'Sun' in the ''middle'' - 'Eight' in total {i.e.,'seven' in relation to the 'Self' }. See anything other than the obvious? Try ''three and a half''.
..."The vow of chastity means to say the putting into practice of the resolution to live accordingly to 'solar' law, without covetousness and without indifference. Because virtue is boring and vice is disgusting. But that which lives at the foundation of the heart is love. The heart lives only when it loves. It is then like the sun. And 'chastity' is the state of the human being in which the heart , having become solar, is the center of 'gravity'. In other words, chastity is the state of the human being where the center named in Eastern esotericism as the ''twelve petalled lotus'' is awakened and becomes the 'sun' of the microcosmic 'planetary system'..." [Taken from 'letter 5' of the book by Tomberg]. Understand those keys [highlighted] to define the parts within the whole, i.e.,...

"...having become 'solar', is the center of gravity." Like attracts like - including 'knowledge' - link to ''synchronicity''. It also defines the preoccupation [especially in those ancient days] of the earth [instead of the sun] - being at the center of the ''planetary system.'' i.e.,representation of something - other than the obvious....
"Sirius is sometimes called the 'Sun behind the sun', indicating that while the star we call the Sun is related to our physical center of Self in our Solar Plexus and the expression of our Selves within the physical earth, Sirius represents a more hidden center." ['Red Tree, White Tree'].
And/or: ''Akhenaten's god represented the power of the sun, or the light of the sun, rather than the sun itself...'' [Page 11 'Nefertiti's Face' / J. Tyldesley].
Recall J. Campbells quote.

Miss Splendor?
And/or: ''We must not speak of god without light, because 'he' is the true light.....like a lantern which does enlighten us by the word: 'Thy Word is a Lantern to my feet, the Splendor of the 'Father' and the living Fountain of life' {''living water''?}......The father is as the Sun in his essence: from whence comes splendor and heat, which three are not seperated from another, but remain united together, although they are distinct: in this fire then our souls are warmed in the Love and fear of god, and lightened in his knowledge {talatat's?}.'' [Page 77/8 'Discourse on Fire and Salt].
''There's a fire starting in my heart.'' [First line: 'Rolling in the Deep' / Adele].
As a working {hypothetical?} example: ''In closing the introduction of this study of zodiacal signs we should ask the reader to remember that these studies will consider the zodiac as a fundamental factor in astrological interpretation; as an actual 'field' {i.e., EGYPTIAN equivalent = ''running the fields''?} of structuring energies surrounding and pervading the earth and all its inhabitants. We shall see zodiacal signs as definite types of energies {as an example}...the Sun, when passing through a zodiacal 'sign', acts in a way, any other planet acts. It is merely the central planet, the most powerful agent acting upon the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Thus when the sun is at 'birth' in {say, Taurus}, the organic functions represented in any organism by Taurus can be considered as those receiving the largest share of vital energy and commanding the native's strongest powers of attention. The 'Taurus' function is shown to be the central function of the organism - and nothing more.'' [Page 15 'The Zodiac and the Universal Matrix' / Dane Rudhyar].
And/or: ''....On this battlefield {'struggle' link} previously unacknowledged parts of oneself demand to be recognised - demand 'a place in the sun'....." [Page 15 'The Lover and the Serpent' / Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee].
All as a means....?

'SEE' it?
''....But once he realizes that he himself has a shadow, that is enemy is his own heart, then the conflict begins and one becomes two. An awareness {'sunshine'?} of the opposites in ones own nature at first brings conflict....experiences an inner battle as opposing aspects of oneself fight it out. On this battlefield....." [Same book].
From a different perspective with a few ''nuggets'' found within: ''In fact 'blindness' is the punishment for incompetence in dealing with the 'storm' and had Horus been more efficient in contending with Seth {'shadow' aspect}, he would not have lost his sight or PART of it...." [Page 77 'The Sky Religion in Egypt' / G. Wainwright].
As seen from a different perspective: "Among the great initiate wisdom which has proceeded from China is the literature attached to the 'Book of Change', the I Ching...Among the basic 64 archetypal figures {images?} or hexagrams, is one which deals with inner truth. The Chinese character {image?} which denotes {represents?} 'truth' is an archaic picture of a bird resting its protective claws on the head of a newly hatched 'young'. The ancient sages pictured truth as a delicate thing, egg born, and in perpetual need of protection. On a deeper level the 'hexagram' deals with the consequences of 'love', for love itself is nothing more than the recognition in another person of the truth within his/her soul." ['The Zelator'. Includes italics only - with the exception of the word in bold print]. Try ''claw/s'' and/or ''young/est'' then finally ''hexagram''.
Side note: ''The flowering plants also known as angiosperms, angiospermae, or Magnoliophyta are the most diverse groups of land plants with 64 orders, 416 families, approximately 13,000 known generations and 300,000 known species'' {Wiki}.
And/or: 64 ships found on the sea bed - many purposely fixed in the 'ritual' sense of the word - where the city of Heracleion once stood. 'Kingship' its prime purpose.
''Where Hercules first set foot in Egypt.'' Question. Right or left foot?
H M S Agamemnon - The sixty-four gun ship of Horatio Nelson. Coincidence?
Side step: The program 'Ancient Aliens' attempts to understand 'egg' symbolism throughout all ages. To understand the parts within the whole - define SUBJECT material - not just little green chaps from Mars.
A different take: "And so for thousands of years the geocentric view of the universe was never questioned. Aristotle and others thought of these things in detail. They noticed that when they dropped things they fell to the earth - the center of the earth - so there must have been something special about the center - it must be the center of the universe. These arguments were so persuasive that it was millennia before they were overturned." ['Human Universe' / narrated by B. Cox]. Try ''mandala'' for a different take on the same theme {principle?}.
A correct analysis of a MIND SET - beyond { 'horizon'?} 1st impressions: "In confused but suggestive context, it is interesting to note that there are some specific references to Britain in Greek mythology as the Hyperborean Lands {i.e., those beyond the north wind}, true home of Apollo. Geoffrey, therefore, cloaks his star lore in Greek mythological terminology, and in Greek astrological references. To come to grips with this literary and quite normal substitution; forthe medieval scholar was imbued with certain aspects of classical symbolism; we must repeatedly consider the function of the being, star, or constellation described. It is through this attitude {mind set?} that we make the primal connections necessary to bring the magic of the prophecies alive. The geocentric system provides the map for the stages of the cosmic 'vision', and is basically the map still employed by the astrologers today, though geocentrism is no longer accepted as a physical model of the universe. One of the most common place errors in judging the geocentric system is to assume that it is invalid because disproven. As a conceptual model relating to consciousness and the human situation {in relation to that ''bit''}, the geocentric and Elemental system is an excellent analogy. It also provides the starting point for a sequence for inner realizations, by which the consciousness apprehends {'intuitive leap'?} models of reality which are at the foundation of our group-world." [ Page 139 'The Prophetic Vision of Merlin: Prediction, Psychic Transformation, and the Foundation of the Grail Legends in an Ancient Set of Visionary Verses'. Parenthesis, this readers].
AND/OR: "Although we have suggested that the primal lore is 'ancient British', its primacy is shared by all races, and is not a property of any one people." [Same book. Page 138].
Try ''Homer''.
"...the development of human consciousness was the result of spiritual and not {at first} of physical changes in man..." [from the book by C. Merry].
Question. When ALL the available information is TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT - what do you think?

Where have you seen him before?
"The wonderful thing about metaphors is that they are simultaneously real and unreal. When I presented an early version of chapter 1 as a lecture in Atlanta, two evolutionary biologists came to it, thinking that it was about real 'microscopes' and 'telescopes' {i.e.,subjective/objective understanding; application; and use of 'mythology' from a personal and collective point of view - i.e.,microscopic / telescopic}. They stayed through the whole lecture and talked to me afterward about the double vision in their fields, the unfortunate schism between people who focus on tiny details and people who dream about the big picture, and the difficulty of getting them to talk to one another...David Green, once described his frustration on seeing a fox yards away from young hounds who had their noses to the ground and insisted on following the scent off into the distance where the fox had been and back again to where he was now - but would not be for long. An older hound would have the sense to look up. Scholars bogged down in their rigid ways of scenting their prey are often forced by the comparative evidence to look up and see what is right in front of them, for the more obvious; and invisible {hidden?} human truths." ['The Implied Spider: Politics and Theology in Myths'].


Question. What's he pulling? 'Handle' on the moment? First or last step?
''To hide something successfully - hide it in plain sight."
Side note: The English word 'focus' comes from the Latin for 'fireplace'. ['The Chase' / ITV / 31.1.22].
Practical example ''Shortly after i met Bill Gates, Bill's dad asked both of us to write down on a piece of paper ONE word that would best describe what had helped both of us the most. Bill and i, without any collaboration at all, each wrote down the word FOCUS.'' ['Becoming Warren Buffett' ].
However, as his 'suffering' wife explains - he had no idea's on the domestic front: ''He was not really well adjusted...He's a sort of a genius. I think that sometimes they are by default lonely and isolated...It was like having a moat around him, he didn't know who to let in.''
'Female' aspect Hestia to enlarge {in that 'inner' sense of the word}.
Practical example {in the 'myth' - story telling - sense of the word}: ''When Chekhov saw the LONG winter - he saw a winter bleak, dark and bereft of hope. Yet we know winter is just another step in the cycle of life. But standing here amongst the people of Punxsutawney, basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts, i couldn't imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter.'' ['Groundhog Day' / 1993].
'Theme' to enlarge.
The EYE of Horus.

'Hoe' money. Aztec.
Now in the larger sense of the word: "It is also true that climatological variations, be it only of a few degrees, can produce important effects on all life. A drop in temperature drives all beings to other climates, just as the persistence of a higher temp., will witness the birth of new plant and animal worlds. These climatological modifications obey sidereal {horizontal?} variations, and if the principle movements of our solar system are well known, others are less so. Such is the strange influence of celestial regions, such as the power of Sirius - that central {vertical?} 'sun' of the Pharaonic sages - upon 'climates' {inner?} and on our entire solar system." ['Sacred Science' / Schwaller De Lubicz. Emphasis, this readers].
Cold {and/or 'dark'} in relation to warm {and/or 'light'} - ALL as a means...? Understanding that {principle?} gives clues as to the 'direction' to look {follow?} to locate - or at least estimate a possible burial location.
"In relation to the term 'world' it is necessary to understand from the very outset that there are many 'worlds', and that we live in not one world, but in several worlds. This is not really understood because in ordinary language the term 'world' is generally used in the singular. And if the plural 'worlds' is used it is merely to emphasis, as it were, the same idea, or to express the idea of various worlds existing parallel to one another. Our language does not have the idea of worlds contained one within another. And yet the idea that we live in different worlds precisely implies worlds contained one within another to which we stand in different relations {relative?}." ['In Search of the Miraculous'].
Understanding that universal constant 'bit' {Micro} within that framework {Macro} makes sense of the above. As does...

What are EACH sat on?
"But where can man [or woman] find truth? If he seeks deep enough in himself he will find it revealed, each man may know his own heart. He may send a ray of his intelligence into the depths of his soul and search its bottom, he may find it to be as infinitely deep as the sky above his head. He may find corals and pearls, or watch the monsters of the deep. If his thought is steady and unwavering, he may enter the innermost sanctuary of his own temple and see the goddess unveiled. Not every one can penetrate the depths, because the thought is easily led astray; but the strong and persistent searcher will penetrate veil after veil, until at the inner most center it discovers the germ of truth, which, awakened to consciousness, will grow into a sun that illuminates the whole of the interior world, wherein everything is contained." [quote from within the book by F. Hartman]. Try ''midnight sun''.
Sun on the ascendant? or just 'in' the constellation? AS A MEANS...?

''They put themselves in the center and everyone else on the outside.'' And/or: Hole in the middle = ''navel'' link.
A working example: "Very frequent mention was made of this constellation in early days, for the Platonists held that souls of men, when released from corporiety, ascended to heaven through its stars, whence it was called the Gate of The Gods {'H'?}; their road of descent having been through Cancer. But some of the Orientals knew it as the Southern Gate of the Sun {'Ascendant'?}, as did the Latins in their altera Solis Porta. Berossos is reported by Seneca to have learned from the old books of Sargon that the world would be 'destroyed' by a great conflagration when all the planets met in this sign." [info., on 'Capricorn' within the book 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].
Babylonian map of the World {oldest map in the world}: East-West = Babylon. N-S = The Euphrates. A 'Bitter' river encircles every thing. Eight 'triangles' on the outside of this ''bitterness'' in the form of petals? 'Seven' circles can be seen WITHIN those boundaries - four on the east side. Three on its west side. ''Three and four'' to enlarge.

Side note: ''In the U.S. Highway System, even-numbered routes run EAST TO WEST and odd-numbered routes run NORTH TO SOUTH.'' ['Pawn Stars' / S17 EP26].
Continued: Sargon mentioned in the text in relation to ''Ancestors''. Questions asked...''What does it all mean...Something strange about this map as it does not have any scale. No measure of distance or paths or roads. It is not a map that will allow you to find your way in the world.'' ['Strangest Things' S2 EP7].

Marduk also mentioned. Enlarged elsewhere.
''According to a folktale, Sargon was a self-made man of humble origins; a gardener, having found him as a baby floating in a basket on the river, brought him up in his own calling. His father is unknown; his own name during his childhood is also unknown; his mother is said to have been a priestess in a town on the middle Euphrates. Rising, therefore, without the help of influential relations, he attained the post of cupbearer to the ruler of the city of Kish, in the north of the ancient land of Sumer. The event that brought him to supremacy was the defeat of Lugalzaggisi of Uruk (biblical Erech, in central Sumer). Lugalzaggisi had already united the city-states of Sumer by defeating each in turn and claimed to rule the lands not only of the Sumerian city-states but also those as far west as the Mediterranean. Thus, Sargon became king over all of southern Mesopotamia, the first great ruler for whom, rather than Sumerian, the Semitic tongue known as Akkadian was natural from birth, although some earlier kings with Semitic names are recorded in the Sumerian king list.''
Aquarius to enlarge.

The alternative method? An objective one?
A side step: "It has been said that death came into existence only with the rise of mans consciousness, a round about way of saying death is more real for humans than for any other animal, because only humans foresee it. Religions owe their existence to the unique ability of the human animal to understand that it must die. Against this realization the forces of imagination are mustered to deny it. Its hard for any perceiving mind to perceive its own not being, with cessation of all perception. Worshipers of Kali managed to view the beyond death state as, 'Dreamless sleep'. But most ancient people could not formulate an idea of non - perception.".........."Babylonian literature reveals a hope that eventually the right ritual cure for death will be discovered, rather as modern people hope for a cure for cancer. The Recommended avenue of investigation [in those days] was necromantic consultation with the dead themselves. The quest for immortality was essentially the search for the right ritual, ['repetitive' link]...the knowledge of what to do in order to secure a continued existence of the 'body' after death. This knowledge is possessed by the ancestors, and can only be obtained from them." [Page 214, 'The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets' by Barbara Walker].
These days that information can be got by research, the objective analysis of which, results in ''knowledge''.

A working example, i.e.,by way of an objective exercise: "He also became a mathematical geographer and while a lecturer at the university of Louvain, became a close friend of Mercator, with whose name we are still familiar in Mercator's projection, which is a convention used in map making to depict a spherical world on a flat piece of paper. Indeed Dee brought back with him to Mercator's globes...What we are seeing is the first attempt of modern mankind to conceptualize the world as a physical celestial object. To do this, man had to stand out of the world, so to speak {objective?}, and view it as if an observer in space, from the background of the stars, almost indeed as if he were himself a 'star' being. So these mathematical geographers of the time were the first modern ''planetary men''. This marked a great step forward in human self consciousness, and John Dee was at the forefront." ['I Called it Magic' / G. Knight].
Question. Nazca Lines? {i.e.,as seen from the 'monument' across the river adjacent to same. Enlarged elsewhere.
"I journeyed with this man for one and a half days over an uninhabited, stony plain until we came to a little hill on which grew bushes and trees. Here, my guide ['Aaron'] informed me, i would 'connect' with my man. I asked my guide to go on, but he refused, turned around with his mule...and for some unknown reason left me. I knew of no other way of getting help and advice than to submit to the ultimate help and cried out his high name. He quickly heard me, because as i lifted my eyes, i saw an old man approaching. His friendly greeting was in the Chaldaic language, he asked me to 'follow' him. In this event i recognized the high foresight of god ['Adonai'] . Very politely he lead me into the place where he 'lived'. There i learned his name - Abramelin - and in time also the foundation and structure of wisdom." [Taken from book one, 'The Book of Abramelin' by G.Dehn and S. Guth. Emphasis, this readers]. Originally written by Abraham Von Worms.

'Worms'. A German city. What some call...Little Jerusalem. The city's emblem being the Dragon. The German word for ''dragon'' is worm. South to North? Representation of?
The place where he lived...Araki...near the turn in a river. Question. Another riddle? Wisdom expected to be found within it?
Grey Worm? {Game of Thrones}.
As is {unbeknown by author}..."Everywhere around Harran are sites associated with stories from the book of Genesis. On Cudi Dag {Mount al-Judi}, in the mountains to the east of Harran, Noah's 'ark' is said to have made first landfall after the 'waters' of the great flood receded. Here too Noah established his first post-flood settlement, leaving his son Shem to continue his journey into the Eastern Taurus mountains, where also Seth, the 'son of' Adam, lived after his father and mother's expulsion from the 'garden' of Eden. Even Harran itself, where Abraham dwelled with his family, had more ancient biblical connections, as tradition insists that Cainan, a 'grandson' {i.e.,''triple'' link} of Shem, 'founded' the city. He was the originator of Chaldaism, the knowledge of the 'stars' as practiced by the Sabaeans of Harran." [From the book 'Gobekli-tepe' by A. Collins. All emphasis, this readers].
''The principle of the city came to me..." Enlarged elsewhere.
'Arc' in relation to 'cup' and/or 'semicircle' and/or 'crescent' {waxing?} and or 'lower' half and/or 'West' and/or ?
Side note:{synchronistic?}: ''The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second, took place on June 2nd in 1953 a few days after the SUMMIT of Mount Everest was completed by Norgay and Hillary - which is the reason why Union flags are flown on public buildings on June 2nd each year.'' ['The Chase' / 2018].

The Corona Borealis is Caer Arianrhod whose secret citadel is the tower of initiation.
And/or: ''The Nepalese word for Mt. Everest is Sagarmatha which translates as Buddha's feet.'' ['Pawn Stars' / S12 EP24].
''In the early 1960s, the Nepali government coined the Nepali name Sagarmāthā (IAST transcription) or Sagar-Matha[23] (सगर-माथा, [sʌɡʌrmatʰa], lit. "goddess of the sky"[24]),[25] which means "the Head in the Great Blue Sky", being derived from सगर (sagar), meaning "sky", and माथा (māthā), meaning "head".''

Isle of 'glass': Straight South?
continued {2nd 'half'?}...More significantly, the book of Genesis records that the primordial garden where Adam and Eve, the First couple, existed in a state of innocence and bliss before the time of the Fall, was located at the source of the 4 rivers of Paradise, two of which can easily be identified as the Tigris and Euphrates. They take their rise in the mountains to the north east of Harran. Here somewhere lies the original Garden of Eden, tended over by the angels of god, returning me to the pressing questions that had preoccupied my childhood: Who or what are angels? Where did they come from, and did they have some kind of earthly tangibility? As i climbed Harran's giant occupational mound, which rises above the ruined city, and stared out towards the mesmeric Astronomical Tower, i felt i was getting closer to some real answers. For even as the first bible stories were being played out across the region, Harran was already extremely old...Known as Tell Idris...being an Arabic name for antediluvian patriarch Enoch, the great grandfather of Noah...accredited with the authorship of one of the strangest and most mystifying religious texts ever written. Called the book of Enoch, it recounts how Enoch..." [Same book].
Joyous Garde?
A working example: ''Ancient Phoenicians, renowned as astonishing sailors, offered saffron to the sylphs and Zephyrs of Ashtoreth, goddess of fertility, and to the moon, silver orb of the unconscious that rules the tides of wind and sea, of women's bodies and humanity's soul. 'Witches' still use saffron to 'summon' these airy spirits, which will respond to the subtlest summonings of the heart, the aspirations of the soul, and the viscerally wise demands of the body. If you pay attention, they will 'tell' you which path to take when a fork appears in the road. On the brink of summer, pale and shimmering, the sylphs flew between steel - grey towers....Zephyrs sped through the canyons of the 'CITY'...'' [Page 120 'Book of Shadows' / P. Curott].

A weight in relation to horizontal / vertical. 'Innocent' of. [Key],i.e.,link to 'naked' and/or youngest symbolism, [from unknown to known. Potential of]. Together with, ''Truth did not come into the world naked, but it came in types and images. One will not receive truth in any other way.'' [Gospel of Philip 67.9-11]. AND ''The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves.'' [Jesus, Gospel of Thomas 39]. While recalling Cronos, who was Lord of Time, Eternity, and weighty concerns. [Quote taken from, Jesus Christ Sun of God. Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism' by D. Fideler].
A work in progress: ''The states of the moon are similar to the states of the things of this world, that is, animal, plants, etc., since the moon begins increasing in light and perfection at the beginning of the month until it becomes complete in the MIDDLE of the month. Then it starts to decrease and dissolve and is effaced by the end of the month. In the same way, the states of individuals of this world increase in the beginning. They never cease growing and being configured, untill they are complete and perfect. Then they begin to decline and decrease until they dissolve and come to nothing ....Just as the moon is related to the sun, so also are rebels related to kings. That is because the moon takes light from the sun at the beginning of the month until it stands face to face with it {'upright/zenith'?}, and resembles it in light, becoming similar to it in its condition. In the same way, rebels follow the command of kings. Then they refuse to obey them and struggle against them in the kingdom.'' [Page 89-90 'Tao of Islam].
Side note {and/or working example?}: ''Now Chum - there's a rebel without a clue.'' {Rick Harrison quote {'Pawn Stars'} - after being asked to give a valuation on a bracelet belonging to James Dean}.
Or.... "Increased concentration of the conscious individual is the trend. Then these personality 'fragments' [link to 'aspects of'. This readers input], or images can be kept under self scrutiny without taxing the present ego to distraction. Now, what you would call the subconscious performs this task: not to well, since it was never meant to focus clear attention. Consciousness will expand within your plane. The scope of consciousness will be so broadened that all personality 'fragments', personality images, and individual 'fragments' in succeeding incarnations will be held in clear focus [repetitive, of the positive over the negative link. This readers input]... without strain. It is toward this that evolution is headed, though of course, at its usual donkey - slow rate." [ Page 24/5, 'The Seth Material'].
"The relation between body and soul, and all together between the spirit of things and their corporeality, may be expressed by the example of a rider on horse back. A rider who is in control and guides his steed can go much further than he can go on foot. How aptly then does the image of the Messiah as a poor man riding on a donkey describe the human predicament; the divine spark borne and guiding, the physical donkey, bearing up and waiting for guidance and 'power'."[Chapter three 'The Thirteen Petalled Rose. Mentioned elsewhere].
Or..."Swedenborg had finally found the soul. His anatomical work was unnecessary. The soul is the life, the spirit, the inner of mans experience. The quality of this life is the quality of the man. Swedenborg rejected airy, abstract ideas of the soul that are not experienced." [Chapter 4, 'The Presence of Other Worlds'].
Side note: "Why should a Fool carry a 'weight' on the end of a straight stick? And what is in that 'heavy' bag, tied to the stick?...What is in your heavy bag Mark? ['The Zelator'].
Follow the title of the book to lighten {ones load?}.

The 'summit' of something?
A {working?} example in the 'Micro' sense of the 'word': "Possibility is one thing, and the realization of the possibility is quite a different thing. Let us now try to see what this possibility depends upon and what its realization means.' Then G. repeated briefly all that had been said before about the 'structure' of man and the world. He drew the diagram of the ray {key} of creation and the diagram of the four {key} bodies of man. But in relation to the four bodies of man he introduced a detail which he had not mentioned before. He again used the Eastern comparison of man with a 'carriage', a 'horse', a 'driver', and 'master' {''teacher'' link} - and drew the diagram with one addition that was not there before. 'Man is a complex organization,' he said, 'consisting of four parts which may be connected or unconnected, or badly connected. The carriage is connected with the horse by shafts, the horse is connected to the driver by reins, and the driver is connected to the master by the master's voice. But the driver must hear and understand the master's voice. He must know how to drive and the horse must be trained to obey the reins. As to the relation between the horse and the carriage, the horse must be properly harnessed. Thus there are three 'connections' between the four sections of this complex organization. If something is lacking in one of the connections, the 'organization' cannot act as a single whole. ['In Search of the Miraculous'].
Define those keys to understand {'see'?} that 'missing' link.
"Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider." ['Of Studies' 1625. / F. Bacon].
"Since one incarnation on earth cannot possibly be sufficient, the personalty must return again and again in order to achieve the maximum development." [Introduction 'Alchemists Handbook' by F. Albertus]. Question. 'Seven' in relation to 'eight' ?
Refresher..."Got to see it, rather than just read it..." John Humphrys talking to D. Tennant and Greg Doran in relation to the plays by W. Shakespeare. [400th anniversary. Radio 4. 23/04/16].
Practical example: ''Say what you see'' {'Catchphrase' / ITV}
"A beggarly union of genius and fire.'' Quote by Albert the 'great' - teacher of Thomas Aquinas. Recall the meaning of 'genius' in the east as opposed to its counterpart in the west. ''Beggarly'' in relation to say a - 'fool'.
All the above a link to the meaning [and difference] to ''incarnation'' relative to ''reincarnation'' and its purported relevance to each individual. Find it to understand it - rather than leave to those first impressions. Question. One big 'magical' fairy story?
A {working?} example ,i.e.,when all the above is applied to the following: "These are 'higher' states of consciousness that open onto new horizons of understanding and wisdom. You may have had such an experience as children when we were less weighed down by the things that now preoccupy us. You may even have fallen for the illusion that those times of bliss and wonder are gone forever along with the other delights of childhood. But that is not the case. We are meant to dwell permanently in this habitat of the soul where higher consciousness dwells. It is possible to taste and live this joy and freedom, this inner awakening, even during rush hour, even at the office, even when circumstances around you are difficult." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way'].
Follow the title of the book to see how that 'working method' is represented within the subject as a whole.

Analogy of same {as an exercise?} - in the abstract sense of the 'word': "For i was scarcely fallen asleep, when i thought that i, together with an innumerable multitude of men, lay fettered with great chains in a dark dungeon, in which, without the least glimpse of light, we swarmed like bees one over the other...But although neither i nor any of the rest could see one jot, yet i continually heard one heaving himself above another, when his chains and fetters had become ever so slightly lighter...Now when i with the rest had continued a good while in this affliction, and each was still reproaching the other with his blindness and captivity, at length we heard many 'trumpets' sounding together and kettle drums beating...During this noise the cover of the dungeon was lifted up 'from above', and a little light let down to us...We all went pall-mell, and he who perchance had heaved himself up to much, was forced down again under the others feet. In brief, each one strove to be uppermost. Neither did i linger, but with my weighty fetters slipped up from under the rest, and then heaved myself upon a stone, which i laid hold of...I was caught several times by others, for whom yet as well as i might, i still guarded myself with hands and feet. For we imagined no other but that we should all be set liberty, which yet fell out quite otherwise. For after the 'nobles' who looked upon us 'from above' through the hole had recreated themselves a while, with our struggling and lamenting, a certain hoary-headed ancient man {Melchizedek?} called us to be quiet, and began to speak thus: If the poor human race were not so arrogant it would have been given much good from my mothers heritage. But because the human race will not take heed it lies in such straits and must be held in prison. And yet my dearest mother {Ariadne?} will not regard their mischief; she leaves her lovely gifts that many a man might come to the light, though this may be by chance and seldom...Therefore in honour of the feast which we shall hold today, that her grace may be multiplied; a good work will she do: the rope will now be lowered, whoever may hang on to it, he shall be freed." [Extract from the book 'Alchemical Amphitheatre'. Mentioned elsewhere - in relation to a ''wedding''. All emphasis and italics - this readers input].
N.B. 'Doe' and 'Bee' used throughout the book: 'Discourse of Fire and Salt' / Blaise de Vigenere.
Question. Can you 'see' - as an exercise only - what all those different keys [archetypes?] represent? To determine the validity [or not] of a 'subject' - OR 'dream' sequence? Among others try ''rope'' and ''feast'' to add or detract from.
N.B. Melchizedek = 14th chapter and bread/wine links {Denderah - Edfu?}.
The 'rope' {red thread?} connected to the 'Windows of the Jericho' story?

Three in one?
Exercise: "But because the human race..." in relation to "Troy was thus strategically placed to control trade through the fast flowing narrows that separate Europe from the East and connect the Black Sea to the Aegean. Perhaps to enforce the collection of tolls, Troy would have required military power and in turn would have been subject to the envy and resentment of other powers. Other suggested sources of the city's wealth have included a thriving fishing industry and horse breeding, the later perhaps explaining Homer's epithet of ''tamer of horses'' for Hector of Troy. Such a city would have been known throughout the Aegean and beyond, wherever traders discussed their deals and bemoaned whatever tolls may have been levied by the Trojans; and wherever sailors complained about the time they wasted lying at anchor waiting for a favourable wind to help them through the straits." ['Homer's Secret Iliad' / F. and K. Wood].
That ''fall' {Macro?} that becomes the beginning of something {Micro?}.

A ''quarter'' of something. 'Ploughshare'?
And/or: "Belloc's theory of how geological features determined the route used by prehistoric travellers is set out in chapter two of The Old Road...It emphasises the central role of the south-facing chalk escarpment bordering the edge of the North Downs when he states: 'A man who should leave the straits with the object of reaching the Hampshire centers would find a moderately {i.e., not bent as in a ''bent pyramid''?} - steep, dry, chalky slope, always looking full towards the southern sun, bare of trees....not indented with combes or projecting spurs....Here then is the first twist in the Pilgrim's Way story, because at Farnham, Belloc's travellers did not forsake the chalk escarpment for the valleys below....Instead they kept to the chalk on the 'higher' ground and took an ancient trackway that became known as the Harroway or Hoar Way...." [Page 29/30 'The Pilgrims Way / Derek Bright]. Continued elsewhere.
Try ''escarpment'' / ''strait'' / etc. To determine a mindset.
Question. Local or universal?
''....but here is a place where something of great interest might be discovered....Maypoles were set up in innumerable villages throughout the country....were they connected to 'giants'? The reason which makes me wonder may seem very trivial. It is just this: The last Cambridgeshire Maypole used to be raised on Orwell Hill, beside the ancient MARE WAY, at its junction with a road which is often thought of as Roman. Orwell Hill is a high chalk down overlooking the villages of Orwell, Harlton and Eversden. Eversden means 'the boar's wood', if it was originally a Saxon name, or 'boar hill' if it was Celtic. It seems possible that this name did not refer to some famous wild boar of the wood of that name, but to some effigy of a boar used in a ceremony on the hill...." [Page 82 'GogMagog' / T. Lethbridge].
Greek/Roman Pan and/or the Egyptian Khnum?
From Spirit to Soul {M/F} AS a means....?
Something closer to the 'mark': ''Arthur as guide, protector, and friend....A male 'mother' or godfather or, psychologically speaking, an aspect of the non-ego or Self, on which Culhwch is to rely for the attainment of his goal, the sister-anima or figurative image of the soul....It is an underworld kingdom REPRESENTING the unconscious, into which the 'hero' now enters assisted by 'Arthur' who knows his way in and out of great hunt of the mythical wild boar referred to by other commentators as the Other world beast {666?}. He is easily identified as the emissary of the Devouring Mother, the overcoming of which is the main task necessary for the winning of the soul-bride {Olwen}. ....Olwen the sister-anima, the moon maiden of inner self realisation who finally ousts the matriarchal mother represented by the 'day light' or 'sun' of UNtransformed instinct.'' [Page 31/41 'A Celtic Quest' / J. Layard].
Shulamite and Nefertiti?
And/or ''The beast that rises in the East''?
And/or: ''....Dionysos, the young hero, whose name means 'light from the east', is initiated into the underworld - or birth/grounds his 'vision' in the Mother of the west.'' [Page 69 'Fruits of the Moon Tree' / A. Bleakley].
''Dionysos, born of a union between the thunder and lightening Father, Zeus, and the Moon Mother, Semele, spends six months in Semele's womb, and the last 3 months of pregnancy sewn into the thigh of Zeus, whence he is 'born'. So Dionysos is the WOUND in the thigh {The Wain?} of the masculine spirit Zeus - brought about by the moon...'' [Page 188 same book].
''Pierced'' link?

The Bible mentions a scarlet thread in several different contexts, from an unusual childbirth to the high priestly garments to the conquest of Canaan. One reference to the scarlet thread in the Bible occurs during the birth of the twin sons of Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38:27–30). As Tamar was giving birth, the arm of one twin, Zerah, reached out of the birth canal, and immediately the midwife tied a scarlet thread to the baby’s wrist to designate Zerah as the firstborn. As it turned out, however, Zerah was not the firstborn; the arm was withdrawn into the womb, and the other twin, Perez, was born first.

The twins are born to Judah and Tamar, the product of an incestuous relationship between a father and his daughter-in-law, whom he thinks is a prostitute (another story omitted from kids’ Bibles). Judah will become the tribe of kings, so it matters greatly which twin gets the inheritance. During childbirth, one brother’s hand emerges first, and a scarlet thread is tied around his wrist to confirm that he is the heir. But when he withdraws his hand, his brother barges past and is born first. The line-jumper is named Perez, which means breach or breakthrough. The one with the scarlet cord is called Zerah, which means dawn or rising. In those two names is found the heart of the gospel.
''A wound is a door through which the objective exterior world intrudes into the interior of the closed system of the subjective interior world. Speaking biologically, it is a breach in the walls of the fortress of the organism by which 'forces' from outside the organism penetrate into its interior.'' [Page 110 'Meditations on the Tarot'].
And/or: 'Five' wounds = ''The cross and Rose'' + 'Pope' card {i.e., 'love'}. [Page 96].
Hence: ''The 5th wound is the heart over the Will {i.e., head}. {Page 111}.
Pentagram = ''The dominion of mind over four elements....by way of the ''soul's eye.''[Page 106].
''Sublimation'' and ''missing the Mark'' to enlarge.
Five pointed star spoken about by Giorgio Tsoukalos at Val Camonica in Italy. Define a mind set beyond ''A flying machine that brings astronauts from another planet''. ['Ancient Aliens'].

'Goatee' one?

''So there are two main boars in this myth - one having progeny the other not...Both boars are of huge dimensions {i.e., as in the giant stature of Ysbaddaden}, and each has to render up from his head {split/crack?} the wherewithal for same - to shave his beard...It is the 'comb and shears' taken from the King Boars {Twrch Trwyth} 'two ears' that the 'giant' {Ysbaddaden} - needs to shave himself.....The myth of the 'razor' {tusk} is also said to be taken from him....What is of paramount importance is the getting of the razor, shears, and comb from between the giants ears, which cannot apparently be done on dry land, but can only be done in the waterly element.''[Pages 77/8/168/169/174 'A Celtic Quest/ J. Layard].
Sheep decans?

Right or wrong method of working out a THEME?
"A fibula (/ˈfɪbjʊlə/, pl.: fibulae /ˈfɪbjʊli/) is a brooch or pin for fastening garments, typically at the right shoulder.[3] The fibula developed in a variety of shapes, but all were based on the safety-pin principle. Unlike most modern brooches, fibulae were not only decorative; they originally served a practical function: to fasten clothing for both sexes, such as dresses and cloaks....In English, "fibula" is not a word used for modern jewellery, but by archaeologists, who also use "brooch", especially for types other than the ancient "safety pin" types, and for types from the British Isles. For Continental archaeologists, all metal jewellery clothes-fasteners are usually "fibulae"....."
And/or: ''There are a handful of finds that, it has been suggested, provide evidence of a new Celtic population at Gordion: an iron fibula in the La Tene style, a button and a pair of sheep shears. But these 'exotic' items could easily have arrived through exchange. The vast majority of finds look Hellenistic.'' [Page 151 'The Celts' / A. Roberts].
Sheep decans.
Hatshepsut to enlarge.
The English placename Gordion comes from Ancient Greek Górdion (Γόρδιον), itself from the Phrygian name Gordum, meaning "city".[1]

'Knots' to enlarge.
Gordion stands at the intersection of the major east-west trade routes: there were the empires of Assyria, Babylon and the Hittites to the east, and to the west were Greece and Lydia. The Phrygians were able to take advantage of this strategic location and became wealthy and powerful....Archaeologists believe Gordion was ruled by the legendary King Midas, « the man with the golden touch ».It’s a traditional cautionary tale: King Midas did a favour for the god Dionysus and in return was granted a wish. But rather than wish for something useful, the avaricious king asked for everything he touched to turn to gold. He immediately realised his error: food solidified before he could eat it, and when he hugged his daughter, she became a statue. The moral of the story is well-known: be careful what you wish for.
A Phrygian king named Midas is mentioned in several ancient sources, including annals of the Assyrian ruler Sargon II, » explained Roller. « The Assyrians considered him a powerful king and a major rival in their efforts to expand their territory during the 8th Century BCE. »
More evidence of Midas’s existence can be found about two hours west of Gordion, at a place called Yazılıkaya – more commonly known as « Midas City ». Rarely visited by tourists, it’s a dramatically beautiful hilltop site where volcanic formations jut from the landscape. It’s riddled with ancient caves and tombs, and 3,000-year-old staircases lead down into echoey tunnels hand-hewn from solid rock.

In North Germany Alkor, as there written, has been der Hinde, the Hind, or Farm Hand; in Lower Germany, Dumke; and in Holstein, Hans Bumken, Hans the Thumbkin, — the legend being that Hans, a wagoner, having given the Saviour a lift when weary {'153'?}, was offered the kingdom of heaven for a reward ; but as he said that he would rather drive from east to west through all eternity, his wish was granted, and here he sits on the highest of the horses of his heavenly team. A variant version placed Hans here for neglect in the service of his master Christ ; and the Hungarians call the star Oontzol, with a somewhat similar tale. Another Teutonic ston was that their giant Orwandil, our Orion, having frozen one of his big toes, the god Thor broke it off and threw it at the middle horse of the Wagon. where it still remains.
But the most dramatic of all the monuments here is a magnificent temple facade, 17m tall, carved into a rock face about 3,000 years ago. At the top, an inscription in ancient Phrygian reads: « Ates […] has dedicated [this] to Midas, leader of the army and ruler ». Proof, written in stone, that Midas was a real king, important enough for local lord Ates to pledge his temple to him....In 1957, working with a team of Turkish coal miners, experts carefully tunnelled into the 'Midas mound'. Inside, they found a large burial chamber constructed from pine and juniper logs, perfectly preserved inside its airtight cocoon for nearly 3,000 years....
Like his son, Gordias also became legendary. The story goes that when the previous king died without an heir, the townspeople asked the oracle for help. SHE declared that the next man to enter the city driving an ox cart should be made king. Moments later, Gordias, a farmer, drove into the city. He was crowned, and the city’s name was changed to Gordion in his honour.
To celebrate, his cart was displayed in a temple, tied with a complicated knot – the famous Gordion Knot. Legend said that any man who could untie the knot would rule Asia. Over the years, many people tried, but all failed...
What about N-S?
Side note: These new aggressions in Europe called forth new reactions on the part of Asia. The Ottoman Empire, founded in Bithynia at the close of the thirteenth century, had grown in silence, and had acquired formidable strength. Suddenly it appears upon the scene of the world and enters upon a career of conquests. In a moment it invades all Syria, and soon it menaces Europe. The Christians, alarmed, proclaim in vain a new Crusade. The time for it had passed. Amurath crosses the strait and takes possession of Adrianople. His son, Bajazet, gains the famous battle of Nicopolis against Sigismund, King of Hungary, in which perishes the flower of the French nobility commanded by Count de Nevers. Under the successors of these princes, the Greek Empire is parcelled out, restricted more and more, and reduced to the sole city of Constantinople, which, towards the middle of the fifteenth century, comes at last into the possession of Mohammed II.

Something 'new'.

Kiosk at Philae facing east.
The taking of this city put an end to the Empire of the East, and delivered to the Turks the most beautiful and one of the strongest positions in Europe. Here, the most formidable Islamism and the most vigorous Destiny established its seat to watch over this indomitable country and to restrain the impetuosity of its movements. The keys of Asia and the NEW Gordian Knot are in Constantinople, and this makes her the all-powerful mistress. There is no universal monarchy outside the enclosure of its walls. It is there that Memphis and Mecca, Rome and Jerusalem have united the force of their destinies. The conquerors, who have pretended to a universal empire and who have not known what I here disclose, properly speaking, have not known the history of the world; they have entirely ignored the progress of the three great Powers which rule the Universe and have attributed to hazard or to their star that which did not pertain to them. {Hermetic Interpretation of the Origin of the Social State of Man}.

“Most certainly, I tell you, one who doesn’t enter by the door into the sheep fold, but climbs up some other way, is a thief and a robber."
Continued: Tumulus MM was excavated in 1957 by Young's team, revealing the remains of the royal occupant, resting on purple and golden textiles in an open log coffin, surrounded by a vast array of magnificent objects. The burial goods included pottery and bronze vessels containing organic residues, bronze fibulae (ancient safety pins), leather belts with bronze attachments, and an extraordinary collection of carved and inlaid wooden furniture, exceptional for its state of preservation. The Tumulus MM funeral ceremony has been reconstructed, and scientists have determined that the guests at the banquet ate lamb or goat stew and drank a mixed fermented beverage.[26][27] Now generally assumed to be the tomb of Midas' father Gordias, it was probably the first monumental project of Midas after his accession.[28]


Live queen moor?
According to the Greek historian Herodotus, King Midas was the first foreigner to make an offering at the sanctuary of Delphi's Temple of Apollo, dedicating the throne from which he gave judgment.[23] During his reign, according to Strabo, the nomadic Cimmerians invaded Asia Minor, and in 710/709 BCE, Midas was forced to ask for help from the Assyrian king Sargon II. In Strabo's account, King Midas committed suicide by drinking bull's blood when the Cimmerians overran the city.[24]
I am called Lambspring, born of a Noble Family, and this Crest I bear with Glory and Justice.
Philosophy I have read, and thoroughly understood, The utmost depth of my teachers’ knowledge have I sounded. This God graciously granted to me, Giving me a heart to understand wisdom. Thus I became the Author of this Book, And I have clearly set forth the whole matter, That Rich and Poor might understand. There is nothing like it upon earth; Nor (God be praised) have I therein forgotten my humble self. I am acquainted with the only true foundation.

Concha belt = 'shell' link.
Side note: "The Three Fates is concerned with the three decans of Gemini. The distaff refers to the base of the brain, where seventy-five per cent of the nerves of the head concentrate and cross, appearing to wind upon themselves. In some mythological pictures the thread is represented as first appearing at the feet of Jove and his heavenly spouse. Clotho, the youngest of the three fates is allocated with the first decan of the sign Gemini, and is holder of the distaff. Lachesis spins or draws out the thread, while Atrophos divides it so that it may form the great nerve branch in either leg.
While the interpretation of the story is that Atrophos cuts off the thread, much research into the etymology of the word shear reveals the fact that it also means “the parting or fork of the human body” hence the limbs. The nerves do not terminate at the end of the spine but continue to the end of the extremities, after branching off. It is also true that life ceases when nerve action ends. An archaic interpretation of shear is to make an incision or cleft."

Pendant found. A 'golden' one. Flat on one side Debossed on the other - in the form of a cross, a stylized one - in semicircles or U- turns. 'Four' large ones that encompass a central circle. 'Eight' little ones within.

Tara Brooch. Embossed/debossed.
And/or: "The investigation, which began in July 2023, has revealed the remains of a Bronze Age (2300 BC – 800 BC) barrow cemetery and one of the largest Anglo-Saxon cemeteries discovered in Hampshire {New Alresford}, with over 120 graves identified dating back to the 7th century AD. Located high on Tichborne Down and overlooking the River Alre, the three barrows, initially discovered in 2015 through trial work prompted by an aerial photograph taken in 1968, have yielded invaluable insights into the previous populations that once thrived in the area....Lots of knifes found among the grave goods and a pair of shears."

A. Crowley: Head knowledge.

Sid Blemmye: From the heart.
All the above explained by nothing more than common research by way of objectivity together with the proverbial...pinch of salt. Objectivity over subjectivity, that arrives at an understanding of those main keys, [symbols]...that expresses that common framework in 'picture' form. To be unraveled / encrypted by the reader. That objectivity that 'enlightens' the reader to the underlying core essence of all ‘religions’. Its ’esoteric’ side. What some of these authors refer to as ‘head knowledge' {MIND SET}. The theoretical side. Its practical application being the ‘subjectivity’ aspect to it, i.e., If ‘B’ exists then to apply that theory / understanding in order to get to ‘C’. Which has that certain logic to it, i.e., application of that now ‘aware knowledge’. As a side note, some believe that the practical [subjective] side can be 'experienced' while in 'A'. Commonly known within this subject as an 'out of body' experience. [See Mr Monroe's or Celia Green books].
Question. 'Glass Ship' link?
Monroe; was someone who accidently experienced same in the normal course of daily events as many individuals seem to do - if the literature on {same} is to be believed. The only difference is - unlike most - rather than ignore or hiding from it - he 'sought' the same experience in order to evaluate it - to understand it.

Isle of 'glass'.
'The Saint With Two Bodies'. From chapter 3, of the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi'.

Childs play?
This author cannot comment on same, simply because this authors prime aim is to understand the subject for its own sake. Nothing more. Simply to satisfy a curiosity. To satisfy something that was once an unknown. Something that this reader was at one time, ignorant of. The way this reader sees it, if 'B' does exist [and after weighing up all the available evidence, it will not surprise this reader if such an 'event' does turn out to be true], then because of that understanding , that understanding of a subject, that awareness should help in any 'adjustments' needed. For this reader no 'real time' experience is wanted or wished for. Should 'B' exist we will have all the time 'in the world', for such 'experiences'. The 'Ghost train' [ as an imaginary teaser] will suffice till then. [No pun intended].
'When time stands STILL'?
''Revolving castle'? as a means....?
Those benefits however of understanding the subject through objectivity. Rather than leaving all to those first impressions. Regardless of whether the ‘practical’ side will ever become relevant are...
A...It satisfies a curiosity.
B...You begin to see what a so called ‘esoteric’ collection looks like {A MIND SET}. Notice the diversity of subjects. For a more detailed and in depth 'list' see Mr J. Blacks, 'Selective Bibliography' at the later end of his book 'The Secret History of the World'. A very informed reader, which his personnel notes, and descriptions, together with 'eureka' moments of same, bear out. This reader, is as yet to find a more extensive one. The author R. A. Wilson defines the same in the Macro sense of the ''word'' within the title of the book 'The Cosmic Trigger' and in 'its' Micro sense as a ''blinding flash'' and/or ''mini-Satori''. N.B. T. S. Eliot refers to the same, as ''a timeless moment.'' [Chapter one, 'The Zelator']. The ancient Egyptians referred to it as ''intelligence of the heart.'' The author Teilhard de Chardin defines the same [in part] within the word 'Reflexion.' Enlarged elsewhere. The aftermath of which becomes intuition.
Refresher: King Aha - the very first of Egypt. Predates all others. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

'In the present SENSE of the word: ''WoW! Just Wow!'' Quote by his work colleague after playing 'drums' for charity - pulling in in excess of 3 million pounds sterling. The 'highest' to date. ['North-West Tonight' / BBC1 / 15.11.21].
And/or "...THE revelation by which the Hidden Treasure reveals itself to itself." [Same book]. Try ''treasure''.
In the practical sense of the word: 'What would you say to a younger, less world-weary version of you? For some its an easy decision to warn off bad choices in love, life and labour. When the question was posed to 21 year old refugee Grmalem, he answered without thinking, ''Just to be in the moment - if you don't live in the moment you're going to miss it all.''['Readers Digest' / October 2021].
Such authors as Francisco de Osuna {mentioned elsewhere} defines that same process and/or action of the mind with the ''path of recollection''.
Try 'Remembering/Forgetting'.
Plotinus describes it as ''a knowing principle''. Enlarged elsewhere.

"The only way to catch the uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring." And/or: "A big fish gets that way by not being caught." 'Tail' to enlarge.

The town of Spectra: "Edward Bloom? ....like a flower? We we not expecting you yet. You must have taken a short cut....The long way is easier...but its longer. A lot longer. Let me buy you a drink. I would but I'm running late, i have to meet somebody. Son, i already told you - you're early." And/or: A group of ladybirds is called a "bloom."
From the meditation perspective: "I love the question 'how long is now?', because it elicits two opposite responses. On the one hand the 'now' seems infinity brief. I can never catch the moment, because as soon as I've thought about it, the moment has moved on. On the other hand , it's always now. The past and future exists as memory and possibility. The perpetual now is what is. So is the moment to brief to catch or so long as its always now? Examine your experience right now and i think you will find that it's both. Time is an everchanging flow of experience that's arising in the perpetual now. The moment exists in time {'Saturn'?}, but it also has a timeless quality {'Quintessence'?}. As with all paradoxities we need to be conscious of both of these perspectives, not just one or the other....
The problem is that most of us see the moment from only one perspective {spirit or soul?}. We're conscious of the moment in time, because we're interested in where we've come from and where we are going. we aren't conscious of the timeless moment, because we haven't got time for that! If we do pay attention to the timeless moment, however, our state of consciousness changes because we come out of the story into the mystery. This is because the story exists in time. The story is how we understand life with thoughts. And thoughts are a sequence of words in time...." [Page 112-13 'The Mystery Experience' / T. Freke].
Imhotep: to 'see' it from the landscape one.

Any ha ha moments? Bosom of duration?

Horizontal/Vertical. On the shoulders of....?
In the abstract SENSE of the word: ''The Eternal Parent, wrapped in Her ever - invisible Robes, had slumbered once again for Seven Eternities. Time was not, for it lay asleep in the Infinite Bosom of Duration {'Saturn'?}. Universal Mind was not, for there we no HA HA {moment?} to contain it. The Seven Ways to Bliss were not. The Great Causes of Misery were not, for there was no one to produce and get ensnared {answers?} by them. Darkness alone filled the Boundless All, for 'Father', 'Mother' and 'Son' were once more ONE, and the son had not yet awakened for the New Wheel and his Pilgrimage to begin.'' [ Tibetan or Mongolian description of the Pleroma - taken from the book 'The Gnostic Jung' / S. A. Hoeller].
Kubla Khan for same analogy.
Question. Top/down or Bottom/up?
From the 'meditation' point of view: "I've found that an extremely simple and effective way to transform my state of consciousness is to use the practice of "entering". This brings my attention to the immediacy of my sensual experience, so that i become intensely conscious of the here and now....

long or short?
Then i can step out of my story in time {'Saturn?'} and into the mystery of the moment, this changes how i see MY story. To understand why this practice works so well we need to examine the paradoxity of the 'now'. I've done this before in my book 'How Long Is Now'? and i want to return to some of these ideas again, because they can help us to both wake up to the WOW and deal with the dilemmas of everyday life....." [Page 112 'The Mystery Experience' / T. Freke].
A working example: "He is so tense, as a result of this internal disorder, that he fails to notice the various minor 'actors' on the scene - some 'good intentions' in the foreground, an ancient spite coming in, ambitions elbowing their way to the front, all of them making eddies in the currents that influence him {ebb 'n' flow link}. Yet the poor man imagines himself alone, as he struggles with his uncertainty. But watch! Something has touched his spiritual mainspring, and from the depths of his substance a vague awareness wakens, a light comes into the hero's eyes, and from 'heaven', as if by chance, comes a flash, revealing an unforeseen solution." ['The Opening of the Way'].
''Hero'' = 'giant'? as a means....?
'On the shoulders of giants'?
Side note: For a practical example try ''Robson Green and Jims Fishing Adventure in Iceland''.
The author of 'Meditations on the Tarot' defines that 'action of the mind' with: "...the vision of the unity of beings and things through the immediate perception of their correspondences - through consciousness concentrated without effort." Page 20.
Try ''simultaneously''. Different take on the same theme. OR universal?

Imaginal eye?
And/or: From a different perspective: ''The imaginal realm extends beyond what is more commonly known as the 'imaginative' realm that is associated with the act of imagination, and sometimes fantasy. The imaginal realm includes the Cosmic dimensions that are not merely mental. It also includes the transformative powers of the universe in the way we think, percieve, and respond.''
Analogy: Cayce's Hall of Records and/or Akashic Records and/or Collective Unconscious and/or Archetypes etc.
Think about it all in relation to that universal ''bit''.

Can any face be seen?
In the abstract sense of the word: ''....there is such a relation of god to his creatures, that they cannot be understood, but by a correspondence between one and the other: Sensible nature {as the Zohar hath it} in regard to the intelligible; is that of the Moon towards the Sun....the essence of god, which the Hebrews call Shekinah, could not appear except in the matter of this Sensible world, which is an image or pattern thereof. And it is that, which god said to Moses: 'You shall not see my face, you shall see my hinder parts {Exodus thirtythree}. The face of god is his true essence in the intelligible world, which no man ever saw except the Messiah: 'I did set the lord always before me, he is at my right hand. I shall not be moved'. {Psalm 16:8}. [Page 29 'Discourse of Fire and Salt'].
Side note: At Gebel el Silsila underneath a Sphinx {'gap'?} found buried for thousands of years is found a smaller Sphinx in the shape of the 'larger' one {i.e., headless BUT semi-circular in 'form'}. Smaller one found close to the HIND part of same. On the same flank {i.e., left hind part} can be seen two triangles engraved {brand name?} - one pointing up the other down. Fire and water as a means....? A sledge also mentioned as: ''ready to take it away.'' ['Lost Treasures of Egypt' / S.1 E.2].
New Name?
'Pallet' to enlarge beyond the obvious.

'Overhang' in the S/W.
And/or: ''To think of ancient Egypt is to think of gold...It is as gold that Hathor glitters in Amenhoteps III first Sed Fesival at Thebes, shining {'meridian'?} in the metal of divinity, immortality and eternal starry life. However, not only is she portrayed as 'Gold of the gods' and 'Silver of the goddesses', in her Denderah temple but also identified with another metal called, 'true bi3': Eye of Re, Uraeus, who radiates light, Gold of the gods, Silver of the goddesses, true bi3 of the Ennead {i.e., ''sledge bearing ore'' i.e., hieroglyph for copper}. [Page 149/285 'Hathor's Alchemy'].

Sad or joy?
Other keys associated: 'Lady of Turquoise' / ''ancient copper mining area, built beneath the overhanging rock of one of 'King Solomons Pillars'....'' / 'red/green colours' / ''Born from the lotus'' / 'Re Clothed' and ''enveloping'' and ''Maat raised up in the same first hour and ''There is a shining Ptah has forged in his copper firmament, says chapter sixtyfour of the Book of the Dead, 'whilst Re laughs'....'' [Pages 150-154 + 286].
And/or: The impression of a hand can be seen inside an entrance {'cave'} at the base of the sandstone quarry of same.
Left or right hand?
Question. Can all the above {mind set} be used to determine a burial location?

Fire or water?
A working example: ''Yuya was interred within a rectangular wooden sarcophagus placed against the north wall; its lid was shaped like the vaulted per-nu shrine of Lower Egypt. Though appearing to sit on sledge runners, it had no base so the three nested gilded (and silvered) anthropoid coffins sat flat on the floor.'' [Wiki].
''Yuya served as a key adviser for Amenhotep III,[6] and held posts such as "King’s Lieutenant" and "Master of the Horse"; his title "Father-of-the-god" possibly referred specifically to his being Amenhotep's father-in-law. In his native town of Akhmin, Yuya was a prophet of Min, the chief god of the area, and served as this deity's "Superintendent of Cattle".
''Akhmim (Arabic: أخميم, pronounced [ʔæxˈmiːm]; Akhmimic Coptic: ⳉⲙⲓⲙ, pronounced [xmiːm]; Sahidic/Bohairic Coptic: ϣⲙⲓⲛ pronounced [ʃmiːn]) is a city in the Sohag Governorate of Upper Egypt. Referred to by the ancient Greeks as Khemmis or Chemmis (Ancient Greek: Χέμμις)[2] and Panopolis (Ancient Greek: Πανὸς πόλις[3] and Πανόπολις[4]), it is located on the east bank of the Nile, four miles (6.4 km) to the northeast of Sohag.''

The 'middle' way.

Inner/outer. A beginning or end?
''Akhmim was known in Ancient Egypt as Ipu, Apu (according to Brugsch the name is related to the nearby village of Kafr Abou)[6] or Khent-min. It was the capital of the ninth (Chemmite) nome of Upper Egypt. The city is a suggested hometown for Yuya, the official of Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III. The ithyphallic Min (whom the Greeks identified with Pan) was worshipped here as "the strong Horus." Herodotus mentions the temple dedicated to Perseus and asserts that Chemmis was remarkable for the celebration of games in honor of that hero, after the manner of the Greeks, at which prizes were given; as a matter of fact some representations are known of Nubians and people of Punt (southern coastal Sudan and the Eritrean coast) clambering up poles before the god Min. Min was especially a god of the desert routes on the east of Egypt, and the trading tribes are likely to have gathered to his festivals for business and pleasure at Coptos (which was really near Neapolis) even more than at Akhmim. Herodotus perhaps confused Coptos with Chemmis. Strabo mentions linen-weaving and stone-cutting as ancient industries of Panopolis, and it is not altogether a coincidence that the cemetery of Akhmim is one of the chief sources of the beautiful textiles of Roman and Christian age, that are brought from Egypt.[7]

A ''New City'' found near Thebes/Karnak - serpentine boundaries ENVELOP everything. One large fish found {Salmon?]. Question. Upstream or Downstream?
Kainepolis or Caenepolis (Ancient Greek: Καινὴ πόλις),[1] also called Caene or Kaine (Καινή), was a town of ancient Egypt. It was the southernmost town of the Panopolite nome in the Thebaid of Egypt. It stood upon the eastern bank of the Nile, 2 miles (3.2 km) northwest of Coptos. Herodotus mentions a town Neapolis (Νέη πόλις), near Chemmis in Upper Egypt, which is probably the same with Caenepolis.[2][3] The town later bore the name Maximianopolis (Μαξιμιανοῦ Πόλις).[4] Panopolis, which was north of Chemmis, at one period went by the name of Caene or Caenepolis.[citation needed]
Its site is located near the modern Qena.[5][4]

Feet = valley? Hands = mountain?
Alchemy's equivalent of same..."Think of the whole six month Alchemical course and notice the first thing that comes to mind where you had a ''aha'' or ''umm...fascinating!" feeling. Associate fully inside yourself and your memory of that event so that you may recall what you saw and heard when you felt that feeling. Was it something you read, observed, thought about later, something someone said that clicked with an alchemical idea? An image in the course of a book?" [Extract taken from the final chapter entitled 'The Hall of Alchemical Memory' from the book 'Alchemical Amphitheatre' by M. Katz].
"An image in the course of a book..." That ''image'' could be landscapes equivalent of same principle, i.e., the HA HA lawn. Get it? Explained elsewhere.

Where will the 'sweet' spot be found?
A practical/working example: "I have been thinking about going home a lot. Its not about the coffee, chocolate cake or Dave any more - although i will be looking for those people and things when i finally go home. This is an experience where you can have those aha momemts. I'M glad i have had the opportunity to contemplate my exit. In your regular life peaks and valleys are much smaller than out here. Out here you have highs that are higher than the tallest mountain and lows lower than the lowest valley and that takes a huge toll on you mentally....its a mental challenge - you could say mental athletics...." [Kielyn / 'Alone' / History Channel].
Side note: King Aha - the very first of Egypt. Predates all others. Coincidence or a meaningful one?
Try ''Eureka'' to enlarge.
Question. Yes or no?

Any ''ha ha'' moments?
Analogy of same..."When your consciousness has been thoroughly prepared to experience this truth, the direct perception will unfold naturally in your awareness. This can be related to the ''aha!'' moment when what you have been contemplating {or studying} makes perfect sense, because you experience the truth of it from within. The truth moves from concept to reality." [From the book by R. Kurczak. Emphasis etc, this readers].
Hence the link to such statements as 'Samadhi' being equated with "cognitive absorption,'' {see ''cognitive'' in Part 1} - i.e.,"This first chapter is entitled 'The Chapter on Samadhi, or cognitive absorption'. The word 'Yoga' in this sutra {i.e., sutras of Patanjali} refers to the state of Samadhi. Yoga means to unite or yoke together. Samadhi is a state of consciousness in which awareness results in an elevated state of consciousness often referred to as spiritual." [Same book].

'See' it?
"The nature of the Stone is central to our dilemma as students of the esoteric tradition; it is both quest and destination, both ourselves and other, tool and product, it is the eye that observes and cannot see itself, knowing itself through exhaustion of all possibilities through experiment, [and/or study. This readers input]. It is indeed, the mystery of awareness." [M. Katz book].
Something 'set in stone'. Get it?
"Our Stone is the quintessence of the Four Elements, separated from them and reduced into a fifth essence - being extracted out of the body of the first matter."

Question. What are these islands built on. What grows on top?
Side note: ''Hidden in an up scale part of Petra called 'little Petra' - within a rock cut villa {sanctuary?} can be seen on the inside of the upper ceiling a fresco: ''Portrays Petra as lush, fertile and green - with grapevines and ivy, all kinds of fruit {figs?}. Most are FIVE petalled. Some 'three'. Birds abound with 'little' people {cherubs} with flutes {pan-pipes?}: ''Not what you expect to see from a people living in a desert - more like a paradise.'' ['Ancient Worlds Revealed With Albert Lin: Petra' / Nat. Geo].
Question. What pigments are used to make fresco's?
Pyramid Texts as a means......?
Side note: ''Petra - which lies in Jordan - is often called the 'rose-red city'....'' ['Tipping Point'].
Continued: ''Stone'' in relation to 'Primordial mound' - both in relation to a 'learning curve'. Representational of.
"Stones are bones of the earth, and the soil 'her' flesh." [Douglas Monroe]. Try ''garment''.
Understand the above to define the following: "Albert was a rock hound. He collected specimens from sites of evacuations or mines he came across in his travels and catalogued their properties. In his work 'De Mineralibus' {The Book of Minerals}, he mentioned alchemy again and said it was ''a beggarly union of genius and fire''. Thomas Aquinas, Albert's student, concurred with Albert's conclusions: alchemists could probably make 'gold' but it was ''a difficult art''. ['The Chemistry of Alchemy']. 'See' anything, i.e.,all three authors are hinting at something that is NOT represented as the obvious - on first read. That includes the author of the above book.

Clear headed? Through a variety of colours?
Understanding the above defines the following: "The diamonds can be found even in the mud - the waters wash them clean. Nuggets of gold {philosophy} are not for you. Seek diamonds, sparkling truth, the clarity, perfection of the Word. The whirlpools of life carry you to where the diamonds are. Resonate to the perfection of the crystals. Arduous seeking is not necessary. The path is already mapped out. You have only to follow the clues." ['Truth Vibrations' by D. Icke. Includes parenthesis]. Try ''crystalliz{s}ation'' and/or ''nuggets'' and/or ''map''.
Question. The 'psychic' Way?
'Arachne Rising: The Search for the Thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac' / J. Vogh.
"When people talk about opening your third eye, they mean activating your psychic powers, which we all have, though some more than others. The crown chakra is the point of entry for thought forms from the spirit realms, which sensitives can turn into words. It is through this chakra, that we tune into higher levels of intelligence and wisdom." [Same book. Emphasis, this readers].
The above author defines ''nuggets of gold'' as 'philosophy'. This reader would add 'esoteric philosophy'. Recall the distinction between the ancient and present meaning of same. Enlarged elsewhere.

On the lookout for Mr Icke?

Above or below the horizon? Echo within?
A working example: "Only good will come from the written word that i write here. The spirit of trees and the green earth surrounds me {'Green language'}. On the plain a single tree tells a story i can't quite remember. The sound of horses and men survive in the echo of the past. All these voices are there to be heard {inner ear?}. They come in silence filling the valley with the strength of there 'numbers'. There has been bloodshed {death/rebirth?}. Also the mystery of words kept inside great books in the care of hooded men {Issiah 19:19?}. The words are to be unravelled, the story told. There is fear of destruction, a secret somewhere which holds together this place {apocalypse/revelations link}. Here there was quiet, now it is trampled upon {'800 horses'?}. Somewhere there is a light that must continue to shine...Hold fast to the truth that walks the way, follow the paths that lead to the 'hills' {al-Qurn?}, wash in the water over the 'stones'. Turn them until the 'sound' is made {inner ear?}. There will be power to guide the feet along the tracks...They will end in high places, for it is the looking down {objective view?} on Creation, that will preserve all things...Look into the sun with closed {inner?} eyes. Let the 'tree' branches carry the light in different directions {'Uas'?}. This is the 'Old Way' in the hills {'hoary'?}. The rocks remember where the 'fire' burned. The men must walk {i.e., not 'run'} if it is to be saved. Follow the paths. The 'energy' {river?} must flow again. Take care. Carry the rock. " [Same book. All emphasis, parenthesis, this readers].

A 'long' rock?

Hooded Women: Lady de Mowbray.
All the above explained by the author {from 'automatic writing'} - as a reference to ''ley-lines''. Define those keys {highlighted in one form or another} - to 'see' something beyond the obvious OR at least to see something beyond the psychic point of view, i.e.,as {one} EXAMPLE -the sentence highlighted in italics - in relation to clues - among other things - as to the final resting place of Genghis Khan.
REFRESHER: "A monk who had meditated long in search of Illumination finally received a great flash of insight. Rushing to his 'roshi' {Zen master}, the monk cried out, 'I have it! I have it! That rock there is inside my head.' "You must have a big head," the master replied, ''to hold a rock that size."
Question 2. Which would be most suited within say, a curriculum?
C...If the subject does attain main stream status and becomes part of the curriculum then a qualification can be attained and added to the normal list.
"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." New Testament.
"We must first consider the difference between the evaluation of a course of study and its assessment. The evaluation of a curriculum in the secular sense is the process by which the 'nature and desirability' of a course is given 'value or worth'; but to define the extent to which a course is 'workable and effective' requires a form - or forms - of assessment. These forms of assessment create the basis for the evaluation of the effectiveness of a course in meeting the intended aim specified by those who create the course, understood by those teaching it, and received by those learning." [Extract from the book 'The Magister'].
The ''READERS Way'' works just as well as any other 'way' - the results of which should bring about a positive assessment for the subject as a whole - as proven - if any of those ''proofs'' are verified. Yes or No?

Painting by Salvador Dali. ''Dream caused by the flight of a Bumblebee around a Pomegranate, a second before awakening.'' The humble bee. One of this subjects key symbols. Egypt especially. Found within many a Royal Cartouche. A direct link to Kingship, of which, according to myth; Herod failed in. [ Bees by R. Steiner and especially The Sacred Bee {in ancient times and folklore} by Hilda Ransome]. Question. Where have you seen a similar representation that includes the elephant? Question two. What does it represent? Clue. Why is the ''cube'' no longer there? Or is it in another 'form'. What does that represent? Why should anything be represented at all?

D...While ‘studying’. There is the possibility of paying off the mortgage, and/or {if within a school curriculum} - the wine gum; milky bar; crisp; choc - biscuit; marshmallow and [lastly?] the immortal - Jammie Dodgers - slate clean. Oop's sorry; forgot the Cokes and Pepsi's - sugar free of course - right boys and girls? i.e., there's still more tombs to be found. Herod is one. Akhenaten another, [explained elsewhere]. Are all the Persian / Assyrian kings found? What about other cultures? Especially those that relate to ‘Kingship’ i.e., the Mayan 19 Snake Kings? Question. As an example. Some say that Herod... " Stole the throne like a fox, ruled like a tiger, died like a dog". Where would the 'authorities' legitimate or otherwise, bury someone whom they believed did not fulfil the requirements of Kingship? His Sarcophagus was found. His body was not. [National Geographic. 'Herod's lost Tomb'], i.e., where would a 'dog' be buried?
The author of 'The Synchronicity Key' [unbeknown to same] gives clues within his well researched book of same. Enlarged elsewhere.

"The child of Osiris and Nephthys is Anubis, the Jackal - headed god. A fit symbol when we remember that the home of the Jackal is the desert edge and his hunting grounds are the fertile lands where man and their leavings abound." [Quote from within the book, 'The Forgotten Mage'. Mentioned elsewhere].
"I came to the gate, where some dozen or so devils were playing tennis...in their hands they held rackets of fire; but what amazed me still more was that, books, apparently full of wind and rubbish, served them for tennis balls, a strange and marvelous thing." [Chapter 70, 'Don Quixote' by M . Cervantes]. Try ''strange'' in the usual box.
'God is in the details'?
"Caph. - To change into gold not only all metals but also the earth itself, and even refuse of the earth." [Taken from the introduction to the book 'Transcendental Magic' by E. Levi.
"The terrors of death are the daughters of ignorance, and death herself is only hideous by reason of the rubbish which covers her, and the sombre hues with which her images are surrounded." [same book]. Other clues - elsewhere.

Djedefre's defacement of the nose.
Side note: "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an {120} hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
Continued: "Whether our master had in mind an intentional symbolism in this request to clear out the upper room, we shall never know. We had realized some considerable time ago that the main impediment to our spiritual development lay in our untrained thinking, as much as in the accumulation of debris in our minds..." ['The Zelator'].
'Upper Room' of the Gospel story?

Qubbet el-Hawa or "Dome of the Wind" is a site on the western bank of the Nile, opposite Aswan, that serves as the resting place of ancient nobles and priests from the Old and Middle Kingdoms of ancient Egypt. And/or: Farmers in the southern part of Elephantine, however, often dug into mounds containing ruined ancient houses to extract soil to use as fertilizer. In the 1890s, they began to come across bundles of papyrus documents, which they sold on the burgeoning antiquities market. They were written in Aramaic, a widely used Semitic language, and contained biblical names such as Hosea and Menahem, indicating they might be connected to the Torah, or the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. The texts also referenced a god named Yahu. Scholars recognized this as a variant of the Hebrew Yahweh, meaning “I am” or “He that is,” a name used to refer to God in the Torah. Taken together, the papyri hinted that some sort of Israelite or Jewish community had been present on Elephantine...The papyri also suggest that the Judeans showed signs of embracing other practices that would become pillars of Judaism as found in the Torah. For example, says Porten, people seem to have been aware of the Sabbath. Personal correspondence in the papyri refers to completing tasks the day before the Sabbath, and one ostracon instructs a woman to meet a boat laden with vegetables on the Sabbath, “lest they get spoiled.” “It’s hard to discern the extent to which they kept the Sabbath,” Porten says. “With the woman meeting the boat, maybe that means they didn’t refrain from such activities on the Sabbath like later Jews did, or perhaps it means there were extenuating circumstances, like a famine, for which they needed to break the Sabbath to survive.”
Analogy?..."We are thinking at the edge, where the shoreline of sense meets the wild ocean of mystery." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].
"Saturn is also named the Lord of Decrease...his power manifests in the later stages of decay. He rules over the spoiled, the filth and the refuse of society..." ['Saturn and the Theoretical Foundations of an Emerging Discipline'].
See something from the astrology point of view.
"Astrology must be something social...In a true Astrology only what is universally human is considered and NOT the satisfaction of the egoism of the human being...The zodiac addresses the sensitive realm of our emotional life, rather than our intellects or minds. The ancient esoteric symbolism was not designed to speak directly to the 'intellects' of men: rather, it was the pride of the human intellect which later relegated such things as this zodiac, and made of them discarded images." ['The Secret Zodiac'].
'Tower of Babel' V 'Gnosis'? As a means...?
Follow the title of the book to see it in {from?} the spirit/soul point of view {intuitive?}.
E... Finally. Last but not least. If B/C do exist. Then because of that understanding of a subject we will have an idea of what to expect and whats expected. Wont we. If only in the sense of a possible 'purpose' and 'direction'. Think about it.
"The chiefest cause, to read good books, that moves each studious mind, is hope, some pleasure sweet therein, or profit good to find. Now what delight can greater be, than secrets for to know, of Sacred Bees, the Muses Birds, all of which this book doth show." [Charles Butler, 'The Feminine Monarchie,' 1609 . Extract taken from the inset pages of the book, 'The Sacred Bee']. Think on it, relative to what ''food'' represents... in this subject.
N.B. 'Doe' and 'Bee' used throughout the book: 'Discourse of Fire and Salt' / Blaise de Vigenere.
Another book {of secrets?} that attempts to define something: "Separate thou the 'earth' from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry. It ascends from the earth to the heaven and again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things 'superior' and 'inferior'. By this means you shall have the glory {''grace''?} of the whole world and thereby all obscurity shall 'fly' from you..."['Emerald Tablet'].
Follow the title of the book.
Question. ''Fly'' in relation to karma?
Flea Bottom? {Game of Thrones}.
A working example: The ukulele (/ˌjuːkəˈleɪli/ YOO-kə-LAY-lee; from Hawaiian: ʻukulele [ˈʔukuˈlɛlɛ], approximately OO-koo-LEH-leh), also called a uke, is a member of the lute family of instruments of Portuguese origin and popularized in Hawaii. It generally employs four nylon strings.[1][2][3]

Spathulate Fleawort. Flowers EVERY OTHER YEAR at the BEGINNING of summer. At least SIX BLOOMS or more. Found no where else IN THE WORLD except the South stack on Holyhead Island off Anglesey. Wales. ''NO ONE knows why''. Does Asteria? AND/OR: Did the Druids? See below.
The tone and volume of the instrument vary with size and construction. Ukuleles commonly come in four sizes: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone. Developed in the 1880s, the ukulele is based on several small, guitar-like instruments of Portuguese origin, the machete,[4] cavaquinho, timple, and rajão, introduced to the Hawaiian Islands by Portuguese immigrants from Madeira, the Azores and Cape Verde.[5] Three immigrants in particular, Madeiran cabinet makers Manuel Nunes, José do Espírito Santo, and Augusto Dias, are generally credited as the first ukulele makers.[6] Two weeks after they disembarked from the SS Ravenscrag in late August 1879, the Hawaiian Gazette reported that "Madeira Islanders recently arrived here, have been delighting the people with nightly street concerts."[7]
One of the most important factors in establishing the ukulele in Hawaiian music and culture was the ardent support and promotion of the instrument by King Kalākaua. A patron of the arts, he incorporated it into performances at royal gatherings.[8]

Flies. Golden ones.

Web of manifestation.
In the Hawaiian language the word ukulele roughly translates as "jumping flea",[9] perhaps because of the movement of the player's fingers. Legend attributes it to the nickname of Englishman Edward William Purvis, one of King Kalākaua's officers, because of his small size, fidgety manner, and playing expertise. One of the earliest appearances of the word ukulele in print (in the sense of a stringed instrument) is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Catalogue of the Crosby Brown Collection of Musical Instruments of All Nations published in 1907. The catalog describes two ukuleles from Hawaii—one that is similar in size to a modern soprano ukulele, and one that is similar to a tenor (see § Types and sizes).[10]
One of the most common tunings for the standard or soprano ukulele is C6 tuning: G4–C4–E4–A4, which is often remembered by the notes in the "My dog has fleas" jingle (see sidebar).[51] The G string is tuned an octave higher than might be expected, so this is often called "high G" tuning. This is known as a "reentrant tuning"; it enables uniquely close-harmony chording.
"The Muses remind us that all scholarship, even science, is closely allied to the nature of art - perhaps science is especially allied with art because, above all other disciplines, it reveals to us the living beauty of the natural world and the laws upon which it is based. But so much in modern scholarship is artless - and dare we say - lifeless, that we would do well to invoke, not only the Muses, but also there companions, the Graces. By invoking the Muses within the context of modern scholarship we not only recall our roots, but we also affirm the important role of higher inspiration, in the search for authentic knowledge." [Introduction, 'Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Traditions' by D. Fideler. Vol. One].
Analogy - in the modern sense of the 'word' - could be - 'Way of Seeing' by J. Berger.
N.B. Enki [of Sumerian fame] was identified with sweet water. ['Symbols of Sacred Science'].
Greek analogy?...- 'zoe' seeks sweetness and finds an intensification in it."
And/or the ''Sweet wine'' in the Odysseus story?
Practical analogy: 'Searching For The Sugar Man: Rodriquez' {2011}.
Side note: 'Sweet water' = Living water? {Old/New Testament}. That ''living water'' represented with Jacobs Well. Found within the area that was first arrived at - OUT of Exodus. From 'fire' i.e., burnt desert to its remedy ''water''. A healing process. Represented with the Samaritan woman. ['Day 18: Give Me This Water. Jacobs Well. Samaria' / Kathleen Nichols/Magdala].
''There's a fire starting in my heart.'' [First line: 'Rolling in the Deep' / Adele].
Refresher: "Separate thou the 'earth' from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry. It ascends from the earth to the heaven and again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things 'superior' and 'inferior'. By this means you shall have the glory {''grace''?} of the whole world and thereby all obscurity shall 'fly' from you..."['Emerald Tablet'].
'See' it?
Was {'Uas'} Sceptre?

Spirit fire as a means.....
A practical/working example: ''What he's demonstrated very clearly is that you have a choice. He took all that torment all that agony, confusion and pain, and transformed it into something beautiful. He's like the silk worm...You take this raw material and you transform it - and it comes out as something that wasn't there before, something beautiful, something transcendent. Something perhaps eternal. In so far as he does that, i think he's representative of the human spirit, of whats possible. That you have this choice.'' [Rick Emmerson - 'Searching For The Sugar Man: Rodriquez' / 2011].
In the abstract sense of the word: "Note also the saying of our Sages: 'When the universe was created, all things were created with size, intellect, and beauty fully developed, i.e.,everything was created perfect in magnitude and form, and endowed with the most suitable properties; the word zibyonam {their beauty} used here has the same meaning as zebi ''glory'' {Ezek.xx.6}. Note this likewise, for it includes a principle fully established." [Page 216 'Guide for the Perplexed'].
Recall Shulamite/Nefertiti as a means...?
Question. Male/female - which represents ''spirit'' and which ''Soul''? And why?
''He giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night."

Al-Qurn = The 'horn'. Anything?
In Egyptian mythology, Meretseger (also spelt Mertseger), meaning "she who loves silence" exerted great authority during the New Kingdom era over the Theban Necropolis and was considered to be both a dangerous and merciful goddess.[1] She was closely connected with al-Qurn, the pyramid-shaped peak in the Valley of the Kings.[2] As a cobra-goddess she is sometimes associated with Hathor.[3]
She was the patron deity of the workers in Deir el-Medina who built the tombs. She punished workers who committed crimes, but healed those who repented. In one instance Meretseger is petitioned to bring relief to one in pain. She answered the prayer by bringing "sweet breezes."
A working example: ''These hills are telling me to shut up in the loveliest of ways.'' ['Walking With Shappi Khorsandi' / BBC2 / 2022].
SIDE NOTE: {and/or refresher}: "The 'sun' is its father, the 'moon' its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth is its nurse." Emerald Tablet.
''In Greek myth, Hephaestus used earth and water to make Pandora, the first woman.'' ['The Chase'].
Recall Khnum.
Question. Shadow and/or anima related? i.e.,if so, what would 'bitter' be represented by?

Egyptian Khonsu. Karnac?

''The Sycamore Gap Tree or “Robin Hood Tree” is a sycamore tree (Acer pseudoplatanus) standing next to Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland, England. The lake of Crag Lough and the village of Once Brewed are nearby, as is the Twice Brewed Pub, useful for trekkers at days end.''
Celtic analogy: "Every day the Goddess Ceridwen was supposed to gather various charm-bearing herbs {fifteen?} for her Cauldron, the ''sweet Awen'' - choosing her time according to the planetary positions. Taliesin gives a long list of these plants and other ingredients, but it is not clear from the poem {Cadeir Taliesin} whether all of these were brewed in the ''stream of Gwion'' as the liquor was sometimes called. There are red berries, cresses, wort, and vervain; and a plant called selago which is supposed to be the hedge hyssop. But in Nash's translation the latter is not mentioned, but only the ''tree of pure gold''. This tree of pure gold is the ''golden bough'' {Uas?} of Virgil's AEneid - the mistletoe. Selago, is however, mentioned by Pliny, and the passage is quoted in the 'Antiquities of Cornwall' {S/W?} - telling how the selago is a most precious ritual herb '...''which must not be touched by the hand NOR cut with iron''...The {'gathering'} of the mistletoe was also a sacred ceremony..." ['The Flaming Door' - from the chapter entitled 'The Cauldron of Ceridwen'].
Try ''herb/al'' and/or ''mistletoe'' and/or ''gathering'' etc.

"Twentysix figure of eight shaped links." Bunk-ladder hook?

Mastermyr chest. GOTLAND. Most of the find had been placed in the chest, but there were also objects around it such as three bronze cauldrons, three bells and a fire-grid of iron. A chain, made up of 26 figure-of-eight shaped links, was wrapped around it. It served both as an extra lock and handle since the chest was too heavy for the original handle. The chest and the other items had probably been placed in a boat which capsized and sank in the lake. Another theory is that the chest was temporarily hidden at the water's edge.
The chest contained Viking-era blacksmithing and woodworking tools. It also contained several products of such work, including elements of several locks. The chest and its contents provide a valuable insight into technology during the Viking Age.
Side note: ''The worlds largest herb is the Banana plant.'' ['The Chase'].
Question: ''which must not be touched by the hand NOR cut with iron.'' Why? Can u 'see' it? i.e., something of that inner ''quality'' not outer. Try ''taboo'' and/or ''quality''.
N.B. Salago found mainly in Southern regions.
Question. If ''Iron'' relates to S/W - what relates to S/E?
A working example: "The fireplace mantel or mantelpiece, also known as a chimneypiece, originated in medieval times as a hood that projected over a fire grate to catch the smoke....

Krishna Janmashtami, also known simply as Krishnashtami, Janmashtami, or Gokulashtami, is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu.
The term has evolved to include the decorative framework around the fireplace, and can include elaborate designs extending to the ceiling. Mantelpiece is now the general term for the jambs, mantel shelf, and external accessories of a fireplace. For many centuries, the chimneypiece was the most ornamental and most artistic feature of a room, but as fireplaces have become smaller, and modern methods of heating have been introduced, its artistic as well as its practical significance has lessened. Where the fireplace continues up the wall with an elaborate construction, as in historic grand buildings, this is known as an overmantel.[2] Mirrors and paintings designed to be hung above a mantel shelf may be called "mantel mirror", "mantel painting" and so on."

A 'throne'? i.e., something to 'sit upon'? The 'summit' of something.

From a different perspective: ''On a HILLTOP at the edge of the town of Noceto on northern Italy's Po Plain, a 2004 construction project had gotten just a few feet into the ground when a wooden structure began to emerge. A team of archaeologists were called in....The structure was filled with natural sediments of the sort that would be found in a lake. The structure was not a building at all - it was an artificial pool {1432 BC}....twentysix vertical poles supporting surrounding board work of more than 240 peices. The vertical boards were in turn, pressed against the walls by two networks of horizontal beams {'13'?} - perpendicular to each other. ...plus a pair of long beams were arranged diagonally to buttress the corner poles.....No indication that it had served any practical purpose....Excavations however, did uncover extensive array of material in the 'pool'....150 complete vases and twentyfive miniature vessels, seven small clay votive figurines depicting horses pigs, cows, and an anthropomorphic figure. ...Animal remains and deer antlers and complete skeleton of 'baby' pig were found. There were spindles, numerous baskets and farm tools....especially 4 whole wooden ploughs. These items had been carefully deposited in different layers, as if during multiple events....Some sort of ritual. The pool was probably built to celebrate something.'' [Page 40 'Archaeology' / Nov/Dec 2021].
N.B. Broken pottery 'vase' shards found throughout such places as Saqqara/Egypt. In the form of a 'mountain'.
And/or: Day 11: Kursi {Arabic = 'Throne'}: Healing of the one Bound in Chains: Miracle of the Swine. [Kathleen Nichols/Magdala/Israel].
Side note: ''Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe (from Latin ferrum 'iron') and atomic number 26. It is a metal that belongs to the first transition series and group 8 of the periodic table. It is, by mass, the most common element on Earth, just ahead of oxygen (32.1% and 30.1%, respectively), forming much of Earth's outer and inner core. It is the fourth most common element in the Earth's crust, being mainly deposited by meteorites in its metallic state, with its ores also being found there.''
A working example: ''The Emancipation Statue is a public sculpture symbolising the "breaking of the chains" of slavery at Emancipation. It is located in Barbados, east of Bridgetown at centre of the J.T.C. Ramsay roundabout formed at the junction of the ABC Highway and Highway 5. Many Barbadians refer to the statue as Bussa, the name of a slave who helped inspire a revolt against the plantocracy society in Barbados in 1816, though the statue is not actually sculpted to be Bussa.''
The statue, made of bronze, was created in 1985 by Barbadian-Guyanese sculptor Karl Broodhagen twenty years after the island's independence.

Twice as wide as high? Triangular? Therefore 'fire' link?

Twice as high as wide? 'Water'?
REMEDY: ''The Flower Mountain is a sacred place in the cosmology of many cultures throughout Mesoamerica. For the Maya, the Flower Mountain was a place of creation. The sun god emerged from the mountain each morning, while the maize god emerged once a year. It was where, in a distant time, the ancestors of the Maya originated.'' [Page 35, 'Archaeology' / Nov/ Dec 2021].
Amun-Ra with lotus flower on end of his nose?
'She Who Loves Silence'.
'Unas' to enlarge.
Mountains low, Valleys high?
Side note: {synchronistic?}: ''The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second, took place on June 2nd in 1953 a few days after the SUMMIT of Mount Everest was completed by Norgay and Hillary - which is the reason why Union flags are flown on public buildings on June 2nd each year.'' ['The Chase' / 2018].
A ''gathering'' in the Macro sense of the word?

Glimmer of light at dawn? Question. Whats Egypts favourite 'flower'?
A work in progress: ''As i stood peering into the deep well of Kom Ombo, i felt i was peering not only into my past, but into the antiquity of Egypt, my little self {'ishon'?} caught between two eternal realms....In my minds eye, i watched an imaginal shape of myself descending those circular {'spiral'?} stairs which led down into the abyss that once held the sacred crocodile. I saw how the dark waters of the well reflected the blue sky. In a moment the image seemed to flip. Those same stairs that a moment ago were descending into the abyss, now were leading me out of the abyss towards the light. In truth, the ancient steps of the Nilometer were used in antiquity to determine the height of the 'flood' and the breadth of the inundation, but that day at Kom Ombo, they seemed also to say that when the waters of the unconscious rise toward the realm of consciousness - then we have come to our time of renewal.'' [Page 124 'Dreams of Isis: A Womans Spiritual Sojourn' / N. Ellis].
Understanding the above defines the purpose - in the spiritual SENSE of the word - to the longest 'tunnel' in the Valley of the Kings.
Seti 1st to enlarge.

Another aspect of Khonsu. Thebes?
Analogy: "In Sumero-Akkadian mythology, the Tigris and Euphrates were said to take there rise from a primordial water source, a subterranean lake that was the source of all 'sweet water' called Abzu {Apsu}, which came under the patronage of Enki." [From the book 'Gobekli-tepe' by A. Collins].
Primordial 'fountain' in relation to primordial 'mound'. Bingol mountain = ''the summit of the earth, its waters carrying the 'four rivers to the four corners of the world'." [Same book]. On top of that mountain... ''glacial lakes that grace its summit. In the Armenian language, Bingol Mountain is known as Biurakn, which means 'A million eyes', a reference once again, to the countless springs, or 'eyes' that take there rise on its summit..."
'Waters of the Gap'.
Question. To what ''corners'' do the above TWO rivers represent? Clue. Top/down or Bottom/up? ONLY one or the other relates to the word ''sweet''. That same link to the 'Mona Lisa' painting/picture. Enlarged elsewhere.
Understanding this subject solves the 'riddle' set by Samson,i.e.,"What is sweeter than honey, what is stronger than a lion?" [i.e.,knowledge - by way of 'Gnosis' i.e., what it implies,i.e.,getting ones head around it]. After all... ''is 'power' not knowledge?" Same principle as in the Gordian 'knot' riddle. That inner one, i.e.,the true meaning of the word ''esoteric.'' Check it out.

'The Lion-man'. Oldest in the world. 40000 years. Question. Any ''sweet'' foods or 'flower heads' found in same cave? 'Navel' to enlarge.

Different culture. Same principle...''You search for savor in various foods - in tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, puddings. You go to restaurants and night clubs. What do you actually get? In search for joy, you yourself become joyless. Your face shrivels; your money gets spent. In place of joy you get disease. Your life passes by. Cooking and tasting all kinds of delicacies, you destroy your own sense of taste. Even the sweetness that was already there disappears. You do not find the real, joyful, pure, and precious nectar that is in your heart." [Chapter one, 'Play of Consciousness'. Mentioned elsewhere. Put those 'keys' together]. Failing that try ''bee'' in the usual box - in relation to curiosity. Benefit of. AND if this subject proves something more than a mental exercise - PURPOSE OF.
Side note: ''The Great Fire of London took place on September the 'second' in Pudding Lane in 1666.'' ['Riddiculous' / ITV].
A different perspective: ''The color spectrum is not a new idea, but Isaac Newton was the first one to place it on a color wheel in 1666. Newton helped prove that color is not made up of light and darkness as previously thought, but is instead an aspect of white light....This sort of mysticism fascinated Newton as much as science, so he thought there must be seven colours in the rainbow. He added orange and split purple into indigo and violet.''
Purple Rain / Prince.
Mauve (/ˈmoʊv/ ⓘ, mohv;[2] /ˈmɔːv/ ⓘ, mawv) is a pale purple color[3][4] named after the mallow flower (French: mauve). The first use of the word mauve as a color was in 1796–98 according to the Oxford English Dictionary, but its use seems to have been rare before 1859. Another name for the color is mallow,[5] with the first recorded use of mallow as a color name in English in 1611.[6]
Mauve contains more gray and more blue than a pale tint of magenta. Many pale wildflowers called "blue" are more accurately classified as mauve. Mauve is also sometimes described as pale violet.
A work in progress {that very first one?}: "A study to discover the astronomical role of the smith god Hephaestus led down a path with a surprising end. Every reference to the great artificer was studied, and, by using techniques similar to those used for other interpretations, an astronomical image of the constellation of Perseus emerged. It was also apparent that, in addition to his role as 'creator' of the constellations, Hephaestus had a further role of previously unsuspected importance: 'Then Hephaestus drew sweet nectar from the mixing 'bowl', and served it around among the gods, going from left to right; and the blessed gods laughed out a loud applause as they saw him bustling about the heavenly mansion...But when the sun's glorious light had faded, they went home to bed, each in his own abode, which 'lame' Hephaestus had fashioned for them..

'Split purple'?
The constellations in the southern hemisphere were built by Hephaestus, when he was flung down from Olympus to Lemnos: 'He {Zeus} caught me by the foot and flung me from the heavenly 'threshold'...Eurynome and Thetis, took me to their 'bosom'...There in the realms of Thetis and her home in the constellation Eridanus 'below' the horizon, he stayed for 'nine' years, creating the southern constellations...It is as creator of the glittering armour of Achilles that he is best known...['Homer's Secret Iliad'].
"Gnosis, according to al-Arabi, is not the acquired knowing of profane learning, but rather as the Arabic root suggests, an immediate recognition and grasp not of something new or strange but rather of the state and status of things as they really are, have always been, and eternally will be, which knowledge is inborn in man but later covered over and obscured by the spiritual ignorance encouraged by preoccupation with ephemeral and partial data. It is precisely this gnosis, which is potential in all human kind." [ Chapter 2, 'The Bezels of Wisdom']. 'See' it? A link to the ''minds eye''. Benefit of. Purpose of.
Side note: ''partial data'' - One could also say - 'partial rubbish'. Try ''Herod''.
"Tender-hearted stroke a nettle, And it stings you for your pains. Grasp it like a man of mettle, and it soft as silk remain." ['Paradoxes of the Infinite' / B. Bolzano].
"If there be in mathematics a nettle danger out of which has been plucked the flower safety - it is speculation on O and the {infinite symbol}." Same book. Try ''plant'' and ''flower'' to attempt to grasp what this author is implying.

The 'Hound'.
The ’last’ of anything. A link to the word ‘penile’. That same link to the tail end of something, [see dictionary]. Most important in the conscious sense...as opposed to its twin ‘brother’ or other ‘half’...the normal ‘tail end’ of something. ’Behind’ in relation to ‘in front of’. Shadow as opposed to light. Unconscious of...In relation to, now conscious of,[relative to a 'realization' - an understanding]. By way of a determination, [‘fire’]...A focus...[Hebrew equivalent = "By strength" i.e., one of the two pillars, [of which on top was a pomegranate]. Common parlance..."A Baptism of fire" or even "to take the bull by the horns.". [key]. Represented by the 'horns of consecration'..."a well known Altar emblem, derived from Minoan Crete".[Chapter three 'Riddle of the Sphinx'] ...hence the link to Alexander. Explained elsewhere].
Side note: The English word 'focus' comes from the Latin for 'fireplace'. ['The Chase' / ITV / 31.1.22].
Hestia to enlarge.
"Spirit or ''fire'' is an immaterial, formless, and universal element, which may become manifest in forms. It is the matrix in which everything was contained before it was thrown into objectivity by the awakening of its will. It is the ''creator'' the great ''carpenter'' of the universe, the ''stepfather of Christ''..." [Quote from the book by F. Hartman]. Understanding that 'universal framework' defines that possibility. Can you see it yet?
"The word 'spiritual' should be associated with the word 'eyes'. This is a reference to the eyes of the mind or heart. To see is to understand." [From the book by T. Nottingham].

The real McCoy.

The face of Halloween or April 1st? Fake news?
Then to apply. In order to get to that final destination. An inner’ destination’...within the ’outer’ one. Both those key words, [Tail/Fire]...within the pagan upright phallic symbol. In ‘pillar’ form. Its earliest representation. That one ‘pillar’ that became through an ‘understanding’ two. Both ‘supported’ by those earlier ‘formed’ foundations, by way of thought/emotion/will, i.e., the 'middle' way. Don't forget those first 'impressions', i.e.,not in the crude form. Not even close. Even when taking into account such authors and 'participants' as A. Crowley. 'The Old Sod'. Mentioned within, gives; if only for this reader; an insight into Mr Crowleys true nature, by someone who knew from both a personnel and 'professional' point of view. More circus clown [i.e.,trickster character] than adept. Try ''phallus.''
continued..."Energy is the Sacramental Motive of the Event: it is thus omnipresent, in manifestation by interruption and compensation and otherwise by the corresponding withdrawal..." [Extract from the book 'Little Essays Towards Truth' from the chapter entitled 'Energy' by A. Crowley].
The author using the word 'simple' within the first chapter of the same book in order to define those basic principles - in order to {attempt} - to make them cohesive and therefore intelligible for the reader, i.e., "...discovering thus the common nature of certain things and the essential differences between others, so that ultimately one obtains a simple view of the incalculably vast complexity of the universe." For this reader the book is anything and everything but : - plenty of ''head knowledge'' which Crowley is well known for but presented in his own convoluted {inimitable?} way - as is his very own interpretation on the word 'Magic{K}'. Basically such individuals ''believe'' they can 'circumvent' {'jump-start'?} certain levels {'altered states'} along their own individual path - towards that ultimate goal. They ''believe'' they can 'transcend' certain stages along the way by harnessing those energy levels; especially those {intimate?} ones. In other words {some may say crudely} - they GENUINELY believe they can shag there way to heavens door. In short; they are {possibly?} well and truly - to far gone - up there own tantric sexual backsides.

Same PRINCIPLE - different culture. Find IT to understand IT. Rather than being taught {'shadow'?} - by those FIRST impressions.
The last thing this reader would want on his mind at such a ''moment'' {and/or 'pre' and 'post'} is anything and everything to do with this subject - especially if only {and/or 'primary'?} includes that objective 'desire' {clause?}. That SOLELY personal one. A good example of ''objectivities'' negative flip {twin} side. If only for this reader.

One penis or two?
Question. Could it really be that SIMPLE? In other words IF this subject is a valid one, i.e.,if its core essence proves true, i.e., that life really does continue in all its forms: then there can only be two possibilities as to its 'origins' {mentioned elsewhere} i.e.,simply put - either by evolution, i.e.,as part of the big bang inflation theory - not yet identified or by design - what ever that implies. The main point however is - if it was by design {while remembering that this question is purely hypothetical - possibilities only -} would the ''designers'' have in mind such a ludicrous one, i.e.,the 'copulation way' - the slow but steady {bang, bang?} as you go way? That {selfless?} design, with genuine intent and purpose ; for the sake {we are told} for the benefit of humankind.
Question. Could they be stupid? OR could they think we are?
"To prick ones conscience."
In other words in the spiritual sense of the word not the material one.

Parts of that ''second sight''? as a means...?

Second sight? Prow or Stern?
From a different perspective: "The oldest idol of Dionysos known to Athenian tradition was a phallus set up in the temple of Horai {where 'meat' was boiled not roasted}, but the identity disclosed in the epithet ''Orthos'', ''he who stands erect'', was intentionally veiled by the explanation that the right mixture of water to wine allowed men to ''stand upright'' {Osiris at Abydos?}. On Samos and Lesbos the epithet ''Enorches'' - 'he who is in possession of his testicles'', points clearly to emasculation. When set up as a 'phallus', Dionysos was Enorches, in contrast to the ''masked god'' who was no longer in possession of his 'testicles' {''duality''?}....The Dionysos myth with its inner logic - was ambivalent {to some} in the sexual sphere {especially} in relation to what the Greeks termed ''zoe'' {i.e., something contained in all living things perceived by a ''kind of second sight''}. [Pages 80/285-6/ 'Dionysos:Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life' / C. Kerenyi].
4:5 to enlarge {''upright''}.
Blemmyes to enlarge.

With or without?

"Tariffs are better than sex."
And/or: ''The word avocado comes from the Spanish aguacate, which derives from the Nahuatl (Mexican) word āhuacatl [aːˈwakat͡ɬ],[38][dead link] which goes back to the proto-Aztecan *pa:wa.[39] In Molina's Nahuatl dictionary "auacatl" is given also as the translation for compañón "testicle", and this has been taken up in popular culture where a frequent claim is that testicle was the word's original meaning. This is not the case, as the original meaning can be reconstructed rather as "avocado" - rather the word seems to have been used in Nahuatl as a euphemism for "testicle".[40][41][42]
Side note: ''According to the Water Footprint Network, a single avacado requires 230 litres of water.'' ['The Chase'].
Continued: ''The modern English name comes from a rendering of the Spanish aguacate as avogato.

Limp dick!
The earliest known written use in English is attested from 1697 as avogato pear, later avocado pear (due to its shape), a term sometimes corrupted to alligator pear....In parts of India it is known as ''butter fruit''......'' [Wiki].
Side note: ''When Naville excavated Hathor's temple shrine at Deir el-Bahri, he found many wooden phalli deposited there as votive offerings offered by supplicants seeking her blessings...Of all the pantheon, it is she who sparks the desire for relationship and life....'' [Page 9 'Hathor Rising' / A. Roberts].
'Ihy' to enlarge {i.e., son of Hathor}.
Refresher: "Behind Will stands desire."

Agree or disagree?
Continued: ''Neither let the son of the stranger, that has joined himself to the lord, speak, saying: The lord has seperated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold i am a dry tree. For, said the lord; the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; even unto them will i give in my house and within my walls a place and a name {new one?} - better than of sons and of daughters {'giants'?}: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be CUT OFF. Also the sons of the stranger that joined themselves to the lord....even them will i bring to my holy mountain {al-Qurn?}, and make them joyful in my house.'' [Isaiah 56: 3-6].
'Oath of the Nights Watch'? {Game of Thrones}.
Refresher: ''The Siren heralds a friend; the Bee a stranger.''
''Truth is stranger than fiction.''
Question. The ''bee' hieroglyph - does it represent a 'higher' or lower aspect? i.e., upper/lower Egypt.
And/or: ''Caves and burial chambers were said to be sunk in the ''bowels'' of the earth - that is, of the Mother Earth. The biblical term for ''birth'' is seperation from the bowels.'' [Page 1092 'The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets' / B. Walker].
The Osirian Temple at Abydos?

From a different perspective.

Side note: Drone bees lose there 'under carriage' after mating in mid air. Coincidance or a meaningful one? {i.e., for the subject in question that is - not for the drone}. Question. Squadron 64?
Apply it to define the following - "When we talk of 'sexualisation' of the vegetable world it is necessary to be clear as to the precise meaning of the term. It is not a question of the actual phenomenon of the fertilization of plants but of a qualitative 'morphological' classification, which is the culmination and expression of an experience of 'mystical' sympathy with the world. It is the 'idea' of life {Greek 'zoe' as opposed to 'bios'?} which, projected on to the cosmos, sexualizes it. It is not a matter of making objective or scientific observations but of arriving at an appraisal of the world around us in terms of 'life', and in terms of anthropocosmic destiny, embracing sexuality, fecundity, death and rebirth. Not that men in primitive societies were incapable of objectively {neanderthal/Cro-magnon?} - observing the life of plants. The proof of this is the discovery of the artificial fertilization and grafting of date trees and fig trees in Mesopotamia. These processes had long been known, for at least two paragraphs of the Hammurabi Code legislate on this point. This practical knowledge was afterwards handed down to the Hebrews and Arabs. But the artificial fertilization of fruit trees was not looked upon as a horticultural technique, efficient in itself, but as a ritual; the fact that it involved vegetable fertility implied man's 'sexual' participation." ['The Forge and the Crucible' / M. Eliade]. Try ''vegetative'' and/or ''fig''. Finally ''mustard'' - to {distinguish?} something further.
'Saving Italy's Olive Trees' / Readers Digest / January 2022].
'The Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy' / Manfred M. Junius.

Lingam/Yoni - carved on the river bed.
From a different perspective: The river beds that flow from the south to the north {Nile?} towards the capital of Angkor Wat - are embedded with symbols of a circle surrounded by a square. Purposely created with the 'Lotus' in mind. Hence the reason that the FOUNDATIONS of Angkor Wat were purposely soaked in Water to cause solidification {'petrification'?}. IRON clamps between each horizontal block - that supports those vertical 'flower' constructions.'' [Sat. TV / Angkor Wat].

Beginning at Saqqara. Temple construction TAKING OVER from the ''pyramid type''. Alabaster bowls filled with water running from E-W. Try ''octave'' to get into that MIND SET. Later on the Pyramid Texts are ADDED to those internal dimentions. 'Fire' INTO water as a means...? Question. All within the cycle of Saturn {including 'retrograde'} BEGINNING with the conjunction of same with Jupiter?
''Squaring the circle'' and/or ''eight'' link?
'Lintels' at Stonehenge?
REFRESHER: "The waters ebb and flow. Let the 'magician' guard himself from drowning at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet [link to 'marsh' and 'primordial' mound symbolism. Explained elsewhere], must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water, land and air meet, there is the place for 'magic' to be wrought {'fire'?}.
El-tel-Bethsai ? {Israel}.
The psychologists laid out a research agenda intended to tease out “the similarities and differences between awe and gratitude, admiration, elevation, surprise, fear, and perhaps even love.” In the years since, they and other researchers have been testing awe. What is it? How does it work? What seems awesome, and why? For the first time, they’re starting to understand both what awe does to us and what it might do for us.
"Awesome" to enlarge.

''You know nothing, Jon Snow''.
continued..."We are dealing here therefore with a general conception of cosmic reality seen as Life and consequently endowed with sex; sexuality being a particular sign of all living reality. Starting from a certain cultural level, the entire world - the world of nature as well as the world of things and tools made by man - is presented as endowed with sex {'Blacksmith'?}. The examples which follow have been expressly selected from different cultural milieux so as to show how widespread and persistent such conceptions are. The Kitara divided ores into male and female; the former, hard and black, are found near the surface; the latter, soft and red, are extracted from inside the mine. The mingling of the two 'sexes' is indispensable to fruitful fusion. This is of course an objectively arbitrary classification. But it was the total union of reality which mattered, for it justified the rite {'Sacred' act?} namely the 'marriage of the metals', and this last made possible a birth." [Same book, i.e.,by M. Eliade]. Try ''flint'' and ''pit/mine'' to see if you agree/disagree.
'Metal of the mind'?

Stag and deer.
A side step. Remember what it was that the 'trickster character' stole. Together with..."Promethus, who brought 'fire' to mankind, was a Titan whose name means foresight." Think about it in relation to 'hindsight'. Try Part 1.
Question. If 'stolen' - how can it be earned? Gnosis?

The Colossus of Rhodes: “To you, O Sun, the people of Doric Rhodes raise this bronze statue which reaches Olympus after calming the waves of war and crowning their city with the spoils of the enemy. Not only over the seas but also on land they light the sweet torch of freedom. “
Votive inscription on the Colossus.
Side note: "The classical myths of the Titans are the clearest representations which when studied offer a profound message about the way we 'see' the earth....The clue lies in the use of the word 'Titanic' - originally meaning 'Lord', but now more often applied to the more awesome energies of the earth: the forces of volcano's, the whirling wind, the hunger of the ocean." [Page 62 'The Western Way' . Vol.1].
'Wet / Dry' Way - as a means...?
From a different perspective: ''When the water flows in it feels as though i'm coming into a new world for the very first time....It feels very new and raw, yet i feel like an adult, although an infant energy is coming into an adults body....With the element earth i 'saw' dinosaurs, and they represent those entities that came to earth as vehicles to ground the energy of the Earth....The 'fire' element is the element that activates the kundalini energy and governs the spine {'Capricorn/Saturn'?}.....It was grounded in the physical blueprint when i breathed in the Belly Breath {enlarged elsewhere}....As a shield from the fear of the openhearted brokenness that egoless experience creates.'' [Pages 133/206 'Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess'].
Spirit/Soul. Shadow.Anima - as a means towards a balance - in the 'ritual' sense of the word. But because of those universal keys - a mindset is achieved.
Continued: "Serious mysteries may be describable only in terms of paradox, or in what passes for jest."

Small or large one? "Tariffs are better than sex."
Practical {reality?} example of such - if only for this reader - in relation to all of the above mentioned...A quote by Steve Backshall within the recent {13/3/16} program 'Extreme Mountain Challenge' . After the main leading climber falls 50 feet - S.B. says something along the lines of: 'That must have been quite an experience' to which the reply was: 'Yes; it felt like an organism'. To which the answer was - 'Then you must be doing one of those two things wrong!'
Question {in jest or otherwise}. Which one?
'To prick ones conscience'. As a means....?
As is: "Its me and you, and you and me. Don't ever betray me - if you do - i'll cut off your pretty little cock, and wear it round me neck." {Ygritte/Jon Snow. Game of Thrones}.

Something hinted at: "The constellation Felis the Cat - a word which Latin lexicographers now write Faelis, was formed by La Lande {1805}....Its inventor said of it: 'I am very fond of cats. I will let this figure scratch on the chart. The starry sky has worried me quite enough in my life {the study of it?} - so that now I can have my joke with it.'..." [Page 221 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].
Embossed / Debossed?
Alternative viewpoint?..."Yes, diet is important in the Satyagraha movement - as everywhere else," he said with a chuckle. "Because i advocate complete continence for satyagrahis, i am always trying to find out the best diet for the celibate. One must conquer the palate before he can control the procreative instinct. Semi-starvation or unbalanced diets are not the answer. After overcoming the inward greed for food, a satyagrahi must continue to follow a rational vegetarian diet with all necessary vitamins, minerals, calories, and so forth. By inward and outward wisdom in regard to eating, the satyagrahi's sexual fluid is easily turned into vital energy for the whole body {and/or mind. This readers input]." [Quote by Gandhi from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi].

The Peoples Choice? Which one feels ''humiliated''#? Working buddies or sweethearts. Should he have gone to specsaves?

Oleg Penkovsky. A true Russian. A peoples man. A man Mother Russia would call One of her Own. R. I. P.
As is..."Promethus, who brought 'fire' to mankind, was a Titan whose name means foresight. So be prepared for the consequences of your actions. You will need somewhere to place the burned out match. Let a discrete and adequate receptacle be provided. Simply to cast it aside is an expression of dis-order. A working for the lords of mis-rule {'Saturn'?} the evidence of whose presence is all about you in the world. It is perhaps only the lack of intention {i.e., unconscious act} that prevents their engulfing the world in a sea of rubbish, of forgotten litter discarded by childish and immature spirits." [Extract from the book by G. Knight. Most of the emphasis, this readers]. Try ''Taboo'' {in relation to a 'sacred act' }. Then try ''rubbish'' - for a more practical read, i.e., a 'location' of something - a possible one.
The above a good example of the 'ritual stuff'. In the above example- in relation to that ''spirit/fire,'' i.e., as an expression of something; an expression that can be thought {expected?} about, in ones daily routine. All relevant to those words {principles?} in relation to that acclaimed framework. Micro within the Macro? The main point however is - that the understanding of such material {literature?} gives the reader {that objective; studious one} - an INSIGHT into the subject as a WHOLE. And like ANY other subject - the more ones learns {keys?symbols?archetypes?} the more one understands the parts within the whole - regardless of what subdivision - within the subject as a whole {i.e., esotericism} - those universal keys are got.
'To prick ones conscience'.

A feather in the CAP. {crown?}

Every village has one?
A {working?} example..."We had two more specific ceremonies to perform before returning to Uxmal and Merida. But first, there were two processes that needed to happen in order for us to prepare ourselves...These two ''processes'' were to be very much like ceremonies, but were, in fact, probably more akin to modern day therapy. Each member of this group came to the Yucatan with internal emotional disturbances associated with their sexual energies. This is true with almost every person alive. In a nutshell, the sexual chakra, the heart chakra, and the pineal chakra, in the 'center' of the head, all function together as one when they are aligned. Lack of alignment causes emotional disturbances, and emotional disturbances causes lack of alignment. These disturbances would have to be balanced in our group before the last two ceremonies could be completed or we would not be able to finish our work." ['Serpent of Light Beyond 2012'].
Same principle - but easier on the brain {mind?}: "Sun, Moon and stars {as three examples} were, to the leaders and teachers of the ancient peoples, not merely physical, but 'pictures' of the hidden and the divine. Misunderstanding of the myths would cease once it were universally recognised that, outside the Mystery Temples {schools?}, only the language and imagery of ordinary life could be used to describe the realities of spiritual experience obtained in the 'holy of holies'." ['The Flaming Door' / C. Merry. Parenthesis, this readers].

One second AFTER awakening? Question. Why does she look disappointed? Notice also the tail end of each. In both 'snap shots.' [Represented by the word ''second,'' and the symbolic intention of the firearm]. See it? Notice also the two front legs of the ''elephant.'' Through the ''heads'' of the pictures two main characters. Left in relation to ''female'' aspect. Also Pomegranate above water line, female aspect below it. West in relation to East. Anything? OR South - North perspective? Don't forget those first impressions, i.e.,first parts a joke. Finally try ''intention'' to understand its MAIN AIM. IF ONLY IN DEFINING SUBJECT MATERIAL.

'The Book of Lies' by A. Crowley.
Side note: The English word 'focus' comes from the Latin for 'fireplace'. ['The Chase' / ITV / 31.1.22].
Hestia to enlarge.
"The pillars of Jakim and Boaz measured the pulse of the cosmos. They were so placed as to mark the furthest points of the suns risings of the equinoxes, and according to the first century Jewish historian Josephus and Clement, the first bishop of Alexandria, they were topped with 'orreries,' mechanical representations of the motions of the planets. Decorative, carved pomegranates are mentioned several times in the biblical account. The robes of the priests were decorated with precious stones representing the 'sun', the 'moon', the 'planets' and the 'constellations' - emerald being the only stone named. The most extraordinary feature of the temple seems to have been a 'sea' - or according to the Quran, a 'fountain' - of 'molten brass.' Again, as with the 'bronze' serpent nailed to a 'pole' by Moses, this image of 'smelting' should alert us to the presence of secret practices dedicated to 'transforming' human physiology." ['Secret History of the World'].
Side note: "An intriguing incident in Ares life that has not yet succumbed to astronomical interpretation is when he was bound 'in cruel bonds, so that he lay thirteen months imprisoned in a vessel of bronze'. The text may be implying that for a period of just over a year Mars could not be seen, because it was below the horizon at night and in the sky during daylight hours." ['Homer's Secret Iliad'].
Question. What {'metals'?} would represent ABOVE the horizon?

Reverse it. From a southern perspective = upside down 'cross'?
Continued...."Two independent - minded Masonic researchers, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, have worked out this orientation, [i.e.,relative to Solomon's temple,i.e.,S/E or S/W? Answer found in chapter 23], starting with the clue that Hiram came from Phoenicia, where the principle deity was Astarte - or Venus. Of course this ties in too, with the decorative details, already mentioned, the pomegranates which are the 'fruit' of Venus and 'emeralds' which are the precious 'stones' of Venus. According to Clement of Alexandria, the curtain which sectioned off the Holy of Holies had cut into it the shape of a five - pointed star. The five - pointed star has always been a symbol of Venus, because the pattern that Venus traces around the ecliptic in its eight year cycle - five appearances in the morning sky and five in the evening sky - forms a five pointed pattern. It is the only planet to draw a completely regular figure in this way. This figure is seen sometimes as a pentagram, sometimes as a five pointed star, and sometimes, as we shall see when we come to investigate Rosicrucianism, as a five - petalled flower or rose." [Chapter 12, 'The Secret History of the World'].
"...answer found in chapter twentythree." Coincidence or a meaningful one?
N.B. {Analogy?}...'Liber Astarte': 4 = 7; Philosophus grade; Equilibrium link to the House of Venus???
Analogy with same principle in mind: "...above the rose, sealing the vessel, which is a ''soul with no leak at the seams,'' is a crown. The crown - which is a triple crown - signifies Kether, the top of the tree. It bears a single pearl in its apex; 'the pearl of great price'...." [Extract from the book 'The Magister' ].
Question. Can you put together all that 'information', offered in the form of 'symbols' that represent the understanding of certain 'aspects' within a subject? In this case, the understanding of that ''orientation'' that once understood gives clues as to a start and end point. Representational of. The answer also explains as to why it had to be chosen as someones final resting place - as to WHY that specific location {'start point'} - was chosen.
'Asherah [or Astarte or Ashtoreth]: History's Vanquished Goddess' [Gods Wife: the Goddess Asherah, Wife of Yahweh]. By Darlene Kosnik. Question. ''Youngest'' aspect, as mentioned in part one?
"Sophia was also an important mythical figure for Jewish gnostics, such as Philo. Although later rejected by Jewish Literalists, there had always been a Jewish Goddess tradition. At one time Israelites had worshiped the Goddess Asherah as Jehovahs consort. In the 5th century {BC} she was known as Anat Jahu." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

Found on Delos.
And/or: The nocturnal rites of necromancy--oracular communion with the ghosts of the dead--were the domain of Asteria's daughter Hekate (Hecate). Asteria's nephew Apollon conversely presided over oracles inspired by heaven. The parents of these two gods, Asteria and Leto, appear to represent the oracular powers of night and day. Indeed Asteria was closely identified with Nyx (Night), both in her name in the alternate parentage given the goddess Hekate. It is possible that Asteria was also connected with Brizo (Slumber), an obscure Delian goddess who delivered prophetic dreams.
The Greeks sometimes identified Asteria with the Phoenician goddess Ashtarte. It is not known if the Greek goddess was in fact derived from the Phoenician. However, other Greek gods worshipped around the Aegean, such as Melikertes (Phoenician Melqart) and Ino-Leukothea were indeed imported from the East.'' ['Theio Greek Mythology'].
"...and Astarte and Ashtoreth are the Phoenician and Hebrew forms of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. Mr Hislop remarks that it is generally admitted that the last syllable, ''tart'' of the Phoenician ''Ashtart'' is derived from the Hebrew 'tr',- ''to go round, surround or encompass''; the masculine 'tor' being used for a border or row of jewels around the head. Hence as ''Asha'' is woman, Ashtart and Ashtoreth would mean ''the woman who encompasses,'' alluding to her surrounding cities with walls and towers. This is further confirmed by the fact that Ashtarte, like Diana and Rhea, is depicted as standing on a lion, with a turreted crown, while Diana was called ''Tauropolos'', from 'tor', a tower..." ['The Worship of the Dead or the Origin of Pagan Idolatry and its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia' / J. Garnier].
Among others try ''tower''.
Side note: Mary Magdalene = 'Tower of the Fish'. Enlarged elsewhere.

Temple of the winged Lions in Petra. ['Blowing Up History: Lost City in the Desert' / 2017].

Side note: ''Albert Einstein's surname when translated into English is - One Stone...'' ['The Chase' / 2018].
A work in progress: ''The suggestion that Nefertiti changed her role, and in so doing became invisible to us, deserves more consideration.....a theory proposed that Nefertiti transformed herself into a female king to rule alongside Akhenaten as a co-regent....Much of this evidence comes from the Tutankhamen tomb....a gilded statuette which depicts a king dressed in a kilt and white crown, standing on the back of a leopard...with ''prominent breasts and low hips''....some argue it is for a women, others for a young Tutankhamen.'' [Page 179 'Nefertiti's Face' / J. Tyldesley].
'Broad hipped'?
N.B. Amen {Amun} NOT Aten.

Double 'loop' ? and/or: Six sectioned 'gateway' for a breastplate?

"Bears were venerated by our ancients as being the strongest animal to roam the land." Oxen and cart?
Side note: Any link to: "The Hebrew 'Ash' or Ayish in the Book of Job is supposed to refer to the Square in this constellation as a Bier, not a Bear....In the revision of 1885 the patriarch talks to us of ''the bear with her train'' - these latter being represented by the three tail stars....Or by another tradition - the nightly wanderer - a mother of the stars seeking her lost children {'lost tribe'?} - those that are no longer visible....Of which the impossible tail - to the North American Indians - was to them either three hunters or a hunter with his two dogs....The Hebrew Ash or Ayish is reproduced by, or was derived from, the Arabic Banat Na'ash al Kubra, the Daughters of the Great Bier, i.e., the Mourners....The Arabic Christians termed it Na'ash Laazar, the Bier of Lazarus, with Mary, Martha and the Maid." [Page 422-451 'Star Names and Their Meaning' under Ursa Major].
Try Ashtoreth. And/or: ''M''
And/or: ''no longer visible'' in relation to 'a line of sight' by way of a ''train'' of thoughts?
'Station of No Station'?