your servant.” “Very well,” they answered, “do as you say.” So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. “Quick,” he said, “get three seahs of the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread.” Then he ran to the herd and selected a choice, tender calf and gave it to a servant, who hurried to prepare it. He then brought some curds and milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set these before them. While they ate, he stood near them under a tree. “Where is your wife Sarah?” they asked him. “There, in the tent,” he said. Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.”


"The word 'spiritual' should be associated with the word 'eyes'. This is a reference to the eyes of the mind or heart. To see is to understand." [From the book by T. Nottingham].         Roasted / Boiled.

Since Abraham addresses these three strangers in the singular (“My Lord”), and the text itself says “the Lord appeared to Abraham,” Christian tradition has read this passage as being a revelation of the mystery of the Holy Trinity. In fact, the famous Trinity Icon written by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century (surely the most famous of all Russian icons) reproduces this scene from Genesis, even including Abraham’s house in the back, an oak tree, and a dish containing the head of the calf.''


''Zero degree Aries''?

Side note: "An Egyptian astronomical calendar of the 15th century before Christ, associates it with Antares in the immense sky figure Menat - and Lockyer claims it is one of the objects of worship in Nile temples, as it was in the temple of Venus in Italy...In India it was known as a Pearl, Gem or Coral Bead...known also as 'Outcast' {foreign?}, possibly because of its remote northern situation far outside the zodiac, whence, from its brilliancy, it was arbitrarily taken to complete the series of Hindu asterisms...It is interesting to know, that the first photo of a comet was of Donati's, near this star {28th Sep. 1858}. Ptolemy specified its colour as ''golden red'' others of variable tinge...Generally it has ''figured immemorially in the short list of visibly fiery objects'' {15?}. Its rich colour, in contrast with the white of Spica, the deeper red of Antares, and the sapphire of Wega, is very noticeable when all can be taken in together {'line of sight'?}, at almost a single glance, on a summer evening {'zenith'?}. [ Information on 'Arcturus' / {Bootes} 'Star Names and Their Meaning' And/or page 162/121].


Red King?

''Arcturus is Greek meaning 'guardian or keeper of the bear'. The Greeks saw this star as the guardian of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which are both nearby the constellation Boötes, where Arcturus is located.''

And/or: ''The fact that it is possible to construct, in adequate fashion, a person's character from the data of his nativity, shows the relative validity of astrology. But the birth never depends on the actual astronomical constellations, but upon an arbitrary, purely conceptual time-system -  because by reason of the precession of the equinoxes, the SPRING POINT {'anchor'?} has long ago passed on beyond zero degree Aries.'' [Page 143 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' / R. Wilhelm + C. G. Jung].

''Manger'' to enlarge.

Side note: Coral used for the ''whites of the eyes'' in the statues of Easter Island. Question. INNER/OUTER OR BOTH?

'Pole'? Found in Djibouti within the 'Horn' of Africa. Question. Where would the complementary 'pole' be represented? ''Twin pillars''?

And/or: "The northern region is adorned with these stars, as a beautiful woman is adorned with a collar of pearls strung together, and a necklace of white lotus flowers, a handsomely arranged one. Thus adorned, they are like maidens who dance and revolve {'spiral'?} round the pole - as the pole orders them {fate or karma?}." And/or "Professor Whitney tells us: 'That to these stars the ancient astronomers of India, and many others...have attributed an independent motion about the pole of the heavens, at the rate of eight minutes yearly, or of a complete revolution in 2700 years ." ['Star Names and Their Meaning' under Ursa Major].

Try ''collar'' / ''27'' / ''eight'' etc. as a means...?

Question. Mr Allen {author of above book} - a reader {initiate?} of subject material?

Define {'see'} the above to get an idea {''hang on''?} - the following: The Cerrigydrudion Crown. A Celtic piece of ancient artwork. Bronze {'red'?} and leather {'cow'?] headpiece. ''Possibly signifies 'warrior' headgear - with palm leaf and lotus designs - neither of which are common to these islands {UK}.'' ['Inside Museums: St. Fagan/Cardiff. Sat.TV].

A working example: Recall Odysseus journey back to his homeland.

'Spirit/Soul' - as a means....?


Continued: ''Or the Hindu equivalent {i.e., landscape symbolism} within the Mahabharata epic, the mountain of which..."is said to be unapproachable by the sinful. It was rumored to lie in a remote and inaccessible region at the back {'unmanifest' link} of the Himalayas." [Chapter 13, 'The Sacred History' by J. Black]. The author using his knowledge of mythology; and esoteric knowledge of 'numbers'; [to name but a few], in the same vein as Gurdjieff and Plato do, with their own 'tools' of intent.

UNapproachable / Approachable - Represented with a negative/positive - ALL as a means...?

Neolithic equivalent of that unknown …yet to be realized aspect…that is now a known one. i.e.,rising from the back of the head, on limestone. Recall what its two main features, snake and ears, are symbolic of. What they represent. Found s/e Turkey. Close to Gobekli-Tepe.

A representation of something - waxing or waning? Found near Gobekli-tepe. Question. Playtime addicts?

Phases of the moon?

As is - but from a different perspective, i.e., a reflection of something {top/down?}: "The relationship of the moon to the sun proceeds accordingly to a wave pattern of increase and decrease in light, or separation from and return to the sun. The cycle begins at the new moon, when the moon is lost in the brilliancy of the sun...The cyclic relationship of the moon to the sun produces the lunation cycle; and every moment of the month and the day can be characterized significantly by its position within this lunation cycle...The solar impulse must be made workable - this is the first step. It must in due time reveal the purpose back of it to the conscious - which then can transform the instinctual and blind impulsion into a conscious, meaningful, and creative type of human activity - this is the second step. The first step refers to the waxing half of the lunation, the second to the waning period...." [Page 41 'The Lunation Cycle' / Dane Rudhyar].


Flat 'pedestal' = 'thirteen' feet? Memnon to enlarge.

A {working?} example: "The Theme, briefly, is the antique story which falls into thirteen chapters and an epilogue, of the birth, life, death and resurrection of the god of the Waxing year; the central chapters concerns the gods losing battle with the god of the Waning year for the love of the capricious and all powerful Threefold goddess.....



.....The poet identifies himself with the god of the Waxing year and his Muse with the goddess; the rival is his blood brother, his other self, his weird {'shadow' aspect?}." [Page 24 'The White Goddess'/ R. Graves].

Side note: On the brow of the headbust of Cleopatra can be seen 3 snakes. ['Treasures of Egypt: Cleopatra. Egypt's Last Pharaoh' / 26.12.21].

''By the sweat of ones brow''?

Try ''Battle of the Trees'' to take it further. The parts within the whole. To ''see'' that piece of work in its larger context.

A working example: "You know the words, so say it with me. “Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.” This is the first line of what is arguably the most famous scene in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, wherein the three weird sisters add a host of ghastly ingredients to their cauldron for conjuring. But it turns out many of those gross ingredients might not be so icky.

Any 'frogs'?

“Eyes of newt” and “baboon’s blood” are just a few of the substances the three witches use in their brew, and every single one of the ingredients sound pretty creepy. But in reality, things like “eye of newt” or “wool of dog” weren’t meant literally: they were folk names for common herbs and many of them are readily available to you for your own witchy pursuits....In herbal lore, which was a huge deal in Shakespeare’s day, and continues to be a pursuit for many in the modern world, popular herbs with magical or medical properties weren’t known by a single name. A plant like buttercup, which has many medical properties (and can also be poisonous) would also be known as blisterweed or bachelor’s buttons or … toe of frog." ['The Mary Sue' / internet].

''Double'' = 'duality' link. Boil / Roast to enlarge.

Side note: {i.e., as seen from a different perspective}: "WATER is another symbol for subconsciousness. Water was the 'First Mirror', and because mirroring is duplication, or reflection, it is akin to REMEMBERING, in which an original experience is duplicated or reflected. Memory, indeed, is the root of subconscious activity, hence water is a correct symbol of the same. Water is related to Salt, because of the saltiness of seawater. The alchemical symbol for water is a blue, INVERTED, equilateral triangle."

Muses? {'nine' in total?}.

Side note: ''The Axoloti also known as the Mexican walking fish is a species of the lizard family known as a Salamander.'' ['Tipping Point'].

'Fish' archetype?

And/or: Self-Consciousness is the distinctly human aspect of consciousness of the WAKING mind which you are using to read these pages. Self-consciousness {'waxing'?} finds its highest expression in the process of deductive reasoning. It formulates the premises which subconsciousness {'waning'?} accepts as suggestion, elaborates by deduction, and carries out in the direction of physiological function and organization....Another alchemical symbol for self-consciousness is FIRE, chosen because of the form destroying nature of all self conscious activities {i.e., old into the new}. Its emblem is an UPRIGHT equilateral triangle." [Pages 18/19 'Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment' / Paul Foster Case].

'Meridian' to enlarge.

Egyptian equivalent: Lake of 'fire'? and/or Hippo/Croc? Enlarged elsewhere.

Think about it all - in relation to that universal ''bit''.


Put those 'two' triangles together to 'see' it {gnosis?} from the Hebrew perspective.


Twin Horned? Another 'piece' within that mind set? 'The Swimming Reindeer'. The 'tip' of a mammoth horn - in two pieces. Enlarged throughout. Tip = Peninsula link? Try Sheffield and Rhodes Island to enlarge. Lizard Point?

Continued: "The Boreal Forest is the largest forest on Earth, the world's biggest terrestrial biome making up 29% of the worlds forest. It extends all the way around the northern end of the world...IT runs everywhere from the Tundra at latitude 70 to the southern tip of Cornwall at latitude 50...The ancient Greeks called the north wind Boreas and they called Britain Hyperborea, meaning the land behind the north wind...Reindeer were native to our land long ago...Our ancestors followed the deer trods...The reindeer mythos spread further south than the climatic limits of the Boreal Forest, down into ancient Greece. Pictures of a female deer bearing antlers and being caught by the hero Heracles are on several pieces of Greek art...The only female deer to carry antlers..." [Page 16-17 'Elen of the Ways' / E. Sentier]. Try ''deer'' / ''flint'' and especially ''Doe''.

N.B. Flint excavated using antlers. See part 3. Question. Male or female antlers? A sacred act?

Horn of Plenty?

Question. Plenty of what?

Side note: ''The Lizard peninsula derives its curious name from the old Cornish "Lis-ardh", meaning fortress. The Lizard Peninsula is a notorious stretch of coastline that has been the site of many disasters at sea.''


'Manolo: The Boy Who Made Shoes For Lizards'.

''The name Demelza is girl's name of Cornish origin meaning "fort on the hill". Complex and challenging modern Cornish name derived from a place name. The given name began to be used in the U.K. in the 1950s via the serialization on British TV of the Poldark novels of Winston Graham, whose heroine was named Demelza.

What time of year?

Cherry Street Inn {Groundhog Day}. Upper room?

''The area is famous for its carved serpentine items - which range from ornaments to the pump handles in the local public house, the Lizard Inn (The Top House). The geology of Lizard can be interesting to some, with a number of planned walks available from local tourist authorities to discover more about the local rocks.'' [Wiki].

Continued: "I ask you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the Gazelles or the Doe's of the field, that you do not arouse or awaken my love, until she pleases." [Song of Songs 3:5].

Understand this subject to define {among others} that most enigmatic of biblical texts. Try ''marriage'' / ''bride'' and ''child'' as a start point.

Celtic wolf guarding 'gold'. Bird on its hind quarter. Its tail end. Son of a wolf? Teeth for a 'key'?

''The origins of Genghis Khan: At the beginning there was a blue-grey wolf, born with his destiny ordained by Heaven Above. His wife was a fallow doe. They came crossing the Tenggis. After they had settled at the source of the Onan River on Mount Burqan Qaldun, a son was born to them..." [First chapter, first paragraph of the 'Secret History of the Mongols' / Igor de Rachewiltz].


The 'Torc' that looks at the start like the horned moon - a crescent of gold. Upon completion {of a cycle?} the 'horns' come together {Full Moon?} - like a wedding ring. To be worn around the neck - the TOP OF THE SPINE {Kundalini?}. The second ''ring'' awaiting the completion of the next ''cycle'' {'Octave'?}.

Something hinted at: "Once during those last eerie, in-between moments of waiting, I thought I 'fancied' seeing a great pair of antlers move silently against the sky line and then vanish. ''So it was only a 'deer'...!" I said to myself, as if scolding a silly child....But I then saw those antlers again...''Listen to me...listen!'' it said in a low voice. 'The gateway of your soul lies in an ancient forest.' Then it was gone.'' [Page 389 of the book by Douglas Monroe. Chapter entitled 'Beyond Word and Deed'].

''Gateway'' = Boundary = E-W OR N-S or vice versa? as a means....

The New Light and The Open Entrance? {Thomas Vaughan}.

Question. What's the common factor besides the obvious. Who was the ''protector'' of Heracles - god or goddess? Any link to the ''golden torc''? i.e., one relates more to the 'sun' the other the 'moon'. Which and why? Understand {'see'} those ''dualities'' to attempt a MIND SET.

Side note: Nothing but deer antlers found in the ditch surrounding Stonehenge. That external one. The one that began it all - PRIOR to the erection {'creation'? i.e., in the metaphysical SENSE of the word} of those original ''blue stones''. That came from the 'west'. Looking from the outside in. Towards the 'east'. Similar to the ''axe heads'' -that are mostly  found on the outside of the Sarsen stone. ''Blue'' in relation to 'fire'. Sarsen in relation to 'water' i.e., a glacial  bi-product. Mountain in relation to Valley - ''Westward leading still PROCEEDING - guide us to thy perfect light.''

Try Labyrinth to enlarge. And/or '23'.

And/or: Stonehenge ''lintels'' = ''tongue and groove'' = Petrification? THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND.

From a different viewpoint {Egyptian} Cedar wood?

Recall what is REPRESENTED at the peak 'summit' of the Valley of the 'Kings'.

And/or Lintel = Mut = 'Wife' and 'Mother' of Amon {the ''only'' one?}.

Question. What does N/W represent? In the MACRO sense of the word.

Hyperborean Islands?

REFRESHER: "In the woman's meditation the Self appeared as a deer, which said to the ego: ''I am your child and your mother. They call me the 'connecting animal' because i connect people, animals, and even stones with one another if i enter them. I am your fate or the 'objective I.' When i appear, I redeem you from the meaningless hazards of life. The 'fire' burning inside me burns in the whole of nature. If a man loses it, he becomes egocentric, lonely, disorientated and weak." ['Man and his Symbols'. Mentioned elsewhere].

Question. ''If a woman loses it'' = Dionysus link?

Side step: An alternative 'point of view' - still within a 'landscape' - The 46 water birds - cast in bronze - Herons and Swans - found in the northern pits of the 1st Emperor of China {'Greatest Tomb on Earth: Secrets on Ancient China' / BBC ].

And/or the fortysix skeletons found in the {'tomb'?} complex at West Kennet Long Barrow/England.

Belonging to the ''Sons of'' Ramses.

''The huge earth barrow survives to a maximum height of 10.5 feet (3.2 metres) and tapers out from the narrower western end to a maximum width of 82 feet (25 metres) towards the eastern entrance.

At just over 328 feet (100 metres), the barrow is second only to the nearby East Kennet Barrow in length. Although it is now covered with turf it would originally have had bare chalk sides and would have stood out against the landscape. It consists of a core of sarsen stones capped with chalk rubble from the surrounding quarry ditches.

At the eastern end of the mound is an impressive structure consisting of five chambers opening off to a central passage. This is fronted by a semicircular forecourt with a façade of huge sarsen stones aligned north–south.

The main passage penetrates about 42 feet (13 metres) into the barrow, with two of the burial chambers on each side of the passageway and one chamber at the end. The side ditches to the north and south of the mound have now been almost buried by ploughing.

It is possible to enter the chamber of the barrow, and from the top of the mound there are good views of Silbury Hill, the East Kennet Barrow, the Sanctuary and Windmill Hill.'

''Line of sight''.

And/or: An upturned single vase was found on top of the infill of chalk rubble.

Attila to enlarge.

St. Helena. Feast day of August eighteen.

In a different form? ''Twentyfour'' to enlarge.

Analogy?..."46 is the number of years of the construction of the Temple {John 2:20} and also signifies the body of Christ, who appeared in this world 46x6=276 days after his conception. The numerical value of the Greek transcription of the name of Adam, which is 1+4+1+40, led medieval exegetes to the same conclusion: Fortysix was connected with the human aspect of Christ." ['Mystery of Numbers'].


23 link?

He is the king who introduced the royal title Sa-Rê (meaning “Son of Ra”) and the first to connect his cartouche name with the sun god Ra.

Fortysix is an auspicious number. In esoteric Freemasonry, a 33rd-degree master has the opportunity to advance further by taking 13 extra grades, or degrees. Therefore, a 46th-degree initiate is supposedly a master of space and time, a bodhisattva-like enlightened adept. In the King James Version of the Bible there is the curious incident of Psalm 46. When one counts 46 words down from the first word in Psalm 46, one comes to the word shake. If one counts 46 words from the bottom of Psalm 46, one comes to the word speare. This would indicate that the author, or authors, of the works of William Shakespeare, called by Victor Hugo “a cathedral of words,” are 46th-degree initiates.

Biting ones tongue?

A hint of this can also be gleaned from the fact that 3 x 46 = 138, the number of the phrase Ben Elohim, or “Son of the Gods.” It is interesting to note that Francis Bacon was chosen by King James to head the translation team for the Bible. Other interesting ramifications of the number 46 include the number of the name of Adam, the first man. It is also said that it took 46 years to build King Solomon’s Temple. Each human being has 46 chromosomes. As we said above, 46 equals the name of God, Elhi, an ancient name for the El in the Sky, the High God of Draco. It is also the number of the Levite priests who ministered to that God. If we think of what the Lallemant credence has to tell us about the process of transformation, then 46 represents a level of personal attainment. By adding the extra three images of the Hendaye chapter, the personal connection of Elhi, 46, becomes the transpersonal connection of the Living God, El Chai, 49, depicted on the tympanum of Saint Trophime in Arles, plate 49. ['The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye'].



One of the 'longest'.

Lower Case / Higher Case = lower/higher?

And/or: ''The Cippus Perusinus is a stone tablet (cippus) discovered on the hill of San Marco, near Perugia, Italy, in 1822. The tablet bears fortysix lines of incised Etruscan text. The cippus is assumed to be a text dedicating a legal contract between the Etruscan families of Velthina (from Perugia) and Afuna (from Chiusi), regarding the sharing or use of a property upon which there was a tomb belonging to the noble Velthinas. In the original text, no capitals were used.''[1][2]

The date of the inscription is considered to be 3rd or 2nd century BC. The Cippus is conserved in the National Archeological Museum of Perugia.''

Long/Short. Narrow/Wide.

Gebel el Silsila.

Side note: ''The word tumulus is Latin for 'mound' or 'small hill', which is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *teuh2- with extended zero grade *tum-, 'to bulge, swell' also found in tombtumortumescentthumbthigh, and thousand.''

Long or short. Narrow or wide?


A work in progress: ….The men sometimes 20 or 30 go without the Swell of the Surf, & lay themselves flat upon an oval piece of plan about their size and breadth, they keep their legs close on top of it, and their Arms are used to guide the plank, they wait the time of the greatest Swell that sets on Shore, & altogether push forward with their Arms to keep on its top, it sends them in with a most astonishing Velocity, & the great art is to guide the plan so as always to keep it in a proper direction on the top of the Swell, & as it alters its direct. If the Swell drives him close to the rocks before he is overtaken by its break, he is much praised……”

Mortise and tenon?

Old Clem's Night: Observed by: Christian cultures: Type: Christian: Significance: special holiday for metalworkers and blacksmiths: Observances: clementing for apples and pears; processions and effigies associated with "Old Clem"; the firing of the anvil: Date: Twentythree November:

(Cook’s Voyages, 1779; quoted by Ben Marcus in From Polynesia with Love, at )

Side note: "At some point between the early dynasties of Egypt and the middle of the Minoan era, maritime construction technique changed and improved. Mortise and tenon joints replaced the earlier sawn plank {of which the Giza pyramid boat is the best example i.e., large planks of wood fitted together to form hull shape, then sawn together with withies or ropes. Gaps between sealed with caulking}. The best example of the mortise and tenon description in antiquity is from Homers Odyssey. This account says: Odysseus shaped the planks to fit one another {adjacent} and bored mortises in them all. Then he hammered the ship together with tenons and dowels....Then finished the ship with long gunwales." [Page 109 'Scota: Egyptian Queen of the Scots' / R. Ellis].

"Behind Will, stands desire."

Continued: Hawaiians are credited for having invented surfing or he‘e nalu. The length of the surfboard, as well as the type of wood the surfboard was made of, differentiated the royalty from the commoners. Ali‘i (royalty) surfboards, called olo, were 14–sixteen feet long {'twentyfour'?}, and were made from wiliwili trees. The makaainanas' (commoners') boards, called alaia, were only 10–12 feet long, and were made from denser koa wood. Although olo were less dense, they still could weigh up to 175 pounds. If a commoner dropped in on a wave that an ali‘i wanted to ride, or rode a wave that an ali‘i was catching, those violations warranted the death penalty....

The cedar boat of Khufu.

The creation of a surfboard was also sacred. Before chopping down a tree, a surfboard maker would place a kūmū, or ritualistic fish, in a hole near the roots of the tree and pray. After the tree was cut down and hauled away, it would be roughly shaped using bone or adze. The board would then be taken to a halau, or canoe house, where coral and stone would be used to further refine the shape of the board. Burned kukui nuts, roots from the ti plant, hili (pounded bark), or banana bud stains were used to blacken the board. Kukui nut oil was then applied to give the board a smooth and shiny finish. Before its first use the finished surfboard would be dedicated. After every use, the surfboard was rubbed with coconut oil, and wrapped with tapa cloth to preserve its finish. Because of the painstaking care required to build and maintain them, surfboards became treasured possessions to ancient Hawaiians.

Delta and/or Fenland? {i.e., where land and water meet}.

With the arrival of the first missionaries in early 1800’s, belief systems of the early Hawaiian society changed, and eventually the Kapu system was abolished....

Royal or commoner?

This resulted in the dwindling numbers of surfers. In the later half of the nineteenth century, King Kalakaua, the Merry Monarch, revived many ancient practices including the hula and surfing. By 1905, a young teenager named Duke Kahanamoku and his friends frequented Waikiki Beach to ride waves. Their wooden boards, made from either balsa or redwood, were typically taller than them, approximately 14–18 feet, and were used to catch the small swells at this surf spot. These young men formed the Hui Nalu or the Club of Waves, which eventually became the famous Waikiki Beach Boys.

"Blue-lidded lady of the dawn, carrier of her fathers wisdom, let this old one rest in your arms." [Day seven: The Temple of Hathor at Denderah' from the book 'Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt'].

The Roman Goddess of Dawn. Whose brother was the sun, and sister the moon. Painted by the same artist, as that of The Shepherds of Arcadia. Boehmes first book after twelve years was called Aurora, supposedly never finished. As are a number of publications. Purposely. Question. Why? All dried up?[ Eclipse Of The Sun: An Investigation Into Sun and Moon Myths by J. McCrickard].

Henry Huntington asked George Freeth (an Irish Hawaiian) to demonstrate the sport at a Redondo Beach, California, railroad opening in 1907. Freeth was the first craftsman to cut a sixteen foot board in half to create shorter surfboards, which made maneuvering waves easier. California beaches became the breeding ground for innovative surfboard designs and techniques.

Side note: "While he pondered thus in mind and heart, Poseidon, the earth-shaker, made to rise up a great wave, dread and grievous, arching over from above, and drove it upon him. And as when a strong wind tosses a heap of straw that is dry, and some it scatters here, some there, even so the wave scattered the long timbers of the raft. But Odysseus bestrode one plank, as though he were riding a horse, and stripped off the garments which beautiful Calypso had given him. Then straightway he stretched the veil beneath his breast, and flung himself headlong into the sea with hands outstretched, ready to swim. And the lord, the earth-shaker, saw him, and he shook his head, and thus he spoke to his own heart : “So now, after thou hast suffered many ills, go wandering over the deep, till thou comest among the folk fostered of Zeus. Yet even so, methinks, thou shalt not make any mock at thy suffering.”

So saying, he lashed his fair-maned horses, and came to Aegae, where is his glorious palace.

Fire AND water. Spirit and Soul. Which and why?

Goddess of Dawn. Gateway to the light.

But Athene, daughter of Zeus, took other counsel. She stayed the paths of the other winds, and bade them all cease and be lulled to rest; but she roused the swift North Wind, and broke the waves before him, to the end that Zeus-born Odysseus might come among the Phaeacians, {Phoenician?} lovers of the oar, escaping from death and the fates. Then for two nights and two days he was driven about over the swollen waves, and full often his heart forboded destruction. But when fair-tressed Dawn brought to its birth the third day, then the wind ceased and there was a windless calm, and he caught sight of the shore close at hand, casting a quick glance forward, as he was raised up by a great wave...

—then the knees of Odysseus were loosened and his heart melted, and deeply moved he spoke to his own mighty spirit : “ Ah me, when Zeus has at length granted me to see the land beyond my hopes, and lo, I have prevailed to cleave my way and to cross this gulf, nowhere doth there appear a way to come forth from the grey sea. For.without are sharp crags, and around them the wave roars foaming, and the rock runs up sheer, and the water is deep close in shore, so that in no wise is it possible to plant both feet firmly and escape ruin. Haply were I to seek to land, a great wave may seize me and dash me against the jagged rock, and so shall my striving be in vain....There would his skin have been stripped off and his bones broken, had not the goddess, flashing-eyed Athene, put a thought in his mind. On he rushed and seized the rock with both hands, and clung to it, groaning, until the great wave went by...."

'Place of Rowing'.

Etruscan 'noble' woman.

Continued: Perugia (/pəˈrə/,[3][4] US also /-iə, pˈ-/,[5] Italian: [peˈruːdʒa] LatinPerusia) is the capital city of Umbria in central Italy, crossed by the River Tiber. The city is located about 164 km (102 mi) north of Rome and 148 km (92 mi) southeast of Florence. It covers a high hilltop and part of the valleys around the area. The history of Perugia goes back to the Etruscan period; Perugia was one of the main Etruscan cities. The city is also known as a university town, with the University of Perugia founded in 1308, the University for Foreigners, and some smaller colleges such as the Academy of Fine Arts "Pietro Vannucci" (ItalianAccademia di Belle Arti "Pietro Vannucci") public athenaeum founded in 1573, the Perugia University Institute of Linguistic Mediation for translators and interpreters, the Music Conservatory of Perugia, founded in 1788, and other institutes. Perugia is also a well-known cultural and artistic centre of Italy. The city hosts multiple annual festivals and events, e.g., former Eurochocolate Festival (October), now in Bastia Umbra, the Umbria Jazz Festival (July), and the International Journalism Festival (in April), and is associated with multiple notable people in the arts.


Painter Pietro Vannucci, nicknamed Perugino, was a native of Città della Pieve, near Perugia. He decorated the local Sala del Cambio with a series of frescoes; eight of his pictures can also be seen in the National Gallery of Umbria.[6] Perugino was the teacher of Raphael,[7] the great Renaissance artist who produced five paintings in Perugia (today no longer in the city)[8] and one fresco.[9] Another painter, Pinturicchio, lived in Perugia. Galeazzo Alessi is the most famous architect from Perugia. The city's symbol is the griffin, which can be seen in the form of plaques and statues on buildings around the city. It is also the symbol of the local football club A.C. Perugia, who have previously played in the Serie A.

Flag of Umbria. Middle bulge? Leg of a chair? 'Swell/ swollen' to enlarge.

In 216 and 205 BC, it assisted Rome in the Second Punic War, but afterwards it is not mentioned until 41–40 BC, when Lucius Antonius took refuge there, and was defeated by Octavian after a long siege, and its senators sent to their deaths. A number of lead bullets used by slingers have been found in and around the city.[15] The city was burnt, we are told, with the exception of the temples of Vulcan and Juno

Side note: The griffingriffon, or gryphon (Ancient GreekγρύψromanizedgrýpsClassical Latingrȳps or grȳpus;[1] Late and Medieval Latin:[2] gryphesgrypho etc.; Old Frenchgriffon) is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion, and the head and wings of an eagle with its talons on the front legs....The derivation of this word remains uncertain. It could be related to the Greek word γρυπός (grypos), meaning 'curved', or 'hooked'. Greek γρύφ (gryph) from γρύφ 'hook-nosed' is suggested.[5]

It could also have been an Anatolian loan word derived from a Semitic language; compare the Hebrew word for cherub...

Griffins were mythical creatures with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. They probably originated in Near Eastern art and mythology, though they arrived in Greece at a very early period. According to the Greeks, the Griffins lived at the very edge of the world, where they hoarded gold and battled the legendary race of the one-eyed Arimaspians.

Umbria (/ˈʌmbriə/ UM-bree-ə, Italian: [ˈumbrja]) is a region of central Italy. It includes Lake Trasimeno and Marmore Falls, and is crossed by the Tiber. It is the only landlocked region on the Apennine Peninsula. The regional capital is Perugia.

light oxen.

Continued: One of the most important festivals in Umbria is "the festival of the Ceri (Candles)", also known as Saint Ubaldo Day in Gubbio. The race has been held every year since 1160, on the 15th day of May. The festival is focused around a race consisting of three teams of cerioli, carrying large symbolic "candles" topped by saints, including St. Ubald (the patron saint of Gubbio), S. Giorgio (St. George), and S. Antonio (Anthony the Great), and run through throngs of cheering supporters. The cerioli are clad in the distinctive colors of yellow, blue or black, according to the saint they support, with white trousers and red belts and neckbands. They travel up much of the mountain from the main square in front of the Palazzo dei Consoli to the basilica of St. Ubaldo, each team carrying a statue of their saint mounted on a wooden octagonal prism, similar to an hour-glass shape 4 metres tall and weighing about 280 kg (617 lb).

The race has strong devotional, civic, and historical overtones and is one of the best-known folklore manifestations in Italy, and therefore the Ceri were chosen as the heraldic emblem on the coat of arms of Umbria as a modern administrative region.[citation needed]

Umbria is not only known for its historical recollections such as the festival of the Ceri, Calendimaggio in Assisi and the giostra della Quintana in Foligno, but also for one of the biggest jazz music festivals called Umbria JazzUmbria Jazz was born as a festival in 1973 and since 2003 has been held in the Umbrian capital "Perugia" in July; it has become the fixed appointment of all jazz and good music lovers. Another important festival is the Festival dei Due Mondi (Festival of the Two Worlds), an annual summer music and opera festival which is held each June to early July in Spoleto.[citation needed]


Eight strands each. Sixtyfour in total. Question. Were those writers members of any Mind-set club?

Side note: ''I was intrigued by Tartessos. Its first mentioned in ancient accounts from Greece and the Near East, and it sounds almost mythical: a rich  civilisation near the western edge of the known world, ruled over by an incredibly old king {i.e., '120' years}, where the rivers ran rich with tin and silver, and dangerous weasels or ferrets roamed the countryside. These Tartessian weasels clearly made an impression on the classical writers, being mentioned several times. Aelian, writing sometime around the 3rd century BC, records the death of Aristides of Locris from the lethal bite of the Tartessian ferret. On his deathbed he supposedly bemoaned the fact that it was a lowly beast that had fatally wounded him rather than a more formidable one such as a lion or leopard....The wealth of  Tartessos was legendary, and flowed from its metal resources....Ephorus, in the 4th century wrote: a famous city called Tartessos, carried much tin by river as well as gold and copper from the Celtic lands." [Pages 237/8 'The Celts' / A. Roberts].

Sutton Hoo purse clasp: Wolfs / eagles and ducks.

Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis, or the fingered citron, is an unusually-shaped citron variety whose fruit is segmented into finger-like sections, resembling those seen on representations of the Buddha. It is called Buddha's hand in many languages including English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and French.

A WORK IN PROGRESS: The First Matter of the Alchemists is a synthesis or Quintessence of the four elements or qualities of dryness and moisture, heat and cold. Nothing can be done to perfect the Stone until this interior subtle or design body is first known and then subjected to a decomposing process so that its crystallization and inflexibility is brought to naught. The colours to be passed through refer to the fact that in all occult systems a different colour is attributed to each specific item of the magical alphabet. Usually for the elements we have black, russet, or dark green for earth, blue for water, yellow for air, red for fire. But in the alchemical working another, possibly a simpler, attribution is employed. The sequence runs - first black to represent the decomposition or putrefaction of the Stone as first it is found. Then white - its first purified and refined state. This is followed by greenness which expresses immaturity and the possibility of complete spiritual growth, as witnessed by the colour displayed by Nature in Spring; the colour of expectancy and hope. Red succeeds this, red for maturity, full growth, and ripeness; whilst citrine or yellow, the colour of gold and of value and worth, is the final and desired resultant.

AND/OR: That some investigators have confounded the high art with metallurgical operations seems not very difficult to understand. The first verse of the seventh section would assuredly give some degree of authority and confirmation to their efforts. Yet the key is there. The terms need but simple translation. The seven bodies or metals are referable to the seven astrological planets and these again to the constituents of man’s own nature.

Metal of the mind.

Barbados is an island country in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies, in the Caribbean region of North America, and is the most easterly of the Caribbean islands. It lies on the boundary of the South American and the Caribbean Plates. Its capital and largest city is Bridgetown.

Saturn - lead - libido; synthetic symbol of (crude) unformulated spiritual nature.

Jupiter - tin - consciousness; memory in particular.

Mars - iron - will.

Venus - copper - Emotion, passion and feeling.

Mercury - Quicksilver - nervous force, prana, vital magnetism.

Luna - silver - the astral; the quick ever-changing substance which is the vehicle of consciousness,

plastic to every passing thought.

Sol - gold - Soul; the redeemed and regenerated ego.

When purified by art, and illuminated by the processes of Alchemy, indeed consciousness may transmute all the other metals, or principles, in man. Transforming them, it enables them to perform their perfect and proper function in the psychic economy without hindrance, and without interference from any other-uniting them all into a single whole. ['The Philosophers Stone' / I. Regardie].

James the Just. Thumbs?

Aristides (/ˌærɪˈstdz/ ARR-ih-STY-deezGreekἈριστείδηςtranslit. AristeídēsAttic Greek: [aristěːdɛːs]; 530–468 BC) was an ancient Athenian statesman. Nicknamed "the Just" (δίκαιος, díkaios), he flourished at the beginning of Athens' Classical period and is remembered for his generalship in the Persian War. The ancient historian Herodotus cited him as "the best and most honourable man in Athens",[1] and he received similarly reverent treatment in Plato's Socratic dialogues.

Flat top? Question. Who first witnessed the 'resurrection'?

Side note: "The history of Israel is the history of a "chosen people", whose mission it was to prepare an event of human significance. AFTER that event took place, however - that is, after the Mystery of Golgotha - there seems to be no further reason for the existence of a chosen people. We might think that, since the Mystery of Golgotha, the whole of humanity had become such a people. This IDEA, however, contradicts the apocalyptic picture of the future, which shows a final choosing of the twelve tribes of Israel, after humanity has gone through all the tests of earthly destiny. "Twelve times twelve thousand" in the Apocalypse represents the last phase of Earths evolution in its transition to the Jupiter stage." [Page 8 'Christ and Sophia: Anthroposophic Meditations on the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocalypse' / Valentine Tomberg].


Jupiter = Tin.

Refresher: ''The word tumulus is Latin for 'mound' or 'small hill', which is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *teuh2- with extended zero grade *tum-, 'to bulge, swell' also found in tombtumortumescentthumbthigh, and thousand.''

Something 'carried' by 'air'?

Small hill? East or west?

A working example: The Egyptian organized their time to fit their festivals as the Egyptian calendar was divided into 12 months of exactly 30 days and the entire year was split into three seasons, the first season was Akhet the season of flooding, the second was Peret the season of growth and the third was Shemu the season of harvesting plus they added five extra days to celebrate a different deity of each day with their own special festival. The ancient Egyptian festivals would involve a procession of a god by boat or land across a specific route such as the route found at Karnak temple...At the beginning of each year, they would hold a festival and also at the end to emphasize the philosophy of the eternal, cyclical nature of life. Egypt contained countless festivals across the year such as : The God's Birthday Parties (the Epagomenae): This festival celebrated the superadded days at the end of the year. Those five days brought the calendar to 365 days and in each day a specific god is celebrated. According to the myth of creation, The goddess of the sky Nut daughter of Ra got pregnant by her brother Geb the earth god which angered him and declared she will not give birth on any day of the year, which made the God of Knowledge play a game of Senet with Khonsu and win five day's worth of moonlight which nut gave birth in. The first day was the birth of Osiris, the Lord of the Duat (the Egyptian underworld), The second day was the birth of Horus, a very prominent falcon-headed deity associated with kingship and the sky, The third day celebrated Seth, a god associated with chaos, war and the deserts of Egypt, The fourth and fifth days celebrated the goddesses Isis and Nephthys, two sisters who were associated with protective funerary rites and who brought the god Osiris back from the dead.''


Side note: ''Greece is known as Hellas in Norway and Grekland in Sweden.'' ['Tipping Point'].

''Twelve-_Lords_a_Leaping.'' {12 Days of Xmas}.

N.B. Karnac {east side} = the largest {'longest'?} temple complex in Egypt.

''Opet festival took place in Akhet during the second month, it is the most important festival in Egyptian history and the longest celebration in the Theban festival calendar as it stretched across 11 to 15 or even 20 days. In the festival, the king was rejuvenated by god Amun at Thebes. The festival would start by the Theban Triad (Amun, Mut, and Khonsu) would travel from the Karnak temple to the temple of Luxor. In Luxor temple, Amun-Re of Karnak would unite with Amun of Luxor and ensure the re-creation of the cosmos each year. The pharaoh was also part of this union and participated in the regeneration of this divine power....John Darnell argues that “Opet began on II Akhet fifteen under Thutmose III and lasted 11 days (Sethe 1907: 824, line 10); by the beginning of the reign of Ramesses III, the festival stretched over 24 days.''

Longest procession in Egypt.

'Longwood' to enlarge.

'Triangle'? Womb or tomb?

Bears were venerated by our ancients as being the strongest animal to roam the land.     'Saucepan'?

And/or: ''I am old Gandalf. I know i dont look it, but i am beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And i dont expect to return. In fact i mean not to.'' {Conversation between Bilbo Baggins {on the eve of his 111th birthday} with Gandalf: 'Fellowship of the Ring'}.

Side note: "The phrase out of the frying pan into the fire is used to describe the situation of moving or getting from a bad or difficult situation to a worse one, often as the result of trying to escape from the bad or difficult one. It was the subject of a 15th-century fable that eventually entered the Aesopic canon."

Continued: From a different perspective: ''Longing is like a rosy dawn. After the dawn out comes the sun. Longing is followed by the vision of god {'glass'}.....

Stretched? 'Horizon' to enlarge.

God reveals Himself to a devotee who feels drawn to Him by the combined force of these 'three' attractions: the attraction of worldly possessions for the worldly man {'gold'}......

The child's attraction for its mother {'Demeter/Persephone'}....

Address: 126 Maplewood Drive. Great neck, Long island. ['Miracle on 34th Street' / 1947].

The husbands attraction for the chaste wife {'Virgin/Beloved'}. If one feels drawn to Him by the combined force of these three attractions, then through it one can attain Him. The point is to 'love' god even as the mother loves her child, the chaste wife her husband, and the worldly man his wealth.'' [Page 83 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'. Brackets; this readers].

''Brother Sun, Sister Moon'' {Canticle of Francis of Assisi].

Refresher: ''A symbol is an energy evoking and direct agent.'' [Joseph Campbell].

''Focus'' to enlarge.

Use the minds eye to 'see' something!

All have ''sixtyfour'' aspects. Coincidence?

''Whittington's Longhouse (or Whittington's Longhouse and Almshouse) was a public toilet in Cheapside,[1] London, constructed with money given or bequeathed by Richard Whittington, Lord Mayor of London. The toilet had 128 seats: 64 for men and 64 for women. It operated from around 1 May 1421,[2] until the seventeenth century. The Longhouse, though it was not London's first public toilet, was the first public toilet in the capital with separate provision for the sexes.''


A pyramidion (plural: pyramidia) is the capstone of an Egyptian pyramid or the upper section of an obelisk.  Speakers of the Ancient Egyptian language referred to pyramidia as benbenet and associated the pyramid as a whole with the sacred benben stone. Pyramidia were usually made of limestone, sandstone, basalt or granite,  and were sometimes covered with plates of copper, gold or electrum. From the Middle Kingdom onward, they were often "inscribed with royal titles and religious symbols".

Side note: Thirtytwo plots of 4 acrea's apiece makes up the land mass of Oak Island.

32x4 =?

And/or: A semi-precious red garnet brooch and hook found on Plot Eight. ['Curse of Oak Island' / S10 EP1].

"Its a type of hook {bunk-hook} that goes on the end of a chain. It allows it to slide through the eye of the hook."

'Mastermyr Chest'.

Continued:  : ''The cricket ground in ST. John's Wood is called LORD'S. It is known as the home of cricket.'' ['Riddiculous'].

Longest 'bat'?

''Stotting (also called pronking or pronging) is a behavior of quadrupeds, particularly gazelles, in which they spring into the air, lifting all four feet off the ground simultaneously. Usually, the legs are held in a relatively stiff position. Many explanations of stotting have been proposed, though for several of them there is little evidence either for or against.''

Something extra: ''Photosynthesis is a process easy to describe in words - plants take energy from the sun, then use it to react to carbon dioxide and water  - to make sugars and a waste product - oxygen. Real easy to say. Very difficult to do.... Its comprised of 46,630 atoms, all working together in an intracate machine...Then we eat the plants or eat something thats eaten the plants, and we do the reverse reaction. We take in those sugars and breath in that waste product - oxygen....That energy {'sweet'?} maintains our allows us to live and grow.'' ['Universe' / B. Cox].

From a different perspective: The word ''machine'' used throughout in the book 'In Search of the Miraculous'.

Made from the 'fire' energy within the bowels of the earth. That same energy that can melt rock. An 'invisible' energy, yet a tangible one. Something that eventually, sets ITSELF in stone. Djed column to enlarge.

A sword called 'Needle'. Make a ''connection'' between the two. Fire/Spindle wheel to enlarge. 'See' it? Question. Urchin?

Side step: ''He began to inch his way up the face of the bank. Towards the top he had to negotiate the huge exposed roots of the yews which creaked like old hinges in the wind....Tom could see nothing at first except the smooth moss covered mound in the center. He recognised it as a long barrow, a burial mound built on the far horizon of history by Stone Age men. On top of the mound, a single massive finger of stone accused the sky.'' [Page 6 'The Serpents Circle' / P. Harpur].

Inithuatana Stone?

A working example: ''Here on the top part of Mount Sinai, i wanted to sit against this huge granite rock. We are looking out towards the East. I have my back against it - and it was this type of stone that the Lords finger wrote those commandments on the tablets that Moses took down to the people. There's such a story behind that because he did it twice {'Hand in Hand'}, and some say there is a cave nearby where he wrote them.'' [Day 'sixteen'. 'Ten Words of Freedom: Pilgrimage/Lent': Magdala  2023].

Aztec Sun Stone. Bitter or Sweet. Sad or Glad?

And/or: ''If you want eternal life - keep the commandments.'' {Matthew 19:16-24}.

Nineteen / Sixteen and Twentyfour to enlarge.

And/or: In the middle {'midst'} of the nave of a church in Sweden {Gardby} a person who had died elsewhere {'Afar'} had been brought back to be buried in the nave. Wrapped in either cow or goat skin {'embrace'}. Rope {'vegetative' link} wrapped around the head and then taken' straight down' from the middle of the forehead to the feet - which formed a cross in the middle of the forehead. A small {'little'} pointed stick found lying between the fifth and sixth rib on the left side of his chest {'heart' link}. Made from the Spindle tree which can be used for: 'knitting needles and dowels for the backs of chairs'....'' [Page 40 'World Archaeology' / Feb-March 2023].

Tongue and groove.

Vegetative: relating to or denoting reproduction or propagation achieved by asexual means, either naturally (budding, rhizomes, runners, bulbs, etc.) or artificially (grafting, layering, or taking cuttings)."vegetative spores". [Wiki]

''Straight south'' and ''Queendom''  to enlarge.

Chair of Scone: ''Symbol of Scottish Monarchy. Quarried from the Scone Sandstone Formation, found in the area around Scone Palace, near PERTH. Has had prolonged contact with a bronze or brass object.'' ['Current Archaeology' / Issue 399].

'Gap' ?

''Spindle is most striking in the autumn when its narrow, oval leaves turn reddish-orange and clusters of bright pink-and-orange berries hang from its twigs. These berries provide food for all kinds of creatures, including mice, birds and even Red Foxes, but are poisonous to us....The spindle tree is native to most of Europe and is found in all of the UK except Scotland especially in areas with chalky soils....The name 'spindle tree' refers to the fact that the wood was used to make spindles for spinning wool. The scientific name Euonymus is derived from the Greek words 'eu' and onama' which together mean 'good name' or - more broadly - ' good luck'. The orange skins of the seeds were used in the past to make a dye.

Sheep decans?

'Shepherds' to enlarge.

Side note: ''An obelisk (/ˈɒbəlɪsk/; from Ancient Greek: ὀβελίσκος obeliskos;[1][2] diminutive of ὀβελός obelos, "spit, nail, pointed pillar"[3]) is a tall, four[citation needed]-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape or pyramidion at the top. Originally constructed by Ancient Egyptians and called tekhenu, the Greeks used the Greek term obeliskos to describe them, and this word passed into Latin and ultimately English.[4] Ancient obelisks are monolithic; that is, they consist of a single stone. Most modern obelisks are made of several stones.''


What would the remedy be for such a weight ''upon one's shoulders''?

At the 'Shoulders'?

Continued: Alchemical equivalent..."The right choice is beyond the powers of the intellect, and C. R. elects upon the 'right way' by apparent accident. This is significantly by the actions of the black raven - an emblem found in alchemy as a symbol for 'dissolution'. It is a bird ever associated with both wisdom and with death. It is found in ancient Irish myth as the Morrigu, the great terrible goddess of the battlefield, who collects the souls of the slain. C. R. sees a white 'dove' and begins to feed it with his bread, whereupon the black raven appears and chases the dove, which flies off towards the south. C. R. runs after them, to find himself automatically upon 'one of the ways' and therefore unable to return for his 'bread' and belongings; by dint of a strong wind that blows from behind him {north?}. This is the 'breath' of the 'holy spirit', whose other aspect is the guiding dove." [Extract from the book by G. Knight. All emphasis, this readers]. For a 'connection'; try ''struggle''.

Question. What does the 'swan' represent?

N.B. The 'hare' and 'dove' - constellations at the 'foot' of Orion.

Lovey - Dovey?

Side note: Many animal bones found under Stonehenge: Pigs, wolfs, foxes and ravens...

Mad march hare?

And/or: ''In order for the soul to progress, one opposite must integrate or 'marry' the other....we must make the unconscious, conscious.....To acknowledge the unaknowledged self. Within the shadow, within the conflict of oppositions lies our highest good and the souls greatest hidden creative power. The shadow must be eaten by a hungry raven - to discover the healing of our own dual selves.'' [Page 89 'Dreams of Isis'].

A working example - in the abstract sense of the word: "...This silence in itself is a mighty symbol. It is the stillness of the great feminine archetype, whether in the silence of the Sephirah Binah on the Tree of Life, the great Temple of form of all the spheres; or in the great silent UNmanifest Sea of the Ain Sof beyond Kether {Ariadne?} the ultimate 'feminine principle'. In the silence a 'unicorn' approaches wearing a golden collar. It bows to the 'lion'. The lion thereupon breaks the sword in two, and casts the pieces into the waters of the fountain. The testing having been done, the way to the higher worlds is clear, and the lion {'wolf'?} no longer bars the way. The roaring lion in the path, the Dweller on the Threshold or Shadow Self, is no longer a barrier to progress. A white 'dove' now appears with an olive branch of peace and wisdom. The lion 'devours' it and is quieted, and the unicorn joyfully departs." [Extract from 'The Rose Cross and the Goddess' by G. Knight].

Hence: "...the single horn had been 'seeded' by the imaginative faculties...'' ['The Zelator']. 'See' it? ALL AS A MEANS...? Try ''horn''.

Cognitive faculty link?


Found in Petra. Nabateans main goddess. Arabic origins. Square on?  Lozenge  for ear-rings?

Example of {in the 'natural' sense of the 'word'}: "I was the shyest creature in the world, but I had a lion inside me that wouldn't stay quiet." Ingrid Bergman.

Egyptian equivalent; Sokar; the falcon god; who is depicted as an aspect of something; at the ''back of the head.'' Picture enclosed of same. Find it to understand it, rather than leave all to those first impressions. Together with...''My Eye was behind them during the aeons that they passed far away from me.'' AND/OR "It was my Eye that brought them back to me after the aeons that they stayed far away from me." [Extract from the book by L. Lamy].

The eye of Horus in relation to UNmanifested / Manifested - as a means to an understanding. 'See' it? Other examples throughout.

nhy"A {practical?} example: "Whatever the image it always symbolises the nome's function in the development of our country, which is planned on the pattern of earths becoming. Thus the nome of Hermopolis has for an emblem, the hare, which in its mode of being and living symbolises terrestrial existence. The hare is used as hieroglyph in ''to exist''. Hermopolis is the city of the 'eight' Primordials, 'founders' of primordial earth, site of earliest 'life'.." ['Her-Bak']. Try ''becoming'' and/or ''being'' as a means...?

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it from the Egyptian point of view.

'Being and Time' / Martin Heidegger.



North or South? Question. What does 'green' represent? Does the bird {'Sokar'} blend into the ''back of the head''?

Side note: "The ancient Egyptians...saw OSIRIS appear in the southern sky in the constellation of Orion, in the period immediately preceding the flood. But the flood itself was heralded by Isis...represented by the star Sirius, some time after the first reemergence of Orion from below the southern horizon...A person standing and facing south is the ''archetypal'' position by which the Egyptians orientated themselves in the ''Beloved Land'' {ta-meri}. One of the terms for ''south'' is also a term for ''face'', while the word usually used for ''north'' is related to a word that means "back of the head''. [Page 9 'Temple of the Cosmos' / J. Naydler].

Analogy: ''If once we accept this we are able to understand the full significance and efficacy of the signs which are the faces of the gods." [From within the book by C. Matthews].

'In profile' in relation to 'face on' ?

From a different perspective: The first hints of Bronze Age activity on the site (which lies on the south-east edge of the Flag Fen Basin) had emerged in the 1970s, when quarrying brought fragments of metalwork and pottery to the surface; further clues came in 1999, when local archaeologist Martin Redding spotted a series of stumps sticking out of a flooded quarry pit. Evaluations by Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) followed in 2004 and 2006, but with no immediate threat to the underlying remains they were left largely undisturbed, albeit with careful monitoring in place. The results of the monitoring and their interpretation were equivocal, and therefore an agreement was reached between Forterra and Historic England to excavate the potentially at-risk remains.

''The tongue of the Welsh dragon is the symbol of the Welsh Language Society.'' ['The Chase']. Question. Three 'planted' ONE raised? AND/OR: "He is a magnificent creature but i have noticed that he seems to be biting his tongue." ['Britain's Historic Towns: Cardiff' / S2 EP3].

Continued: Analogy {different time and place}: "Under the tongue root, a fight most dread, and another raging behind, in the head." [Excerpt from the 'Battle of the Trees'. Taken from the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

Working example: ''The Peacock considered it wrong
That he had not the nightingale’s song;
So to Juno he went,
She replied, “Be content
With thy having, & hold thy fool’s tongue!”

Conjunction to enlarge.

TIYE: The Great of Dread and the Mistress of the Lands {including the 'Foreign Lands'}.

'See' that battle in the bigger context i.e., ''....the battle described by Gwion is not a frivolous battle, or a battle physically fought, but a 'battle' fought intellectually in the heads and with the tongues of the 'learned'...." [Same book. Page 38].

''Silence'' is 'golden'.

''Forked tongue''?

Same applies to the Bhagavad Gita. Enlarged elsewhere.

Side note: Tongue/lips/teeth and heart in relation to the 'nine' aspects at Heliopolis and Memphis. [Page 31 Temples of Karnac' / R. Schwaller de Lubicz].

And/or: ''The bloody tongue of the black faced goddess Kali, Mother of Time, pressed between her teeth - as she dances upon his flesh''....AND/OR: ''Sekhmet, the bloodthirsty lioness, is the worlds destroyer who devours the enemies of Ra with her tongue of flame.'' [Page 81 'Dreams of Isis'].

The Shabaka Stone. Was being used in a Mill {when first found}: ''When the eyes see, the EARS hear and the NOSE inspires breath, they convey that to the heart.... it is the tongue that announces what the heart has thought. It {the tongue} fashioned all the 'gods', and the Ennead, and every divine word, also came into BEING through what the heart conceived and the tongue commanded...By speaking the Great Word, the bolts of heaven {'ascending'?} were unlocked, and the boat of Re, which is enlightenment {manifested}, was able to flow forth as fresh as the first ray of sunlight.'' [Page 80 'Imagining the World Into Existence']. Question. Concept of Flow?      "Gold tongues" to enlarge.

Something extra:{and/or refresher}: "What is remarkable about all this is the way that the 'mill' {which continues to serve as an allegory for cosmic processes} stubbornly keeps on resurfacing, all over the world, even where the context has been jumbled or lost....Among the Cherokees, whose name for the Milky Way {our own galaxy} is 'Where the Dog Ran'. In ancient times, according to Cherokee tradition, 'the people in the South had a corn mill', from which meal was stolen {trickster type} again and again. In due course the owners discovered the thief, a dog, who 'ran off howling to his home in the North' with the meal dropping from his mouth as he ran, and leaving behind a white trail where now we see the Milky Way, which the Cherokee call to this day - ''Where the Dog Ran''...." [Page 253 'Fingerprints of the Gods' / G. Hancock].

norrie's law

Pictish Stylized 'eyes'? Dog in 'lower half' of stylized 'bolt of lightening'? {''Bolt from the blue''?}. Question. What would 'higher' be represented with? LEAF? {therefore 'tree' symbolism} ? Oak / Apple or Thorn and why?

"In the Pagan Mysteries, beginners were known as 'mystae', meaning 'those with eyes closed', and enlightened initiates were known as 'epopteia' meaning, 'those who can see'." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

A working example..."I should like to conclude this foreword with the final sentences of my ''Gedanken uber Dionysos'' {1935}: "Did the Greeks ever have such ideas about Dionysos as Otto's or these? They had it easier. For in myth and image, in visionary experience and ritual representation, they possessed a complete expression of the essence {''archetypal''?} of Dionysos. They had no need, as we do, to look for an 'intellectual' formulation, which will always remain incomplete." [From the book by C. Kerenyi]. Link to the 'Tower of Babel' i.e.,its purpose in defining something.

Question. What is that something?

"The mentality of ancient Egypt, argues the author, helps to free us from our present intellectual impasse, while ''symbolism'' must be recognised as the intuitive means of overcoming the limitations of reason." ['Symbol and the Symbolic: Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness' / R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz].

A Pict symbol. Question. Goggle-eyed? A weaving pattern within the crescent of something? Enlarged elsewhere.

As {one} example: "The 'Z' sign {i.e., referred to as lightening flash or Serpentine sign} - is an energy pattern that cuts across the cycle of the 'four elements', suspending all turning of the Wheel of Life and Change." [From Chapter 5 - Sacred Space - 'The Way of Merlin' / R. Stewart].

Mill wheel? Therefore ''Precession'' as a means....?

In other words, a representation - if only in the ritual and/or especially dance form {'spiral?} - sense of the word - OF E/S/W/N {'horizontal'} in relation {''cuts across''} to E/S/N/W {'vertical'}. ALL in relation to that universal ''bit''. As a means...?

Can you 'see' it? If you can then you begin to understand such {concepts?} as ''Morris Dancing''. Enlarged elsewhere.

A Mind set?

"Gnosis, is a feminine Greek noun, which means ''knowledge.'' It is often used for 'personal' knowledge compared with 'intellectual' knowledge {eidein}, as with the French 'connaitre' compared with 'savoir', or the German 'kennen' rather than 'wissen'...In Latin they simply drop the Greek 'G' and ''Gno'' becomes ''No'' as in 'Nosco' meaning to ''know'' and ''Noscentia'' meaning ''knowledge'' and 'Notus' meaning ''known..." [Wiki/'Gnosis']. Recall Part 1.

'The minds eye' {'third' eye?}.

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.


Something ''cut Across''?

Analogy: "It is therefore impossible for a scholar to possess knowledge of these problems, whether it be through his own researches or through his 'masters' teaching - without communicating part of that knowledge to others. This cannot be done in clear words; it must be done sparingly by way of hints. We find in the words of some of our Sages numerous hints and notes of this kind, but mixed up with words of others and with other subjects. In treating of these mysteries, as a rule, I quote as much as contains the principle idea, and leave the rest for those who are worthy of it." [Page 211 'Guide for the Perplexed'].


A {working?} example: "Nonetheless, your courage is praiseworthy, and your sacrifice would have merit if there were not another solution besides your succession of hypotheses. But what if one could prove the possibility of a direct knowledge that reveals the reason for the existence of phenomena and gives us the keys to the laws of their genesis...Admit that it would be useless to refuse this, just as it would be useless to construct a building without first having established a permanent foundation." ['Journey into the Light']. Recall Part 1.

"Our lesson is to learn 'to be'. The freedom of being will extricate you from the oppression of doing. Herein lies the seed of knowingness that has the capacity to take you beyond all of this worlds knowledge..." [From the book 'The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself' by E. Pearl].

''Knowingness'' in relation to the meaning and purpose of such words as 'Gnosis', - by way of the Verb 'to be', i.e.,what it implies. Try ''to be''.

A working example: "....also the language of Plutarch in some passages appears to me to be deserving of more careful handling than has yet been accorded it, for a number of sentences seem to have been purposely phrased so as {'to be'} capable of conveying a double meaning." [ From the chapter 'The Mysteries of Isis and Osiris' within the book 'Thrice-Greatest Hermes: Part 1' / G. Mead].

Question. Double archway? As a representation of something? Think about it in relation to the 'double archway' on the north side of the Gt. Pyramid.

REFRESHER: Gnosis in relation to the ''cognitive faculty'' {i.e.,root of}. Question What 'number' represents it AND why?

Three titles with the same 'intent'. One from a 'known' point of view, the other 'unknown'. The third, 'becoming' known. Understand All three views, by objective reasoning..."Mount Analogue' by Rene Daumal, and 'Climbing Mount Improbable' by Richard Dawkins and 'Moving Mountains' by C. Bertschinger.

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

West. Coming from or going to?

''The best day of my life - my rebirth day, so to speak - was when I found I had no head. This is not a literally gambit, a witticism designed to arouse interest at any cost. I mean it in all seriousness. I have no head. It was when I was 33 {'thirtythree'} that I made the discovery, though it certainly came out of the blue, it did so in response to an urgent inquiry - I had for several months been absorbed in the question: What am I?....What actually happened was something absurdly simple and unspectacular: just for the moment I stopped thinking. Reason and imagination and all mental chatter died down. For once words really failed me. I forgot my name, my humanness, my thingness, ALL that could be called me or mine. Past and future dropped away. It was if I been born in that instant, brand new, mindless, innocent of all memories, there existed only the Now, that present moment that was clearly given in it. To look was enough....It took me no time at all to notice that this nothing, this hole where a head should have been was no ordinary vacancy {void?} no mere nothing. On the contrary, it was very much occupied...." [Chapter one entitled 'The True Seeing' from the book 'On Having No Head'].

hatA 'real time' example of same..."For as long as i could remember, i had been visiting another 'dimension.' When i was two, i smashed my forehead in a fall, affecting the optic nerve and necessitating an operation. Perhaps the blow to the head triggered my psychic abilities; whatever the cause, one minute i was lying in hospital, the next i found myself in a totally different place. I was in a garden full of colour.......As soon as i entered i would find myself walking down a narrow path....i kept to the path as though i had an appointment....i would pass under an arch, turn right to climb up a grassy slope......At the top i would enter a small hexagonal building with a domed roof.....From the first, i had an inner knowledge of what to do. I would go to a chair, sit down and wait. After a while, someone would enter and sit behind me. Though i never looked behind, i somehow knew that this person had a thin face, kindly eyes and long light brown hair. He had no name, and he never spoke; we simply sat in silence. What seemed like moments later, i would stand up and leave. Instantly i would find myself back in the 'real' world." [Prologue to the book, 'Mind to Mind' by B. Shine].

Question. Animus or shadow archetype?

Side note: : {as one example}: ''What is really troubling them is their own Shadow, quite literally. For the first time the subtle levels of ordinary awareness have been expanded to bring into focus the darker side of the student's own nature. It has always been there, it is just that any kind of psychic activity be it basic meditation, simple pathworking and the like {study?}, will have expanded perception just enough for it to appear around the edge of the screen of reality....This shadow can get bigger and blacker {blacksmith?}....The way to deal with it is by acknowleding its existence, as part of yourself. It may be the forgotten self, the ignored self, the repressed self, even, but it is still a real, and actually valuable part of the complex and unique being which is you...Befriend it....find ways of working in harmony....It is part of the landscape of the mind, and will be far more use if you allow it to function properly, as your conscience or Guardian Angel.'' [Page 87 'The Path Through the Labyrinth' / M. Green].

Question. Carbon/Diamond?

Question two. Why does this subject have a fascination with same. Nothing more than an understanding of dream symbolism, from its beginning to the present date? Understanding that 'universal' framework gives a deeper meaning, a plausible one.

Try ''quintessence'' its meaning to subject material.

"The lengthened shadow of a man Is history, said Emerson." [Extract from 'Selected Poems' by T. S. Eliot].

''Home Town'' of the 'Cobblers'.

A more closer to the 'mark' definition {understanding?} of same principle..."Adrian Gilbert, who was previously mentioned, has written several books on the subject of ancient knowledge and esoteric wisdom. In his book 'Signs in the Sky' he noted that the term 'serpent' was frequently used in ancient times to define a shadow cast by the sun. I couldn't help remembering that the Celtic cross in Northamptonshire shows an image of intertwined serpents on the circular head. This would make sense if the cross were used for measurements using the shadow of the sun, and a shadow was regarded in ancient times as a serpent." [From the book by K. Gest].

Question. What do you think?

''The county boundary line between Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire is the smallest in England at only nineteen inches long.'' ['The Chase'].

''Watford Gap /ˈwɒtfərd ɡæp/ is a low-lying area between two hills, close to the village of Watford, Northamptonshire, England. Engineers from Roman times onwards have found it to be an ideal route for connecting the Midlands with South East England. The A5 road, the West Coast Main Line railway, the M1 motorway and a branch of the Grand Union Canal traverse in parallel a space about 400 metres (1,300 ft) wide. It has been written and spoken of as marking the divide between Northern England and Southern England... In the era of Roman Britain, the Watling Street Roman road used the gap.''


Long or short? In movement? Left or right?

''Saints Crispin and Crispinian are the Christian patron saints of cobblers, curriers, tanners, and leather workers. They were beheaded during the reign of Diocletian; the date of their execution is given as 25 {'twentyfive'} October 285 or 286.... They earned enough by their trade to support themselves and also to aid the poor. Their success attracted the ire of Rictus Varus, governor of Belgic Gaul,[2] who had them tortured and thrown into the river with millstones around their necks. Though they survived, they were beheaded by the Emperor...The Battle of Agincourt was fought on Saint Crispin's feastday. Shakespeare's St. Crispin's Day Speech (sometimes called the "Band Of Brothers" Speech) from his play Henry V has immortalized the day. Also, for the Midsummer's Day Festival in the third act of Die Meistersinger, Wagner has the shoemakers' guild enter singing a song of praise to St. Crispin...The St Crispin Street Fair is a fair held periodically in the Market Square of Northampton, England. It is organised by Northampton Borough Council....''

'Mothers brother'?

Side note: Agincourt = the first battle to be won with the LONG bow.

Something extra: ''The 'stomach' organ is mentioned in the St. Crispin's Day speech in Henry V and Elizabeth 1's speech about the Spanish Armada.'' ['The Chase'].

''Stomach for a battle'' etc.

Question. What else does the 'Stomach' relate to?

''Niger is Latin for black.''

Addition 'information': "In the Egyptian myths, the human headed god Ptah is said to have 'created' the world from dark clay. Ptah was from the ancient mystery center of Memphis, which in the ancient tongue was called Hi-Ku-Ptah. This ancient Egyptian phrase meant 'the Home of Ptah'. The Greeks lisped this Egyptian as 'Aegyptos', and from this imperfection modern Europeans derived 'Egypt' from it. In the recesses of the great temple at Abu Simbel, one still finds an image of Ptah. During the 20 days after 10 February, and for the same period after the 10 October, the sun strikes deep into the darkness of the funerary chamber. Its solar rays gild the stone deities in the chamber. Only three are bathed in its rays - the fourth image {Ptah} is scarcely touched, leaving it in the dark 'wilderness' during those 40 days of light...It seems that according to Egyptian mythology, the world was created by a god of shadows. In western creation myths, such 'darkness' is represented with a snake. This serpent of 'paradise' was at first merely a 'cunning' serpent, but later it was called..." ['The Zelator'].

What do the biologists call that ''cunning'' aspect of the mind?

Forked tongue?

Side note: ''In tenpin bowling a ''double'' is getting two STRIKES in a row.'' ['The Chase'].

Question. ''Transcendent third'' symbolism ? {i.e,,10 days = one third of something} together with ''four'' symbolism ? {i.e.,'4' aspects of the self}. Enlarged elsewhere.

The main point being - defining this first yet last subject - gets inside those heads - Heads that understand a subject - in order to arrive at those answers - sooner or later.

Head of the corner?

For a further head scratch - try ''cunning''.


Food for thought..."Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god." [Matthew 4:4].

"In Ancient Greek, Logos had many meanings, but non of them is ''Word,'' which is based on a translation of a translation. When the Greek New Testament was translated into Latin, Logos became Verbum; and when the English King James translation was made from the Latin version, Verbum became ''Word,'' twice removed from the original text''................."Among its many [true] meanings, Logos designates the power of ''reason,'' the pattern or order of things, the principle of relationship, and an organized articulation of something.".............."Logos has the same meaning as both the Latin words 'ratio' and 'oratio'. Ratio is the principle of Reason in its many senses, yet it is also ratio in a mathematical sense, as in continued geometrical proportion. Oratio is a discourse, an articulation, a setting forth of the ''ratio,'' or nature of things. Logos, as a principle, is the natural order of things, the principle of reason, relation, and harmony, which exists both within the natural fabric of the universe and within the human mind, [represented as ''shadow'' and/ or ''anima''. See it? This readers input]. It is the faculty whereby one thing is related to another through analogy, or the power of ''proportional insight.''.........."If we are to appreciate the Prologue to the Fourth Gospel and other 'mystical' writings, all of these meanings must be 'simultaneously' held in mind." [Chapter 3, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Recall Part 1.

Try ''harmony'' - while recalling those 'three' universal {concepts?}.

"To become conscious of itself it makes itself simultaneously a subject and object." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

"The science of the I Ching, indeed, is not based on the causality principle, but on a principle {hitherto unnamed because not met with among us}, which I have tentatively called the 'synchronistic' principle. My occupation with the psychology of the unconscious processes long ago necessitated my casting around for another explanatory principle, because the causality principle seemed to me inadequate for the explanation of certain remarkable phenomena of the unconscious {Wolfgang Pauli?}. Thus I found, that there are psychic parallelisms which cannot be related to each other causally, but which must stand in another sort of CONNECTEDNESS. This connection seemed to me to lie mainly in the relative simultaneity of the events, therefore the expression 'synchronistic'..." [Page 141, The Secret of the Golden Flower / R. Wilhelm WITH a commentary by G. Jung].

Try ''simultaneous'' to see subject material in the universal sense of the 'word' - since the oral tradition BEFORE ''the written word came into common use''.

"Those who listen to the word, and follow the best [meaning] in it: those are the ones whom god has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding." [Quran 39:18; including parenthesis].

A {working?} example: "Why does it seem to me sometimes now, that i understand absolutely nothing?'' said one of those present. ''Formerly i used to think that sometimes at any rate there were some things that i understood but now...''It means you have begun to understand,'' said G. ''When you understood nothing you thought you understood everything or at any rate that you were able to understand everything. Now, when you have begun to understand, you think you do not understand. This comes about because the taste of understanding was quite unknown to you before. And now the taste of understanding seems to be a lack of understanding..." ['In Search of the Miraculous'].

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it {taste?} - in its broader context.

engravedSide note: Apply the above to define {in the broader base} - sense of the 'word' {foundation?} - the following: "A special case of the geometric reconciliation of opposites involves the Golden Ratio, or ''the section'' as the Greeks referred to it, which grows from the diagonal of the half-square. Quite a number of vases display its proportions because it offers artisans a particular powerful tool for guiding the viewers attention around a spiral of squares towards its ''eye'' - the compositions ''center of gravity'' where all diagonals cross. The architect, teacher, and writer Jay Hambidge rediscovered this geometry and called it 'dynamic symmetry'...." [Page 20 'Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Tradition' / D. Fideler].

As one example try {'see'?} ''vase'' relative to the whole {i.e., subject material}.

Then try ''static/dynamic'' as a means...?

horus eye

An objective eye?

Continued: Egyptian equivalent..."The most ancient writings in our historical period are from the ancient Egyptians. These writings are referred to as hieroglyphics...The original name given to these writings by the ancient Egyptians is 'Metu Neter', meaning ''the writing of god'' or 'Neter Metu' or ''divine speech''. These writings were inscribed in temples, coffins and papyruses and contained the teachings in reference to the spiritual nature of the human being and the ways [or paths. This readers input] - to promote an awakening or resurrection..." [Extract taken from the book by S. Ashby].

Question. 'Tasting'?


Arthur/Bear/Dragon. Coincidence? All as a means….?

"The masculine principle, or Logos, thus came to be revered in the person of the Sun god; and the godlike qualities inherent in man, his capacity to achieve and to order, to formulate, discriminate, and generalize, were venerated in a sun hero {'Arthur'?} who undertook his twelve labours and slew the dragons of ignorance and sloth, thus acquiring consciousness, a spiritual value of a different order." [Chapter 3, 'Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern' by M. Esther Harding].

Question. 'Tasting'?. Representation of, i.e.,from something unknown; that 'unknown' that can be represented with 'water',i.e.,as an example [Hebrew] - Moses = ''Drawn from water''. Question. What symbol represents that 'action' ?

"Solomon 'built' the temple. David designed the temple. But it was Moses who prepared the foundations." [From the book by K. Gest. Emphasis, this readers].


Question. ''...masculine principle...'' = Shadow or anima? or both? i.e., as the start point of a learning curve; if only in defining a subject.

'Mother of Dragons'?

Side note: "Another series of seven stars {i.e.,within the constellation Eridanus} was called in Bayer's text Beemin and Theemin. This last used by Bode and now in current use, is perhaps the Arabic Al Tau'aman and the Jews Teomim, the Twins. Grotius thought it came from the Arabic term for two medicinal roots; but Idler suggests that it is from the Hebrew Bamma'yim - In The Water - with the possibility of it being from a distorted form of Al Thalim, the Ostrich." ['Star Names and Their Meaning'].

''In the Water'' as opposed to ''Out of it''? Try Part 5 to take something further.

Any connection to those 12 stones in the sacred 'breastplate' together with what Urim and Thummim represent, i.e.,fate - positive and/or negative. One way or the other- depending on the individual.

''So lets go Aurora hunting with our positive hats on.'' [Michaela Strachan / 'Under The Xmas Sky' / BBC2 / 2018].

Metal of the mind?

Flag of Barbados.

As seen from a different perspective: " It is a common law that when two forces, male/female, positive/negative, unite, a third force is created. This could be where the concept of the religious 'Trinity' originates; the Father-Mother-Son or, in the Western religions where the feminine has been discarded, the Father-Son-Holy Spirit..." ['Truth Vibrations'].

Question. What was Moses renowned for - 'Law' or 'Grace'.

Question 2. Why?

"These things {i.e.,what the author defines as ''figurative language'', i.e.,keys/signs etc} - belong likewise to the mysteries of the Law; and although we have treated them in a general manner, they can easily be understood in all their details in accordance with the above remarks." [Page 249 'Guide for the Perplexed' / M. Maimonides].

''One of the greatest philosophical works of all time'' {back cover}. Follow the title of the book to 'see' it in its broader view BEFORE those two bigger questions are asked.

Question. A mind set?




IZAPA... Mayan equivalent? i.e.,''Izapa gains its fame through its art style...Sculptures of stelae, and also altars that look like frogs...The stelae and frog altars generally went together..." {Wiki/'Izapa']. Also situated at the base of a volcano...6th tallest mountain in Mexico...close to a river. Question. Obsidian link?

OR..."The first plane [i.e.,others define that 'first' plane as 'primordial mound'], is the only plane upon which the Initiation of the Logos is given, but it is this initiation of the Logos which marks the transmission from the involuntary to the evolutionary arc, [key] for it awakens the divine spark which has well and truly been called the 'god within' {'Son'?} and which evolves into union with the 'god without' {'Father'?}. [Chapter 21, 'The Cosmic Doctrine'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Martin Luther King. Think on it, relative to what this subject defines and represents within a ''u - turn." Understanding that universal framework defines all the above. Gives it a plausible logic.

"As David Kelley points out, the upturned frog-mouth glyph means ''to be born''..." ['Galactic Alignment']. Question. An awakening of something?

N. B. Close to 'Oak' Island = 'Frog' Island and 'Apple' Island. Coincidence? ['Curse of Oak Island'].

Try ''Apple''.

Side note: "Among early Arabs Fomalhaut {Southern Fish} was - the First Frog; and in its location on the Borgian globe is the word Thalim, the Ostrich - evidently another individual title...In Persia, known as one of the four Royal Star Guardians of heaven...portended eminence, fortune and power...The 2nd Frog was found within Cetus - The Whale - tail end of...Southern tail end of..." [ 'Star Names and Their Meaning']. Try ''map''.

Question. What would the ''Ostrich'' represent in the natural sense of the 'word'? i.e.,head in the sand / flightless / lays 'clutch 'of eggs - all in relation to it being a 'desert bird'?

Question 2. Why bother at all?


Continued: "Iris - in later times to be honoured as the goddess of the rainbow that arches across the sky - carries messages from the heights of Olympus {the heavens} to the Earth or into the sea. Homer says: 'Iris, fleet of the wind, was sent by Zeus to tell the bad news among the Trojans on earth - and did she wing her way till she came close up to the great shaker of the earth {Poseidon}.' In this messenger role she is thought to be associated with the concept of the 'dome' of the heavens and the 'arc' of the celestial sphere." ['Homer's Secret Iliad'].

A connection of something. Try ''dome'' as well as ''arc'' / ''rainbow'' - to understand something other than the obvious.

Question. ''great shaker'' = earthquake. Does this tell us anything about the end of cultures?

Top/down = 'earthquakes'. Bottom/up = 'floods'?

Patriarch {Solar related}. Matriarch {Lunar}?

Southern Hemisphere - Northern one?

The Cloud People of Peru. Began a culture way up in the clouds. Mountain tops. Semi-circular 'faces' - if only in the 'lower' sense of the word. Any flowers found?

''IRIS was the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the Olympian gods. She was often described as the handmaiden and personal messenger of Hera. Iris was a goddess of sea and sky--her father Thaumas "the wondrous" was a marine-god, and her mother Elektra "the amber" a cloud-nymph.''

Middle English maidenhed, from maiden + -hed -hood; akin to Middle English -hod -hood

Side note: ''Iris is a genus of 260 species of flowering plants with showy flowers. It takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, which is also the name for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. Some authors state that the name refers to the wide variety of flower colors found among the many species. As well as being the scientific name, iris is also widely used as a common name for all Iris species, as well as some belonging to other closely related genera. A common name for some species is 'flags', while the plants of the subgenus Scorpiris are widely known as 'junos', particularly in horticulture. It is a popular garden flower." [Wiki].

Gilly? {flower}. Game of Thrones.

And/or: ''Dome of stones'' discovered over what became known as the ''vertical shaft'' - as reported by Bobby Restall in his daily diary while on Oak Island.

Side note: "There is a great mystery to be unveiled in the seventh house: the mystery of the obvious - perhaps the greatest mystery of all mysteries!" [Page 73 'The 12 Astrological Houses'].


'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. Harding.

And/or: "Ancient symbols have great value - if only because they compel one to avoid the pitfall of ''taking things for granted''. By making things difficult, they force the mind to dig down into the roots of reality and to fathom deeply unconscious vital processes." ['The Zodiac as the Universal Matrix' / Dane Rudhyar].



Cahuachi within the bend of a river... "On the other side of the river are the Nazca Lines. They are the reason that Cahuachi was built in this location...It was considered a 'Holy City'. " Enlarged elsewhere. Recall the Holy Kings {City?} of Copan. Coincidence or a meaningful one? Question. Volcanic ground? "Ken, crystals are little more than rocks. I began to explain how crystals are actually...{continued elsewhere].

Can only be seen from the sea. The most ancient of the Nazca symbols. The beginning of something. Two 'arms' raised?

A working example: "Much has been written on the gnostic, moral and 'magical' Great Arcana, and no doubt still more will be written in the future - their themes being central and inexhaustible at one and the same time. Here it is a matter simply of considering the Great Arcanum of the marriage of intelligence and wisdom in the context of the two other Great Arcana of the tradition. For the three great arcana, are truth to tell, only three aspects on three planes of one single Great Arcanum of the marriage of opposites in the head, in the heart and in the will. In other words, it is a matter of three aspects of the sole Great Arcanum of the cross, since it is always the cross which realizes the marriage of opposites..." [Taken from 'Meditations On The Tarot' by Tomberg]. Horizontal / vertical link. Try ''polarities''.

" the head; heart; will..." = ''thinking; feeling; willing''. Anything?

''The symbol of the 'lower' will is the altar...'' {East?}.

Question. ''Will'' = Law . ''Heart'' = Grace? All as a means...? Try ''Moses''.

Analogy {i.e.,as seen from a different perspective}: "You need five lights because traditionary you always have one in the center of the altar to represent the Light of the Universe, or the spark of god at the center of your working, and one candle at each point of the compass." [ 'Magic in the Aquarian Age' / Marian Green]. Try ''spark'' Part 1.


And/or: "To sacrifice a 'lower' value to a 'higher' value is to give substance and power to the desire which has been 'sacrificed'. If this higher value is of a 'spiritual' order, the spiritual power is attracted by this desire, and givers to the sacrificer a power of domination over his lower states." ['Journey into the Light']. Representational of.


Try Part 1 to enlarge on the word ''sacrifice'' before that inner voice {first impressions?} suggest something else. Then try ''teacher''.

The hand of Sabazios. Thumb = pinecone?

A working example {i.e.,something hinted at}: "You have spoken about emotional balance without giving us the means of achieving it. Between the lower stage of our emotional impulses and the stage where the spiritual being comes into play {i.e.,'higher'}, i must confess that i don't see the steps in between...'That's a bit of an exaggeration, Thomas. I'm showing you the swamp into which you're sinking, and on the other hand the firm earth of your 'suprahuman' goals: do you expect me to take the jump for you as well?'..." ['Journey into the Light'. Includes italics]. Try ''great step'' for a further connection.

Refresher: "As David Kelley points out, the upturned frog-mouth glyph means ''to be born''..." ['Galactic Alignment']. Question. An awakening of something? Representational of.

''There's more to the swamp than meets the eye''. Marty Lagina [Curse of Oak Island].

A work in progress: {in situ example}: Ship parts recently found - together with a stone path S/E of the swamp on Oak Island. The deductive process used to evaluate all the FINDS.

Try Francis Bacon and John Dee to understand why. To evaluate a MIND SET.

Analogy of same - but now simplified..."Hermeticism knows the law of the ''marriage of opposites'' and it knows that inspiration is the marriage of activity and passivity in the soul." [Same book].

Working example: Two aspects of Oak Island 'joined' together = swamp. Creator = Francis Bacon FATHER of the scientific method i.e., by objective analysis {deductive method}. A practical, working INSITU example. 'SEE' it? It main aim and purpose. The REASON for its creation. To invoke the cognitive faculty. Get it?

Was Mr Bacon a member of any ''Mystery'' club?

Victim or initiate?

Refresher: "The Agnisuryans respond to the sound. The waters ebb and flow. Let the 'magician' guard himself from drowning, at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet {fen-land/BOGLAND?} - must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water, land and air meet there is the place for 'magic' to be wrought {'fire'?}."

And/or: Its flip side {'duality' link} 'Feminine' aspect {'soul'} in relation to: "G udea made offerings of honey and butter when the foundations were laid; when the building was finished an auspicious day was waited for, and when it came the image of the god was removed to the new temple, and Gudea sprinkled the ground with oil, and set out offerings of honey, butter, wine and dates, grain mixed with milk, food untouched by 'fire', for the gods." [ Chapter 3, 'The Sacred Bee'].

Try 'Bee/honey' to get closer to THAT mindset.

In its most basic form - one could say - An expression of [the beginnings] of a learning curve. The real question however, [if only to this reader] - is why. Why express anything? Understanding what they all imply by the 'divine bit' relative to each life form; especially the human one - gives a plausible answer.

Possible empirical analogy, ".......Put another way, when we said that the electron is 'somewhere within the wave' we really meant to say that it is simultaneously everywhere in the wave! This is how we must think because if we suppose the electron is actually located at some specific point, then the wave is no longer spread out and we lose the water wave analogy. As a result, we cannot explain the interference pattern....


Think about it in relation to that ''bit''. If only in defining a mind set.

....Again it might be worth rereading ['repetitive' link. This readers input], the above piece of reasoning because it motivates much of what follows. There is no sleight of hand: what we are saying is that we need to describe a spread-out wave, that is also a point like electron, and one possible way to achieve this is to say that the electron sweeps from source to screen following all possible paths at once. This suggests that we should interpret an electron wave ['plateau' / 'valley' link- in the micro sense]- as describing a single electron that trav els from source to screen by an infinity of different routes. In other words, the correct answer to the question 'how did that electron get to the screen' is...'it' traveled by an infinity of possible routes, some of which went through the upper slit and some through the lower one. Clearly the ''it'' that is the electron is not an ordinary everyday particle. This is what it means to be a quantum particle." [Chapter 3, ' The Quantum Universe:Everything that can Happen Does Happen'. Mentioned elsewhere].

Remember [before those first impressions take hold], a possible analogy, nothing else. Some individuals especially within that 'new age' phenomena, would latch [key] onto the above simply because of Einsteins ''spooky at a distance'' quote. This subject however once understood by research and analytical discipline justifies that ''possibility.'' Understanding what all cultures infer by the ''divine'' word in relation to that universal 'framework,' makes 'sense' [of the above] from both a 'spiritual' and empirical viewpoint. Especially when taking into account the Fine Structure Constant. Mentioned elsewhere. As a further exercise to add [or detract] from that possible 'evaluation', put ''simultaneously'' in the usual box,i.e.,what does it imply?


"By ''Spirit'' we mean the Life-Power. A glance at your dictionary will show you that ''spirit'' is derived from the Latin Spiritus, whose root meaning is breath. Closely akin to the Latin noun are the Greek 'Pneuma', the Hebrew 'Ruach' and the Sanskrit 'Prana'. Each of these nouns signifies both ''breath'' and ''life''.....Philosophers have always attributed a 'mental quality' to this principle." [P. F. Case. Vol 1]. 'See' it?

''We live in an electric universe. Our bodies are electrical machines...." [First sentence, first paragraph, first chapter from the book by Paul Foster Case]. Enlarged elsewhere.

The 'unfinished' Obelisk of {A}swan. 42 metres or 137 feet. Enlarged elsewhere.

"A new perspective is being sought in the midst of this turmoil, a new relationship with others, nature, and with the spiritual aspect of our being. There is a new sense of universal relatedness and of vistas yet untapped in the human potential. This dynamic, intuitive and holistic activity has been named ''New Age'' even though it is rooted in the rediscovery of ancient, perennial wisdom teachings." [Preface to the book - 'Wisdom of the 4th Way'].

'The Magic of Obelisks' by P. Tompkins.

'Eye of the Needle' ?

Cleopatra's ?

'Heel stone' at Stonehenge {unfinished?}.

Side note: ''What is the knowledge of the purpose of life, which gives man the strength to stand in the midst of the opposing forces of life.'' Signed Muhammad Ali -peace- 1971. ['Pawn Stars' / S14 EP11].

'Upside down' one? South or North?

"The standing pillars found in various enclosures at Gobekli-tepe are regularly between 6.5 and 10 feet in size and are thought to weigh between 5.5 and 16.5 tons apiece {five and fifteen metric tonnes}. Even more of an enigma is that sitting in a quarry a quarter of a mile away from the occupational mound is an unfinished T-shaped monolith..." [Extract from the book 'Gobekli Tepe' by A. Collins]. Try ''unfinished'' as a means...?

Recall what the 'Quarry' represents - if only in the context of this subject.

Found on Oak island. Triple spiral / thirteen branches /  Two strands entwinned throughout. Question. Reworkings from the old?

A working example: {i.e.,something hinted at}: "This certainly had its consequences in the 12th and 13th centuries, when the church and the cathedral builders, began to integrate into their work the thrilling new symbols, the esoteric reworkings of the ancient astrological quarries of astrology, which had been reintroduced to Europe by way of translations of the Arabic lore. In some cases the forms were more Arabian than they were classical." ['The Secret Zodiac'].

'Floods' / 'Quarries' - as a means...?

Hence: "I note in passing that the Book of Enoch has always been of great importance to the Freemasons. Indeed, certain Masonic rituals - in curious resonance with Islamic traditions - identify Enoch with the ancient Egyptian wisdom god Thoth...We are told that Enoch was the inventor of writing, that he taught men the art of building and that before the flood, he feared that the 'real secrets would be lost'. To prevent this he concealed the Grand Secret, engraved on a white oriental porphyry stone, in the bowels of the earth..." [Page 339. 'The Magicians of the Gods'].

''White quartz pebbles''? Try Part 3.

Most looking 'inward' except for the ''seven'' looking 'outward'. . AND/OR: ''That is to say, when we reach the point where both members of human nature enter into correspondence with one another - when head life and heart life enter into corresponence with one another....'' [Page 145 'Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery' / R. Steiner]. Spirit and Soul...which and why? MIDDLE WAY? Gebel el-Silsila?

A working example: "Traditions state that there was once a time when 'great magicians' used this stone to focus there 'mana' power - to make the Moai - the famous megalithic statues on Easter Island - 'walk from the quarry to the places where they were set up'..." ['The Magicians of the Gods'].

''He who walked with god'' ?

Question. ''The place where they were set up'' = foundations. What were they composed of?

REFRESHER:{as one example only}: "There is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of thy standing forth therein." [i.e., in relation to ''The original mosque of piety built by the Muhammad himself]..."Which then is best? - he that layeth his foundation on piety to God and his good pleasure? - or he that layeth his foundation on an undermined sand cliff ready to crumble to pieces?" [Quran 9:108/109].

Contorted impression of same. Saturn link? Retrograde WITHIN a cycle?

Side note: A working example: {i.e., from a different perspective}: ''Ghostly the shadow of a body in contorted positions''..... left behind - close to the surface - of buried individuals - on the OUTSKIRTS {i.e., outside/outward} of Sutton Hoo ''treasure mound''. DEEPER investigation {i.e., within the 'bowels of the earth'} reveal a 'ship' and 'iron' Anglo-Saxon helmet - made of solid iron - with eye brows of garnets one side light the other dark. A bird symbol {with 'teeth'} down the face of the mask/helmet - moving UPWARDS - the tail end of which acting as 'hair' above the top lip. Wings that define the eyebrows - the head of same ending BETWEEN the EYEBROWS.  S/E England. ['Mystic Britain: The Sand Bodies of Sutton Hoo' / Clive Anderson].

A ''meeting'' in the middle?

And/or: ''Sopdu or soped was a god in Egypt of the Eastern nome...Situated in the N/E Delta. Eventually assimilated with Horus and depictred as a crouching falcon with a feather protruding from his back. Worshiped also at the turquoise mines in Serabit el-Khadim. He is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts where he is associated with sharp teeth for some reason. Eventually associated with the frontier {'boundary'?} and was called Lord of the East.'' [Page 60 'Ancient Egypt' / January/February 2023].

Inner/ a means...? ''Eyebrows are a reference to the god Woden. Blind in one eye - from which one of the seven days of the week comes from - Wednesday.'' Same program. 'Middle' and 'three and a half' link? Try Menkaure to enlarge.

Try Menkaure to enlarge.

N.B. Vulture goddess of Egypt = Mut. 'Wife' of Amun. With teeth?

'Head of the serpent'? ''Headless'' to enlarge.

Question. What constellation sign REPRESENTS the ''bowels''?

And/or: Many bodies found with ''heads buried at their feet''. The narrator Clive Anderson and Co. speculate as to why....''It all happened when Christianity was sweeping the country''.

Define a mind set to get into those heads.


How would Saturn fit into that MIND SET?

"Gandalf! - Its Thorin.'....'YES and Fili , Kili and Dwalin. He's taking his best warriors . To cut off the head of the snake.'' {Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf - 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies'].

N.B. Orcs 'riding' Wolves. Dwarfs riding Rams{Goats?}.

"The phrase "cut the head off the snake" is a metaphorical expression that means to eliminate the source of a problem or to remove a leader or key person in order to weaken or destroy an organization or group. The head of a snake is where it has its fangs, which are used to inject venom into its victim." Horemheb?

And/or: "In one swift, fluid motion Neville broke free of the Body-Bind Curse upon him; the flaming Hat fell off him and he drew from its depths something silver, with a glittering, rubied handle –
The slash of the silver blade could not be heard over the roar of the oncoming crowd, or the sounds of the clashing giants, or of the stampeding centaurs, and yet it seemed to draw every eye. With a single stroke, Neville sliced off the great snake’s head, which spun high into the air, gleaming in the light flooding from the Entrance Hall, and Voldemort’s mouth was open in a scream of fury that nobody could hear, and the snake’s body thudded to the ground at his feet."
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

"Both Harry and Lord Voldemort regain consciousness in the Forbidden Forest. Harry pretends to be dead. Narcissa Malfoy is ordered to check on Harry. She sees that he is alive, but quietly asks him if Draco is alive. Harry tells her that her son is indeed alive, and she tells Voldemort that Harry is dead. Hagrid is forced to carry Harry’s body up to the castle, where Voldemort displays him to the defenders of the castle in an attempt to break their will to resist. Neville Longbottom confronts Voldemort, and refuses to join him. Voldemort hits him with a Body-Binding jinx and puts the Sorting Hat on his head. Voldemort declares there will be no more Sorting at Hogwarts and set the Hat on fire. Neville pulls Gryffindor’s sword out of the Hat and kills Nagini when Voldemort is distracted by the arrival of the centaurs. The battle resumes, and Voldemort is finally defeated by Harry."

In Zosimos this circular thinking appears in the sacrificial priests identity with his 'victim': He spews forth his own flesh and rends himself with his own teeth. The homunculus therefore stands for the uroboros, which devours itself and gives birth to itself.'' [Page 84 'Alchemical Studies' C. G. Jung].

A working example: ''The master of the house said to me: 'You have stretched your neck upward and attempted to see what is done. The brazen man is the priest who sacrifices and is sacrificed and spews forth his own flesh. Power is given to him and this water and over the people who are punished'. At last i was overcome with the desire to mount the seven steps and to see the seven punishments, and, as was suitable, in a single day; so i went back in order to complete the ascent. Passing it several times i at length came upon the path. But as i was about to ascend i lost my way again....discouraged i fell asleep....saw a barber in a robe of royal purple who stood outside the place of punishments. I followed him to the place ....He entered and was consumed by fire....I understood this to be the barber as the brazen man....Further on he meets ''an old man whitened by years,'' {Agathodaimon the leaden man}, who asks: ''Why are you stretched out''....who later on ''changes'' from lead to silver to gold. And/or ''Meridian of the Cinnabar'' in relation to the ''fourth step'' and ''from the east a person with a sword and a person behind ''clad in white and comely to see who was named Meridian of the Sun.'' All of which ''concerns the liquids in the art of the metals... a procedure called embalming'' [Page 61-64 ''Alchemical Studies'].

'Purple Rain' - Prince.


'Topknot' made from volcanic rock {scoria}- from the top of a quarried 'mountain'. Question. Beginner or Adept? - while recalling that scoria {sinks?} in water - and contains 'glassy fragments'. Try ''knot'' . All as a means...?


As ONE example: "The term porphyry is from Ancient Greek and means "purple". Purple was the color of royalty, and the "imperial porphyry" was a deep purple igneous rock with large crystals of plagioclase. Some authors claimed the rock was the hardest known in antiquity. "Imperial" grade porphyry was thus prized for monuments and building projects in Imperial Rome and later....Subsequently, the name was given to any igneous rocks with large crystals. The adjective porphyritic now refers to a certain texture of igneous rock regardless of its chemical and mineralogical composition. Its chief characteristic is a large difference in size between the tiny matrix crystals and the much larger phenocrysts. Porphyries may be aphanites or phanerites, that is, the groundmass may have invisibly small crystals as in basalt, or crystals easily distinguishable with the eye {'naked'?}, as in granite. Most types of igneous rocks display some degree of porphyritic texture." ['Wiki'].

''Igneous rock is also a rare term used to mean fiery.'' ['The Chase'].



A working example: "In a pit to the "immediate east" of the 1st Dynasty Emperor's burial mound is found on the floor of the pit hundreds of loose "stone squares": 'Stone was very rarely used as a material in ancient China - yet here are found an enormous amount of stone artefacts'. They are pieced together to form body armour {and helmet}. More than 600 pieces to each set that are fastened together with bronze wires. Covers the torso and 'lower' regions {i.e., below the belt}, and shoulder blades. A  'T' shape form. Only a tenth of an inch thick. Would shatter under a hard blow. A real suit would be made of leather.

So the question is asked as to why is it made of stone?: "We believe that just as the leather suit is for practical purposes, the stone one is for protection in the afterlife." ['Blowing Up History: Terracotta Army' / S2 EP8].

Refresher: The Sphinx is to 'fire' as the Sibyl is to the soul."

"East is a beginning, west its ending."

Something 'set in stone'.

Cyprus to enlarge.

Hoe/Axe money. Aztec currency. Same form on the exterior of the Sarsen Stones.

And/or: Obsidian glass found on Easter Island in quantities. At the OPPOSITE end of the island to the volcanic cliffs that the statues are 'created' from. Many in AXE HEAD shapes - found UNDER the FOUNDATION STONES.

Crystallise/UNcrystallize as a means....?

A labyrinth of questions to be answered internally?

Refresher: "A pedestal (from French piédestal, Italian piedistallo 'foot of a stall') or plinth is a support at the bottom of a statuevasecolumn, or certain altars. Smaller pedestals, especially if round in shape, may be called socles. In civil engineering, it is also called basement. The minimum height of the plinth is usually kept as 45 cm (for buildings)[citation needed].

Inward or Outward?

It transmits loads from superstructure to the substructure and acts as the retaining wall for the filling inside the plinth or raised floor.

In sculpting, the terms base, plinth, and pedestal are defined according to their subtle differences. A base is defined as a large mass that supports the sculpture from below. A plinth is defined as a flat and planar support which separates the sculpture from the environment. A pedestal, on the other hand, is defined as a shaft-like form that raises the sculpture and separates it from the base.[1]

An elevated pedestal or plinth that bears a statue, and which is raised from the substructure supporting it (typically roofs or corniches), is sometimes called an acropodium. The term is from Greek ἄκρος ákros 'topmost' and πούς poús (root ποδ- pod-) 'foot'."



Something extra: ''I realise that i have been obsessed with removing the dross and scoria that can in fact only be washed away up to a point - beyond which there must always remain a residue of impurity. It is the glory of the Work that its dross also can be raised up. The Albedo can not only succeed in spite of the remaining stain, but because of it. It is the nature of Sol, may he rise never so high, always to bear with him a reminder of the sulphurous darkness where he died and decayed. Only in the final accounting, perhaps when the body is 'exalted' and made volatile can the last dark vestige of fleshliness be wiped out and the corporeal spirit descend into its spiritual body.'' [Page 323 'Mercurius'].

Analogy: "In the early solar zodiac of China, Libra is the crocodile or Dragon, its national emblem. The Persian sphere shows a human figure lifting the Scales in one hand and grasping a lamb with the other, this being the usual form of a weight for a balance in the early East. It would be impossible to find a better presentation or picturization of the immortal story of, the Plan For Man. Aries the lamb, and Libra the Scales are polar opposites. If the lamb is not slain, equilibrium results." [Page 203/4 'The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation' / G. W. Carey + I. E. Perry].

Brooch {Odysseus}  to enlarge.

Long or short?


And/or: ''So when we try to elucidate the riddles of the Vita longa we are following the traces of a psycholgical process that is the vital secret of all seekers of the truth....In the very darkness of nature a light is hidden, a little spark {'lightening'?}, without which the darkness would not be darkness....It illuminates its own darkness {'shadow'?}.'' HENCE: ''This 'light' the darkness comprehends. Therefore it turns blackness into brightness {'Tropic of Cancer'?}, burns away 'all superfluities' and leaves behind nothing but ''dross and scoria and the rejected earth.'' [Page 160/1 'Alchemical Studies' / C. G. Jung].

''Scoria is a pyroclastic, highly vesicular, dark-colored volcanic rock that was ejected from a volcano as a molten blob {'glass'} and cooled in the air to form discrete grains or clasts. It is typically dark in color (generally dark brown, black or purplish-red), and basaltic or andesitic in composition.''



Sutton Hoo helmet. Semi-circular face flap. 'Square' one at the back. ''Three and four''? Try ''cloud people'' to enlarge. AND/OR Moses who saw the ''back of god''. Shadow or light as a means....?

Sweat of the brow? Wide?

Side note: Alice Roberts {'Britain's Biggest Dig' / 2020} finds ''extremely strange'' artefacts buried with 'owners'. A 'brick' inside a skull is a common find {'philosopher's stone'?}. A marmalade {'glass' and 'sweet' link?} jar another. A wine goblet - without the base - is also found in the course of the digs. Symbolic intent only?

Question. Would a brick sink or float? That link to what a 'wine glass' could represent. Did any of those individuals belong to a ''mystery club''? Same one? Understand subject material to gain a possible insight.

"...One way is, as we have tried to indicate in this book, by the equilibration of the elements within, and the cultivation of the civilizing influence of the Eternal Feminine Principle at its many levels, from heights of heaven to depths of earth, with the mediation of human love between." [Extract from the book by G. Knight]. Mountains and valleys? Valley of the kings?

Lovey - 'Dove'y?

Westward LEADING still proceeding - guide us to thy....?

Sargent Bill. 'Hero' of the 1st World War. Question. Mountain or valley. Or put another way Sheep or Goats as a means....?

Manger link? {i.e., a menagerie of animals}. Therefore planets/Zodiac link?

Question. Domesticated or Wild?


''Mediation'' by way of 'morals' - represented {two examples} with ''99 names of Allah'' and/or the word ''grace'' - which leads to a balance within. All with A-C in mind. On a day to day basis. Representation of.

Fact or fiction. A possibility or not?

N.B. Unfinished monolith also found {apart} on the Orkney Islands. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Chapter 'thirteen' significant, within the book as a whole, as it is within the subject as a whole. Using the Indian 'religion' as that first base on which to build his 'information' on? - with the reader in mind, [J. Black book]. Recall what that start point is. Mentioned elsewhere.

Other authors do the same, using the 'numbers' of each chapter, and the information within each, to accord, with number symbolism. Try and spot some, i.e.,Enoch in relation to the number 'seven' as mentioned in chapter seven of the 'Secret History of the World' by J. Black. Together with....

A replica of the one found at Sutton Hoo. Question. Where is it found in the night sky. What constellation is it associated with? Has it been around since the beginning of the 'creation' of the constellations?

".....On another count, Apollo was associated with the number seven. Hence the reason he was known as 'Seven leading,' and/or ''Seven born.'' He was born on the seventh day of the Greek month Bysios, the day on which his festivals were held. His Lyre has seven strings, each one associated with the seven planets as well as the Pythagorean ''music of the spheres'' and the seven vowels of the Greek alphabet. The same number also relates to Apollo's omphalos at Delphi, in relation to the seven directions......" [Chapter 4, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God......' Mentioned elsewhere]. Question. Why. What does it all represent?

From a different perspective, with something extra: "The number seven, or septenary, is the sacred number of all theogonies and all symbols, because it is composed of the triad and tetrad....Seven can be thought of as a combination of the triangle and cross - the alchemical symbol of Sulphur - the symbol of Self-Consciousness." Enlarged elsewhere.

''Three and four''?

A working example: ''Characteristically, Dorn overlooked the fact that the fourth is in this case the microcosmic mortal man, who complements the upper triad.'' [Page 166 'Alchemical Studies' / C. G. Jung].

"Nature is a net of correspondence to be deciphered and integrated into a holistic {whole?} worldview." [extract from the book 'The Magister'. Parenthesis, this readers].

N.B. The root of the word ''holy'' = whole: i.e.,a reunion of the ''whole?'' By way of ''correspondences?''

As an example...Hera in relation to 'hero' {wikipedia/hera} and/or Leto in relation to the Pole Star. 'Queen' relative to 'mistress' - top/down in relation to bottom/up - ALL as a means to an understanding something other than the obvious...

Goddess of ''pure water''. In Greek Hippo means 'horse'. Seven or 'eight' spots?

"Indeed the proper balance is clearly shown in the fact that Apollo is the twin brother of the moon goddess Artemis. They were both children of Leto, the ever mild and gracious granddaughter of Ouranos and Gaia, whose father had been the Titan Koios, whose name, Kerenyi records, means the sphere of the heavens, and who was also called Polos, referring to the celestial polar axis. Leto's mother was Phoibe, the goddess of the moon, whose name meant 'purifying one'. It is from her that Apollo was later sometimes to be called Phoebus Apollo." [Extract from the book by G. Knight].

Sun/moon. Solar/Lunar - as expressions of something - the understanding of which = a result {balance?}.

"In many traditions pertaining to magic, { understand what the word truly means, before those first impressions take hold. Try Part 4}... and/or the subtle energies of the human entity, seven power centers are taught {'kundalini' link. Explained elsewhere}, or 'activated' within the student. According to the standard theory of correspondences, these are microcosmically attuned {metaphorically speaking or should that be metaphysically speaking?} - to the energies of the Seven Planets. The Underworld or Hidden Tradition teaches a variant of the above which suggests that the Seven Planets are, in fact, reflections of seven primal archetypes..." [Part 2, of the book by R. Stewart. Emphasis, this readers]. And/or 'principles' - this readers input.

As part of that ''true poetry''

From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that this remains the language of TRUE poetry..." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

'Guide for the Perplexed' / Moses Maimonides. [Chapter 31 'On the Study of Metaphysics'].

A {working?} example: "During the first and subsequent talks on centers G. added something new at almost every talk. As i said at the beginning he spoke first of three centers, then four, then of five, and afterwards of seven centers...He said that centers were divided into positive and negative parts..." ['In Search of the Miraculous']. Try ''centers'' - ALL as a means...?

A {practical?} example {the very first one?}: "Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, is visible to the naked eye at dawn or dusk for less than two hours , for only short periods during the year. As bright as a first magnitude star, the planet never rises far above the horizon and is easily obscured by low cloud or mist, making it difficult to find. Copernicus is reputed never to have seen it from his observatory in Frauenburg in Poland {hint, hint?}. Phoebus Apollo has been associated with light, and as Mercury in the morning skies {'evening' one represented with Hermes} he heralds dawn and the rising sun. Later mythology associates Apollo with the sun, but in Homer the god has, for a number of reasons, been linked to the planet Mercury when it is seen before the sun rises. In Book 10, during the night raid on the Trojan lines Apollo wakens the Thracian Hippocoon shortly before dawn, the time when Mercury can be seen. Apollo is another supporter of the Trojans and their allies, and as Mercury he champions them as the planet travels through the zodiac. With Mercury above Orion, perhaps in Taurus, Apollo is said by Homer to be aiding Hector in his clashes with..." ['Homer Secret Iliad'].

Follow the title of the book to see it in its broader context.

Question. Nothing more than a figment of the imagination?


Celtic {design?} symbol. From the Book of Kells. N.B. In the book 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' between pages 136 - 137 is a similar picture of three 'dogs' in a circular movement. With one exception. One has a collar : "I have made a choice of ten pictures from a variety of European mandalas...To illustrate the parallelism between Eastern philosophy and the unconscious mental processes in the West." [Jung]. Try ''collar''. AND/OR ''The ego {personal identity} is at the center of consciousness''.

Dyer to enlarge.

"The chariot or car might be considered indeed a moving equivalent of the 'Throne of God'. It is drawn by a {unimaginable? i.e.,figuratively speaking} beast, described as a red and white griffin with golden wings arching so high that their extremities cannot be seen. As for the carriage, around one of its wheels, three maidens are dancing an intricate measure. One in red, as fire, one green as an emerald, and one white as new fallen snow. About the other wheel are four maidens clad in royal purple, their leader possessing a 'third' eye. Although common thought regards these figures as an allegory of the three Virtues and four Cardinal Virtues, there is a much deeper esoteric meaning. They represent the feminine expression of the seven rays which are the inner dynamics of the universe, which in the heavens are associated with the Pleiades. Following the {car?} and the seven dancing maidens are seven aged men {elder link?}...counterparts of the seven maidens, which in esoteric stellar symbolism equates them with the seven 'rishes' of the Great Bear. Instead of garlands of lilies about their heads as with the maidens, their brows are wreathed in red roses...The 'pointers' of the Great Bear are alluded to in esoteric astrology as major stars of direction. The one nearest to the Pole Star {Dubhe} is a focus of the expression of the will of the individual; the one further from the Pole Star {Merak} is a focus of a reservoir of the energy of Divine purpose, or the 'will of god'...Dubhe is the 'pointer' for mankind on the path of the 'involution' of consciousness {top/down?} - seeking expression in manifestation {'known' quantity?}. Merak comes into play in guiding the achieved human being {bottom/up?} - into discipleship under the 'planetary hierarchy'. And the pattern for this 'planetary hierarchy' is to be found in the great star of Isis, Sirius, the dog star, in Canis Major." [Extract from the book 'Rose Cross and the Goddess'. Mentioned elsewhere. Emphasis, this readers].

Something written in the stars?

Hare of the dog? Orion to enlarge.

And/or: ''A yad (Hebrew: יד, literally "hand"; Yiddish: האַנט hant) is a Jewish ritual pointer, popularly known as a Torah pointer, used by the reader to follow the text during the Torah reading from the parchment Torah scrolls. It is often shaped like a long rod, capped by a small hand with its index finger pointing from it.


Side note: The English word 'focus' comes from the Latin for 'fireplace'. ['The Chase' / ITV / 31.1.22].

Hestia to enlarge.

Side note: ''Just before hour six he merges {Seti 1st} with the Osiris...Having merged with the sun god Ra he now reaches hour six, the very darkest of his afterlife journey. Apophis strikes; other gods 'like an army' {'soilders'?} come to help Seti, so that he and the sun god {'spirit' only?} can continue...Now his soul {Ba} unites with his body, can now be 'resurrected'. A critical TURN in the night. Now heads toward the dawn. In hour seven, they pass through another gate where they order a group of demons to punish the damned {i.e., in 'control' of the negative aspect of himself. Recall the 'Temptation of Christ'}. Hour eight Mummies turn over on their beds, a key stage of coming back to life {L-R or R-L?}. Hour nine, dead souls are rejuvenated in primeval waters on their way to rebirth. In the same hour Seti can settle old scores. Enemies of sun god rounded up and a serpent - 'obeying' Seti - burns them up. Now nearing end of his journey. One last battle with Apophis in the 10th hour . 'Army of gods' {i.e., positive aspects of himself} helps him to wield magic 'nets' from the energy of the sun gods power {'153'?}. Keeps the demon of chaos back. 11TH hour he is led by a procession of gods and goddess heralding his resurrection as the sun. As he approaches the morning sky {Venus?} Egyptians believe he changes from a man to a Griffin, to a Falcon, then to a scarab beetle - symbol of the rising sun....He can now journey across the sky...after 'defeating' fire/demons/monsters.''['Egypt: Secrets of the Dead' / Nat Geo. / 2013].

'Eight Days A Week' / The Beetles.

N.B. Good Natured ones.

Side note: ''Etymology: Larva is derived from the Latin word for ghost or mask. Linnaeus (1768) coined the term in a biological sense to mean a phase in the development of an organism that masks the mature form. A larva is an immature (non sexual) stage of an animal lifecycle.''


Extra: "Dumbledore left you a second bequest; the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately it was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical presents itself to any worthy Gryffindor ....without making it that wizards property. At present the sword is missing." ['Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1' / 35mins].

"The Sorting Hat was a sentient magical hat at Hogwarts that was used to determine which of the four school Houses was the best fit for each new student. These four Houses were Gryffindor, the house of bravery, Hufflepuff, the house of hard work, Ravenclaw, the house of intelligence, and Slytherin, the house of ambition. The Sorting Hat originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founders of Hogwarts. It was normally kept in the Headmaster's office until it was needed for the Sorting Ceremony at the annual Start-of-Term Feast."

Face to face? With what?

"The Sword of Gryffindor was made in the 10th century by goblins, the magical world's most skilled metalworkers, and was therefore enchanted. Fashioned from pure silver, it was inset with rubies, the stone that represented Gryffindor in the hour-glasses that counted the House points at Hogwarts. Godric Gryffindor's name was engraved just beneath the hilt.[1]


The sword was made to Godric Gryffindor's specifications by Ragnuk the First, finest of the goblin silversmiths, and therefore King (in goblin culture, the ruler did not work less than the others, but more skillfully). When it was finished, Ragnuk coveted it so much that he pretended that Gryffindor had stolen it from him, and sent minions to steal it back.[1]

Gryffindor defended himself with his wand, but did not kill his attackers. Instead he sent them back to their king bewitched, to deliver the threat that if he ever tried to steal from Gryffindor again, Gryffindor would unsheathe the sword against them all. The goblin king took the threat seriously and left Gryffindor in possession of his rightful property, but remained resentful until he died."


"A portrait of Gryffindor {'griffin'} hung at Hogwarts Castle guarded a secret short cut between the seventh-floor landing of the Grand Staircase and the Entrance Hall side room {'eight'?}. The password required to gain access to said shortcut was Starshine.[9] Gryffindor left two known relics: a goblin-made sword (adorned with rubies) and the Sorting Hat. The two items share a particular bond; whenever a "true Gryffindor" needs it, the Sword will let itself be pulled out of the hat.

Like a rabbit?

'Star of ones being is rising'.

Godric's sword was capable of acquiring powers from those it had slain and thus was imbued with venom from Harry Potter's defeat of the Basilisk, making it suitable as a tool for destroying Voldemort's HorcruxesAlbus Dumbledore used it to destroy Marvolo Gaunt's RingRon Weasley used it to eliminate Salazar Slytherin's Locket, and Neville Longbottom used it to kill Nagini, the final Horcrux."

And/or: '''Child' and lotus alike begin in the dark depths....they emerge as the luminous image of the 'redolent flower, the soul of Ra'. The god is not the flower itself, but manifest within the flower is the force {'god'} that drives the flower. Likewise 'God' manifests in human form, in babe, in lotus, in Nerfertem. The Pyramid Text of Unas declares: 'It is Unas {as} the flowers that have sprung from pure earth....Unas gleams as Nefertem, as the lotus at the nostril {nose} of Ra.'  Ra, the NEW sun, is Nefertem, the child emergent at dawn after his death in the west and his twelve hour passage through the dark underworld of the Duat...He becomes Aufu-Ra, literally the flesh made of light...represented with the winged beetle Kheperi. It lacks consciousness {i.e., not yet assimilated or made manifest}...but its activities are the food of the soul. The ancients remind us that: 'The seeing of the eye, the hearing of the ears, and the breathing of the nose bring messages to the heart. It is the latter that causes all decisions to be made - but it is the tongue that reports what the heart has thought out.'' [Pages 81/151/2 'Dreams Of Isis' / N. Ellis].

N.B. Golden tongues found in skeletons close to Cleopatra 's palace in Alexandria.

''The tongue of the Welsh dragon is the symbol of the Welsh Language Society.''

Coat_of_arms_of_the_Faroe_Islands. Golden tongued?

And/or: "Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered two mummies outfitted with golden tongues at the ancient town of Oxyrhynchus, bringing the total number of golden tongues found at the location to sixteen, archaeologists say. During the Roman period (29 B.C. to A.D. 641), the Egyptians put golden tongues inside the mouths of some mummies so that the mummy would be able to use their tongue in the afterlife and because the ancient Egyptians believed that gold was the "flesh of the gods," Esther Pons Mellado and Maite Mascort, co-directors of the archaeological mission of Oxyrhynchus, told Live Science in an email. Mummies with gold tongues were thought to have the ability to speak with Osiris in the underworld of the afterlife.

The mummies with the gold tongues were found within two Roman period tombs that contained additional mummies, along with papyri that has Greek writing and mud seals that contain Egyptian iconography, Pons Mellado and Mascort said. ....In total, they found more than 30 mummies placed in colorful cartonnage (plastered layers of papyrus or fiber) and several terra-cotta figurines depicting Isis Aphrodite, a deity that combined Isis, an Egyptian goddess associated with healing and magic, and Aphrodite, a Greek goddess associated with beauty.

Wattle and daub?

A beehive tomb, also known as a tholos tomb (plural tholoi}.

"It is the first time that we have found in Oxyrhynchus terracotta with the image of Isis-Aphrodite and the first time that [these] kind of pieces appear in this area of the middle Egypt," Pons Mellado told Live Science in an email....

Nearby the two Roman tombs, the team unearthed three hypogea, or underground burial chambers carved into the natural rock. There, they found nine sarcophagi, two of which remained closed despite the prevalence of grave robbers throughout history.

A number of other fascinating objects were uncovered at this second site, including terra cotta statues depicting the hybrid goddess Isis-Aphrodite — a combination of the Egyptian and Greek deities. Archaeologists also found stone blocks with depictions of various animals, plants, and clusters of grapes."

N.B. Serapis - another 'grafted' cult by the Greeks.

Male / female.

Pavo: The Peacock {male}. Placed in the Southern Hemisphere in 1603. Same time as the Greek alphabet - of 'twentyfour' letters - was introduced to highlight 'bright' stars. A conjunction took place {Jupiter/Saturn} in 1604. And supernova in Ophiuchus in same year. {A-Z of Constellations / Part 4 / 'Mirthy'}. JUNO?

'Bald' to enlarge.

The Peacock considered it wrong
That he had not the nightingale’s song;
So to Juno he went,
She replied, “Be content
With thy having, & hold thy fool’s tongue!”

Which ones the real 'eye'?

''I stare at the picture of the unwrapped mummy of Seti I, father of Ramses the Great, patriarch of the Nineteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. He is bald, mature and dignified.....The corporeal body was embalmed, bathed in natron, oiled in juniper and perfumed in frankincense. His fingernails dipped in gold, his body anointed with red henna, the symbolic blood of rebirth {'Red lion'?]....Wrapped in a thousand SQUARE YARDS of fine linen - first the head, neck and jaw, then the individual fingers and TOES, then the genitals. ...The body finally put in a cedar coffin from Lebanon...And that wooden one then placed in an alabaster one -  made in his own likeness.'' [page 136/7 same book].

Split lion / 'Fissure' to enlarge.

Side note: ''Traditionally, the main berry to use as flavouring in Gin, is the Juniper Berry.'' 'Lightning' / BBC2].

''When ripe, Juniper berries are purple.'' ['The Chase'].

Isle of 'glass'. Wine glass?

''The name gin is a shortened form of the older English word genever,[3] related to the French word genièvre and the Dutch word jenever. All ultimately derive from juniperus, the Latin for juniper....Gin originated as a medicinal liquor made by monks and alchemists across Europe, particularly in southern Italy, Flanders and the Netherlands, to provide aqua vita from distillates of grapes and grains. It then became an object of commerce in the spirits industry.''

Some variants have "juniper tree" or "June apple tree" rather than "pear tree", presumably a mishearing of "partridge in a pear tree".

Continued: The longest tunnel in the Valley of the Kings is found under the burial chamber of Seti. As long as the Gt. Pyramid is high. That 'turn around' is made at the bottom of it. Heading for the light. Chamber = Hour six?

Side note: ''In January 1909, tomb KV58 was found, containg principally fragments of gold foil bearing the names of Tutankhamun and Ay, perhaps from chariots, plus a piece of linen bearing the kings name - with the first date ever to come to light: Year 6....And/or: Inscriptions on the two red granite 'lions' {'rested' i.e., one paw over the other}, at the foot of Gebel Barkal referring Amenhotep III as Tutankhamuns 'father'...'' [Page 28 'Ancient Egypt' / Jan/Feb 2023].

'Ancestors' to enlarge.

Continued: From a different perspective - but 'nuggets' gleamed from it: ''It is not appropriate to ''banish'' a persistent ghost; in fact to a spirit form on a mission may be detrimental. What is important is to release the ghost from its former personality, to communicate to it the power of its former life and to have it ''turn around'' in order to find the other everlasting layers of self, higher up on the spiritual plane {'Valley plain'?}, so that it may continue in its journey towards the light.'' [Page 166 'Dreams of Isis'].

Khat / Khaibit / Sahu to enlarge.

A working example: ''Like the Gnostics of old before him, so Jung also was accused of being gloomy and pessimistic in his outlook {'melancholy'?}. Perhaps the best illustration of his attitude is found in the dream of the woman patient - who saw herself submerged in a pit filled with a dangerous substance and who then perceived Jung pushing her right down into the pit with the words: 'Not out but through!'....'' [Page 197 'The Gnostic Jung' / S. Hoeller].

Khafre to enlarge.

Whats the common factor?

And/or: ''You see a spiral staircase in the center of the room, leading down through the floor. As you begin to walk down the stairs, you see that the first steps are red. The stairs curve to the right {Tutankhamun?}, and you must hold on to the banister as you descend {'wooden' one?}. The steps are now you continue to walk - the steps turn bright 'yellow'....then to green...then blue....finally violet....At the bottom a wooden door...Beyond stretched green and golden fields...vineyards and orchards....The path forked. One to a city the other uphill to a circle of standing stones {'upright'?}....I ran to the top of the hill. The woman from the crossroads was standing with her back to me in the center of the standing stones.....It was time to return. To return up the staircase. Colours changed from violet to blue then green...then yellow, orange and finally red.'' [Page 146/7 'The Book of Shadows' / P. Curott].

Mountain low, valley high?

The above an example of the 'ritual' method of attaining {and therefore attempting} an understanding of same. Those archetypes however, are universal. A study program gives the same results INTO A MIND SET.

Sarson stones / Blue stones. Or should that be in reverse? To represent that MIDDLE ground between ''mountain - valley''.

'Science of Mythology: Essays on the Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis' / C. Jung and C. Kerenyi].

Cancer or Capricorn?

Lunar mansion or Solar?

Side note: ''Eratosthenes knew it as the Goat-Footed Pan, half fishified, Smyth said, by his plunge into the Nile in a panic at the approach of  the monster Typhon; the same story told of Bacchus, so that he, too, was associated with its stars...Platonists held that the souls {Ba?} of men, when released from corporeity, ascended to heaven through its stars {'lunar' ones?}, whence it was called the Gate of the Gods; their road of descent having been through Cancer. But some Orientals knew it as the Southern Gate of the Sun....It has always been regarded in astrology as the Mansion of the Kings {Pew-wer?}...An early Babylonian gem, had it surmounted, not inappropriately, by the crescent moon, for Capricorn was a nocturnal seen on a fragment of a Babylonian planisphere {12 century BC}....Jewish Rabbis asserted that the tribe of Nephtali adopted this sign as their banner emblem: 'Nephtali is a hind let loose' - as if Capricorn was a deer or antelope {ibex}...It was shown at Denderah in its 'double form' as an ibis headed man riding on Capricorn, under which sign Sirius rose anti-heliacally...It was much favoured by the Arabians - Lunar mansions assigned, as the names/characters for its chief stars....It was regarded as under the care of the goddess Vesta....'' [135-139 'Star Names Their Lore and Meaning' / R. Allen].


'The Phaistos Disk'. Snake form?

Ibex carving on Sperm Whale tooth.

Continued: Analogy: "In Theology this 'pure consciousness' is Siva, and 'His' power {Sakti} who as - 'She' is in her formless self - is one with him. She is the great Devi, the mother of the universe who as the Life Force resides in mans body in its lowest center at the base of the 'spine' just as Siva is 'realized' in the highest brain center - the cerebrum or Sahasrara-Padma. Completed Yoga is the union of her and him....This is Laya or dissolution, the reverse of Srsti or involution of 'spirit' in mind and matter." [Page 27 'The Serpent Power' / J. Woodroffe].

N.B. ''Life force'' in relation to that 'universal BIT' ? A connectedness of something by way of the OBJECTIVE process {or would that be ''principle''?}.

How simple yet profound. Understand that {basic?} principle to decipher the CORE ESSENCE of all esoteric literature.

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

"Shin (also spelled Šin (šīn) or Sheen) is the twenty-first and penultimate letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician šīn 𐤔, Hebrew šīn ש‎, Aramaic šīn 𐡔, Syriac šīn ܫ, and Arabic sīn س‎[a] and šīn ش‎‎‎[b].[c]...means tooth sharpen." 'Twentyone'?

Gotland to enlarge.

The sperm whale or cachalot[a] (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest of the toothed whales and the largest toothed predator. It is the only living member of the genus Physeter and one of three extant species in the sperm whale family, along with the pygmy sperm whale and dwarf sperm whale of the genus Kogia.

The sperm whale is a pelagic mammal with a worldwide range, and will migrate seasonally for feeding and breeding.[5] Females and young males live together in groups, while mature males (bulls) live solitary lives outside of the mating season. The females cooperate to protect and nurse their young. Females give birth every four to twenty years, and care for the calves for more than a decade. A mature, healthy sperm whale has no natural predators, although calves and weakened adults are sometimes killed by pods of killer whales (orcas).

Found in Sangkulirang, East Borneo. Oldest known to date. "Purple around 20,000 years old. The red ones 40,000 years." And/or "Spiral in form" comments S. Backshall.  ['Expedition with Steve Backshall' / S1 EP6].

Refresher: "By ''Spirit'' we mean the Life-Power. A glance at your dictionary will show you that ''spirit'' is derived from the Latin Spiritus, whose root meaning is breath. Closely akin to the Latin noun are the Greek 'Pneuma', the Hebrew 'Ruach' and the Sanskrit 'Prana'. Each of these nouns signifies both ''breath'' and ''life''.....Philosophers have always attributed a 'mental quality' to this principle." [P. F. Case. Vol 1].

A working example {i.e.,from one perspective}: ''In the Ageless Wisdom there has always been the knowledge that the Life-Breath presents itself to human consciousness in a five-fold manner. The Great Breath {in the Hindu tradition} gives to Prakriti {the substance aspect of Being} five sorts of elementary extention. The first and most important of these is the Akasha Tattva..."

Fig tree.

Collective or individual? What tree was found?

And/or: Rock art styles from the Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Peninsula {a}, The earliest phase of rock art production in the Sangkulirang–Mangkalihat Peninsula is associated with large, in-filled, reddish-orange-coloured paintings of animals and hand stencils. {b}, A second rock art phase is dominated by mulberry-coloured hand stencils—often clustered into distinct compositions and sometimes overlying hand stencils from the previous phase. {c}, Hand stencils from the second phase are often partly in-filled with painted designs and linked together by tree-like motifs, which possibly symbolize kinship connections. Sometimes older reddish-orange hand stencils appear to have been ‘retouched’ with mulberry-coloured paint and incorporated into these tree-like motifs. {d}, The later rock art phase in the Sangkulirang Mangkalihat Peninsula is typified by anthropomorphs, boats and geometric designs that are usually executed using black pigments. This style is consistent with early Austronesian iconography, and is possibly related to the arrival of Austronesians in the region at about 4 ka, or more recently.

Whats the primary colour for M/F? NOT the secondry i.e., outer 'garment'!

Refresher: ''In the official symbol of the Olympics; blue is the primary colour furthest to the left.''

Something extra: "Saturn is really a combination of the three primary colours {i.e.,red/yellow/blue} - and has ''close affinities to Akasha''. The corresponding metal is 'lead'; the chakra, the Muladhara, the basic lows of the Yogis, identified with the sacred plexus. Here the fiery power of the Kundalini, the serpent force, is said to be coiled or latent, and that latency is an example of the limiting influence of Saturn. That influence is at work in the physical functions governed by the sacral plexus {i.e., thigh and leg related}. [Page 26/65 'Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment'. Vol 1].

Question. Weak or strong legs?

All as a means...?

Side note 2. 'Homers Secret Iliad' . Achilles {'heel'?} = Canis Major. Enlarged elsewhere.

The ''peak'' of something. Question. What would the next stage be? From 'red' to 'blue'? ''Morning Glory''?  Octave link?

Right hand raised. Foundation of stone?

Side step: "It is a large constellation {Auriga} stretching northward across the Milky Way - from one of its stars that mark one of the Bull's horns, to the feet of Camelopardalis - about 30 degrees in extent north and south and 40 degrees east and west {'three and four'?}. It is shown as a 'young' man with a whip in his right hand - but without a chariot - a goat being supported against the left 'shoulder' and the 'Kids' on the wrist. This, with some variations, has been the drawing from the earliest days, when, as now, it was important, chiefly from the beauty of Capella and its attendant stars so prominent in the N/W in the spring twilight, and in the N/E in early autumn. But the Hyginus of 1488 has a most absurd Driver in a ridiculously inadequate four-wheeled CAR, with the Goat and Kids in their usual position the 'reins' being held over four animals abreast - a YOKE of oxen, a horse and a zebra {?}..." ['Page 83, 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].

The boat and ferryman are the vehicle and the guide, respectively, and “the three necessities,’ the whip and the sword, suggest Masonic initiations. The whip is one of the royal scepters, the nekhakha, which, according to Schwaller du Lubicz in his Sacred Science, is an alchemical symbol for the three-part stream of being. ['Page 61 'The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye'.].

Absalom Pillar like the Egyptian benben?

And/or: ''Literally, the word nefesh means 'soul', but in a funerary context it is the term applied to a form of funerary monument. In descriptions of the tombs of the Jewish nobility, the pyramid shape is also emphasized as the mark of a tomb {Herod?}. This would imply that nefesh and pyramid were synonymous. The Jewish tombs in the Kidron Valley are the best examples of this form of nefesh. They appear as a rectangular, pyramid-capped monument. Similar forms of the nefesh decorate ossuaries, with the addition of a dome-capped column. In Jerusalem the nefesh as a tomb monument stood either above or beside the tomb; set on steps or on a base.'' [Wiki].

And/or: ''The word ''pebble'' in Hebrew means ''bond'' bond the past with the present {sublimate?}.....Its a Hebrew custom to bring pebbles to 'remember' the deceased rather than flowers.....So when you see these pile of pebbles {on the sarcophagus' s on the Mount of Olives}, they actually 'speak'....stones speak and proclaim who god is {'remember'?} when future generations pass by and they ask the question: what do these stones mean? Its a memorial to the questions that are raised up in our hearts...eternal questions about life and death.'' [Kathleen Nichols / Magdala / Israel].


The 'Lot's wife' sea-stack, Marsden Bay, South Shields, North East England.

Inner/outer. A beginning or end?

A working example: The Gouk Stane stands close to the colony trail near to the Stack Yard. ‘Gouk’ or ‘Gowk’ is the Scots word for the Cuckoo but can also be used to mean ‘fool’ or ‘simpleton’ (Dictionary of the Scots Language). There are stones known as ‘The Gouk Stane’ at several locations across Scotland. We may never know for sure how the Bennachie Gouk Stane got its name, and whether the reference is to a cuckoo or a fool, but local legend has it that when the Gouk or Cuckoo returns to Bennachie from spending the winter in Africa in March or April each year, the Gouk Stane is the first place on which it comes to rest. Others say that the stone was the cuckoo’s favourite place to perch after the colonists had left.

The inscription on the nearby stone wall ‘The Calling Of The Gouk is the other side of Spring’ along with a carving of a crack on an egg-shaped stone seems to confirm that the gouk was a cuckoo rather than a fool!

Zigzag crack?

Golden cuckoo in the coat of arms of Suomenniemi.

The cuckoos are, for the most part, solitary birds that seldom occur in pairs or groups. The biggest exception to this are the anis of the Americas, which have evolved cooperative breeding and other social behaviours. For the most part, the cuckoos are also diurnal as opposed to nocturnal, but many species call at night (see below). The cuckoos are also generally a shy and retiring family, more often heard than seen. The exception to this is again the anis, which are often extremely trusting towards humans and other species...

In Greek mythology, the god Zeus transformed himself into a cuckoo so that he could seduce the goddess Hera, to whom the bird was sacred.[50] In England, William Shakespeare alludes to the common cuckoo's association with spring, and with cuckoldry, in the courtly springtime song in his play Love's Labours Lost.[51][52] In India, cuckoos are sacred to Kamadeva, the god of desire and longing, whereas in Japan, the cuckoo symbolises unrequited love.[53] Cuckoos are a sacred animal to the Bon religion of Tibet.[54]

light oxen.

Right or wrong method? Boundaries/Dionysus links.

Bennachie (/bɛnəˈx/ ben-ə-HEEScottish GaelicBeinn na Cìche)[1] is a range of hills in AberdeenshireScotland.[2] It has several tops, the highest of which, Oxen Craig, has a height of 528 metres (1,732 ft). Though not particularly high, compared to other peaks within Scotland, the mountain is very prominent, owing to its isolation and the relative flatness of the surrounding terrain, and dominates the skyline from several viewpoints.

'Line of sight'.


Fat of the land?


The peak that stands out the most visually is Mither Tap (518 m, 1699 feet) and from its top there are good views of the county to the north and east. Most of the tops lie along an east / west ridge, with the exception of Millstone Hill (409 m) an outlier or spur which is separated from and to the south of the main ridge. Mither Tap has an Iron Age fort on its summit. Unlike with many other hilltop forts in the area, there are no signs of vitrification in the stone.[2] Bennachie is visible from a number of distant points; to the north it is visible from Longman Hill, a point considerably to the north.[3]

Milky white?

The etymology of "Bennachie' is uncertain. Suggestions include "Initially Beinn a Cioch, the hill of the nipple or pap."[4] It has also been translated as the "‘Mountain of Ce’" , a king mentioned in the List of legendary kings of Pictland.[5][6]

Continued: Lilies in relation to roses. Younger{'maidens'} relative to elder. Something unknown becoming known? All finally as 'pointers' to a {possible?} direction. That {universal?} framework implies the same. Question. Conspiracy? A universal one?

Solitary 'tooth' {and liver} found in a 'square' box belonging to Hatshepsut.

Represented [in part] in its 'physical' form as a 'Lily', i.e.,"as bearer of symbolic meaning". Chapter two - entitled 'The Heart of the Lily' from the book 'The Future of the Ancient World.'/ J. Naydler. Enlarged elsewhere. Try Part 3.

'The legend of the Rose and the Lily'.


''Samos flag - during Greek war of independence.'' Follow the arrow shafts downward. The four 'directions' in human form? Triangular in shape. That same triangular form - represented on vases - ''That pointed the way to a new reemerging vision of Greek art." Question. 'Lozenge' shape?

Side note. Griffin heads found on 'cauldrons' on Heraion at Samos / Greece. AS speculated in the program narrated by A. Sooke. Define such keys as 'cauldron' and 'S/E' {in relation to the ''feminine'' aspect} - while recalling such names as Pythagoras {Samos born} in relation to those ''geometric patterns'' also found within Greeks artwork - in order to define subject material beyond ''...folk tales being canonised." {Quote by same. Enlarged elsewhere].

valley of k

Position of the valley of Kings. Question. Where would the valley of Queens be positioned; and why?

"The sign expresses the thing. A thing is the virtue of its sign. There is an analogical correspondence between the sign and the thing signified. The more perfect the sign, the more complete is the correspondence." Quote taken from the book by E. Levi.

''Perfection is not a boring, self righteous state in which you criticize everyone about you, but a widening of all your HORIZONS." [ Marian Green book. Page 42].

Think about it in relation to Niel Bohr's discipline. Physics equivalent? Enlarged elsewhere. Question. Whats the common factor between the two ? ''Logos''?

''God is in the detail.''

Wide or narrow? Birket Habu to enlarge.

Example of?..."Speculating on the word Dub: Dabu, was the Babylonian name for the Great Bear constellation. A bear is in Hebrew Dobh, the name for this constellation; also Phoenician Dub, and Arabian Al Dubb. The English verb 'to dub' means to give another name or nickname, or give a new title or description. Because of the taboo of calling a 'bear a bear'; bears were dubbed with various descriptive titles in European languages." []. Try ''nickname'' throughout.

'Bugbear' ?

Refresher: ''Bears were venerated by our ancients as being the strongest animal to roam the land.''

Side note: ''Otzi - the Ice Man. 5000 years old. The oldest mummification body found to date. Found ''face down on a boulder in a gully'' 10000 feet high in the Alps on the Austria-Italy border. Of high status - among other things wearing a robe { ''knee length fur coat''} made from sheep/goat skin panels with a bearskin cap.'' ['Blowing Up History'].

Question. 'Bear' a link to Arthur . Arthur a link to 'king'. King in relation to 'Kingship'. In some cultures {i.e.,as one example - Hebrew} - the name of 'god' has not to be spoken. A taboo? Or something else ,i.e.,non specific? - therefore 'aspects' of something? Try ''YHWH'' and/or ''YHVH''.

"...the Russian astronomer and historian of science Alexander Gurshtein, traces the first recognition and naming of constellations - notably, the Great Bear - to 20,000 BC..." ['Magicians of the Gods'].

Question. Why the 'Bear'? Hibernation? Therefore a link to 'sleep'? And/or Male or female?

Question 2. When do they hibernate? Any relevance to the word ''circumpolar''?

REFRESHER: "Its a story at the end of the day - an archetypal story - and that's whats really important - and not the in's and out's of it." ['Forbidden History: In Search of the Real King Arthur' / Narrated by J. Theakston]. Enlarged elsewhere.

Side note: The phrase ''Bear Cub'' used throughout the Merlyn trilogy {D. Monroe} in reference to an initiate referred to as 'Arthur' as a means {method} of telling a 'story'. Just as Plato and Gurdjieff do within their own 'tools of intent'.

The Bear. One of a few animals brave enough to venture into the DEEP North. Coincidence or a meaningful one? The origin for its chose? ALL as a means....?

The Bear. One of a few animals brave enough to venture into the DEEP North. Coincidence or a meaningful one? The origin for its chose? ALL as a means....?

From a different perspective: "Fly me, bear, fly me, bear, to where you fill the sky. Fly me, bear, fly me, bear, your name i always hear. Fly me, bear, fly me, bear, fill me with your power..." : 'The songs are a constant reminder that they are connected to the 'spirit' world, not lost in the dream of 'ordinary' reality. Singing a power song, fills them with 'power' and a sense of certainty'..." ['Secrets of Shamanism'].

Question. A certainty of what?

Question 2. How long has shamanism been around? Whats the connection between the two? That ''bit''?

Keep fighting or ranting? Which one's the weirdo?

From a different perspective: ''A memory palace, or “method of loci,” was at first mainly used to memorize speeches (the most important part of a Greek or Roman citizen’s public life). To make one, you picture a multiroomed building (it’s easiest if it’s somewhere familiar, like your family home), and place symbols of each point you want to make in each room. If you want to start out talking about crop yields, you might imagine bags of grain in the foyer, then a fierce bandit in the next room if you want to move on from there to declaim on law and order. Typically, though, the symbols used were strange and striking, weird allegorical and pagan figures filled with hidden meanings that overflowed into the art of late antiquity and the Middle Ages. Yates argues that such devices as the Seven Deadly Sins and the structure of hell, purgatory, and heaven in Dante’s Divine Comedy are mnemonic icons and systems that had become infused with mystical import....


.....Very skilled practitioners of such methods can use them to remember astounding amounts of information—and do so to this day, as Joshua Foer recounts in his 2011 book Moonwalking With Einstein, about his foray into the world of competitive memorization. But as the centuries passed, the art of memory became more than just a tool for many of its practitioners. Yates writes of Giulio Camillo’s “memory theater,” a concept that expressed the metaphysical and supernatural beliefs with which the memory arts had become saturated during the Middle Ages. Instead of moving through the architectural space of a palace, in the memory theater, the “audience,” which consists of one person, stands still in the exact center. The viewer looks out upon a tiered auditorium of rigidly ordered symbols and cues designed to call forth absolutely everything he has ever known—and perhaps even more. (You can see a video of a 3-D rendering of Camillo’s theater here.) To master such complete memory device would be to approach divinity.'' ['Slate Magazine' / 2015].

'The Prophetic Vision of Merlin: Prediction, Psychic Transformation, and the Foundation of the Grail Legends in an Ancient Set of 'Visionary' Verses' / R. Stewart.

Theme to enlarge.

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

''Lightening'' to enlarge.

A side step {an archetypal one?}: "Helice representing Ursa Major, and Melissa {honey or honey bee}, or Cynosura, representing Ursa Minor, were the nurses of the baby Zeus..." [Same website]. Try ''child'' ''honey'' or ''bee''.

Melissa: a 'Tipping Point' contestant. The luckiest lass on the planet. Lucky 'spotted' leopard skin?

''Melissa is a genus of perennial herbs in the Lamiaceae, native to Europe and Asia but cultivated and naturalized in many other places.[1][2][3][4] The name Melissa is derived from the Greek word μέλισσα (mélissa) meaning "honeybee", owing to the abundance of nectar in the flowers. The stems are square, like most other plants in the mint family. The leaves are borne in opposite pairs on the stems, and are usually ovate or heart-shaped and emit a lemony scent when bruised. Axillary spikes of white or yellowish flowers appear in the summer.

The most commonly grown species of this genus is Melissa officinalis, commonly known in the United States as lemon balm,[5] and as balm in England.''


''A bruise, also called a contusion (pronounced: kun-TOO-zhen), happens when a part of the body is injured and blood from the damaged capillaries (small blood vessels) leaks out. With no place to go, the blood gets trapped under the skin, forming a red or purplish mark that's tender when you touch it — a bruise.''

Side note: ''Persephone and Hades had two children; one daughter, Melinoë and one son, Zagreus. Melinoë became the goddess of nightmares and madness. Zagreus was a minor Greek god....In Ovid's famous text Metamorphosis, Hades has an affair with a young Nymph named Minthe. Persephone, now in her later years, was so incensed with jealousy that she turned Minthe into a mint plant.''

And/or: ''St Clement Danes is an Anglican church in the City of Westminster, London. It is situated outside the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand. Although the first church on the site was reputedly founded in the 9th century by the Danes, the current building was completed in 1682 by Sir Christopher Wren. Wren's building was gutted during the Blitz and not restored until 1958, when it was adapted to its current function as the central church of the Royal Air Force.

The church is sometimes claimed to be the one featured in the nursery rhyme "Oranges and Lemons" and the bells do indeed play that tune every day at 9 am, noon, 3pm and 6pm—as reported in 1940 the church's playing of the tune was interrupted during World War II due to Nazi bombing.[3] However, St Clement's Eastcheap, in the City of London, also claims to be the church from the rhyme. St Clement Danes is known as one of the two 'Island Churches', the other being St Mary-le-Strand.''

ridge pole

May-pole? Any Hawthorn?

Continued: "Other traditions should be mentioned that show evidence of the connection between ancient sea, feminine, stellar and underworld powers. Leto had a sister Asteria, which means Star goddess, and who was the mother of another moon goddess, Hecate, closely related to Artemis. After Zeus had fathered Apollo and Artemis on Leto he had 'pursued' her sister Asteria, who escaped him by turning into a stone and falling into the depths of the sea - { recall Cronus who swallowed a stone. One relates more to the shadow aspect than the anima - as a means to an understanding}. She emerged as an island on which Leto could give birth to her twins. This is usually identified as Delos which also had the tradition of having once been a floating island, an ocean wanderer hidden from the eyes of men, {shadow aspect and/or Khonsu?}.

Side note: ''Lions were seen as symbolic guardians in ancient Greece....The best known Greek lions guarded not just a single tomb but an entire sanctuary - on the Aegean island of Delos. The twin deities Artemis and Apollo - goddess of the hunt, childbirth and chastity, and god of the sun, music and prophecy - were said to be born on Delos. Major cult centers of their mother Leto, and the god of wine and theatre, Dionysus, were also located there. To reach the sanctuary, a visitor had to cross an area called the Terrace of the Lions where as many as sixteen snarling marble felines - facing east toward the Sacred Lake, where Leto gave birth to the twins - marked their path.'' [Page 35 'Archaeology' / Sep-Oct 2023].

St. Brendan and the Whale.

"Four Corners Monument, marking the only spot in the United States where four states (Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico) come together."

At the birth of Apollo and Artemis it became firmly anchored to the sea bed with four great pillars, and is described evocatively, as quoted by Kerenyi, as a 'widely visible star of the dark earth' {'Morning' star or supernova?}. There is a certain alchemical element about the descriptions of rejoicing {'joy'?} when Leto eventually gave birth on Delos. All the 'gods' rejoiced, the former rocky and barren outcrop became fruitful, singing swans circled the island becoming mute after the seventh time {walls of Jericho?}, nymphs {Pleiades?} sang a sacred birthing song, the foundations of the island turned to gold, as did the waters of its river and circular lake, and also the leaves of its olive trees. All of this brings us back to the traditions surrounding Perseus..." Enlarged/continued elsewhere. Part 3. [Extract from the book by G. Knight. All emphasis, this readers].

Cherry Street Inn {Groundhog Day}.

Apple 'pips' or Peach/Cherry 'stones'?

'The font {fountain?} of inspiration?


And/or: ''Apples are part of the rose family which includes fruit like strawberries, pears and cherries.''

Side note: ''In the UK, any unmarked mute swan belongs to the Queen.'' ['Lightening' / BBC2].


Right foot anchored? {Static/dynamic}?

Which one?

And/or: ''It is the most critical stage of the work, the one when the stone's first coagulation, greasy and light, makes its appearance on the surface and floats on the waters......important to have patience in the application of not want to redden it prematurely and precipitate it....Takes on the form of a flat island....mythical land of Delos....ceaseless shifting's {i.e., still ''wandering'', not yet anchored}. This isle is another image of the hermetic fish, born from the sea of the sages - the pilot fish of the work...Asteria prepares to form Delos.....The dolphin swims on the surface of the agitated waters and lasts until the remora, the invisible host of the deep sea, finally puts to rest, as would a powerful anchor, the ship gone adrift, calmness reappears, the air is purified....a firming up day by day marks the end of the flood, triumph of earth over water, of dry over wet, and the era of the new Phoenix....Peace and harmony, an equilibrium of principles symbolised by the fish fixed on an anchor {i.e., 'absorption and coagulation of the mercury by a much smaller proportion of sulphur'}.'' [Page 312/405 'The Dwellings of the Philosophers' / Fulcanelli].

Side note: Nonnus, Dionysiaca 42. 410 ff : "He [Poseidon] pursued Asterie (Asteria), and she became a desert island." i.e., more sandy than soil.

No triangles?

HENCE: Homeric Hymn 3 to Delian Apollo 50 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) :
"[Leto, pregnant with Apollon, addresses the island of Delos :] ‘Delos, if you would be willing to be the abode of my son Phoibos (Phoebus) Apollon and make him a rich temple--; for no other will ouch you, as you will find: and I think you will be rich in oxen and sheep, nor bear vintage nor yet produce plants abundantly. But if you have the temple of far-shooting Apollon, all men will bring you hecatombs and gather here, and incessant savour of rich sacrifice will always arise, and you will feed those who dwell in you from the hand of strangers; for truly your own soil is not rich.’

Egyptian Mastaba? Recall 1st stage of Step Pyramid. Together with:

Mastaba =- ''Inward sloping sides''. The 'beginnings' of the FORM of a pyramid. PYR = 'fire'? Get it?

''Pliny the Elder, Natural History 4. 66 (trans. Rackham) (Roman encyclopedia C1st A.D.) : "Delos, celebrated for its temple of Apollo . . . According to the story, Delos for a long time floated adrift . . . Aristotle [Greek philosopher C4th B.C.] has recorded that it owes its name to it having suddenly appeared emerging from the water [i.e. because delos means ‘manifest’]; Aglaosthenes, however calls it the isle of Cynthia, and others Ortygia (Quail Island), Asteria (Star Island), Lagia (Hare Island), Chlamydia (Cloak-Island), Cynethus (Dog Island), and Pyripile (Fiery Island) because fire was first discovered there. It measures five miles in circumference. Its only eminence is Mount Cynthius." ['Theoi Greek Mythology' / Internet].


Continued: Question. ''Anchored'' = ''Blessed haven?'' i.e., safe harbour? {Page 311}. Magdala?

Question. Any 'harbour' at Gebel el-Silsila?

Answer on page 373? {'Dwellings of the Philosophers'} i.e., mercury/sulphur uniting = ''the island of the philosopher'' the first manifestation of something.

And/or: When the Israelites fled Egypt, after over four hundred years of slavery, they spent forty years wandering in the wilderness before they entered the Promised Land. During this time, God provided substance for them to eat every day in the form of quail (meat) and manna (Exodus 16).

Side note: ''In Greek mythology, Arethusa (/ˌærɪˈθjuːzə/; Greek: Ἀρέθουσα) was a nymph and daughter of Nereus (making her a Nereid), who fled from her home in Arcadia beneath the sea and came up as a fresh water fountain on the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily.'' [Wiki].

ONLY found on the Northwestern EDGE/{TIP?} of Europe {i.e., on the ''second stack'' on Holyhead Island/ Anglesey}.

And/or: ''Cancer appears on the Farnese globe underneath a quadrangular figure, in the location of our Lynx, of which I can find no explanation....In this constellation, with some slight variations as to boundaries at different times in Hindu astronomy, — γ and δ always being included and occasionally η, θ, and Praesepe, — was located the 6th nakshatra Pushya, Flower, or Tishiya, Auspicious, with Brihaspati, the priest and teacher of the gods, as presiding divinity. It was sometimes figured as a Crescent, and again as the head of an Arrow; but Amara Sinha, the Sanskrit author of about 56 B.C., called it Sidhaya, Prosperous.''

Spear point?

Side note: "But the operations of the three works have a great deal of analogy one to another {'quintessence' link}, and the philosophers do designedly speak in equivocal terms, to the end that those who have not the Lynx's eyes may pursue wrong, and be lost in this labyrinth, from whence it is very hard to get out. In effect, when one imagines that they speak of one work they often treat of another." ['The Philosophers tone'].

'Rock' for a head? 'Seven'  or 'twentythree' layers?

Continued: The manzil Al Nathrah, the 'GAP' in the hair under the muzzle of the supposed immense ancient Lion, was chiefly formed by Praesepe; but later on γ and δ were sometimes included, when it was Al Ḥimārain, the Two Asses, a title adopted from the Greeks. The Arabs also knew it as Al Fum al Asad and as Al Anf al Asad, the Mouth, and the Muzzle, of the Lion, both referring to the early figure.

The sieu Kwei, Spectre, anciently Kut, the Cloud-like, was made up from Praesepe with η and θ, the latter most strangely selected, as it is now hardly distinguishable by the naked eye, and yet was the determining star, — perhaps a case of variation in brightness. This asterism, the Tsing in our Gemini, formed Shun Show, one of the twelve zodiacal Kung, which Williams translates as the Quail's Head, giving the modern title as Keu Hea, the Crab; this Quail being otherwise known as the Phoenix, Pheasant, or the Red Bird that, with the stars of Leo and Virgo, marked the residence of the Red, or Southern, Emperor.

Side note: ''A group of pheasants is known as a bouquet.'' ['The Chase'].

''What does it mean not to quail?
If you use this word as a verb, it means to draw back in fear or pain.''
Side step: What was the original purpose of the scarecrow?

Foremost of the Westerners? And/or: "I passed the test, i will diminish and go into the west and remain Galadriel."

Followers of Horus. 1st step?

Farmers would hide in the fields with the wooden frames and scare the quail into nets to save their crop and catch a dinner! Around 2500 B.C., Greek farmers carved wood into the images of Priapus, which they believed was ugly enough to scare birds away from their vineyards and promise a good harvest.''

Analogy {in the mythical sense of the word}: "If i take one more step, it will be the farthest away from home that i have ever been.....'Come on Sam, Remember what Bilbo used to say, 'its a dangerous business going out of your{'front'?} door - you step onto the road and if you don't keep your feet there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." [The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship']. N.B. In the background can be seen a 'scarecrow' with 'three' crows.
'Wall of the Crow'?
'Cross Quarters' and 'Harvest to enlarge.

The 4 Cross-Quarter Days. These days marked the midpoint between each solstice and equinox. For the ancient Celts, these signaled the beginning (not middle) of a season, with the major two divisions being winter (Samhain), starting the dark half of the year, and summer (Beltane), starting the light half of the year.

A 'burden'? What's the remedy?

"An unbelievable feat of ancient architecture, The Wall of the Crow is 656 feet long, 32 feet high and 32 feet at the base. Standing near the Sphinx, this ancient wall was constructed in the 4th Dynasty of Egypt and the true purpose still remains unknown."

Like Gemini and Taurus, it was shown rising backward...The symbol of the sign is a reference to the two Asses that took part in the conflict of the gods with the giants on the PENINSULA of the Macedonian Pallence, the early Phlegra, AFTERWARDS rewarded by a resting place in the sky on either side of the manger.'' ['Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning' / R. Allen FOR CANCER].

Side note: Question. ''Red'' = 'Under the Horizon' = 'northern' aspect' = Orion walking 'backwards' { ''giant'' link}?

Watling Street to enlarge.

'Return' journey, however = Above the horizon = southern aspect {Pacific} = Orion upside down?

Question 2. Does this explain why the supernova - of 1054 ........was not mentioned in historical records - in Europe - when they occurred in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE? Only mentioned in the EAST.

They had to occur in the Southern Hemisphere?

And/or: ''The mystery of the supernova that created the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant may have found a solution in the story of a daylight star seen at the time of the birth of King Charles II in 1630, astronomer Martin Lunn and historian Dr Lila Rakoczy have suggested at the Royal Astronomical Society’s National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, Wales....It is estimated that a supernova explodes in our Milky Way Galaxy once every fifty to a hundred years, but the last galactic supernova to be seen was Kepler’s supernova in 1604. This poses a conundrum....So how is it that royal historians noted the appearance of a star bright enough to be seen in broad daylight but astronomers of that era (not to mention astrologers) did not? All of Cassiopeia is circumpolar from England's latitude, so it surely should have been obvious in the nighttime sky. Moreover, could the dating of the Cas A supernova really be off by more than 10%?...

Lunn came across historical records from 1660 that describe how, in 1630 when the future king Charles II was born, a daylight star was seen in the midday sky with the Sun. He teamed up with historian Rakoczy, who also found references to the star in seventeenth century literature, including poems by the astronomer John Bainbridge. But if this ‘noon star’ was the supernova that created Cassiopeia A, 11,000 light years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia, why wasn’t it more widely seen? A type IIb supernova, which is the core collapse of a massive star, would only have been bright enough to have been seen in daylight for a week at most, says Lunn. A few cloudy days and nights and it may not have been widely noticed. However, now that historians and astronomers know what to look for, other evidence for a 1630 supernova may come to light....“The number and variety of sources that refer to the new star strongly suggest that an astronomical event really did take place,” says Lunn. “Our work raises questions about the current method for dating supernovae, but leads to the exciting possibility of solving a decades-old astronomical puzzle.....I suspect we haven't heard the last of this story!'' [Internet].

Celtic wolf guarding buried gold. Bird on rump. "Victory from the jaws of defeat."

According to his essay "A Chapter on Dreams" (Scribner's, Jan. 1888), he racked his brains for an idea for a story and had a dream, and upon waking had the idea for two or three scenes that would appear in the story Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Biographer Graham Balfour quoted Stevenson's wife, Fanny Stevenson: In the small hours of one morning,[...] I was awakened by cries of horror from Louis. Thinking he had a nightmare, I awakened him. He said angrily: "Why did you wake me? I was dreaming a fine bogey tale." I had awakened him at the first transformation scene."

And/or: "The sign Libra represents the seventh day on which the Lord rested. A day constitutes a period of time as is expressed in the words “Lincoln’s day” or “Wilson’s day,” etc. In Genesis (meaning generation, the forming of the child in utero) we note that the Creator was busily engaged in the work of forming the seven vital organs. When this was accomplished, the Lord ceased from creating, for the organs were thus co-ordinated, and, as seven parts of a machine, were prepared to perform all the functions required of them. The Sun, resurrected as the Lamb of God in Aries at the Spring equinox , or Easter, after passing through the various stages of growth and fecundity, now prepares to go down (in the West) into the darkness and coldness of winter, for heat is withdrawn into the earth. The earth herself must regain her balance, which virtually represents the beginning and the end of labor. Thus we have Sunday, the seventh day, or day of REST.

The full Moon at this period of the year is of special importance, for its effect on wild life of the forest is very remarkable. It is said that under the influence of this harmonizing or balancing Moon, animals that are natural enemies will play together or pass by without conflict. They resume their warfare when its influence wanes.

Venus (the ruler of Libra) was said by the ancients to have arisen from the foam of the sea at the time of the wounding of Uranus. As the latter is the ruler of the sign of the Son of Man, it should be obvious what is meant by his “wounding.”  [Page 189 'The Zodiac and the salts of Salvation' / G. Carey + I. Perry].

'Folded' chair?

That British Overseas Territory - ''Straight south'' from the UK. Northern - Southern Hemisphere.

Side note: ''This is the place of Ascension - just above the Mount of Olives - {'overlook' of Jerusalem} - of which the road that leads up to it from Jericho is called the 'red road'.  It was here  that Mary and Joseph would have taken the path from Galilee in the north to Jerusalem in the south...Half way down is the ridge of the Mount of Olives where they would cross the Kidron Valley, then along the side of the temple, turn right going west through the city of David looking for the road for Hebron. A road thats been there since the times of the Patriarchs of Abraham/Issac and Jacob  - called 'straight south' to Hebron, where a turning to the left takes one to Bethlehem. Closeby is a church called 'Our Lady of the Seat' - which is where Mary sat after turning left, just before the final stretch to Bethlehem. The rock she sat on is where the church was built {mother of the 'Prince of Peace'}. Built by a widow, who probably understood the struggles of a mother about to give birth.'' [4th Sunday of Advent / Magdala / Israel / 2022].

N.B. Most 'turnings' are to the right when the pharaohs are laid to rest with the exception of Tutankhamun {the 'golden child'}. His entry was left.

And/or: When Egyptian women gave birth bricks/stone were used.

"Old Clem's Night: Observed by: Christian cultures: Type: Christian: Significance: special holiday for metalworkers and blacksmiths: Observances: clementing for apples and pears; processions and effigies associated with "Old Clem"; the firing of the anvil: Date: 23 November: Between Halloween and Xmas." 'Twentythree'?

Isle of Wight council flag. Recall Delos.

Side note: ''The British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha,[3] of which the main island, Saint Helena, is around 800 miles (1,300 km) to the southeast. The territory also includes the sparsely populated Tristan da Cunha archipelago, 2,300 miles (3,700 km) to the south, about halfway to the Antarctic Circle....Named after the day of its recorded discovery, Ascension of Jesus, Ascension Island was an important safe haven as a coaling station to mariners.''

Continued: ''Phlegra is a peninsula of Macedonia (more specifically in Chalkidike) in modern Greece; it is an ancient name for Pallene in historical Thrace, the latter as per the toponymy of the ancients; Pallene – and Phlegra – is most commonly called nowadays Kassandra, or Peninsula of Kassandra.[1] In Greek mythology, it is the site of Zeus's overthrowing of the Giants (Gigantes) at the end of the Gigantomachy.'' [Wiki].

Pawnee to enlarge.

'Out with the Old - in with the New'? - as a means....

''Cloud by Day. Fire by Night''?

Praesaepe to enlarge.


A work in progress: ''Follow the line of the Great Stretcher up to karariwari. The star that does not move. The CHIEF star {North star}....And the three stars in Orions belt we call Rahurahki, the deer. When they all point straight down that's south. Over there Cupiriktaka, Evening star West. And there Hupirikucu, Morning star East, give or take a little.'' ['The English' {26 minutes} / S1 EP5 / BBC].

N.B. From the viewpoint of Colorado on the Wyoming BORDER.

Begins at the left foot of Orion. Ends at the foot of the 'Cross'?  Beginning of the second 'leg' within a journey?

Sutton Hoo purse clasp: Wolfs / eagles and ducks.

A working example: ''The nomads armour {Central Asia} - his headgear, garments, his belt, horses harness, his jewels, vessels, rugs - everything about him was ornamented with figures of animals....Sometimes single figures were represented, but mostly groups of two or more. The scene of combat of two animals occurs very frequently, especially on BELT plaques. A deer, male or female, attacked by a wolverine, a lion or a tiger is a favourite subject in nomadic art.'' [Page 43 'The Origins of Russia' / Vernadsky].

''Straight south'' to enlarge.


'Seventytwo' to enlarge.

''In the Southern Hemisphere, the Southern Cross is frequently used for navigation in much the same way that Polaris is used in the Northern Hemisphere. Projecting a line from γ to α Crucis (the foot of the crucifix) approximately 4+12 times beyond gives a point close to the Southern Celestial Pole[3] which is also, coincidentally, where intersects a perpendicular line taken southwards from the east-west axis of Alpha Centauri to Beta Centauri, which are stars at an alike declination to Crux and of a similar width as the cross, but higher magnitude.[21] Argentine gauchos are documented as using Crux for night orientation in the Pampas and Patagonia.

Upside down in the Northern Hemisphere. As Orion is in the Southern one.

Alpha and Beta Centauri are of similar declinations (thus distance from the pole) and are often referred as the "Southern Pointers" or just "The Pointers", allowing people to easily identify the Southern Cross, the constellation of Crux. Very few bright stars lie between Crux and the pole itself, although the constellation Musca is fairly easily recognised immediately south of Crux.

Fire AND water. Which and why?

Crux is bordered by the constellations Centaurus (which surrounds it on three sides) on the east, north and west, and Musca to the south. Covering 68 square degrees and 0.165% of the night sky, it is the smallest of the 88 constellations.[15] The three-letter abbreviation for the constellation, as adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922, is "Cru".[16] The official constellation boundaries, as set by Belgian astronomer Eugène Delporte in 1930, are defined by a polygon of four segments. In the equatorial coordinate system, the right ascension coordinates of these borders lie between 11h 56.13m and 12h 57.45m , while the declination coordinates are between −55.68° and −64.70°.[17] Its totality figures at least part of the year south of the 25th parallel north.


"At its southern end is the magnitude 0.5 star Achernar, designated Alpha Eridani. It is a blue-white hued main sequence star 144 light-years from Earth, whose traditional name means "the river's end".[1] Achernar is a very peculiar star because it is one of the flattest stars known. Observations indicate that its radius is about 50% larger at the equator than at the poles. This distortion occurs because the star is spinning extremely rapidly."


Address: 126 Maplewood Drive. Great neck, Long island. {'Miracle on 34th Street' / 1947}. 'Three and four'?

Also found near the neck.

In tropical regions Crux can be seen in the sky from April to June. Crux is exactly opposite to Cassiopeia on the celestial sphere, and therefore it cannot appear in the sky with the latter at the same time. In this era, south of Cape Town, Adelaide, and Buenos Aires (the 34th parallel south), Crux is circumpolar and thus always appears in the sky. Crux is easily visible from the southern hemisphere, south of 35th parallel at practically any time of year as circumpolar. It is also visible near the horizon from tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere for a few hours every night during the northern winter and spring.


''Crux (/krʌks/) is a constellation of the southern sky that is centred on four bright stars in a cross-shaped asterism commonly known as the Southern Cross. It lies on the southern end of the Milky Way's visible band. The name Crux is Latin for cross. Even though it is the smallest of all 88 modern constellations, Crux is among the most easily distinguished as its four main stars each have an apparent visual magnitude brighter than +2.8. It has attained a high level of cultural significance in many Southern Hemisphere states and nations....Many of these brighter stars are members of the Scorpius–Centaurus association, a large but loose group of hot blue-white stars that appear to share common origins and motion across the southern Milky Way.



Crux contains four Cepheid variables, each visible to the naked eye under optimum conditions. Crux also contains the bright and colourful open cluster known as the Jewel Box (NGC 4755) on its eastern border {'Coptos'?}. Nearby to the southeast is a large dark nebula spanning 7° by 5° known as the Coalsack Nebula, portions of which are mapped in the neighbouring constellations of Centaurus and Musca....The bright stars in Crux were known to the Ancient Greeks, where Ptolemy regarded them as part of the constellation Centaurus.[1][2] They were entirely visible as far north as Britain in the fourth millennium BC. However, the precession of the equinoxes gradually lowered the stars below the European horizon, and they were eventually forgotten by the inhabitants of northern latitudes.[3] By 400 CE, the stars in the constellation now called Crux never rose above the horizon throughout most of Europe. Dante may have known about the constellation in the 14th century, as he describes an asterism of four bright stars in the southern sky in his Divine Comedy.[4][5] His description, however, may be allegorical, and the similarity to the constellation a coincidence....The 15th century Venetian navigator Alvise Cadamosto made note of what was probably the Southern Cross on exiting the Gambia River in 1455, calling it the carro dell'ostro ("southern chariot").

Web of manifestation.

"St Bees is a coastal village, civil parish and electoral ward in the Copeland district of Cumbria, England, on the Irish Sea. Within the parish is St Bees Head which is the only Heritage Coast between Wales and Scotland and a Site of Special Scientific Interest."

Musca: De Houtman included it in his southern star catalogue in 1598 under the Dutch name De Vlieghe, "The Fly".[2] They assigned four stars to the constellation, with a star that would be later designated as Beta Muscae marking the head, Gamma the body, and Alpha and Delta the left and right wings, respectively.[3] It first appeared on a 35-cm-diameter (14-in) celestial globe published in 1598 in Amsterdam by Plancius with Jodocus Hondius, though was unnamed.[4] The first depiction of this constellation in a celestial atlas was in the German cartographer Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603,[5] though Bayer termed it Apis— "the Bee", a name by which it was known for the next two centuries. A 1603 celestial globe by Willem Blaeu depicts it as providing nourishment for the nearby constellation Chamaeleon—its tongue trying to catch the insect.''

Mensa is a constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere near the south celestial pole, one of fourteen constellations drawn up in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille. Its name is Latin for table, though it originally commemorated Table Mountain and was known as "Mons Mensae". One of the eighty-eight constellations designated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), it covers a keystone-shaped wedge of sky - onehundred and fiftythree {153.5} square degrees in area. Other than the south polar constellation of Octans, it is the most southerly of constellations and is observable only south of the 5th parallel of the Northern Hemisphere.

Eight strands each. Sixtyfour in total.

Seated on what? Any minerals near by? Dappled sunlight as opposed to {say} shadows of a cave?

One of the faintest constellations in the night sky, Mensa contains no apparently bright stars—the brightest, Alpha Mensae, is barely visible in suburban skies. Part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, several star clusters and a quasar lie in the area covered by the constellation, and at least three of its star systems have been found to have exoplanets. Although the stars of Mensa do not feature in any ancient mythology, the mountain it is named after has a rich mythology. Called "Tafelberg" in Dutch and German, it has two neighboring mountains called "Devil's Peak" and "Lion's Head". Table Mountain features in the mythology of the Cape of Good Hope, notorious for its storms. Explorer Bartolomeu Dias saw the mountain as a mythical anvil for storms. The three-letter abbreviation for the constellation, as adopted by the IAU in 1922, is "Men".[6] The official constellation boundaries, as set by Belgian astronomer Eugène Delporte in 1930, are defined by a polygon of eight segments.''

Side note: ''Newlands Cricket Ground in Cape Town is a South African cricket ground. It is the home of the Western Province and MI Cape Town. It is also a venue for Test matches, ODIs and T20Is. Newlands is regarded as one of the most beautiful cricket grounds in the world, being overlooked by Table Mountain and Devil's Peak....Newlands Cricket Ground (known as Six Gun Grill Newlands for sponsorship reasons) in Cape Town is a South African cricket ground.The ground's official name is "Six Gun Grill Newlands" as of October 2020, acknowledging a commercial sponsorship arrangement with a local maker of spices and seasonings....The title deed for the land currently containing the ground was granted to a brewer, Jacob Letterstedt in 1845, who then presented it to his daughter, Lydia Corrina, as a wedding present upon her marriage to the Vicomte de Montmort.


'Seven' rung ladder?

The land, partly wetland and heavily wooded, was rented to the Western Province Cricket Club in 1887 for £50, with a 'twentyfive'-year lease being signed in 1888 and the rental increased to £100. Each of the club's life members contributed £25 towards the costs, and a further £350 was received in donations towards the construction of a pavilion.


The ground was levelled and officially opened with a two-day match between Mother Country and Colonial Born {'Nobles'?}, which went on to become a regular feature. There was no scoreboard, and a pond existed behind the location of the current scoreboard...The scoreboard at Newlands cricket ground Cape Town South Africa during the match between Western Province and Eastern Province in February 1972. Before the arrival of the Australians in 1902, which included Victor Trumper, the pine trees, which extended from the "B" field along Camp Ground Road and around the pavilion, were replaced by oak trees. This is the site of the current Oaks Enclosure...''


One of the Dead Sea Scrolls location. Flat top?

A scroll on the 'chase' of the Spanish 18th century cannon with its name: "The Thunderer"

And/or: ''Table Mountain in Cape Town is one of the world’s most recognised and iconic mountains. Rising 1000 metres (3500 feet) out of the Atlantic Ocean, with a 3-kilometre (1,8 mile) flat top, it overlooks Table Bay (in which Robben Island is situated). One of the surprising aspects of the mountain is that it faces north. Most people unfamiliar with the area believe, since it is nearly at the southern tip of Africa, that it faces south. Looking at Table Mountain from the bay, on the right there is Signal Hill (where at noon every day a cannon fires to signal the time) and Lions Head, so named because from some angles it looks like a male lion crouching. On the left is Devil’s Peak, higher than Lion’s Head, but not as high as Table Mountain. Running back from Table Mountain to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope is a range of mountains known as the Twelve Apostles rising steeply out of the sea.

Above or below?

Despite its very rocky disposition, the Table Mountain area is home to over 2200 plant species, more than that of the United Kingdom. The National Botanical Garden, Kirstenbosch, lies on the side of Table Mountain....One of the amazing things about Table Mountain is that one minute it can be standing proudly with clear blue sky above it, and the next minute a layer of cloud can pour over the top, giving the impression of a dynamic tablecloth.

A weatherman will tell you that the tablecloth is formed when a south-easterly wind blows up against the mountain, lifting moist air abruptly, cooling it rapidly, causing condensation. When these orographic clouds (as they are called) reach the edge of the mountain on the other side, they descend and warm up, and the cloud disappears.

The San peoples who inhabited the area long before any Europeans or Blacks arrived called Table Mountain Camissa – the place of sweet water – and attributed the tablecloth to their mantis god smothering a fire with a kaross, which is any animal hide, usually a sheep’s, with its hair left on. This is certainly an appealing explanation, and I can see a San family clustered around a fire, listening to grandpa {or 'grandmother'?} telling the story of why the cloud appears and disappears. One of the amazing things about Table Mountain is that one minute it can be standing proudly with clear blue sky above it, and the next minute a layer of cloud can pour over the top, giving the impression of a dynamic tablecloth.

'Shepherds'/'Manger' to enlarge.

Jebel Barkal? {i.e., Amun therefore 'Ram' link}.

Side note: ''The Egyptian town of Abu Qir ("Father Cyrus"), honoring two Christian martyrs, is located a few kilometres away from the ruins of Canopus. It is a town (around 1900 with 1000 inhabitants), at the end of a little peninsula north-east of Alexandria. It has a trade in quails, which are caught in nets hung along the shore. Off Aboukir on 1 August 1798, the French Mediterranean fleet was destroyed within the roads by British Admiral Horatio Nelson. On 25 July 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte destroyed there a Turkish army 18,000 strong; and on 8 March 1801, the French garrison of 1,800 men was defeated by 20,000 English and Ottoman Turks commanded by Abercromby''

Head-light moment?

'Message' in a bottle?

And/or: ''The name of Canopus appears in the first half of the 6th century BC in a poem by Solon.[9] Early Egyptological excavations some 2 or 3 km from the area known today as Abu Qir have revealed extensive traces of the city with its quays, and granite monuments with the name of Ramesses II, but they may have been brought in for the adornment of the place at a later date. The exact date of the foundation of Canopus is unknown, but Herodotus refers to it as an ancient port. Homeric myth claims that it was founded by Menelaus, and named after Canopus, the pilot of his ship, who died there after being bitten by a serpent.[n 1] Legend describes how Menelaus built a monument to his memory on the shore, around which the town later grew up. There is unlikely to be any connection with "canopy". A temple to Osiris was built by king Ptolemy III Euergetes, but according to Herodotus, very near to Canopus was an older shrine, a temple of Heracles that served as an asylum for fugitive slaves. Osiris was worshipped at Canopus under a peculiar form: that of a vase with a human head. Through an old misunderstanding, the name "canopic jars" was applied by early Egyptologists to the vases with human and animal heads in which the internal organs were placed by the Egyptians after embalming.''

Recall the ''head jars''. Elsewhere.

Something closer to the 'mark'{?}: ''In Judaism a wedding takes place under a chuppah.''

'Reed' huts? Thatched?

'Fat' of the land?

''Its like a canopy - i think it represents the new home that the couple are building together.'' [Jenny Ryan / 'The Chase' ITV ].

Tent / Marquee ?

And/or: ''The word translated as "box" was actually a large jar (πίθος pithos) in Greek.[8][9] Pithoi were used for storage of wine, oil, grain or other provisions, or, ritually, as a container for a human body for burying, from which it was believed souls escaped and necessarily returned.[10] Many scholars see a close analogy between Pandora herself, who was made from clay, and the clay jar which dispenses evils.'' [Wiki].

Side note: ''Pandora's box from Greek mythology - given to the first woman on earth by Zeus. A process that once begun generates many complicated problems. All the 'troubles' in the world it is said stem from when it was opened.'' ['Chase the Case'].

Continued: ''The mistranslation of pithos is usually attributed to the 16th-century humanist Erasmus who, in his Latin account of the story of Pandora, changed the Greek pithos to pyxis, meaning "box".[12] The context in which the story appeared was Erasmus' collection of proverbs, the Adagia (1508), in illustration of the Latin saying Malo accepto stultus sapit (from experiencing trouble a fool is made wise). In his version the box is opened by Epimetheus, whose name means 'Afterthought' – or as Hesiod comments, "he whom mistakes made wise".

And/or: The Greek inscription on the lower part (exergue) of the coin (APAMEWN) means “Of the people of Apamea.” The inscription at the upper edge of the coin (PAR KL APOLINARIOU) translates as “by KL [Claudius?] Apolinarious” and refers to a person, unknown to us, who may have been the magistrate of the mint or the head of local games.

Side note: "The site is now partly occupied by the city of Dinar (sometimes locally known also as Geyikler, "the gazelles," perhaps from a tradition of the Persian hunting-park, seen by Xenophon at Celaenae), which by 1911 was connected with İzmir by railway; there are considerable remains, including a theater and a great number of important Graeco-Roman inscriptions.[4] Strabo (p. 577) says, that the town lies at the source (ekbolais) of the Marsyas, and the river flows through the middle of the city, having its origin in the city, and being carried down to the suburbs with a violent and precipitous current it joins the Maeander after the latter is joined by the Orgas (called the Catarrhactes by Herodotus, vii. 26)."

Armenia: Noah's Ark.

Continued: The vessel may be shaped like a box rather than a boat because Greek artists had already used box-forms to represent boats. The Jewish artist who engraved Noah’s Ark on this coin-medallion may have used Greek examples as his model. In depictions of the Greek myths of Danae and Perseus and of Auge and Telephos, Danae and Auge each floated across the sea in a box. Another explanation for the representation of the ark as a box on this coin-medallion is that one of the meanings of the Hebrew word teva is “box,” “chest” or “coffer.” Teva also means “vessel,” “boat” or “ark.” The Hebrew Bible uses the word teva to describe both Noah’s Ark and the vessel made of bulrushes in which Miriam placed her son, Moses. In the Septuagint, the third century B.C. Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, teva is translated as kibotos, a word which means “box” as well as “ark.” Noah’s vessel may, therefore, appear to be a box because of these meanings of kibotos and teva.

Poop deck?

And/or: ''The prominent appearance of Canopus means it has been the subject of mythological lore among many ancient peoples. Its proper name is generally considered to originate from the mythological Canopus, who was a navigator for Menelaus, king of Sparta. The acronychal rising marked the date of the Ptolemaia festival in Egypt. In ancient India, it was named Agastya after the revered Vedic sage. For Chinese astronomers, it was known as the Old Man of the South Pole.'' [Wiki].

Canopus the brightest star in the southern constellation of Carina {'the keel of a ship'}. The SECOND brightest star in the night sky.

'Second nature'?

Masonic Paddle Spanker. Mindset?

Side note: "The dream begins with intense cleaning activity suggestive of work on the shadow....The toilet has psychological significance in that it is where one produces something out of oneself. It is a place of psychological creativity." [Page 53 'The Lover and the Serpent' / Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee].

"I'M not so sure about this thing {says Chum}. Whats it for? Fraternal groups {says Rick}. Initiation groups - see that hole? Its for a 32 {'thirtytwo'} blank, so that when you paddle someone it scares the hell out of the person you'r paddling."

That universal "duality" in the practical SENSE of the word i.e., 'father and son'. Horus to enlarge.

"And they poop themselves?" {Chum}.

"Something like that, yes." {Rick} Pawn Stars / S17 EP22.

Post script: Rick being Rick {i.e., not taking himself seriously - always up for a laugh}, volunteers to get paddled. Which results in seeing something like a manic rain dance. The build up to it, has to be seen to be appreciated. One of the funniest episodes on TV.

Continued: ''It would be trifling without end to be particular in his follies, but his fishing must not be forgotten. He went out one day to angle with Cleopatra, and, being so unfortunate as to catch nothing in the presence of his mistress, he gave secret orders to the fishermen to dive under the water, and put fishes that had been already taken upon his hooks; and these he drew so fast that the Egyptian perceived it. But, feigning great admiration, she told everybody how dexterous Antony was, and invited them next day to come and see him again. So, when a number of them had come on board the fishing-boats, as soon as he had let down his hook, one of her servants was beforehand with his divers and fixed upon his hook a salted fish from Pontus. Antony, feeling his line give, drew up the prey, and when, as may be imagined, great laughter ensued, "Leave," said Cleopatra, "the fishing-rod, general, to us poor sovereigns of Pharos and Canopus; your game is cities, provinces, and kingdoms."['Life of Anthony' by Plutarch].

AND/OR: This Stone has a bright glittering: it contains a Spirit of a sublime original; it is the Sea of the Wise, in which they angle for their mysterious Fish.

This large bronze medallion was struck 1700 years ago at Apamea Kibotos in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) near the mountains of Ararat where, it is said, Noah’s Ark came to rest after the flood....On the Israel Museum ark coin three portions of the flood story are depicted on one side. In the center of the coin, the head and shoulders of Noah and his wife protrude from the ark, PERHAPS to see if the rain has stopped. The ark, depicted as a box with an open lid, floats on water while its lid shelters Noah and his wife from the rain. The side of the ark is inscribed with the three Greek letters NWE (Noah).... The addition of the word kibotos, which means “ark” in Greek, differentiates this particular Apameia from the others.

Something to ponder on: ''Fish on Friday! He goes a long way toward explaining this joke in relation to the Princess. Divine Art comes in catching this merry and royal fish or little bather (or heir) in your sea -- like catching a unicorn in a virgin's lap ("within the forest of the work are  found the twin natures..."), that is, "the vessel of the fish."

Vesica Pisces?

“Their mysterious Fish”! What an intriguing expression! It has its correspondences in the spermatozoon swimming in the seminal sea; in the foetus bathed in the intra-uterine amniotic fluid. It symbolizes the possibility of life, points to the realm of the future and great promise, and belongs to that class of eloquent symbols depicting rebirth and regeneration. In this connection there is an interesting illustration in The Book of Lambspring, one of the several books of the Hermetic Museum translated by Waite. It shows two fish swimming in a sea. Over the illustration we read “Be warned and understand truly that two fishes are swimming in our Sea. The Sea is the body, the two fishes are Soul and Spirit”. ['The Philosophers Stone'].

Side note: ''Worn in the American Artic and traditionally made from seal or reindeer skin, a mukluk is a type of boot.'' ['Tipping Point'].

And/or: ''Pharos was a small island located on the western edge of the Nile Delta. In 332 BC Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria on an isthmus opposite Pharos. Alexandria and Pharos were later connected by a mole[6] spanning more than 1,200 metres (0.75 miles), which was called the Heptastadion ("seven stadia"—a stadion was a Greek unit of length measuring approximately 180 m). The etymology of “Pharos” is uncertain. The word became generalized in modern Greek (φάρος ‘fáros’), and was loaned into Spanish (‘faro’).

The east side of the mole became the Great Harbour, now an open bay; on the west side lay the port of Eunostos, with its inner basin Kibotos now vastly enlarged to form the modern harbour.  Today's city development lying between the present Grand Square and the modern Ras el-Tin quarter is built on the silt which gradually widened and obliterated this mole. The Ras el-Tin promontory, where Ras el-Tin Palace was built in the 19th century, represents all that is left of the island of Pharos, the site of the lighthouse at its eastern point having been weathered away by the sea.'' [Wiki].

Refresher: "The second portion of the flood story is shown above the ark’s lid. A dove, the olive spray in its beak symbolizing the subsidence of the waters and the end of the flood, lands on the ark cover. The third episode in the story is shown just to the right of the ark: Noah and his wife stand with arms upraised in an attitude of grateful prayer for their salvation.

Oculus of the Pantheon = ''Bulls eye''.

"Blue-lidded lady of the dawn, carrier of her fathers wisdom, let this old one rest in your arms." [Day seven: The Temple of Hathor at Denderah' from the book 'Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt'].

The Greek inscription on the lower part (exergue) of the coin (APAMEWN) means “Of the people of Apameia.” The inscription at the upper edge of the coin (PAR KL APOLINARIOU) translates as “by KL [Claudius?] Apolinarious” and refers to a person, unknown to us, who may have been the magistrate of the mint or the head of local games.....

Apameia Kibotos was a Phrygian city established by Antiochus I (280–261 B.C.) who named it after his mother, Apameia. At that time, there were at least two other cities in the region named Apameia, one in Bithynia (northern Turkey) and the other in Syria. The addition of the word kibotos, which means “ark” in Greek, differentiates this particular Apameia from the others. The Jewish community in Apameia was probably as old as the city’s foundation in the third century B.C.1 The legend of Noah seems to have been localized at Apameia Kibotos, and the Jewish element in Apameia was strong enough, as early as the time of Jesus, to give the city the name, Kibotos, derived from the Biblical story.

On the Israel Museum ark coin three portions of the flood story are depicted on one side. In the center of the coin, the head and shoulders of Noah and his wife protrude from the ark, perhaps to see if the rain has stopped. The ark, depicted as a box with an open lid, floats on water while its lid shelters Noah and his wife from the rain. The side of the ark is inscribed with the three Greek letters NWE (Noah).


Porpoise, turtle or tortoise?

The 'vessel' may be shaped like a box rather than a boat because Greek artists had already used box-forms to represent boats. The Jewish artist who engraved Noah’s Ark on this coin-medallion may have used Greek examples as his model. In depictions of the Greek myths of Danae and Perseus and of Auge and Telephos, Danae and Auge each floated across the sea in a box. Another explanation for the representation of the ark as a box on this coin-medallion is that one of the meanings of the Hebrew word teva is “box,” “chest” or “coffer.” Teva also means “vessel,” “boat” or “ark.” The Hebrew Bible uses the word teva to describe both Noah’s Ark and the vessel made of bulrushes in which Miriam placed her son, Moses. In the Septuagint, the third century B.C. Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, teva is translated as kibotos, a word which means “box” as well as “ark.” Noah’s vessel may, therefore, appear to be a box because of these meanings of kibotos and teva."

On the obverse side of the coin, the Roman Emperor Trebonianus Gallus is portrayed.

What would his mother think? What about the father? Was he really a Russian?

From a different perspective: ''The general sterility of the Russian spirit prevents showing itself in its reality. It is in the realm of creative imagination where we will find its clearest expression i.e., the three ancient sanctuaries of the Slav religion: One of these was in Arkona, on the island of Rugen in the Baltic near Rostock, East Germany. It was on a promontory facing the sea.The temple was made of wood of ''exquisite craftmanship'' - it had a red roof, square in shape like the Zarathustra fire altars. Another of these sanctuaries was in KIEV....on the high west bank of the river Dnieper. The 3rd was at Novgorod....situated on a promontory {peninsula?} formed by the bank of the Volkhov river and Lake Ilmen, from which the river flows. The design of the sanctuary resembles an eight petalled flower.'' [Page 94 'Russia, Past, Present and Future'].

''Chicken Kiev: The first ever convenience food in the U.K. - sold for 1.99 in M+S in 1979. The Russian Foreign Ministry recieved some controversial press when they served something identical - which they had named it after Crimea.'' ['Chase the Case'].

Divine protection?

''A long time ago, when most Russians were illiterate, they invented thousands of fairy tales that were handed down from generation to generation. Listening to fairy tales was a favorite pastime not only for children, but for adults too, who gathered together in the evenings to listen to a good yarn while weaving bark shoes or doing other work. These stories were morality tales inspired by everyday life, fables about animals and about fantastic creatures that lived in forests, rivers and swamps, or fairy tales about princesses and princes. It was these fairy tales that shaped the character of the Russian people and ensured its cultural continuity.''

Continued: A work in progress: ''The Jewish Talmud, a 4th century AD source, referred to Magdala as Migdal-Nunya, meaning ''tower of fish''....This is one explanation for the origin of the town's name, Migdal, meaning tower. Further north, part of the harbor, most likely in use up until 67AD....'' [Pages 25/30 'Mary Magdalene: Insights From Ancient Magdala' / J. Ristine].

Side note: ''Fish on Friday! He goes a long way toward explaining this joke in relation
to the Princess. Divine Art comes in catching this merry and royal fish or little
bather (or heir) in your sea -- like catching a unicorn in a virgin's lap
("within the forest of the work are found the twin natures..."), that is,
"the vessel of the fish."

Vesica Pisces?

''It's in the Mutus Liber and later glosses thereon; Magaphon follows
d'Espagnet and Fulcanelli follows Magaphon.'' [Roberet Scott Martin].

''.......René Schwaller de Lubicz (1887–1961), who collaborated with Champagne for almost twenty years, and who notably claimed, towards the end of his life, that Champagne “stole” his research; and (iii) the classically-trained erudite, Pierre Dujols (1862–1926), alias Magaphon, proprietor of the Librairie des Merveilleux, who may also have been Champagne’s master.''

And/or: ''Among the various ways in which our manuscript unpacks the Emerald Tablet, one point in particular should be emphasised because it speaks directly to the nature of alchemy as a “divine art”, an expression whose provenance also drinks deeply from the Greek and Arabic roots of alchemy. The similitude of above and below is revealed here in its deeper meaning''.

Continued: {sentence in italics in relation to}: "...It will be the 'white' raven {north?} not the 'black' one, which will show the way....The white raven, magical, impossibly rare, unseen in common hours. 'Teacher, what does it mean?'....'Riddle me this Bear Cub,' Merlyn replied...." [Page 37 'Deeper Teachings of Merlyn' / D. Monroe]. Enlarged elsewhere.

Other key words associated with that same round barrow with flat top: Semi-circle/ white pebbles/ glass and ''beehive corbelled vault'' {'void'?}. Also ''Four great pillars'' found within. Squaring the circle?''I

Analogy: "What is the relation of Caer Sidi to Caer Arianrhod? Were they the same place? I think not, because Caer Sidi had been identified with Puffin Island off the coast of Anglesey and with Lundy Island in the Severn: both of them island Elysiums of the usual type. A clue to the problem is that though Caer Sidi, or Caer Sidin, means 'Revolving Castle' {transcendent third?} in Welsh, and though revolving islands are common in Welsh and Irish legend, the word 'Sidi' is apparently a translation of the Goidelic word Sidhe, a round barrow fortress {'flat top'?} belonging to the Aes Sidhe {Sidhe, for short}, the prime 'magicians' of Ireland. There are several 'Fortresses of the Sidhe' in Ireland, the most remarkable ones being Brugh- na- Boyne {now called 'New Grange'}, Knowth and Dowth, on the northern banks of the river Boyne...." [Page 98-101 'The White Goddess'].

"Saint Clement's Day was traditionally, and in some places still celebrated on twentythree November, a festival between Halloween and Christmas. Pope Clement I is the patron saint of metalworkers and blacksmiths, and so these workers traditionally enjoyed a holiday on his feast day."

Question. 'Anchored' or not?

N.B. R.A.F. stationed at Anglesey.

''Only seven ever returned from Caer Sidi''

Try 'Smith and Jones' to determine whether relevant more to 'east' or 'west' and/or 'incarnation/reincarnation. Welsh equivalent.

''Seven must 'die' before the treasure is found'' {'Curse of Oak Island' / History Channel}.

Side note: "Etymology: According to Eustathius of Thessalonica[13] the word Elysium (Ἠλύσιον) derives from ἀλυουσας (ἀλύω, to be deeply stirred from joy)[14] or from ἀλύτως, synonymous of ἀφθάρτως (ἄφθαρτος, incorruptible),[15] referring to souls' life in this place. Another suggestion is from ελυθ-, ἔρχομαι (to come).[16]

The Greek poet Hesiod refers to the "Isles of the Blest" in his didactic poem Works and Days. In his book Greek Religion, Walter Burkert notes the connection with the motif of far-off Dilmun: "Thus Achilles is transported to the White Isle and becomes the Ruler of the Black Sea, and Diomedes becomes the divine lord of an Adriatic island".[11]

And they live untouched by sorrow in the islands of the blessed along the shore of deep-swirling Ocean, happy heroes for whom the grain-giving earth bears honey-sweet fruit flourishing thrice a year, far from the deathless gods, and Cronos rules over them."

AND/OR: CRONOS rules the lost Golden Age - a timeless era which corresponds to the Otherworldly dimension: his very name means 'time'. Zeus stops time by anchoring his father in the cave of sleep, but father and son still interact, according to Plutarch. Cronos's companions are said to give forth utterances of prophetic power: the things which Zeus premediates, Cronos dreams. ;'Mabon and the Mysteries of Britain' / C. Matthews].

Minerva protecting Peace from Mars or Peace and War is a painting by Peter Paul Rubens. He produced it in London between 1629 and 1630, during a diplomatic mission from the Spanish Netherlands to Charles I of England. It is now in the National Gallery, London.[1]
It shows Minerva (goddess of war, wisdom and crafts) fighting off Mars, with the nude figure of the goddess Pax (commonly known as "Peace" in English) in the centre.

Mistress of pure water.

AND/OR: Conscious conflict, however, has another value, quite apart from the superficial fact that a conscious conflict can consciously be dealt with. Our text appears to encourage conflict when, however, it is cultivated deliberately and with full intent in order to hasten the cessation of its activity. Then follows a new birth and production of an integrated attitude which appertains to neither element of the conflict. What possibly is a more accurate expression is not that conflict is encouraged consciously or otherwise, but that analysis and meditation increase the perception of the presence of the conflict so that the true extent of the internecine warfare waging within is fully realized. Jung has described at some length in Psychological Types the phenomenon whereby the conflict between the pairs of opposites when becoming too acute to be borne, causes consciousness of them to undergo an eclipse. A third or higher reconciling point of view spontaneously comes to birth and is the outcome of surmounting or growing out of a psychic position which is untenable and unendurable....

Clearly the attainment spells the eclipse of the Dragon. Where light shines no darkness can there abide. For being the basis of the instinctual life, harnessed and chained to the needs and clearly perceived ideals of the psyche, the dragon shuns the sunbeams and the daylight. No longer do its projections and compulsive automatisms haunt the light of consciousness. No longer is the personality tortured as by some foul and evil presence. Its needs and dictates, once so imperious, cease their urgency, finding their proper place within the natural economy. ['The Philosophers Stone' / I. Regardie].

And/or: ''It may well be that the story of the forgiveness of Zeus {towards Prometheus}, was created more to promote Zeus as a {now} god of forgiveness and wisdom than to rehabilitate the reputation of Prometheus. Zeus is even said to have forgiven his father, Cronos, and made him king of Elysium.'' [Page 65 'Lords of the Left Hand Path' / S. Flowers].

Before or After the 'birth' of Athene?

"I want you to have roots of your own to belong somewhere....One day i shall come back . Until then there should be no regrets, no tears or anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs - and prove to me i'm not mistaken in mine....Always search for truth. My truth is in the stars - and YOURS is here." {'Doctor Who' 1963}.

N.B. Athena = ''Born from the head of Zeus.'' {=''wisdom''}.

And/or: Prometheus = ''The one with foreknowledge {forethought}.''

And/or: Themis = the mother of Prometheus, who 'stole fire from heaven' i.e., ''GIFT of divine light''. [Page 63 onwards for full story: 'Lords of the Left Hand Path' / S. Flowers].

Happy or Sad? Cobbler?

Question. Does TRUE ''wisdom'' come before or after ''forgiveness''?

''Suffering'' link?

And/or: "Old Clem's Night" started literally with a bang and showers of sparks during the ritual "firing of the anvil." The smith packed gunpowder into a small hole in an anvil, and then struck it soundly with a hammer, causing a small explosion. Anvil firing was also a test of the anvil's durability: weak anvils would break under pressure, and had to be re-forged....Traditional toasts included "True hearts and sound bottoms, check shirts and leather aprons" and "Here's to old Vulcan, as bold as a lion, A large shop and no iron, A big hearth and no coal, And a large pair of bellowses full of holes".....The smith, or apprentice, dressed up in wig, mask and cloak to represent "Old Clem", led a procession of smiths through the streets, stopping at taverns along the way....The old begging song "Cattern and Clemen, be here be here! Some of your apples and some of your beer!" refers to the combination with the "catterning" custom two days later on St Catherine's Day ('twentyfive' November). "

'Oranges/Lemons' to enlarge.

Continued: ''On the east side of the mound, diametrically {'hypotenuse'?} opposite the entrance, a stone was discovered in 1901 which has three suns carved on it, two of them with their rays enclosed in a circle as if in prison, the other free. Above them is a much rougher, unenclosed sun and above that, notched across a straight line, the Ogham letters B and I - which, as will be explained presently, are the first and last letters of the ancient Irish alphabet, dedicated respectively to inception and death.'' [Page 98/9 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

Question 2. What is the difference {in the 'spiritual' sense of the word} of a Palace/Castle/Temple?

Set of arms. Raised?

Something extra: ''To be in the castle of Arianrhod is to be in a royal purgatory waiting resurrection...the name of the Underworld over which the White Goddess ruled is derived by grammarians from the root ereph, which means to 'cover or conceal'. It was the Moon goddess, not the Sun god, who originally inspired Orpheus.

Metal of the mind. What 'elements' create it?

The clearest sign that we have the old matriarchal Triple Goddess, or White Goddess, lies in her giving 'her son' Llew Llaw a 'name' and a set of arms {shield?}. In patriarchal society it was always the 'father' who gives both...I thought at first that Gwion's riddle about Caer Arianrhod was to be completed with 'and the whirling round without motion between the three elements'. The three elements are clearly fire, air and water...'' [Page 100 same book].

Question. 'Earth' = ''anchored''?

What about Matriarch?

'Static/Dynamic' ?

"Rest/Rested'' to enlarge

A working example: ''As an anchor through the toughest of times.'' {Robson Green}.


Flat top - but on an incline?


Hence: ''....the sacred kings of Bronze Age Ireland, who were solar kings of a most primitive type , to judge by the taboos which bound them....were buried beneath these barrows; but their 'spirits' went to Caer Sidi, the castle of Ariadne, namely Corona Borealis. Thus the pagan Irish could call Newgrange 'Spiral Castle'.....A revolving wheel before the door of a castle is common in Goidelic legend. According to Keating , the magic fortress of the enchantress Blanaid {'primrose' link?} - in the Isle of Man, was protected by one - Nobody could enter UNTILL IT WAS STILL." [Page 103, same book].

Equinox's to enlarge.

'Still Waters'? 'She who loves silence'?

FACING EAST: "The sides of the throne: 'sovereigns over Upper and Lower Egypt, typified by figures of the Nile god binding the stalks of two different water plants....A line of hieroglyphs also extend from the shoulder down the back to the pedestal with the name of the Pharaoh. On either side stand, attached to the throne, statues of the wife and the mother + smaller statue of the queen between his feet." Female aspect now leading the Way?

'Anima' or 'animus' chained/imprisoned?

A working example: "The view of these wonders on the plains of west Thebes is taken from the upper or southern side of the pair. The statues and their thrones, but NOT their pedestals, were originally hewn each out of a single stone; but the farthest of these {northern}, the well known vocal Memnon - has been restored. The height of each is fortyseven feet, without the pedestal. With it = sixty feet {therefore pedestal = 'thirteen' feet?}....All the prominent features of these vast statues are now obliterated; the faces have flaked and fallen off. The massive headdresses, which descend over the breast, have, in their angles, preserved the ears.

Sculptured for endurance, the severe and simple form of the Egyptian statue required the limbs to be in close contact with the body, or otherwise supported.

Many statues of Djedefre has same defacement.


'Eight' pyramids built from Djoser to Djedefre. Khufu =Fifth. THEN Djedfere {'six'} THEN BACK TO Khafre {'seven'}. ALL IN ONE PIECE.

Position WITHOUT ACTION is its characteristic: the legs are united to the throne, the arms to the body, and the fore-arms and hands to the thighs, on which they rest. The smallest surface possible for its volume is thus presented to the action of Time, who finds few weak points in Egyptian Art by which to insinuate his attacks....These statues may have been seen by Moses, for it was erected, three and thirty centuries ago, by that Pharaoh in whose reign the Israelites were led forth by the great Lawgiver from their bondage in Egypt." [Page 48 'Egypt and Nubia' / D. Roberts + others. Enlarged elsewhere].

"When you're sculpturing a face, you should look at every angle, little bit by little bit, checking every point. I've got to not make it look like a sculptured piece but a carved piece, almost. Sculpturing is when you are adding. Carving is when you're taking away." [Nick: 'Salvage Hunters: The Restorers' / S3 EP15].


"Look at that! If you ever needed convincing that we live in a solar system on a rock orbiting around the sun with other balls of rock - then look at that! {eclipse of the sun - seen at Varanasi : 'It's the one place on the Ganges where you can bathe in the river on this shore while seeing the sunrise on the eastern shore. The only place where the Ganges turns around to the north....The ancient Indians knew it as The Solar City'}. That's the solar system coming down and grabbing you by the throat....One of the most interesting things about gravity is that it is weak, so weak that i can lift my hand up off the ground when there's a whole planet pulling it down....Its tremendously weak. But its additive. It only adds. There's no negative gravity, like with electricity {'137'?} - with positive and negative that eventually cancels each other out. And so, because gravity is only additive and only attractive - when there's enough mass of a rock for gravity to work upon - it will dominate. It forms and sculpts sphere's as it exerts it's pressure equally in all directions....Gravity is the sculptor of the universe." ['Brian Cox's Adventures in Spacetime' / S1 EP3].

'Lubet' to enlarge.

"A monk who had meditated long in search of Illumination finally received a great flash of insight. Rushing to his 'roshi' {Zen Master}, the monk cried out, 'I have it! I have it! That rock there is inside my head.' "You must have a big head," the Master replied, ''to hold a rock that size."

A beginning or end?


"Varanasi (VārāṇasīHindi: [ʋaːˈraːɳəsi] ;[a] also BenaresBanaras (Banāras [bəˈnaːrəs] )[13][14][15] or Kashi (Kāshi [kˈæʃi] )[16]) is a city on the Ganges river in northern India that has a central place in the traditions of pilgrimage, death, and mourning in the Hindu world.[17][b] The city has a syncretic tradition of Muslim artisanship that underpins its religious tourism.[20] Located in the middle-Ganges valley in the southeastern part of the state of Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi lies on the left bank of the river. It is 692 kilometres (430 mi) to the southeast of India's capital New Delhi and 320 kilometres (200 mi) to the southeast of the state capital, Lucknow. It lies 121 kilometres (75 mi) downstream of Prayagraj, where the confluence with the Yamuna river is another major Hindu pilgrimage site.

Varanasi, the centre of the Bhojpuri cultural region is one of the world's oldest continually inhabited cities.[21][22][23] Kashi, its ancient name, was associated with a kingdom of the same name of 2,500 years ago. The Lion capital of Ashoka at nearby Sarnath has been interpreted to be a commemoration of the Buddha's first sermon there in the fifth century BCE..."


Refresher: "The turning around of the light is the 'firing process'...." [Page 17 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' / T. Cleary].

''The whole work of 'turning the light around' uses the method of reversal. The 'beauties' of the highest heavens and the marvels of the sublimest realms are all within the heart: this is where the perfectly open and aware spirit concentrates. Confucians call it the open center {Amarna?}, Buddhists call it the pedestal of awareness {'horizon'?}, Taoists call it the ancestral earth, the yellow court {'sand'?}, the mysterious pass {'Place of Rowing'?}, the primal opening. The celestial mind is like a house; the light is the master of the house. Therefore once you turn the light around, the energies throughout the body all rise.''

Traditional etymology links "Varanasi" to the names of two Ganges tributaries forming the city's borders: Varuna, still flowing in northern Varanasi, and Assi, today a small stream in the southern part of the city, near Assi Ghat. The old city is located on the north shores of the Ganges, bounded by Varuna and Assi.[32]

In the Mahabharata the city is referred to as Kāśī (काशी: Kashi) from the Sanskrit verbal root kaś- "to shine", making Varanasi known as "City of Light",[33][16] the "luminous city as an eminent seat of learning".[34] The name was also used by pilgrims dating from Buddha's days.[citation needed]

Hindu religious texts use many epithets in Sanskrit to refer to Varanasi, such as Kāśikā (transl. "the shining one"), Avimukta (transl. "never forsaken by Shiva"), Ānandakānana (transl. "the forest of bliss"), Rudravāsa (transl. "the place where Rudra resides"), and Mahāshmashāna (transl. "the great cremation ground").[35]


Side note: ''When fishing became my therapy; i wondered why it was having such a positive affect on me. Then i discovered the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.  He's famous for coming up with the practical theory that something that can completely engross you can help many mental health conditions {including boredom? - recall Part 1}. He calls it ''Flow''. The concept of flow. BEING in the flow, in the zone, in the moment - its a fairly new term - its also as OLD AS THE HILLS {Gog Magog / al-Qurn?}. Its Eastern philosophy, its Buddihism, its Zen, all those things. Its about losing oneself in the MOMENT. And we all know what being in the zone is - its when time stands still {'Saturn'? / ''event horizon''?}.

The cedar boat of Khufu.

Concerns whether they be about money, relationships, profession, career etc - all the mundane stuff - just falls to one side {'in profile'?} - and you are just FOCUSED in the moment....A state of equilibrium. ['Robson and Jims Fly-fishing Adventure in Iceland' / ITV].

Equinoxes to enlarge.


In the form of 'two triangles'. Above/below. Fire/water. That same shape that can be seen on the 'hind quarters' {left} of the 'headless' Sphinx on the east side at Gebel el Silsila. Question. What god/goddess represents ''an hour''? Dawn?

That link between incarnation {West} /Reincarnation {East}. Enlarged elsewhere. Try ''Jones'' and/or ''Smith''. And/or: ''Static/dynamic''

ALL as a means....?

'She who loves silence'.

A working example: ''These hills are telling me to shut up in the loveliest of ways.'' ['Walking With Shappi Khorsandi' / BBC2 / 2022].

Refresher: ''On the east side of the mound, diametrically opposite the entrance, a stone was  discovered in 1901 which had three suns carved on it, two of them with their 'rays' enclosed in a circle as if in prison, the other free. '' [Page 103].

Try Caer Sidi to enlarge.


End of the world - or just symbols/hieroglyphs to 'peak' an interest? An interest which according to this MIND SET gives 'salvation'. Question. Al-Qurn?

Side note:  {from a different perspective}:''Genghis Khan's body after death was purified and wrapped in WHITE felt....If a single stone is ever disturbed it would be the 'end of the world'..'' ['Lost Tomb of Genghis Khan' / Nat. Geo].

Question. When his body is found - will they be quartz stones?

Try ''revelation'' before those 1st impressions decide something else.

Side note: ''At Amarna, quartzite was almost entirely used for female statues, although Akhenaten did have quartzite shabti figures....Quartzite and red granite, for example, had strong solar connections; this may explain why Akhenaten favoured yellow-red and purple quartzite....' [Page 108 'Nefertit's Face' / J. Tyldesley].

Anima or animus?

Lunar = ?

Goddess of Dawn. 'Garments' to enlarge.

Further clues: ''Newgrange is a flat - topped round is built of heaped stones, not of earth, and was originally covered with white quartz pebbles: a Bronze Age sepulchral practice in honour of the White Goddess which may account in part for the legends of Kings housed after death in 'glass' castles. Ten enormous stone herms, weighing eight or ten tons apiece, stand in a semi-circle around the southern end....and one formally stood at the summit. It is not known how many more have been removed but 'gaps' suggest an original set of twelve...." [Same page and book].

Question. If 'eleven' was the original number then ''five'' and six''? Enlarged elsewhere. The main point being answers can be got because of those universal constants regardless of whether it be ''eleven'', 'twelve' or 'thirteen' - in order to get as close as possible to a MIND SET.

'Waters of the Gap' ?

Refresher: {as ONE example}: "We don't know the purpose of the white quartz pebbles. There found in mortuary context from pre-historic periods onward and also medieval cemeteries. There's a passage in the Bible - Revelations- about a person who has found Christ is given a white stone - and in that - a new 'name'...."

''Glass' and or ''semi-circle'' to enlarge - step by step. Question. Footwear optional?

And/or: ''Revolving'' in relation to what the word ''Sidhe'' represents to the 'whole'.

And/or: ''Like the Grail legends, the alchemists techniques provided a structured journey, deeply embedded in symbolism, through which the would be initiate could seek the 'shining jewel' of refined spirit within him/her....One road leads inwards, to the maze at the heart of our inner castle, the other road, scattered with jewels and the remains of burnt out failures, leads to the world of every day toil and achievement. You are standing at that crossroads, and guilded by whatever steps you may have already taken on both of those ways, now you may go forward on your chosen path.'' [Final paragraph 'The Path Through the Labyrinth' / M. Green].

Question. Red, green, yellow, purple or white ones?

Wet / Dry - which and why?

Continued: "But are these two worlds Pan spoke of to remain forever separate? I have seen this lake, in my minds eye, I think. I found myself on May Hill, and it was an island. All this was sea - or lake. And a friend said the other day that she could never take her shoes off in this house for fear of getting her feet wet! But not in this world, if you know what I mean. She 'felt' the lake without knowing about it." ['The Sword in the Sun'].

"And we may note here that Gautama, the Buddha was born, reached illumination, and died at the ''full moon of May.'' In the deepest sense he symbolizes the raising of ''new moon'' instinct to the clarity of ''full moon'' consciousness, of unconscious Nature to conscious Meaning...." [Page 67, 'The Lunation Cycle' / D. Rudhyar].

Put all those keys {some highlighted} together to not only understand what is implied - but to take the subject material a stage {development?} further...

''The 6th tree is a whitethorn or hawthorn or may, which takes its name from the month of May. It is, in general an unlucky tree.....'' [Page 169 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

REFRESHER: "The 'thorns' of the crown center function as the 'nails' of objectivity..." [Taken from 'letter 5' from within the book by Tomberg].

Difference between Eastern and Western Way. Lotus position {'cross' legged} being their START point. 'SEE' it?

Spirit 'fire' {volcano?} Soul 'seed' {'flower' etc}. Under the earth/above it. As a means.....

''Untouched by fire''.

A side step: "In ancient mythology many times Zeus would take the form of a swan..." Quote by Phineas Kastle. ['Pawn Stars'/ History Channel. Series 18. Episode 1].

..."The cause of the later connection of Apollo with Delphi is somewhat confused in the myths. We are dealing with fragments of a very ancient oral tradition that are like pieces of patchwork that have to be assembled into a coherent fabric...Much would seem to depend on the 'changing' character of Apollo - or rather how mankind related to his archetype - for all such 'relationships' are in the process of change with the gradual evolution of consciousness. Solar 'hero's' in particular tend to transform in this way." Same book.

And/or Hera/Zeus in relation to 'elder'? Leto/Apollo in relation to 'younger'? OR would that be vice versa? Therefore link to Manifested/UNmanifested? As a means to...?

Side note: The film 'The life of Pi' {mentioned elsewhere}. Plenty of 'keys' - one of which = ''floating island''. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

'Birthing' bricks.

The Church of Saint George was carved downwards from a type of volcanic tuff. This is the sole architectural material that was used in the structure. It has been dated to the late 12th or early 13th century AD, and thought to have been constructed during the reign of King Gebre Mesqel Lalibela, of the late Zagwe dynasty.

Mayan equivalent? "The ceremonial precinct of Tiahuanaco was surrounded by a moat, to give the impression of a site - as a floating island. The central feature of the core precinct is a man made mountain of seven levels - rising some fifty feet high called Akapana. The adjacent Semi-subterranean Temple and the Kalasaya lie along an east-west axis - the suns rising and setting horizons on the equinoxes. A sunken courtyard was found atop the Akapana temple. Its purpose was to catch rainwater, and a system of drains..." ['Galactic Alignment'].

Water in relation to ?

Step pyramid? Try ''moat''.

"I wanted to use water because the film is talking about faith, and it contains fish, life and every emotion for Pi. And air is God, heaven and something spiritual and death. That's how I see it. I believe the thing we call faith or God is our emotional attachment to the unknown. I'm Chinese; I believe in the Taoist Buddha. We don't talk about a deity, which is very much like this book; we're not talking about religion but God in the abstract sense, something to overpower you." [ Ang Lee, on the use of water and the spiritual element of Life of Pi / film November 17,2012 / wiki ].

Refresher: "God is a hypothesis which is ''very probably necessary''. Quote by Eliphas Levi.

'God in the detail' ?

'What is God?' / Jacob Needleman.

'Devil in the detail'.