Esotericism Part 4 Sec 01




heel-300x185Looking towards the south - therefore from a northern perspective {N/E ?}. On the longest day towards the shortest one? {S/W ?}. Light in relation to dark. Shadow in relation to ? Or would that be in-reverse order? - As a means to an 'awakening' {S/E ?}.

That personal journey represented by the ‘Fool’ of the Tarot, or Perceval, of 'Romance' era fame, or Lucius in fable form within the story of 'The Golden Ass', [enlarged elsewhere]. Or represented by the ''Great Entity'' as within the book 'The Cosmic Doctrine by D. Fortune. Or ’Tat’ of Hellenic lore. The Persians {Zoroastrian and/or Mazdean} defined those dualistic principles - with a common goal in mind - with the figures Ohrmazd {'positive'} and Ahriman {'negative'}. Gurdjieff has the same intent with the use of his imaginative characters Beelzebub and Hassein. Wisdom found within Dante's 'Virgil' and 'Beatrice'. Or the same found with the author Drunvalo Melchizedek and his relationship - if only in story form - to Thoth. Or as in the stone age that 'beginning' of something represented by the ‘Heel’ stone, {bottom/up}. Or for its alternative 'viewpoint' being the figure Orion {Top/down}. Try ''heel'' in the box.

'Heel' in relation to the 'fall' and/or 'negative' [intent of]. Beelzebub in relation to 'lower'. Anything? OR...

Virgil in relation to 'intellect' {verses?} Beatrice in relation to 'intuition' of a {'higher' order? and/or deeper?}, i.e.,eureka moments that take one into {higher?} realms/domains/altered states of 'knowledge' - regardless of subject. REPRESENTATIONAL OF.

In other words, a representation {by way of the want/need and or interest} - to pursue something {anything} - including subject material - to its final aim. That fascination {love?} that can develop within that 'journey' - in order to get to the crux of it. Represented in its physical counterpart {twin?} or flip-side as in the above example with Dante and Beatrice. Enlarged elsewhere.


Same 'keys' - different culture. Enlarged elsewhere.Try Part 2.

Example: Orion the 'Hunter', the belt of which always points Northerly, while something 'on his person' will be relative to East / West. The great 'Strider'. [[Link to 'strive'. The want / need to 'pursue' something, with an 'aim' in mind].

Podrick Payne?

N. B. North-east = ''moonrise''. ['Stonehenge' BBC 2].

'Indian Givers: How Native Americans Transformed The World' / J. Weatherford.

"Man can have nothing but what he strives for. That [the fruit of] his striving will soon come in sight; then will he be rewarded with a reward complete; that to the lord is thy final goal." [Quran 53:39-42. Including emphasis].

Try ''the fruit of'' in the usual box. Recall what 'lord' represents.

nhuytgThat link to the Egyptian equivalent 'running the fields' [Seb jubilee enactment], or the 'strider' chap on the Phaistos Disc. Or for an analogy of the the guise of...Mithras and the ‘slaying of the bull’. The true depiction of which could only be shown with Mithras looking ‘away from the bull’. [ ‘The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries’ by D. Ulansey ]. Symbolic of that inner self. Indicative of that ‘inner landscape’. The same one that can only be assessed by the minds eye and not the physical one. 'See' it? Most important of all, the 'benefit' that has to each individual, if only in understanding a subject. And/or THE MIND SET of those that do attempt to understand it - ALL THE WAY back to the 'oral' tradition. Before the written word came into common use.

What about the female aspect?

Analogy {and/or working example?}: "Mithras: His cult was very much a male orientated one which had a series of initiatory grades: the Crow, the Secret, the Soldier, the Lion, the Persian, the Runner-of-the-Sun, the Father, and the Father of Fathers. Mithras usually appears as a youth, dressed in a Phrygian Cap and Short Tunic..." [Page 179/80 'The Western Way'. Vol 2].

Freemasons 'Apron' ?


THEREFORE: "Sirius is sometimes called the 'Sun behind the sun', indicating that while the star we call the Sun is related to our physical center of Self in our Solar Plexus and the expression of our Selves within the physical earth, Sirius represents a more hidden center."

''Westward leading still proceding....?

A working example: ''The Wall of the Crow itself is a intriguing structure, somewhat enigmatic and more than two football fields in length. If it were anywhere else it would be a very important site. Unfortunately for the Wall of Crows, its neighbors are even more impressive.  However Crows have very good memories!!''

''Khnum, also romanised Khnemu (/kəˈnm/; Ancient Egyptian: 𓎸𓅱𓀭 ẖnmw, Koinē Greek: Χνοῦβις), was one of the earliest-known Egyptian deities, originally the god of the source of the Nile. Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surroundings, he was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children, which he made at a potter's wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers' wombs. He was later described as having moulded the other deities, and he had the titles "Divine Potter" and "Lord of created things from himself.''

Common factors?

A work in progress: As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, and as you may have read elsewhere, Magdala-Taricheae was known for its fishing industry. In fact, its name "Taricheae" means in Greek "the place where fish is processed." This has led to the underestimation of the possibility that other industries, such as pottery, also played an important role in Magdala.

So, what about Magdala’s ceramics? For several years now, various researchers have claimed that Magdala’s ceramics were produced in a Jewish village located approximately 13 km northwest, called Kefar Hananya. This place, known for its pottery production kilns, distributed its tableware to several towns and cities in Galilee. One could say that Kefar Hananya was the Ikea of Galilee. However, I wondered if, in the distant first-century times, the inhabitants of Magdala had the patience to travel to Kefar Hananya to acquire a plate or pot that had broken, or if they preferred to wait for the vendor at the local markets in Magdala, considering that travel and transportation were not as advanced as they are today, unless by boat. This led me to question whether the Magdalenes obtained their tableware from such a distant production center or if they produced it themselves, following the pottery traditions that characterized the Galilean region.

Gabriel Gillam {a selfless man} who died at eighty - overlooking the sea.

The Roman Goddess of Dawn. Whose brother was the sun, and sister the moon. Painted by the same artist, as that of The Shepherds of Arcadia.

Side step: ''Most of these stories are untold and they're left untold. And its genuinely been beyond a privilege for me to be able to tell Gabriel's story and to get it out there. Because i know its a story of so many people. And i also know that Gabriels granddaughter, her grandddaughter was my nan, Jessie, and Jessie and Fred were the people who gave me the opportunities that no one in our family ever had. And when ever you're in Brighton you always go back to the sea. That sea is still there. Its always there, that hasn't changed. Thats the sea that Gabriel saw from his home - up there on the HILL - the same sea that i'm seeing right now. There's a lot of luck in life. There's a lot of luck in where you're born. I was born on a RISING TIDE because of the people we have seen. Its a TESTAMENT to them. I have nothing but love in my heart - i will see the sea in a different way from hereon in. So proud to have been able to tell their story.'' ['Who Do You Think You Are: Richard Osman' / BBC 1].

''Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.'' {Matthew 5:5}.

“The meek are the 'gentle'… those who do not assert themselves over others in order to further their own agendas in their own strength, but who will nonetheless inherit the earth because they trust in God to direct the outcome of events.” ESV Study Bible notes.

Refresher: ''Ask the right question to find the grail.''

Question. What does the 'double' of any number signify? i.e., 5:5

19:19 to enlarge.

That ''duality'' clause again. Male/female: Unconscious/Conscious. Which and why?

Higher or lower aspect of Self?

A practical definition: ''In today's psychological language we can understand the Sungod as a symbol for the source of consciousness. At the collective level, he is then the creative spirit of the UNconscious that brought about the evolution of human consciousness; at the personal level he is a symbol for a higher ego or the Self.'' [Page 25 'Knowledge of the Afterlife: The Egyptian Amduat - A Quest for Immortality' / E. Hornung].

Analogy: "What the eye is in corporeal things'', says Pico, ''that very thing is the mind in the realm of the spirit.'' So in Leone we find a passage in which the eye is to the microcosm what the sun is to the macrocosm. " [From the chapter entitled 'Speaking in Hieroglyphics' {Page 311} from the book 'Alexandria' Vol 3. D. Fideler].

Minds eye? As a means....?

A working example: "Ficinian hermeneutics views Genesis as a repository of hidden meaning; it contains teachings from the esoteric tradition about the significance of light. 'Light', and its corporeal manifestation, the sun, were themes that permeated Ficino's writings....Ficino placed the sun in the center of the universe, ''not'' as one modern writer tells us 'as a geometric focal point' but as an ever present quality.....AND/OR: 'The sun's perfection, its capacity for illumination, and its relative proximity to the 'Intelligible Light'....the light of pure intellect....{archetypes?}…." [Page 354 'Alexandria' Vol 3. / D. Fideler].

'See' it?

Quality/Quantity as a means......

Refresher: "Got to see it, rather than just read it..." John Humphrys talking to D. Tennant and Greg Doran in relation to the plays by W. Shakespeare. [400th anniversary. Radio 4. 23/04/16].

Practical example: ''Say what you see'' {'Catchphrase' / ITV}.

REFRESHER: "For though the Hermetic writings reflect the fundamental world view of ancient Egypt, they can convey an erroneous theme of spiritual teaching to the casual reader. To begin with, Hermetic revelation was not a process of the teacher consciously infusing knowledge into the candidate. Rather, it was a process by which the candidate arrived at wisdom through the order of the natural universe and contemplating it...." And/or: " The esoteric function of these structures {i.e.,temples/pyramids etc.,} - could be understood - if the appropriate tools {keys} for understanding their purpose were made accessible." [Page 8/20 'Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt' / R. Clark].

AND/OR: "The Latin word templum originally meant a vast space, open on all sides, from which one could survey the whole surrounding landscape as far as the horizon. This is what it means to contemplate to 'set one's sight on' defines a 'field of vision'....[Page 388 'Alexandria' Vol 3. D. Fideler].

Try ''Running the Fields'' and/or ''Horizon''. All as a means....?

Side note: ''The Hubble Deep Field image holds 342 separate exposures taken between December 18 and 28, 1995. The picture we see was assembled from blue, red, and infrared light. The combination of these images allows astronomers to infer the distance, age, and composition of the galaxies photographed.''


internal not external - Kundalini?

An objective eye. Blink and miss?

Continued: Now seen from a different view {an objective one?}:"...They proceeded to compile a great book of their wisdom in a 'magical' language and writing, and to construct a building called the Sanctis Spiritis. These, it should be understood, are inner rather than outer artefacts, and to be sought by the inner eye, and inner ear, rather than by the organs of the outer sense. That is the meaning of the saying that the books were written in magical language and the building that of the holy spirit." [Extract from the book by G. Knight].

Think about it in relation to such books as a 'Test of Time'. Enlarged elsewhere. Proving the validity of assessing ALL subject material and not just those we are either at ease with; or have a preference for.

"The word 'spiritual' should be associated with the word 'eyes'. This is a reference to the eyes of the mind or heart. To see is to understand." [From the book by T. Nottingham].

Analogy of same..."Using the language of symbols, my present thoughts and actions are the bricks and mortar from which my future home will be built..." [From the book 'The Silent Road' by Wellesley Tudor Pole]. Try ''house'' and/or ''temple'' - ALL as a means...?

Question. What about 'Palace' and/or 'Castle' ? What are the differences between all four.

Eastern equivalent..."The Bhagavad Gita is India's most beloved scripture. It consists of a dialogue between Lord Krishna {symbolizing spirit} and his disciple Arjuna {symbolizing the soul of the ideal devotee}: words of spiritual guidance that are timeless in their applicability by all truth-seekers..." [From the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' - includes parenthesis].

As part of that ''true poetry''. Others found throughout.

From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that this remains the language of TRUE poetry....but it is only fair to warn the reader that this remains a very difficult book, as well as a very queer one {'peculiar'?}, to be avoided by anyone with a distracted, tired or rigidly scientific mind...." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].
Side note: Why a 'serpent'? Crawls on belly {horizontal?} but can strike in the vertical? Can be found in both salt and fresh water? Sheds its skin? etc. All as a means...?
Try ''poison/antidote''.

Refresher: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'],

Short or long sighted?

Analogy of same: "...In fact, i was often amazed that so many people did have so many strong opinions on the subject. I began to understand why the Sufi's are always attacking ''opinions.'' Everybody nowadays thinks they must have an ''opinion'' on everything, whether they know anything about it or not. Unfortunately, few people know the difference between an opinion and a proof. Worse yet, most have no knowledge at all about the difference in degree between a merely legal proof, a logical or verbal proof, a proof in the soft sciences like psychology, and a proof in the hard physical-mathematical sciences. They are full of opinions, but they have little ability to distinguish the relative degree of proof upholding all these various opinions. We say ''seeing is believing,'' but actually, as Santayana pointed out, we are all much better at believing than at seeing. In fact, we are seeing what we believe nearly all the time and only occasionally seeing what we can't believe." [Extract from the book 'The Cosmic Trigger'. Emphasis - this readers].

The middle ground.

Side note: ''The ancient Celts carefully distinguished the poet, who was originally a priest and judge as well and whose person was sacrosanct, from the mere gentleman. He was in Irish called a seer { 'fili' }; in Welsh an Oak-seer, which is the probable derivation of 'Druid'. Even kings came under his moral tutelage....The rediscovery of the lost rudiments of poetry may help to solve the question of theme, {i.e., the esoteric stuff, i.e.,what this author defines as the ''Theme''. Enlarged elsewhere} - The Welsh poet Alun Lewis who wrote just before his death in Burma {1944} of 'the single poetic theme of Life and Death....the question of ''what survives of the beloved'....'' [Pages 21/4 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

Kiya, Tiye or Nefertiti?

The Arch of Constantine. In the middle of the Seven Hills of Rome.

A working example: ''I continued my trip through the Jordan Valley and excitedly approached Magdala. It was about six in the afternoon. I was excited at the possibility of finding an inscription, a sculpture, or something similar because I liked the idea of having a “theme” that, taken from archaeology, could be the logo of Magdala. As I arrived on site, Waseem, our security guard, received me like a child waiting for his father. He wanted to show me every stone and every angle of what was going on there. I remember that while we were walking toward the archaeological ruins, we found a coin on the floor. It was very exciting!

As we approached the main dig, the walls of a square building were clearly visible, about 40 or 50 centimeters of which had been excavated… and almost in the center, only the surface of the Magdala Stone was visible. At that time, it was difficult to guess what would be below. It was literally just the surface. I took several photos of it, which I would later show to connoisseurs of the Holy Land, trying to identify what those figures could mean. You must know that prior to this, I had never actively participated in an archaeological excavation.

'Wheels' on a first century altar stone found at Magdala in Israel.

The rest is history. The excavations continued, and on September 13, 2009, the discovery of a first-century synagogue, the first in Galilee of this period, was officially reported to the press. The first synagogue of Jesus´ time in the Galilee region!

In the meantime, my first photos of the surface of the Magdala stone went unnoticed… Without forgetting that of all the symbols found in the stone, the “rosette” was the most significant and most outstanding of them. It would not be until years later, when we tried to define Magdala and elaborate on all the elements of its institutional personality, that the company that worked for us suggested we use that “rosette” as inspiration. Since then, this simple but significant symbol has been used to develop the Magdala logo.'' [Magdala / Israel / August 2022].

'The rose that blooms at the center of the cross' ?

But the most famous artworks associated with Notre Dame de France are the paintings by Jean Cocteau, his only murals outside France. Decorating the walls of the Lady Chapel, Cocteau worked on the paintings between 3-11 November in 1959. People who worked at the church said he would arrive early each day and talked to his creations as they appeared on the walls. There are three panels, the Annunciation (left), Assumption (right) and Crucifixion (middle).

The Church of Notra Dame de France - Soho - London. Aries-Pisces?

Continued: The word ''epiphany'' used throughout in such programs as 'Will Self's Search For Meaning' {Radio 4/4pm/10.8.16}. Many opinions given about ''the nature of our existence'' as seen differently in all philosophy's and religions. Understand this one final subject to define all those convoluted questions and answers.

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

Side note: King Cake = ''epiphany'' = 3 wise men link. Coincidence? ['Tipping Point' /ITV/3.4.20].

King Aha? {i.e., 1st Dynasty Egypt}.

Refresher: ''According to Samsung's founder, the meaning of the Korean hanja word Samsung () is "three stars". The word "three" represents something "big, numerous and powerful",[13] while "stars" means "everlasting" or "eternal", like stars in the sky.''[14][15]

4-cornersN.B. Heb Sed = 'The Feast of the Tail': The tail end of something..? Link to ''boundaries'' {key},i.e.,'Running the fields'. Question. Boundaries of what?

Those boundaries that have to include ''gates'' and/or ''doors'' {keys} that represents the next 'higher' {forward?} and/or 'lower' {backward?} - movement {aspirations?}. Depending on each individual. Representational of.

"We are thinking at the edge, where the shoreline of sense meets the wild ocean of mystery." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

Question. 'Wet/dry' link?

Jumping / Leaping spiders?

A working example {i.e., something hinted at}: "You have spoken about emotional balance without giving us the means of achieving it. Between the lower stage of our emotional impulses and the stage where the spiritual being comes into play, i must confess that i don't see the steps in between...'That's a bit of an exaggeration, Thomas. I'm showing you the swamp into which you're sinking, and on the other hand the firm earth of your suprahuman goals: do you expect me to take the jump for you as well?" ['Journey into the Light'. Includes italics]. Try ''frog'' and/or ''great step''.

"The Aegean Islands[1] are the group of islands in the Aegean Sea, with mainland Greece to the west and north and Turkey to the east; the island of Crete delimits the sea to the south, those of RhodesKarpathos and Kasos to the southeast. The ancient Greek name of the Aegean Sea, Archipelago (ἀρχιπέλαγοςarchipelagos), was later applied to the islands it contains and is now used more generally, to refer to any island group."

Side note: Frogs used throughout ALL cultures within ''creation'' stories. Found in ''marshland''.

Nuwa the Chinese mother goddess - made all of humanity from the Yellow mud of the Yellow River. China = ''Middle Land''. Dogs and chickens created from what was left over. [Michael Woods on China].

All as a means....?

And/or..."In the astronomical reference to ''gates'' we are dealing with the unmoving sidereal location - imagery associated with the dark rift and the galactic center...Sagittarius was rising heliacally - the dark rift ''gate'' was open on the horizon when the solstice sun occupied... "

donk"It is upon this unpromising foundation that Apuleius built a profound story of initiation into the Mysteries of Isis. When Lucius, the hero of the story, is turned into an ass, he falls into a semi-animal condition from a higher state of being. This is analogous to the Neo-Platonic idea of the human spirit falling into material existence...the subsequent adventures of the ass are thus parallel to the initiations of the Mysteries, that lead from the material world to the condition of the UNfallen state. [Extract taken from the book 'The Rose Cross and the Goddess: The Quest for the Eternal Feminine Principle' by G. Knight]. Put ''fall'' in the box.

Question. If donkey = 'shadow', and goddess = 'anima' - then the two together = the middle ground, i.e.,representing ''an equilibrium'' - relative to an understanding? Question. If so, what would that be represented by. Clue. Link to the word {and number?} - ''two'' {and/or 'twins'?}.

Made from two 'rope' strands. {'Curse of Oak island'}.

REFRESHER: "...Think well: the physical is the end result of spiritual forces. Therefore to seek the source of those 'spiritual' forces, the Ariadne's thread, to lead you through the psychic astral maze, must be anchored in the forms of earth {''mud'' and/or Dionysus link?}..." Enlarged elsewhere. Try ''grounded''. Benefit of.

''...anchored in the forms of earth'' represented with wheat and/or maze {depending on location/culture}. The Maya 'hero' twins - as seen on the Royal Cup - recently deciphered - as shown and explained in the program 'Out of the Maya Tombs'. PBS America/Satellite. Those same universal keys used. To many to mention - ''A wealth of information on it - worthy of study''.

owl 2

'Cup' shape?

As is the same with the narrator G. Tsoukalos asking himself such questions {along with others} as to why in many cultures wooden boards are purposely used to confine the shape and growth of the heads of new born's - his final quote being: "Could there be a connection between the Nazca lines; the band of holes {i.e.,'cup' holes - enlarged elsewhere} - and these elongated skulls." ['In Search of Aliens: The Mystery of Nazca' / Sat. TV].

N.B. "The Mayans had a practice of purposely shaping a child's head in the form of 'an ear of corn'. Those same eventual adults buried in 'fetal' form {child link} - below the most important aspect of Machu  Picchu- the Inithuatana stone - where NO shadow appeared at the equinox. Maximum light. Just as in Egypt at Elephant Island. NO shadow. UNDERSTAND THAT ANALOGY TO DETERMINE A MINDSET! ['Blowing Up History: Hidden City of the Inca's' / 5/12/17].

{Enlarged elsewhere]. Try ''ear''. Question. Akhenaten link?

A leader with the Common touch: ''A Tzar should conduct himself as a Tzar - but that i do not know how to do.'' R.I.P.

The palace of the emperor also speculated to be at Machu Picchu - just as the palace of Ramesses was found at Abydos - 90 degrees common to both. 90 in relation to 180 as found in the most sacred of all the buildings 'above those clouds' -  within a semi-circle of stones - purposely dressed. Around the corner from Abydos = Denderah - where the first zodiac was found within the Qena Governate {'New City'}. A semi-circle within a river. The largest one between north and South. The same applies to the river Avon at Stone-henge. Solstices in relation to 'horizontal' {90}. Eqinoxes in relation to 'vertical' {180}. Summer solstice {Egypt} = the winter one {Mayan}. Opposite ends on the same pole. Above/Below the 'clouds'.

'The Cloud of Unknowing'.

''23 layers''?

All as a means....?

''Could there have been a secret Inca code staring at us all the time'' {Narrator of same program}.

Moving west - backwards. ''Orion rises in the east and sets in the west, starting at mid-evening (midway between sundown and midnight). It rises four minutes earlier each day, or two hours earlier each month, according to EarthSky.''

A work in progress: ''When archaeoloists first excavated a 5th century A.D. cemetery in Pannonia, an ancient Roman province in present day Western Hungary - they found a large portion of elongated, oblong heads {purposely 'deformed'}....almost 50% came from outside the local boundaries hence: ''The practice was imported - and not sure as to why skull modifications took hold in this region after the fall of the Roman Empire.'' ['Page 16 'Archaeology' / Jan/ Feb 2021].

Get into that MIND SET to understand why. Enlarged elsewhere.

Crook and Flail?

And/or: ''He began to inch his way up the face of the bank. Towards the top he had to negotiate the huge exposed roots of the yews which creaked like old hinges in the wind....Tom could see nothing at first except the smooth moss covered mound in the center. He recognised it as a long barrow, a burial mound built on the far horizon of history by Stone Age men. On top of the mound, a single massive finger of stone accused the sky.'' [Page 6 'The Serpents Circle' / P. Harpur].

''The head of Orion points towards the north star. The belt sits on an angle so does not point east- west. Instead the angle of the belt is around 45 degrees and points northeast-southwest.''

Petals that close the golden torc. Beans for ears. Animal/Vegetative/mineral - as a means....?

Something extra: "On the right panel {of the fireplace}, opposite the one we have just analysed, we notice the previous identified old mans mask, holding in his jaw two plant stems with leaves - with flower bud about to be opened. These stems set a kind of open 'almond', inside which we catch the sight of a 'vase' decorated with scales and containing flowerbuds, fruit, and ears of corn. Here is the symbol of 'vegetation', nutrition and the growth of the new born body previously discussed....The scaly vase represents the primitive substance,,,,extracted from the 'mine' {cave?} which begins ones labour..." [Page 213 'The Dwellings of the Philosophers' / Fulcanelli].


Head scratch...Wheat = cold climate = Top down? Maize = warm climate = Bottom up. Therefore 'Atlantis' / 'Lemuria' links - All as a means...?

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

'Created' from volcanic rock in the horizontal. 'Walked' in the vertical to his 'foundation'. Following his star? Or will that be seen once he looks over the 'horizon'?

From a different perspective AND with something extra: ''It is an account of initiation - the candidate descends into the volcanic bowels of the earth, and passes the night there. At dawn he climbs out of his underground chamber, following a star. He is freed of his material body and 'flies' up to the planets, where he meets the 'old man of the palace'. In the palace he 'sleeps' for 'seven' days, and when he awakes, his 'robe' is changed to a scintillating green {'plant' link}. Then there is a strange passage, in which he sees a bird {aspect of 'higher' self? i.e., soul - ''peacock''?} with butterfly wings and knows he must catch it. He drives a steel nail { iron?} through its wings, so that it is pinned down, but its eyes grow brighter. Finally, in a hall with a 'beautiful' naked woman {'Venus'?}, he stabs the sun with his sword. The sun shatters into dust {supernova?}- each atom of dust becomes a 'sun' in itself. The work is completed.'' [Page 487 'The Secret History of the World'].

Try ''23'' to enlarge.

Recall the story about Menelaus on his way back from Troy. Stranded near Alexandria and having to ''pin down'' the 'old man of the sea' to understand why he had been stranded. Finally reunited with 'Helen' his wife.

Higher/lower. Which and why?

Working example: ''Its like a nail from outside nailing my will.'' {prior to the five wounds}. [Page 110 'Meditations on the Tarot'].

And/or: ''The Vikings saw the Pole Star as a nail, which the heavens revolved around. The only culture to describe Orion as a woman - the goddess Frigg. A Spindle weaver, weaving garments for all.'' ['Mirthy'].

Created by angels or as a method and/or means to...….?

"In their own words, the Waitaha were native people that are considered Maori, but from their way of 'seeing' they were actually much older - reaching back into the time of Mu or Lemuria 60,000 plus years ago. Actually, i believe that '60,000' years ago was the end of Lemuria and that the beginning of the Waitaha lineage could be extended to '130,000' years ago. They realize that they could not prove this statement with science, but only within their own oral stories and songs, when it becomes alive...As this journey to Aotearoa began to take shape, the 'angels' said that i would learn much on this journey and that what i would learn must be part of this book i am writing, In fact, to leave it out would be to never disclose the whole truth about the Serpent of Light, for the Waitaha hold the secret piece to the world ascension process. They hold it in their DNA." ['Serpent of Light'. Emphasis, this readers].

''Six'' in relation to ''13'' relative to ''alive''. N.B. {Zero's equate to nothing more than the 'plural' form of same concept}. But not he word ''zero''!

Side note {i.e., something to ponder on}: "Psychology constitutes nothing less than the most indispensable knowledge that we have. Indeed, it is apparent - that what constitutes the greatest danger threating man is not famine or earthquakes or microbes or cancer but man's well being. The cause of this is quite straightforward: there still does not exist any effective protection against psychic epidemics - and these epidemics are infinitely more devastating than the worst catastrophes of Nature! {'Atlantis' link?}....Would it not be preferable in future to guard against and avoid these conditions - in which the unconscious breaks down the dams of the conscious and dispossess the later, making the world run the risk of inestimable devastation?

Remedy? "But as a general rule, the spiritual world does not at all resemble the surging of the sea - at work to break down the dams holding it back, so as to inundate the land {wet/dry?}. No, what characterises the spiritual world, i.e., "the sphere of the holy spirit" is the consideration it has for the human condition....What the spiritual world prefers most of all is "reasonable inspiration", i.e., a gentle flow of inspiration which intensifies to the extent that the intellectual and moral forces of the individual grows and matures." ['Letter 22' / The World from the book 'Meditations on the Tarot'].

Think about it in relation to that ''bit''.


Which is S/E?

As seen from a different perspective {top/down or bottom up?}: According to Spanish chronicler Molina, just after the December solstice, the people of Cuzco threw food, coca, gold, spices, clothing and other things into the water behind a dam {Key} above the city. After sunset they opened the floodgates and the water poured through the streets of the city, scouring everything in its path and sweeping away all the burned offerings that were left curbside. Below the city, where the Tullumayu and Huatanay Rivers meet, runners were waiting. They helped the offerings channel into the Vilcamayu River and then began a riverside race of some 30 miles to a point near Ollantaytambo where the river drops steeply into a canyon {'valley'?}, ultimately to merge with the Amazon and the ''northern sea'' - the Atlantic Ocean. This ceremony took place during a time of the year when the Milky Way angled S/E - N/W overhead after sunset...Urton wrote that the procession along the Vilcamayu was equivalent to a journey along the Milky Way - the implied ultimate goal being the ''northern sea'' - meaning heaven...''

Side note: A man made 'white' stone path found buried S/E - of the 'marshy' ground - in Oak Island. No one knows why. Of European construction.

Try F. Bacon and/or J. Dee to enlarge BEYOND ''the Arc of the Covenant'' or ''Shakespears Plays'' or ''Templar treasures''.

Silbury Hill gets us closer to a GENUINE answer. A genuine MIND SET.

A spiral of chalk.

Above a crack {on the ceiling?} within a cave near Sheffield can be seen the beak and form of an Ibis bird. Made 13000 years ago - during the retreat of the last Ice Age. Deeper within a long necked bird. The only cave art to have been found in the UK: "One of the most characteristic features of cave art all over Europe is the constant use of the natural features in the rock." Fissures? {'The World of Stonehenge' / S1 EP1}. "Stretched" to enlarge.

''The Milky Way is so distinct that, in addition to the great cleft running north of Sagittarius that interested the Maya, many dark cloud features along the Milky Way were identified by the Inca. These dark cloud 'constellations' include the Fox, Toad {frog?} Tinamou {coal-sack}, Snake, and Mother Llama and suckling baby. The latter two represent the life nurturing quality that we see in the Virgin Mary motif...In his book 'The Secret of the Incas' William Sullivan argued that the Fox is involved in Incan precessional mythology. The Scorpio constellation is very important for the Quechua, and was thought of as a plough or storehouse..." ['Galactic Alignment']. Try ''dark cloud''.

Analogy: ''This cleft in the rock north of the chapel of St. Catherines monastery has been associated with Exodus 33:22: 'While my glory passes by, i will put you into the cleft of a rock and cover you with my hand.'' [Day fourteen: Moses ascent of Sinai: Pilgrimage of Freedom: Lent 2023: Magdala].

'Thirtythree' / 'twentytwo' to enlarge.

And/or: ''As a child, i loved the gloomy Egyptian gallery in the Bolton museum. Here, hidden amongst the countless dusty pots, could be found a whole treasure of wonders: the Rosetta Stone, a partially unwrapped female mummy lying in a decorated coffin {which turned out to be 'male' while the wooden coffin was for a 'female'}, a squat Peruvian mummy sewn into what looked like a sack {'skin'? death-rebirth?}, and the sculptured head of woman named Nefertiti.....Most were reproductions - with the exception of the Peruvian mummy.''  [Introduction: 'Nefertiti's Face' / J. Tyldesley].

Side note: ''I walked as far as the Blind Dancer and back along Grimm's Down. Autumn is my favourite season; its colours and its watery sun, on the cusp of Sagittarius, {November}, are suited to the melancholy temperament. The hills, bare of corn and beasts, huddle closer around the valley's cottage fires.'' [Page 357 {Sublimation} 'Mercurius' / P. Harpur].

And/or: ''The national flower of Finland is the Lily of the Valley.''

''With a fresh, green scent that practically embodies the arrival of spring and stems lined with small, delicate bell-shaped flowers practically made for small bouquets and nosegays, lily of the valley flowers have long been associated with royalty and are used as symbols of love, motherhood, and purity.''

And/or: ''Longyearbyen in Norway is the worlds most N/W settlement in excess of 1000 {'thousand'} - as it hooks over both Sweden and Finland.''

''Longyearbyen is a small coal-mining town on Spitsbergen Island, in Norway's Svalbard archipelago. This Arctic town is known for its views of the Northern Lights. The modern Svalbard Museum chronicles the region’s natural and cultural history. It includes a stuffed polar bear. Live bears can occasionally be seen in the area. The North Pole Expeditions Museum recounts early efforts to reach the pole by air.''

''Psychology starts with an upside-down premise; that childhood is PRIMARY and determining, that development is cumulative, a kind of organic evolution, reaching a peak and declining. The early scars become suppurating wounds or healed-over strengths, but not necessary prunings for the shape of the tree, a shape ordained by the SEED itself. Not is childhood thus overvalued, but again is trapped in an organic, and melancholy model. Rather than development psychology, we should study essential psychology, the structure of character, the unalterable psychopathologies, the innate endowment of talent.'' [Page 68 'We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy' / Hillman + Ventura. Taken from the book 'A Mythic Life' / J. Houston / Page 152].

A working example: ''In Daughters of Saturn, Patricia Reis explores various aspects of the father-daughter relationship with a particular focus on the father's effect on the woman's creative life. Beginning with Saturn - the archetypal devouring and melancholic father....''[Back cover to same book ].


Side note: The Druid calender over 5 years divided into 16 columns {'80'}. Headed by lunar months. Carved into a single panel of bronze. Beginning in autumn. ['The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice'].

#Try sixteen.

''There are sixteen lakes in the Lake District, the largest being Windermere. Only one, Bassenthwaite Lake, is officially a lake by name, the others are meres or waters. Illustrated guides to each of the Lake District lakes can be found below. A mere refers to a lake that is shallow in relation to its size, and can be linked the the Saxon 'mere' that refers to a sea. A tarn is a small mountain lake, and its name is linked to the old Norse word tjörn meaning pond.''

Two thirds or 3 quarters external V one third or one quarter internal. Question. Where does that ''inner'' dimension disappear to?

Side note: St. George can be seen above the church in Burqin / Israel. One of the oldest churches in the world. Built by Helen - the mother of Constantine. One of 4 structures built by same. Starting with the Holy Sepulchre {Sarcophagus?}. ''Then a Church in Bethlehem, followed by one in Nazareth, then in Burqin''. Burqin between Galilee and Samaria. Surrounding the sculpture in stone can be seen 'sixteen' inner spaces with 'thirtythree' outer notches. Recall Menkaure's sarcophagus. [Day twentysix: Healing of the Ten Lepers' / K. Nichols / Magdala].


A working example: ''According to family tradition the British Prime Minister - Winston Churchill - was one-sixteenth Iroquois.'' ['The Chase'].

American 'Mother'?

'49' = Seb Jubilee?

Of the TEN only one came back to say 'thanks'. Analogy: One tenth given by Abraham to Melchizedek and/or Muslim faith giving back one tenth.

And/or: Jacobs Well at Samaria {Day 18 'Give Me This Water: Emotional Healing' / K. Nichols / Magdala].

Samaria = middle ground between Galilee and Jerusalem.

'Fire' / 'Water' = spirit / Soul as a means.....?

Anything fragrant?

''Fire or water''?

And/or: ''Where did this anointing come from ? {i.e., after 'meal' in Upper Room} - each time performed by a woman {in this case M. Magdalene} and, in three of the canonical Gospels, implicitly linked to the tomb and healing, either by taking place in a lepers house or when he brought Lazarus back to life. For although the prophetic expectations of the messiah or 'anointed' one had long been alive among the Jewish people, anointing by a female cannot be explained in terms of Judaism....Baptism {water} and anointing {fire} are differentiated rites....Anointing being called 'a spiritual love of wine and fragrance' which is identified with fire...The 'fire' is the anointing the light is the fire....this fire is not without form, it is bright and beautiful, a dynamic fire where 'love builds up', bringing a 'knowledge of truth' that makes hearts free.....Yet we see the same 'naming' power at the Egyptian pharaoh's fiery anointing {'New Year' ritual} when his cosmic royal name is inscribed on the sacred ished tree and the whole of Heliopolis 'quakes' at his coming.'' [Pages 87/98/144 'Egypt's Anointing Mysteries' / A. Roberts].


A working example: ''To the Maya living in the city of Xultun in Guatemala's Peten rain forest, a sweat bath was a sacred place symbolizing the circular nature of time and the cycle of birth and death.....the buildings are painted with images of a goddess who has the features of toads and iguanas {'marsh' land?}....The sweat bath was later uncovered and reused from A.D. 850 to 971, when Xultun was beginning to decline.  No one knows why...'' [Page 19 'Archaeology' / Jan/Feb 2021].

'Living Water'?

Question. Above or below the clouds. And/or - any conjunction {say} with Saturn/Jupiter?


A 'birthing' brick.

Side note: sixtyfour Lama's found buried in the central pyramid at Cahuachi {close to Nazca Lines} - which enclose twentyseven pan type fluted potteries. Two human head skulls found with ''twisted {strands link} rope'' that join them in the middle of the forehead. Cahuachi made of adobe brick a combination of earth/sand and 'organic' material i.e., straw/animal dung. A combination therefore of mineral/vegetable/animal {enlarged throughout}. Define those geoglyphs {hieroglyphs?} - and numbers to get into that universal mindset.

Wattle and Daub.

Try ''dung'' for its pos/neg symbolic intent. That 'intent' that gets into a mind set. A 'spiritual' one SIMPLY because of subject material. NOTHING ELSE.

Spirit and Soul - which and why?

Side note: ''Burslem - which is one of the SIX Towns of the Staffordshire Potteries - was the birthplace of of the potter Josiah Wedgwood.'' ['Impossible' / S6 EP16].

''Burslem (/ˈbɜːrzləm/ BURZ-ləm) is one of the six towns that along with Hanley, Tunstall, Fenton, Longton and Stoke-upon-Trent form part of the city of Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, England. It is often referred to as the "mother town" of Stoke on Trent....Burslem is on the eastern ridge of the Fowlea Valley, the Fowlea being one of the main early tributaries of the River Trent. Burslem embraces the areas of Middleport, Dalehall, Longport, Westport, Trubshaw Cross, and Brownhills....The Domesday Book shows Burslem (listed as Bacardeslim) as a small farming hamlet, strategically sited above a ford at Longport, part of the major pack horse track out of the Peak District and Staffordshire Moorlands to the Liverpool/London road.''

Head/Feet = Aries/Pisces?

'Stripes'? SAT/seated on what?

And/or: {from a different perspective}: ''Mary Voigt's trench, overgrown with grass and weeds, still had some recognizable features. A two metre wide wall, built of massive stone blocks, ran through the trench. This dated to the time of the Galatians....Near this wall, was the corner of a stone building, which UNUSUALLY, had been roofed with tiles....a high status house or maybe a temple. But, unfortunately, the only find inside was a small {'little'} piece of carved ivory {'horn'}, leaving us guessing about its function. Between the large wall and this building - in fact, abutting the wall - was a more basic building, with walls made of wattle and daub. There were features here that may have been small kilns, and fragments of pottery inside and outside the building....Could have been a potters workshop.'' [Page149-150 'The Celts' / A. Roberts].

Spirit and Soul. Which and why?


Libya and/or Khnum to enlarge.

'Stump'? Dreaming of new growth? 'Sycamore Gap'?

Red tiles. N/W shore of Galilee. - S/W England =  West = Left angled triangle?

Analogy: "The old inn at the foot of the Tor had a long narrow strip of garden that ran up the steep coombe to a neglected orchard {'stump'?} of gnarled apple trees - and where garden met orchard there was an ancient Well Head {Shepton Mallet beyond}. THREE SIDES OF THE TOP COURSE CONSISTED OF A SINGLE BLOCK. One of those masses of stone that prehistoric man appeared to be able to handle without the aid of machinery {'semi-circular'?}. Who were the builders of the Well? No one knows. From this 'Well Head' a pouring torrent of rust-red water came rushing and leaping down the steep garden. Legend says it had healing properties....Stories of St. Joseph and Cup of the Last Supper. On the flank of the old inn their arose a tall building of grey dressed stone with a red pantile roof reminiscent of Italy, whence, it is said, its clerical architect drew his inspiration, and, lo, the monks were back at Glastonbury! The cliff like wall of Chalice Well is a landmark for miles....


Coombe is a term used to describe a small valley or large hollow on the side of a hill2It is often understood to mean a small valley through which a watercourse does NOT run2Coombe is also spelled as coomb or comb123It is chiefly used in southern England...Both words trace back to a common Brythonic source.....The connection lies in the fact that both “comb” (the hair tool) and “combe” (the valley) have a notched or toothed appearance. The valleys resemble the teeth of a comb, which likely influenced the choice of the word...Over time, the meanings of these words have diverged: “Comb” now specifically refers to the hair or wool grooming tool. “Combe” primarily denotes a geographical feature—a picturesque valley in southern and southwestern England."

Right foot anchored? Landlord or Mason?

Rams head?

Continued: It has a beauty of its own, with its fine proportions and the old, low , huddled buildings that once were an inn clustered about its foot. Once again they were watchers besides the Tor, in the very spot where tradition says that certain anchorites had built their wattle huts and prayed beside the Well. Indeed, the old Inn had been called 'The Anchor'...."   [Page 60/1 'Glastonbury: Avalon of the Heart' / D. Fortune].

"The name Shepton derives from the Old English scoep and tun, meaning "sheep farm"; the Domesday Book of 1086 records a settlement known as Sceaptun in the hundred of Whitstone."

Drachma to enlarge.

Sheep decans?

And/or: As with most products of oral tradition, there are many variations to the rhyme. The most common modern version is: Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And doesn't know where to find them; Leave them alone, and they'll come home, Wagging (bringing) their tails behind them. Common variations on second-line include "And can't tell where to find them." The fourth line is frequently given as "Bringing their tails behind them",[2] or sometimes "Dragging their tails behind them". This alternative version is useful in the extended version, usually of four further stanzas. The melody commonly associated with the rhyme was first recorded in 1870 by the composer and nursery rhyme collector James William Elliott in his National Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs.[3]

Recess or gateway?

Sutton Hoo purse clasp: Wolfs / eagles and ducks.

''Wattle and daub is a composite building method used for making walls and buildings, in which a woven lattice of wooden strips called wattle is daubed with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw. Wattle and daub has been used for at least 6,000 years and is still an important construction method in many parts of the world. Many historic buildings include wattle and daub construction.''

Continued: "The monastery itself became a guest house of exceptional interest. Its activities centred about the person of its warden, Miss Buckton....Of these the most important artistically was the annual production of Eagerheart - a mystery play....her magnum opus.....

Guest / Host...

She also gathered about her a little group {'ishon?'} of craftworkers who used the most primitive of traditional methods, dyeing the raw WOOL with dye plants collected from the Somerset hedges and lichen scraped off the trees of old orchards {'Queendom'}; and spinning it with the prehistoric spindle instead of the medieval wheel....It was a fascinating sight to see the dye pot BOILING over a fire of sticks {'six'?} in the orchard, and skein after skein of gaily coloured wool hanging to dry on the gnarled old trees. Pottery was made out of the clay dug in the orchard - the primitive kick wheel being used.....

'Naked' / 'Garment'. Sinning wheel / Fire wheel. Roasting / Boiling as a means.....?

The whole spirit of design had a significance of its own, not only because of its naive charm, but in its psychology...." [Pages 64-66 'Glastonbury: Avalon of the Heart' / D. Fortune].


Side step: ''If eight is already a lucky number, connected with eternal beatitude and bliss, how much more its 'second power', sixtyfour must be. 64 is always related in some way to play and fate. According to ancient Indian doctrine, a man should master 64 different arts, and there are also 64 different arts of loving taught in the Kamasutra: 'Combinations of the 8 kinds of embraces, kisses, ...of couplings etc,....there emerges {on a higher level? i.e., octave link}, 8 groups of 8 that is 64.'...One also speaks of the 64 pleasures of Shiva, as if the 16 {sixteen}, so important as the number of fullness and perfection {16 steps of Tut?}, were reflected in a fourfold mirror. Since 64 is the number of play and gambling par excellence, it is not surprising that the chessboard, which originated in India, should have 64 squares.'' ['Mystery of Numbers'].

'Mount of Beatitudes'?

Side note: ''According to family tradition the British Prime Minister - Winston Churchill - was one-sixteenth Iroquois.'' ['The Chase'].

American 'Mother'?

''Thirty is a number connected with order and justice''. ['Mystery of Numbers'].

And/or: ''In considering the esoteric meaning of Number, we must avoid the following mistake: Two is not One and One; it is not a composite. It is the multiplying work; it is the notion of the plus in relation to the minus {pos/neg energy}; it is a new Unity, it is sexuality; it is the origin of Nature, Physis, the neter Two. It is the Culmination {the seperating moment of the full moon for example}....Mathematical multiplication - to the ancients - had a direct relationship with natural life processes as well as metaphysical ones. Schwaller de Lubicz called it ''principle of the crossing'' {i.e., 'X'}.....'' [ Page 10 'The Temple In Man' / Shwaller de Lubicz].

In other words one could say that Gnostic 'duality' clause.



Culmination usually refers to the arrival of a celestial body at the midheaven, the highest point in a chart. It may also refer to the arrival of a celestial body at a point where an aspect becomes exact.

Spirit or Soul?

'Naked' = The beginning of something?

A work in progress: ''Spirit is that resident spark of 'god' in each of us. It cannot be destroyed. It resides in all forms and changes from form to form. Spirit was here before our present incarnation and it will be here after the fact. It resonates with the Great 'fire' of the Light of the Divine. Spirit is our direct link to god. SOUL, like the body, is a process in the making. Though we are born with a soul, soul continues to develop, secretly adding to its luster like a pearl hidden inside an oyster. Making soul is the process of a lifetime, or 'several' lifetimes. Mystics call it performing 'The Great Work'. All our experience - all our sorrows and passions, all our thoughts and deeds - develop soul.'' [Page 227 'Dreams of Isis' / N. Ellis].

''Soul is the body of experience, ''the habitual center of ones personal energy'', as  William James calls it. Whatever catches your consciousness and holds it there soul is being made abundantly.''

'153' ?

The 30th Anniversary is known as the Pearl Anniversary because, historically, wives celebrating their 30th Anniversary were presented with pearls.

Sed Festival? {and/or 'Feast of the Tail'}.

Continued: ''Hidden in an up scale part of Petra called 'little Petra' - within a rock cut villa {sanctuary?} can be seen on the inside of the upper ceiling a fresco: ''Portrays Petra as lush, fertile and green - with grapevines and ivy, all kinds of fruit {figs?}. Most FIVE petalled. Some 'three'. Birds abound with 'little' people {cherubs} with flutes {pan-pipes?}: ''Not what you expect to see from a people living in a desert - more a paradise.'' ['Ancient Worlds Revealed With Albert Lin: Petra' / Nat. Geo].

Question. What pigments are used to make fresco's?

Pyramid Texts as a means......?

And/or: The Condor geoglyph not symmetrical UNLIKE most others - close to the Spider neter. Recall the two aspects of the Scorpion i.e., poison and eagle in relation to redeemed/UNredeemed. Coincidence?

And/or..."You may care to dwell upon the parable which indicates that 'God' is not to be found in the strong wind nor the earthquake, nor in the fire but only within the silence of the still small voice." [From the book 'The Silent Road'. Mentioned elsewhere].

FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE: ''Pointed bottom'' Jomon pot. The oldest in the world. ''Almost all the pots seem to have been used for cooking fish {salmon}....we dont know why. Because we dont find much in the way of fish remains or fishing gear in the early Jomon period.'' ['Archaeology' / May/June 2022]. Fishers of men? Question. 'Nipple'? And/or: Inverted triangle? 'Boil' instead of roast?

And/or: An earthquake cut cahuachi in two around 400AD - covered with 'mud' - within two hundred years a tribe from the EAST arrives for the Nazca people to be assimilated within {'foreign'?}. New 'rituals' practiced - some buried without the heads - replaced with a ''head jar'' i.e., picture of head with a tree growing from it. Recall Alice Roberts findings of stones and wine glass found inside skulls. Variation on the same theme?

Spirit/Soul - which and why?


Try incarnate/reincarnate to enlarge and/or seven/eight and/or 'glass'.

An example of typical mythology in the Talmud exists as a discussion about a giant deer and a giant lion which both originated in a mythical forest called "Bei Ilai".

REFRESHER: ''East is a beginning. West its ending''.

Question. At the time of the earthquake any conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter?

Recall Beaker People {i.e., vase/'water'} in relation to Stonehenge 'People' {i.e., Granite/'fire'}.

And/or: Clay solitary pot found underneath Step pyramid. Wooden 'bowl' found under Rosslyn Chapel.

And/or: Glazed/'fired' vase with the nineteen names of the Snake Kings. 'Thirteen' of which have an association with the 'Jaquar'. Of Pre-Classical origin. ['Expedition Unknown: Pyramids of Legends' ].

Spots and Stripes?

Something to ponder on: ''Fish on Friday! He goes a long way toward explaining this joke in relation to the Princess. Divine Art comes in catching this merry and royal fish or little bather (or heir) in your sea -- like catching a unicorn in a virgin's lap ("within the forest of the work are  found the twin natures..."), that is, "the vessel of the fish."

Vesica Pisces?

Side note: "Most Bible translators and commentator will render the name David as Beloved, but as always with important names, the etymology of the name David is disputed. But we can't help noticing the distinct similarity of this name with the Hebrew root דוד (dwd) that yields דוד (dod), generally meaning beloved. This word is also the Hebrew word for uncle — 1 Chronicles 27:32, for instance, speaks of דוד־דויד (dod dawid), or "David's uncle".....


The Sycamore Gap Tree or “Robin Hood Tree” is a sycamore tree (Acer pseudoplatanus) standing next to Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland, England. The lake of Crag Lough and the village of Once Brewed are nearby, as is the Twice Brewed Pub, useful for trekkers at days end.

Unused verb דוד (dwd) probably meant to gently swing, dandle, fondle. Noun דוד (dod) or דד (dod) means beloved or loved one, and may also describe one's uncle. The feminine version, דודה (doda), means aunt. Noun דודי (duday) literally means a "love-bringer" and describes a mandrake. Noun דוד (dud) refers to a kind of pot or jar (perhaps one that was rocked or stirred?). It may or may not be that the noun יד (yad), meaning hand, also has something to do with this root.

David (HebrewדָּוִדModern: DavidTiberian: Dāwîḏ) means 'beloved', derived from the root dôwd (דּוֹד), which originally meant 'to boil', but survives in Biblical Hebrew only in the figurative usage 'to love'; specifically, it is a term for an uncle or figuratively, a lover/beloved (it is used in this way in the Song of Songsאני לדודי ודודי לי'I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me').[2] In Christian tradition, the name was adopted as Syriacܕܘܝܕ DawidGreek ΔαυίδLatin Davidus or David. The Quranic spelling is دَاوُۥد Dāwūd or Dā'ūd."

Seated on what?

The alchemical book 'The Elixir of Life' {published 1624} - sought to find the 'secret' to immortality: ''Nineteen engravings, all identifying the preparation and concepts of distilling or the actual apparatus used.'' ['Pawn Stars' / S15 EP26].

Side step: ''In April 1526 AD became the birth of a new Indian Empire - the Mughal's. A Muslim dynasty that ruled South Asia for two hundred years. Set a high standard in Jewellry. It became known as its golden age. Nineteen emperors in thirteen centuries. Rare and valuable different coloured jewellry...especially in the headgear that they wore. Many given to nobles, and many had divine symbolism to it.'' [ 'The Maharajas' / Mirthy / 2022].


Found at Nippur: ''Ram in a thicket.'' or climbing the ''Tree of Knowledge?''

From a different perspective: The sycamore tree allowed Zacchaeus to see Jesus. There was nothing special about this tree except that it was in the right place at the right time and ready to be stepped on and be the platform for Zacchaeus to use. [Luke: Nineteen: 1-4].

The word is from French pavillon (Old French paveillon) and it meant a small palace, from Latin papilionem (accusative of papilio). In Late Latin and Old French, it meant both 'butterfly' and 'tent', because the canvas of a tent resembled a butterfly's spread wings.

AND/OR: ''Of all the gopis, Radhika, or Radha, because of her intense love for Krishna, was the closest to him. She manifested mahabhava and was united with her Beloved. This union represents, through sensuous language, a super sensuous experience...The Vaishnava scriptures advise one to propitiate Radha and obtain her grace {anima link} in order to realize 'Sri Krishna'.

Sure footedness?

So the tortured devotee now turned his prayer to her. Within a short time he enjoyed her blessed vision. He saw and felt the figure of Radha disappearing into his own body....Her complexion was light yellow. Now one with Radha, he manifested the great estatic love, the mahabhava, which had found in her its fullest expression. Later Sri Ramakrishna said: 'The manifestation in the same individual of the NINETEEN different kinds of emotion for god is called in the books of bhakti, mahabhava. An ordinary man takes a whole lifetime to express even a single one of these.'' [Page 24/5 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'].

Distinction between East and West. The above a 'teaching/method' of the east. The west = the 'Mystery Schools'. Those ''visions'' {hieroglyphs/symbols} ''entered'' into the mind by way of the objective process. Both however = that universal mindset. PROVEN - in this case - with the number 19 and/or 'yellow'. Enlarged elsewhere.

'Horn' or 'spindle' Torus? Question. What does 'sixtyfour'  and 'eighty' represent?

The Celtic wolf. The guardian of the golden hoards found nearby. Bird on its rump. Teeth for a 'key'? And/or: Horus who is identified with the falcon and Wepwawet {wolf}: 'Horus brings Osiris safely to land - prevents him from drowning and being forgotten -Isis and her sister, who, acting upon the orders of Horus, bring him safely to land. Becoming 'earthed' in the royal fortress at Memphis [i.e., Nile delta}. Horus arises as the new ruler 'in the embrace of his father Osiris' {'anchored'?}. The threat of potential chaos - of drowning in the surging waters, has been overcome. A world of order and stability is now possible.'' ['Death and Rebirth in Ancient Egypt']. Boudica? 'Live Queen Moor'? Wandlebury to enlarge.

Side note: ''The Snettisham torc - {'neck ring'} made of 8 ropes of gold, each of which has 8 golden wires'' {i.e., 64}. But its the ends of it - the terminals - that really blow me away, exquistely crafted.'' [Alice Roberts: 'The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice' / BBC4 / 19.10.15].

And/or: ''Eight strands of gold twisted on their own and then bound together to create this bracelet. When it came off the seabed {South England} -  it was perfectly coiled. This represents the pinnacle of Bronze Age gold working.'' ['Digging For Britain' / S1 EP2].


Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Besides the highlighted try ''Generation'' and ''Beaker People'' to enlarge BEYOND ''More than likely a shipwreck { or two} and its cargo.''

TIN ingots also found: ''The first ever to be found in Northern Europe.'' [Same].


Continued: {i.e., as seen from a different perspective}: "The name Adonoy is like a storehouse and a treasury {'antechamber'?}. It holds all influx, and every emanation that is transmitted through all spiritual channels from YHVH. There are three names, one above the other. Adonoy is on the bottom, YHVH is in the middle, and Ehyeh is on the top. It is from the 'name' Ehyeh that all kinds of substance emanate, coming from the source, the infinite Ain Sof." [Page 129 'Meditation and Kabbalah']. All as a means...?

And/or: ''In an episode known as the temptation of Saint Antony....he was granted a vision of the 'devil' - a tall black man with his head in the clouds. He also 'saw' angels who were able to guide some human spirits up, beyond the devils reach.'' [Page 329 'The Secret History of the World' / J. Black].

Higher of the 'lower' ?

Saturn in relation to ''devil''. Zeus in relation to ''higher''?


''The beautiful lady has come'': 'Stamp of the feminine' : Real or symbolic?

Continued: "The lore of the moon has been intermingled with that of the sun; for if it were not for the sun's light, we would never see the moon at all. In order to fully understand the mysteries of the moon's dark phase, we first need to explore HER intimate relationship with the sun {Aten disk?}....The dark prefaces the light in the same way that gestation precedes birth and sleep allows for rejuvenation. In the human psyche we experience dark periods when we feel turned inward and nothing seems to be happening. However, in retrospect we often realize that these fallow times were germinal periods preceding outbursts of creativity and growth....The sun and moon portray a cycle of relationship referred to as the lunation cycle. The lunation cycle is the cycle of the phases of the moon, unfolding from new to full to dark, which portrays her fluid and ever changing relationship to the sun as seen from here on earth. This relationship of the moon to the sun precedes according to a wave pattern of increase and decrease in light, or separation and return to the sun.

Famine Stela. 'Void'? Question. Whats the remedy for a DRYNESS OF ANYTHING?

Each night the moon reveals a different facet of her now luminous , now shadowy face as she reflects and distributes varying amounts of the sun's light. The moon herself does not change, her light does. What we see on earth as the phases of the moon are actually reflections of the moon's changing relationship to the sun....Together they embody the principle of polarity both in our physical world and in our psychological nature....As the sun rules the daylight of consciousness and the outer objective world, the moon rules the night of the unconscious and our inner intuitive instinctual life....The moon came to symbolize the themes of fertility and birth, time and destiny, change and regeneration. The moon was perceived to be a gathering place of the 'dead' - the storehouse of the seed of life, and accordingly a feminine being....The moon was a force that fertilized and quickened all new life....They were also aware of the moon's relationship to the tides. The moon was thought to rule the waters of the oceans, the womb from which all life was said to have emerged." ['Mysteries of the Dark Moon'].


All used as a means...?

Stone_inscribed_with_the_name_of_Senenmut_from_Thebes_Egypt. Death/rebirth?


A working example: ''The modern Western focus on a dominant egoic self not only inhibits the development of our many others selves, it also contributes to the splitting and fragmenting  of the personality, and generally plays havoc with the psyche. These 'other' selves, seeking recognition and fulfilment that the ego self refuses them, go 'off' on their own - aliens in a landscape of the Self, strangers in a strange land....This state of chronic internal rebellion can be circumvented by the conscious intervention of the entelechy self, that is, the deepest level of our personality, the storehouse of the larger picture, the codings and potentials of what we can be.'' [Page 153/42 'The Hero and the Goddess: The Odyssey as Pathway for Peronal Transformation' / J. Houston].

REFRESHER: ''The Siren heralds a friend the Bee a stranger.''

''Truth is stranger than fiction.''

''Usually served cold, lager comes from the German word for storehouse.'' ['Riddiculous' / ITV].

Feast of Fools?

Side note: ''The soul's ability {through objective 'imagination'} - to mirror all the worlds images contained in the universal storehouse {ante-chamber?] OF THE SPIRIT. This is the sense in which it reflects the macrocosm. One might say that the soul is Janus-faced, both subjective and objective, gazing in one direction towards the universal Spirit, and, in the other, towards the particular individual.'' [Page 323 'Mercurius'].

Question. Scorpio a 'water' sign? And/or 'plough' in relation to ''furrow''. What about ''gestation''?

Side note: The narrow valley {'cleft'?} and headwaters of the Eurotas valley {Lacedaemon}, the domain of King Menelaus of Sparta, became the spindly constellation of Scorpius." And/or "Red haired Menelaus representing Antares in Scorpius.'' ['Homer's Secret Iliad']. Question. Why ''red''. Recall Cain / Able {as ONE example}.

Working example: ''The Gebelein predynastic mummies are six naturally mummified bodies, dating to approximately 3400 BC from the Late Predynastic period of Ancient Egypt. They were the first complete predynastic bodies to be discovered. The well-preserved bodies were excavated at the end of the nineteenth century by Wallis Budge, the British Museum Keeper for Egyptology, from shallow sand graves near Gebelein (today, Naga el-Gherira) in the Egyptian desert.

Facing Upstream or downstream.

Budge excavated all the bodies from the same grave site. Two were identified as male and one as female, with the others being of undetermined sex. The bodies were given to the British Museum in 1900. Some grave-goods were documented at the time of excavation as "pots and flints" {water/Fire?}, however they were not passed on to the British Museum and their whereabouts remain unknown. Three of the bodies were found with coverings of different types (reed matting {papyrus?}, palm fibre and an animal skin), which still remain with the bodies. The bodies were found in foetal positions lying on their left sides {'child' link?}.

Since 1901, the first body excavated (EA 32751) has remained on display in the British Museum. This body was originally nicknamed Ginger due to his red hair; this nickname is no longer officially used as part of recent ethical policies for human remains.'' [Wiki].

Tormund Giantsbane? {Game of Thrones}.

And/or: "Surrounding the stars which mark the King's head, is a vacant space within the southern edge of the Milky Way similar to the Coal Sacks of the Northern and Southern Cross..." [Info. on Cepheus 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].

Question. ''Coal-sacks therefore represent ''vacant space''? and/or 'boundary'? As a means...?

And/or: Sack is an antiquated wine term referring to white fortified wine imported from mainland Spain or the Canary Islands.

The Collins English Dictionary, the Chambers Dictionary, and the Oxford English Dictionary all derive the word "sack" from the French sec, meaning "dry". However, the OED cannot explain the change in the vowel, and it has been suggested by others that the term is actually from the Spanish word sacar, meaning "to draw out", as in drawing out wine from a solera, which led to sacas. The word "sack" is not attested before 1530.

Julian Jeffs writes: "The word sack (there are several spellings) probably originated at the end of the fifteenth century, and is almost certainly derived from the Spanish verb sacar ("to draw out"). In the minutes of the Jerez town council for 1435, exports of wine were referred to as sacas."[Wiki].

Try ''Mistletoe'' for a take on the same THEME.

Bag = sack?

''The vine, the prime tree of Dionysus, is everywhere associated with poetic inspiration. Wine is the poets proper drink, as Ben Johnson knew well when he asked for his fee as Poet Laureate to be paid in sack....the old system of payment.'' ['Page 205 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

'The Theme'?

"A shadow cannot be removed by chemicals; neither can disease be removed by poison. There is nothing {no thing} to be removed in either case; but there is a deficiency to be supplied. The shadow may be removed by supplying light to the space covered by the shadow." [Page 21 'The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation' / Inez Perry].

'Coal sacks' / 'Ostrich nests'?


A working example: ''The Great and Small Aten Temples were not the only official places  of worship. Amarna was riddled with shrines, chapels and 'sunshade' temples provided for the private worship of the royal women.'' [Page 37 'Nefertiti's Face' / J. Tyldesley].

And/or: ''Thousands of years ago, the Sumerians, created a legendary collection of invocations to the Goddess, ordaining their magical corpus of poetry and songs a 'Book of Shadows'. [Preface: 'Book of Shadows' / P. Curott].

And/or: Elephant a means....?

Side note: ''The banner {'shield'?} of Moses was 'Nehushtan', the Brazen Serpent, which he raised up to avert the plaque in the wilderness....It should be remembered that the Brazen Serpent in the Gospel according to John {iii,14}, and the epocryphal  Epistle of Barnabas {xii,7}, is a type of Jesus Christ. Barnabas emphasis: 'that the Serpent hung on a wooden thing' i.e., the Cross, and had the power of making alive. In Numbers {xxi,9}, it is described as a Seraph, a name given by Isaiah to the flying serpents that appeared in his vision as the attendants of the Living God and flew to him with a live coal from the altar." [ Page 85 'The White Goddess'].

Higher of the lower or lower of the higher?

Menat constellation? Diamonds?

But the most famous artworks associated with Notre Dame de France are the paintings by Jean Cocteau, his only murals outside France. Decorating the walls of the Lady Chapel, Cocteau worked on the paintings between 3-11 November in 1959. People who worked at the church said he would arrive early each day and talked to his creations as they appeared on the walls. There are three panels, the Annunciation (left), Assumption (right) and Crucifixion (middle).

A {working?} example: "It took me about a year to get somewhat balanced again. I continued going to Mrs Tweedie as often as I could. I was on live coals every time. She didn't look at me for a whole year, one suffers unspeakably from such a thing. It's really true that one can be totally shaken up by a frown from a teacher, or even if an eyebrow is raised. Those dimensions are totally impersonal. It has nothing to do with Mrs Tweedie as a person. It has something to do with empty space, with THAT. And it is an incredible grace when one is given the experience of this harshness, this depth, this mirror. It is a process of grinding and polishing a raw diamond, and this hurts. At the same time, it is the only thing in this world that makes sense. It's a invaluable phenomenon if one is able to find a path on which one can be lead home." [Page 34/5 'The Path Has No Name' / Annette Kaiser].

Coal/diamond/mirror as a means...?

''Criticism polishes the diamond of truth.'' Wim Hof.

The Church of Notra Dame de France - Soho - London. Aries-Pisces?

''Old cut diamonds are pre-nineteen - nineteen {1919}, compared to the 'brilliant cut diamonds' which are more symmetrical and emit more sparkle.'' ['Million Pound Pawn' / 2022].

Side note: Coal associated with ''Blacksmith'' - which is associated with the back of the head i.e., not yet manifested - a process yet to begin or still in process of becoming a manifested quantity. Hence the 'fire' link. The point is; ''gathering'' the parts gives the reader the bigger picture. Determines a mind set.

And/or:''Quality'' determined only once manifested i.e., a conscious effort. A choice between one or the other. {'Duality' link i.e., from ''quantity''}.

137 7

Knock 'three' times. Hear anything - i.e., Quantities or qualities? AS A MEANS...?

Something to ponder on: "The name appears to be that of a Babylonian star - the equivalent of our Antares, the alpha of Scorpius [i.e.,'Heart of Scorpius'}. We discovered that it was linked with the 24th ecliptic constellation of the Babylonians, and meant something like 'Lord of the Seed'. However, its esoteric implications became clear to us only much later, when we began to see the connection between the shape of the human embryo {seed} and the ear. The portal of Bilu was designed to awaken the potential within hearing {that inner one?}. Perhaps it is of no surprise that, to this day, the Hindu cosmology still refers to the star as an 'Ear Jewel' in the ear of Indra." ['The Zelator'. Parenthesis with question, this readers input]. Try ''ear'' and/or ''Oak Island'' {shape of?}.


Face side or in profile?

''All one has to do is turn around the arrow of ones attention. The Katha Upanishad puts it this way: 'God made the senses turn outward, man therefore looks outwards, not into himself. But occasionally, a daring soul, desiring immortality {or understanding a 'mind set'}, has looked back and found himself. In fact the ''daring soul'' doesn't lack encouragement. He's surrounded by countless reminders and opportunities, countless means of reversing the arrow of attention - if only he's sufficiently inquisitive about his true identity, and only if he's willing to drop for a moment opinions about himself based on hearsay and memory, and imagination and to rely on the PRESENT EVIDENCE...." [Page 56 'On Having No Head' / D. Harding. Parenthesis, this readers].

Arrow of Time?

Enlarged elsewhere.

'Beans in My Ears' {Serendipity Singers/ 1964}. A relation? A Celtic one?

Something extra: "Scorpio is famous as the region of the sky where have appeared many of the brilliant temporary stars, chief among them , perhaps, that of 134 BC., the first in astronomical annals, and the occasion, Pliny said, of the Catalogue of Hipparchos, about 125 BC. The Chinese She Ke confirmed this appearance by its record of ''the strange star'' in June of that year...Along its northern border, perhaps in Ophiuchus, there was, in very early days, a constellation, the Fox, taken from the Egyptian sphere of Petosiris,{High priest of Hermopolis and/or 'founder' of astrology} but we know nothing as to its details...Antares ''the equivalent of Mars'' {Homer} was always associated with eminence and activity in mankind...As a member of the early zodiac it was the Hare, for which, in the 16th century, was substituted, from Jesuit teaching, to the celestial Scorpion. Sir William Drummond asserted that within the zodiac that the patriarch Abraham knew it was an Eagle; and some commentators have located here the biblical Chambers of the South, Scorpio being directly opposite the Pleiades on the sphere, both thought to be mentioned in the Book of Job with two other opposed constellations, the Bear and Orion..." [Page 362 -365 'Star Names and Their Meanings'].

Among others try ''Untransmuted'' in relation to the Precession of Equinoxes {i.e.,Hipparchos}. Coincidence or...? Try Virgo.

Question. 'Catalogue of Ships'?

Put all that information {keys} together to attempt to assimilate something further.

Strange {'peculiar'?} = Seth link. If so, what can be learned from it?

Poop deck.

''Havana (/həˈvænə/; Spanish: La Habana [la aˈβana] (listen); Lucumi: Ilú Pupu Ilé)[4] is the capital and largest city of Cuba. The heart of the La Habana Province, Havana is the country's main port and commercial center.[5] The city has a population of 2.3 million inhabitants,[6][5] and it spans a total of 728.26 km2 (281.18 sq mi)[2]for the Capital City side and 8,475.57 km² for the Metropolitan zone – making it the largest city by area, the most populous city, and the Second largest metropolitan area in the Caribbean region. The city of Havana was founded by the Spanish in the 16th century. It served as a springboard for the Spanish conquest of the Americas, becoming a stopping point for Spanish galleons returning to Spain. Philip II of Spain granted Havana the title of capital in 1607.[8] Walls as well as forts were built to protect the city.

Contemporary Havana can essentially be described as three cities in one: Old Havana, Vedado and the newer suburban districts. The city extends mostly westward and southward from the bay, which is entered through a narrow inlet and which divides into three main harbors: Marimelena, Guanabacoa and Antares. The Almendares River traverses the city from south to north, entering the Straits of Florida a few miles west of the bay.''

''The Caribbean CAPITAL city of Havana shares its name with a 2017 {'seventeen'} UK number 1 by Camila Cabello.'' ['Impossible' / S6 EP43].

'Caroline' to enlarge a possible direction.


It was the 'wall' that made him. Will it be the wall that breaks him? {San Quentin?}. Does he really give his wages away?  Socialist?

Roots = foundation. FROM a spiral form of 'fire' that began in the earth. Sycamore or pine? Tree of life or knowledge?

And/or: "We find gestures proving the existence of the foundation ritual as far back as King ''Scorpion'' in the prehistoric age. Details concerning the ritual , revealed by the votive maces, the Narmer Palette and the Palermo Stone, suffice to confirm that from the first kings of the First Dynasty, {one of which; even if pre-first dynasty; was called 'Ka'}- the fundamental bases of cult and Royal ritual, the organisation of the territory, sciences, and arts were already in full force. Examples of this are the ceremony of the Sed festival {what the author defines as ''qualitative exaltation''}, which serves as proof of a 'perfect' knowledge of sacred science; the procession around the wall, the procession of the bull Apis, all of which remain a tradition throughout the entire historical period...AND/OR ''Among the many games are marbles as well as the prototype of Pharaonic chess which made use of the hieroglyphic sign 'men', meaning 'foundation'..." ['Sacred Science' / R. A Schwaller De Lubicz. Includes italics].

All those universal keys again. Coincidence or a meaningful one.

Side note: ''Cats eyes and alley marbles .''

''Alley or real - made of marble or alabaster (alley is short for alabaster), streaked with wavy or other patterns with exotic names like corkscrew, spiral, snake, ribbon, onyx, swirl, bumblebee, and butterfly.''

'Bathing' to enlarge.

''Onyx comes through Latin (of the same spelling), from the Ancient Greek ὄνυξ, meaning "claw" or "fingernail". Onyx with flesh-colored and white bands can sometimes resemble a fingernail.[7] The English word "nail" is cognate with the Greek word.''

And/or: Try ''watershed'' to define what ''Lemuria'' REPRESENTS {six paragraphs back}.

Question. Top down or bottom up? Either way - what would the 'other half' be represented by?

"The Milky Way {'river'?] runs prominently through Perseus, and it becomes for Diomedes the lion skin he wears, and the fine carpet on which he rests his head while sleeping on the skin of an ox..." ['Homer's Secret Iliad']. Try ''sleep'' and/or ''carpet'' and/or ''oxen''. Intentions of.

Question. The ''Oxen Way''? Enlarged elsewhere.

And/or: Recall J. Campbell's quote in relation to ''river''.

REFRESHER: "....Sirius being the star of Horus, and the Step Pyramid complex being named Horus Is the Star at the Head of the Sky." [Page 134 'Imhotep the African'].


SIDE NOTE: "He told me a great deal about carpets, which, as he often said, represented one of the most ancient forms of art. He spoke of the ancient customs of carpet making in certain parts of Asia; of a whole village working together at one carpet; of winter evenings when all the villagers, young and old, gather together in one large building and, dividing into groups, sit or stand on the floor in an order previously known and determined by tradition. Each group then begins its own work. Some pick stones and splinters out of the wool. Others beat out the wool with sticks. A third group combs the wool. The fourth spins. The fifth dyes the wool. The sixth or maybe the twentysixth weaves the actual carpet...All the work is done to the accompaniment of music and singing...All the movements of all the people engaged in different work are like one movement in one and the same rhythm...Moreover each locality has its own special tune, its own special songs and dances, connected with carpet making from time immemorial. And as he told me this the thought flashed across my mind that perhaps the design and colouring of the carpets are connected with the music, are its expression in line and colour; that perhaps carpets are records of this music, the notes by which the tunes could be reproduced..." ['In Search of the Miraculous' / P. D. Ouspensky].

''Art'' as a means...?

Side step: ''the notes by which...'' Analogy: Inca Khipus = ''the knots by which..." ?

Cancer or Capricorn?

And/or: "It seems also to be known as the Double Ship. Jensen says that ''the amphibious Oannes of the Persian Gulf was also associated with Capricorn...A cuneiform inscription designates it as the Father of Light - a title which, astronomically considered, cannot be right except about 15000 years ago, when the sun was here at the summer solstice; that ''the goat was sacred and exalted into this sign'' and that a robe of goatskin was sacred dress of Babylonian priests...indicting that it was probably millenniums ago, perhaps in prehistoric days when Capricorn first came into the zodiac...Its symbol is the twisted tail {knotted} of a sea goat." ['Star Names and Their Meaning'].

Sure footed ? As a means....?

What 'planet' is exalted in Capricorn? What does it mean? Try ''knot'' Part 3.

Pine tree pollen found within his stomach.

Side note: ''Otzi - the Ice Man. 5000 years old. The oldest mummification body found to date. Found ''face down {'prone'} on a boulder in a gully'' 10000 feet high in the Alps on the Austria-Italy border. Of high status - among other things wearing a robe { ''knee length fur coat''} made from sheep/goat skin panels with a bearskin cap.'' ['Blowing Up History'].

King sacrifice? i.e., wound in LEFT shoulder {unwilling participant?} - but out of tribal necessity/habit?

Refresher: "Bears were venerated by our ancients as being the strongest animal to roam the land."

'Handle' to enlarge.

Question. Was each village 'beliefs' linked to the ancestral one? A common one? And/or: Was their competition between each tribal village as within Gilgamesh and the Sumerian culture - where the winner became 'king' for a year?


Other clues: 40-50 years old. Lived in the valleys of the Northern Alps. Copper axe {the first of its kind - 'L' shape}. Dagger + arrow points purposely broken i.e., not useful i.e., ritual/symbolic purpose only. Bow made from of Yew branch - UNFINISHED. Quiver made from deer skin.

'Decommissioned' ?

Amesbury Archer to enlarge.

Offerings to Ptah-Seker-Osiris. What about the 'female' aspect? Any 'gaps'?

And/or: Mentuhotep was succeeded by Mentuhotep IV. He may have been a usurper, since he was omitted from the king lists. The Egyptians described his reign as "the seven empty years." The only noted event of his reign was sending a quarrying expedition to the Wadi Hammamat. Amenemhat, the vizier who led the expedition, recorded two remarkable omens the party had witnessed. The first, a gazelle giving birth to her calf on the stone chosen for the kings sarcophagus. The second, a sudden rain storm in the harsh desert terrain that revealed a large well full of water filled to the brim {Aquarius?}. These two miraculous events predicted the rise of a new royal family. Amenemhat, favoured by the gods, became the founder of the Twelth Dynasty. The most significant move of the new king was to establish a new capital in the Fayoum oasis, some 50 Kilometers S/W of Memphis. The Fayoum, the closest oasis to the Nile valley, had a natural lake that waters a vast expanse of palm groves. The kings of the 12th Dynasty joined the lake to the Nile by a web iof canals and waterways, converting it into a large reservoir of water. The patron god of the Fayoum was the crocodile Sobek.... Herodotus described how a real crocodile was selected and "taught to be tame and tractable...They adorned his ears with earings of molton stone {coloured glass} or gold, and put bracelets on his fore-paws {'hands'?}, giving him a daily portion of bread..."  [Page 38 'Osiris: Death and Afterlife of a God' / B. Mojsov].

Leavened / unleavened?

'Bathing' to enlarge.

N.B. A mummified left hand found at Abusir {5th Dynasty, i.e., Sun Kings} among funerary items  - together with a golden throne and the first colonnade of its kind - twenty WOODEN columns built on a solid foundation of limestone bases - "all painted in striking colour." {green?}. In front of the king on his raised throne {below knee height} is seen wooden effigies of nubian and Libyan 'prisoners of war' kneeling, with hands tied 'in front' {instead of back}.   ['Blowing Up History' / S10 EP5].

"Order out of chaos."

Higher OVER lower.

N.B. Libya N/W. Nubia S/E. Anything?


Clearly the attainment spells the eclipse of the Dragon. Where light shines no darkness can there abide. For being the basis of the instinctual life, harnessed and chained to the needs and clearly perceived ideals of the psyche, the dragon shuns the sunbeams and the daylight. No longer do its projections and compulsive automatisms haunt the light of consciousness. No longer is the personality tortured as by some foul and evil presence. Its needs and dictates, once so imperious, cease their urgency, finding their proper place within the natural economy.

The Tree of life design is based on an old mosaic floor design. It shows a central tree of life with gazelles grazing underneath, taking refuge and eating it's fruit.

Side note: A Middle Kingdom (ca. 2030–1640 B.C.) document known as the Westcar Papyrus suggests the 5th Dynasty rulers may have come at least in part from non-royal origins, making them keen to prove their bona fides as deities on Earth. The story recounted in this document is that the first two 5th Dynasty pharaohs, Userkaf and Sahure (r. ca. 2458–2446 B.C.) were sons of the god Ra. Because their royal lineage isn’t mentioned, some scholars have inferred they were not of royal stock, which would have made their connection to Ra even more important in asserting their powers as gods on Earth. All the kings of the 5th Dynasty but one took regnal names that linked their power to Ra, testifying to their special connection to the god of the sun.

Dome of the wind.

Although the history of the Abusir necropolis began in the 2nd Dynasty, it wasn't until King Userkaf, the first ruler of the Fifth Dynasty, chose to build here that the Abusir skyline changed forever. What Userkaf built here wasn't a pyramid; he nestled his final resting place close to the world's first pyramid, that of Djoser at Saqqara. What Userkaf raised at Abusir was something new - a sun temple.


The sun temple was a large, squat obelisk, raised on a grand pedestal, and connected with the worship of the setting sun. Each day the sun sank below the western horizon into the Underworld where it faced a dangerous journey before rising triumphantly, reborn at dawn. It was a powerful symbol of cyclical resurrection. The obelisk shape is likely symbolic of the sacred benben stone of Heliopolis, which represented the primeval mound, the first land to rise from the waters of Nun at the dawn of time, and where creation began. This was the centre of the cosmos.

Question. What about N-S. What represents it?


And/or: A hairdresser {Ptahshepses - non royal} becomes vizier and judge who marries one of the kings daughters.

Ptahshepses was the vizier and son-in-law of the Fifth Dynasty pharaoh Nyuserre Ini.[1] As such he was one of the most distinguished members of the royal court. Ptahshepses' mastaba complex in Abusir is considered by many to be the most extensive and architecturally unique non-royal tomb of the Old Kingdom. The mastaba of Ptahshepses was built in three phases. The entrance of the tomb, documented by de Morgan and confirmed by Zaba, is located in the northeast corner of the complex. It consists of two six-meter-high eight-stemmed fine white limestone columns shaped as lotuses, which supported a fine limestone architrave under slabs of limestone for a roof terrace. The columns represent the oldest known examples of their type from ancient Egypt. The entrance leads to a room with six-stemmed lotus columns, built in the second enlargement phase of the mastaba and was originally to serve as an entrance to the mastaba but was closed off in the third phase of enlargement. The walls of this room are decorated with scenes of boats and preparations for Ptahshepses' mortuary cult, as well as his biographical inscription.

One of the first non-royals to understand a mindset?

The count, the sole companion... the keeper of the headdress... the favorite of his Lord... the chief justice, the vizier, the overseer of all the works of the King, the servant of the throne, the lector-priest... the revered one by his lord, the overseer of the Two Chambers of the King's ornament, the count, the sole companion, the lector-priest Ptahshepses.[4]

Additionally, he is called “barber of the Great House” and “manicure of the Great House.”[5] These roles were a great honor because they required touching the pharaoh, a religious incarnation of himself.

And/or: "The leader of the Brigantes tribe of Britain was a queen who had made a revolt against her husband the king and then married her husbands servant." ['Rest Less Events: Invasion of the Romans' / June 2024].

Barber or Cup Bearer?


"Head Jar"?


Believe it or not, the first notation of barber history dates back to as early as 3500 BC. The word “barber” comes from the Latin word “barba,” meaning “beard.” Ancient civilizations believed that spirits entered people through the hair on their heads and faces. Ideology held that only by cutting a person’s hair could these evil spirits be eliminated. For this reason, barbers were held in high esteem.

At their beginnings, barbers were known for much more than cutting hair. By the middle ages, they acted as surgeons, dentists, and religious officials as well. The famed barber pole that we still see today harkens back to a time when barbers were expected to engage in “bloodletting” to heal people by releasing illnesses from the body.


Side note: "Aruncus dioicus, known as goat's beard, buck's-beard[1] or bride's feathers, is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant in the family Rosaceae, found in Europe, Asia, and eastern and western North America. It is the type species of the genus Aruncus. It has alternate, pinnately compound leaves, on thin, stiff stems, with plumes of feathery white or cream flowers borne in summer. The Latin specific epithet dioicus means "having the male reproductive organs on one plant, and the female on another".[2]


Side step: The caduceus (☤; /kəˈdjʃəs, -siəs/; Latin: cādūceus, from Greek: κηρύκειον kērū́keion "herald's wand, or staff")[b] is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology. The same staff was borne by other heralds like Iris, the messenger of Hera. The short staff is entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings. In Roman iconography, it was depicted being carried in the left hand of Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Some accounts assert that the oldest imagery of the caduceus is rooted in Mesopotamia with the Sumerian god Ningishzida; his symbol, a staff with two snakes intertwined around it, dates back to 4000 BC to 3000 BC.[3] This iconography may have been a representation of two snakes copulating....

Republic of China.

Although the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and no wings, is the traditional and more widely used symbol of medicine, the Caduceus is sometimes used by healthcare organizations. Given that the caduceus is primarily a symbol of commerce and other non-medical symbology, many healthcare professionals disapprove of this use.[11]

First or last step?

Side step: ''Boulder is a city at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, in northern Colorado. To the west, the trail-lined Flatirons are craggy rock formations overlooking the city. Downtown’s pedestrian Pearl Street Mall includes art galleries, cafes, restaurants and boutiques. The University of Colorado Boulder campus is home to the Fiske Planetarium and the Museum of Natural History, with zoology and anthropology exhibits.''

Analogy of same..."Learning to remember the invisible donkey who carries us about - the self programmer - is the first step in awakening from conditioned, mechanical consciousness to true, objective consciousness..." [Extract from the book The Cosmic Trigger'. Enlarged elsewhere].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.


Objective or obsessed? A quote by same: ''Mr flippy, floppy, screeching to a halt''. Question. English, German or Double-Dutch? Who wants their money back?

Snakes or dragons?

Proving the benefit of objectivity - regardless of method applied, i.e.,the above author supplements that basic {principle?} with L.S.D. and the Peyote plant {to name but a few}. Hence his fascination with such authors as T. Learly. Like the Shamans his main recourse of learning is from what he experiences internally, i.e.,dream {'visions' and/or archetypes} - and his very own synchronistic moments ALL within, and/or by-way-of, the {ongoing} day to day practical personal stuff. That development that each individual undergoes regardless of beliefs, wants, needs, etc, etc. That total 'mixture' = a result. That result of which {day by day} = the individual. Presented {represented?} in this subject within the word ''esoteric'' {but now in its ''manifested'' sense}. OR as an alternative {objective?} view as explored {invented?} by T. Leary as - ''Game Theory''. 'See' it?

Take note however - that common factor - between ALL = Archetypes, i.e.,keys and or signs ...enlarged throughout.

The real question, however is why? Why are those ''keys'' universal? Understanding what all imply by the ''divine'' word gives that question an answer - a plausible one. It also implies a direction.

REFRESHER: 'Juices flowing' {water link. Fresh water?} - in relation to the 'sweat of the brow' = ''fire'' link?

"In his {i.e.,C. Jung} book 'Modern Man in Search of a Soul', he claims that modern man is somehow fascinated by the almost pathological manifestations of the unconscious mind. Much of the efforts of the serious occultist are in fact directed towards a controlled exploration of precisely this area. The hallucinogenic drug cult is, essentially, an undisciplined attempt to do the same thing, but uncontrolled..." [From the book 'The Fourth Dimension: A Christian Approach to the Occult' by A. Duncan].

Change of pace...Why the bull - 'archetype'? Clue. In this subject it is known as ''The Lord of the herd." Herd mentality in relation to that individual effort, that is a prerequisite to understanding something, anything, by way of a ''fire'' and a ''focus.'' Indicative of. Indicative of that 'learning' process. Other information, found within.

''Sold to the owner of a 'Bed and Breakfast' - who hung it above his bed.'' {'Salvage Hunters' / S7 EP4}.

And/or: ''The marriage of opposites...the theme of the essence of the practice of the law of the Cross. The Cross is the union of two pairs of opposites. Two vertical and two horizontal. The eagle and bull are the vertical opposites - towards the heights and the depths, the general and particular. The angel and lion = the other opposites. The transformation of combative courage into moral courage.'' [Page 259 'Meditations on the Tarot'].

''The labyrinth is a reflection of the labyrinthine canals of the inner ear that regulate balance on the ground, for to slay the minotaur, or engage with the vitality of life, is to do so in a balanced way, in a way that harmonises the VERTICAL of the quest, the journey for vision, and the HORIZONTAL of the ground {sensation}....Theseus and Ariadne {spirit and soul} together provide the alchemy of relationship necessary to release instictual vitality from its routine existence and ENTRAPMENT at the heart of the labyrinth.'' [Page 198/201/2 'Fruits of the Moon Tree' / A. Bleakley].

Mother of Dragons? {Game of Thrones}.

"....The dragon, [or bull] which is a projection of feared [because untamed] psychic energy and content, is symbolic of the instinctive nature. It represents enormous power and dynamic energy, the emotional drives and urges which are at the foundation and root of all conscious development." [Chapter 4, 'The Philosopher's Stone.' Mentioned elsewhere].

Question. 'Fire' link?

Question 2. Bull of the Sky? If so, how does the ''Hippo'' fit into that scheme of things?

''You should understand that alchemy is nothing but the art which makes the impure {gross/coarse?} into the pure {'subtle'?] through fire." [Paracelsus].

Sarsen/blue stones?

Side note: The Twentythird April = the feast day of St. George - the '' Dragon slayer''. Try ''twentythree''. Part 5.

And/or: Patron of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.

Male/Female. Spirit/Soul.  Which and why?


N.B. May = a link to the Pleiades; 'seven' sisters; {three and four?}.

Male/Female. Shadow/Anima. All as a means...?

Chakra's link?

"Turn him to any cause of policy, The Gordian knot of it he will unloose, Familiar as his garter: that when he speaks, The air, a chartered libertine, is still." [Shakespeare].


What direction is the 'horseshoe' opened to? And/or: St. Irene {of marriages} - patron saint of Santorini {semi-circular in shape}.

And/or {something hinted at}: ''There are firstly seven 'centers' which with one exception {'lost one'?} - correspond to the chakra's described...In fact those who are 'centred' know how to make all their forces converge upon the object of their will...According to Hindu doctrine, these chakra's are differing centers of consciousness, vitality and Tattvik energy. Each of the five lower chakra's is the center of energy of a gross Tattva {'sarsen' and/or 'static'?} - THAT IS - of that form of Tattvik that manifests the Mahabhuta or sensible matter {'Malkuth/Yesod'?}. The SIXTH is the center of the subtle {'blue stones' and/or 'dynamic'?} mental Tattva, and the Sahasrara is not called a chakra at all...." [Pages 10/14/16 'The Serpent Power' / J. Woodroffe].

Off center? 6 lobed petal? and/or ''horseshoe''?

And/or?: "It is the Harroway that took Belloc's prehistoric travellers westwards towards Salisbury Plain and Stonehenge. For Salisbury Plain is where all the great chalk ridges of southern England converge....The Harroway served as a key east-west trackway that extended across southern England." [Page 30 'The Pilgrims Way' / Derek Bright].

Follow the title of book or author to {'enlighten'?} within the whole.

Someones new name.

Analogy: ''This land i hold is the place where the Pelican Dreaming meets the Brown Snake Dreaming. It is the most sacred land, for it holds another world within it. It holds the Dreaming {'images/hieroglyphs' etc}. It holds the ancestors. It holds the future......The open PLAIN  landscape is where the Dreamtime lives {'archetypes'}... It includes a mythological distant past when the CREATIVE spirits moved over the land, shaping it, NAMING it, calling it into BEING....Those creative SPIRITS known as Pelican and King Brown Snake are said to have met {'crossroads'?}..... so that it seems that the mythic time beyond time is overwhelming our little local time.'' [Page 12/13 'A Mythic Life' / J. Houston].



To much escargot?

And/or: "The pig was a beast of great importance to the Celts, both as a staple food and as an Otherworldly totem. The many cuts from the pig were served to selected 'heroes' at feasts to honour their exploits {nobles?}, yet, also, there is a curious ban on having anything to do with their herding. We have seen that Pryderi is named as one of the Three Powerful Swineherds, one in contact with Annwn and the sometimes overwhelming 'Underworld' powers. The 'OLDER' gods and heroes always have this Underworld connection and act as doorkeepers for those who travel to these realms. The hunting of the boar by the boy born in a pig-run is the theme of Culhwch: a quest which is analogous to the Harrowing of Annwn. to gain its treasures. Gwydion wishes to have the Underworlds treasures for his own people and, like Arthur and others who 'travel' to Annwn, is willing to steal them at the cost of many lives." [Pages 77-78 'Mabon and the Mysteries of Britain' / C. Mathews].

Egyptian IHY?

Any pigs?

N.B. Pigs eat carrion just as {in the Egyptian culture} the Jackal and Vulture are known to.

And/or: Pigs in relation to 'truffles' = 'mushrooms/toadstool' link = ''enchantment''?

''Truffles, being an edible fungus are described as the diamond of the kitchen.'' ['The Chase'].

Next level UP.

Side note: "On to the breadth of Magdalene Street looks a great gateway. Beside it is a house -front beautiful with fine stone mullioned windows, from whose eaves the legend of the 'Red Lion' is gradually fading. This is the gatehouse of the Abbey {the longest church in England}....Beyond  we tread on 'the holiest erthe in Englande'.....The great bell tower built on water logged ground was a source of anxiety to the monks, and they inserted under it hour-glass arches such as can be seen in Wells Cathedral....It is an octagonal building with a steep pyramidal roof. Within there are four enormous hearths, each designed to roast an ox whole....

Twice as broad than long? Birket Habu?

Beside them are smaller ovens built into the thickness of the walls, presumably for pastries. Nothing could be better designed than the lofty roof of the kitchen for carrying off the heat and fumes of these 4 furnaces....Whole tree trunks must have gone to their stoking." ['Page 39-47 'Glastonbury: Avalon of the Heart' / D. Fortune]

Stone/wood as a means?

'Host'? Queendom to enalarge.

Continued: ''Truffles are underground fungi that have a mycorrhizal relationship with the host tree where they grow. They flourish slightly beneath the surface of the earth, growing on the roots of different trees. Truffles are irresistible because their aroma is composed of chemicals that mimic mammalian reproductive pheromones.''


''Pigs have been traditionally used to hunt truffles. This is because they have an excellent sense of smell and are beckoned to the truffle, as they contain androstenol, a sex hormone found in the saliva of male pigs. (Females are used to hunt).''

Mushroom to enlarge.

Side note: Swineshead Abbey - one of the places visited by King John.

And/or: ''Prydwen plays a part in the early Welsh poem Preiddeu Annwfn as King Arthur's ship, which bears him to the Celtic otherworld Annwn, while in Culhwch and Olwen he sails in it on expeditions to Ireland. The 12th-century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth named Arthur's shield after it {with image of virgin Mary}. In the early modern period Welsh folklore preferred to give Arthur's ship the name Gwennan. Prydwen has however made a return during the last century in several Arthurian works of fiction.''

Try ''Harrow{ing}'' / ''hoar'' etc . While recalling a similar act {of 'theft'} by the 'trickster' character. A right 'method' has to be applied. An incorrect one causes imbalance. All as a means....?


Mad march hare?

Refresher: "Many years ago the English psychologist, F. W. H. Meyes, suggested that - ''hidden in the depth of our being is a rubbish heap as well as a treasure house''.

"I will give you the treasures of darkness and the secret places." {Isaiah 45,7}.

A {working?} example: "Arthur Gray, in his paper about the Wandlebury legend {i.e., Gog/Magog} - produced another interesting piece of information....The circular earthwork known as the Butte, near Goven in the department of Ile de Vilaine - was supposed to contain a 'hidden treasure', but any treasure seeker was confronted by a supernatural goat..." [Page 13 'Gogmagog' / T. Lethbridge].

What does the ''goat'' represent?

As an example - the High priests of Babylon wore goat skin attire. Try ''goat ears'' for a different take on the same theme. One a beginning the other an 'end'.


As a means....?

Continued: Analogy of same {less frightening?}..."Literalists believe that their particular spiritual tradition is different from all others and has a unique claim on the truth. They obsessively formulate dogmas which define membership of their particular cult. They are prepared to enforce their opinions and silence those who dissent, justifying their actions by claiming that they are fulfilling 'Gods' will. Gnostics, on the other hand, are free spirits who question the presuppositions of their own culture. They follow their hearts, not the herd. They are consumed by their private quest for 'enlightenment', not by the goal of recruiting more adherents to a religion." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy. Emphasis, this readers].

Apply the above to define the following, then connect all three paragraphs: "I will tame the primal obsessions. Greed, anger, pride, hatred, and use them as powerful bullocks to plough the field of consciousness. Sowing the 'seed' of Om Kali Ma, transmitted to me by a skilful farmer. I will reap a vast harvest of illumination..." [Poem by Ramprasad Sen. Taken from the book 'The Path of the Priestess: A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine' / Sharron Rose].

Question. Anima/soul/ 'light'?

Apis Bull {Shadow/spirit/ 'fire'?}. As a means...?

fall 2

Getting some freebies in before he has to walk? Batman or Biggles?

"We are not given an ego because we are supposed to starve it to death. We are given an ego to learn to bring it into balance, to master it. In many cases, ego represents identity: It gives it a separateness, a form that is essential to function in this plane. We have difficulty understanding the concept that we are all one. If we were the true embodiment of that concept, there wouldn't be any lessons to be experienced. The ego gives us the identity to experience the lesson in terms of a very specific viewpoint - ours. Its as if we look at the situation through a very specific window. The frame of the window is our ego. It gives us the form to look through {from a very acute perspective} that aspect of that problem. It's very much like there is a horizon, and then there is the vista of the entire universe....

Carl : "Friend, what happened to your shoes? Edward: "They kinda got ahead of me." ['Big Fish' / 2003].

The ego becomes a periscope from which we see very specific aspects of that universe. Take, for instance, a high jumper. The high jumper needs to go over the top bar. The bar is there so the high jumper can jump over it. It becomes the obstacle, and jumping over it becomes the reward.

Different aspects of the SAME individual. Watch it to 'see' it.

We are given an ego. The reward comes when we are able to let it go and see the bigger picture..." [From the book by E. Pearl. Mentioned elsewhere].

Question. Horus 'in/of' the horizon.

"A monk who had meditated long in search of Illumination {enlightenment?} finally received a great flash of insight. Rushing to his 'roshi' {Zen master}, the monk cried out, 'I have it! I have it! That rock there is inside my head.' "You must have a big head," the master replied, ''to hold a rock that size." [Extract from the book 'The Cosmic Trigger'. Mentioned elsewhere].

Try ''rock''.

Question. What was ''Peter'' known as - if only in the Christian sense of the 'word'. Question 2. Why?



''The letter 'T' on a T-shirt makes men 12% more attractive to women.'' ['The Chase'].

''In golf, the right to tee off first when playing a hole is called The Honour.'' And/or: ''In golf, the hole {'void'?} on a putting green, has a metal container in it called the CUP.'' ['The Chase'].

That ''development'' ongoing day by day as it is in everything including- subject material, i.e., "The public and secret rituals of the pagan cults often brought themes of this sort through ritual drama...with their basic death and resurrection theme, often involving the battle with a 'beast'. The entire system of symbols was absorbed by Christianity and the Archangel Michael took over from the old sun-heroes, and suppressed the 'serpent'. By this time the 'monster' had become a symbol of evil, rather than one of uncontrolled passion or unbalanced energy, which is the role it has in the pagan myths. The monsters or serpents, giant boars and bulls, all symbolize raw power, the life and death power of the otherworld [or unconscious. This readers input], in an uncontrolled elemental form [representational of. This readers input]. 'Beings' such as St. Michael, and of course St George, are very direct descendants of Hercules {Heracles} or Finn MacCumhaill, but with an added element of goodness, chivalry or honour, and an interpretation of morality that their pagan ancestors lacked. Indeed the basic 'message' of the pagan myths is hardly 'moral' at all, as the hero is not rewarded for virtue, nor is he made good; only victorious and glorious {Gilgamesh?}. The conclusion that the ancient heroes offer us is that application to one kind of awareness or intelligence [symbolized by Minerva] is beneficial to human kind, while its opposite side has to be controlled or conquered. Too often the hero suffers from an excess of his success, and flies beyond his abilities, by which act he returns to unbalance and destruction." [Taken from 'The Waters of the Gap'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Link to ''fall''.

Side note: Vigdís Finnbogadóttir (Icelandic: [ˈvɪɣtis ˈfɪnpɔɣaˌtouʰtɪr̥] (listen); born 15 April 1930) is an Icelandic politician who served as the fourth president of Iceland from 1980 to 1996. She was the world's first woman who was democratically elected as president.[1] With a presidency of exactly sixteen years, she also remains longest-serving elected female head of state of any country to date. Currently, she is a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, and a member of the Club of Madrid.[2] She is also to-date Iceland's only female president....The surname means 'daughter of Finnboga' most Icelandic women have a tendency to have a surname ending in 'dottir'.......''

Continued: Robert Baratheon? {Game of Thrones}.

Cup marks on the 'northern' end of Clava Cairn - Inverness. Scotland.

Tail end of something becomes the beginning of something else; day by day; hour by hour. Link to the 'eternal apprentice'. Representation of. Question. What 'garment' represents it?

"...nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known." [Matthew X, 26].

That final stage - link to the ''middle'' way. Benefit of i.e.,equilibrium and/or balance. Question. Is that [concept?] not beneficial in all things?

Side note: {in relation to the purpose of 'cairns'}: ''Archaeologists at the dig at The Cairns on South Ronaldsay,  recently started to excavate the well in that broch, and are finding wooden objects, among them part of a wooden bowl, and the remains of what is possibly a small piece of woven cloth or matting.   I’m going  to take a leap of imagination here, and suggest that the piece of woven material, could have been a little mat, on which the wooden bowl would be placed.  The bowl has a slightly rounded, unstable base, but…..when placed on a little mat…….?  Could these objects have been left here, placed there as part of a ceremony, which took place in the well?  We’ll never know for sure, but…..objects often were placed by or into wells and springs, to acknowledge the importance of the place, and to ‘keep in with’ the spirits of the water, and the place.... Could the well at The Cairns not only  have provided water, but also have been a place of reverence?

In a different form.

Whats the common factor between cups and bowls?



Can u see it? i.e., spirit fire FROM below. 'Soul' from above.

Staying with the Iron Age, there is Mine Howe.  Whatever you make of Mine Howe, it has steps leading down into the earth, and to a well-like structure, at the bottom of the steps.  To me, this is reminiscent of the well at the Broch of Gurness, and the well at The Cairns.  When is a well, not a well?  There might not be water in Mine Howe now, but, maybe there was, back then?   If Mine Howe was a place of initiation or ceremony, it would make a very impressive setting, for those ceremonies.''

''Feast{ing}'' to enlarge.


Which of the two...


...represents the '' eyes of the mind'' and why?

"For thought alone can see that which is hidden, inasmuch as thought itself is hidden from sight - and if even the thought which is within you is hidden from your sight - how can He [''god''], being in himself, be manifested to you through your bodily eyes? But if you have power to see with the eyes of the mind, He will manifest himself to you." Libellus v:2 [Extract taken from chapter one, 'The Sacred Tradition of Ancient Egypt'].

Hermetic equivalent..."Men will seek out the inner nature of the holy 'spaces' [chambers/niche link]...where no foot may tread".

Question. Could the 'snake' go - where no foot may tread?

The author of 'Galactic Alignment' shows all those astronomical signs in relation to the above picture {chapter 8} but misses the most important keys. S/W in relation to right leg/foot and tail end of snake - together with 'raised' torch COMPARED to S/E in relation to both 'knees' of bull and 'person' {regardless of who he represents} - together with 'lowered' torch which itself is at 'right angles' to the remaining leg of bull. Try ''supplication'' for a connection.

Example. Apollo [son of Zeus. Explained within], born on the island of Delos. 'Patron' at Delphi. South to North. Astronomy equivalent, Southern cross, relative to Northern one, [see 'Cygnus Mystery']. More importantly S/E to N/W, in relation [as a representation]... to a 'return' journey, both inner/outer. [Micro/macro]. From something in the process of being learnt to actual realization by way of [as its ''representation''] the 'individuals' anima/animus, RELATIVE to shadow i.e.,represented if only at Delphi with a 'Priestess', and the meaning of 'Oracle', {enlarged elsewhere} i.e.,to impart that 'information back'. In the main, by way of 'Mythology'. See it? If not, attempt later, as one has to do in any subject.

Coma BerenicesOr as explained in chapter eight of 'The Sirius Mystery'..."The Egyptian word for the 'beginning of a cycle' [which would join up with 'arq' meaning the 'end of a cycle'] means also 'oracle' as well as the 'front and hind tips of a ship'. The same word also means the 'base of a triangle', and the word for 'triangle' is a variation of the name Sirius, whose hieroglyph is a triangle", [the base of which, means 'foundation'].

Hence the reason why Apollo's primary desire is ''to prophesy for men the unerring will of 'Zeus,'' Indicative of that 'giving back.'. By way of ''Orpheus'' [i.e.,indicative of another 'stage' or 'development' ] i.e.,"The parentage of Orpheus is Calliope, the most exalted of the Muses [i.e.,''beautiful voiced'' ] and Apollo. Apollo as the 'divine' father of Orpheus, is first and foremost a god of the established 'religious' order."


A contentment of something? An inner something? A process begun? At ''right angles'' -  Something half complete? N.B. Before you measure up with a protractor - remember - symbolism is a generalisation of something. HA - HA. However try that one instead. N.B. Other information on above - elsewhere.

Exercise. What does the word ''Nefertiti'' imply? What part of the human body is always [regardless of time or culture] associated with it. What 'faculty' is implied by it. What does 'it' finally represent?

REFRESHER: "Note also the saying of our Sages: 'When the universe was created, all things were created with size, intellect, and beauty fully developed, i.e.,everything was created perfect in magnitude and form, and endowed with the most suitable properties; the word zibyonam {their beauty} used here has the same meaning as zebi ''glory'' {Ezek.xx.6}. Note this likewise, for it includes a principle fully established." [Page 216 'Guide for the Perplexed'].

"As everyone knows, the Muses [key] are the goddesses of inspiration who preside over the sciences, the arts, and the humanities. Our word ''music'' is descended from Muse; the music and 'dancing' of which are identified as above the cosmic mountain as an ''inspirational'' source; identified in such places as Olympus, Helicon, or Parnassus, the site of Apollo's oracle at Delphi. Approximately, the Muses are said to be the daughters of Mnemosyne, whose name means literally; in ancient Greek; 'Memory'. Needless to say, scholars, poets, philosophers and musicians rely heavily upon the faculty of 'memoria' as a source of inspiration. And in antiquity Memory, in a cosmic sense, was seen as the faculty through which we recollect the nature of first principles - through this faculty we are ever mindful of the primary realities of human and universal nature. That is why the Greeks referred to 'truth' as aletheia, which means literally, ''not forgetting.'' [i.e.,benefit of]. Taken from ''the introduction'' to the book, 'Alexandria: the Journal of the Western Cosmological Traditions'. Amongst others try ''memory'' / ''forgetting'' in the usual box.

Example of ? "...Possibly significant in this respect is that in the language of the Sumerians, who thrived on the Mesopotamia Plain from ca. 2900 BC to 1940 BC, the word for plancenta, 'us', is more or less identical to that used for 'blood' and 'death' {'us'}, as well as the word for 'base' or 'foundation place' {'us'} - as in a place to set up the central pole for a tent. Such a term might easily have applied to Gobekli-tepe, where the pole in question was represented by the enclosures twin central pillars..." ['Gobekli Tepe' by A. Collins].

Question. ''Ridge pole'' ?

Refresher:"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. The time has come for external forms and expressions to be left behind. There is no Temple in the heavenly Jerusalem, for religion has no place in heaven. Man is his own temple,[key] and his heart is the altar."

External ''teacher'' or an 'inner' one?

"In short, 'magical' ritual is a mnemonic process {'muses' link}, so arranged as to result in the deliberate exhilaration of the imagination, the end being the purification of the personality and the attainment of a spiritual state of consciousness, in which the ego enters into a union with its own 'higher' self." [Chapter 7, 'Tree of Life'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Link to the understanding of ''incarnation'' relative to ''reincarnation'' in the present time. The study of a subject has the same result. Higher in relation to ''teacher''. To teach oneself something. Benefit of. Understanding that universal framework defines that paragraph. Gives 'it' a credible logic that leads to those further questions, i.e.,fact or fiction. A possibility or not?

A working example: "After Homer has listed the twenty nine Greek and sixteen Trojan regiments {i.e.,forty-five} and their commanders, the fighting erupts again, and the deaths of scores of warriors are the fury of war ebbs and flows." ['Homer's Secret Iliad'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Enlarged/continued elsewhere. Try ''tidal'' and/or ''struggle''.

Homer using those universal keys within those 45 constellations {'Catalogue of Ships'} as his method of 'teaching'. The start point of which is what ''45'' together with N/W {i.e.,location of 'Troy' within ANY landscape} represents - within the subject as a whole. Try ''method' for that broader view.

Side note. The word ''plunder'' within the context of the overall story relates to the word ''fall'. Hence the reason that Odysseus is ''cursed by fate''. Enlarged elsewhere.

The Democrats secret weapon? Can the Democrats ever loose again now that EVERYBODY knows what to expect. Does anyone want a repeat showing besides a hard core minority?

"As the Iliad progresses, the Greek and Trojan armies battle furiously around the citadel of Troy, and great deeds of heroism are tempered with human frailties, while the gods intervene in the fortunes of both sides {'Mercy' link?}. But for two thousand years or more it has been forgotten that Homer had an ulterior motive in describing all this action - to present ancient astronomical knowledge {precession only?} through the medium of unforgettable stories." [Same book].

Eddard 'Ned' Stark? {Game of Thrones}.

As does..."And this is perhaps the secret reason for which the doctrine of Ibn Arabi was so feared by the 'adepts' of the literal religion, of the historical faith...of the dogma imposed uniformly upon all. He, who is a disciple of 'Khidr' possesses sufficient inner strength to seek freely the teaching of all masters..." [From the book 'The World Turned Inside Out'. Emphasis, this readers].

"The meeting with the angelic guide, which marks the dawn of consciousness, is only the beginning..." ?

And/or "The angel is the Face that 'our' god takes for us, and each of us finds his god only when he recognizes that Face." [Quote by Corbin]. Try ''face'' and/or ''nickname''.

'Many Faced God'? [Game of Thrones].

A {working?} example: ''Thankyou, my boy, but that would be impossible. I am afraid that your keepers would not feel any too comfortable with me around, for I am of the Old Religion. And many have not yet learned what we Druids have long known, that the one god has many faces." [Page 47, 'The 21 Lessons of Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic and Lore' / Douglas Monroe].

N.B. Recall the HOME PAGE.

'The many faced god'? {Game of Thrones}.

From a different perspective. Question. ''open faced'' or ''in profile''?

"A {working?} example: "....and what of these jars?'' I asked, noticing another smaller shelf further up than the others. 'Ah...those are special herbs indeed!'' Merlyn answered...''These are the 21{3x7?} plants of Ogma Sun-face. Each one stands for a sacred Rune, and each for a lesson. You, Arthur, will become more familiar with these than any others that you see here, for the Ogham Plants have remained the cornerstone of Druid magic since the Cad Goddeu of ages past." Same book. {Page 144}.

"Symbols are always a mystery for a man who isn't 'open faced'; whose inner senses aren't awake, so that he can only perceive the earthly, tangible aspect of things.'' ['Her-Bak'].

"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." New Testament.

"...above the rose, sealing the vessel,[i.e.,the alchemists ''vessel''] which is a ''soul with no leak at the seams,'' is a crown. The crown - which is a triple crown - signifies Kether, the top of the tree. It bears a single pearl in its apex; 'the pearl of great price'...." Together with...


Amun = ''hidden''. 64 objective aspects. Positive/Negative?

long head? Short 'legs'?

''In some contexts, the highest level of Keter is called "The unknowable head", The second level is "the head of nothingness" (reisha d'ayin) and the third level is "the long head" (reisha d'arich). These three heads correspond to the superconscious levels of faith, pleasure and will in the soul....The first Sephirah is called the Crown, since a crown is worn above the head. The Crown therefore refers to things that are above the mind's abilities of comprehension. All of the other Sephirot are likened to the body which starts with the head and winds its way down into action. But the crown of a king lies above the head and connects the concept of "monarchy", which is abstract and intangible, with the tangible and concrete head of the king.''

Refresher: ''Monarchy of the eye in relation to the democracy of the nose.''


'She who loves silence'. Coincidence or a meaningful one? Lady of the Lake? Spirit or Soul?

"The song by Peter Gabriel 'Mercy Street' = 'She pictures the broken glass, she pictures the steam/ She pictures a soul/ With no leak at the seam.' This song is based on the work of poet Anne Sexton, specifically the poem, '45 Mercy Street'. The number fortyfive is of significance in Kabbalah, as is the word 'mercy' which is the literal translation of 'Chesed' on the Tree of Life." [Both extracts from the book 'The Magister' . Parenthesis; this readers].

Fortyfive or ninety?

Looking down on empty streets
All she can see
Are the dreams all made solid
Are the dreams made real

All of the buildings
All of the cars
Were once just a dream
In somebody's head
She pictures the broken glass
Pictures the steam
She pictures a soul
With no leak at the seam
Let's take the boat out
Wait until darkness
Let's take the boat out
Wait until darkness comes.

Side note: 45th president of the U.S.A. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

"For the process of calcination, the slow burning fire, to complete successfully, it is silence... that must be observed in order to create a hermetically sealed vessel - yourself - with no leak at the seam." [Same book].

Question. What 'headgear' represents it?

''Silence'' in relation to a learning { by way of a 'remembering'} - as it is in any subject.

Childs play. Hypotenuse?

And/or: ''Until 40 years ago, corpses could still be found on top of the Towers of Silence in Yazd, Iran, slowly disintegrating or being picked apart by desert vultures....According to a tradition dating back over 3,000 years, bodies were arranged on the towers in three concentric circles. Men were placed in the outer circle, women in the middle, and children in the inner-most ring. The bodies were then left until their bones were bleached by the elements and stripped by the vultures. After the purification process, the bones were placed in ossuaries near or inside of the towers.'' ['Atlas Obscura: Zoroastrian Towers of Silence'].


From a different perspective: "Its interesting meeting someone like Tom, because he's doing it on his own, he's comfortable in his own thoughts. he's very comfortable being on his own - and I - I am the complete opposite. Which is part of the reason why my wife said I should do this {pilgrimage} - to find my own head space. I cant do it. I like noise. Noise is good for me. I don't like silence. Silence kills me." [ Brendan Cole 'Pilgrimage: The Road to Rome' / BBC 1].

''profile'' or ''face on''?

Side note: As seen from a different perspective {i.e.,the 'ritual' one; but because those 'keys' are universal - regardless of how they are 'found' - lessons can be learned}: "On the left hand side is a Wellspring and beside it a whitened rotted tree-stump. You do not wish to drink of these waters which flow away from the lake into the ground, for these are the waters of forgetfulness. On the right hand side of the lake is another wellspring which 'feeds' the lake. Behind this wellspring, which is the well of memory, stand the Guardians {archetypes?}. As you meditate, these 'Guardians' will formulate themselves in your imagination; they are different for everyone. You have come here in order to retrieve the memory of something you have either lost or which has not been accessible to you in this life; perhaps for many centuries this knowledge has not been available." [Page 44 'The Western Way' / C+J Matthews. Vol 1].

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.


Where have you seen it before? In profile? Recall picture of J. Woodroffe

Continued: As 'seen' from a different perspective: "From their tireless hands, on the rudimentary loom, arose the robe of the Brothers that i dreamed of wearing one day. The tradition was that the robe should be woven in a single piece, with no seams whatsoever, to be one, in the image of the Brotherhood's ideal..." ['The Way of the Essenes' / A. and D. Meurois-Givaudan].

Astro ceiling in Senenmut bare tomb chamber. 'Folded / UNfolded'?

Exercise. Understand {all} the above to define {or at least, get as close to} the following: "An intriguing incident in Ares life that has not yet succumbed to astronomical interpretation is when he was bound 'in cruel bonds, so that he lay thirteen months imprisoned in a vessel of bronze'. The text may be implying that for a period of just over a year Mars could not be seen, because it was below the horizon at night and in the sky during daylight hours." ['Homer's Secret Iliad'].

Try Caer Sidi to enlarge.


A working example:... ''The map on the southern panel could well reflect a specific conjunction of planets in 1534 BCE around the longitude of Sirius. The four planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Venus are relatively easily recognizable. The planet Mars is not included in the actual grouping and at first sight seems to be missing in the map. However, one explanation is that Mars is represented in the Senenmut map as an empty boat in the west. This may refer to the fact that Mars was retrograde and was not with the other planets (indeed, being in the west in the 1534 BCE conjunction). The reason for the boat being empty is perhaps in this backward movement (a well known phenomenon to the Egyptians) the position of Mars was not considered to be concrete.''


N.B. Senenmut means 'Mothers brother.''


Straight lines and curves. 90/180?

Side step: "For a long time, simply the aim of seeing what is occurring is a major one indeed. Eventually, you move from recognizing negativity {for instance} and its toxic impact on your life, to making the effort of not expressing it, and then to making the choice in the moment to transform it into neutral energy which is used for generating a more serene state of consciousness. This is the prototype for the stages, whether dealing with inner considering, negative imagination, false personality, features etc...You will discover that you can free yourself from such unpleasant behaviour and states of mind. Step one is to turn off the leaking faucet: stop expressing negative emotions. This effort is the beginning of..." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way']. Continued elsewhere.


2nd Temple foundation stone.

And/or..."And i heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the people {as one example - this readers input} - of Israel: 5 from the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed; from the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand; from the tribe of Gad twelve thousand; 6 from the tribe of Asher twelve thousand; from the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand; from the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand,. 7 from the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand etc...

To be ''sealed'' is a symbolic way of saying that the 144,000 are identified as belonging to 'god'. They are ''marked'' as his special people. In ancient times, a seal commonly indicated possession, much in a way a rancher's brand identifies which cattle belong to him...Revelation's use of numbers also suggests that the 144,000 are not meant as a literal count. Since Israel is a symbol for the church, we should not take the 144,000 as a literal number either. Revelation is a book of cosmic symbols, and as we have seen, it uses numbers such as 'seven' and 'twelve' in symbolic ways. Twelve is used as a foundational number..." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way'].

Question. The 'zenith' of something? That can be 'built' on?

Side note: FROM 1st February - 6 May 2019, to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, 144 of the Renaissance master's greatest drawings in the 'Royal' Collection will go on display in twelve simultaneous exhibitions across the UK. Coincidence?

And/or: ''The boys name Leonard means 'brave lion' as does the surname Sinha.'' ['The Chase'].

A {working?} example: "The Height must penetrate the Depth, if you wish the Depth {nadir?} to become as the Height - 'To accomplish the miracle of the One Thing' - as says the Emerald Tablet. But since there are depth and height, neither can be moved without the other - 'And the Light {of the 'Word'} shineth in Darkness'..." [Extract from 'The Opening of the Way' / Isha...].

Hills/Valleys? Try Part 1.

Side note: The 'Hero' ''who gets to the nadir of the mythological realm.'' {'Hero With a Thousand Faces' / J. Campbell].

Cancer-Capricorn? As a means....? Try 3:2

144000 divided by '45' = 3200. Relevant to anything?


A watcher?

Side note {1}: ''An analysis of the constitution of man {or woman} is thus  the first stage. We begin by descending into ourselves. For at our roots dwells the divine. Whence comes the consciousness of ''I''?.....A savage, low in the scale of evolution, has no other thought of ''I'' than the body and its desires. But a man more evolved, mentally developed, begins to refer to his body as ''mine'' because he has begun to feel that the intellect is no less a part of the ''I'', and no less important than the body....The second stage of your equiry into the true NATURE of self should be devoted to subjecting your emotional nature to critical analysis. You have tentatively repudiated the physical body as being the SUM total of your ''I'' consciousness, and so you now turn to the next principal part of yourself....In thinking {meditating} on all of the above this SENSE of ''I'' - this SENSE of quiet contemplation on some matter - makes one feel that something in you is watching the thinking process, something which accepts some thoughts and rejects others. Who is it that thinks?....If we could track down this 'something in us', we would find it to be our true self. it is always there {'higher' self?}....'' [Pages 77-89 'The Secret Path' / Paul Brunton].

''She Who Loves Silence''. The peak of something begins the process of something else? Garden?

Continued: From a different perspective - yet connections can be made: ''The Hebrew word for 'father' has a numerical value of 3 and the word for 'mother' has a value of 41. The Hebrew word for 'child' is 44, the combination of Father and Mother....The numerical value for the phrase the Garden of Eden is 144. The numerical value of the Tree of Knowledge is 233. If you divide 233 by 144, you get very close - to four decimal points - to the value of phi.'' [Page 234 'The Secret History of the World' / J. Black].

Side note {2} : ''But we now have to track down the soul....The early Hindus understood  this so well that their word for 'self' is exactly similar for their word for 'soul'. SELF is a collection of personal experiences; it includes all mental, physical and emotional experiences which string themselves together like pearls upon this thread of ''I'', yet it merges {two 'streams'?} itself within the vast impersonal and divine being {that ''bit''}...which constitutes the true limitless glory of humankind....Where thinking cannot go, something else has to arise and lead us on....that new element is intuition....How is intuition to be awakened? When the reasoning, thinking intellect subsides its activity {Static/Dynamic?}, the intuition has a clear field in which to manifest itself {Sed Jubilee?}. When the waves of thought no longer rise and fall upon the surface of the mind, the latter becomes like a calm pellucid pool in which the sun of intuition can reflect itself without difficulty and distortion. It is therefore necessary to find some means to reduce the constant agitation of the intellect.'' [Page 93/4 'The Secret Path'].

'Pearl of Great Price'?

"When there is uninterrupted continuity in quiet, the spirit and feelings are joyful and happy, as if one were intoxicated or in a BATH. This is called positive harmony pervading the body, its golden efflorescence suddenly blooming {'orange'?}...The Dipper handle is the function of the rising and descending {of fire and water}." [Pages 45/6  'The Secret of the Golden Flower' / T. Cleary].   'Handle' on the moment? 'She Who Loves Silence'?

'Who Is in My Temple' AND 'In The Temple of Silence' ['Cosmic Chants' by Paramahansa Yogananda].

'The Twelve Keys' by Basil Valentine.

Side note: As seen from a different perspective {Synchronistic one?}: "In 2013, there were about a million people that were involved in some sort of 12 -step program..." ['Cognitive Behavorial Therapy: Techniques for Retraining the Brain' / J. Satterfield].

Try ''cognitive'' and/or ''undoing''.

Continued: "For the soul grows and progresses as comprehension and intuition expand through successive acts of the spirit on the road of the Magic of Light. The wings then grow stronger, the flight itself grows longer, and the inner lamp fed on the Oil of wisdom remains constantly burning." [Same book, i.e., 'Tree of Life' ].

"The word 'spiritual' should be associated with the word 'eyes'. This is a reference to the eyes of the mind or heart. To see is to understand." [From the book by T. Nottingham].

Example: "Got to see it, rather than just read it..." John Humphrys talking to D. Tennant and Greg Doran in relation to the plays by W. Shakespeare. [400th anniversary. Radio 4. 23/04/16].

"The true voyage of discovery, lies not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust.

Practical example: ''Say what you see'' {'Catchphrase' / ITV}.

'She who loves silence'.

As {one} example {i.e., something hinted at}: "Hermes saw the totality of things. Having seen, he understood, he had the power to reveal and show. And indeed what he knew, he wrote down. What he wrote, he mostly hid away, keeping silence rather than speaking out, so that every generation on coming into the world had to seek out these things....Though the quest here is more of abstract knowledge, behind it we may detect a deeper goal....This is surely a prime example of the way a mystery school receives its formatory impulse: it has certainly been a much repeated method since the age of the Rosicrucians….The language involved is allusive and full of symbolism which must have prevented all but those in the know from understanding what was being said. Ever thus do the 'Mysteries' guard themselves from idle curiosity." [Page 28/44 'The Western Way'. Vol 2].

Try ''method''.

Analogy of same?..."About 2700BC the Pole Star was Alpha Draconis, which the pyramid builders used to fix their north-south orientation with the utmost precision. But for a long period after this the Pole was empty. The observation of this gave rise to the image seen in the center of the Ramesseum ceiling: the circumpolar constellation which we call the Great Bear or the Wain, and which the Egyptians called the Thigh or the Adze {i.e., an adze of meteoric iron, would of course tend to point north-south}. Some authorities see the small falcon headed figure who aims his spear at the Thigh as the constellation of the Swan; his spear is at an angle of approximately 48 degrees to the vertical. [Extract from the book 'Egyptian Mysteries'. Mentioned elsewhere. Emphasis - this readers].

Think about the above relative to those {neolithic?} cave paintings.

REFRESHER: ''It was said that a spear standing upright at the tomb of Christ would cast no shadow at midday, because it marked the center point of everything under the sun. When Pope Urban preached the first crusade at Clermont, he declared: 'Jerusalem is the middle point of the earth.'...''

"Thus, the instinct which leads to elevation of the spirit and of the heart is symbolised by the eagle, which iconography tradition represents as the inspirational principle..." [Same book, i.e., 'Tree of Life'].

Side note: ''The first crusade took place 30 years after the Norman conquest.'' ['The Chase' / 5.1.22].


Pictish symbol of the eagle. Try ''claws'' to see it in its universal context.

Neil Oliver speculates on the 'Tomb of the sea eagles claws' - as found recently in the Orkney's. Understand this subject - from the oral tradition up to the present date - GETS AS CLOSE TO AN ANSWER - as is possible - to the beliefs of our ancestors. ['Britain's Ancient Capitol: Secrets of Orkney' / BBC2]. Try ''eagle'' and/or ''falcon'' etc.

'Bowels of the earth'?

"Originally, Libra and Scorpio was one house whose sign was the claws of the eagle, but eventually these houses 'divided'...." [Page 47 'Pathways to the Zodiac' / E. Winstanley].

"The figure of the 15th arcanum of the Tarot also has wings. But his wings consist only of energy engendered from below. They are deprived of grace from above. 'Angelic' wings, on the contrary, are due to the union of effort and grace, [i.e.,as a representation of something [an interest?] that has gone beyond 'inspirational'. This readers input] - just as are those of divine likeness to - be - recovered in man. It is divine grace which plays the decisive role here. In the last analysis, wings are a 'gift' of divine grace." [Extract from same book]. Top down in relation to bottom up. Analogy of; but in a different form. It also gives clues as to what ''15'' represents - compared; say; to ''17'' OR would that be ''18''? Enlarged elsewhere.

Another example of something indicative of a 'development' [representational of]..."This feeding with curds and honey has been given various interpretations; one of the most interesting is that it alludes to the custom , which has its origin in mythology - of feeding infants with honey and curds, a custom which possibly descended through the Babylonians to the Hebrews, and by another line to the Greeks, who described the 'food' of the infant 'Zeus' as milk and honey." [Chapter 6, 'The Sacred Bee']............"Apollo is not suckled but fed on ambrosia and nectar by the goddess Themis. Themis was the goddess of 'prophesy' and dwelt at Delphi as a ''daughter of earth, first author of prophesy.'' [ From the chapter 'The Orphic Mystery' within the book 'Alexandria:The Journal of the Western Cosmological Tradition'].

'Milk' [curds] in relation to 'ambrosia'. 'Child' in relation to 'adult'. Indicative of something other than the obvious. Development of, if only in relation to the understanding of a subject.

Side note: Themis = the mother of Prometheus, who 'stole fire from heaven'. [Page 63 onwards for full story: 'Lords of the Left Hand Path' / S. Flowers].

Spotted leopard skin?

"The title 'Melissa', the Bee, is a very ancient one; it constantly occurs in Greek myths, meaning sometime a priestess, sometimes a nymph. The fact of it being used in this double meaning points to the original story as very old, for many of the latter myths are evidently attempts to explain earlier ones. It is impossible to say when the title was first used, and we can only guess as to its origins. As we have seen, the bee was a symbol of the Ephesian Artemis, 'Melissa' was possibly an early title for her priestesses, and certainly some of her priestly officials were called Essenes, the ''King Bees.''.........[Chapter 9, 'The Sacred Bee'].

Side note: ''Home to Verona Rupes, the tallest known cliff in the Solar System, 'M'iranda is a moon of the planet Uranus.'' ['The Chase'].

''The male planets are Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; Mercury and Uranus are neuter; Moon, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto are female (though Pluto is related to Mars despite its Dark Mother feminine archetype).''

Antidote arcana?

Sad or joy arcana?

From a different perspective {i.e., in astract form} - but a few nuggets can be got from it: ''At the end of the process, says Paracelsus, a 'physical lightening ' will appear, the ''lightening of Saturn'' will seperate from the lightening of Sol, and what appears in this lightening pertains ''to longevity, to that undoubtedly great Iliaster''. This process does not take anything away from the body's weight but only from its ''turbulence,'' and that ''by virtue of the translucent colours {'rainbow'?}.'' Tranquility of mind {Al Qurn?} - as a goal of the opus {Shrovetide?} - is stressed also by other alchemists. Paracelsus has nothing good to say about the body {remember FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING i.e., that DUALITY clause} - It is bad and putrid. When it is alive, its lives only from the 'Mumia' {Page 134}. Its ''continual endeavour'' is to rot and turn back to filth. By means of the Mumia the ''peregrinus microcosmus'' {wandering microcosm}, controls the physical body, and for this the arcana are needed {''for from mortal man can nothing be called forth which produces longevity''}. Here Paracelsus lays particular stress on Thereniabin {''the fat or oil of manna,'' i.e., popularly known as honey dew} AND Nostoch {alga or bacteria ''after continuous rain'' {dampness? i.e., Tutankhamun s tomb. IF SO, then understanding the importance of ''air/water'' within this universal mind set gives the reader a TRUER explanation beyond ''a rush job''}. MELISSA {enlarged elsewhere} is singled out for special honour because in ancient medicine it was considered to be a means of inducing 'happiness' - a remedy for melancholy and for purging the body of ''black burnt out blood'' {i.e., poisons}.'' [Page 152/3 'Alchemical Studies' / C. G. Jung].

'Stamp of the feminine'? Real or symbolic?

''The word originally meant "foreign," as did its Latin predecessor peregrinus. But even before peregrine appeared on its own in English, it was part of the name of that well-known bird of prey, the peregrine falcon. The bird's appellation derives from "falco peregrinus"—literally, "pilgrim falcon" in Medieval Latin....The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known simply as the peregrine,[3] and historically as the duck hawk in North America,[4] is a cosmopolitan bird of prey (raptor) in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon,''

Horus to enlarge.

Refresher: ''The Wall of the Crow itself is a intriguing structure, somewhat enigmatic and more than two football fields in length. If it were anywhere else it would be a very important site. Unfortunately for the Wall of Crows, its neighbors are even more impressive.  However Crows have very good memories!!''

''Both Khnum and Neith are referred to as creator deities in the texts at Esna. Khnum is sometimes referred to as the "father of the fathers" and Neith as the "mother of the mothers". They later become the parents of Ra, who is also referred to as Khnum-Re.''

''Khnum, also romanised Khnemu (/kəˈnm/; Ancient Egyptian: 𓎸𓅱𓀭 ẖnmw, Koinē Greek: Χνοῦβις), was one of the earliest-known Egyptian deities, originally the god of the source of the Nile. Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surroundings, he was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children, which he made at a potter's wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers' wombs. He was later described as having moulded the other deities, and he had the titles "Divine Potter" and "Lord of created things from himself.''

Reds, Blues, Greens and Yellows.

And/or: ''Thomas Becket quickly became an internationally renowned saint after he was killed by four of King Henry II’s knights in 1170. Thousands of medieval pilgrims from across Europe made the trip to Canterbury to visit Becket’s tomb and the site of his martyrdom....The panel depicting travelling pilgrims was found in the Trinity Chapel of Canterbury Cathedral in one of the “miracle windows,” so-called because they depict the miracles of Thomas Becket. It was on one of the much corroded pieces in the panel that the team made perhaps their most exciting discovery. When the panel is viewed from a distance, the pilgrims appear to be walking and riding along a thin, white strip of glass. When the panel was out of the window and in the studio, however, the pair spotted faint traces of letters on the white “road.” Using a microscope and raking light, they found that enough traces of the original inscription remained to be confident of the wording of the panel’s inscription. It reads PEREGRINI ST, “Pilgrims of the saint.” “We were pretty confident by that point that we had a genuine medieval panel,” says Koopmans, “but it was fantastic to have that confirmed by the inscription. It was almost as if the medieval glaziers were tapping us on the back to tell us that we were on the right path.”


Whats the primary colours for M/F? NOT the secondry i.e., outer 'garment'!


Continued: "It is with good reason that the bees have been called the "Birds of the Muses,'' for if they are flying away, they can quickly be recalled''..........''Nature has also given the bees the undisturbed flower - covered hills for their habitation, just as men say that those 'divinities' [the muses] live on Helicon and Olympus," [and at Delphi]......"Alluding to the old Cretan myth of the birth of Zeus,[ of which; one of his 'titles' was the Bee man ], Vergil had the greatest admiration for the intelligence of the bee, and maintained that she possessed a portion ''of divine reason''. Same book.

'Male' and 'female'...anima, animas...Apollo, Artemis. Link to symbolism of ''twins''. A representation of something.

''The Beehive Cluster (also known as Praesepe (Latin for "manger" or "crib"), M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189), is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. One of the nearest open clusters to Earth, it contains a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters holding around 1,000 stars. Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye, and has been known since ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as a "nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer". It was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope.''