SIDE NOTE: Different time; different place: "All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in nature. Then there will be communion; and you will have knowledge and obscurity will cease. Work, to confirm the truth of what you have heard and to prove that our philosophy is unassailable. Success will be the sign of the Neter's blessing. Then faith will radiate from you. It will 'feed' the hungry. And in this happiness, this victory, you will meet your last test...The last test is the detachment even from the work, if you are to reach your own peak of perfection...You are the temple which the Neter of Neter's inhabits. Awaken him...then let the temple fall crashing." ['Her-Bak'].
Example: ''Peak'' in relation to Al-Qurn as a means...?
And/or: "Corresponds with it in nature" in relation to {as one example}: "It is like the divine spark in every seed. First, we are penetrated from without toward the within. And when the germ of the seed has been awakened, the same process occurs as when a farmer sows his seed. That seed penetrates the earth, and the rays of the sun penetrate the seed...The power of the seed starts to awaken outward, and breaks the outer shell of the seed - reaching upward to meet the rays of the sunshine and grows higher and higher into the power of the light. That same process happens within all of us. We have to develop all that is within. A movement occurs - just as within an egg - a little chick starts to develop, starts to form. It is by this constant state of spiritual aspiration {inspiration?} that we 'grow', by our constant desire. We develop by our desires..." [Page 136 'Born of Water and Spirit' / Andrew Lohr].
Analogy: "When we read a story, we inhabit it. The covers of the book are like a roof and four walls. What will happen next will take place within the four walls of the story. And this is possible because the stories voice makes everything its own." [John Berger].
Those 'white walls' that surround Saqqara? {to name but one}.
Side note: ''The 'flag' as a symbol of the presence of any ''divine'' being - god or goddess - harkens back to one of the oldest goddesses, Neith, the weaver. Her name in early hieroglyphs was written as N-t, and it meant ''the goddess.'' Subsequently, N-t-r became any god or goddess. N-t in hieroglyphs also is part of the word meaning ''to knit'' or ''to weave'' or ''to net'' {'153'?}....In Alexandria, the cosmopolis of ancient cultures where many languages merged, the ancient Egyptian word neter and the Coptic Christian word for ''the god'' came to be pronounced something like netjer; from this, the essence of the Latin word for NATURE, natura, emerged....the early Christian name for 'God'...." [Page 35 'The Union of Isis and Thoth' / N. Ellis and N. Scully].
''....there is no dualism in nature. It only appears so to us because of the way in which we ourselves, as human beings, are involved in the process of knowing. What this means is that the phenomenon as it appears to the senses is only an abstraction. This is a reversal of the usual way of thinking, for which what is given to the senses is concrete and what is present to the mind is an abstraction - which of course it is to the intellectual mind. The difference between the intuitive {'Gnosis'?} and intellectual approaches to the science of nature is illustrated metaphorically by Edwin Abbott's story Flatland." [Pages 75/6 'The Wholeness of Nature: Goethe's Way of Science' / Henri Bortoft].
As one example: "It also verifies the ancient 'occult' idea of the division of human life into 7-year cycles, each of which marks the unfolding of one particular aspect of the individual's character and means of self expression. The first seven years see the development of the power of self awareness, or intuition - as understood by C. Jung. The young child sees everything in terms of personality. It is hard for him to differentiate between subjective and objective, inanimate and animate, because he lives so completely in a subjective world." [Page 190 'The Astrology of Personality' / Dane Rudhyar].
Neanderthal v Cro-Magnon man?
Continued: "He has an ''intuition'' of things rather than objective perceptions. He has not yet succumbed to the ''heresy of separateness'' which creates a chasm {'void'?} between subject and object {or other subjects}, between I and Thou. Thus the mystic, who strives to reach complete at-one-ment with the ALL {that ''bit''?} - is urged to become again ''as a little child'' - a stage which is related theoretically to the period after the third birth, between fiftysix and 63. This first septenate corresponds also to the infancy of mankind...." [Same page. Same book].
''I and Thou'' in relation to 'higher/lower''?
'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.
''I and Thou'' / Martin Buber.
Side note: ''Ötzi, also called the Iceman, is the natural mummy of a man who lived between 3350 and 3105 BC. Ötzi was discovered in September 1991 in the Ötztal Alps (hence the nickname "Ötzi", German: [œtsi]) at the border between Austria and Italy. Ötzi had a total of 61 tattoos, consisting of 19 groups of black lines ranging from 1–3 mm (0.039–0.118 in) in width and 7–40 mm (0.28–1.57 in) in length.[28] These include groups of parallel lines running along the longitudinal axis of his body and to both sides of the lumbar spine, as well as a cruciform mark behind the right knee and on the right ankle, and parallel lines around the left wrist. The greatest concentration of markings is found on his legs, which together exhibit 12 groups of lines.[29] A microscopic examination of samples collected from these tattoos revealed that they were created from pigment manufactured out of fireplace ash or soot.''
Question. Would he have stopped at sixtyfour?
'Hestia' to enlarge.
And/or: ''Hidden in the valley floor at Remedello {100 miles from the site of Otzi} lies an ancient cemetary. Eleven females buried with terracotta pottery and valuable necklaces. In neighbouring graves twelve males surrounded by arrowheads and in their grasp three inch long flint daggers. But in one grave a solitary copper axe - identical to Otzi's.'' ['Blowing Up History: The Ice Man' / S5 EP8].
'Twentythree' to enlarge.
And/or: ''The fascinating article entitled ''Triskaidekaphobia'' {i.e., fear of 13}, Paul Hoffman tells readers of the phobia that 13 plays in absenteeism in America.... Over the centuries it has assumed an increasingly negative character in popular belief. In the Christian tradition 13 is a remembrance of the Last Supper, where one of the disciples - the 13th - betrayed Jesus....Like eleven, the 13 is a number that transgresses a closed system, in this case 12, the number of the zodiac: the sun never appears along with all twelve signs to make up thirteen but rather, stands before one of them {12+1}. This notion is reflected in fairy tales and myths where the hero is not supposed to open a 13th door, which would destroy the perfect, circular 12.'' ['Mystery of Numbers].
A working example: '' When Tutamkhamun reopened Karnac to the god Amun - it was celebrated with ''thirteen carrying bars {poles} instead of eleven which was the norm support for the august god.'' ['Legends of the Pharaohs: Tutankhamun'].
And/or: "Chryselephantine statues were built around a wooden frame with thin carved slabs of ivory attached, representing the flesh, and sheets of gold leaf representing the garments, armour, hair, and other details. In some cases, glass paste, glass, and precious and semi-precious stones were used for detail such as eyes, jewellery, and weaponry....The origins of the technique are not known.There are known examples, from the 2nd millennium BC, of composite sculptures made of ivory and gold from areas that became part of the Greek world, most famously the so-called "Palaikastro Kouros," which are a separate kind of statue from the Archaic Kouros statues,....
The technique was normally used for cult statues within temples; typically, they were greater than life-sized. Construction was modular so that some of the gold could be removed and melted for coin or bullion in times of severe financial hardship, to be replaced later when finances had recovered. For example, the figure of Nike held in the right hand of Pheidias's Athena Parthenos was made from solid gold with this very purpose in mind. Indeed, in times of prosperity, up to six solid gold Nikae were cast,[citation needed] serving as a "sacred treasury" whose safety was ensured additionally by the sanctity accorded to a cult object as well as the presence of priestesses, priests, and maintenance staff at the temple....
The two best-known examples, both from the Classical period, are those sculpted by Phidias: the 13-metre tall (43 ft) standing statue of Athena Parthenos in the Parthenon at Athens, and the 12-metre (39 ft) seated statue of Zeus in the temple at Olympia, considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World."
And/or: Thus, both King David and his son Solomon made considerable use of such expressions. The expression, “King’s Daughter,” is used in this sense in the verse, “All glorious is the King’s Daughter indoors” (Psalms 45:14 i.e., her clothing is of wrought gold). There are also many similar expressions. Furthermore, the entire Song of Songs, which is “holy of holies, to the extent that the entire world is not fit for it,”® is built on this foundation....
Psalm 45: All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia;
from palaces adorned with ivory
the music of the strings makes you glad.
9 Daughters of kings are among your honored women;
at your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir.
10 Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention:
Forget your people and your father’s house.
11 Let the king be enthralled by your beauty;
honor him, for he is your lord.
12 The city of Tyre will come with a gift,[a]
people of wealth will seek your favor.
13 All glorious is the princess within her chamber;
her gown is interwoven with gold.
14 In raiment of needlework she is led to the king;
her virgin companions follow her—
those brought to be with her.
15 Led in with joy and gladness,
they enter the palace of the king.
It is known that in all the books of the Zohar and Tikkuney Zohar, as well as in the writings of the Ari, the “King’s Daughter” alludes to the Divine Presence (Shekhinah) and the Congregation of Israel, as it were. We have been given authority to use such allegorical language from the earliest masters, whose words are our very life. Such usage is also found in many places in the writings of the Ari and the books of the Zohar. It is thus taught, “He who kills the Snake is given the King’s Daughter—which is prayer.”” This is even more explicit in the teachings of the Old Man (Sava) in the Zohar, which speaks of “the Beautiful Girl who has no eyes.” There are too many cases such as these to recount.
Similarly, in the Yehi Ratzon (“May it be Your Will”) prayer recited before saying Psalms, we use the expression, “... to attach the Wife of Youth with her Beloved ...” Likewise, in the LeShem Yichud (“For the Sake of Unification”) prayer found in Shaarey Tzion? to be recited before putting on tefillin, we say that it is being done so that “the Bridegroom should embrace the Bride, with his left hand under her head.” See the entire prayer in this source....It is immediately apparent from the writings of the Ari that the entire foundation of Kabbalah involves the unification of the concepts of the Bridegroom and the Bride.
Footnote: See Song of Songs 8:3. When the supernal Man, wearing tefillin on his left hand, places his left hand under the Woman's head, then the hand tefillin are in the place of her brain. The hand tefillin thus provide the consciousnesses (mochin) of the Female. {'The Lost Princess' / Rebbe Nachman}.
Side note: ''Earth actually travels through thirteen signs, including Capricorn, Aries, and, yes, Ophiuchus, but some 3,000 years ago the Babylonians—not NASA—decided 12 was neater than 13, so excluded the 13th zodiac sign and divided the zodiac into 12 parts based on the 12 months of their calendar, according to NASA.''
Continued...So if the Fox Star Alcor appears on the inner faces of key central pillars at Gobekli-tepe, {face on?} - why are they aligned toward Cygnus, and not Ursa Major? The answer seems to lie in the fact that there was once a close interrelationship between the Fox Star and the power and influence of Cygnus in its role as guardian of the celestial pole. It is a relationship brought out in a complex Romanian sky myth that begins with the formation of the earth and heavens and leads into a search by humankind to 'find' the creator. For the journey 'the Man' gathers together various tools, objects and creatures, {15 in total?} which are identified with different constellations of the night sky. Among the items taken on the journey are 'the Great Cross of the Church' and 'the Fountain of the Crossroads', identified, respectively, as Cygnus and the constellation's bright star Deneb, the crossroads being a metaphor for both the axis mundi and the corresponding cosmic axis in the sky. Thereafter, the man sets off on his voyage and eventually reaches 'the middle {zenith?} of the sky's road', with the 'sky's road' being the Milky Way. Here the man encounters 'He Who Will Be Killed By The Cross'. This is the 'Devil', identified as the Fox Star, Alcor, whom the man 'fights' {and/or 'wrestle'?} and eventually defeats...[From the book 'Gobekli-tepe' by A. Collins. Most of emphasis, this readers].
Summer triangle? and/or 1st mercury i.e., ''Sole dispenser of our celestial water''? {Page 363 onwards 'The Dwellings of the Philosphers' / Fulcanelli}
That ''awakening'' of something - The symbol of which became the 15th Nome of Egypt.
Recall the 'story' about Alexander and Al Khidr. Try Part 5.
Hebrew equivalent? Mount Sinai - the 'middle' of their journey. Notice the relationship between the two within a 'landscape' i.e., Amarna. Question. Coincidence or a meaningful one?
As is the same question - to the 15th card of the Tarot. Enlarged elsewhere.
Question. What would the zenith of 'Solar' power be represented by?
Side note: "...each temple was aligned to a particular star that was connected to the 'divine' being of that sacred site: for example, Deneb, the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus, at Dendera; and the three stars in Orion's belt to the three pyramids of Giza." [Page 10 'The Union of Isis and Thoth' / Normandi Ellis and Nick Scully].
The Swan? Swan song? The end of what. The beginning of what?
'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.
"Through Dionysos this fire {i.e.,''the fiery power of Sirius at its early rising''} was transformed into the ''pure light of high summer.'' In the person of the son of god of heaven, it was received as the 'light of Zeus'. '' [From the book by C. Kerenyi].
"In Italy they named her Daviana, which means the goddess, a name that is more familiar to us in its shortened form of Diana. For Diana, the Huntress, was none other than the Moon Goddess, Mother of all animals. She is shown in her statues crowned with the crescent [i.e.,reflection; 'part' of one- relative to the 'whole'] and carrying a raised torch. The Latin word for torch or candle is 'vesta', and Diana was also known as vesta. In her temple a perpetual 'fire' was kept burning and her chief festival was called the Festival of Candles or of Torches. It was celebrated on August 15th when her groves shone in a multitude of torches. This day is still celebrated in a festival of candles, but the torches are no longer lighted in Rome for Diana, but now for the 'virgin' Mary. It is the day of her Assumption. It is Mary not Diana who 'ascends' to heaven, to reign as Queen of heaven."[Chapter 10, 'Woman's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Put ''candle'' in the box. Think about it all in relation to Francis of Assisi who was 'Patron saint' of all animals. Recall what 'animals' represent. Top- down in relation to Bottom -up. As a means to an understanding. And/or 'shadow' in relation to 'anima'. Question. Which and why?
''Candlemas, where a new fire was kindled and blessed." Same book. Try ''lamp'' in the usual box.
Always celebrated on 2nd of the 2nd month each year. ''Two and two = Twentytwo''?
''The details of Nell Gwyn's background are somewhat obscure. A horoscope in the Ashmolean manuscripts gives her date of birth as 2nd February 1650.[1] On the other hand, an account published in The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist in 1838 states that she was born about 1642. The earlier date of birth was asserted without documentation, but various scholars have supported both the earlier and later dates.[2] The eight-year difference between these two possible birth years can offer different readings of what Gwyn achieved during her lifetime.''
N.B. She sold 'oranges'.
And/or: ''1634 - the first exhibition of personnel 'curiosities' - by the proffesional gardener John Tradescant and Son - offered to the public. That became the foundations of what we call today museums. It was eventually bought by Elias Ashmole: the alchemist.'' [Readers Digest / June 2023].
Mayan equivalent ?..."The New Fire ceremony is critical to how the Calendar Round was used to track the movements of the Pleiades..." [From the book 'Galactic Alignment' by J. Jenkins]. Try ''spark''.
'Glittering''? {i.e., glittering prospects}.
''Who guides the keel that ploughs the deep''. Enlarged throughout.
Side note: ''A particularly famous colony of eiders lives on the Farne Islands in Northumberland, England. These birds were the subject of one of the first ever bird protection laws, established by Saint Cuthbert in the year 676.[10] About 1,000 pairs still nest there every year. Because St. Cuthbert is the patron saint of Northumberland, it was natural that the eider should be chosen as the county's emblem bird....The common eider, also called St. Cuthbert's duck or Cuddy's duck, is a large sea-duck that is distributed over the northern coasts of Europe, North America and eastern Siberia....'' [Wiki].
Side note: ''like a duck takes to WATER. (simile, idiomatic) Very naturally; without effort. She started skating and learned quickly, like a duck takes to water.''
Continued: ''Eiders (/ˈaɪ.dər/) are large seaducks in the genus Somateria. The three extant species all breed in the cooler latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere....The eider's nest is built close to the sea and is lined with eiderdown, plucked from the female's breast. This soft and warm lining has long been harvested for filling pillows and quilts...''
''Cuthbert as a boy's name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Cuthbert is "bright, brilliant, famous".
''Torch'' ?
Continued: ''The 1st Parliament of King James I was summoned by King James I on 31 January 1604 and assembled on nineteen{th} March following. It was known as the Blessed Parliament and took place in five sessions, interrupted by Holy Days and the Gunpowder Plot. The speaker was Edward Phelips, the Member of Parliament for Somerset.''
Side step: ''A flock of crows is called a murder. A flock of ravens is called an unkindness. A flock of rooks is called a building, clamor, or parliament.''
And/or: The grand and sumptuously decorated Cappella Paolina, (Pauline Chapel), which is part of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, was built at the behest of Pope Paul V (r. 1605-21) to house the ancient and much-venerated Byzantine icon known as the Salus Populi Romani (Health/Salvation of the Roman People). The icon is thought to have arrived in Rome during the reign of Pope Gregory the Great (r. 590-604). The Cappella Paolina, which was designed by Flaminio Ponzio (1560-1618) and built between 1606 and 1612, was consecrated on January 27th, 1613. The fresco (1612) in the cupola is the work of Ludovico Cardi (1559-1613), better known as il Cigoli, who was charged to paint the Woman of the Apocalypse as described in the Book of Revelation: 'And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars' (12:1, KJV). The Woman of the Apocalypse is widely identified as the Virgin Mary.
The painter was a close friend of the great scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and in his depiction of the Virgin Mary we see the first example of Galileo's discoveries about the physical nature of the moon. Before this, the moon, when included in images of the Virgin Mary, was always perfectly smooth. Here it is pock-marked with craters, just as Galileo himself drew it in his ground-breaking astronomical treatise Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry Messenger), which he published on March 13th, 1610.
In architecture, a cupola (/ˈk(j)uːpələ/)[1] is a relatively small, usually dome-like structure on top of a building[2] often crowning a larger roof or dome.[3][4] Cupolas often serve as a roof lantern to admit light and air or as a lookout. The word derives, via Italian, from lower Latin cupula (classical Latin cupella), from Ancient Greek κύπελλον (kúpellon) 'small cup' (Latin cupa), indicating a vault resembling an upside-down cup.[a] The cylindrical drum underneath a larger cupola is called a tholobate.
The cupola evolved during the Renaissance from the older oculus. Being weatherproof, the cupola was better suited to the wetter climates of northern Europe.
Refresher: ''At the start of the 17th century the world was still fraught with wonders and nothing seemed impossible. In December 1603 there was a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, the hour hands of the cosmic clock which usher in new epochs and crumbles old orders. New stars suddenly appeared in the constellations of the Serpent and the Swan, and fears and hopes were rife throughout Europe. In England the long reign of the Tudors came to an end....'' [Page 5 'Robert Fludd' / J. Godwin].Side note: "Music and dancing are often linked {'spiral'?}. In the Algonquin story of Algon the hunter, the 'hero' finds a circular pathway on the prairie, worn as though by many feet, although no footprints can be found outside the area. Hiding himself in the long grass he hears music which becomes louder and sees descend from the sky a host of star-maidens in an osier chariot. They alight and dance, and he captures one to be his bride." [Page 115 'The Western Way'. Vol 1].
A {'deeper'?} read and yet {with} a 'connection' in mind..."The marriage of Dionysos and Ariadne was a special one, an enhanced marriage that harkened back to an early stage, and in the Naxos myth was so interwoven with the ascent to heaven that we cannot tell which element came first. Even in the Cretan myth this marriage was placed in a definite setting: not the cave, but a small island {crannog?}, scarcely more than a rock in the sea. In the Greek text of the clay tablets, the island was given an eloquent name: ''Dia.'' This is the name of a small island off the Cretan coast, facing Amnisos, one of the harbours of Knossos. The Naxians claimed that Naxos was originally called ''Dia,'' so closely was this name identified with a marriage of the gods in which the bride played no less a role than the bridegroom. In this context ''Dia'' can scarcely be associated with the name ''Zeus,'' but seems rather to be connected with the linguistically related names of goddesses: with the Latin ''Dea'' / ''Dia'' or with ''Diana,'' all names signifying the - light of the full moon. The scene of this 'marriage' was somewhere in the Aegean Sea {antikythera mechanism?}. It is characteristic not only of the Minoan religion but also of the prehistoric religion of the entire island world....A very definite picture of the marriage island passed into ancient art, and the rock facing the harbour of Naxos is quite compatible with this picture. The harbour, from which a marriage procession could sail out in small boats to celebrate the union or reunion of the divine pair, is visible in the background." [From the book 'Dionysos' by C. Kerenyi. Emphasis, this readers]. Try ''fire and water'' and/or ''harbour''.N.B. In Wales only one Crannog. Where lived the King/Queen. ['Story of Wales' / BBC 4].
Question. ''Floating island'' ?
Question 2. How would {say, as one example} - the Egyptians represent the same?
Refresher.... "Fifteen represents the zenith of 'lunar' power, and its relation to the moon can be deduced from the name of an old German measure called Mandel, - 'a little moon, part of a moon', which consisted of 15 items such as..." [Taken from the book 'Mystery of Numbers'. Mentioned elsewhere].
''In the Northern Hemisphere the Lunar New Year occurs in winter.''
Analogy?..."The shamans and priests then set up the altars in the temples and pyramids with sacred objects in patterns in such a way that when the city was rediscovered in the future, their future Incan brothers and sisters would know by seeing and holding the objects that were left for them, and would remember their ancient knowledge, wisdom and understanding." ['Serpent of Light Beyond 2012']. Try ''pattern''.
The same author using '15' throughout in one form or another. Question. Coincidence or a meaningful one?
"In ancient Roman religion, a flamen was a priest assigned to one of fifteen deities with official cults during the Roman Republic. The most important three were the flamines maiores (or "major priests"), who served the three chief Roman gods of the Archaic Triad. The remaining twelve {12+3?} - were the flamines minores ("lesser priests"). Two of the minores cultivated deities whose names are now unknown; among the others are deities about whom little is known other than the name. During the Imperial era, the cult of a deified emperor (divus) also had a flamen...
The fifteen Republican flamens were part of the Pontifical College which administered state-sponsored religion. When the office of flamen was vacant, a pontifex could serve as a temporary replacement, although only the Pontifex Maximus is known to have substituted for the Flamen Dialis...
The official costume of a flamen, of great antiquity, was a hat called an apex and a heavy woolen cloak called a laena. The laena was a double-thick wool cloak with a fringed edge, and was worn over the flamen's toga with a clasp holding it around his throat. The apex was a leather skull-cap with a chin-strap and a point of olive wood on its top, like a spindle, with a little fluff of wool at the base of the spindle." {Wiki/ 'Flamen'].
Side note: Ariadne link?
Continued: Question. Coincidence or a meaningful one? While recalling what ''three'' ALWAYS {in one form or another} represents.
Someone once said-in a round about way-that the difference between a sign and a symbol is that one is a known quantity the other an unknown one. That unknown link to a subject. That once becomes ‘a known’ leads to a potential. To a 'journey'. An individual one, [ in their opinion].
"But even the Spanish paintings provide no apparent indication of religious beliefs, and the British Mesolithic record is virtually as bare. There are no burials attributable to the period, unless those in the Mendip caves fall into it {Cheddar Gorge? Enlarged elsewhere}. At Star Carr, in Yorkshire, the site of an encampment made in about 7500 BC, excavation turned up several deer antlers fashioned to fit into human caps. These may have been the costume of shamans or priests; but they equally as well have been disguises for hunters of animals." ['The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles']. Try ''deer''.
Side note: {working?} example: "One day he was either in a hurry or had grown tired of acting the carpet seller and he offered a lady; obviously rich but very grasping, who had selected a few very expensive carpets and was bargaining desperately - all the carpets in the room for a quarter of their value. At first she was surprised, but then she began to bargain again. G., smiled and said he would think it over and give her an answer the following day. But the next day he left and the woman got nothing at all. Something of this sort happened frequently. With these carpets, in the role of a traveling merchant, he gave the impression of a man in disguise, a kind of Haroun-al-Raschid, or the man in the invisible cap of the fairy tale." ['In Search of the Miraculous']. 'Trickster' character?
Follow the title of the book to 'see' it on a ''working'' {practical?} day to day basis.
And/or: A quarter note (American) or crotchet (/ˈkrɒtʃɪt/ KROTCH-it) (British) is a musical note played for one quarter of the duration of a whole note (or semibreve). Quarter notes are notated with a filled-in oval note head and a straight, flagless stem. The stem usually points upwards if it is below the middle line of the staff, and downwards if it is on or above the middle line. An upward stem is placed on the right side of the notehead, a downward stem is placed on the left (see image). The Unicode symbol is U+2669 (♩).
A quarter rest (or crotchet rest) denotes a silence of the same duration as a quarter note. It typically appears as the symbol , or occasionally, as the older symbol
The note equates to the semiminima ('half minim') of mensural notation. The word "crotchet" comes from Old French crochet, meaning 'little hook', diminutive of croc, 'hook', because of the hook used on the note in black notation of the medieval period.
As the name implies, a quarter note's duration is one quarter that of a whole note, half the length of a half note, and twice that of an eighth note. It represents one beat in a bar of 4
4 time. The term "quarter note" is a calque (loan-translation) of the German term Viertelnote.
In Romance languages, the name of this note and its equivalent rest is usually derived from the Latin negra meaning 'black'—the Catalan, French, Galician, and Spanish names for the note (all of which mean 'black') derive from the fact that the semiminima was the longest note to be colored in mensural white notation.
Side note: How would the 'trickster' be represented in the night sky along that milky way represented as a fine {velvet?} carpet {4:1}.
And/or: ''The velvet revolution was the name given to the 1989 protest in Czechoslovakia that led to the end of communist rule.'' ['The Chase'].
A work in progress: ''Hovering in the full moons luminous path, between above and below, stepping lightly forward between here and not-here, while gazing back over its shoulder, this shimmering white deer bridges the earthly and the spiritual realms, embodying and leading us into the symbolic, intermediate realm of the soul. With its velvet coat, soft moist muzzle, brown eyes glittering beneath long lashes, delicate limbs, it seems the deers very nature to symbolize purity and sublimity. A pair of deer is often depicted flanking the throne of Buddha, who is said to have incarnated in a 'previous' life as a honey voiced golden stag, whose mission it was to calm the passions of humans lost in despair and lead them to the eightfold path. Its graceful caution, elegant leaps, sudden appearances and swift disappearances link the animal to the alchemical Mercurius.'' [Page 284 'The Book of Symbols' / Taschen].
Refresher: ''Deer are the cattle of the fairies.''
'Aberfoyle' to a means......
Side note: Harry Potter: "But there aren't wild dragons in Britain?"
- Ron Weasley: "Of course there are. Common Welsh Green and Hebridean Blacks. The Ministry of Magic has a job hushing them up, I can tell you. Our lot have to keep putting spells on Muggles who've spotted them, to make them forget."
- — Dragons indigenous to Great Britain[src]
The Hebridean Black was a dragon species native to the Hebrides islands of Scotland. It had brilliant purple coloured eyes.....It had dark rough scales, ridges along its back, and a tail tipped with an arrow-shaped spike....
The Hebridean Black had brilliant purple eyes, bat-like wings and could grow to be up to thirty feet long.
Its favourite food was deer, although it had been known to carry off livestock such as sheep and cattle.[1] It would also hunt other magical beasts such as Graphorns if it was starving or if its preferred prey were unavailable.
Despite its generally aggressive nature, it would sometimes spare wizards and witches who showed it some form of compassion, such as liberating it from captivity and returning its stolen egg.[3][4]
The Hebridean Black was more aggressive than the other dragon native to the British Isles, the Common Welsh Green, and thus required a territory of as much as one hundred square miles each. The MacFusty clan took responsibility for the dragons, and had so done for centuries.[1]
Continued: "What is a symbol anyway? In effect, it is the good old ''outward sign of an inward grace,'' or a practical link between objective and subjective existence. It is a body containing a soul, matter holding a meaning, a focus of force, a condenser of consciousness, or a ''thought tank." Anything and everything can be a symbol. Whatsoever connects consciousness, and life together from one level to another, or even to different points on the same level is a symbol. Figures, letters, words and ideographs are very good examples of symbols, since these join thinking with living."
''China uses ideographs as a writing system.'' ['The Chase'].
''In the U.S. Highway System, even-numbered routes run EAST TO WEST and odd-numbered routes run NORTH TO SOUTH.'' ['Pawn Stars' / S17 EP26].'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.
Working example: ''Symbolically reinforcing 'fall' in the N/W - is the strange headless animal between Capricorn and Aquarius, which probably represents the star group {decans} called the 'Headless One' in the constellation Capricorn....In the round zodiac...meaning ''within'' i.e., 'interiority' and 'headless' state endured by all star bodies undergoing regeneration in the Duat {not Amduat, i.e., Amduat is IN the Duat, an aspect of it, an illuminating one}....REPRESENTED by ''a critical reversal at the end of the sixth month into the seventh....Symbolized by Geb's somersaulting pose on the ceiling. {head/feet?}.'' [Pages 134-138 'Hathor's Alchemy'].
"And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” {Matthew 8:20}.
'Crystal Skull'.
And/or: ''In the Osiris shrine at the temple of Hathor in Dendera{h}, Nut appears with a series of solar discs on her belly, rather than the traditional stars. Her husband, the earth god Geb, lies beneath her in an unusual position. Lying flat on his back, he raises his feet upward and touches them over his head....This form symbolizes the earth turning in opposition to the sun in the sky {represented by the solar discs on Nuts belly, often seen on the lids of the sarcophagus}.'' [Page 72 'Feasts of Light' / N. Ellis].
Think about it - A/B/C in relation to the 'divine bit'. How simple yet profound. It also explains why the subject of the 'psyche' is used as its 'teaching' aid. Mythology {archetype?} link?
"...different points on the same level" - represented {within landscape symbolism} - as Latitude/longitude ? What symbols represent them?
"These forms in letters and pictures, and images are the means by which truths may be brought to the attention of the unripe mind." Quote from the book by F. Hartman. Mentioned elsewhere.
''Unripe'' in relation to 'fruit of plenty' ?
Understanding what this subject infers by the ''Divine bit'' defines those statements. It also explains the reason for the use of its main 'teaching aid.' '' Explained within.
'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.
A {working?} example: "I spoke of my observations and deductions to the people in our group...I told them that this was the center of gravity of the whole system and of all work on oneself; that now work on oneself was not only empty words but a real fact full of significance thanks to which psychology becomes an exact and at the same time a practical science. I said the European and Western psychology in general had overlooked a fact of tremendous importance, namely, that we do not remember ourselves; that we reason, act and live in deep sleep...but at the same time , we can 'remember' ourselves if we make sufficient effort so as to awaken." ['In Search of the Miraculous'].
Try ''mandala'' for a different 'take' on the same 'theme'.
And/or: ''The ego {personal identity} is at the center of consciousness''. [Howard Sasportas].
"Each of these symbols will pay long meditation. They are each in their way aspects of the Mystery dynamics of life and death, of transformation and regeneration. The intention of such symbolism is to reveal not to explain, and although it may seem obscure it is in fact not so. It is the plainest possible representation of a truth that is beyond the grasp of the intellect. A symbol is a door or gateway. It is to be gone through..." [Extract taken from Part 2, 'The Rose Cross and the Goddess: The Quest for the Eternal Feminine Principle' by G. Knight]. Try ''doors'' and ''gateways''.
'Gates of perception'?
As one example: 'Fire is the human signature'.
Something to ponder on: "Each 'region' has a gate, and each gate has three 'attendants', a watcher, a herald and a gatekeeper. As an aspiring soul approaches the gate, the watcher takes notice, the herald announces that persons 'name', and if that person knows the 'higher' mystical truth {by way of keys/correspondences etc} - the gatekeeper allows entry. This teaching degraded in later times to the point where people began to think that just by memorizing certain names they would be allowed access. Rather one must know the 'higher' truth which unites one with the dweller {of the threshold?} within the abode of the 'house'....{I.e., in the internal sense of the word}. Hence: "Each aspect should be seen NOT as independent personalities but as aspects of one, having the sense of sight, speech and organs of 'action' {i.e., 'hands' to open the 'gate'}…..The Watcher is that aspect which 'sees' and takes notice, the witness. The Herald is the aspect of acknowledging what has been seen. The Gatekeeper is the element which is 'seen' and which needs to be satisfied that the aspirant is worthy of 'gaining entry'...." [Pages 231/2 'Egyptian Book of the Dead' / M. Ashby. All emphasis, this readers].
As {one} example: "An aim of meditation is to withdraw the Ego from the lower levels, where desire operates, and float free of the hypnotizing power of the material realm. In this way, the Ego can float as though on the surface of an entirely still lake. In this calm surface, the Ego may reflect the heavens above, and thus receive perfectly the effulgency of that godhead {divine ''bit'' link} of which it was part. In the Way of the Fool, this form of meditation is a prelude to looking into the secrets of Nature..." ['The Zelator'].
Define that one symbol to locate someone's final resting place. More importantly it explains why.
A working practical example: "It may feel like a bit of a cliche but appreciating the progress you're making along the way instead of fixating on the end result can be freeing {'freedom'?}. It's an approach Ford has adapted. 'I now focus on the process much more than the outcome; i take time to celebrate and acknowledge the smaller steps and choose a kinder narrative....I get clear on my motivators and my 'why' and check in with myself as to how I'm feeling along the way, rather than being swept into a narrative of providing something to someone else. I feel much more self aware, and kinder in my self talk....Enjoying the journey can be difficult in a world that has become increasingly outcome-obsessed. But there are many ways we can foster this approach in our lives. The first one requires slowing down a little and realizing that joy comes from the doing, not the completing. So instead of rushing for it to be done, take a moment to enjoy the doing, and remember that lots of things in our lives are never truly done - but constantly evolve just like we do. Another vital step is acknowledging the small wins. Have lots of stepping stones to a big goal to pause on. Celebrate each new stone, look back and celebrate how far you have come from the first one {Karnak} - and look forward to the many stones in front." [Page 59 'Readers Digest' / April 2022].
Fostering / adopting?
"Meditation is not a religion. Mindfulness is simply a method of mental training. Many people who practice meditation are themselves religious, but then again, many atheists and agnostics are keen meditators too." [Chapter one, 'Mindfulness' by M. Williams and D. Penman]. One could also 'meditate' on the word 'objective' if only to understand its benefit in relation to 'subjective' - from both an inner and outer perspective.
'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.
"Gateway to the heart. Window to the soul etc. Indicative of that development. In relation to a ‘journey’. Find it, to understand it; relative to the 'whole'. Enlarged elsewhere.
And/or: ''....Depicts a psychic state that can best be characterized as a detachment of consciousness from the world and a withdrawal to a point outside it, so to speak.'' [Page 44 'Alchemical Studies' / C. G. Jung].
"We are dealing with fragments of a very ancient oral tradition that are like pieces of patchwork that have to be assembled into a coherent fabric." [Same book]. Try ''garment.''
A {working?} example {i.e., if only in the Old Testament sense of the 'word'}: "I will deliver thee into the hand of them that thou hatest, into the hand of them from whom thy mind is alienated. And they shall deal with thee hatefully, and shall take away all thy labour - and shall leave thee naked and bare...." [Ezekiel 23:29].
Try Gog/Magog.
Remedy = ''garment'' ?
Buried beneath the walkway at Ramses temple at Abydos - broken pots and a domed/vaulted shape structure built 1000 years AFTER the death of Ramses {'ancestors'?} made of mud bricks {Ptolemaic}. Around twenty meters in length and 4 wide. East to west. What looks like two trenches. One each side of the curved top. The internal ceiling of which has been plastered with extreme care "which is very unusual.". Built right next to Ramses temple along the northern wall "a very revered space." Close by a "storage area" filled with the bones of rams heads some ' clothed' { "with fabric"}- at least 1200 of them - and around the neck of one a bell with 4 animal heads and an engraving of what looks like a smiling {'joyous'?} face {with teeth?}: "an extremely unusual find. The cult of the Ram." ['Lost Treasures of Egypt' / S4 EP1].
Wattle and daub.
And/or: His palace south of the very first temple Ramses built at Abydos. Twentysix statues in honour of Osiris placed in an open courtyard of the temple complex. Surrounding both palace and temple a twentyfive foot high wall with a granite gate. "Palace and temple only occupy half the enclosed space."
Abydos = the 'Head' of Osiris.
A working example or just a head scratch?..."If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth...We take great comfort in our nuclear stockpiles, our gross national product, our scientific and technological achievement, our industrial might - and, up to a point, we are right to do so. But physical power by itself solves no problems and secures no victories. What counts is the way power is used - whether with swagger and contempt, or with prudence, discipline and magnanimity. What counts is the purpose for which power is used - whether for aggrandizement or for liberation. Shakespeare said: ' It is excellent to have the strength of a giant ; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant'." ['Inaugural Speech' / J. F. Kennedy. 1961].
If you have a mathematical/numbers vent/interest. Such books as...’Mystery of Numbers’ by A. Schimmel. Or ‘Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilisation’. By R. Heath. That same esoteric framework but now explained in number form. A link to the Pythagorian ‘method’ but more up to date. A lot more. For a 'deeper' read, with the reader purposely in mind try...'The Geometry of Meaning'. A. Young. Or number symbolism relative to this subjects representation to Cosmology principles, as explained in chapter two 'The Sacred Tradition of Ancient Egypt]. Or for that overall view, try 'Jesus Christ Sun of God'. Mentioned elsewhere.
The author of which uses his knowledge of 'Gematria' within the context of that same framework; with the same intent as Gurdjieff and Plato; to name but a few. Or for a ‘light hearted’...and possibly ’young’ hearted presentation of ‘representing’ maths within esotericism or esotericism within maths...depending on ones point of view... two possible books could be...’A Beginners Guide to Constructing the uni’. By M.Schneider and ‘Maths for Mystics’. By R. Shesso. Plenty of ’common factors’ to be found. Find them...if you want to understand this first yet last and least understood subject.
The Mesopotania Cuneiform tablets another example of that tri- root. An earlier ’alphabet’ in clay form. Originally presented in vertical lines. later developed into horizontal ones. Finally into the wedge shape, i.e., three sided. Co-incidence? [ Note.
The vertical came before the horizontal. Subtle links to left/right ‘pillars’...and/or ‘dry/wet’ symbolism. Explained elsewhere.] That ‘wedge’ shape that has a pyramid look to it as does the obvious pythagarion triangle.‘ A-C' ‘ all represented within a ‘perfect' symbol. ‘Horizontal/vertical ‘ attached to the ‘hypotenuse’. The word ‘squared’ used to represent ‘above/ below’. Symbolic of that co-existence. Keep a check on those first impressions...
''A Pythagorean triple is a right triangle where all the sides are integers. One of the most popular Pythagorean triples is the 3-4-5 right triangle. 3 and 4 are the lengths of the shorter sides, and 5 is the length of the hypotenuse, the longest side opposite the right angle.'' [Wiki].
Side note: In a cave said to have been around at the time of John the Baptist - a stone imprint for the right foot {only} was found. Said to be used by initiates. [Satellite TV].
Question. The footprint left by Muhammad {'night journey'}. Left or right foot?
"The present Arabic name of Egypt is al-Misri, which is the equivalent of the biblical Misraim. This name is derived from the Semitic root which in Akkadian gives the verb asaru, "to cut, to delimit, to delineate", and hence, "to draw a picture, a plan, " and the noun esertu, "drawing plan, representation," applied in particular to the specifications for the construction of a building. In Semitic language an 'm' before the root of a verb forms what we would call a past participle: Egypt is the country built according to a geometric plan. The Egyptians expressed this idea by calling their land To- Mera, "the land of the mr." The word 'mr' is used to refer to the pyramids, but more specifically it refers to the meridian triangle of a pyramid, whose hypotenuse is the apothem. The 'mr', essentially is a right angle triangle....." [Page 291, from the book, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''hypotenuse'' in the usual box.
"Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with." [First sentence; first paragraph; first page of the book by Q. S. Lam].
"This 90 degrees is very important part of the work. The 90 degree turn is crucial to understanding how to make 'resurrection' or 'ascension' real. The dimensional levels are separated by 90 degrees; musical notes are separated by same, the chakras also are separated by 90 degrees. 90 degrees keep coming up over and over again. In fact, in order for us to enter into the any dimension ['altered' state link. Representation only], we must make a 90 degree turn". [Page 43. 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of life'. Mention elsewhere]. Think about it, relative to a u-turn, within 'horizontal / vertical' symbolism. Possibilities of. All as a representation of something, ONLY.
As one example: ''The Egyptian Ka expresses 'divine love' - the want to be connected to the 'Beloved', the divine partner {'Song of Songs'?}. Its hieroglyph is shown as two arms outstretched and uplifted 90 degrees, from the elbows up, in much the same way as African Methodist Episcopal Church elders hold their hands in prayer.'' [Page 153 'The Union of Isis and Thoth'].
''The celestial poles are also the poles of the celestial equatorial coordinate system, meaning they have declinations of +90 degrees and −90 degrees (for the north and south celestial poles, respectively). Despite their apparently fixed positions, the celestial poles in the long term do not actually remain permanently fixed against the background of the stars. Because of a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, the poles trace out circles on the celestial sphere, with a period of about 25,700 years. The Earth's axis is also subject to other complex motions which cause the celestial poles to shift slightly over cycles of varying lengths (see nutation, polar motion and axial tilt). Finally, over very long periods the positions of the stars themselves change, because of the stars' proper motions.'' [Wiki].
"The equinoxes are the only times when the solar terminator {the ''edge'' between night and day} - is perpendicular to the equator. As a result, the northern and southern hemisphere's are equally illuminated." [Wiki/'equinox']. As a representation of something? {other than the obvious?}.
Question. Where would be the 180 turn?
Side note: {analogy?}: "The Science of Breath says: 'The Vayu Tattva moves at acute angles, comes in flow 'eight fingers breadth' downwards {YHV?} - is hot or cool in temperature. It gives success to those 'works' which are transitory." [Page 29 of the book by P. F. Case. Vol 1].
Analogy?: "Surrender is nothing more than one step back from oneself. To let be what is. And what is, is divine. It embraces heaven and earth. It simply embraces everything." [Page 49 'The Path Has No Name' / Annette Kaiser. Chapter entitled 'The Love Affair'].
Song of Songs?
Continued: Hence the reason as in the Egyptian example of Horus identified with the 'hypotenuse'. His feet touching the horizontal, while his head touches / connects to the top of the vertical, [chapter eight. 'The Sphinx Mystery'. R. Temple]. Representative of an understanding of something; [Astrology equivalent = Aries in relation to Pisces, i.e., head/feet]. That 'right angle' that has a link to 'kneeling' symbolism as indicated in the same book, chapter seven. Together with....
"In this esoteric manner that i have just suggested, genuine physical details of pyramid construction seem to be hinted at. But they appear to be general and not confined to a single edifice such as the Great pyramid alone...." AND...."If we begin to decode the esoteric references in some of the ancient texts, we are in a better position to retrieve possibly important information about the monuments." [same chapter]. Check it out in relation to other data, i.e.,.
{Working example?}: "The answer so often, lies in the heavens and the variety of ways in which Homer describes the Milky Way. In this view of Auriga, the Milky Way becomes the 'beach', the strand of light that rolls diagonally {hypotenuse?} across the constellation, and whose myriad stars are as numerable as grains of sand. Homer uses similar imagery later in the Iliad when the Milky Way adjacent to Canis Major is the 'seashore' upon which Achilles strolls mourning the death of Patroclus...Nestor also has a 'bright girdle' which is the Milky Way {authors hypothesis}. Throughout the Iliad, when Homer uses certain 'codewords' they always have the same astronomical meaning. 'Shirts' and 'corslets' are groups of stars in a generally rectangular or pentagonal configuration, just as 'beach' and 'sandy' denote the Milky Way...'' ['Homer's Secret Iliad']. Try ''pentagon'' while recalling those ''girdle'' stones found in the ascending passageway of the Great Pyramid. Coincidence or a meaningful one?Refresher: "The Agnisuryans respond to the sound. The waters ebb and flow. Let the 'magician' guard himself from drowning, at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet, must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water, land and air meet there is the place for 'magic' to be wrought."
From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that remains the language of TRUE poetry....but it is only fair to warn the reader that this remains a very difficult book, as well as a very queer one {'peculiar'?}, to be avoided by anyone with a distracted, tired or rigidly scientific mind...." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].
Side note: Why a 'serpent'? Crawls on belly {horizontal?} but can strike in the vertical? Can be found in both salt and fresh water? Sheds its skin? etc. All as a means...?
Try ''poison/antidote''.
Refresher: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'].
From a different perspective: "Where the sea and land meet, we fling ourselves down upon the beach, and realize that we have come to a place where the Elements merge and separate. Air is the ocean wind, Water in the sea's, and Earth in the sand and rocks of the shoreline. Yet Air, Water and Earth mingle - merging and separating. We seek for a sign of Fire in the night {Sky gods/religion, therefore top/down? i.e.,looking for a ''connectedness from above'' i.e.,our inner 'higher' self} - and realize that in the stars above and within our own hearts and in our blood there is Fire. With this realization we 'see' a beacon fire burst into flame not far from where we rest, and we walk along the tide line {ebb and flow?} towards its flame and sparks. When we reach this 'fire', we see that it has been lit upon a wide block of smooth stone {hewn/unhewn?} with a bowl shaped hollow {therefore implying West?} in its surface. The fire is dying down now, its logs and branches shooting streamers of sparks into the night wind {'glittering'?}. We see no sign of whoever lit this beacon fire, and suddenly realize that our animal companions {lower aspect?} have quietly left us. From out of the 'shadows' upon the great ocean a small boat appears....We see that it is double ended, and the bow and stern are both sharp peaked {Hooked? and/or 'twin horned'? and/or Waxing/Waning?}…." [A visualization of something from within the chapter entitled 'The Ferryman and the Priestess' i.e., ''Who guides the keel that ploughs the deep'' from the book 'The Way of Merlin' by R. Stewart. All emphasis, this readers].
Oxyrhynchus fish?
Question. South west or North west. Recall the 'boats' found in 'pits' on the side of the Great Pyramid.
And/or: "All the prows {of boats} found within the tomb of Tut - point to the West." ['King Tut's Last Mission'' / Channel 5 / 08/02/2020].
Question 2. ''Priestess'' being anima aspect - in each individual - that has the potential {i.e., {+/-} therefore a link to the Fine Structure Constant?}} - to define it all?
''In chasing the old religions of Europe, we seem to be able to watch the spread in every direction of one great belief. It came of top of vague and scattered beliefs in some form of totemism. It was so much higher in the scale of ideas, that people jumped at it, as later they did with Christianity. Although the thoughts of many men probably went to form it, one suspects that only one really great thinker hammered it into shape. In attempting to appreciate how this idea was thought out...." [Page 154/5 'GogMagog']. ''Blacksmith'' ?
Try 'Dead Sea Scrolls' as ONE example.
And/or: "Here I shall leave the quest for the moment. It has been most fascinating, and I think I have only reached a halting place on the road. Innumerable questions still keep tumbling into my mind. Was the Highland water - horse, for instance, only an idle tale of imagination formed from vague stories of the hippo in Egypt? Was it not rather a legend of former sacrifice to Isis, the moon goddess of the sea, coupled with Diana's horse, her totem horse? Similarly, what was the story behind the animal at Loch na Beiste, Skye? This, I have been told was traditionally a bull with one leg. Was this just a vagrant Walrus from Greenland? It is more likely to be some bull headed sea god....I do not know the answers to these and many more questions. I have, however, seen that folklore, which at one time did not seem to me to be a very promising line of investigation, can be linked in with archaeology and anthropology to give us a clearer understanding of much that we do not know...." Same book.
Try ''bull''/ ''oxen'' / ''plough-share'' {in relation to ''poseidon''?}.
Question. Why should Poseidon be master of ''horses''?
What does it all represent within a MINDSET?
- "Glass Onion" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their 1968 double album The Beatles (also known as the "White Album"). The song was written by John Lennon and credited to Lennon–McCartney.Lennon wrote the song to confuse people who read too much into the lyrical meanings of Beatles songs, which annoyed him.[2][3] Many lines refer to earlier Beatles songs, including "Strawberry Fields Forever", "I Am the Walrus", "Lady Madonna", "The Fool on the Hill", and "Fixing a Hole". The song also refers to the "Cast Iron Shore", a coastal area of south Liverpool known to local people as "The Cazzy".[4][5][6] Lennon dismissed any deep meaning to the mysterious lyrics:I threw the line in—"the Walrus was Paul"—just to confuse everybody a bit more. ... It could have been "the fox terrier is Paul". I mean, it's just a bit of poetry. I was having a laugh because there'd been so much gobbledygook about Pepper—play it backwards and you stand on your head and all that.[7]"Glass Onion" was a name suggested by Lennon for the Iveys, a group who signed to Apple Records in 1968 and later became Badfinger.[citation needed]
Continued: "Isis is the star that rises from the twilight Sea, the star that itself is the symbol of the divine spark in man. The Egyptians called it Sothis, we call it Sirius. When the star is 'unveiled' {heliacal rising?} and brightly burning within the human soul, then conscious touch with the Isis of Nature becomes fully possible." [Chapter 4, 'The Forgotten Mage'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Understanding that universal framework defines that statement. If only in relation to understanding a subject. The bigger question however is [relative to the self] ...sense or non-sense. A possibility or not? At least a MIND SET is got?
"Sirius also coordinated simultaneously with the star Dubhe in the Big Dipper so that their alignments formed an approximate 90-degree angle. This curious connection has also been noted by Wendorf and Malville, they commented that the megalith builders of Nabta Playa had a "fascination with right angles". [Chapter 4, 'Black Genesis]. See anything? Indicative of the importance of this 'subject'.
However, Mr Temple [this readers opinion only] only understands the 'Giza' information in its Micro sense. No tombs, [certainly not of Royal linage i.e.,anything relative to 'Kingship'], will be found...anywhere...within the boundaries of the Giza complex, and most certainly not, under its main monuments i.e.,all three pyramids and the Sphinx. Remember. Symbolic only, i.e....
Side note: ''The Great Pyramid was a tomb for Khufu. No question about it.'' ['History of Ancient Egypt' / Bob Brier].
Only when ALL the available information is accessed - that ''inner'' one {mind set?} as well as the obvious - will true answers be found.
Continued: "...since our thinking has been based on the meaning of the right angle, i might try to citing an observation which struck me when i looked up the word "right" in the dictionary. The first two definitions of "right" are: {1} straight, not crooked. {2} upright, erect from a base...perpendicular. What struck me about these definitions is the confusion between the moral sense of the word and the geometric sense. In fact "straight, not crooked" could apply equally as well to a line on a paper, and a persons moral character. I take this confusion as a manifestation of a similarity in meaning which lies deeper than the word itself. This can be seen in the word "upright", which has connotations that are not exclusively geometrical. [Up and down are, from the point of view of geometry, relative]. In order to stand up , man has to exercise a continual counterpoise of muscles. His judgement is necessary to determine deviation from a vertical position, and he must exercise this counterpoise in order to remain "upright". So then we can at least accept that the uniqueness of the right angle, in creating a dimension that is independent of the activity under consideration, provides the measure, the mean...and we can now say...the meaning of the activity. Our geometry of meaning may therefore be described as "a description of the the right angle...its scope, application and significance". [Chapter seven. 'The Geometry of Meaning'. A. Young].
''The face of truth is open, the eyes of truth are bright. The lip's of truth are ever closed, the head of truth is upright. The breast of truth stands forward, the gaze of truth is straight. Truth has neither fear nor doubt, truth has patience to wait. The words of truth are touching, the voice of truth is deep. The law of truth is simple, all that you sow you reap. The soul of truth is flaming, the heart of truth is warm, the mind of truth is clear and firm through rain and storm. Facts are but its shadow, truth stands above all sin, great be the battle of life, truth in the end shall win. The image of truth is Elijah Muhammad, wisdoms message his rod.
The sign of truth is the crescent, the soul of truth is god. Life of truth is eternal, immortal is its path. Truth has power to endure. Truth shall always last.'' {Described as his masterpiece: 'Whats My Name: Muhammad Ali'}.
And/or: "It was also called a perch or pole. The word rod derives from Old English rodd and is akin to Old Norse rudda (“club”). Etymologically rod is also akin to the Dutch rood which referred to a land area of 40 square rods, equal to one-quarter acre, or 10,890 square feet (1,012 square metres)."
"A centurion's symbol of office was the vine staff, with which they disciplined even Roman citizens, who were otherwise legally protected from corporal punishment by the Porcian Laws."
"The vine staff, vine-staff, or centurion's staff[1] (Latin: vitis)[2] was a vinewood rod of about 3 feet (1 m) in length used in the ancient Roman Army[3][4] and Navy.[5] It was the mark and tool of the centurion:[6] both as an implement in the direction of drill and maneuvers[citation needed]; and to beat wayward or laggard soldiers or sailors under his command.[7] It was also borne by evocati who held an equivalent rank....The vine staff may have derived from the Etruscan lituus and was certainly in use by the Punic Wars.[4] Following the enactment of the Porcian Laws in the early 2nd century BC, it was the only manner by which Roman citizens could be beaten[7] and is mentioned by various classical authors. A line in Ovid notes that "the good general commits the vitis to one to command one hundred....Some scholars state the vine staff was the instrument used to beat the Iceni queen Boadicca.[16] St Marcellus the Centurion was martyred following a scene where he cast away his vine staff and repudiated his rank."
From a different perspective, with something extra: "....In the Ageless Wisdom there has always been a close correspondence between the ideas symbolised by the number 'ten' and 'four' and those relating to 'Jupiter', and those ideas indicated by the noun ''wealth''. In Hebrew this noun is derived from a verbal root meaning to be ''upright, just''. The Hebrew name for Jupiter also means ''upright, just''. Bearing in mind the fact that the symbol for Jupiter shows the 'crescent of subconsciousness' OVER the 'cross of Self-consciousness', we see that much depends, in the manifestation of the Jupiter 'vibration', upon the condition of the subconscious. If we are responsive only to the 'lower' phases of subconscious activity, if the subconscious forces that we use are tinged with all the false notions of the race, if the dominant suggestions are those having their roots in the ''death'' point of view of the unsublimated Mercury, we shall manifest ''poverty'', even though we may accumulate dollars. But if the reverse be true, if the sublimated 'Mercury' has taught us the meaning of LIFE, if the purification of the 'Moons' vibration has taken form through us a wisdom which enables us to practice a true art of living ....." [Page 51 of the book by P. F. Case. Vol 1].
From a different perspective: ''In the sandstone relief at Abydos of the Temple of Ramses II - the Nile god Hapi appears as a long haired hermaphrodite...bent down on one knee, holding in his hands the flowering lotus and papyrus...Who floods the fields to nourish all those who thirst....They seem to say that when the waters of the unconscious rise toward the realm of consciousness {wet/dry'?}, then we have come to our time of renewal...Dawn always begins in the BONES.....The search for higher ground may be metaphoric for the search of a higher spirituality.'' [Pages 124-130 'Dreams of Isis' / N. Ellis].
Side note: Greek Dionysos/Zeus in relation to Zoe/bios?
'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.
A work in progress: '' I feel if the labyrinth and the soul were one and the same, as the wave and the sea are one; and the labyrinth uncoils as the soul approaches until its a shining channel straight to the heart of me. In another way, the process is a single movement of the unravelling soul which fills me from foot to head with light {'Jupiter'?}, brimming out of my eyes and mouth. From being small and remote he becomes in an instant very large and tall as if he had stood up in me, where the standing up is at the same time a rapid expanding....'' [Page 34 'Mercurius' / P. Harpur].
Refresher: Zeus = ''he who illumines''. As a means....?
Question. ''Foot to head'' = Right-left? Therefore Head to foot = Left-right and/or top/down?
Try ''Uas'' and/or 'Ishon'' to enlarge.
Continued: Think about it in relation to this subjects use of 'hypotenuse'. Understanding the above [within this subject] gives clues to the meaning of those acute 'right angles' in such monuments as Puma Punku in Bolivia. As well as the meaning to those 'H' type structures within same. i.e.,above / below, in relation horizontal / vertical. Very similar to the representation / meaning of the letter 'H' in the Hebrew YHWH. Or the 'H' within the word Allah. Try Part 4.
"Particular striking, because i have missed them before on all previous visits, are a couple of rows of massive andesite blocks all identical, as though stamped out of some mould, and all shaped like the letter 'H'. The comparison with the 'H' motif at Gobekli-tepe, on the belts of the pillars, for example..." ['The Magicians of the Gods'].
Try ''porphyry'' as a starting point.
"How might we interpret these strange ideograms in use among the Gobekli builders so soon after the end of the last ice age? Let's start with the 'H' glyph. Searching the archives of prehistoric symbolism throws up very little. They could be shields made of animal hide, as examples in prehistoric art do occasionally resemble the letter H. Yet if so, why do they appear so many times on the same pillar? Also apparent is that the H character resembles two letter T's joined stem to stem. It is an association that might not be without meaning, especially in view of the general appearance of the T-shaped pillars..." [Enlarged elsewhere. From the book by A. Collins].
"All meaning is an angle"....same book.
A 'working' example {i.e.,as seen from a different perspective and/or in relation to one aspect}: "For over a year G. added nothing to what he had said about 'cosmoses'. Several of us tried to approach these problems from many different sides and, although all of us felt a great deal of potential energy in the idea of cosmoses, for a long time we got no results. We were especially confused about the 'Microcosmos'." ['In Search of the Miraculous'].
''Side'' in relation to ''in profile'' or ''face on''. Enlarged elsewhere.
As is the word 'Pyramid'. Those first three letters that means 'fire', [Key. Mentioned elsewhere]. 'Triangles' on top of a 'square' base. Those acute angles that somehow have 'hidden' within them the concept of the circle. As the author of the 'Egyptian Dawn' informs the reader..."The Giza plan is essentially invisible, and was meant to be so. There is nothing obvious about it, and no casual eye was ever meant to perceive it. You may know the old proverb...'If you want to conceal something successfully, hide it in plain sight", [chapter one].
'Fire' in relation to 'spirit' as a means....?
Question. Top/down or Bottom/up?
'The Rose Cross and Goddess: The Quest for the Eternal Feminine Principle' by G. Knight.
Understanding the above gives clues towards defining such questions as: "Pyramids grew in size...although scientists have unlocked many of the secrets as to how the pyramids were built, one question remains unanswered: Why did Imhotep use the triangle to symbolize eternal life?" ['Lost Mummy of Imhotep' / Discovery/History channel].
''Pyr'' = 'fire' link.
REFRESHER: "The present Arabic name of Egypt is al-Misri, which is the equivalent of the biblical Misraim. This name is derived from the Semitic root which in Akkadian gives the verb asaru, "to cut, to delimit, to delineate", and hence, "to draw a picture, a plan, " and the noun esertu, "drawing plan, representation," applied in particular to the specifications for the construction of a building. In Semitic language an 'm' before the root of a verb forms what we would call a past participle: Egypt is the country built according to a geometric plan. The Egyptians expressed this idea by calling their land To- Mera, "the land of the mr." The word 'mr' is used to refer to the pyramids, but more specifically it refers to the meridian triangle of a pyramid, whose hypotenuse is the apothem. The 'mr', essentially is a right angle triangle....." [Page 291, from the book, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''hypotenuse'' in the usual box.
Hence the reason why those 'three' aspects were represented as a 'triangular' stone door as in the example of the same, that blocked the tomb of 'Lord' Pacal of Palenque fame, [recall what 'Lord' represents. Explained within]. Or the 'triangular' shape of the 'hinges' to the Ascending passage of the Great Pyramid as well as within its Northern entrance. [Introduction to the book 'The Tutankhamun Prophecies' by M. Cotterell]. Recall what those 'three aspects' represent in relation to what ''doors'' represent i.e.,doorways of the mind etc...
Practical example: " UNhinged; one cannot think straight..." [Quote made by Susan Galloway/BBC World Service /November 2015 - in relation to ''divorce'']. Those "hinges" that had defined upon them symbols - which once understood - allows one to continue along ones path - along ones rightful; destined path - the straight way.
Analogy with same intent..."I know now that my teacher was the holy man who gave the wise warning. If i could only find him. My wish was sincere, for one day the holy man arrived unheralded. 'Enough of tiger taming'. He spoke with calm assurance. 'Come with me; i will teach you to subdue the beasts of ignorance roaming in the jungles of the human mind.' I was initiated into the spiritual path by my saintly guru. He opened my soul doors, rusty and resistant with long disuse. Hand in hand we set off for my training..." [Extract from the chapter entitled 'The Tiger Swami' from the book on Paramahansa Yogananda ].
REFRESHER: 'To spit {snake?} in the face of ignorance'?
In the Chinese Calander for 2022 - is the year of the Tiger.''
Analogy: ''Framed as a series of questions, 'Tyger Tyger, burning bright' (as the poem is also often known), in summary, sees Blake's speaker wondering about the creator responsible for such a fearsome creature as the tiger. The fiery imagery used throughout the poem conjures the tiger's aura of danger: fire equates to fear.
The second stanza continues the fire imagery established by the image of the tiger ‘burning bright’, with talk of ‘the fire’ of the creature’s eyes, and the notion of the creator fashioning the tiger out of pure fire, as if he (or He) had reached his hand {'fingers'?} into the fire and moulded the creature from it. (The image succeeds, of course, because of the flame-like appearance of a tiger’s stripes.) It must have been a god who played with fire who made the tiger.
In the third and fourth stanzas, Blake introduces another central metaphor, explicitly drawing a comparison between God and a blacksmith. It is as if the Creator made the blacksmith in his forge, hammering the base materials into the living and breathing ferocious creature which now walks the earth.
The fifth stanza is more puzzling, but ‘stars’ have long been associated with human destiny (as the root of ‘astrology’ highlights). For Kathleen Raine, this stanza can be linked with another of William Blake’s works, The Four Zoas, where the phrase which we also find in ‘The Tyger’, ‘the stars threw down their spears’, also appears. There it is the godlike creator of the universe (Urizen in Blake’s mythology) who utters it; Urizen’s fall, and the fall of the stars and planets, are what brought about the creation of life on Earth in Blake’s Creation story. When the Creator fashioned the Tyger, Blake asks, did he look with pride upon the animal he had created?
In "The Tyger", there is a duality between beauty and ferocity, with Blake suggesting that understanding one requires an understanding of the other. The "Songs of Experience" were written as contrary to the "Songs of Innocence" – a recurring theme in Blake's philosophy and work.''
Herod to enlarge.
A working example: ''The nomads armour {Central Asia} - his headgear, garments, his belt, horses harness, his jewels, vessels, rugs - everything about him was ornamented with figures of animals....Sometimes single figures were represented, but mostly groups of two or more. The scene of combat of two animals occurs very frequently, especially on BELT plaques. A deer, male or female, attacked by a wolverine, a lion or a tiger is a favourite subject in nomadic art.'' [Page 43 'The Origins of Russia' / Vernadsky].
And/or:..."I remained obstinately silent....Walking in the midnight darkness towards the hermitage, i wondered why the miraculous meeting had ended on an inharmonious note. The dual scales of maya - that balance every joy with a grief! My young heart was not yet malleable to the transforming fingers of my guru." [Extract from the book on Paramahansa Yogananda. Enlarged elsewhere].
And/or: "The Beast is like our ego and egocentric interests. It represents the work of 'self' alone, without gods influence {'grace' link?}. The mark is erased when the work of our hands and thoughts of our minds are cooperating with 'god', rather than simply being self driven. The Beast is our lower nature at our most selfish, self-centered, self glorifying point of existence." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way' / Mentioned elsewhere]. Enlarged elsewhere.
''In the Chinese Calander for 2022 - is the year of the Tiger.''
"The power which begins in the autumn to overcome the sun is the cold and the dark of winter. This it is which the Chinese consider the essence of the female principle, the great Yin, symbolized by the tiger gliding stealthily through the grass, waiting to leap upon its prey with claws and fangs, yet looking all the while sleek, gentle, and catlike, making one almost forget its ferocity. This feminine power was named Eros, by the Greeks, it signifies relatedness, rather than love, for in the idea of Eros, negative, or hate, is comprised as well as positive, or love." Try ''claw'' - for that overall {feeling?} outlook. [M. Harding]. Try ''panther'' on all pages.
''Spots and Stripes''?
And/or ''relatedness'' in relation to: "The masculine principle, or Logos, thus came to be revered in the person of the 'Sun' god, and the godlike qualities inherent in man, his capacity to achieve and to order, to formulate, discriminate, and generalize, were venerated in a sun hero, who undertook his twelve labours and slew the dragons of sloth and ignorance, thus acquiring consciousness, a spiritual value of a different order." [M. Harding].
"Gradually, as his broad pyramidal base of accomplishment proceeds, and it towers both from within and above upon a firm foundation, made secure by the evocations and sustained by his aspirations, he tends to discard the lessor things, as their necessity becomes less obvious, and becomes more one pointed and devout, until the culmination of his efforts overflows into the supreme attainment." [Chapter 13, 'The Tree of Life'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Question. Attainment of what? Question 2. Fact or fiction?
"Knowledge gives strength, doubt paralyzes the will."
"Dr Abraham explained that 'adonai' the Hebrew word for ' my lord ', was the same for the Egyptain word for ' Aten ' and that ' mos ' [related to the word 'moses'], is an Egyptain not Hebrew, word for ' child '. [ Page 81, same book]. Look up ''child''.
"The voice of truth in a person that has not yet awakened to spiritual life, is the ''still small voice'' that may be felt in the heart, listened to by the imperfect; as a half conscious dreamer may listen to the ringing of bells in the distance; but in those that have become conscious of life, that have passed through the first 'resurrection' of the spirit in their own heart, and received the baptism of the first initiation, administered by themselves, the voice of the new born 'ego' has no uncertain sound, but becomes the powerful Word of the 'Master'. [Emphasis this readers. Chapter 1, from the book by F. Hartman]. Link to the word ''teacher'' that inner one.
Refresher: "Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with."
"...the anima appears in 'her' proper positive role - that is, as a mediator between the ego and the self." ['Man and his Symbols' / C. Jung. Emphasis, this readers].
Side step: ''The bicycle symbolicallyt evokes
A working example {i.e.,something put into practice}: "Unified Egypt hosted a number of separate tribes, each with its own local deity or 'god'. The company of gods of a particular town numbered three, the local deity and two lesser gods, who shared the reverence and honor paid to 'him'. These groups were known as 'triads'. Usually one was a principle god, the other his 'wife' the goddess, and the third their 'son', who was thought to possess all the 'powers' attributed to his 'father'. The head of the triad was sometimes Ra, the sun god or a lesser god ascribed with the same powers as the 'sun' god". Together with...
"Many scholars are confused and perplexed by the myriad of symbols, gods and traditions of the Egyptians. Who were the gods? Where did they originate? What did they symbolize? Why did some carry the ankh, some the scepter, some the snake, others the vulture, others both the snake and vulture? There were in essence three separate belief systems based in the three most important re-ligious centers of Heliopolis [Ennead], Hermopolis [Ogdoad] and Memphis. The priest of each jockeyed for position in regard to which system best represented both their history, self interest and wellbeing". [Both extracts from chapter one, 'The Tutankhamun Prophecies' by M. Cotterell].To evaluate the above correctly [without any manipulation of 'data'] read chapter two of the book 'The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt' by Rosemary Clark.
And/or especially 'Egyptian Mysteries' by Lucie Lamy.
Understanding this subjects symbolism especially in relation to eight, nine, and eleven [ relative to 'three'], gives a deeper, truer 'meaning' [evaluation] to the subject as a whole...rather than just in relation to "sun spots and their cycles."
Side note. ''Apex'' in relation to the Great Pyramid/Step pyramid. Position of. 'Delta' in relation to the start of something. Representational of.
And/or: The apex of the marsh triangle = ''circular stones and a dome shape on top.'' ['Curse of Oak Island'].
And/or: ''Deviant'' burials found in a 'Roman' cemetery at Great Whelnetham southeast England. Heads removed purposely and placed in the 'lower' region of remaining skeleton. Not executions. The hypothesis is that its a roman slave cemetery for peoples brought in from the continent and UK. ''We don't really know why these skeletons were decapitated but by identifying these people as slaves the cemetery could help to shed light on the darker side of Roman rule." [Digging for Britain' Series 7. Episode 3].
Question. A Roman thing? What 'religious practices' could a 'slave' {believe?} in ?
As {one} example: "Today we carve pumpkins on Hallow's Eve, but in Druidic Britain {and Ireland in specific where the custom began}, the common folk carved large turnips, squash or gourds into hideous faces, into which they then placed a lighted candle. They were placed {in certain places} to ward off otherworld beings which roamed from dawn to dusk on Samhain. Traditionary, there was one head carved for each child in the family. Now, why a head? Because the ''Noble Head'' of the Celtic people, was an ancient symbol of protection stemming from the legend of Bran the Blessed. Bran was a great King from the Time of Legends, who ordered that his head be cut off and buried in London's white hill {where the Tower of London now stands}, facing across the English channel, so that the land would be forever safe from foreign invasion. And even this legend has its roots in the older Celtic notion that the seat of the human soul resides in the head." [ From the book by Douglas Monroe].
Looking across the sea for the ''horizon'' and/or the ''Sea People''?
''The ruins of Gath, a Canaanite center that became the Philistines mightiest city, now lay beneath Tell es-Safi, which means 'white hill' in Arabic. The mounds white chalk cliffs, which overlook fertile farmland, inspired the Crusaders to name the castle they built there in the 12th century A.D. Blanche Garde or White Fortress. Gath was one of five cities known as the Philistine Pentapolis...'' [Page 50 {The Philistine Age} 'Archaeology' / July/August / 2022].
Question. From where did the Celts originate from?
Something extra {?}: "It is true that Tacitus mentions a priest when he describes the various tribes around the modern Denmark as worshipping Nerthus, or Mother Earth. In her shrine in a sacred grove on an 'island in the sea' was a draped 'car' {chariot?}, in which the priest could 'feel' the goddess when she chose to come {recall similar, at the top of the 'Tower of Babel'}. Then her car was drawn by 'cattle' throughout the land of the Reudigni, Aviones, Anglii, Varini, Eudoses, Suarini, and Nuitones. Wherever the goddess was taken, men locked away their weapons and ALL IRON. People gave themselves to peace, rejoicing etc. - until she was taken back to her sacred 'island'. Then the goddess, car and covering were all washed in a secret lake by slaves, who were at once drowned so that they should not talk of what they had seen. Two at least of these tribes, the Anglii and Eudoses, later became part of the Anglo-Saxon people." [Page 103 'GogMagog' / T. Lethbridge].
Iron in relation to 'spirit'? Cattle in relation to 'Soul'? As a means....?
Try ''cattle'' and/or ''island'' and/or ''lake'' and/or 'car' and/or ''iron'' to enlarge one way or the other.
And/or: ''Slave'' in relation to 'servant'? 'Drowned' in relation to the unconscious? i.e.,unmanifest. To become a ''manifest'' value - when understood?
''Covering'' in relation to 'Cloud of Unknowing' ?
Side note: Bog man proven to be ''drowned'' - prior to ''ritual sacrifice''. His hair raised to a knot {topknot?} and fixed above the head with pine resin. Joann Fletcher believes it proves that Neolithic man was using ''beauty products''. Try 3:10 to enlarge.
Question. When ALL the available 'data' is gathered {Tut link} - what do you think?
And/or: "The Luxor Temple was analzed by the philosopher symbolist R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz. He believed it was designed as the living embodiment of the living god king of Egypt....The god seed in human life...the UNfolding of that life as a spiritual journey....In each hall or chapel, the walls and statuary symbollically resonate with parts of the body that mirror cosmic creative principles. For example the temple is "seeded" by the ithyphallic god Min. He appears in the hypostyle hall with an erect penis....The image carved into a stone that was once the original stone of the previous Middle Kingdom temple {'Corner stone'?}....In the birth chapel near the holy of holies sancuary - can be seen the spiritual conception of Amenhotep III. Here, as previously seen in the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut, we find an image of the immaculate conception wherein the god Amun and the queen mother meet face to face in heavenly cohabitation. They sit with knees interlocking as he lifts his hand to touch her lips {'opening of the mouth'?}. Thus the word is made flesh....THE TEMPLE IS COOL IN THE EVENING....
Probably the most important festival/feast day in Luxor was the Opet Festival, in which the boats of Amun and Mut were drawn on sledges to the river and set sail, a celebration of the sacred marriage. There is a touch of human humor in the wall carvings that commemorate the event. In the midst of a staid procession of sledges, one can see one young fellow who has fallen down and another who has stopped his fall. With an upraised arm, he faces the other linemen and seems to be yelling at them, "Don't push!"....
My favourite hieroglyphic PUN - the cow being led in procession and its horns curving out into human arms. Its topknot becomes a human head. I smile at the little ponytailed fan bearer going along behind the king. That is the pharaoh's son, holding the ostrich feather shade above his father all day long. He listens to every word the king says.... [Page 212 'Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt'].
Herd mentality is when a big group thinks and acts as one. Members of a herd relate to one another and want to fit in with the crowd so they tend to act alike. Which goes right back to the fact that cows herd because they like hanging out with their friends that they bond with....
Helios's cattle live on the island of Thrinakia. Circe informs Odysseus that Helios keeps seven herds of cattle on the island, each of which contains 50 cows. According to the sorceress these "holy cows" do not breed, and therefore Helios cannot replenish their number. This is why he is so protective over them.....
Side note: ''The English name of the island may be derived from the Old Norse; either Ǫngullsey "Hook Island"[8] or Ǫnglisey "Ǫngli's Island".[8][9] No record of such an Ǫngli survives,[10] but the place name was used by Viking raiders as early as the 10th century and later adopted by the Normans during their invasions of Gwynedd.[11] The traditional folk etymology reading the name as the "Island of the Angles (English)"[12][13] may account for its Norman use but has no merit,[9] as the Angles' name itself is probably cognate with the shape of the Angeln peninsula. All of them ultimately derive from the proposed Proto-Indo-European root *ank- ("to flex, bend, angle").[14] Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries and into the 20th, it was usually spelt Anglesea in documents,[15] a spelling that is still occasionally used today.
Ynys Môn, the island's Welsh name, first appeared in the Latin Mona of various Roman sources.[16][17][18] It was likewise known to the Saxons as Monez.[19] The Brittonic original was in the past taken to have meant "Island of the Cow".[12][20] This view is untenable according to modern scientific philology and the etymology remains a mystery.
Poetic names for Anglesey include the Old Welsh Ynys Dywyll (Shady or Dark Isle) for its former groves and Ynys y Cedairn (Isle of the Brave) for its royal courts;[13] Gerald of Wales' Môn Mam Cymru ("Môn, Mother of Wales") for its agricultural productivity;[21] and Y fêl Ynys (Honey Isle).''
Continued: Helios' Strengths: Powerful, fiery, bright, tireless. Helios' Weaknesses: His intense fire can burn. Birthplace of Helios: The Greek island of Rhodes, famous for the huge ancient statue of him. Parents: Usually said to be Hyperion, supposedly a still-earlier sun god who is one of the Titans, and Theia.
CASH COW : someone or something that makes a lot of money for a business, organization, etc. The football team was a cash cow for the university. The movie studio saw the actress as a cash cow.
And/or: If this is a relic of the worship of Magog, it is curious that the 'slaves' were drowned and not burnt {i.e., burnt skeletons found nearby. Enlarged elsewhere}. It may well have been once part of the same ritual; but have decayed through time and isolation, or it may have been an earlier stage in the re-ligion." [Same page and book].
Try ''Altar of Sacrifice'' and/or ''Altar of Witness''. Then ''atavistic''. Then ''re-ligion''. Its TRUE meaning - then and now. In the past and the present.
"Squaring the circle". Subtle link to A/B/C. Alpha and Omega, a beginning and end. A link to the ‘language of mathematics’. Symmetry. Especially ‘Group theory’. No better book than ‘Finding Moonshine’ by Mr M.Du-Sautoy. Evaluating ‘triangles’ within those overall ‘dimensions’...and hinting? consciously or otherwise throughout the book on the ‘mystery’ of life-s ‘conscious’ process within it. As indicated by that very first quote on his first non other than P. Valery. An individual with possible esoteric connections. [Co-incidently another quote by the same person on its first page will be found in ’Hamlets Mill’ ].
The author D. Melchizedek uses ''Squaring the Circle'' along with ''Thoth'' - among others - to get the readers cognitive faculty in motion - within his book 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life'.
A side step..."In antiquity, the number 8 was considered interesting for purely mathematical reasons: the mathematicians of ancient Greece discovered that every odd number above 1, when squared, results in a multiple of 8 plus 1...They also discovered that all squares of odd numbers above 1 differed from each other by a multiple of 8...In architectural design, the octagon is the first form to serve as the transition from the square to the circle, which is important in the construction of domes...Eight appears as a second beginning, on a higher level...It is the day of purification as in say, the Hebrew tradition...It was convenient for the Christians to take over this idea of regeneration..Eight, is the first perfect cube {2x2x2} which represents an imprint of body and soul with the security of eternal salvation..." ['Mystery of Numbers'. Mentioned elsewhere].
Question. ''Square and circle'' = The 'circumambulation' around the 'cube' at Mecca ?
Question 2. 'Square' and 'circle' {Gt. Pyramid} = 'External'? 'Dome' shapes WITHIN {i.e., king/queens chamber} = Something of the 'Inner'? An inner quality {'female' aspect?} . As a means.…?
Corbelled link?
A working example: "An avenue of consecutive sphinxes runs more than a mile from the Temple of Amun at Karnac to the Temple of Man at Luxor. The sphinxes at Karnak are ram-headed while the sphinxes at Luxor Temple are human-headed....
When one walks through the avenue of the sphinxes at Luxor Temple, the eyes of those human headed lions seem to watch every step as if to ask, "Are you ready to die to your old self and to be remade holy?" The pilgrim enters the temple to offer everything to the Creator Spirit - that the ego has inhabited for a lifetime, to realign him or herself with divine purpose - in order to contain the spiritual light. The hieroglyph that indicates this process is a pot for carrying water walking on two legs. It means "to come forth purified." It means to become a good vessel for that which the 'divine' asks us to carry.....Its the 'Hero's' journey written in stone." [Page 215 'Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt'].
'Turning the light around'.
Continued: Whether Mr Du-Sautoy has similar interests is known only to himself...but that connection that is ignored by most [fear/ridicule?] is central to this subject, i.e., To attempt a feasible hypothesis on the structure/nature of consciousness within ‘things’. Or more specifically - On the ’freedom of will’.. within cause and effect. Or even cause and effect within freedom of will?
'Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour' by O. Morgenstern and J. Neumann.
'The Physics of Immortality' by F. Tipler an attempt of the same, by someone who works within that same field. Only explained, however, within the confines of the 'physics' world. No attempt to include within that speculation any other possibilities. Possibilities that define; amongst other things; a possible 'alternative'. Only explained in 'its' most fundamental aspect. The mathematical one. Rather than search outwards, looking for fresh ideas to bring to the 'mathematical table', such speculation can only remain within that narrow field. That same 'field', that strangely enough has at its origins.... this subject. Numbers that can only create further numbers. Nothing else. Regardless of the 'magical' quality and faith that some believe the word 'quantum' to possess. Only when this subject is at least considered, as part of the overall equation within such a 'hypothesis' will an answer finally be arrived at...a complete one, or as close to that 'concept' as one can get. [This readers only 'opinion'].
'137' ?
As Bertrand Russell once said...."Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty....... a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture". [Page 148. 'I Think, Therefore I Am' [ all the philosophy you need to know] by L. Levene]. Or even William Blakes quote..."God save us from single vision."[First page, first quote, to the book 'The Sacred History' by J. Black].
''Cold'' in relation to 'shadow'? {and/or 'marble'?}.
As {one} example: ''Usually astrology is thought by astronomers to be a delusion, but obviously it is not possible to recount the history of a subject while affecting towards it an attitude of superior disbelief....It will be necessary therefore to assume that the claims of both astronomy and astrology deserve to be taken equally seriously." [The Origin of the Zodiac' / R. Gleadow].
"To know the origin of matter and of existence - such has always been the essential {central?} preoccupation of thinking humanity." ['Sacred Science' / R. A. Schwaller De Lubicz].
'The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen.' A publication by J. Forshaw and B. Cox. A quote by the same on the inset cover, "This is our most up-to-date picture of reality." No mention of the human psyche and its 'plausible connectedness' within that ''reality.'' No mathematical construct to attempt a definition of the same. Not even words like 'mind' or 'consciousness,' will be found within its index. If only in relation to ''cause and effect.'' Or more importantly 'freedom of will' within same. Construct of. A possible one. Nothing more.
'The Nature of Substance Spirit and Matter' by R. Hauschka.
"The wonderful thing about metaphors is that they are simultaneously real and unreal. When I presented an early version of chapter 1 as a lecture in Atlanta, two evolutionary biologists came to it, thinking that it was about real 'microscopes' and 'telescopes' {i.e.,subjective/objective understanding; application and use of 'mythology' from a personal and collective point of view - i.e.,microscopic / telescopic}. They stayed through the whole lecture and talked to me afterward about the double vision in their fields, the unfortunate schism between people who focus on tiny details and people who dream about the big picture, and the difficulty of getting them to talk to one another..." ['The Implied Spider'].
As seen from a different {perspective?}: "A single obsessional idea runs through all my work: the paradoxical nature of freedom...The trouble is the narrowness of consciousness. It is as if you tried to see a panoramic scene through cracks in a high fence, but were never allowed to look over the fence and see it as a whole." ['The Occult' and 'Beyond the Occult' by C. Wilson].
''Over the fence'' in relation to that framework ? And/or: The great ''wall'' that surrounds that very FIRST structure made of STONE. Boundary lines of something.
"A true scientist is an OBJECTIVE man - sober and open to all experience or new thought." [Quote taken from the book by Tomberg].
'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.
"In trying to understand the atom, physicists built quantum mechanics, the most successful theory in science and the basis of one third of our economy. They found, to their embarrassment, that with their theory, physics encounters consciousness." [From the book 'Quantum Enigma' by B. Rosenblum and F. Kuttner].
Refresher: " I make no secret whatsoever of the fact that my rather revolutionary model of the atom came to me in a dream.'' Niels Bohr.
"David Green, once described his frustration on seeing a fox yards away from young hounds who had their noses to the ground and insisted on following the scent off into the distance where the fox had been and back again to where he was now - but would not be for long. An older hound would have the sense to look up. Scholars bogged down in their rigid ways of scenting their prey are often forced by the comparative evidence to look up and see what is right in front of them, for the more obvious; and invisible {hidden?} human truths." ['The Implied Spider: Politics and Theology in Myths'].
'Symbol and the Symbolic: Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness' / R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz.
Analogy: "Interest in the study of the past, and particularly in civilizations that flourished before Greece or Rome, is much more widespread today; archeology has perhaps become the most popular of all sciences. In some directions there is abundant new evidence; and there are useful new methods, which can be applied almost everywhere. But whether progress has been made in interpreting the mind of the past, is more doubtful. That there is some kind of continuity between the mythologies of the ancient world and the deeper levels of our consciousness now, is fairly generally recognized; but this continuity can be interpreted in widely different ways. There are many who regard the development of the scientific consciousness, which concentrates on the measurable aspects of physical objects, as an unmixed gain. To them, the consciousness which was at home in myth and picture {image/archetype?} - rather than in the measurement of physical events, seems like a nightmare from which mankind was wholly fortunate to awake." ['The Flaming Door: The Mission of the Celtic Folk Soul'].
Question. Fact or fiction - a possibility or not?
A head scratch..."Intellectually, modern man knows almost all there is to know about the pattern of creation in himself, the forms it takes, the surface designs it describes. He has measured the pitch of its rhythms and carefully recorded all the mechanics. From the outside he sees the desirable first object of life more clearly perhaps than man has ever seen it before. But less and less does he experience the process within. Less and less is he capable of committing himself body and soul to the creative experiment that is continually seeking to 'fire' him and to charge his little life with great objective meaning. Cut off by accumulated knowledge from the heart of his living experience, he moves among a comfortable rubble of material possession, alone and unbelonging, sick, poor, starved of meaning." [From the book 'The Heart of the Hunter'. Mentioned elsewhere].
''Intellectual'' - represented with the 'Tower of Babel'. And/or the 'trickster' character that stole 'fire'.
'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.
A working example: ''It is ten days after my fathers death. I am in the middle of a seminar, conducting an exercise in which i ask the students to imagine a series of doors that they pass through, gradually taking them to deeper states of consciousness. I decide to join them in the process. I shut my eyes and eventually find myself in front of a very unusual door. The bottom half is paisley, while the upper part is glass. Suddenly, through the glass i see my father grinning at me. I am shocked because my capacity for internal visual imagery is very weak, and yet he appears as clearly as if he was right in front of me with my eyes open. For some reason i say, 'Dad, what shall i call you?' 'Call me popsicle!', he replies and, waves, turns and walks away.'' {a reference to being ''on ice'' at the crematorium much longer than anticipated due a backup of bodies}. [Page 279 'A Mythic Life' / J. Houston].
Higher/lower - which and why?
"Dingle" to enlarge.
Side note: ''During this intense period, Jung was struck by the synchronicity of finding a dead kingfisher, a bird rarely seen around Zürich, in his garden by the lakeshore. Thereafter, Philemon played an important role in Jung's fantasies. To Jung, he represented superior insight and functioned like a guru to him.''
Continued: A projection of the 'real father' onto the spiritual one? 'Elder' of the animus? - leading the way? In anticipation of the 'flood waters'?
Question. Where would Sekhmet and Athene be placed? {i.e., aspects that the author identifies with}.
''The best day of my life - my rebirth day, so to speak - was when I found I had no head. This is not a literally gambit, a witticism designed to arouse interest at any cost. I mean it in all seriousness. I have no head. It was when I was 'thirtythree' that I made the discovery, though it certainly came out of the blue, it did so in response to an urgent inquiry - I had for several months been absorbed in the question: What am I?....What actually happened was something absurdly simple and unspectacular: just for the moment I stopped thinking. Reason and imagination and all mental chatter died down. For once words really failed me. I forgot my name, my humanness, my thingness, ALL that could be called me or mine. Past and future dropped away. It was if I been born in that instant, brand new, mindless, innocent of all memories, there existed only the Now, that present moment that was clearly given in it. To look was enough....It took me no time at all to notice that this nothing, this hole where a head should have been was no ordinary vacancy {void?} no mere nothing. On the contrary, it was very much occupied...." [Chapter one entitled 'The True Seeing' from the book 'On Having No Head'].
From a different perspective: ''When fishing became my therapy; i wondered why it was having such a positive affect on me. Then i discovered the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. He's famous for coming up with the practical theory that something that can completely engross you can help many mental health conditions {including boredom? - recall Part 1}. He calls it ''Flow''. The concept of flow. BEING in the flow, in the zone, in the moment - its a fairly new term - its also as OLD AS THE HILLS {al-Qurn?}. Its Eastern philosophy, its Buddihism, its Zen, all those things. Its about losing oneself in the MOMENT. And we all know what being in the zone is - its when time stands still {'Saturn'?]. Concerns whether they be about money, relationships, profession, career etc - all the mundane stuff - just falls to one side {'in profile'?} - and you are just FOCUSED in the moment....A state of equilibrium. ['Robson and Jim's Fly-fishing Adventure in Iceland' / ITV].
A {working?} example: "The fourth way is sometimes is called the 'way of the sly man'. The 'sly man' knows some secret which the fakir, monk and yogi do not know. How the 'sly man' learned this secret is not known. Maybe he found it in some old books, perhaps he inherited it, perhaps he bought it, or stole it from someone. It makes no difference. The 'sly man' knows the secret and with its help outstrips the fakir, the monk and yogi." ['In Search of the Miraculous'].
Follow the title of the book to 'see' it in its broader context.
"There's always something life affirming walking alongside a river, seeing it flow, twist and turn. Just like life - constantly moving, changing and evolving. Different speeds at which life flows. Its kind of how i feel right now....wondering what's around the next bend, the next turn, on the river of life." ['Walking With Nick Grimshaw' / BBC4].
She looks back at the path she has travelled, from the peaks of the mountains, the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
That process of understanding {and/or getting ones 'head around it'} defined with the word 'gnosis' - the result of which = a Gnostic.
N.B. ''Gnosis'' - a direct link to the 'cognitive faculties' {Wikipedia/ 'Gnosis' }. And Part 1.
A {working?} example: "The Persians called it 'Naqsh-e-Jahan' {Isfahan} meaning 'half the world'. Meaning that to 'see' it was to see half the world." EXOteric/ESOteric? [Quote by Sam Willis 'The Silk Road' 3/3]. Others elsewhere in relation to the ancient {'religion'?} of Persia, i.e., Zoroastrianism {'paisley'}.
Side note: That silk road that was initially known {in part} in those ancient days {especially by its creator as the Royal road - The Royal {Way?}.
And/or: ''Leizu (Chinese: 嫘祖; pinyin: Léi Zǔ), also known as Xi Ling-shi (Chinese: 西陵氏, Wade–Giles Hsi Ling-shih), was a legendary Chinese empress and wife of the Yellow Emperor. According to tradition, she discovered sericulture, and invented the silk loom, in the 27th century BC.....According to legend, Leizu discovered silkworms while having an afternoon tea, and a cocoon fell in her tea. It slowly unraveled and she was enchanted by it.
According to one account, a silkworm cocoon fell into her tea, and the heat unwrapped the silk until it stretched across her entire garden. When the silk ran out, she saw a small cocoon and realized that this cocoon was the source of the silk. Another version says that she found silkworms eating the mulberry leaves and spinning cocoons. She collected some cocoons, then sat down to have some tea. While she was sipping a cup, she dropped a cocoon into the steaming water. A fine thread started to separate itself from the silkworm cocoon. Leizu found that she could unwind this soft and lovely thread around her finger.''
Side step: [15] And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines.''
Side note: ''In 1911 J.R.R. Tolkien and three friends, Robert Gilson, Geoffrey Bache Smith and Christopher Wiseman, formed a semi-secret society called the Tea Club and Barrovian Society, alluding to their fondness for drinking tea in Barrow's Stores near their school and, secretly, in the school library.''
Continued: {S.W.}"To what extent did the existence of this Royal Road help in the growth of the Silk Road?" {Dr. T.} "The Silk Road is not a road, its a concept. The concept of a connection between east and west. A road that the Iranians created for the first time. Through the Royal Road east and west began to understand each other. Without it east and west simply did not know {understand?} each other. That connection between east and west is simply called these days as the Silk Road." [Conversation between Sam Willis {S.W.} and the historian Dr. Tabatabai in the program 'The Silk Road']. Other examples elsewhere.
Analogy..."Science is what we do, when we don't know what we are doing." [Quote BBC2 'Lost Horizons': The Big Bang].
"Life is what happens to you, when you are busy doing other things." John Lennon.
'Life is in the details''. [Tony Beets/ Gold Rush / Discovery Channel / Series 8, episode 2].
'God is in the details'?
Alternative viewpoint..."Feeling 'uncomfortable' can be mistaken for 'confusion', and very often students of quantum physics continue to attempt to understand what is happening in every day terms. It is the resistance to new ideas that actually leads to confusion, not the inherent difficulty of the ideas themselves, because the real world simply doesn't behave in an everyday way. We must therefore keep an open mind and not be distressed by all the weirdness. Shakespeare had it right when Hamlet says, 'And therefore as a stranger give it welcome,. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." [Chapter 3, J. Forshaw + B. Cox]. That opinion; as most would agree; can be applied to anything 'new'. Especially in its early stages as all subjects in one form or another prove depending like all else ; amongst others; as to that individuals aptitude- Including this subject- that first yet last one. As an example, put ''stranger'' in the usual box. A synchronistic example of same especially and if only when this subject becomes a viable one. If not attempt again as one has to do in any subject. As it does with the real intent and purpose of the word ''philosophy''...
'The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius' / G. Farmelo.
"This is one of the strangest interviews." Sergei Fedorov. {Russia with Simon Reeves. Episode 1}.
Continued..."However the source of life and ['therefore'. This readers input] the viability of the entire Hermetic ['gnosis' link] - current through the course of ages is to be found neither in intellectual theory nor in magical practice. It is quite precisely stated by 'Hermes Trismegistus', the pre - christian sage, in the dialogue Asclepius: for speaking as a prophet speaks, i tell you that in after times none will pursue philosophy in singleness of heart. Philosophy is nothing else than striving through constant contemplation [or study. This readers input] ... to attain to knowledge of ''God''; but there will be many who will make philosophy hard to understand..." [Quote by Tomberg. 'Letter 8'].
Analogy of same; but {less?} religious..."One of Lahiri Mahasaya's favorite remarks, with which he would encourage his students to persevere [perceive?] in meditation - "making, making, some day made." One may freely translate the thought as: ''Striving, striving, one day behold! the divine goal." [Extract from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi'. Enlarged elsewhere ].
Orion - 'The Far Strider'.
"The task of the scholar of esoteric studies is not to prove that such an invisible 'tradition', hidden behind the veil of historic events, did or did not exist; as such; before [say] the Renaissance; rather, the task consists of trying to grasp and to describe the different facets of the emergence of this idea as it appears in the imaginary and the discourses of the last centuries [and/or millenniums. This readers input]. Quote by A. Faivre.
"Imagination and intuition are vital to our understanding. And though the usual popular opinion is that they are chiefly valuable to poets and artists {that in ''sensible'' matters one should mistrust them}, they are in fact equally vital in all the higher grades of science. Here they play an increasingly important role, which supplements that of the ''rational'' intellect and its application to a specific problem. Even physics, the strictest of all applied sciences, depends to an astonishing degree upon intuition, which works by way of the unconscious {although it is possible to demonstrate afterward the logical procedures that could have led one to the same result as intuition}. Intuition is almost indispensable in the interpretation of symbols..." [ 'Man and His Symbols' / C. Jung].
"The systems which confront the intelligence remain basically unchanged through the ages, although they assume different forms. There is nothing so disastrous in science as the arrogant dogmatism which despises the past and admires nothing but the present."
For this reader the word noblesse {oblige?} comes to mind as recently expounded by B. Cox {2014?} in one of his award winning {documentaries?} in relation to the book 'What is Life'.
"A true scientist is an OBJECTIVE man - sober and open to all experience or new thought."
Understanding all of the above defines the following..."Hermeticism is not a science which differs from other sciences or which even opposes itself to them. No more is it a religion. It is a uniting - in the inner forum of personnel and intimate consciousness - of revealed truth with truth acquired through human endeavour." Try ''re-ligion''. Think about it ['see' link] in relation to the word ''source'' relative to that universal framework].
Question. Fiction. Pulp fiction?
"In many fields of study, an outsider comes along to assemble the pieces and present a 'big picture' breakthrough. In the 'Structure of Scientific Revolutions' Thomas Kuhn noted that major scientific breakthroughs have often come from outsiders or newcomers, precisely because they did'nt carry with them any of the biases or prejudices that prevented the veterans from seeing the obvious. Commenting on the discoveries of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Deborah and Robert Lawlor wrote in their introduction to his 'Temple of Man': 'Historically, in many specialized branches of knowledge, it has been the non-specialized, integrative minds that have made the ground breaking innovations.' " [From the book 'Galactic Alignment'. Mentioned elsewhere].
As {one} example: "The effort that goes beyond the natural possibilities of the worker, or of the researcher, develops in him superior possibilities, and can even awaken in him 'supra-natural' faculties, such as intuitive perceptions in the realm of his research. Whether you call these strokes of genius, inspiration, or more simply intuition; its a state of consciousness that 'knows'..." ['Journey into the Light' / Isha Schwaller de Lubicz].
Something 'unknown' becoming 'known' - All as a means...?
"James Clerk Maxwell, one of the greatest figures in physical science of the nineteen century, once wrote: 'In Science, it is when we take some interest in the great discoverers and their lives that it becomes endurable, and only when we begin to trace the development of ideas that it becomes fascinating.' Between two and three hundred years earlier, the poet, John Donne, had written that in order for a mystery to have a universal significance it must be made comprehensible to ordinary mortals." [Both extracts taken from the book 'Through Alchemy To Chemistry' by J. Read].
'The Electric Universe' by W. Thornhill and D. Talbott.
"Pearls and other jewels as well as metals and plants, applied directly to the human skin, exercise an electromagnetic influence over the physical cells. Mans body contains carbon and various metallic elements that are present also in plants, metals and jewels. The discoveries of the rishis in these fields will doubtless receive confirmation someday from physiologists. Mans sensitive body, with its electrical life currents, is a center of many mysteries as yet unexplored." [Extract from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi'. Mentioned elsewhere].
"Realizing that man's body is like an electric battery, i reasoned that it could be recharged with energy through the direct agency of the human will. As no action of any kind is possible without 'willing,' man may avail himself of the prime mover, will, to renew his strength without burdensome apparatus or mechanical exercises. By the simple Yogoda techniques, one may consciously and instantly recharge his life force - centered in the medulla oblongata - from the unlimited supply of cosmic energy." [Same book].
''Thinking/feeling/willing'' - another use {application?} of it? Recall Part 1.
A working example: "We live in an electric universe. Our bodies are electrical machines....Our senses tell us we are surrounded by things innumerable: the Ageless Wisdom declares, ''There is only the One Thing''. Modern science confirms this ancient teaching. Physicists now picture the universe as a great ocean of pulsing, vibrating electromagnetic energy, and psychologists tell us that this One Thing, electro-magnetism, presents itself to our consciousness in the particular forms which we call ''things'', because our senses are what they are. Let the range of our senses be augmented ever so little and we should find ourselves in a 'different' world, containing any number of things of whose existence we cannot even dream at present." [First page, first paragraph of the book by Paul Foster Case].
A deeper head scratch..."The force of life, and electrical energy: are these not the most clear manifestations of these two principles? Life and electricity, must be clearly distinguished. Thus, today there is a tendency to confuse them, and to reduce them to 'electricity' alone. However, electricity is due to the antagonism of opposites, whilst life is the fusion of polarities..." [Extract; from within the book by Tomberg]. Anything? At the very least can you 'see' something other than the "literal"? OR at least attempt to? Before those two bigger questions are asked. Enlarged elsewhere. Try ''arc'' and/or ''angle'' {90 degrees?}.
"God unites the polarities of qualities ['aspects'?] only in Adam, to confer a distinction on him. Thus he says to Lucifer, 'What prevents you from prostrating to one whom i have created with my two hands?' [Quran 38:75] . Higher/lower?
'Devil is in the detail'.
A practical {day to day?} example"What we call 'evil' is the manifestation of a soul considerably out of balance - evil is the disharmony of the soul. Hell is not a place, but a state of mind. Both poles are necessary to find the perfection of balance which leads us to what the Bible calls heaven. Again, heaven is not a place, but a state of mind - a state of being." ['Truth Vibrations']. Try ''being is''.
The real questions, however, remain the same.
"Coomaraswamy writes that the basic symbolism of the Symplegades is that of a union of contraries or opposing polarities."
"Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of matter: we are beginning to suspect that we aught rather to hail it as the 'Creator and governor of the realm of matter'. Sir James Jeans, astronomer.
"Knowledge of created beings is one thing, and knowledge of the divine truth is another. The second surpasses the first just as the sun outshines the moon' ['The Philokalia' . Enlarged elsewhere].
Metaphorically speaking - or metaphysically speaking? OR...
'God is in the detail'?
A more up to date attempt on the same...‘Psyche and Matter’. By M. Von Franz. Or for a ‘technical’ representation of the same...this reader is still ‘working through’ the prologue,[i kid u not]...’ The Atman Project’. By K. Wilber. Or for a more readable one; if only to understand the word 'magic' within this subject...’Mysticism’. By Evelyn Underhill....and...'The Teachings of the Mystics'. By W. Stace. Books that others recommend. That 'words' true meaning, by way of 'implication'. A possible one. Nothing more, i.e....
"To be a 'mystic' is simply to participate here and now in that real and eternal life, in the fullest deepest sense that is possible to man"......."That serene and illuminated consciousness of the relation of things inward and outward - of the hidden 'treasure' and its 'Casket' [Sarcophagus, and Palenque 'Lid' link]. The energizing 'Absolute' [divine' link] and its expression in time and space - which we have been studying in this chapter, is at its best a state of fine equilibrium; a sane adjustment of the inner and outer life." [Page 264, chapter 4, 'Mysticism' [The nature and development of spiritual consciousness], by E. Underhill.
And/or: The Frome Hoard is a hoard of 52,503 Roman coins found in April 2010 by metal detectorist Dave Crisp near Frome in Somerset, England.[1] The coins were contained in a ceramic pot 45 cm (18 in) in diameter,[2] and date from AD 253 to 305. Most of the coins are made from debased silver or bronze.[1] The hoard is one of the largest ever found in Britain, and is also important as it contains the largest group ever found of coins issued during the reign of Carausius, who ruled Britain independently from 286 to 293 and was the first Roman Emperor to strike coins in Britain.[1] The Museum of Somerset in Taunton, using a grant from the National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF), acquired the hoard in 2011 for a value of £320,250....
A small black-burnished ware bowl had been inverted over the mouth of the larger pot, to form a lid.
The coins comprise 67 separate types, and date from the period 253 to 305. The vast majority of coins are made from bronze, but five are made from solid silver. Of the 52,503 coins found, 44,245 have been identified, and the remainder are classified provisionally as "illegible" until cleaning and conservation has been completed.[1] Of the identifiable coins, 14,788 were minted under the central Roman Empire, 28,377 were minted under the breakaway Gallic Empire, and 766 were minted under the Britannic Empire of Carausius, as shown in the table below.[1] About 5% of the coins identified so far are from the period of Carausius, who ruled Britain from 286 to 293,[1] and the hoard includes five silver denarii issued by Carausius, which were the only type of silver coin to be struck anywhere in the Roman Empire at that time."
''The piece of armour called the cask covered the head.'' ['The Chase'].
And/or: ''Casks are like the middle children of the aged spirits world. They don’t have the upscale industrial aura of the shining beacons of the spirits world — the stills that produce the spirits. Nor have they the multi-sensory appeal of the finished whiskey.
But casks play a huge role in helping shape the final flavor profile of not only spirits aged in them, but wine and beer, too. They can impart flavors as wide-ranging as vanilla, coconut, and oak, and — when charred on the inside — help charcoal filter the spirits into smooth-sipping glory.''
Side note: ''A firkin is a unit of volume or mass used in several situations. Its etymology is likely to be from the Middle English ferdekyn, probably from the Middle Dutch diminutive of vierde 'fourth' (a firkin originally contained a quarter of a barrel). Firkin also describes a small wooden cask or tub for butter, lard, etc...A firkin was an American unit of dry measure....1 firkin = 9 US gallons = 34 litres or 'seventytwo' pints...American naturalist John Burroughs (1837-1921) in his boyhood memoir described a firkin as weighing 100 pounds when loaded with salted butter.''
Continued: The first thing to know about “barrels” for spirits is that this term is not technically a catch-all for any vessel used to age spirits. Rather, a “barrel” is a specific term of art in the beverage industry referring to a 50–53 gallon (180–200 liter) cask, often made of white oak.
For the all-encompassing term for the vessel that you age spirits in, “cask” is the preferred nomenclature.
Kind of like how we learned in kindergarten that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, the same holds true here: all barrels are casks, but not all casks are barrels.'' [internet].
"A cooper is a person trained to make wooden casks, barrels, vats, buckets, tubs, troughs and other similar containers from timber staves that were usually heated or steamed to make them pliable. Journeymen coopers also traditionally made wooden implements, such as rakes and wooden-bladed shovels. In addition to wood, other materials, such as iron, were used in the manufacturing process. The trade is the origin of the surname Cooper....The word "cooper" is derived from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German kūper 'cooper' from kūpe 'cask', in turn from Latin cupa 'tun, barrel'.[1][2] The word was adopted in England as an occupational surname, Cooper. The art and skill of coopering refers to the manufacture wooden casks, or barrels. The facility in which casks are made referred to as a cooperage."
An Egyptian wall-painting in the tomb of Hesy-Ra, dating to 2600 BC, shows a wooden tub made of staves, bound together with wooden hoops, and used to measure.[9] Another Egyptian tomb painting dating to 1900 BC shows a cooper and tubs made of staves in use at the grape harvest.[10] Palm-wood casks were reported in use in ancient Babylon. In Europe, buckets and casks dating to 200 BC have been found preserved in the mud of lake villages.[11] A lake village near Glastonbury dating to the late Iron Age has yielded one complete tub and a number of wooden staves."
Question. What is the difference between the words ''magic'' {and/or 'magical'} and ''mystical?'' and why are they applied? Enlarged elsewhere. Try Part 4 before those first impressions make one yawn; while 'creating' an inner 'vision' {archetypes?} of the armchair and TV set.
Just an elaborate description of those same principles, i.e.,...
"...mysticism is the awakening of the soul to the 'reality' of the 'presence' of god." [Quote within the book by Tomberg]. OR more importantly what it represents, i.e.,as an example try YHWH {YHVH}. Explained within. Part 4.
From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that remains the language of TRUE poetry....but it is only fair to warn the reader that this remains a very difficult book, as well as a very queer one {'peculiar'?}, to be avoided by anyone with a distracted, tired or rigidly scientific mind...." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].
Side note: Why a 'serpent'? Crawls on belly {horizontal?} but can strike in the vertical? Can be found in both salt and fresh water? Sheds its skin? etc. All as a means...?
Try ''poison/antidote''.
Refresher: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'],
"Mysticism is the source and root of all religions." [Quote from the book by Tomberg]. Link to the word ''Gnosis'' and what it implies, i.e.,in relation to that universal framework and/or the contents of this web page. The word 'see' shares the same properties. As an example...
"This book is about levels of consciousness, and Western man's pursuit of the Ultimate level. There are many doctrines and methods leading to this Reality. We deal here with less familiar paths leading to that exalted state of Being, which we have designated Abraxas, because we find it meaningful. There are many other names we could have chosen. [Prologue to same book by N. Drury ans S. Skinner]. Compare to final paragraph; found in Part 1. A beginning and end? Representational of. Find it to understand it.
A working example: ''That is the quest of all the blessed dead - to return to the heavens from which they came. The Hopi likewise honoured the star people, and their sohu dancers depicted three stars like those in the belt of Orion....When the 'three' stars appear to lie low on the horizon {'In' OR 'of' the horizon?}, both the feast days of the Osirion Mysteries AND the Festival of the Two Ladies began - the ''two ladies'' being the two sisters {Isis and Nephthys} who uplift {upright?} Osiris and raise him from the dead. In Utterance 466, the pharaoh aligns with the sahu, or body of light that is Osiris.'' [Page 229 'Imagining the World Into Existence'].
''Righteous light''? N/W? James the Just?
And/or: ''In the second hour, we leave the intermediate realm and enter the actual netherworld, which is presented as a fertile region watered by the primeval ocean Nun and called Wernes. In the MIDDLE register, we find - only in this SECOND HOUR - Isis and Nephthys represented in the solar bargue as serpents....In this hour the process begins to flow {'concept of flow'?}; the waters of the depths carries the ships along...This night world which we call the unconscious today.'' [Page 38 'Knowledge for the Afterlife: The Egyptian Amduat: A Quest for Immortality' / E. Hornung].
From a different perspective: "No way is it a coincidence that the worship of the serpent is the oldest and most global of all religions. Researcher Klaus Dona who has studied endless artifacts from the far ancient world said: 'The snake is a very, very mystical and very often -presented object...Also the frog is a very mystical animal in old South American pre-Columbian culture, but also in Africa and Asia'. Frogs turning into princes and princes into frogs is also part of folklore and fairy tales which symbolise human-reptilian shapeshifting. People dismiss the existence of reptilian and other non human entities by reflex action, without a second's research, because their minds are so set in concrete that they cannot conceive of anything beyond the programed 'norm' which they believe is real. They also don't want it to be true and so they simply deny it to themselves..." ['The Perception Deception' / D. Icke].
Follow the author to 'see' what he cannot {i.e., a reptilian alien elite - dominating the world?}.
Side note: In the earliest versions of the chess game, the ROOK was a “chariot”—ratha in Sanskrit, rukh in Persian. Yet in many languages across Europe, this piece is known as a tower or a castle. How did that happen?
One theory is that the Arabs transmitted the Persian term rukh almost unchanged to Europe, where it turned into old Italian roc or rocco. That’s virtually identical to rocca, the old Italian term for “fortress,” which association in turn gave rise to alternate names for the piece: torre (“tower”) and castello (“castle”).
Another theory is that Persian war chariots were so heavily armored that they resembled small, mobile fortifications—hence the link between rukh and castles.
Side note: Chaturanga may also have much older roots, dating back 5000 years. Archeological remains from 2000 to 3000 BC have been found from the city of Lothal (of the Indus Valley Civilisation) of pieces on a board that resemble chess.[2] Another argument that chaturanga is much older is the fact that the chariot is the most powerful piece on the board, although chariots appear to have been obsolete in warfare for at least five or six centuries, superseded by light and heavy cavalries.[citation needed] The counter-argument is that they remained prominent in literature and continued to be used for travel and transport, in processions, for games, and in races.
"The word 'checkmate' comes from the Persian phrase "Shah-Mat," meaning the "the king is dead." {'Pawn Stars' / S12 EP16}.
Continued: A third idea is that the people-carriers on the backs of elephants in India, called a howdah and used in war to attack opponents, was often represented as a fortified castle tower in chess pieces from 16th- and 17th-century Europe. The elephant eventually disappeared, while the (Persian) name stuck.
With a good old-fashioned siege in mind, it is not such a big leap from castles and towers to “cannon,” which is what the piece is called throughout the Balkans.
What is more puzzling is that the rook is called “ship” (or “boat”) in some other languages, including Russian (lad’já) and Armenian (navak). Could there have been a translation mishap? Rukh is Persian for “chariot,” while roka is Sanskrit for “boat” (but no early chess piece was ever called roka). Or is this because Arab rooks often were V-shaped, like a ship’s bow? Or because the piece moves in a straight line, like a ship?
Nobody knows for sure. However, ancient Indian chess sets visualized this piece as an elephant. And indeed, in Hindi and several other Asian languages, the piece is still called “elephant.”
And/or: Chaturanga (Sanskrit: चतुरङ्ग, IAST: caturaṅga, pronounced [tɕɐtuˈɾɐŋɡɐ]) is an ancient Indian strategy board game. It is first known from India around the seventh century CE,[1] but its roots may date 5000 years back, to the Indus Valley Civilization.[2]
While there is some uncertainty, the prevailing view among chess historians is that chaturanga is the common ancestor of the board games chess, xiangqi (Chinese), janggi (Korean), shogi (Japanese), sittuyin (Burmese), makruk (Thai), ouk chatrang (Cambodian) and modern Indian chess.[1] It was adopted as chatrang (shatranj) in Sassanid Persia, which in turn was the form of chess brought to late-medieval Europe......
Sanskrit caturaṅga is a bahuvrihi compound word, meaning "having four limbs or parts" and in epic poetry often meaning "army".[5] The name comes from a battle formation mentioned in the Indian epic Mahabharata. Chaturanga refers to four divisions of an army, namely elephantry, chariotry, cavalry and infantry.[6][7] An ancient battle formation, akshauhini, is like the setup of chaturanga....
An early reference to an ancient Indian board game is sometimes attributed to Subandhu in his Vasavadatta, dated between the 5th and 7th centuries AD: The time of the rains played its game with frogs for pieces [nayadyutair] yellow and green in colour, as if mottled by lac, leapt up on the black field squares. The colours are not those of the two camps, but mean that the frogs have two colours, yellow and green.
Side note: "Mehrangarh is a historic fort located in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. It stands on a hilltop, rising about 122 meters above the surrounding plains.[1] The complex spans 1,200 acres (486 hectares). It was initially built around 1459 by the Rajput ruler of Rathore clan Rao Jodha, though most of the existing structure is from the 17th century.[2] The fort has seven gates, which includes main entrance Jai Pol (meaning 'victory gate'), built by Maharaja Man Singh to commemorate his victories over the Jaipur and Bikaner armies in 1806. The Fattehpol (lit. 'victory gate'), commemorates victory of Maharaja Ajit Singh over the Mughals.[3]
Within its boundaries, you'll find several palaces known for their intricate carvings and expansive courtyards, a Chamunda Mataji Temple, as well as a museum that houses various relics. A winding road leads to and from the city below. The imprints of the impact of cannonballs fired by attacking armies of Jaipur can still be seen on the second gate. At the north-east of the fort is the chhatri of Kirat Singh Sodha, a soldier who fell on the spot defending Mehrangarh.. Some of the notable festivals taking place here include the World Sacred Spirit Festival and Rajasthan International Folk Festival."
Side note: The main body of a cannon consists of three basic extensions: the foremost and the longest is called the chase, the middle portion is the reinforce, and the closest and briefest portion is the cascabel or cascable.[citation needed]
The chase: Simply the entire conical part of the cannon in front of the reinforce. It is the longest portion of the cannon, and includes the following elements: The neck: the narrowest part of the chase, always located near the foremost end of the piece. The muzzle: the portion of the chase forward of the neck. It includes the following: The swell of the muzzle refers to the slight swell in the diameter of the piece at the very end of the chase. It is often chamfered on the inside to make loading the cannon easier. In some guns, this element is replaced with a wide ring and is called a muzzle band.
The face is the flat vertical plane at the foremost edge of the muzzle (and of the entire piece). The muzzle mouldings are the tiered rings which connect the face with the rest of the muzzle, the first of which is called the lip and the second the fillet The muzzle astragal and fillets are a series of three narrow rings running around the outside of the chase just behind the neck. Sometimes also collectively called the chase ring. The chase astragal and fillets: these are a second series of such rings located at the near end of the chase. The chase girdle: this is the brief length of the chase between the chase astragal and fillets and the reinforce.
Continued: "A howdah, or houdah (Hindi: हौदा, romanized: haudā), derived from the Arabic هودج (hawdaj), which means "bed carried by a camel", also known as hathi howdah (hāthī haudā, हाथी हौदा), is a carriage which is positioned on the back of an elephant, or occasionally some other animal such as a camel, used most often in the past to carry wealthy people during progresses or processions, hunting or in warfare. It was also a symbol of wealth for the owner and as a result might be elaborately decorated, even with expensive gemstones.
'Ship of the desert'.
Side note: "This term is a shortening of the straw that broke the camel's back , which conveys a vivid image of an overloaded animal being given one slight additional weight....
The expression dates from the mid-1800s, and replaced the earlier the last feather that breaks the horse's back.
If an event is the last straw or the straw that broke the camel's back, it is the latest in a series of unpleasant or undesirable events, and makes you feel that you cannot tolerate a situation any longer."
Continued: Notable howdahs are the Golden Howdah, on display at the Napier Museum at Thiruvananthapuram, which was used by the Maharaja of Travancore and that used traditionally during the Elephant Procession of the famous Mysore Dasara. The Mehrangarh Fort Museum in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, has a gallery of royal howdahs."
Victory from the jaws of defeat?
Continued: "No chess piece elicits a wider range of epithets across Europe than the bishop. It starts as another elephant, except that this piece was actually called “elephant” in Sanskrit (hasti) and in Persian (pil). That was Arabized as al-fil, which was Latinized as alphilus.
In French, that became fil, fol, and finally fou, which means “fool” or “jester.” That term was the result of a chain of whispers, which was then faithfully translated into Romanian. Another whisper changed alphilus, which means nothing in Italian, into alfiere, which means “standard bearer” in Italian.
The wide range of this piece’s movements explains terms such as “runner” (e.g., Läufer in German), “hunter” (e.g., lovac in Serbian), “gunner” (e.g., strelec in Slovak), and “spear” (oda in Estonian). The Russians are among those who have maintained the original “elephant,” called slon in Russian. But in the past, it has also been called a durak (“fool,” probably a loan from the French) and an offizer.
Officer and/or nobleman is a rather generic term. A notable alternative to the official Bulgarian term ofitser (“officer”) is fritz, derived from the nickname for German troops during World War II—a relatively recent innovation, probably helped by the fact that it sounds similar to the official term.
Apart from English, only a few other languages call this piece the “bishop”: Icelandic, Faroese, Irish, and Portuguese. Why? Nobody really knows. The miter-shaped appearance came after the name. The term does have some pedigree: The Lewis chessmen, carved from walrus ivory and whale teeth in the 12th century, already have the bishops dressed in recognizably ecclesiastical garb.'' ['Atlas Obscura'].
'Ivory towers'?
''Straight South''?
Side note: ''A character from Christmas folklore called Yule Lad is believed to leave sweets or rotting potatoes in the shoes of Icelandic children.'' ['Impossible' / S6 EP31].
Sweet / sour.
Sad / joy.
''Perhaps terror is a slight exaggeration, but the concept of Santa in Iceland, in terms of Icelandic folklore, is very different to the one we know and love in most western cultures. Rather than imagining a jolly bearded man in red and white, the Santas of Iceland are thirteen filthy trolls led by their mother, a child-eating giantess named Gryla. Throughout the majority of the year, these twisted versions of Santa are thought by many to hide in the daunting lava fortress of Dimmuborgir, located in the Myvatn area of north Iceland. Others believe they simply live in an unidentified mountainous area. From the 11th of December to the twentyfour{th}, however, they depart one by one to engage in thirteen days of mischief. Each has different antics, ranging from mischievous to horrifying, which they indulge in across the country until the end of the Christmas Season.
The Yule Lads are as much a part of the country's festive tradition as the Icelandic Christmas Book Flood and eating smoked lamb.'' Boiled/roasted?
S/E -N/W?
JOIN THE DOTS UP i.e., Iceland/Bern/Giza Plateau.
''Dream'' {stela} to enlarge.
This is the time of year when we Icelanders experience the so-called jólabókaflóð, or “Christmas book flood”. Iceland publishes more books per capita than any other country in the world and the bulk of book sales happens at this time of year, with the publishing industry receiving something like 80 percent of its annual revenues in the approximately two months leading up to Christmas.
The main reason for this deluge is the longstanding tradition in Iceland of giving books as Christmas presents - each and every Icelander typically receives at least one book under the tree each year. After opening the presents on Christmas Eve, many people revel in the thought of crawling in between the covers with something new to read. So … why this Big Love for books in Iceland? Why have the Icelanders, in particular, cultivated such a love and appreciation of the written word?
My guess is that it is because writing and storytelling are so intrinsically bound up with our history. The Icelandic Sagas, of course, are renowned, and form the basis of what we know today about Norse mythology, the history of Scandinavian monarchies, and more. The Sagas were written in the 13th century, which in the minds of many people was Iceland’s Golden Age. Things quickly went south after that, and in subsequent centuries Iceland was beset by great hardships. The Icelanders suffered oppression and humiliation at the hands of their colonial overlords, not to mention horrific natural disasters that caused famine and mass death.
What really helped the Icelanders survive those times of adversity was the memory of the era when the Sagas were written, when they were still proud and independent. It gave them a sense of national identity and pride.
Continued: {i.e., something hinted - using 'myth' as its method}: "It was a large ring - a man's ring, cast all in gold. The circlet was fashioned in the shape of twin serpents, one with eyes of diamond the other Ruby. Upon the ring's fixed face was affixed a likeness of the Red Dragon of Britain, over which was etched the letter 'C' in ornate Roman script....'Put it on,' said Ygraine…." [ Douglas Monroe].
Red Sulpher?
And/or {in the abstract sense of the word/logos}: ''The Scryer {'Beryllisticvs' or crystal-ball gazer} may see most accurately in a Crystal Lamin {thin plate used in scrying} all Sub-lunary things that are of earth and water. And in a carbuncle or Ruby he can explore the region of Air and Fire. And if the 21st {'twentyone' i.e., 7x3} Theorem of our Hieroglyphic Monad can satisfy a Refiner of Gold and give him Enlightenment as a subject of speculation, he will admit that he need not travel to India or America {i.e.,E-W}.'' ['Sacred Symbol of Oneness' / John Dee].
Aker lions to enlarge.
Another example: "In process of time, however, the gods of the Gaulish Druids penetrated into the sacred mythology of the British and furnished personifications for the different attributes of the draconic god Hu. This deity was called 'The Dragon Ruler of the World' and his car {'chariot'?} was drawn by serpents..." [D. Icke book].
Mother of Dragons? {N.B. 'Winged dragons'}.
''Ruler'' in relation to 'King' or ''monarch''. As a means...? Try Part 4.
The real question, however, is - ruler of what?
Can you 'see' what the author {i.e.,the self proclaimed 'Governor of Perception' } cannot? Continued elsewhere. Try Part 4.
Question. Is that new title a demotion or promotion from 'Son of' ?
Refresher: "...It is not that the sense life is to be negated or outwardly discontinued, as impractically taught by some Sankhyas. It is an inner withdrawal that is to be practiced, a withdrawal to 'higher levels' {'winged'?} that will in itself bring that outer harmonization which is essential if the buddhi is to be attained. In the old symbol of the chariot, the horses of the senses are to be held back [ nigrihita] by the reins of the mind, but it is not intended that they be unyoked from the chariot or that their movement should be stopped altogether..."
Side note: "...the four chariots that came out from between two mountains, of which were made of brass." {}. Extract taken from the book 'Guide for the Perplexed' / Page 166]. Try ''four chariots''.
Recall Alexanders 'Gates' {actually a WALL} at the foot two mountains - made of iron - in relation to Gog/Magog. North in relation to south. Iron in relation to brass. As a means...?
And/or: ''On the borders of India {therefore 'east'?} they came across a brass monument with an inscription stating that Alexander the Great had passed that way. After that the landscape began to mutate strangely {'etheric' therefore 'lozenge' link?}. The path they travelled seemed to disappear behind them, and as they pressed on, the 'mountains' of the Himalayas seemed to change position on the horizon.....As they were leaving {west?} - the Brahmins gave Apollonius seven rings, telling him that each sported the 'stone' of the seven planets - of which each one should be worn on the appropriate day of the week'' [Page 172-3 ' The Sacred History' / J. Black].
East - west. One a beginning, the other an end. Reincarnation/Incarnation. Try 'Smith/Jones' to enlarge.
Recall the ''horizon'' symbol.
Does it help us to understand such quotes as ''The sun rising in the west''?
And/or: what does that tell us about Alexander? Can we use it to determine something?
'Builders of the Adytum' ? {Paul Foster Case}.
As one example: ''Every temple in Egypt is erected on the foundation of maat,...being your spiritual inner heart temple...." [Foreword - 'The Union of Isis and Thoth' / Normandi Ellis and Nicky Scully].
What do ''twin horns'' represent?
A working example: ''I climbed onto a beautiful black steed with red roses in her mane. She reminded me of my favourite mount at the carousel....i used to lean into the musical wind to catch the brass ring....She would carry me through as many circling rides as it took to wipe away the woe and weariness of the work day. Calliope music filled the i whirled widdershins around and around...When i finally dismounted, cleansed of all my cares, i was wearing the brass ring.'' [Page 225 'The Book of Shadows' / P. Curott].