Esotericism Part 3 Sec 05




Anima dreaming? About a rebirth?

And/or..."The animus is the unconscious masculinity in the feminine psyche, while the anima represents the unconscious feminine in the masculine psyche. The personifying of such archetypes makes it possible to have a 'discussion' with them without the ego having been swamped {'flooded'?} by them in a way in which they are indistinguishable from one's own thoughts or moods." [From the book 'The Old Wise Woman'. Mentioned elsewhere].

'Draining the Swamp'? {in the present sense of the word?}.

Side note: Within the swamp of Oak  Island are found many 'ship' artefacts  and a stone 'path' at the S/E end. All are found using the deductive/objective process.

Try Francis Bacon / John Dee. Created as a means....?

"How does it feel when you are positive? There is one word for it: powerful. Why do you feel powerful? Because the thought process has reversed the direction of you mind energy which is now expanding, linking up to the cosmic forces. The more positive you are the more energy you are absorbing." [Extract from, chapter 11, 'Mind Magic' by B. Shine].

Understanding that universal 'framework' from the 'oral' tradition up to the present date gives a deeper meaning to the above quotes.

Side step: ''90's eco warrior - Daniel Hooper - alias ''swampy''. ['The Chase'].

Analogy with same principle - spot the common factor: "In slowing down, you will find healing. None of us can get anywhere in terms of breaking out of the vicious cycle of being what we are or finding something sacred and wonderful about life if we don't create some opportunity internally to slow down, to go deeper into our own center where we will find the great mysteries of life. Here is where this teaching becomes extremely useful because it helps you get into the center while you are in the hurricane. Not just in quiet meditation at dawn, but in the traffic or at the office. When you carry inner observation with you, you are laying the groundwork for building an inner sanctuary within circumstances. This ultimately means consciousness of the 'Divine' in the midst of the chaos that all of our lives have. To one degree or another we are all in the same boat, and we all have the same possibility of finding an oasis..." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way' by Theodore Nottingham].

Question. That word 'divine' again ?

''Boat'' in relation to 'journey'. ''Oasis'' in relation to 'Primordial mound' ?

Tombs guarded by 'lions' on cliff sides -  'stairways' also found.

A work in progress: ''These are the ruins of ancient Dadan, an osasis settlement that became the capital of the little known Kingdom of Lihyan, which ruled this part of the Arabian Peninsula {i.e., a 'narrow' valley in the northern mountains}.....The settlement is recorded in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel as a trading outpost, and as a source of particular fine saddle blankets. It is also mentioned in Ezekiel's prophecy of war with Gog and Magog and is part of the ''end of times''.....Merchants carried cargoes of frankincense and myrrh - passing through {oasis-oasis} from Yemen {Horn of Africa?} to the Mediterranean - a route that is represented by the 'gifts' of the Bibles three kings.''  [Page 26 'Archaeology' / March/April 2021].

"The Mysteries taught that the first step of meditation as being 'to see God made manifest in Nature'. If you do not like the word god, change it to whatever that same word means to you. In nearly all the great religions there is the idea of an indwelling spirit of the divine being seen in the visible universe." [Chapter 4,' The Forgotten Mage' by C. Seymour].

Sutton Hoo to enlarge.

"The 'ordinary man' must make a spiritual start somewhere, sometime. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Lao-tze observed."

Question. Footwear optional?

A side step: The program 'The Flying archaeologist : Stonehenge - The Missing Link' /BBC 4 - attempts to understand the reasons for its location....

Hussein Abdul Rasoul - 'The 'Water-Boy' - whose 'heel' found the first step of 'sixteen' that led to the tomb of the 'golden child'. Question. 'Tomb' buried beneath ''flood waters''? as a means.....

"This is Hengisbury Head, where the Avon flows into the sea. Dave field is the guru of the archeology along the river. He has a theory that it holds powerful magical symbolism, and that our prehistoric ancestors had a mystical relationship to it." He goes on to talk about finds around springs and there relationship to rivers..."very probable that rivers were sacred...the earliest part of the river reflects life's journey, its youthful and young. Then it grows into middle age, in our sense, around Downton and so on. And then, down here at Christchurch, its almost an old person - its slow and sluggish, as it passes into the sea which is a different world. This might reflect beliefs in their society, their passage through life and so on. So its easy to see how the river can become a symbolic artefact. Very important for life as well as death."

Reverse that psychology to 'see' it in its proper universal context, i.e., any delta is the beginning of that journey BACK to the 'source'.

Something hinted at: "Countless locations around the world have mystical legends that are intriguing because of their inexplicable links to the zodiac, one of which concerns a church in England, the Priory at Christchurch. The memorial garden of the priory has beautiful wrought 'iron' gates depicting the signs of the zodiac...." [Page 35 'The Pilgrims Way'].


"In the first center, at the base of the spine is the Kundalini or 'Serpent Fire'..." [Page 9 'The Serpent Power' / J. Woodroffe]. And/or ''High on the Hog''? Question. Grassy toed? ''Green Language'' for a 'tongue'? {in the form of a 'lightening' bolt?} i.e., understand subject material for the picture to 'speak'.

Connect those keys to attempt a mindset.

As one example: The Medway Gap - where the valley is at its widest point - just south of the marshes and the medieval town of Ayles{ford}. Between the Medway Gap and the end of the escarpment at Farnham, the chalk is breached a further three times by the river valleys of the Darenth, Mole and Wey - the waters of which join the Thames and the North sea...At the village of Shere the old toll road leaves the vale and it too ascends the chalk escarpment - and our journey west for the first time crosses the Pilgrims Way since leaving Dover before we enter Guild{ford}. Beyond Guildford - which too was an old turnpike road - we travel to Farnham via the Hog's Back, the distinctive geological feature where the escarpment takes the form of a thin chalk SPINE. The ridge of the Hog's Back drops away either side, offering broad pan-oramic views across the vale and hills....The Hog's Back is an ideal example of a ridgeway with open grassy topped ridge falling away in steep slopes on both sides...It is worth noting that Belloc chose not to use the term ''Pilgrims Way'' - preferring to refer to the North Downs trackways as either the 'Way' or the 'Road'...Others called it the Harroway {Cochrane} i.e., 'the Harroway running from Dover in Kent to Ilchester in Somerset...Harold Massingham called it the Hoary track or Hoar Way....interesting in as much as it not only took in the areas beyond the Henges and Salisbury Plain but also offers its origins as being at Marazion in Cornwall." [Pages 24/27/29/33 'The Pilgrims Way' / D. Bright].

Follow the title of the book.

N.B. ''Green'' mace head made of especially rare flint left behind purposely in Grimes {flint} Caves. And the question is raised as to why so many pigs.

'A Celtic Quest' / J. Layard.

''Probably for ritual reasons but we don't know why''. [ 'Stonehenge: Digging up Britain's Past' / Channel 5 / Series 1. Episode 5].

To get as close to a ''right'' answer beyond just ''feasting'' - connect those keys, i.e.,''high on the hog''. In that INNER sense of the word {Logos}.

Side note: "You can follow two paths in the mountains, Her-Bak,'' said the sage. ''The first winds round it with many a twist {'spiral'? i.e., as one example Newgrange}, exploring; the slope is gentle, the ascent easy, varied, amusing. This path avoids points of danger. It never attacks the Peak {of silence?} and halts at shelters known to be safe. The other is steep {cliff?}, takes each phase of the climb without detour, skirts precipices {'overhangs'?} and reaches a summit that is only accessible to a man who can face naked sunlight and danger. Which path will you choose Her-Bak?'' [Page 89 'Her-Bak: Egyptian Initiate' / Isha Schwaller de Lubicz].


On the lookout for the 'Green Man'?

Continued: Exercise {Put that 'green' language together to connect subject material}: Words like ''Apple teeth'' / ''Giant'' used in relation to 'Hogmagog Hills' as referred to by T. Lethbridge as he attempts to unravel the mystery of Gogmagog - within the book of same title [Page 4].


''Hogshead — 59–66 gallons. Made from ex-bourbon barrels, often repurposed. Used especially in Scotland, coopers make hogsheads by taking apart ex-bourbon barrels and reassembling them into slightly larger casks with new ends. The slightly larger size of the hogshead allows distillers to store more barrels per square foot in their rickhouses. From whence did these porcine vessels derive their name, you may ask? From a 15th century English term “hogges head”, a unit of measurement at the time equivalent to 63 gallons.''

Hog-manay ?

SIDE NOTE 2: "On Ophel hill a person can view a gigantic mass of bedrock protruding out of the hill. It is 215 feet wide and 22 feet high. On the face of that massive rock either King David, or Solomon, cut huge steps leading to the top of it....

The name David has deep Biblical roots and means "beloved." It is derived from the Hebrew name Dawid, which evolved from the Hebrew word dod (beloved).

….It has been suggested that the steps lead up to tunnels, passageways {'labyrinths'?} which the people walked through to get up to the surface of the Temple Mount. But there is NO record of these tunnels in all of history. In fact these passages, under Al-Aksa Mosque, are proved to have been constructed after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. The massive stairs lead up to the platform. ["The large monumental stairway just to the south of the Double Gate was excavated.] This stairway of 30 steps is 215 feet wide, paved with smoothly trimmed stones, and its FOUNDATION STEPS ARE CUT INTO THE BEDROCK. From a wide plaza below on the south…the STAIRWAY ROSE 22 FEET [sic 22-1/2 feet] to the UPPER STREET [the rampart/platform] in front of the Double Gate" [W. Harold Mare, The Archaeology of the Jerusalem Area, p. 154; see also Benjamin Mazar, The Mountain of the Lord].

Side note: ''The retreat for the President of America 'Camp David' is in the Blue Ridge Mountains.''

'Horizon' link.

Working example: Horus IN/OF the horizon.

''The Welsh Dragon - also known as the Y Ddraig Goch ("The Red Dragon") and the Red Dragon of Cadwallader - is a dragon that appears in Celtic Mythology/Welsh Folklore. The dragon itself is named Dewi (modernly Welsh for "David" - after the patron saint of Wales)....Saint George offered to kill the dragon if they consented to become Christians and be baptized. Fifteen thousand men including the king of Silene converted to Christianity. George then killed the dragon, beheading it with his sword, and the body was carted out of the city on four ox-carts.''

The Wain to enlarge.

Found in the birth area of Mary Magdalene. What do ''vases'' and ''roses'' represent? Especially the ''six petalled'' one. 'Corners' for pillars? Concave or convex? ''Duality'' at work again? Trickster link? 'SEE' it?

Continued: King David purchased a threshing floor north of, and above, the City of David and on that foundation rock he built an altar to God. And before the altar his son built the House of God and in it he placed the Ark of the Covenant." [].

The first 'house' within the first square henge ever found anywhere. All within Avebury. This islands earliest stone monument. Cereal crops found at Windmill Hill - 1 mile N/W of same. A "gathering place. A place of feasting. Pottery found with grains of wheat imprinted within it." ['Blowing up History' / S4 EP10].

N.B. Two towers also built on that same hill to ''protect a spring''. Enlarged elsewhere. Try Part 4.

Question. Any spring on Glastonbury Hill?

A work in progress: ''The Jewish Talmud, a 4th century AD source, referred to Magdala as Migdal-Nunya, meaning ''tower of fish''....This is one explanation for the origin of the town's name, Migdal, meaning tower.....'The lake supplies fish for pickling, and on its banks grow fruit bearing trees resembling apple trees' {Strabo}.... The harbor, most likely in use up until 67AD....Archaeologists believe that shortly after the conquest, flooding covered the northern side of Magdala, burying thus preserving it for 2000 years.'' [Pages 16/25/30 'Mary Magdalene: Insights From Ancient Magdala' / J. Ristine].

pathContinued: ".....maybe compared to an unexplored mountain peak. Much of the territory on all sides is known, but it has yet to be determined by what precise paths the way to the summit lies, or in what remote heights those fountains spring that well into the mighty 'river' of all subsequent mystical thought......"[Introduction to the book, 'The Bezels of Wisdom'. Mentioned elsewhere].


'Fundamental Symbols: The Universal Language of Sacred Science' / R. Guenon. {N.B. Chapter 30 'The Symbolism of Horns'].

Question. What is the difference between the words ''magic'' {and/or 'magical'} and ''mystical?'' and why are they applied? Enlarged elsewhere. Try Part 4 before those first impressions make one yawn; while 'creating' an inner 'vision' {archetype?} of the armchair and TV set.

As part of that ''true poetry''. Others found throughout.

From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that remains the language of TRUE poetry....but it is only fair to warn the reader that this remains a very difficult book, as well as a very queer one {'peculiar'?}, to be avoided by anyone with a distracted, tired or rigidly scientific mind...." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].
Side note: Why a 'serpent'? Crawls on belly {horizontal?} but can strike in the vertical? Can be found in both salt and fresh water? Sheds its skin? etc. All as a means...?
Try ''poison/antidote''.
Refresher: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'],

''I awoke from my night of dancing with the snake in the 'rain' above the 'rooftops' of Manhattan, and stretched back into my 'brand new' skin.'' [Page 201 'The Book of Shadows'].

Analogy of same..."Did he seek god or the things of god? In all religious endeavour this is the fundamental question. It marks the point of divergence of mysticism and magic...The mystic seeks god. The magician seeks the things of god. The magician uses his intellect, the mystic, his heart. But least this latter seem to sentimental, the mystics endeavour is an absolute act of will - the deliberate quest for the total 'loss of himself in god'. The mystic seeks union with god''. HENCE...''Magic even at its best extends rather than escapes the boundaries of the phenomenal world." [From the book 'The Christ, Psychotherapy and Magic'. Mentioned elsewhere].

''Intellect'' in relation to the Tower of Babel and/or Virgil in relation to Beatrice.  Enlarged elsewhere.

"A river of thoughts''. [Quote / 'pun' taken from the book by Tomberg].

Sirius is the brightest star of the constellation Canis Major, the "Greater Dog", in Latin. According to Burnham's Celestial Handbook other names for it include "The Sparkling One" or "The Scorching One."

"I stood upon a high mountain, and saw a giant and a dwarf, i heard as it were a voice of thunder and drew nigh to hear. He spake unto me and said, 'I am thou and art i and where - so - ever thou mayest be, i am there. In all i am scattered, and whence - so - ever thou willest, thou gatherest me, and in gathering me, thou gatherest thyself." [The Gospel of Eve].

And/or: The Tip of the Nose is part of the Arabian megaconstellation of the Lion (al-asad). The related verb nathara means “to scatter” or “to disperse,” so the noun an-nathra in its basic sense indicates “a scattering.” For obvious reasons, this word also came to indicate a sneeze, and by extension the tip of the nose, the place from which the sneeze originates. This is precisely what the Arabs saw in the Tip of the Nose, a pair of dim stars that appear to have sneezed out the star cluster, which on account of its dimness appears as a fuzzy blotch in the sky. More explicitly, some Arabs saw the two stars of the Tip of the Nose as the Two Nostrils (al-mankhiran) and the star cluster alone as the Sneeze (an-nathra).

He is the king who introduced the royal title Sa-Rê (meaning “Son of Ra”) and the first to connect his cartouche name with the sun god Ra.

Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, which looks like a dog in the sky. Sirius takes the form of the dog's nose in that constellation. That is why Sirius is commonly known as the Dog Star.

A work in progress: ''The child born of the couple Ptah-Sekhmet is NerferTum, 'the fulfillment of Tum', who appears as a lotus flower that RA, according to the Pyramid Texts, wears on his nose each day.'' [Page 32 'The Temples of Karnac'].

Try the Sifnos frieze for a deeper {broader?} read {take?} on the same theme.

Higher = 'She who loves silence'. Lower = the 'Golden Child'. Mother/Father = Nefertiti/Akhenaten?

Continued..."The mountain is a symbol for deep meditation. The Greater Self ['Teacher' link] is seen by the Lessor Self, and the Gnosis of Nature. The Great 'Mother' and the Great 'Father' of all the worlds are within reach." [Link to ''sun'' and ''moon'' symbolism].

Continued..."Build this picture with care, filling in the details, and see what it can teach you. Its meaning is far from obvious and there are at least three planes of being upon which the student can exercise his knowing {cognitive?} faculties in order to grasp those inner meanings." [Chapter 4, 'The Forgotten Mage' by C. Seymour].

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

mace head

Flint mace head {thunder link?} from Knowth in Ireland. 'Spirals' for 'eyes' and 'ears' ? As seen in the program by N. Oliver.

The above three paragraphs a good example of the methods used in the so called ''Mystery'' clubs. Objective analysis [study], of a subject, by way of those universal keys, gives the same result. Can you see those three levels of understanding? If not, return to it later, when more 'information' is learn't. As one has to do in ANY subject. The real question however - if only to this reader - is Why? Why go to all this effort? Riddle / Puzzle masters?

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

"Few are they who have been able to penetrate this secret of the 'beginning'. As a spiritual commitment, those who have succeeded, have left a token of the existence of this science. By means of riddles or allegories - and especially through theological reflection - they have described the process of work and the phases of becoming, yet without revealing the essential secret." ['Sacred Science' / R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz].


As a {working?} example use those three [aspects?] - to define the following..."Just as the practice of concentration is the ''art of forgetting'' and the practice of profound 'communion', or meditation, is the mastering of the ''art of sleeping'', so does the 'contemplation' of authentic initiation signify the mastering of the ''art of dying''. [Extract from the book by Tomberg]. Further clues in Part 1.

Hoe/Axe money. Aztec currency. Can also be seen at Stonehenge and Easter Island. Enlarged throughout. Coincidence?

A practical example? Neolithic man 'creating' polished axe heads - over thousands of hours - from flint {hewn/UNhewn?} brought from the tops of mountains as speculated within the program 'History of Ancient Britain' BBC 4, narrated by Neil Oliver - ''Because they say something about what they are." Try ''double axe'' as well as ''flint''.

Mountains and valleys as a means....?

'Higher' of the lower?

''The hoeing of the earth was probably a mystical act. As has just been seen Pepi was instructed not to plough the earth and elsewhere another Hoer of the Earth is also told not to do so, but to protect himself from his enemies....In the mid 18th Dynasty there were at least two Festivals of Hoeing the earth in Busiris {i.e., Nile Delta}....'Nine' is common in this connection...When the earth is hoed with the 'blood' of the enemies of Osiris i.e., the Companions of Seth....Another ''hoeing'' was at Heracleopolis...that later became a favourite of the Libyans i.e., Chief of the West....{153? i.e., 17x9}'' And/or: ''Six year reigns ending in ashes + Hercules {Heracles} passing through Libya 'came from the west' ....eventually 'died' by fire...'' [Page 29/30/36: 'The Sky-Religion in Egypt' / G. Wainwright].

'Nine' months?

And/or: ''To plant a life giving seed one has to  dig into the earth.'' IN RELATION to the journey Mary and Joseph took on their way to Bethlehem. Along the Jordan Valley - the lowest elevation on earth. [ 2nd Week of Advent / Magdala / K. Nickhols / 2021].

Question. Whats the 'cure' for fire?

What about the companions {Followers?} of Horus?

Side note: The remnants of seventeen boundary walls found under the LARGEST pyramid in Teotihuacan. The Pyramid of the Sun. At the end of which is found a chamber with a large dug out carving of a {'three'?} leafed clover.'' ['Blowing Up History: Seven Wonders of the Pyramids' / Disc. History / 3.4.21].

''One has speculated that 17  may be connected to the Arc, or with floating on waters....'' ['Mystery of Numbers'].

Lahun to enlarge.

The lauburu (from Basque lau, "four" + buru, "head") is an ancient hooked cross with four comma-shaped heads and the most widely known traditional symbol of the Basque Country and the Basque people. In the past, it has also been associated with the Galicians, Illyrians and Asturians. [citation needed]. A variant of lauburu consisting of geometrically curved lines can be  constructed with a compass and straightedge, beginning with the formation of a square template; each head can be drawn from a neighboring vertex of this template with two compass settings, with one radius half the length of the other.

Side note: ''In Ireland they say the fourth leaf clover will bring one the best of luck and blessings and, most particularly, the ability to 'see' the fairy folk. The other wild flowers of the field were also full of magic: bright blue cornflower, the sacred ritual herb {'bulb'?} used in the Mabon sabbat and in spells to restore 'love from past lives' . '' [Page 252 'The Book of Shadows'].

Side note: ''The worlds largest herb is the Banana plant.'' ['The Chase'].

And/or: ''Since four is a very 'material' and practical number, it rarely occurs in superstitious customs. An exception is the 4 - leaf clover, which is supposed to bring good luck, probably because it is so rare. Following an old German custom {Celtic?}, on EPIPHANY, girls would plant one bulb each in the four corners of the house, and each bulb would be given a man's name, and the one that sprouted first was believed to point to her future husband.'' ['Mystery of Numbers'].

On its western 'tip'.

''Croagh Patrick (Irish: Cruach Phádraig, meaning '(Saint) Patrick's stack'),[1] nicknamed 'the Reek',[1] is a mountain with a height of 764 m (2,507 ft) and an important site of pilgrimage in County Mayo, Ireland. The mountain has a pyramid-shaped peak and overlooks Clew Bay, rising above the village of Murrisk, several miles from Westport. It has long been seen as a holy mountain. It was the focus of a prehistoric ritual landscape, and later became associated with Saint Patrick, who is said to have spent forty days fasting on the summit. There has been a church on the summit since the 5th century; the current church dates to the early 20th century. Croagh Patrick is climbed by thousands of pilgrims every year on Reek Sunday, the last Sunday in July, a custom which goes back to at least the Middle Ages.''


Side note: ''In legend St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland and into the sea.'' ['The Chase'].

Recall the {snakes?} that came OUT of the sea in the legend of Troy.

Snake goddess of Knossos. 'Peak' hat? 'Lady of the Pillar'?

Side step: "As an adult, Theon was arrogant, cocky, and proud until being imprisoned by Ramsay Snow, who is the eldest and bastard son of Roose Bolton. During the imprisonment, Ramsay severely tortured and abused Theon physically and psychologically, forcing him to take the name of “Reek”.

In the Southern hemisphere. Above 'the clouds'.

Continued: 'Croagh Patrick' comes from the Irish Cruach Phádraig meaning "(Saint) Patrick's stack".[1] It is known locally as "the Reek", a Hiberno-English word for a "rick" or "stack".[2] Previously it was known as Cruachán Aigle or Cruach Aigle, being mentioned by that name in medieval sources such as Cath Maige Tuired,[3] Buile Shuibhne,[4] The Metrical Dindshenchas,[5] and the Annals of Ulster entry for the year 1113.[6] Cruachán is simply a diminutive of cruach meaning "stack" or "peak". Aigle was an old name for the area.[1] The Dindsenchas (lore of places) says that Aigle was a prince of Connacht who was slain by his uncle Cromderg in revenge for his slaying of a woman under Cromderg's care.[7] It is also suggested that Aigle is an alternative form of aicil, "eagle".[8]

The Marquess of Sligo, whose seat was nearby Westport House, bears the titles Baron Mount Eagle and Earl of Altamont ("high mount"), both deriving from Croagh Patrick.''


'Upside down' in the southern equivalent. As a means....? Question. Did the Egyptians know this?

Side step: "Finally, further investigation of groups of monuments should relate each to the environment as well as to the others in the group. Causeways enclosures often seem to be placed at the boundary of different types of soil and of farming. Some seem to have been placed near sites of more than local economic importance: Maiden Castle {Dorset}, Hambledon Hill and the Windmill Hill group are all near flint quarries, and Bury Hill and Offham are right next to them. We have as yet only fragments of interwoven prehistoric complexes...Windmill Hill has two smaller neighbours, Knapp Hill and Rybury Hill...Knapp Hill and Rybury Hill may have been forts to guard the passes northward from the Vale of Pewsey to the area around Windmill Hill. Likewise, did the Windmill Hill enclosure itself have a ritual relationship with the West Kennet tomb alone..." ['The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles'].

And/or: Kennet in relation to: "It was formerly known as the "Cunnit". The name is likely derived from the Roman settlement at the foot of the valley named Cunetio (within the large village of Mildenhall). The sound of the name seems to be a Celtic British dialect name, preceding the Roman occupation, like the majority of Roman town names in Britain. (The frequent Celtic stem "cun-" means "hound", cf modern Welsh ci, cwn, "dog".) '' [Wiki].

Therefore something of the 'lower'?

Djedefre's pyramid on a ''windy hill'' - the highest in Egypt. Tau cross? UPside down? Any ''flint'' nearby?

Something extra:{and/or refresher}: "What is remarkable about all this is the way that the 'mill' {which continues to serve as an allegory for cosmic processes} stubbornly keeps on resurfacing, all over the world, even where the context has been jumbled or lost....Among the Cherokees, whose name for the Milky Way {our own galaxy} is 'Where the Dog Ran'. In ancient times, according to Cherokee tradition, 'the people in the South had a corn mill', from which meal was stolen {trickster type?} again and again. In due course the owners discovered the thief, a dog, who 'ran off howling to his home in the North' with the meal dropping from his mouth as he ran, and leaving behind a white trail where now we see the Milky Way, which the Cherokee call to this day - ''Where the Dog Ran''...." [Page 253 'Fingerprints of the Gods' / G. Hancock].

Question. Agree or disagree? Understand the parts to define the whole.

Try ''dog' and/or ''Sirius''.

Upside DOWN?

A side step: "Therefore, it is said of Christ by the prophet Ezechiel that his face is like a diamond because it is so attractive and a flint that with a little blow of meditation sparks a fire of love in the heart that is disciplined to receive it." [From the book 'The Third Spiritual Alphabet'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''bosom''.

Wide or narrow?

"Do you know why the grain of mustard seed was used by Jesus in relation to the Kingdom of God? Not, in fact, because of its small size - there are many other types of seed smaller still. This is what i have been told: The mustard seed is the only known seed which is pure, in that it cannot be hybridised or grafted on to any other seed or plant of any other species than its own. In fact it is as inviolable as true faith itself." ['A Man Seen Afar' / W.T.P].

And/or: {as one example}: ''We may continue approaching the Tree of Life by any conceivable method and obtain results every time. It can be aptly compared to the grain of mustard seed said to contain the entire Kingdom of Heaven. If one thinks of the Tree as a sort of dehydrated , superconcentrated, and ultra-potentised capsulation of consciousness, we get some idea of its possibilities.'' [Page 25/6 'Ladder of Lights' / W. G. Gray].

''The most popular of the Sun religions in the last two centuries B.C., and the first two centuries after Christ was Mithraism {Mitra}. He was an ancient Aryan deity. He is the Light, not the Sun; the later is his vehicle. He reappeared, however, in the later Avestan literature where the Sun is represented as a close associate. He became a much 'beloved' god. Mithra has manifold emanations and functions. He is 'the Lord of Battles' and 'the Lord of Wide Pastures' and 'the Lord of Fecundity'. He is the lord of truth and loyalty.'' [Page 33 'The Origins of Russia' / G. Vernadsky]. 'Son of'? ''BROAD'' to enlarge.

SIDE NOTE: "This being held the central place in all the old Mysteries. He was spoken of in ancient India as Vishvakarman, who was the 'Light of the World'; in Persia as Ormuzd; in the Zend-Avesta it is said of Him: ''He will descend to Earth; He will overcome age, death, decay; He will create free decision; then, when the time is ripe for the resurrection of the 'dead', he will have the victory of life - surrounded by Apostles.'' In Egypt he was known as Osiris; in Greece as Apollo; by Moses, as the I AM." ['The Flaming Door']. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Moses who did not crossover to the 'promised land'. Anything?

bgtrf (2)

The '90 foot' stone recently found at the 'Book binding' store'. ['Curse of Oak Island'].

"If this whole question is studied esoterically, we find that the twelve senses may be divided into seven ''ordinary'' ones {represented with the ''head''} - and five that are less known, and which may be said to be more ''spiritual'', for they are more deeply concealed in our nature. Modern research already recognizes {one somewhat doubtfully} nine senses. The remaining three that are not yet fully recognized, are those that are most deeper concealed: the sense of 'I am'; or of the ego; the sense of Thought; and the sense of Speech." [Same book].

''Ordinary'' in relation to 'intelligence/intellect' { Tower of Babel?}. Those other 'three' in relation to thinking/feeling/willing - if only in the 'spiritual' sense of the word.

Question. What symbol represents the ''senses'' {passions?}. Is it relevant to anything?

Real or symbolic. Inner or outer?

"These opposing tendencies are expressions of the duality of human nature which is both objective and subjective. In all human beings such an opposition is at work and leads inevitably to conflict. In the Western world of today this conflict is most severe and bears hardest upon women because Western civilisation lays especial emphasis on the value of the outer, and this fits in more nearly with man's nature than with women's. The feminine spirit is more subjective, more concerned with feelings and relationships than with laws and principles {'Logos'?} of the outer world. And so it happens that the conflict between outer and inner is usually..." [Book by M. Harding].

Moses = 'Laws' ?

Define the parts to understand the whole.

No hook or fish. Just 'spirals' / 'twisted threads' and 'thirteen' branches.

And/or: ''Hebrew letter Tzaddi, named the ''fish hook''....That which pulls the 'fish' {Nun, i.e.,14th letter} OUT of Water {Mem, i.e., 13th letter}….''To hook'' is to draw, to entice, to procure....Has a particular application to the Christian aspects to the Ageless Wisdom, i.e., Jesus chose fishermen for disciples, and promised them that they should become 'fishers of men'...." [Pages 96/159 of the book by P. F. Case. Vol 1]. Try ''153''.

"A discussion of the nature of the feminine principle and the laws which govern it is of vital importance to both men and women today, for, as we have seen, in our western, twentieth-century culture this principle has been neglected and its requirements have been met only by a stereotyped and mechanical observance of conventional customs, while the care and tendence of the life-giving springs, which lie hidden in the depths of nature, have been disregarded. For these sources of spiritual or psychological energy can only be reached - or so the myths and ancient religions say, through a right approach to the feminine essence of nature..." [M. Harding].

Anima or animus?


Will that 'union' finally take place in the 8th? {edited - 15/1/19}.

Spots or Stripes. 'Child' to enlarge.

As {ONE} example: "How can we embody and integrate all the lessons learned into the very fabric of our being so that we do not have to fear individually or collectively the Great Turning at Hand. Feminine consciousness and wisdom remember {''belly'' link} the cycles of life and energy, that things ebb and flow in a recurrent process. Masculine consciousness and wisdom remind us of the necessity for demarcation and exploration of ever new and evolving realities; they remind us that tradition, LAW, order, and systems provide the vital containment of psychic life. The 'hieros gamos' of our time is this marriage of masculine and feminine, of body and soul, spirit and matter, and the dualities and binaries that make existence discernable and speakable. Intergration of any two principles is never at the expense of either but, on the contrary, is a deep honoring of the two into a new, emergent third {'Son of'?} that could only be born out of the very essence of what has come before in their essential difference {'Orpheus' link?}. When taken to heart {'grace' link}, this re-visioned 'Saturn' allows us to embrace our 'suffering' as an agent of growth {A}, rather than a negation of meaning {B} or a punishment {C}. Rather than fearing 'Saturn', we begin to work with, to trust, and to love the fate {karma link} with which we participate. Instead of operating from a place of fear and control that leads to oppression and tyranny, we can learn about the cycles of life and the qualities associated with each moment." ['Saturn and the Theoretical Foundations of an Emerging Discipline'. All emphasis, this readers].

Karma {Old Testament link} in relation to ''each moment''. Question. Which of the three {A/B/C} was Moses most associated with? ALL as a means...?

Try the title of the book to 'see' it from the astrology {i.e., archetypal} and/or {astronomy? i.e., top/down} point of view.


Latin is often without the inclusion of the verb ''to be,'' so that this sentence is actually saying: ''and in Arcadia, i am.'' []. Understand this subject to decipher those keys. Start off by placing ''to be'' in the search box. Together with ''We have heard it said, that the dead man continues to feel the pain of death until he is resurrected from his grave.'' [Sufi quote, taken from, chapter 3, The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife by Al - Ghazali ]. Notice how all the trees are bending in ONE direction. Indicative of the North wind? [i.e., North - South ], If so, then all those characters [ keys], lie in a West - East direction. That index finger on the left hand [recall what the left of anything is indicative of] almost smack bang in the middle [navel] of the picture. Crossover point? Think on it, relative to the symbolism of Sarcophagus. Also 'blue' and 'red' indicative of ''top/down'' and ''bottom/up''. As in the Hebrew symbol. 'Fire' rises. 'Water' descends. Both a representation of something, other than the obvious. Notice the finger of the ''younger'' above that of the ''elder''. One 'horizontal' the other almost 'vertical' - close to a 'crossover' point. Anything? Other clues elsewhere, put Arcadia in the search box.

Cressing is situated in central Essex between the towns of Witham and Braintree. The manor was given by Queen Matilda to the Knights Templar in 1137. Their management of the 1000 acre home farm was so successful that they soon needed to build two new barns, which still survive. They are the oldest and finest 13th century barns in the country.....The fountain and knot garden can be seen to the west...Constructing the garden was a complex task, preceded by an archaeological investigation. The principal features are a viewing platform {'pavilion'?} replicating a raised terrace for which evidence was found in the excavations, overlooking a knot garden. AND/OR: "Knot gardens are arranged in a square with a formal symmetrical design. They are planted with evergreen hedging and were designed to be viewed from an upstairs window, so were often located close to the house." 'Blacksmith' to enlarge.

A change of pace..."The circle universally signifies, a unity, or a continuous, eternal principle in motion. The horizontal line is commonly used to signify the plane of reality or sequential, linear phenomena such as the measurement of time. The vertical line commonly denotes an energetic principle in ascent or descent. These ideas have been expressed from time immemorial in the arts and sciences of diverse human cultures; in Egyptian symbolism they are associated with forms found in natural life, [called Sa, Ankh, Shen, which represent the circle, and horizontal / vertical aspects ]...i.e., "the figures are composites of the circle and line - ''tied'' together or ''joined'' by woven rope - a device associated metaphorically with the action of knotting, consolidating, or drawing together multiple states of being." [Chapter one, 'The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt']. Think on it relative to all the above as well as the South American equivalent, i.e., the Inca Khipus. That same link to the Gordian knot.

Heart of stone.

Question. Spirit or soul to unravel a mystery or a balance of the two?

Narmer Palette. Necks?

Side note: At Gordion {of Gordian knot fame} - at the time when the Celts were in charge - is found in one burial - two skeletal females older/younger {the elder on top} - the younger in fetal position - with two quern stones on top of both. BOTH placed at the neck joint to the head i.e., TOP OF THE SPINE. Animal bones found nearby. ['The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice' / A. Roberts and N. Oliver / BBC 4].

'Quern' and 'younger' / 'child' to enlarge.

Hamlets Mill / G. Santillana.

''Stretcher'' to enlarge.

Sawn palm stem: Palms do not form annual tree rings. 'Long / wide'?

Side note: "In Egyptian 'grr'. The name of the frog Neter is Heqet = hqt. According to Gardiner, this word was used from the 18th-19th dynasties as an ideogram of the formula ''uhem ankh'' - that is, of repeating life. The tadpole is called hefen {hfn} in Egyptian, and this word also means ''hundred thousand''. The tadpole is put on the shen {''circular loop''} that is drawn at the base of the palm tree on which Thoth counts the years {'saturn'}. The word hqt {''frog''} is a homonym of the word hnqt or hqt {''beer''}, as if there were a relationship between the idea of the fermenting - or leavening - of beer {yeast in the beer} and the individual ferment that would be the basis for ''repeating lives''. [Page 278 'Her-Bak: Egyptian Initiate' / Isha Schwaller de Lubicz].


"The Washing Cloister or the Claustro da Lavagem is a two-storey gothic cloister built around 1433 under Henry the Navigator (1394–1460). The name is very practical since it’s where the monks would wash their clothes." Poles or scrolls?

Rolling pin.

From a different perspective: "According to Thukydides, the temple of Dionysos Limnaios was situated to the south of the Akropolis and was one of the cities oldest sanctuaries....''in the swamps'' the wine was mixed with water and drank to him for the first time in the new wine year....Prior to this, in their homes, the Athenians had drawn the still sweet wine - from large clay vessels - and then brought it to the scene of the festival....It was mixed with spring water. The place must have been a geological formation characteristic of Greece - the best known example of which is the swamp of Lerna: water pours from under the rocks {'Peter'?}, yet despite its purity it forms a ''swamp''. Dionysos entered into the 'underworld' and returned from it near Lerna....That is why in Aristophanes the song of the 'frogs' of this swamp accompanied Dionysos on his journey to the underworld.....In time the springs dried up. According to Strabo - at the time of Christs birth {hint,hint} - the sanctuary stood on 'dry land'....The sanctuary in the 'swamps' was regarded in Athens not only as the oldest but also the most sacred temple of Dionysos.'' [Pages 291-3 'Dionysos' / C. Kerenyi].


Continued: ".....the knot [key] will be untied in accordance with the parables which 'god' sets forth for men, and god is the knower of all things,[Quran 24:35] and the veils will lift and shells [key] will shatter, revealing the fine beneath the coarse; the truth will uncover her face." [Taken from the chapter, ''Address to the Reader'', from the book, 'The Secret of Secrets'].

Mask of Dionysus? [Try page 293 of same book].

Curl or knot?

"I wake in the dark to the stirring of birds, a murmur in the trees, a flutter of wings. It is the morning of my birth, the first of many. The past lies knotted in its sheets, asleep." [From 'Awakening Osiris: the Egyptian Book of the Dead' by Normandi Ellis].

"...To meditate is to deepen; it is to go to the heart of things." [Extract from the book by Tomberg. 'Letter 21' ].

Exercise {i.e.,something to ponder on}: "But if you would know the secret principles of Osiris and Isis go back to the primitive symbols, the djed, his true body and her mysteries knot... Her-Bak showed astonishment that to begin with - Isis and Osiris were only represented by the knot {tit} and the column {djed}..." ['Her-Bak: Egyptian Initiate' ]. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Wrong or right method?

And/or: "Sir, what is the djet? You have said nothing about this."...'Can i speak of the end before the beginning? The djet is the inborn Word, shut up in the lower depths of mortality, awakened, freed and becomes your essential, incorruptible body. This 'awakening' is the mystery of mysteries, the secret of 'resurrection', and i shall only speak of it because it is a link without which the chain would be incomplete. But if the rites of Osiris teach men how to form the 'immortal' body {''double''?} - we teach also that the djet remains 'prisoner' of Earth and Osiris unless Ra comes to deliver it - ''unties the ropes'' and ''undoes the knots''. The two principles Ra-Osiris have been from the beginning the life-givers of the human djed. We symbolize them as the souls of Ra and Osiris shut up in the physical djed or pillar..." [Same book. Emphasis/parenthesis, this readers, with the exception of the quotes in double inverted comma's].

Side note: Underlined sentence in relation to incarnation/reincarnation - in the present moment of the 'Word'.

rrrHence: The two currents of 'vital fire', Ida and Pingala, were called in Egypt the ''soul of Ra'' and ''soul of Osiris''. The uraeus on pharaoh's brow {from 'iar' - that which rises} represents the vital Fire rising up to the frontal center of the forehead...It is symbolised by the well known diadem of Tutankhamon, in which a golden serpent comes up from the back of the neck over to the forehead...." ['The Opening of the Way' / Isha Schwaller de Lubicz].

REFRESHER: 'Juices flowing' {water link. Fresh water?} - in relation to the 'sweat of the brow' = ''fire'' link?

''Golden'' in relation to...'Baptismal of fire'?

Recall the same 'form' but rising on a limestone 'head' - found near Gobekli-tepe. Enlarged elsewhere. Question. Copy cats?

Understanding the difference between the two DEFINES 'tuts' purpose in the universal scheme of things while giving clues to his 'fathers' final burial site. All enlarged elsewhere.

Side note: "He was carried to the weir of Gwyddno Garanhair near Dovey and Aberystwyth, in Cardigan Bay, and rescued from it by Prince Elphin, the son of Gwyddno and nephew of king Maelgwyn of Gwynedd {North Wales}, who had come there to 'net fish' {'153' of them?}. Elphin, though he caught no fish, considered himself well rewarded for his labour, and renamed Gwion 'Taliesin', meaning either 'fine value' or 'beautiful brow' - a subject for punning {sacred ones?} - by the author of the romance." [Page 28 'The White Goddesss' / R. Graves].

Knots ?

Continued: Landscape equivalent? Many bodies found {Ryburgh / Norfolk} in hollowed out Oak timbers that were found to be full of knots. The hypothesis is : ''Wood very poor quality" And/or "Unsuitable for creating quality work" {Therefore} - "These people are clearly not using the best wood for their coffins" And/or "Seems to hark back to very ancient traditions'' And/or "It seems that our ancestors were blending pagan with Christian traditions" And/or "A precious glimpse of a forgotten ritual" Hence the final conclusion being: "Classed as a poor Christian burial site." ['Digging For Britain' Episode 3. Dec.2016].

To arrive at a 'closer to the mark' answer - simply define those universal keys i.e.,to begin with try ''knot'' and ''Oak'' and/or ''undoing''.

'The Mark' / Maurice Nicoll.

Side note. Ryburgh. Any link to ''broch'' / ''burh'' ? Enlarged elsewhere.


A 'knotted' tail?

"This is the key to the secret of 'Resurrection' : there is a continuous ascension of 'beings', beginning with the untying of the knot of the dogmatic faiths, when dogmatic science gives way to the science of vision. The metaphor of the 'knot of belief' is found in Ibn Arabi, and some knowledge of his meaning can shed light of Corbin's use of it here. Chittick writes: The Arabic word, which is typically translated as 'belief' derives from the root - which means to knit, knot or tie; to join together, to convene, to make a contract. The 8th verbal form from the root - as a technical term signifying belief - suggests a knot tied in the heart that determines a persons view of reality. The Shaykh employs the word to refer to all the knotting's that shape understanding; the whole range of cognitions, ideas, theories, doctrines, dogmas, prejudices, perceptions, feelings, and inclinations that allow people to make sense of the world. 'Beliefs' lie at the root of every human thought and action. In the hierarchy of spiritual stations potentially attainable by humans, the pinnacle is the 'Station of NO Station'. From this viewpoint of knowledge, it is clear that to every knot there corresponds a very truth, yet no knot is complete... " [From the book by T. Cheetham]. Try ''station''.

''Inspiration'' to enlarge.

From 'Huddersfield'.

Side note: The word ''station'' {Eastern equivalent,i.e.,in all its subtleties - relative to subject material} used throughout in the book 'Quest for the Red Sulphur'. Enlarged elsewhere.

Red King / White Queen? Enlarged elsewhere.

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

Understanding the above - and/or {simplified} - those universal concepts - gives clues as to such 'information' as: "The jackal-headed vase was called Duamutef, and contained the stomach, and occasionally the large intestine...The real meaning of this name is shown by the way it is written on the sarcophagus of Amenophis II, d*wa*mut*f, in which the hieroglyph 'wa' represents a knot coming untied. 'Mut' {meaning both Mother and Vulture} symbolizes the function of decomposition which takes place as in a womb and makes possible the generation of a new life.

'Knots' to enlarge.

This is also the function of the jackal, which converts putrefying matter into vital nourishment. This is the first stage of any genesis, and the ''Opener of the Ways''. The same inscription says that Duamutef ''gives the king his heart''. Now, the Egyptian name for the stomach is ra-ib, which means ''gate of the heart''. This mysteries title is explained by the important relation between the heart and stomach etc...'' ['The Opener of the Way' / Page 194/5. Emphasis, this readers ].

Gateway to the heart - window to the soul. Anything?

A working example i.e., in 'story' form - as a means....? ''Down below there appeared the tufts of palm trees and some low houses....he heard a shout and there was Mut - Sherit, his sister, running through the corn, her arms raised, as she called to her mother: ''Its Chick-Pea riding his donkey, he's come home."....Chick-Pea felt as though on a threshold - time had flowed from leaving to returning - like a large loop, which today was closing upon itself; smilingly he traced a large shen on the floor.....Suddenly he remembered Menkh's farewell: 'At times it is useful to tie for oneself the knot of destiny''......yes, like a shen which closes its loop, and then continues towards the following loop.....he knotted the past, and, deliberately began something new." [Pages 121/124 ' Her-Bak: The Living Face of Ancient Egypt' / Isha Schwaller de Lubicz].

Put those clues together {knot?} to attempt a MINDSET.

Side note:  The Isle of Dogs {London} in the 'loop' of a river.

Teeth for a 'key'?

Sutton Hoo purse clasp: Wolfs / eagles and ducks.

''The Isle of Dogs is a large peninsula bounded on three sides by a large meander in the River Thames in East London, England, which includes the Cubitt Town, Millwall and Canary Wharf districts. The area was historically part of the Manor, Hamlet, Parish and, for a time, the wider borough of Poplar. The name had no official status until the 1987 creation of the Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood by Tower Hamlets London Borough Council. It has been known locally as simply "the Island" since the 19th century....The whole area was once known as Stepney Marsh.''

Continued: "The resurrection breaks through and overturns the tides of time. As with ALL mysteries, the Christian one happens 'outside' of time....'' [Page 83 'The Western Way'. Vol 2]. As a means....?

''Grace'' link?

"Sixth sense" to enlarge.

And/or: ''Outside of time'' in relation to: ''In later legend Perseus was helped by the god Hermes who lends him winged shoes so that he can leave the 'island' upon which he is confined. This island being an image of the physical world as defined by the outer senses; and the winged shoes confer the ability of walking the 'sky-ways' of inner reality..." [Extract from the book by G. Knight]. Continued/enlarged 3:8.

Ebb/flow. Tidal/NON-tidal?

Mediterranean and Nile Delta?

N.B. : "Abu Simbel contains the only ''resurrection tools'' found in Egypt.'' Enlarged elsewhere.

End of a journey or 'its' beginning?


Side note: "The human heart and the Notion of the Heart of god in the religion of ancient Egypt is described in the following passage: 'In their hieroglyphs - sacred writing where the image of the thing itself often represents the very word that designates it - the heart was none the less depicted only by an emblem: the vase. Is not the heart of man in fact the vase in which his life is continuously maintained by means of his blood?' It is this vase taken as symbol of the heart - which makes us think of the Holy Grail, the more so because in the case of the Grail...we see also a relationship to the Heart of Christ..." [From the chapter entitled 'The Sacred Heart and the Legend of the Holy Grail' from the book 'Fundamental Symbols' / R. Guenon].

And/or: "And then he will understand the value of symbols, and hence why the 'vase' is important...the potters vessel contains the space which is given to it; but the carvers vessel contains that which has been taken away {'fire' link, i.e., ''glazed''}…..the clay pot rises and opens under the potters fingers as he WILLS it; but the stone is hard, one has to work it with a tool....For my part, I have learnt it from their name Khent, that is to say the relationship between the inside and the outside, that which was inside, and which has 'come forth from it'....Go and have a good look at those vases; the water ewer, the pot 'nu' which is round like Nut's sky, the porous jug, the glazed pot, the vase which contains AND the vase that pours out, and the 'vase' which is sealed...." [Page 119 'Her-Bak'].

Try ''Alabaster'' as a means....?

Sculptor fingers?

"The siren heralds a friend the bee a stranger."    A beehive tomb, also known as a tholos tomb (plural tholoi) (Greek: θολωτός τάφος, θολωτοί τάφοι, "domed tombs").

potter's fieldpaupers' grave or common grave is a place for the burial of unknown, unclaimed or indigent people. "Potter's field" is of Biblical origin, referring to Akeldama (meaning field of blood in Aramaic), stated to have been purchased after Judas Iscariot's suicide by the chief priests of Jerusalem with the coins that had been paid to Judas for his identification of Jesus.[1] The priests are stated to have acquired it for the burial of strangers, criminals, and the poor, the coins paid to Judas being considered blood money. Prior to Akeldama's use as a burial ground, it had been a site where potters collected high-quality, deeply red clay for the production of ceramics, thus the name potters' field.....

The term 'creater' is not a recognized word in standard English; rather, it is considered a misspelling of 'creator. ' It lacks legitimacy in professional writing and communication.


Common factors?

The term "potter's field" comes from Matthew 27:327:8 in the New Testament of the Bible, in which Jewish priests take 30 pieces of silver returned by a remorseful Judas:

Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that he was condemned, repenting himself, brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and ancients, saying: "I have sinned in betraying innocent blood." But they said: "What is that to us? Look thou to it." And casting down the pieces of silver in the temple, he departed, and went and hanged himself with a halter. But the chief priests, having taken the pieces of silver, said: "It is not lawful to put them into the corbona, because it is the price of blood." And after they had consulted together, they bought with them the potter's field, to be a burying place for strangers. For this the field was called Haceldama, that is, the field of blood, even to this day. — Douay–Rheims Bible

The site referred to in these verses is traditionally known as Akeldama, in the valley of Hinnom, which was a source of potters' clay. After the clay was removed, such a site would be left unusable for agriculture, being full of trenches and holes, thus becoming a graveyard for those who could not be buried in an orthodox cemetery.

In a different form.

Yet another.

Continued: "Like many other great prophets, Lahiri Mahasaya himself wrote no books, but instructed various disciples in his interpretations of the scriptures. My dear friend Sri Ananda Mohan Lahiri, a late grandson of the master, wrote the following: 'The Bhagavad Gita and other parts of the Mahabharata epic possess several knot-points {vyas-kutas}. Keep the knot-points unquestioned, and we will find only mythical stories of a peculiar and easily misunderstood type. Leave the knot-points unexplained, and we lose a science that India has preserved with superhuman patience after a quest of thousands of years of experiment." [Extract from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"...and we lose a science..." could be applied to this subject IN GENERAL. As proven; as in the above example; by the application of one of those universal keys that are constantly used throughout; regardless of time or culture; from the dawn of human {thought?} kind.

Link to ''Dark night of the Soul'' i.e.,a realization of something. Represented by some as the 'son of'...Or; in part; as a 'stone',[or 'pearl'] in its physical representation... as the 'start' of something. A process begun. The end of which = ''The midnight sun'' {sun of?}. Finally ask of yourself, that bigger question. WHY. Why go to all this effort?

Truncated top of 'pyramid'.

Analogy of same..."How then may the multitudes be helped by 'yoga', if not through study in their homes...The only alternative is that the 'average man' be ignored and left without yoga knowledge. Such is not gods plan for the new age. Babaji has promised to guard and guide all sincere Kriya Yogis in their path toward their goal. Hundreds of thousands, not dozens, of Kriya Yogis are needed to bring into manifestation the world of peace {'1000 years' link etc, - enlarged elsewhere}, and plenty that awaits, when they have made the proper effort to reestablish their status as ''Sons of'' the Divine Father. " [From the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi'].

N.B. ''Yoga'' being only one aspect {one pathway} to that final understanding. The methods {keys?} used however, are in one way or another from within those universal ones. Enlarged throughout. Can you 'see' it yet?

"What is understood intellectually through books and study can be experienced directly through Siddha Yoga." [Chapter 24, 'Play of Consciousness'. Mentioned elsewhere].



"As he himself points out in one of the talks recorded in this book, the vitality of any teaching depends upon the combination of an unchanging foundation of Truth and a constantly varying superstructure of ideas and methods." [Preface to the book ' Long Pilgrimage: The Life and Teaching of Shivapuri Baba' by J. Bennett]. Try ''method''.

Recall St. Augustine's similar use of {i.e.,in relation to 'superstructure of ideas'}.

The real questions, however, remain the same.

Any rose?

'Spirit' or 'Soul'? Male or female feet.

Practical example {if only in the 'Eastern' sense of the 'word' ... ['higher' keys]..."Once while i was in Tandraloka,['altered' state link. Representational of], the secret of my vision of Siddhaloka was revealed to me. Siddhaloka [in situ. Lower level of], is perfectly real and exists for anyone who attains purr-fection, whatever his religion. The golden lotus that fell on my head was a gift, [ use the search box]...a blessing full of divine grace, from Siddhaloka. The 'blue star' in which i had 'traveled' is found in the sahasrara [at the crown of the head; of which; this culture identifies as something 1000 petaled. A metaphor for higher consciousness. Nothing else], of every creature...

Refresher: "This evening Bhaduri expounded various philosophical points connected with the life of Mirabai, a medieval Rajputani princess who had abandoned her court life to seek the company of saints. One great sannyasi, Sanatana Goswami, refused to receive her because she was a woman; her reply brought him humbly to her feet. 'Tell the master,' She had said, 'that i did not know there was any Male in the universe save God; are we all not females before him?''

templarContinued: .....Its brilliance can vary, but its size is the same . And it is also by means of this 'star' that the individual soul passes from one body to another in the cycle of birth and rebirth. However many times a man is burned or buried, the blue star will always stay the same. It leaves the body at death, but stays at the place of death for 'eleven' days. [Link to the ''eleventh hour.'' This readers input]. Afterward, [link to the 'twelfth hour'], according to destiny, it carries the soul with its sins and virtues to different worlds. The blue star is the 'self propelled vehicle' of the individual soul. When the individual is born again, the blue star is born with it. When the star exploded, my cycle of coming and going had ended. The vehicle had broken down, so how could i come and go anymore? This breaking may also be called the piercing of the knot of the heart.


Thinking outside of the 'box'. Boundaries/Dionysus links.

In Tandraloka i learned that all the karma of my previous births had been cancelled out, and as i learned this, the whole world immediately changed for me. All these experiences were not under my control but under the control of the inner Shakti, because Shakti is completely independent." [Chapter 26, 'Play of Consciousness'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Eastern equivalent of incarnation relative to reincarnation {in the Macro sense of the word}. But try ''bluestar'' and/or ''morning glory'' for something in the Micro sense of the word.

Shakti = the female creative force personified. [Extract from the book on Paramahansa Yogananda]. Question. Shadow or Anima archetype?

Yet another example - but now from a different time period and culture - yet it explains the above experience - it explains what it represents - because those keys are UNIVERSAL.

hygs"The 'god' symbolic of the Third order of the Silver Star, is the Egyptian god Horus, particular in his child aspect or form as Hoor-pa-kratt, who is Harpocrates in Greek mythology. He is the Lord of Silence, the Innocent Babe in the Egg of Blue, or the 'crowned child upon the lotus', and represents the secret self of every person, that is their silent self within. To truly understand this Silent Self is the universal key to every mystery of 'magic' and 'mysticism'. He is the silent watcher within {'guardian of the gate' link}, our eternal self, beyond our mental and physical apparatus, {i.e.,that which we need in order to define anything, regardless of where we may find ourselves}. He represents the god of limitless light within. The great work or 'Magnus Opus' is to become enlightened to our true self by way of our True Will. This great work is symbolized; in one form; by the blending of the Pentagram {five} with the Hexagram {six}, and its 'sacred' number...

'Female' aspect?

….is eleven. It is also symbolized as the Rosy Cross. The Rose {having five ''petals''} is synonymous with the former while the cross with the later. To unite the rose and the cross is the equilibration of the 5 and 6, {Leo/Virgo?} - which is another way of describing the great work, though on a lower plane of existence." [Extract from the book 'The Cosmic Trigger' Vol 1, by R. A. Wilson]. REMEMBER - Metaphorically speaking!



'Male' or 'female'?

A working example: Two 'priests' found in a burial chamber in Saqqara - AT RIGHT ANGLES TO EACH OTHER i.e., the FEET of one at the HEAD of the other {both 'priests' of a very old ''serpent goddess'' cult}. Both in STONE sarcophagi. One 'carved' the other PAINTED down the MIDDLE. All others within same complex UNMARKED - with the exception of another 'priest' in an adjacent chamber wearing a SILVER MASK. Two of the three turn out to be FEMALE. In another chamber the ''MOTHER'' found in a WOODEN one surrounded by SIX' canopic VASES {normally 'four'}. The narrator informs the viewer ''Very strange....a new cult...never seen before in Egypt'' AND/OR...''Silver more expensive than gold in the Old Kingdom....It was said that the BONES of the gods were made of silver and their SKIN of gold.'' [ 'Valley of the Mummies' / Nat. Geo].

Capricorn to enlarge.

'GLAZED' BEADS also found THREADED AND UNTHREADED - {'duality'} as a means....?

Analogy: Skeleton found in the CENTER of Stonehenge. The HEAD placed purposely at the FEET.

From 'Huddersfield'.

And/or: ''At the cross of her ''station keeping'' stood the mournful mother weeping - close to Jesus to the last. Briused, derided, cursed, defiled; she beheld her tender child; all the scourges rent.'' [10th 'Station of the Cross' / Magdala / Day 45 'Easter Week' / Kathleen Nichols].

Side note: "In Leo and Virgo lay now the long forgotten asterism Fahne, of which Ideler wrote: 'The Flag is a constellation of the heavens, one part in Leo, one part in Virgo. Has many stars. On the iron {the arrowhead of the staff} in front one; on the flag two; on every fold of the flag, one...Brown repeats a Euphratean inscription: 'The constellation of the 'Yoke' - 'like a flag floated' - although he claims no connection here, and associates the Yoke with Capricorn." [Page 255 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].

And/or: Heart shape = Cordate and/or Sagittate = Arrowhead.

Sagittarius? i.e., pointing to the heart of the Scorpion.

Continued: "The day he wills, he is set on the path to freedom. To long has he hearkened to the dank pessimism of his ''dust-thou-art'' counselors..." Quote by Paramahansa Yogananda. Page 476.

'Will' in relation to ''fire''. And/or: ''eleven'' in relation to 'Abracadabra'?

And/or {counterpart?}: "Sirius is sometimes called the 'Sun behind the sun', indicating that while the star we call the Sun is related to our physical center of Self in our Solar Plexus and the expression of our Selves within the physical earth, Sirius represents a more hidden center." ['Red Tree, White Tree'].

And/or {something extra}: "Isis is the star that rises from the twilight Sea, the star that itself is the symbol of the divine spark in man. The Egyptians called it Sothis, we call it Sirius. When the star is 'unveiled' {heliacal rising?} and brightly burning within the human soul, then conscious touch with the Isis of nature becomes fully possible." [Chapter 4, 'The Forgotten Mage'. Mentioned elsewhere].

nhyN.B. ''magic'' = a potential - still latent; still/yet to be realised. ''Mysticism'' = result of. The realisation of something, i.e., in the 'spiritual' sense of the word,i.e.,eureka moments of same - relative to this subject. Hence the meaning of the following..."Crowley once said that the 'magicians' sole aim was to interpret his own 'magical' record {i.e.,dreams and/or visions and therefore and/or archetypes/keys}, and after many years i have come to agree with him." Emphasis, this readers. Enlarged elsewhere and throughout.

Sufi equivalent..."This first chapter is entitled 'The Chapter on Samadhi, or cognitive absorption'. The word 'Yoga' in this sutra {i.e., sutras of Patanjali} refers to the state of Samadhi. Yoga means to unite or yoke together. Samadhi is a state of consciousness in which awareness results in an elevated state of consciousness often referred to as spiritual." [From the book by R. Kurczak]. Get it? Try ''cognitive'' in Part 1.

Question. How simple yet profound? Defines the ''whole'' from its parts?

Apply the above { i.e.,by way of ones ''cognitive faculty''} to understand ''yoke'' in the greater {higher/lower?} scheme of things - if only in to give one a 'direction' for further enquiries.

'The Christ, Psychotherapy and Magic' by A. Duncan.

"The use of metaphor is well known in psychotherapy as a means of circumventing the conscious mind," i.e.,as an example - 'the college which is everywhere visible, but hidden from the eyes of men'. " [Extract from the book 'The Magister' by M. Katz].

... You may know the old proverb...'If you want to conceal something successfully, hide it in plain sight".

''The 'eyes of the soul' of which St. Teresa speaks are what we call in modern Hermeticism the 'lotus flowers' or simply 'lotuses', and what Hindu yoga names 'chakra centers' or 'chakras'. "

'The Island of the Lotus'. The first island Odysseus 'arrives' at on his 'return' to his homeland. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

''Why would a lotus hide in a forest?'' ['Life of Pi' / 2012].

Sawn palm stem: Palms do not form annual tree rings. 'Length/Width'?

Define {'see'} the above to get an idea {''hang on''?} - the following: The Cerrigydrudion Crown. A Celtic piece of ancient artwork. Bronze {'red'?} and leather {'cow'?] headpiece. ''Possibly signifies 'warrior' headgear - with palm leaf and lotus designs - neither of which are common to these islands {UK}.'' ['Inside Museums: St. Fagan/Cardiff. Sat.TV].

A working example: Recall Odysseus journey back to his homeland. Lotus island being its 'first stage'.

'Spirit/Soul' - as a means....?

Question. What would ''hang on'' be represented with - if anything?

Try ''warrior''.

greenA {working?} example.."On the second night, we arrived in the heart of a green, hilly valley. It was warm and inviting, as children, dogs, and young men ran to our bus to see who had come from all over the world to this tiny island separating Antarctica from the rest of the Pacific Ocean. We were as curious as they were as to what was about to happen. They told us later they had never seen so many people, especially from so many different countries. And we have never seen anyone that looked like them. From ancient times, the Waitaha have tattooed their faces and bodies, creating images of both beauty and fear. To meet them on the street would cause most people to try to protect themselves, but if you meet them in the heart, theirs is a beauty that rivals even lotus flowers." ['Serpent of Light Beyond 2012'].

''Beauty and fear'' relation to positive/negative. Those universal keys represented within those tattoo's. The author defining Lemuria {south} in relation to Atlantis {north} in order to ''tell a story'' {the 'revelation' of something} - of the importance of the Kundalini {''serpent''} in the worldly {macro} sense of the word. Hence the title of the book. Enlarged elsewhere.

Moana 2016.

Stabbed through the left 'shoulder' - with a 'dagger' like implement. Laid on the 'left' side. Pots {'vases'?} and flint found. 'Water' and 'fire' as a means....? Question. Did they know of the 'Scorpion' king?

Side note: The Gebelein mummies - found in 1896. 'Six' in total. Oldest ever found in Egypt or ''the African continent''. BEFORE 1st Dyn. BEFORE unification. Two brought to the British museum 1901. Examined in 2012. Male = Ginger {'red'} headed in fetal position. {'rebirth'. Beginnings of?}. Initially, thought to be 'murdered'. Not embalmed - ''buried directly into sand''. Tattoo's found {2018} on BOTH male and female. 'Horned' animals. ''WILD'' Ram and bull - on the male. Four ''S'' shapes on the female - and what looks like the 'adze' shape from the ''opening of the mouth'' ritual - as seen {as an example} on the Narmer Palette. ''Made from the ash of a fire or hearth. We are still trying to find out what they mean. They didn't leave anything behind to tell us''. ['Egypt's Unexplained Files' / History Channel / June 2020].

Gebelein = ''Two mountains'' or a series of 'mountains'. Question. What is that 'area' renowned for? What could it be a representation of within {say} - subject material?


''It is the 'mountains brought low' in order that 'every valley should be filled'...'' {Luke 3:5}. Taken from the book 'Her=Bak: Egyptian Initiate' Page 364].

Put all those 'keys' together to 'see' what was not ''left behind''.

"In the Pagan Mysteries, beginners were known as 'mystae', meaning 'those with eyes closed', and enlightened initiates were known as 'epopteia' meaning, 'those who can see'." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

"...To meditate is to deepen; it is to go to the heart of things." [Extract from the book by Tomberg. 'Letter 21' ].

'Vase' ? {URN of Aquarius}.

Antares? {i.e., redeemed/Unredeemed}. Enlarged throughout.

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

'Silence is golden.' Link to the ''golden child'' - representational of.

Side note: In the tomb of Tut a 'dagger' made of 'iron' from the stars. The pommel of which - ''made from rock crystal''. Found on his abdomen. ['Tut's Treasures: Hidden Secrets' / Nat Geo].

Left leg weakened - like one of the main characters in the Iliad 'story'. Something beginning? Feet/hands as a means....?

What '''part'' becomes receptive?

A {working?} example: "...BUT the worst effect of all these new impulses has been the nervous imbalance which cannot tolerate silence or inactivity. These 'two' pillars of meditation, without which one can have no true intuition or spiritual experience. It may be objected that many inspirations, inventions, and even spiritual conversions have happened suddenly, without any preceding meditation; but the objection is unfounded because, however sudden a flash of intuition, it can only be perceived by one in a receptive state, that is one capable of catching the moment of inspiration and allowing it to gestate in attentive silence." ['The Opening of the Way'].

Question. Involution/ the spiritual SENSE of the word?

"Is not silence the very voice of 'Great Spirit' ? Black Elk. [Emphasis, this readers].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

"The destiny of man, as we have said, is to make or create himself. He is, and he will be the son of his works, both for time and eternity." Quote by E. Levi.


First representation of father and son in the pacific region. Question. When/where was the first representation of same in the Atlantic region and/or the Mediterranean one?

"Clement of Alexandria elucidates the idea that Jesus is the 'son of god' by explaining: 'The Son is the consciousness of the Father.' The 'Father' is the Mystery...the dazzling darkness of UNconscious Consciousness." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy. Emphasis, this readers].

"Here is another example, this time from the domain of esoteric experience. As we have already mentioned, reincarnation - successive lives of the same human individuality - is a fact of 'experience', as are the successive periods of wakefulness belonging to the day, which are interrupted by sleep at night. Buddha recognized the fact of reincarnation as such, but he considered it regrettable. This is why the aim of the eightfold path which he taught is to put an end to reincarnation. Because nirvana is the end of successive terrestrial lives. Thus Buddha recognized and at the same time denied the fact of reincarnation. He recognized it as fact and denied it as ideal. Because facts are transitory; they come and go. There was a time when there was no reincarnation; there will be a time when it will no longer be. Reincarnation only commenced after the Fall and it will cease with Reintegration. It is therefore not eternal, and therefore not an ideal." [Taken from the book by Tomberg. 'Letter 5']. Question. Why did ''reincarnation'' only commence after the Fall? If this subject is a valid one - What does it imply? Try ''eight'' to 'see' it from an 'octave' point of view.

N.B. ''Reintegration'' a link to the 'state' ;'form' and/or concept of the New Jerusalem [i.e., in the collective sense]. Question. Fairy story?

Private or civic?

Sword harness = external. Millefiori = inner. Sutton Hoo to enlarge.

Analogy: with same principle {reintegration?} in mind..."The time tested scriptures of the world are one in essence, inspiring man on his upward journey... Utopia must 'spring in the private bosom' before it can flower in civic virtue; inner reforms leading naturally to outer ones. A man who has reformed himself will reform thousands." [From the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' ].

A working example: "It ascends from the earth to the heaven and again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior..." ['Emerald Tablet'].

Practical example - if only in the 'quick fix' sense of what is being implied above...

Lotus? Helping 'hands' ?

"...'My child,' his voice rang out, vibrating into my very soul, 'whenever you enter the door of nirbikalpa samadhi and call on me, i shall come to you in flesh and blood, even as today.' With this celestial promise Sri Yukteswar vanished from my sight...Gone was the sorrow of parting. The pity and grief for his death, long robber of my peace, now fled in stark shame. Bliss poured forth like a fountain through endless, newly opened soul pores. Anciently clogged with disuse, they now widened in purity at the driving flood of ecstasy. My former incarnations appeared before my inward eye in motion - picture like sequence. Good and bad karma of the past was dissolved in the cosmic light shed around me by Master's divine visit." [Extract from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' . Mentioned elsewhere].

'Strange Life of Ivan Osokin' / P. D. Ouspensky.

Now in the slow but {methodical?} step by step way - But only AFTER those universal 'keys' {and therefore by implication - this subject} are understood...

"Thus the ''law'' of the struggle for existence that Darwin observed in the domain of biology will one day cede its place to the law of cooperation for existence which 'exits' already in the cooperation of flowering plants and bees, in the cooperation of different cells in an organism, and in cooperation in the human social organism. The end of the ''law'' of the struggle for existence and the future triumph of the law of cooperation for life has been foretold by the prophet Isaiah: 'The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them, [Isaiah xi, 6]. This will be because the new "law" - i.e., a profound change in the psychic and physical structure of beings - will replace the old "law", firstly in consciousness, then in desires and affections, then lastly in the organic structure of beings." Try ''child'' in relation to something '''new''. Representational of.

Side note. Moses in relation to ''old law''?

That final sentence in relation to the understanding and purpose behind the Atlantis legend?

Question. Its beginning or end?

Spots or stripes?

"Since one incarnation on earth cannot possibly be sufficient, the personalty must return again and again in order to achieve the maximum development." [Introduction 'Alchemists Handbook' by F. Albertus].

'Sixteen' to enlarge.

Side note: ''The suggestion that Nefertiti changed her role, and in so doing became invisible to us, deserves more consideration.....a theory proposed that Nefertiti transformed herself into a female king to rule alongside Akhenaten as a co-regent....Much of this evidence comes from the Tutankhamen tomb....a gilded statuette which depicts a king dressed in a kilt and white crown, standing on the back of a leopard...with ''prominent breasts and low hips''....some argue it is for a women, others for a young Tutankhamen.'' [Page 179 'Nefertiti's Face' / J. Tyldesley].

'Broad hipped'?

N.B. Amen {Amun} NOT Aten.

peaceContinued: "It is Prometheus advice that Heracles should not attempt to seize the 'Fruits of Paradise' by violence but by request of the aid of the powers that hold the machinery of the universe in balanced motion..." Link to the word ''grace''. Aim and purpose of. Try ''violence/vengeance''.

"The 'fruit' is the source of that drink of 'immortality', of secret knowledge, and of inspiration so highly prized by the gods and so jealously guarded by them." ['Women's Mysteries'. Emphasis, this readers].

"Life is a school. We incarnate to learn. Once all the lessons are learnt, we cease to incarnate........We have reached 'Nirvana.' " [Chapter 7, 'Astral Doorways.' Mentioned elsewhere]. Try Part 4.

Compare to... "Hence the statement that during the prologue, so to say, of the drama of 'creation', or the beginning of the cosmic 'evolution', the universe or the 'Son' lies still concealed "in the Divine Thought", which has not yet penetrated "into the Divine Bosom". ['heart' symbolism link]. This idea note well, is at the root, and forms the origin of all the allegories about the "Sons of God" born of immaculate virgins". [Stanza two, page 61, 'The Secret Doctrine'. Volume one. Mentioned elsewhere]. Look up ''incarnation'' relative to ''reincarnation'' to understand that subtle difference; before those first impressions dictate something else; especially in relation to ''the personality must return again and again..."

A {working?} example: "Skin of a leopard slung across his shoulders {in reference to Paris v Menelaus} = a group of stars below the area of the 'shoulder' of Orion are the spots of the leopard skin.'' Together with : "The easiest of all the astronomical interpretations of a warrior as a constellation is in book 3, when Paris, the Trojan braggart, strides out from the ranks and challenges any of the Greeks to single combat in an attempt to end the war. Great is his terror when the gauntlet is picked up by Menelaus...It is clear from Homer's description of Paris that he is facing left - or towards the east - confronting threatening Menelaus, who, as the constellation of Scorpius, is just appearing over the horizon." ['Homer's Secret Iliad']. Try ''leopard'' and/or ''spot'' and eventually ''Scorpius'' in relation to ''Orion''.

A heart of stone.

stepN.B. The Step Pyramid - the first stone structure in Egypt. In the reign of Djoser. Prior to that - all mud brick. As is the case in the Gilgamesh epic - ALL mud but no stone - ever.

Side note: Mastaba's prior to Step Pyramid. With the exception of the Son of Menkuara - who reverted back to type {i.e., a single mastaba}.

Seven into eight?

"No architectural profession existed in Mesopotamia; however, scribes drafted and managed construction for the government, nobility, or royalty. The Mesopotamians regarded 'the craft of building' as a divine gift taught to men by the gods..." [Wikipedia/ 'Architecture of Mesopotamia' ].

Analogy? of same..."When we see these stone edifices copy brick ones, it is hard not to speculate that the latter were in turn copied from elaborate tents which had preceded them. The tent implies nomadism, and raises the perennial question, of the origin of the race of the pharaohs." [Extract from the book by L. Lamy].

Side note: Marquee?

Marquess, Earls and Dukes?

Common factor = ''Royal''? Therefore ''Kingship'' related?

ALL as a means....

Continued: Imhotep who was known as possibly the first architect. Associated with Djoser. The first 'mortal' to achieve ''kingship'' status. Gilgamesh who failed in his quest. Imhotep, who did not. Mud - Stone. Representation of? Coincidence or a meaningful one? OR nothing more than a conspiracy theory?

'Birthing' bricks.

"Brick plays an important symbolic role in the ritual of temple foundation, which obeyed very ancient specifications. All the plans always refer to a 'divine' book; thus the temple of Edfu was rebuilt under the Ptolemies according to the ''book of foundations composed by Imhotep, son of Ptah''...'' ['Sacred Science']. Try ''foundation''.

That 'divine' word again.

Question. Any 'gathering' of planets?

'Stepping up to the plate'?

"Indeed, for a full understanding, the meaning of the name must be read. It is not sufficient merely to enunciate the name as is usually done. For example, we have said that 'Amon' is the energetic {stellar} milieu for the period when the sun rises in the constellation of Aries at the moment of the vernal equinox. Ptah signifies ''Fire fallen into earth.'' - ''the fall'' - into earth...The reversal of pth {Ptah} into htp {Hotep}, clarifies the meaning of Amen-hotep - the reversal into Amon of the 'Fire fallen into earth' - a spiritualization of that 'fire'... [same book]. Try ''u-turn'' and/or ''hotep'' if only to see depth of material.

'Adams apple' to enlarge.

Question. Amenhotep {Amon} in relation to Akhenaten {Aten}. As a means to what?

"...Then, in the Memphite myth, when the divine blacksmith Ptah {the Greek Hephaestus} actualized the 'creation' of the world by means of the Desire of his Heart and the Word of his speech.'' [Extract from the book by L. Lamy]. Try ''logos''. Egyptian equivalent. Try ''vulcan''.

Side note: ''It was assumed that the tomb of Dionysos was - a base or step - under the tripod." [Page 49 'Dionysos' / C. Kerenyi].

Egyptian Mastaba? {i.e., ''house of stability''} = solid foundation? {symbolic of}.

Continued: "...the anima appears in 'her' proper positive role - that is, as a mediator between the ego and the self." ['Man and his Symbols' / C. Jung].

Question. ''Desire'' in relation to ''her'' ? = 'Intelligence of the Heart'?

Fire or water?

REFRESHER: "In the woman's meditation the Self appeared as a deer, which said to the ego: ''I am your child and your mother. They call me the 'connecting animal' because i connect people, animals, and even stones with one another if i enter them. I am your fate or the 'objective I.' When i appear, I redeem you from the meaningless hazards of life. The 'fire' burning inside me burns in the whole of nature. If a man loses it, he becomes egocentric, lonely, disorientated and weak." ['Man and his Symbols'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"Let the 'creator' know himself to be the builder, and not the building...." Quote by A. Bailey.

Analogy?: ''....since women played the leading role in the Dionysos cult. It was expressly added that the priestesses of Dionysos were the successors of the daughters of Semachos {i.e., foreign 'hero' - who is speculated to be the originator of the said 'cult' - from a 'mining' region 'S/E' Attica}. Another version mentions only one daughter, who received a 'deer skin' {nebris} from a god as a present. This was more than the gift of a special type of garment. It indicates the bestowal of a rite in consequence of which the deer skin could be worn: nebri-zein also means the rending of an animal. The cult action in which the sacrificial animal was dismembered, however, required at least two persons..."

Hebrew Naphtali to enlarge.

REFRESHER: 'Sacrifice something of the lower to understand something of the higher'.

''Rending'' = 'something ripped apart, as in lightening splitting a tree' {or ''tower''?}.

Oak? as  a means....?

Try ''second/ry'' / ''sea people'' for something further.

'Fisher of Men' and/or archetypes/hieroglyphs?

Try ''lightening''.

Question. What possibilities {if any} are there to explain ''...divine gift taught by the gods,'' {several paragraphs back}, i.e.,as examples - by way of: A 'flying saucer' as speculated in such programs as 'Ancient Aliens' {Satellite TV}. Or by way of those 'altered states' {and/or study} as indicated within this subject material - since the dawn of human kind.

Question 2. Simply as a mental {hypothetical} exercise - Which is the most likely when ALL the available 'information' is assessed?

Question 3. What does that 'end' result REALLY imply?

'Stamp of the feminine'. Real or symbolic?

Plato's works are full of the same esoteric ’stuff’. As explained in such works as ’The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition’. By A. Louth. Now using ‘characters’ the same vein as the figure ‘Hamlet’ does with an audience...but this time with the reader in mind. The main character ’Socrates’ if only for this reader; being more a literal figure than an historical one. Used in the main as its anchor point. Trying to get the readers 'higher' states into motion by way of the 'lower' ones. In fable form. While still using that same framework.

As a side note the author of 'The Christ, Psychotherapy and Magic' does the same, i.e.,applies the same intent - attempting to get the reader to 'see' links between those three subjects within the title of the book while asking the reader to always ask that inner question ''So what?"

Question. Boredom?

Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Some say he was a member of the Eleusis or Orphic mystery club, [ Plato that is ]. All ‘clubs’ past/present...basically the same. Whether Rosicrucian / Freemasonry / Ex.golden dawn etc. All possess those same opinions. Just a different way of expressing them. The end result being the same. A realization of something. That realization that relates in some form or other to the principle of the Egyptian ma'at. As explained profoundly throughout in such publications as in... 'The Hiram Key'/ Knight and Lomas...from which was built the foundations on what became the very first 'esoteric' club, the prototype of all the rest... the Egyptian equivalent..."The House of Life". [Chapter seven. 'The Future of the Ancient World' J. Naydler].

Think about it , in relation to the meaning of the word 'Pharaoh' together with the 'divine bit', represented [as an example] with the word 'thought' as in the book 'Kabbalah and the age of the Universe', by A. Kaplan.

Amun = ''hidden''. 64 objective aspects. Positive/Negative?

Those ''foundations'' learned; In the main; by objective analysis. Though in Plato-s era this was helped along with certain ‘supplements’ as researched in such books as ’The Road to Eleusis’. By R.Wasson+others. That objective requirement though, a prerequisite. That eventually led according to some to...’Western scientific research’, i.e., Objective analysis by way of ‘possibilities’. What later became known as Ockhams Razor. [ ‘Afterword’. Same book].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

Or ’The Ancient Mysteries’. By M. Meyer. [ Keys / 'Common factors’ to be found]. Hence the link to the very ancient 'The Mysteries of the Thesmophoria', [Isis related]. "The word coming from 'Thesis', with a meaning including our 'thesis of today', and thesmos means 'that which is laid down or established, or instituted", [chapter eight. 'Sirius Mystery']. Think about it ,in relation to the meaning, of one of the two 'pillars' of Hebrew fame, in relation to a 'temple'....relative to the individual.

'The Secrets of Solomon's Temple' by Kevin L. Gest.

A feather [pine cone} in the CAP? Composed of three spirals.

"The holiness of place is manifested in a series of concentric circles, [spiral link] at the center of which is the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem. In itself, the Holy Temple is a sort of 'spiritual implement' built precisely according to the instructions of the Torah and the words of the prophets for the purpose of helping to anchor [key] 'holiness' in the material world...that is to say, to serve as a focal point of contact between the unreachable 'Supreme' [the authors word, not mine] holiness and the actuality of place....

Side note:: ''The Holy Land extends throughout the Levant, and we travelled a good portion of it while filming for the upcoming Lenten virtual ‘Pilgrimage of Freedom ’Pilgrimage of Freedom: from Egypt, into Sinai, and then on to the deserts of Israel and Jordan. We walked barefoot over the ‘holy ground’ where Moses removed his sandals before the burning bush. This is the place where the word ‘holy’ is used for only the second time in the Bible – theologically twentysix generations after creation when, “God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested.” (Genesis 2:3). Exodus and the Ten Commandments are thus a new creation, a new covenant based on God’s saving presence with his chosen people. “I myself will go with you, to give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)."

'Eight' or 'fiftysix'?

Continued: "The overall design of the temple, in all its details from outer courts to ritual objects and vessels, is a kind of projection of the higher world, onto our world. Each part of the temple can, from a certain point of view, be seen as homogeneous with a whole order of worlds beyond us. Or to put it another way, the temple in all its detail is a symbolic model of the chariot; and the holy of holies is the place of revelation of the divine glory, the point of contact, or of intersection ['crossover' link], among the different worlds [A-C] and between one level of existence and another." ['Altered states' link]. Its most basic description...the Micro within the Macro. [R. Steiner book]. Put ''holy'' in the usual box. In all pages. Then try ''chariot''.

That same 'spiral' shape, that has been found in the 'well' shaft on Oak Island. Enlarged elsewhere. Final link to ''horizontal / vertical'' symbolism.

And/or [to evaluate correctly] 'The Mystic Spiral' by Jill Purce.

stoney face

The Green Man in stone. Petrified? A link to those ''lintels'' that 'tie in' those Sarsen ones at Stonehenge. Tongue and groove; normally associated with wood. Two main pathways of light within that structure. Most light and least light. Summer/Winter. Anything implied? And/or 'turning over a new leaf' - as a reference point - on a learning curve? The 'horseshoe' in the middle - representing that ''about turn''?

"The traveler to Egypt today will observe a number of ancient temples reflecting architectural styles from the entire range of accepted Egyptian chronology-- the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms as well as the Late Period and Graeco- Roman times. But in spite of superficial variations, certain features are consistent, such as the division between the outer and inner courts and the existence of subterranean and roof chambers within the levels of the building. Schwaller de Lubicz discovered that a very complete, though subtle number of features is found in the Egyptian temple which demonstrates the existence of a complex, yet deliberately employed knowledge of sacred building design which he regarded as 'architectonics'. Its aim was the creation of a mechanism by which a focusing 'lens' for both worlds, [link to 'eye' of Horus, i.e., cognitive faculty. This readers input] and earth...could harmoniously and consciously exchange information and experience. The essential premise of 'architectonics' is that the sacred space occupies a number of dimensions other than the physical. Four dimensions and their reference points have been identified in symbolistic philosophy as the subtle tools employed in the design of the Divine House. Each explains the esoteric features of the Per Neter [''gods''],and the unique, though often inexplicable, design elements of a number of temples." [Chapter four, 'The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt].

The main question to all the above however is...Why go to all this effort?

A 'working' example {with wisdom found within it?}..."The decision to rent a car was paramount, as Thoth eventually had me running all over the island. The land here is so rugged in the 'N/W' area that they have never been able to build a road that completely circles the island; the primary road is in the shape of a horseshoe about '33' miles in length. Wherever i needed to go next always seemed to be at the opposite end of the horseshoe. Every time i would get to one location that 'Thoth' had asked me to go to, he would turn me around and head me back to the other side of the island. I will never forget when i returned the 'car' to the rental people - most bring it back with maybe '60' or '80' miles on it but i had over '800' on mine." ['Serpent of Light Beyond 2012. Emphasis, this readers].

''Thoth'' = wisdom,i.e.,define those keys to 'see' something other than the obvious - BEFORE those two bigger questions are asked.

As is the intent of..."The ceremony felt complete to us, and we entered back into the jungle to return to our hotel. But as we came out of the jungle, the first thing we saw was the Castle Pyramid, and the sight of it made us wont to back up to the top of it one more time... There were four doors into the pyramid at the top. Three of the doors were connected to each other by an interior hallway forming a U-shape. And at the opening of the U, there was one more doorway, facing north, that led inside the U to the very center of the pyramid. Why the Maya arranged the doors this way, i don't know." ['Serpent of Light'].

The author does know. But expects the reader to work it out for his/her self. No such pyramid exists. Recall the equivalent of 'King' Arthur riding through his 'jungle' towards his own 'castle' {Part 1}. That U turn now - because of an understanding - is now possible {representational of}. Hence the link to the word and intention of ''center'' i.e., ''Facing north'' implies from a southern start point. Try ''mandala'' for an alternative viewpoint. While recalling the equivalent at the neolithic site of Gobekli-tepe, i.e.,U shaped stones. Enlarged elsewhere. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

"Its a story at the end of the day - an archetypal story - and that's whats really important - and not the in's and out's of it." ['Forbidden History: In Search of the Real King Arthur' / Narrated by J. Theakston]. Enlarged elsewhere. Try ''archetype''.

A working example: Horseshoe Lake: Cahokia culture. 'The Mound Builders'. Mississippi flood plain. Largest {first?} known CITY in N. America. 'The Dawn of a new culture. Monks Mound {pyramid shape} made of different soils as opposed {to say} Silbury Hill - made of chalk. One a beginning the other an end {of a cycle?}. Began 1000AD. Soil carried in 'baskets'. Dug out with 'flint'. '' While the sun was still an important feature of the capital Cahokia - it was actually orientated to an eighteen year Lunar CYCLE. Never seen anywhere else in the world. Two layers of soil followed by a 'THIRD' consisting of a ceremonial building. The largest in the western hemisphere. A cosmic clock + A drink made from the Holly bush.''

N.B. Horseshoe Lake between River and Capital. Just as there is a horseshoe 'journey' between the river Avon and Stonehenge.

Westward leading still proceding - guide us to thy.....?

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. The time has come for external forms and expressions to be left behind. There is no Temple in the heavenly Jerusalem, for religion has no place in Heaven. Man is his own Temple. A mans heart is the altar of god...." [First chapter,{'The inner Quest'} from the book 'The Mind of Christ' {Meditations on Christian Themes} by Anthony Duncan].

Analogy?: "When we read a story, we inhabit it. The covers of the book are like a roof and four walls. What will happen next will take place within the four walls of the story. And this is possible because the stories voice makes everything its own." [John Berger]. Try ''house''.

N.B. 'Pharaoh' = ''High House''. Question. Who {what?} represents 'low' house?

Abydos King List to enlarge.

Refresher: "Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with." [First sentence; first paragraph; first page of the book by Q. S. Lam].