Esotericism Part 2 Sec 07




mjiuhgA {working?} example: "The active, the passive, and the neutralizing forces {thinking/feeling/willing?} are designated by the figures 1,2,3, and the substances by the letters C, O, N, and H. These designations must be understood. 'Do these four elements correspond to the old four alchemical elements, fire, air, water, earth?' asked one of us. 'Yes they do correspond', said G., 'but we will use these. You will understand why afterwards'. What i heard interested me very much for it connected G.'s system with the system of the Tarot, which had seemed to me at one time to be a possible KEY to a hidden knowledge. Moreover it showed me a relation of 'three' to 'four' which was new to me and which i had not been able to understand from the tarot. The Tarot is definitely constructed upon the law of four principles. Until now G. has spoken only upon the law of three principles. But now i saw how three passed into four and understood the necessity for this division so long as the division of force and matter exists for our immediate observation. 'Three' referred to force {spirit 'fire'?} and 'four' referred to matter. Of course, the further meaning of this was still obscure for me, but even the little that G. said, promised a great deal for the future." ['In Search of the Miraculous'].

Question. Conspiracy theorists?

Analogy{?}: ''The Mortarboard is an American national honour society for college seniors. It has  231 chartered collegiate chapters nationwide and fifteen alumni chapters.'' [Wiki].

''Numbers show us that there is a harmony, a necessary sequence of facts and factors. Multiplication is never situated BEFORE division, just as addition can never precede this division and situates itself between division and multiplication." [Page 107 'The Egyptian Miracle: An Introduction to the Wisdom of the Temple' / R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz].

{C}alliope - Chief muse.

REFRESHER: "Caroline, you may not be aware of this, but your name begins with the letter associated with the balance of the number three. Balance is a grace of spirit {'male' or 'female'?}. This is why the horizon stone played such an important part in the Egyptian mysteries. The hieroglyph depicts the meeting of Sun and Earth...This symbol is the only hieroglyphic on the outer wall of the Great Pyramid...The name given to the pyramid was 'Akhet Khufu', which meant ''horizon of Khufu'' - this later term was misunderstood by later Egyptologists, who turned it into the name Cheops. This pregnant symbol is {also} located above the passageway which pierces into the......'' Enlarged elsewhere.

And/or: ''Sweet Caroline has been described as the unofficial anthem of the England men's football team.'' ['The Chase'].

Carolingian Dynasty?

Marie Caroline Colvin. R.I.P

Side note: "In G. A. Gaskell’s Dictionary we find many interesting statements relative to this sign: “A symbol of the seventh period of the cycle of life, which is the first period of evolution on the astral plane. The first point of Libra represents the balance between involution and evolution, and the commencement of the evolution from homogeneity to heterogeneity of the many forms and qualities.”

Mr. Gaskell quotes Swedenborg as saying that “The Celestial Man is the ‘seventh day’; all combat then ceaseth and it is sanctified. Every regenerate person is a ‘sabbath,’ when he becomes celestial; because he is a likeness of the Lord.”



Spirit -fire-male-Involution.

Mr. Gaskell writes most sympathetically of Libra as one of the equinoctial signs: It is a symbol of a point of balance and change reached in the soul’s development (sun’s course), when a line, as it were, is crossed and a new soul-process is entered upon. The process of Involution is commenced when the Logos (sun) manifests on the upper buddhic plane, at the point symbolized by the first point of Aries; and, after the completion of the process in Virgo, the first point of Libra signifies the commencement of the new process of Evolution in which humanity is now taking part. The Zodiac is a symbol of the Great Cycle of Life. As the sun (Logos) passes through the six northern signs, the process of Involution of the qualities is accomplished: and, as it passes through the six southern signs, so Evolution will be completed, and the qualities and souls returned to God who emanated them.”

Spirit and matter are equilibrized when the soul is fully purified, and when, at last, Spirit has a sufficient quantity of the finest (super-microscopic) particles with which to complete the Spiritual body. Spirit is the finest of matter; matter is the coarsest Spirit.

Empedocles says: “At one time all the limbs which form the human body united into one by Love, grow vigorously in the prime of life; but yet at another time, separated by evil Strife, they wander each in different directions along the breakers of the sea of life.”

Richard ''the old man'' Harrison. A navy man. Best 'one liners' in history.

Continued: ''HMS Caroline is a decommissioned C-class light cruiser of the Royal Navy that saw combat service in the First World War and served as an administrative centre in the Second World War. Caroline was launched and commissioned in 1914. At the time of her decommissioning in 2011 she was the second-oldest ship in Royal Navy service, after HMS Victory. She served as a static headquarters and training ship for the Royal Naval Reserve, based in Alexandra Dock, Belfast, Northern Ireland, for the later stages of her career. She was converted into a museum ship. From October 2016 she underwent inspection and repairs to her hull at Harland and Wolff and opened to the public on 1 July 2017 at Alexandra Dock in the Titanic Quarter in Belfast.''

And/or: ''HMS Cavalier is a retired C-class destroyer of the Royal Navy. She was laid down by J. Samuel White and Company at East Cowes on 28 March 1943, launched on 7 April 1944,[1] and commissioned on 22 November 1944.[3] She served in World War II and in various commissions in the Far East until she was decommissioned in 1972. After decommissioning she was preserved as a museum ship and currently resides at Chatham Historic Dockyard.''

S/E ?

'Hoe' money. Aztec.

Side note: Gunpowder discovered by the Chinese {accidently} - while looking for the Philosophers Stone, attempting to ''turn base metals into gold.'' ['Flog It' / 8.1.20].

And/or: Giant carved stones used on the island of Yap {Caroline Islands} as money. Sometimes called ''stone money'' {'The Chase' / 11.1.22}.


A Crown of 'four elements'?

And/or: ''Tarot'' in relation to: ''...there are not four arcana but only one Arcanum; however it has four aspects, just as a tower as four sides, according to the four winds. And just as a tower cannot be lacking in one side, so a physician must not lack any of these aspects. For one aspect does not yet make a whole physician, nor two, nor three; all four are needed. Just as the arcana consist of four parts, so the whole physician must comprise of the four aspects." [Extracts taken from the book 'The Magister']. Try 'side'' and/or ''tower''.


The 'Westray Wife'. Made of sandstone. Found in Orkney{N/E?} in ''decommissioned'' buildings. ''Three and Four''? ['Digging for Britain' / Series 1. Episode 2].

And/or: "The last of the children of Nut and Geb - Auset {Isis} and her consort the longest and most revered treatment in Egyptian religion. As the 4th born, the number four is especially associated with her...a fortunate day and number...It represents physical manifestation...representing bringing things 'to fruition and gives birth'..." [Page 97 from the book by R. Clark].

REFRESHER: "The circle is an image of pure 'spirit'...The crescent {semi-circle} that for the 'soul'...The vertical line that for the 'mind' and the horizontal line that for the 'body'. When the mind and body are combined, they form the 'cross of matter'. [Page 6 'Mapping the Psyche']. Try ''semi-circle'' for a connection. And/or ''three and four''.

From a different perspective {top/down?}: "This planisphere is a comparatively late sculpturing to be about 34 BC...others say 700 BC...still others later...It was discovered by the French...ITS appearance is that of a very large antique sandstone medallion {i.e.,circular} of 4 feet 9 inches and contained within a square of 7 feet and 9 inches...It was found in the temple at Denderah, dedicated to Isis...the name derived from Tan-ta-rer of ancient Egypt - signifying the Land of the Hippo...The site was sacred long before Denderah was erected. ['Star Names and Their Meanings' / under 'Cancer'].

Like the Nazca geoglyphs - can only be ''viewed'' from above.Along a 'narrow' ridge; galloping UPHILL; heading WEST; all chalk figures from the south - THEREFORE from a S/W perspective. Created in the Bronge Age - when horses were FIRST DOMESTICATED. Question. An objective view - ALL as a means...?

And/or: ''Founded as a polis by the name Antioch of Hippos (Ἀντιόχεια τοῦ Ἵππου) during the Seleucids, the city is named after the Greek language word for horse, Hippos, and a common name of Seleucid monarchs, Antiochus. In the 3rd-century Mosaic of Rehob, the site is known by its Aramaic name, Sussita (Hebrew: סוסיתא‎), a word meaning "horse" in the feminine gender, while the Arabic name, Qal'at al-Hisn or Husn, has been used by the country's Arab inhabitants, meaning, "Fortress of the Horse/Stallion". Other names include the alternate spelling Hippus (Accusative Hippum), a Latinized version of the Greek name. The precise reason why the city received this name is unknown.'' [Wiki].

cowSide note: "Located in the higher parts of the Nubian sandstone scarp bordering the Nile floodplain, the petroglyphs are hammered and incised naturalistic-style images of wild animals {i.e.,not domesticated; as would be if a 'collar' was shown}. So far, 185 individual figures have been identified, more than three quarters of which are aurochs (Bos primigenius), followed by birds, hippopotamuses, gazelle, fish, and hartebeest {deer?} with some indeterminate creatures (‘monsters’ or hybrids), and several highly stylised representations of human figures {and boats/ships}. The subject matter, technique and style, their archaeological and geomorphological context, and their patination and degree of weathering all suggest the Qurta rock art dates to the Late Palaeolithic period (c.23,000-11,000 years ago). While this interpretation has met with little criticism from the archaeological community, direct science-based dating evidence was lacking. Until now." [Internet under 'Qurta rock art'. Includes the ''monster/hybrid'' quote. All others - this readers].

''Three quarters'' in relation to transcendent third? Try ''oxen''.

'Mistress of Pure Water'.

Hippo symbol found on the {right?} flank at Gobel-el-Silsila.

And/or: Joann Fletcher {'Immortal Egypt' } quotes a date of 17000BC. Wonders why they all seem to be in movement ''charging down at us'' {'line of sight'?}. At least one Hippo drawn. The village of Qurta Near Kom Ombo. Recall its sacred animal.

Try Static/Dynamic.

And/or: Sandstone in relation to 'Silica' relative to the ''crystallization'' of something. All as a means...?

Other engravings found at Wadi Abu Subeira {Near Aswan}. The question is asked. "Were the people in Western Europe and those in Southern Egypt producing almost identical artwork?

Understanding this first yet final subject gets us closer to an answer.

A Mind set?

i.e.,' Sandstone' in relation to 'granite' {Aswan}. An 'evolution' of something {in the spiritual sense of the word}?

N.B. The sandstone mountain at Gebel Barkal according to J. Fletcher is known as ''the mystical mound of creation - where Amun was born.''

Flat top?

Refresher: "...the spiritual three and the material four, were used time and again..." ['Mystery of Numbers'. Mentioned elsewhere].

Question. Exodus 12:40?

walking or running? Clockwise or ?

Found where the mortuary temple of Tutankhamun should have been.

A side step: "Thus the 'sons of' woman set up 'altars' to the 'Father', this side of the world of the 'serpent' {i.e.,shadow and/or anima?}. And Enosh, son of Seth, not only worshiped the Father, but even came to know his Name. He began to invoke the Name of the Father. But Enoch, a descendant of Seth, went still further: he "walked with god". [Genesis v,22. Extract taken from the book by Tomberg].

Nefertiti - Tutankhamun?

Tutankhamun[a] or Tutankhamen[b] (c. 1341 BC – c. 1323 BC), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled c. 1332 – 1323 BC during the late Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. Born Tutankhaten, he was likely a son of Akhenaten, thought to be the KV55 mummy.

"New Name?"

"The symbol of the lower will is the altar".

Question. What material can represent it?

Egyptian equivalent: Khufu in relation to Ra; but only Djedefre was represented as 'a stage further'. 'Elder' relative to 'younger'. Enlarged elsewhere.


''The Key of Dreams''.

Twice as broad as long? Birket Habu?

"What exactly is alchemy?...Alchemy is very old. Ancient Egyptian texts talk of techniques of 'distillation' and 'metallurgy' as 'mystical' processes. Greek myths such as the quest for the golden fleece can be seen to have an alchemical layer of meaning, and Fludd, Boehme, and others have interpreted Genesis in the same alchemical terms. A quick survey of alchemical texts ancient and modern shows that alchemy, like the Cabala, is a very broad church. If there is one great mysteries ''work'', it is approached by way of a remarkable variety of codes and symbols. In some cases the work involves Sulphur, Mercury and Salt, in others roses, stars, the philosophers stone, salamanders, toads [or frogs], crows, nets, the marriage bed, and astrological symbols such as the fish and the lion, [all explained within]. Chapter 23, 'The Secret History of the World' by J. Black.

Village HALL.

Upside down?

'Your Inner Fish' by N. Shubin.

Examples::  ''In the shadow of the Great Pyramid is a very large wall named 'The Wall of the Crow' 200 meters long. 10 wide . Ten Tall. No one knows its purpose.  It seems to be the gateway to the Giza monuments. All of which are on its northern side. On the southern side is found the ''City of the Workers''....'' {'rectangle/oblong'?} - as a means....}. ['Treasures Decoded: Gt. Pyramid'].


Therefore East and west?

Red Lion. Green lion? Enlarged elsewhere.

Achernar the flattest star in the night sky. Can only be seen in the Southern Hemisphere.

On the Shoulders of giants?

Side note: "Warham Camp {Iceni tribe} is one of five, possibly six, Iron Age ‘forts’ known in Norfolk, and the best-preserved of the set, though its once circular footprint is now a horseshoe, having been truncated by 18th-century landscaping works that rerouted the River Stiffkey (pronounced ‘stookey’) in order to improve the view from nearby Warham Grove House. Today, the monument’s interior appears as a sea of empty grass, but over the course of the last 90 years archaeologists have been striving to shed light on how the site evolved and how it may have been used....

The body described as "rectangular". Truncated in the middle. Two half's. A twinning. "To tighten ones belt."

Previous investigations led by Harold St George Gray (in 1914) and Rainbird Clarke (in 1959) revealed that the fort’s surrounding banks had once been crowned by a tall timber palisade with a wooden platform to the rear {i.e., facing to the east coast/marshlands}. Both excavations produced pottery sherds attesting to Iron Age and Roman activity taking place within its bounds (further fragments have been recovered as stray finds in more recent years, after being brought to light not by archaeologists, but by resident populations of moles and rabbits); what those activities were, however, remained obscure....

Stag and deer.

As for why the site was ultimately abandoned, the jury is still out – though it does not necessarily have to have been due to Roman influence in the area. The presence of a second enclosure a short distance away at Warham Burrows might suggest a change of emphasis within the landscape that took place during the Iron Age. Warham Burrows was first identified in the 1950s after it was spotted in aerial photos, and it, too, was excavated by Rainbird Clarke. Its outline is very different from that of its neighbour, forming a 70m by 80m rectangle with entrances to the east and west. The relationship between the two sites remains difficult to define but, significantly, Clarke’s excavations reportedly recovered only Iron Age pottery from the lower fills of the enclosure bank at Warham Burrows, with Roman material only appearing in its middle fills." ['The Past' / February 2024].

Woodhenge / Stonehenge.

N.B. To the rear of the Temple of Ramses at Abydos was a processional causeway where figures of boats were taken from a 'raised' ledge inside the temple - with a very distinct 'overhang' - and carried along by 'carrying poles' {'cedar'?} into the western desert towards an ancient river bed that "once upon a time" was the mouth/marshland of same.

Monoceros {the Unicorn} in the middle of the Winter Triangle. Legend says - the only animal that survived the flood without having to be on the Arc. The emblem of Scotland. Just as the Red Dragon {on green fertile ground}, is the emblem of Wales - with {tongue between its teeth}?  "To bite ones tongue." 'Right hand' raised? Aiming for the light?

"Ancestors" to enlarge.

A FLAT TOP: "An unbelievable feat of ancient architecture, The Wall of the Crow is 656 feet long, 32 feet high and 32 feet at the base. Standing near the Sphinx, this ancient wall was constructed in the 4th Dynasty of Egypt and the true purpose still remains unknown."   N.B. 'Four' pyramids on the north side {including Djedefre}. Four on the southern side {i.e., Step pyramid and the three belonging to Sneferu}.

And/or: "The name Libra is Latin for pound. Pound is the unit of weight for the scales. A pair of Scales is the glyph for this sign. As October means eight and is the eighth month beginning with March, the Spring equinox, we must analyze this number.

Eight is made up of 4 plus 4, or two squares, thus □ + □ which constitute the two weights in the scale pans. The idea underlying the analysis of this sign is that of balance — equilibrium. In a cosmic sense it is analogous to the two halves of the year. Physiologically it has to do with the kidneys, adrenal glands and bladder, which constitute the last of the vital organs and the first half or vital part of the body. The seven months beginning with Aries constitute the vital months of the year. There are no vital organs in the parts corresponding to the last five zodiacal signs.

As the well-being of the lower parts of the body depends on the perfect functioning of the vital organs, so does involution depend on evolution, and vice versa. The forces of Nature are now indrawing, after having been focused into the matrix or womb of the earth — Virgo. [Page 187 'The Zodiac and the salts of Salvation'].

Any chair found?

Continued: In the burial chamber of Hetepheres  {wife of Sneferu. Mother of Khufu} - all items in a jumble {similar to Tutankhamun} - found south of her second resting place being the Northern most position on the Giza complex. Golden beds and alabaster sarcophagus found to name but two. No body inside even though the seal of the sarcophagus was unbroken.

House of Gold?

Question. Where will her final resting place be found?

House of Life?

Isaiah 19:19.

Dark behind. 'light' in front. 'Head' between peaks = ''horizon'' link = beginning of something new? Two triangles = figure of 'eight' etc. etc. ANYTHING? All as a means....

Side note: ''Hetepheres I may have been a wife of King Sneferu,[1] and was the mother of King Khufu. It is possible that Hetepheres had been a minor wife of Sneferu and only rose in prominence after her son ascended the throne.[2] She was the grandmother of two kings, Djedefre and Khafre, and of queen Hetepheres II.[1] Her titles include: King's Mother (mwt-niswt), Mother of the King of the Two Lands (mwt-niswt-biti), Attendant of Horus (ḫt-hrw), and God's Daughter of his body (s3t-nṯr-nt-ẖt.f).[2] The marriage of Hetepheres I to Snefru solidified his rise to the throne. Because she carried the royal bloodline from one dynasty to the next, two great royal lines were joined when they married. Her title as "God's Daughter of his body" refers to her father, Huni, who ruled at the end of the Third Dynasty and was deified. She married Sneferu and gave birth to the next king, Khufu, who commissioned her tomb and pyramid. The mothers of Ancient Egyptian kings held special status. Her later titles arose from her relationship to her son and his role as king.''

Double Crown.

And/or: Djedefre {possibly} married his half sister Hetepheres II. The word ''foreigner'' used to describe her unusual {and unknown} origins. Looks like a Libyan i.e., ginger hair {'red'} with fair complexion {'white'}.  The 'Place where one honours Ra' = his pyramid complex. The 'highest' point in Egypt. The 1st 'king' to be called 'Son of Ra' {i.e., highest 'level' of}. Speculation about why his nose has been defaced in all known statues of himself - just as there was with the nose of the Sphinx. ['Legends of the Pharaohs: Secrets of the Sphinx' / SkyHist].

''It could be because there's a reaction from the common people against the elite and royal house. That's one possibility - or it could be divisions and anger within the royal house itself, and competition between royal lines within the same family. We dont know.'' [Mark Lehner].

Another possibilty = Parts WITHIN a mindset?

Question:{as one example}: What does Alabaster REPRESENT?

Found within Tut's tomb. The ONLY pharaoh not to have the heart within the body. So where will it be FOUND? Where SHOULD it be found? i.e.,male or female aspect?

And/or: ''The answer is otherworldly, literally. It wasn’t magic, sorcery, or the supernatural, but simple science. The “gemstone” is actually a piece of what is now known as Libyan Desert Silica Glass and is one of the rarest minerals on Earth. It is only found in one of the most remote areas in the Libyan Desert, the Great Sand Sea of the Gilf Kebir Plateau. Made up of almost pure silicon-dioxide, it is very similar to quartz, but has a different crystal structure and contains trace elements of unusual elements such as iron, chromium, nickel, iridium, and cobalt.''

Opening of the 'mouth'?

''The ancients remind us that: 'The seeing of the eye, the hearing of the ears, and the breathing of the nose bring messages to the heart. It is the latter that causes all decisions to be made - but it is the tongue that reports what the heart has thought out.'' [Pages 81/151/2 'Dreams Of Isis' / N. Ellis].

'Gnashing of Teeth'.

Refresher: "Perhaps it is the ancient importance of this Dog on the Nile that has given the popular name - the Egyptian X - to the figure formed by the stars Procyon and Betelgeuze, Naos and Phaet - with Sirius at the vertices of the two triangles and the center of the letter. On our maps Sirius marks the nose of the Dog...Some have called it Mazzaroth of the Book of Job..." [Info. on Canis Major 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].

Open entrance or crack?

''Inside the pyramid of Unas lie two rooms that suggest two possible domains of the afterlife - Duat and Akhet....Egyptologist James P. Allen suggests that the sarcophagus room is the entrance into and exit from Duat and that the antechamber of the pyramid links with Akhet. Orientated on an E/W axis, Duat emphasizes the planets and stars at the HORIZON.....Akhet represents the radiant world of eternal light - and Imperishable Stars...Later developed into a junction {'crossroads'?} AT the horizon between earth and sky where a portal opens {'crack'?} that provides us entrance into ''light Land''....where the consciousness merges with the akh of higher mind.''[Pages 199-201 'Imagining the World Into Existence: An Ancient Egyptian Manual Of Consciousness' / N. Ellis].

Question. Is a 'nose' required to smell out, and make the most, of that 'higher mind'...IF ONLY in the internal sense of the word?

And/or: Where within Egypt - or more importantly - where along that river, is there less shadow and more light?

The Horseman's Word. And/or Miller's Word. And/or Toadmen - all as a means....

The oxyrhynchus fish {'sharp nosed'} ''that ate the 'phallus' of Osiris. Question. Circumcised/UNcircumcised?

A ''New City'' found near Karnak - serpentine boundaries.

Working example: ''King Ogygus is a name invented to explain why Eleusis {N/E Greece} was called Ogygiades....It signified the Advent of the Divine Child. And the 'Child' was not really a son of Ogygus: he was the son of the Queen of the Island of Ogygia, namely Calypso {Aphrodite link} , the Wise One of the Sea. Eleusis, had no father, only a 'virgin' mother, 'he' originated before the institution of fatherhood. To the patriarchal Greeks this seemed shameful and they therefore 'fathered' him on either Ogygus or Hermes - but more generally on Hermes because of the sacred phalluses displayed at the festivals heaped in the same useful liknos {basket: mainly used to separate wheat/barley from chaff}. The vine Dionysus, once had 'no father' either, His nativity seems to be that of an earlier Dionysus, the Toadstool god; for the Greeks believed that mushrooms and toadstools were engendered by lightening - not sprung from seed like all other plants {'footstool'?}.'' [ Page 154 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

In other words a 'virgin birth' in the abstract sense of the word. ''No father no mother''. All within the minds eye. As a means.....

long or short? 'Flower' head? ''Virgo''?

A working example: ''The midpoint of the center is fire {'Karnac'? i.e., 'mountain low, valley high'}. On it is modelled the simplest and most perfect form - the circle {'Squaring the circle'}. The 'point' is most akin to the nature of light {Amun-Ra}. Just as the firmament was created in the midst of the waters above and below the heavens, SO IN man there is a shining body {'Khonsu'?}, the radical moisture, which comes from the sphere of the heavenly waters {'moon'?}. This 'body' is the ''sidereal balsam'' which maintains the animal heat {i.e., to 'smell' the beneficial merits of something}. The 'spirit' of the supracelestial waters has its seat in the brain, where it controls the sense organs. In the microcosm this 'balsam' dwells on the heart, like the sun in the macrocosm. This shining body is the 'firmament' or 'star' in man...From this ''center'' {represented with hen/egg/chick} - comes the development of self - in the psychological sense of the word. At the end of this process there is ''ONE flash of lightening'' {JUST ONE i,e., eureka moment} - which changes the darkness of Saturn into the brightness of Jupiter - pertaining to LONGEVITY....This 'process' does not take anything away from the bodies weight only from its turbulence - it gives by 'virtue of the translucent colours' - tranquility of mind.'' [Page 152 'Alchemical Studies' / C. G. Jung].


'Queendom' to enlarge.

''She Who Loves Silence''.

''Meridian of the Sun'' - to enlarge.

'M' OR 'W'?

''Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the zodiac. It spans the 150–180th degree of the zodiac. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area, on average, between August 23 and September 22. Depending on the system of astrology, individuals born during these dates may be called Virgos or Virgoans.''

IN/OF the Horizon.

Poop deck?

''Flash of lightening'' in relation to: ''Through nourishing ourselves on these sublime qualities, we not only ''grow wings'' but also realize our own immortality, lifting ourselves above the sphere of the earth {Southern or northern hemisphere or both?} - to the stars. There the winged soul meets ZEUS {lightening bolt?} and a ''host of gods and spirits'' at the summit of the arch of the heavens. Going beyond this arch, contemplates...''the reality with which true knowledge is concerned {spirit WITH 'soul'?}, a reality without colour or shape, intangible but real, apprehended only by 'intellect' {nous} which is the pilot of the soul.'' [Page 52 'Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts' / J. Naydler].

''Bolt'' to enlarge.


What's she 'sat' on?

Refresher: "Serious mysteries may be describable only in terms of paradox, or in what passes for jest.''

Side note: ''It all started with rumours of an 800-meter underground organism hidden under the streets of Cambridge and a plate of mushrooms on toast. With cream. In this three-part series, Tim Hayward falls down a rabbit hole into kingdom (or as some call it queendom) Fungi. Along the way he starts to question pretty much everything he thought he knew about the world, discovering scientists doing pioneering research that’s changing how we understand life on Earth and offering solutions to some of our biggest challenges.'' ['Fungi' /Radio 4 / 7.1.22].

''We know more about the movement of the celestial bodies than the soil underfoot.'' Leonardo da Vinci.

''The Indigo Milk Cap is a type of mushroom.'' ['The Chase'].


Living space for fairies?

Refresher: ''The star of your being is rising''.

As one example: {something hinted at}: ''Some think that mushrooms are the spores of the galaxy, the life bringers., so coded with secrets that they must remain hidden.....thus their association with moonlight, the heartbeat of the woods, and fairies, a grounded ethereality is theirs. The Greeks always included in their feasts for the gods not just roasted flesh but also ambrosia.....a compound of honey, water, fruit, olive oil, and 'muke' {psilocybe mushroom} the gods could get ''stoned''.....We are told that at Eleusis, initiates were served ambrosia, after which they had dreams and waking visions....a link to the expression Holy Cow.....Hunter gathers used to follow a trail of ungulates droppings to find dinner. And what grows out of these droppings but the sacred mushroom....The verbal mind was perhaps primed by cow patties.'' [Page 290 'A Mythic Life' / J. Houston].

Side note: Traditional women artists in Rwanda making and painting decorative square {lozenge?} tiles {of wood} to sell to tourists {'foreigners'?}. One of the ingredients is cow dung: "Because its the best material that sticks in the sun and rain." Normally hung on the sides of the houses that are made of mud brick. ['The Misadventures of Ramesh Ranganathan' / BBC2}.



And/or: "Their cooking has themes: primavera dinners for the first day of spring, the comfort foods of childhood, medieval feasts, food of the steppes. Sometimes they even surprise guests with a junk food theme, but they serve the ultimate hamburger, the ultimate french fry, the ultimate milkshake. Other times, the main course is something exquisite, laden with truffles (which they've beamed back from the mouth of a very surprised Lulu, the champion sow truffle finder of Perigord), that makes nouvelle California cuisine look like child’s play. They add some special magic that brings any food they prepare to perfection, not just of taste, but of Essence, because all who eat it enter a state of complete happiness and pleasure. The Bests’ food enhances their diners’ entire being, calls forth their entelechy, amplifies their highest qualities. People are retuned by the eating....

Side note: "When we finally do climb out of the bottom of the well, we experience Essence as a strange and beautiful country of the soul, a landscape of our greatness. Indeed, when we touch into Essence, latent actions and skills suddenly jump into life. A gestalt of qualities rises and fans out to a network of enterprises for those who are many-minded, or comes to life with a laserlike focus on a specific project for those who are single-minded. This explosion of energy and possibilities demonstrates that Essence has many more capacities than does the local self, which is carved out of the conditions of day-to-day existence."

Essence is not a place or a time, an insight or a state of mind. It is the deepest part of our nature, an actual presence that is innate and inborn. Sometimes it wears a personal face and a form and manifests as an image to our mind’s eye. When it does, some call it a daimon, others an angel. Still others think of it, in its incorporeal form, as the soul. Ironically, Essence does not develop with education or with living for many years. It is beyond symbols and is, therefore, neither archetype nor angel, neither wise old man or woman nor divine child. These symbols point the way to Essence, which has been called in a number of traditions “the diamond body” to suggest the crystalline nature of this inner reality. Essence is so real, so substantial, that it exceeds all symbols, images, and language. Symbols and images can provide, perhaps, flashes of insight about Essence, but not its living embodied experience. Language fails in its attempts to describe Essence or denote its activities and capacities. Essence, we must conclude, can only be experienced. As Sufi philosopher A. H. Almaas says in his remarkable book Essence:

Continued: Somebody with a cold is invariably given chicken soup, served in a big glass bowl. But in the chicken soup at different levels float various delectable wonders. At the top, a paper-thin crepe wrapped around a gossamer paté of foie gras. Beneath that, a greening spray of snow peas. Lower still, a quenelle of chicken breast. And so it goes, through noodles and nuggets of sensation, layers of floating little worlds, until finally, when you get to the bottom, the soup’s ground of being, you reach the Ursprung, a wild mushroom with a slight magic to it. Thus one eats one’s way from the most ephemeral reality to the deepest and, on arriving, finds it to be an epiphany.


Whatever it is, they can beam it in {the 'Bests'} and replicate it before returning it to the counter or stove from which it has so mysteriously disappeared. They taste it and then enhance it, filling it with manna, the ultimate soul food. Remember in the Old Testament, manna sustained the people of Israel on their forty-year journey through the desert? Earlier yet, if Eve hadn’t eaten the tempter’s augmented fruit, we would still be featherless bipeds living on welfare in the garden instead of going out there and finding division and delectation, trauma and transcendence—the matters that underscore all growing civilization and stop the gods from being bored.

These experiences taught me that some places are so strongly part of our existence that Essence returns to us there. Essence itself does have a locale apart from, though frequently primed by, these places sacred to our souls. Essence exists in a geopsychic realm that is within us, yet of a different order than the body. Essence grants an extended body and mind to the one who recognizes or wakes up to it. Then self-realization begins to happen naturally and spontaneously, like cooking on more burners. In this, Essence is not unlike David Bohm’s notion of the primary implicate order of being that holds all things enfolded within it. Essence is your own special implicate nature. It is a radiance that changes and transforms everything it flows into. It contains the coded energies of change and evolution. ['A Mythic Life'].

REFRESHER: Traditional women artists in Rwanda making and painting decorative square {lozenge?} tiles {of wood} to sell to tourists {'foreigners'?}. One of the ingredients is cow dung: "Because its the best material that sticks in the sun and rain." Normally hung on the sides of the houses that are made of mud brick. ['The Misadventures of Ramesh Ranganathan' / BBC2}.

Common factors?

Music and dance are an integral part of Rwandan ceremonies, festivals, social gatherings and storytelling. The most famous traditional dance is a highly choreographed routine consisting of three components: the umushagiriro, or cow dance, performed by women;[303] the intore, or dance of heroes, performed by men;[303] and the drumming, also traditionally performed by men, on drums known as ingoma.[304] The best-known dance group is the National Ballet. It was established by President Habyarimana in 1974, and performs nationally and internationally.[305] Traditionally, music is transmitted orally, with styles varying between the social groups. Drums are of great importance; the royal drummers enjoyed high status within the court of the King (Mwami).[306] Drummers play together in groups of varying sizes, usually between seven and nine in number.[307] The country has a growing popular music industry, influenced by African Great Lakes, Congolese, and American music.

Traditional arts and crafts are produced throughout the country, although most originated as functional items rather than purely for decoration. Woven baskets and bowls are especially common, notably the basket style of the agaseke.[309] Imigongo, a unique cow dung art, is produced in the southeast of Rwanda, with a history dating back to when the region was part of the independent Gisaka kingdom. The dung is mixed with natural soils of various colours and painted into patterned ridges to form geometric shapes.[310] Other crafts include pottery and wood carving.[311] Traditional housing styles make use of locally available materials; circular or rectangular mud homes with grass-thatched roofs (known as nyakatsi) are the most common. The government has initiated a programme to replace these with more modern materials such as corrugated iron.

Umbria (/ˈʌmbriə/ UM-bree-ə, Italian: [ˈumbrja]) is a region of central Italy. It includes Lake Trasimeno and Marmore Falls, and is crossed by the Tiber. It is the only landlocked region on the Apennine Peninsula. The regional capital is Perugia.

Rwanda,[a] officially the Republic of Rwanda, is a landlocked country in the Great Rift Valley of Central Africa, where the African Great Lakes region and Southeast Africa converge. Located a few degrees south of the Equator, Rwanda is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is highly elevated, giving it the soubriquet "land of a thousand hills" (French: pays des mille collines), with its geography dominated by mountains in the west and savanna to the southeast, with numerous lakes throughout the country. The climate is temperate to subtropical, with two rainy seasons and two dry seasons each year. It is the most densely populated mainland African country; among countries larger than 10,000 km2, it is the fifth-most densely populated country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Kigali.

Imigongo (Kinyarwanda: [i.mí.ɡôː.ŋɡo]) is an art form popular in Rwanda traditionally made by women using cow dung. Often in the colors black, white and red, popular themes include spiral and geometric designs that are painted on walls, pottery, and canvas. The images are produced using cow dung which is put onto wooden boards in spiral and geometric designs. The dung is mixed with ash, which kills bacteria and odor and is left to harden and is then decorated using colours made from organic material.[1] The traditional colours are black, white, red, grey and beige-yellow but increasingly other colours are used. The imigongo images were originally found in Kibungo inside the walls of huts as "magical" decorations during the 18th century.

There is also a legend that imigongo was invented as an interior decoration by Prince Kakira of Gisaka Kingdom in Nyarubuye in the 1800s.

Question. Where have 'cow patties' been found?

''Cattle'' to enlarge.

And/or: An enactment at Thebes within the Sed Festival of Amenhotep showing - monkey, pintail duck and a leaping bull calf in relation too: 'A new royal body has to be roasted and created by the female {Hathor} if the king is to be reborn again...The coming of 'gold' that reinfuses him with life and vitality, initiating him to a new shining existence at dawn.'' [Pages 27/8 'Hathor Rising' / A. Roberts].

'White deserts of Libya'.

REFRESHER: 'The star of your Being is rising'?

Any clock or bell towers? Bower?

Side note: "Archaeologists in the commune of Villedieu-sur-Indre in central France {landlocked}  have uncovered nine graves containing the remains of twentyeight horses dating back approximately 2,000 years. The excavation, conducted by the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), revealed that the horses were carefully interred shortly after their deaths, with their bodies arranged in a remarkable display. The horses, all identified as adult males over four years old, were meticulously buried in pits, with 10 complete skeletons found in one grave and two in another. Each horse was placed on its right side, facing south, suggesting a deliberate and organized burial process. Additionally, the remains of two medium-sized dogs were discovered in a separate pit - in the middle - positioned on their left side with their heads facing west....

'Straight south'.


At the bottom right of the clock tower {Tomar} sits a pyramidal stone relief of a dog and a lion which is very weathered by time older than the church itself. They are separated by a flor-de-lis.

Carbon dating places the horses’ remains within the timeframe of the Gallic wars, between 100 BCE and 100 CE, a period marked by significant historical events in ancient Gaul. However, the exact cause of the horses’ deaths remains uncertain. While researchers have ruled out the possibility of an epidemic due to the absence of foals and mares among the remains, they are exploring two main hypotheses: that the horses were either killed in battle or sacrificed as part of a ritual....The staging of the horse burials bears resemblance to earlier discoveries in France, including a Celtic burial site in Gondole, where warriors and horses were interred together. This parallel raises questions about the potential cultural significance of such burials and their association with prominent figures or events in ancient society."

Continued: The pintail or northern pintail (Anas acuta) is a duck species with wide geographic distribution that breeds in the northern areas of Europe and across the Palearctic and North America. It is migratory and winters south of its breeding range to the equator. Unusually for a bird with such a large range, it has no geographical subspecies if the possibly conspecific duck Eaton's pintail is considered to be a separate species. This is a large duck, and the male's long central tail feathers give rise to the species' English and scientific names...This species was first described by Carl Linnaeus in his landmark 1758 10th edition of Systema Naturae as Anas acuta.[2] The scientific name comes from two Latin words: anas, meaning "duck", and acuta, which comes from the verb acuere, "to sharpen"; the species term like the English name, refers to the pointed tail of the male in breeding plumage....The northern pintail is a bird of open wetlands which nests on the ground, often some distance from water. It feeds by dabbling for plant food and adds small invertebrates to its diet during the nesting season."


Soul / 'Water carrier'

Spirit / 'fire'

Side note: Silbury Hill - a foundation of soil/gravel/stones - then different layers of heaped baskets of different textures of chalk; spiral in shape with horns found on top {al-Qurn?}. Pieces of ancient 'sea beds' brought {individually} purposely, to the site, over hundreds of years. South of Avebury.  Step pyramid made of same material {South of Giza}. Silbury the last within a cycle. Step pyramid the first.

Opposite 'ends' on the same pole? End/beginning of a cycle? Aries?

Stone age 'followed' by the Beaker People.

''This imaginal pregnancy of our future potentials catalyzes a process of deep inner transformation...'' [Page 174 same book]. 'Carapace'?

''As you know, Rose, for a long time i've had an interest in the change of civilizations, as well as all matters of life and death. I've studied the rise and fading away of many civilizations, and those that have been transformed through something akin to a hybridization. But there is yet to be a civilization that undergoes the kind of death-and-rebirth process that we're living through right now....'' [Page 171/2 'The Quest of Rose'].

Think about it in relation to that ''bit''.

A Killer Whale. The most ancient glyph within that valley. 'Stones' for an eye ball. Question. The fish close to its mouth is it going up or down stream?

And/or: The Nazca and Wari people who became 'one' within 200 years- after the Nazca people left Cahuachi to settle in a place up river after devastating earthquake and flash floods. {'Blowing Up History' / S5 EP1}.

Side note: A 200 year 'gap' between the Bronze and Iron Ages.

Continued: The Toadstool God of the Mayans. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Getting into that mindset gives clues to such statements as: ''Melchizedek's lack of father is intelligible, but why should he have no mother...'' [ Page 157. Same book].

''In the Eleusis Mysteries the Divine Child was carried in by shepherds, not by his mother or by a nurse.'' Same paragraph.

Top/down or Bottom/up?


When not alluding to the literal animal, the goat emoji stands for GOAT, an acronym meaning Greatest of All Time. It is generally used in reference to highly skilled individuals, such as award-winning musicians or talented athletes, in order to praise them as being the all-time best in their chosen field.

To be in charge of ''ones flock'' or 'Lord of the herd' in relation to ''bullish energies'' {i.e., bull in a China shop}. And/or: the 'goat foot god' {sure footedness} in relation to: ''You only have to travel half way through the forest until you come out the other side.'' Part 1.

More often than not a journey then begins over hills and valleys {towards a 'castle'} - or should that be through valleys and over hills? where further enlightenment {'knowledge'} is found etc, etc. See Part 1.

Question. Is the 'tower' before or after it?

As for the mother/nurse aspect = soul link.

As one example: Sneferu's mother - Hetepheres {several paragraphs back} - has within her possessions flower motifs such as papyrus and lotus.


Side note: ''Hidden in an up scale part of Petra called 'little Petra' - within a rock cut villa {sanctuary?} can be seen on the inside of the upper ceiling a fresco: ''Portrays Petra as lush, fertile and green - with grapevines and ivy, all kinds of fruit {figs?}. Birds abound with 'little' people {cherubs} with flutes {pan-pipes?}: ''Not what you expect to see from a people living in a desert - more a paradise.'' ['Ancient Worlds Revealed With Albert Lin: Petra' / Nat. Geo].

Question. What pigments are used to make fresco's?

Pyramid Texts as a means......?

Analogy: ''Ra is the child, a golden knot of flesh dropped from the air, bright star in the dark house of Osiris, heir to the ages, word edged into world.  He grows a long beard and sits on the mountain, knowing its secrets.'' ['Awakening Osiris' / Normandi Ellis].

Abstract form of same?

''The seventh and eighth stanza's of Yr Awdil Vraith {'Diversified Song'} are the strangest of all: ''Twice five, ten and eight {Full moon?}, She was self bearing. The mixed burden Of man-woman {'cross'?} And once, not hidden {manifested therefore 'circle'?} She brought forth Abel, And Cain the solitary Homicide {sublimation? i.e., beginnings of the next stage represented with the crescent of a New moon?}.'' Same paragraph.

Try ''Buddha'' to enlighten.

And/or: '' This was a name {a New One?} in which Bran could claim to speak oracularly from her kingdom of Dis, as one who had 'intimate' experience of each of her five persons - in being born to her, initiated by her, becoming her lover, being lulled to sleep by her, and finally 'killed' by her. The new name of eight letters which replaced it.....'' [Page 331/2 'The White Goddess'].

And/or: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'],

As {one} example: ''During the 1st century B.C. the Osirian religion was established in all parts of the Roman Empire. Its popularity declined in the end because it became to complicated for the average mind. Necessary ''words of power'' developed into lengthy catechisms of divine names of doorposts, lintels, bolts, panels, doorkeepers, spirits of the hour, thresholds, gods right and left feet etc. Egyptians invented even a 'memory' god to bring back the spells and holy names if they were stolen by a spirit of 'forgetfulness'. [Page 753 'The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets'].

Get ones hook into those ''keys'' to attempt a mind set - by way of a 'journey', an inner one.

''Fishers of men'' ? 'Forgetful' ones?

REFRESHER: The oldest known texts - of the Ten Commandments  - known anywhere on the planet, are to be found in the Dead Sea Scrolls....with one alteration to the norm - ''Remember'' the Sabbath instead of ''keep'' the sabbath.'' ['Expedition Unknown : Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls' / Sat. TV].

'Spots' and 'stripes'?

''....Over the dinner table at Braintree when asked how she liked the town, she came out with the priceless remark, quite naturally, that she found it quite pleasant but as it was on the site of an old Roman crossroads her sleep was sometimes disturbed by the sound of marching legions. Unfortunately she had to move on, her relatives not being in the best of health, and she was taken in by another old 'Inner Light' member, Margaret Westwater. But before she left, she called round at the house and put into my keeping the figurine of an ancient goddess, a brass thurible decorated with roses and swans, some newspaper cuttings, and a copy of her book, and a book of her poems, 'The Litany of the Sun'..." [Introduction to the book 'Both Sides of the Door' by Margaret Lumley Brown]. Geocentric?

Question. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

''Sea Peoples''? Cyprus?

''....he who was born under the sign of Draconis: the sign of 'fire' - take forth this horn of Brass, and sound a mighty blast for peace and justice in the land." [Page 193, Douglas Monroe].

Hopi culture of S/W America?

Side note: ''Margaret means 'pearl' in Greek.'' [Page 172 'The Left Hand Path' / S. Flowers].

A working example: ''I climbed onto a beautiful black steed with red roses in her mane. She reminded me of my favourite mount at the carousel....i used to lean into the  musical wind to catch the brass ring....She would carry me through as many circling rides as it took to wipe away the woe and weariness of the work day. Calliope music filled the  i whirled widdershins around and around...When i finally dismounted, cleansed of all my cares, i was wearing the brass ring.'' [Page 225 'The Book of Shadows' / P. Curott].


What does the 'ladder' represent? 'Atlas' to enlarge.

''Brass is the most commonly used material for making "brass" instruments such as the trumpet. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and has long been used as the material for brass instruments, as it is easy to work with, resistant to rusting, and beautiful to look at.''

'She who loves silence'?

A working example: ''It is perhaps when we look at death rites which are so different to our own that we struggle most to understand other cultures, ancient and modern....The monks of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Tibet still make music using trumpets made from human leg bones and drums made from skulls....Or the Celtic ritual of the headless dead at Ribemont - stacked into their own Towers of Silence.'' [Page 189 ' The Celts' / A. Roberts].

'The Horn' to enlarge.

'light oxen': "I bring up an individual type as a point of departure to talk about. The one {'emotion'?} that is strongest will pull you first." [Page 4 'Stopping and Seeing' / Translated by T. Cleary].

And/or: In 1992, construction workers were digging up a freeway in San Diego, California when they came across a trove of ancient bones. Among them were the remains of dire wolves, camels, horses and gophers—but the most intriguing were those belonging to an adult male mastodon. After years of testing, an interdisciplinary team of researchers announced this week that these mastodon bones date back to 130,000 years ago.

Something 'new'.

The researchers then went on to make an even more stunning assertion: These bones, they claim, also bear the marks of human activity. "Fossilised ivory of a mastodon found. One tusk laid horizontal the other vertical. The heads of the femurs found side by side ."

The bones and several teeth show clear signs of having been deliberately broken by humans with manual dexterity and experiential knowledge. This breakage pattern has also been observed at mammoth fossil sites in Kansas and Nebraska, where alternative explanations such as geological forces or gnawing by carnivores have been ruled out.

FEMUR: the bone of the thigh or upper hindlimb, articulating at the hip and the knee....The femur is your thigh bone. It's the longest, strongest bone in your body. It's a critical part of your ability to stand and move. Your femur also supports lots of important muscles, tendons, ligaments and parts of your circulatory system.



Palaeontologists working at the site found an assortment of mastodon remains, including two tusks, three molars, 16 ribs, and more than 300 bone fragments. These fragments bore impact marks suggesting that they had been smacked with a hard object: Some of the shattered bones contained spiral fractures, indicating that they were broken while still “fresh,” the authors write.

Amidst the fine-grain sands at the site, researchers also discovered five hulking stones. According to the study, the stones were used as makeshift hammers and anvils, or “cobbles.” They showed signs of impact—fragments found in the area could in fact be repositioned back into the cobbles—and two distinct clusters of broken bones surrounded the stones, suggesting that the bones had been smashed in that location.

Mastodon skeleton schematic showing which bones and teeth of the animal were found at the site.

To bolster their theory, researchers analyzed mastodon bones found in later North American sites, which date from 14,000 to 33,000 years ago. These bones displayed the same fracture patterns that were observed among the remains of the Cerutti Mastodon. Researchers also tried to replicate the activity that may have occurred at the site by smacking at the bones of a recently deceased elephant, the mastodon’s closest living relative.

Their efforts “produced exactly the same kinds of fracture patterns that we see on the Cerutti mastodon limb bones,”

Charlatan or a Charlie?

AND/OR: "Through the centuries of boiling, bubbling, and brewing, alchemists have been widely regarded as charlatans and thieves rather than as scientists.

Even the practical chemists of their times, i.e., miners, assayers, pharmacists, and potters - judged them as reckless and their ideas, impossible. Why waste more words on this weird deviation in the evolution of chemistry?



Sid or Jack?

As authors Cobb, Fetterolf, and Goldwhite show, the writings of medieval alchemists may seem like the ravings of brain-addled fools, but there is more to the story than that. Recent scholarship has shown that some seemingly nonsensical mysticism is, in fact, decipherable code, and western - European alchemists functioned from a firmer theoretical foundation than previously thought. They had a guiding principle..." ['The Chemistry of Alchemy: How Chemistry was Forged' / C. Cobb, M. Fetterolf and H. Goldwhite. Emphasis, this readers].

Dazzling Aten?

Zoroastrian Tower of Silence. Children on the inside. Men on the outside. Women in the 'middle'. All WITH heads.


Continued: "The site of Ribemeont-sur-Ancre is situated on the Northern flank of the Ancre valley, 14 km north of Amiens. It was excavated between 1966 and 2003. The whole site covers an era of well over 7 acres and consists of a vast complex of enclosures fitting into three sets. At the northmost end, a square precinct, some fifty meters square was set by for the god who had granted the victory. In front of it a second, vaster, trapezium shaped enclosure was intended for a gathering the victorious warriors. At its centre a smaller circular precinct enclosed in high wattle and daub walls harboured the remains of some tens of dead warriors from the victorious side....

Blemmyes. Dick?

The origins of this site lie with a critical battle circa 260 BC. It set the Ambiani against Armorican peoples who, according to Jean-Louis Brunaux, aimed to control the whole English Channel coast as well as its hinterland. The Somme and the Seine valleys were the two major communication lines towards the Channel and beyond, towards Brittany and the North Sea.

Warriors or initiates?  Boiled/roast to enlarge.

It is thanks to the coins retrieved there that the protagonists have been identified. The number of dead quantified by a forensic scientist and estimated at between 500 and 700 suggests that at least 5000 warriors were engaged in the battle. The weaponry and the adornments that were recovered suggest that we have here elite warriors in full military regalia. The eventual victors, the Belgae, gave the battle field a ritual treatment, hence the erection of a trophy to thank the gods and honour and glorify the victors. Their armed warriors were exposed headless, standing upright close together on 4 or 5 rows, somewhat like an army corps on a mound. This exposure was aimed at leaving the bodies prey to the vultures and other scavenging birds who took the warriors' souls to heaven as they did in the Persian world. When the exposed bones had turned white and the weapons had oxydized, the enclosure was destroyed and the bones and weapons were thrown in the foundation ditch of the rounded precinct reopened for that purpose."


And/or: "Zoroastrian ritual exposure of the dead is first attested in the mid-5th century BCE Histories of Herodotus, an Ancient Greek historian who observed the custom amongst Iranian expatriates in Asia Minor; however, the use of towers is first documented in the early 9th century CE....


 In Herodotus' account (in Histories i.140), the Zoroastrian funerary rites are said to have been "secret"; however they were first performed after the body had been dragged around by a bird or dog. The corpse was then embalmed with wax and laid in a trench."

Side note: "In Greek mythologyHector (/ˈhɛktər/ἝκτωρHektōrpronounced [héktɔːr]) is a Trojan prince, hero and the greatest warrior for Troy during the Trojan War. He is a major character in Homer's Iliad, where he leads the Trojans and their allies in the defence of Troy, killing countless Greek warriors. He is ultimately killed in single combat by Achilles, who later drags his dead body around the city of Troy behind his chariot."



Symbols that REPRESENT something, relative to the ''self,'' hence the word 'alchemy.' Its true meaning. The ''dragon'' [or Typhon] aspect of the self, ''tugging at ones heels.'' [Think on it, relative to Jacob and Esau. ''Elder'' relative to ''younger'']. The ''tail end'' of which look like ''feathers''. That ''upward'' potential that lies dormant within. The beginning of which, has to be represented [''awakened''] by something of the ''lower realms'' that has the natural ability to ''leap''. From ''unknown '' to known. From ''unaware'' to aware. From ''wet'' to ''dry''. Hence the link to the word , amphibian, that represents that ''process''. That inner one. That final link to the importance of equilibrium. What this subject defines as the ''middle way'', [or navel i.e., midriff of the human form = micro]. Represented as a 'river' [macro] - its framework - the 'process' by which that journey takes place.

Question. Why Anima? and can you spot the frog?

Notice the 'collar' with seven 'nodules' . All that symbolism ''under'' something that resembles a ''flash of lightening'' OR ''' a flash of inspiration''. [''Higher/Lower'' link. 'See' it? XRPz5cy0mq5al18sabbwKZf5o1_400[1]All found within]. Question. What do the two 'individuals' on the 'base' [or ' foundation' ] represent?

Try ''heel'' to make a further connection.

'T' shape foundation pegs.

"And god has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their bellies: some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four...We have indeed sent down signs that make things manifest." [Quran 24:45/46]. Think about it relative to ''UNmanifest.'' And/or black/white - positive/negative - male/female - as a representation of something - within a learning curve. Before those bigger question are asked. Fact or Fiction - a possibility or not?

The word ’Pagan’ is related in some form to the word ‘peg’? That word that became related in some form or other to the further development of the same to...Pole / Pillar / Staff / Caduceus / Hooked staff. All that development; through the course of generations; within that one symbol.

Like any other subject it is not wise to attempt to read / learn at a 'higher' level when those basics have yet to be understood. Like attempting to understanding ‘A level’ in any subject when 'G.C.E.' level. has not yet been acquired, [ Or whatever the equivalent is these days ] the very least it can turn that curiosity of a new rather than on. Therefore leaving ‘curiosity’ to the whims of those first impressions.

Real or symbolic?

"Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with." [First sentence; first paragraph; first page of the book by Q. S. Lam].

'First Lady'?

'The Lady in the Van' A. Bennett.

'Anatomy of the Psyche' by Edinger.

That ‘general idea’ however is universal. Its a ‘general idea’ that one only needs in any subject if only to ascertain whether a continued interest is wanted. But the best thing of all is that ‘general idea’ can be got in ones own "private sanctuary or club", i.e., home.

What some refer to as the 'Hearth fire' way. The slow but sure way, i.e.,step by step increments.

"As steps in man's awakening..."


" is our only means of seeing the truth; and that when its light is dimmed or extinguished by other interests, these studies will purify the 'hearth' and rekindle the sacred 'fire'." [Plato's Republic 521c-531c]. Question. What symbol can represent that ''fire''?


'Central' 'peaceful' and 'pure'. Three keys words to get closer to a mind set.

A working example: "A Latin inscription covering the entire width of the 'fireplace' can be read above the symbolic panels which were up to now the subject of our study. It is composed of 'three' words separated one from the other by two pyrogenic vases forming the following epigraph: Nascendo quotidie morimur { In being born, we die every day}….the unfortunate fate that life has in store for us....the walk to the sepulchre as the essential condition of the earthly sojourn, the coffin as the raison d'etre for the crib?....It is the only written word written the Mutus Liber....A simple examination of the inscription shows that of the three terms which contribute to form it, two are preceded by a special sign, the words quotidie and morimur. This sign, a little lozenge, was called by the Greeks Rombos {to be mistaken or go astray - to turn around}....Nascendo gives the idea of generation or production i.e., in order to generate.....The parents of the Hermetic child speak....The stone of the philosophers is born from the 'destruction' of the two bodies - the philosophers stone - or our 'mercury', its next matter - is also born from the fight....the essential operations of the art always has two principles producing a 'third' one {Son of?}, and that generation depends upon a preliminary decomposition of its agents. Further more philosophical 'mercury' itself, sole substance of the art can never yield anything unless it dies, ferments, and putrefies at the end of the first stage of the Work."  [ Pages 239/40 'The Dwellings of the Philosophers' / Fulcunelli].

''Mercury has the shortest year in the solar system - approximately eightyeight days long.'' {'Tipping Point' / 2020].

Try ''lozenge''.

Side note: Mercury = moon/female/wet. Sulphur = sun/male/dry. All as a means....?

Side note: Alice Roberts {'Britain's Biggest Dig' / 2020} finds ''extremely strange'' artefacts buried with 'owners'. A 'brick' inside a skull is a common find {'philosopher's stone'?}. A marmalade jar another {'glass' and 'sweet' link}. A wine goblet - without the base - is also found in the course of the digs. Symbolic intent only?

Question. Would a brick sink or float? That link to what a 'wine glass' represents. Did any of those individuals belong to a ''mystery club''? Same one? Understand subject material to gain a possible insight.


Turned around?

"He must, however, not decide any question by the first idea {''first impression''?} - that suggests itself to his mind - but he must wait modestly and patiently, and advance step by step." [Guide for the Perplexed' / M. Maimonides'].

Question. 12 or 16 steps?

"Be thou therefore prompt and active as the Sylphs, but avoid frivolity and caprice. Be energetic and strong like the Salamanders, but avoid irritability and ferocity. Be flexible and attentive to images like the Undines, but avoid idleness and changeability. Be laborious and patient like the Gnomes, but avoid grossness and avarice." All as a representation of something other than the obvious, i.e.,...

Side note: ''The Axoloti also known as the Mexican walking fish is a species of the lizard family known as a Salamander.'' ['Tipping Point'].

N.B. Lives in both salt and fresh water environment {wet/dry link}?

At the bottom right of the clock tower sits a pyramidal stone relief of a dog and a lion which is very weathered by time older than the church itself. They are separated by a flor-de-lis.

Refresher: "The notion of our embodiment of the four elements is perhaps here taken from Paracelsus, ''...there are not four arcana but only one Arcanum; however it has four aspects, just as a tower as four sides, according to the four winds. And just as a tower cannot be lacking in one side, so a physician must not lack any of these aspects. For one aspect does not yet make a whole physician, nor two, nor three; all four are needed. Just as the arcana consist of four parts, so the whole physician must comprise of the four aspects." [Extracts taken from the book 'The Magister'].

A working example: ''Ancient Phoenicians, renowned as astonishing sailors, offered saffron to the sylphs and Zephyrs of Ashtoreth, goddess of fertility, and to the moon, silver orb of the unconscious that rules the tides of wind and sea, of women's bodies and humanity's soul. 'Witches' still use saffron to 'summon' these airy spirits, which will respond to the subtlest summonings of the heart, the aspirations of the soul, and the viscerally wise demands of the body. If you pay attention, they will 'tell' you which path to take when a fork appears in the road. On the brink of summer, pale and shimmering, the sylphs flew between steel - grey towers....Zephyrs sped through the canyons of the 'CITY'...'' [Page 120 'Book of Shadows' / P. Curott].


Abstract 'minds eye' in the objective sense of the word?

EXERCISE: Something to ponder on. Something to {'connect'?}: " A few years later he {Wolfgang Pauli} was to come across the same numbers again in Carl Jung's psychology, based as it was in alchemy. He was adamant that ''in neither case was it by any means Mr. C. Jung who suggested it to me, nor was there an advance conscious intention for me to grapple with figuring out the problem of three and four. Consequently i am rather certain that objectively there is an important psychological and, perhaps, natural philosophical problem connected with these numbers." [Chapter 5, '137: Jung, Pauli and the Pursuit of a Scientific Obsession].


'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.


Alice Roberts and Co speculate on 'its' meaning. [Digging For Britain'].

From a different perspective: "Also the question of making the opposites conscious means reunion with the laws of life represented in the unconscious. To live consciously is to bring about Tao. To do this fully is to integrate consciousness {essence} and the energies of the collective unconscious {life}. This comes as a result of a psychic process of development which expresses itself in symbols. The great symbol of individuation is the mandala: that is, a 'magic' circle containing a cross or some other basically four fold formation. Such a symbol is the zodiac {3x4=12} - and the typical quadrature of an astrological chart {the 4 angles}. All natal astrology is the practical application of this ''squaring of the circle'' - the conscious Way....the way of 'operative wholeness', that is, the way of the active fulfilment of the wholeness of being that is Self." [Pages 99/100 'The Astrology of Personality'/ D. Rudhyar].

And/or: "Jung emphasizes that the phenomenon of fourfoldness is not just an invention of the conscious mind but a ''spontaneous product of the objective psyche''. A fundamental theme of mythology could be understood by referring it back to the inorganic in man....The answer to the question about the origin of the exact divisions into four can only be sought where fourfoldness and threefoldness appear, as psychic activities and not just physical events {The combination of both as the twelvefold division of the world-clock, whether read from the sky or not, is a remarkable mental achievement}. It is not only the psychologist that finds fourfoldness and threefoldness side by side, Ancient records speak of the part played of the number three in the layout of cities....And/or: Always three animals were sacrificed on the altar four in the pit." [Pages 17-20 'Science of Mythology' / Jung and Kerenyi ].

Try ''rubbish''.


Analogy? From a different perspective: "Scholar Arthur Waley has discovered magic thread reference in I-Ching, oracle 29: 'Bind with a thread of three strands and two strands, put it in a bramble thicket {'Hawthorn'?} - and you will get your wish after three years'. This twentyseven line oracle is usually called 'The Pit' or The Abysmal'. But its Chinese name usually means the double or folded pit {'cube'?}. Waley believes it is connected with lunar ritual, being 'one hole opening out of another... [Page 79 'The White Goddess' ].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.


"...The lower three 'spheres' are related to worldly consciousness and the upper four are related to spiritual consciousness and 'enlightenment'. Therefore, the lower must be sublimated into the higher ones." [Extract from the book by S. Ashby].

Incarnation/reincarnation? And/or redeemed/unredeemed?

1st Emperor of China to enlarge.


Question. What does the frog represent? [in both pictures]. Question 2. Why should 'it' represent anything at all. Fairy story? For adults only? Or infantiles?


Analogy of same, i.e., with the same intent..."Alchemy's 'sol-lente,' is the 'slow sun', [or fuoco lente] , 'slow fire.' The alchemists often draw parallels between the heat they apply to their various receptacles, and the heat of the sun i.e.,''like the sun but not the sun''....... In fact 'sol lente' is Green Language, [explained elsewhere], for its sound incorporates the word sollennis, pertaining to a religious feast or sacrifice. Our own phrase 'solemn festival' originally denoted a sacrificial festival...." [Bibliographic notes to chapter 7, 'The Zelator'].

"...the symbol of the lower will is the Altar." [Quote from within the book by I. Regardie].

Put ''feast of fools'' in the usual box - before those first impressions - 'decide' something else.

N.B. Notice the position {relative to adjacent picture} of that 'flash of {inspiration?}' - at the 'lower' end - as opposed to the similar picture {above it} - in the 'higher' part. Top-down in relation to bottom-up? Head and feet? { feet and hands?}.  Understanding that gives clues as to the 'Eastern tradition' of 'feet' and 'lotus flower'. In other words it can be worked out - as to why.

Bennu bird?

"Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with." [First sentence; first paragraph; first page of the book by Q. S. Lam].

Define {'see'} the above to get an idea {''hang on''?} - the following: The Cerrigydrudion Crown. A Celtic piece of ancient artwork. Bronze {'red'?} and leather {'cow'?] headpiece. ''Possibly signifies 'warrior' headgear - with palm leaf and lotus designs - neither of which are common to these islands {UK}.'' ['Inside Museums: St. Fagan/Cardiff. Sat.TV].

A working example: Recall Odysseus journey back to his homeland. Lotus island being its 'first stage'.

'Spirit/Soul' - as a means....?

As part of that ''true poetry''. Others found throughout.

From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that remains the language of TRUE poetry....but it is only fair to warn the reader that this remains a very difficult book, as well as a very queer one {'peculiar'?}, to be avoided by anyone with a distracted, tired or rigidly scientific mind...." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].

Side note: Why a 'serpent'? Crawls on belly {horizontal?} but can strike in the vertical? Can be found in both salt and fresh water? Sheds its skin? etc. All as a means...?
Try ''poison/antidote''.

Refresher: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'],

''Raised to an ideal?'' What are they?

And/or: Josephin Peladan defined 'magic' as the "art of sublimation of man"; no other formula is superior to his. This is exactly the emblem - or aim - of magic, if one understands by 'sublimation of man' - that of human nature. Peladan had a very profound understanding of the emblem of 'magic': the shield with the eagle in flight. All his works bear witness to this. Together they represent a magnificent flight; they aim; as a whole, and each taken individually, at the ideal of sublimation of the human nature. Isn't it to have the emblem of magic before ones eyes that one is invited ''to throw the eagles of ones desires to the wind'', because happiness ''raised to the level of an ideal, freed from the negative aspects of oneself and of things - is the sole triumph of this world"? It is this same emblem - the shield with the eagle - that Papus had in mind, when he defined magic as - The application of the strengthened human will to accelerate the evolution of the living forces of nature." [Quote taken from 'Letter Three' from within the book by Tomberg].

'How to Connect With Nature' / Tristan Gooley.

Can u 'see' what the author cannot?

"The 'eye of the eagle' is NO mere figurative expression. It is a technical term for spiritual insight. The eagle traditionally is the only creature that can look directly at the sun. In this instance, the spiritual sun is signified, or the 'Sun at midnight' of the ancient mystery tradition." [Extract from the book by G. Knight. Emphasis, this readers].

Oak island brooch. '13' branches. Pine related. That same {NorthernHemisphere}island that could have become the 13th state. Coincidence or a....?

Understanding the above defines {or at least allows that possibility} such statements as: "And yet no mention is made of the center of the galaxy, apart from the occasional reference to the ''spiritual sun''. The sacred ogdoad of the early Christian Gnostics might be the same as this occult spiritual sun, and it is said to be ''the Sun behind the sun'' - possibly meaning the sun is alignment with the Galactic Center. Even more bizarre is a secondary reference in 'The Celestial Ship of the North' - who associates the ''north gate'' with the pineal gland..." [From the book by J. Jenkins. Enlarged elsewhere].

Try ''Sirius''.

''Symbols are a means for humans to transmit abstract ideas and to trigger emotional responses." ['Pathways to the Zodiac'].

Mind set?

''Narrow window''?

In 'story' form: ''Vittorio counted the monks....Including the Abbot, there were thirteen, where before there had been  twelve....He failed to understand and trembled to his 'bones' {'White desert'?}....The apparition of the 13th Apostle was surrounded by a shimmering  heat-haze which gradually grew stronger until it glowed  white-hot and blossomed into silver light {'lotus'?}.....There was a distant tinkle of breaking 'glass'. He was gripped by powerful 'hands' and lifted high into the air {Aries?}....

Mullion? V shape?  Inside/outside?

His 'feet' struck stone and slipped up the wall until he was practically upside down, supported by a hand under his head and another on his shoulder {strong ones?}. He kicked out and found nothing but an empty space {''void''?}. The 'hands' deftly twisted him sideways and thrust him upwards with a mighty shove. A splinter of glass gashed his left thigh {'The Wain'?}. He realised he was jammed in a narrow window. He began to writhe frantically between the stone mullions, his head buried in smoke {volcanic?}, his legs thrashing the air outside. Gradually he eased himself through.'' [Pages 212/229 'The Serpent Circle' / P. Harpur].

Working example: "In Egypt, the experience of death was described by the word mena 'to moor', or 'to arrive in port', as if the return to an origin was implied...The mastaba was astronomically orientated in some respect to the northern polestar, to ''moor' the tomb to the imperishable forces in the sky...The dead were regarded as the ''Justified'', after having 'passed' the judgement of the neter{u} for living an exemplary life {'grace' link}; they were also called ''the True of Speech''..." ['The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt'].

James the 'Just'?

'Justified and Ancient' / The KLF. ''Fishing in the rivers of life.''

Made from two entwinned 'ropes'. Someone asks if it is ''navel'' related. Try ''thread'' to enlarge within the whole.

Try ''habour'' in relation to ''ship' and ''river'' and ''lost speech/word'' to 'see' something by way of the {'pineal gland'} ?

'Delphi: A History of the Center of the Ancient World' / M. Scott.

Understand the parts within the 'whole' {and not just solstices in relation to equinoxes; relative to 'centers' - as the above author attempts} - in order to define that first yet final subject. Try ''Sirius'' to 'see' something else.


something that was once lost...

As proven by this reader and others who have learned the subject from ‘scratch’. [Key word. Link to 'groove' symbolism. Think about it, i.e, in its early stages. [ i.e. "to scratch the surface of something"].


is now found...

That same link to the Egyptian obsession with cats and their cat 'god', Pakhet, ['she who scratches']. Question. Why do cats have nine lives? Clue...similar to the symbolism of the 'nine muses' - but in 'reverse' order,i.e.,opposite ends of the same pole - as the 'start point' of something. Bottom up relative to top down - cats in relation to the 'animal' {shadow?} form. Muses {anima?} in relation to the 'human' one. As a means to make something understood. All enlarged elsewhere.

Rahu and Ketu? Enlarged elsewhere, i.e.,the tail end of something begins...?

"Homer's work is a musical event - it is Beethoven's ninth." Enlarged elsewhere.

White stone / Red stone: ''To my White wife {'Moon' - Our mercury} i joined the Red man {our terresrial sun} in the proportion, not of 3:1 {''three parts land, one water''?}, but 9:4. This is the marriage of Venus and Mars. As to the 'reviving spirit' - this refers to our solvent which issues from the marriage {Denderah - Edfu?} - and it is THE MEANS by which the 'DRAGON' dissolves itself {lead?}...I kept watch for upwards of 'three' hours. I was staggered by how quickly the dragon had stirred. I didn't expect movement for three days....It spread its scaly wings 'over the water', ready for flight; and the waters on the day of Creation when the spirit of god passed across their face....Solve et coagula {dissolve and coagulate}, the Philosophers never tire of this simple process lies the whole of the Magnum Opus...To divide that which is Above from that which is Below . When this, and this alone, is done, then may we begin the process of seperation, which is the divorce of mercury and sulphur, soul and body of our matter. We call it the slaying of the dragon.'' [Pages 71-75 'Mercurius' / P. Harpur].

Clearly the attainment spells the eclipse of the Dragon. Where light shines no darkness can there abide. For being the basis of the instinctual life, harnessed and chained to the needs and clearly perceived ideals of the psyche, the dragon shuns the sunbeams and the daylight. No longer do its projections and compulsive automatisms haunt the light of consciousness. No longer is the personality tortured as by some foul and evil presence. Its needs and dictates, once so imperious, cease their urgency, finding their proper place within the natural economy.

"Apollo was the 'god' of reason [logos], yet he was also god of prophesy [Orpheus link].......he was leader of the nine Muses, the goddesses of inspiration and the arts {Order of Merit?},  who delight in their bright dancing places, spinning about the 'peak' of the cosmic 'mountain' [who themselves were known as the daughters of 'memory' ]......Apollos most famous seat of worship was at the Greek town of Delphi, located on the flank of Mount Parnassus, itself a favorite haunt of the Muses. Poised beneath the craggy peaks above, known as the Shinning Ones, and the olive lined valley below, Apollos temple at Delphi was the national sanctuary of the Greeks, situated at the very 'center' of the world, marked by the omphalos stone, the navel of the earth......Delphi was also known as Pytho, because, before the 'coming' of Apollo, the site was haunted by a monstrous serpent or dragon, the Python. In the Homeric Hymn to Apollo, the story is told how Apollo came to Delphi, like a medieval dragon slayer, and vanquished the serpent from the land." [Chapter 4, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''memory''.

'Delphi: A History of the Center of the Ancient World' / M. Scott.

Side note: ''In the Chinese Zodiac the year of the snake directly follows the year of the dragon.'' ['Impossible'].

And/or: There is no year of the lion in the Chinese Zodiac.''

That final statement, could be represented by a tomb or sarcophagus; a link to the transcendent third. Understanding all the above gives a deeper meaning to the artwork known as the Shepherds of Arcadia. As it does with the three sarcophagus found on the side of Herodium {Herodeion} i.e.,two white, one red. Explained within.

"The tomb from which the saviour will arise is the heart of men and women; if the good in them awakens to self consciousness, then will it appear to them as a sun, shedding its light upon a better and happier generation." [Quote from the book by F. Hartman].


From 'behind' - line up those three points with the 'horizon' - to attempt a MIND SET.

"Error runs down an inclined plane, while truth has to laboriously climb its way up hill".

Side note: Approaching Stonehenge - all up hill - as it is up to the cave/manger TOWARDS the 'birth' of the Jesus child {i.e., from the ''Shepherds fields''}. Coincidence?

Giza complex also on a plateau - Common factor between the two {i.e., Giza/Stone-henge} being 'limestone' - ''Where the North and South Downs of 'chalk' converge on Salibury Plains.''

'Sea of Change' ?

Plains/Valleys and Mountains as a means...?

Recall Part 1.

Between two worlds? Mineral and plant? or put another way 'fire' and 'water'. As a means....

Seated on his throne? Throne of what? Pan-oramic view? Horizon?

From a different perspective: ''The roof of the causeway leading upward - at Saqqara -  toward the Pyramid of Unas kept repeating the hieroglyphs for maat, drawing a sharp line of light down the middle of the darkened corridor....As we strode down the causeway to the bus {'chariot'?}, i kept stopping to look over my shoulder....A beam of sunlight fell from above between two slabs of stone that resembled the double ma'at. The light began leading my eye {an objective one?} back towards the Pyramid of Unas, practically begging me to follow it. I felt caught in a balancing act between the two truths, the ma'aty - light and dark, the upper and lower, the seen and unseen, yesterday and tomorrow, the symbolic and the simple. It was a clear white line between two worlds....I thought i understood the symbolism.'' [Page 162 'Imagining the World Into Existence: An Ancient Egyptian Manuel of Consciousness' N. Ellis].

'On the shoulders of giants' - something can be worked out?

A {practical} example: ''The road ahead will be long - the climb steep.'' [Election victory speech/ Barack Obama].

A belly full of something? The beautiful lady YET to 'arrive'?

Birds 'foot' for a 'navel'? lion cloth? Under ''ones belt''? Try ''Running the fields'' or ''Sed Jubilee'' to enlarge. And/or: The alternative name - for the Lynx constellation {now in disuse} was the Tiger - and with others it was the Little Fox with the Goose." [Page 280]. All as a means...? 'Spots and stripes'?

"IN this context the word 'spirit' means the mind that blows through many places like the wind. The friend of Job also calls mind spirit when he says: 'I am filled with reasoning and the spirit of my BELLY binds me' {Job 32:18}. In Proverbs memory is called the belly; hence Solomon says: 'Bring your heart close to my teaching, which will be beautiful for you if you keep it in your belly and will overflow on your lips so that you will trust in god' {Prov. 22:17-18}. The first authority says, then, that the spirit of his belly compelled him to speak because the thoughts and reflections and reasonings held in his memory were great and efficacious, and thus spirit signifies mind, which like the spirit comes and goes where it pleases {North 'wind'?}. The meaning of our letter is that wherever you go carry your mind along, for no one should go divided unto himself. Do not let the body go one path while the heart another." [From the book 'The Third Spiritual Alphabet' by Francisco de Osuna]. Try ''law'' in relation to ''grace'' {i.e.,'heart' link}. Benefit of. If only in defining subject material. Try ''lips'' to see it from a different {landscape?} perspective? Part 5.

Address: 126 Maplewood Drive. Great neck, Long island. ['Miracle on 34th Street' / 1947]. Initially released as the 'Big Heart' in the UK.

A working example: A 'headless' Sphinx found buried - up to its belly - at Gebel-el-Silsila. A 'little' one found underneath. The figure of the pot bellied Hippo found inscribed in {red?} paint. Stood upright. Amenhotep III mentioned as the one ''who opened the quarry in year thirtyfour.'' ['Lost Treasures of Egypt: Warrior Pharaoh Queen' / S1 EP2].

Left or right flank?


'Ishon' to enlarge.

Side note: "The story takes place between Thanksgiving and Christmas in New York City,.....Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in October and November in the United States, Canada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil, Germany and the Philippines. It is also observed in the Dutch town of Leiden and the Australian territory of Norfolk Island. It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year. Various similarly named harvest festival holidays occur throughout the world during autumn. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well."


Seated? On what?

REFRESHER: "The Greek word anemos {'wind'} refers to the 'breath of life' and from this root are derived the two Latin words Animus 'spirit' and Anima 'soul'. This tells us that spirit and soul share the same source, but, as James Hillman points out, 'the ways of the soul and those of the spirit only sometimes coincide'...By analogy, spirit and soul are related to each other, as the sun to the moon, masculine is to feminine, as Logos is to Eros, as Apollonian is to Dionysian - polarities which are reflected within every birth chart..." ['Mapping the Psyche' / VOL.1].

'A Celtic Quest' / J. Layard - to 'see' more on the differences in the above - in the individual and Macro SENSE of the word.

A working example: ''I'll go {listen?} with my first instinct {impression?} - it would be rude not to do so.'' ['The Chase' / ITV / Jan 2022].

Inner / outer. Which and why. What are EACH sat on?

And/or: " I would just like to say something here - that might make you all think. When i get out of boxing {in answer to the question: 'What are u going to do when u retire from boxing?} - IS to get myself ready to meet god because he is watching all of us. He wants to know how do we treat each other and help each other. So this is a test to see where we will spend the rest of our eternal life - in heaven or hell. THIS is not the life now. Your real self is inside of you. Your body gets old, but your spirit and soul never die. So when i die, if there is a heaven i want to see it. So god is testing us to see if our real home is going to be heaven.'' { 'Whats My Name: Muhammad Ali}.

Side step: ''A doppelgänger[a] (/ˈdɒpəlɡɛŋər, -ɡæŋər/), sometimes spelled as doppelgaenger or doppelganger is a biologically unrelated look-alike, or a double, of a living person.

In fiction and mythology, a doppelgänger is often portrayed as a ghostly or paranormal phenomenon and usually seen as a harbinger of bad luck. Other traditions and stories equate a doppelgänger with an evil twin. In modern times, the term twin stranger is occasionally used.''

Osiris and Set?

''Weird'' to enlarge {i.e., 'shadow' aspect}.

Center or off center as a ''point of consciousness''?

Continued: ''What for example, is needed to make possible the internal narrative, the collection of stories we string together to form our basic sense of self? The answer is of course, memory. It is only by remembering what i did yesterday that i can identify myself as the person who did these things. The key point is that it is a particular degree of memory that is needed, neither stronger nor weaker {above/below the 'horizon'?}. The Italian novelist Italo Calvino , one of the many modern writers who have followed the ancient philosophy, puts it precisely: 'Memory has to be strong enough to enable us to act without forgetting what we wanted to do, to learn without ceasing to be the same person, but it also has to be weak enough to allow us to keep moving into the future. Other balances are necessary ....for us to think freely, to weave thoughts around that central sense of self'.....We also have the ability to move our point of consciousness around our interior life...." [Page 43 'The Secret History of the World' / J. Black].

Aries/Pisces? Arms forward?


From a different perspective: ''They should first strive to discover what the ancients meant by the metaphoric expression of 'fire' and that of the four successive degrees of its intensity. We are not speaking of a cooking fire here, of a fireplace fire, or of a blast furnace fire. ''In our work,'' asserts Philalethes, ''common fire only serves to keep away the cold....Our coction is linear, i.e., uniform throughout from beginning to the end of the work. Almost all philosophers have used as an example of this fire of coction or maturation, the incubation of a hen's egg, not in terms of the temperature to be used but in uniformity and permanence.'' [Page 416/7 'Dwellings of the Philosopher' /Fulkcanelli].

"Demeter and Kore, mother and daughter, extend the feminine consciousness both upwards and downwards. They add an ''older and younger'' ''stronger and weaker'' dimension to it and widen out{N/S?} the narrowly limited conscious mind bound in space and time {E/W?}, giving it intimations of a greater and more comprehensive personality which has a share  in the eternal course of things. We can hardly suppose that myth and mystery were invented for any conscious purpose; it seems much more likely that they were the involuntary revelation of a psychic, but unconscious, pre-condition." [Page 162 'Science of Mythology'].

Try 'Libra' and Gt. Pyramid to see something other the obvious.

long or short?

Side note: The oldest known texts - of the Ten Commandments  - known anywhere on the planet, are to be found in the Dead Sea Scrolls....with one alteration to the norm - ''Remember'' the Sabbath instead of ''keep'' the sabbath.'' ['Expedition Unknown : Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls' / Sat. TV].

''The Jewish Sabbath ends at nightfall on a saturday.''

''On earth a Lunar day is LONGER than a Solar day by 'fifty' minutes.''

'Pot Belly Hill'.

From a different perspective: At one of the following lectures G. returned to the question of consciousness: ''Neither the psychical nor the physical functions of man can be understood, unless the fact has been grasped that they can both work in different states of consciousness...In all there are four 'states' possible to man.....some of these states he is unable to understand.....The 3rd state of consciousness is self-remembering or self-consciousness or consciousness of ones's being....The 4th state is called the objective stste of consciousness. In this state he 'sees' things as they are.'' [Chapter EIGHT {Kindle} 'In Search of the Miraculous'].


''If a man gives way to all his desires, or panders to them, there will be no inner struggle in him, no 'friction,' no fire. But if, for the sake of attaining a definite aim, he struggles with desires that hinder him, he WILL create a 'fire' which will gradually transform his inner world into a single whole.'' [Page 914 {Kindle} Same].

''...In the belly of ones experience''. Enlarged elsewhere.

Good habits V Not so good ones?

'Rememering' the good ones?

''The 'flag' as a symbol of the presence of any ''divine'' being - god or goddess - harkens back to one of the oldest goddesses, Neith, the weaver. Her name in early hieroglyphs was written as N-t, and it meant ''the goddess.'' Subsequently, N-t-r became any god or goddess. N-t in hieroglyphs also is part of the word meaning ''to knit'' or ''to weave'' or ''to net'' {'153'?}....In Alexandria, the cosmopolis of ancient cultures where many languages merged, the ancient Egyptian word neter and the Coptic Christian word for ''the god'' came to be pronounced something like netjer; from this, the essence of the Latin word for NATURE, natura, emerged....the early Christian name for 'God'...." [Page 35 'The Union of Isis and Thoth' / N. Ellis and N. Scully].

'Flag it'? A red one or a 'pure' one?


Any 'soldier' neters? The end of something and the beginning of something else? In the spiritual SENSE of the word. 'Rose' at the center of the cross?

''....They cannot go one foot without my sea pass or leave. Here is the true Archimedes of the fish, for it alone stops the entire world; here is the animated magnet which imprisons all the iron and weapons of the foremost Monarchy of the world; i do not know who calls Rome the Golden Anchor of the human race, but this fish {i.e., remora i.e., ''the invisible host of the deep sea'' i.e., it represents the cold and humid aspect of the Work i.e.,'our mercury' - ''and which gradually coagulates in contact with and by the effect of the sulphur, an agent of desiccation and fixity'' } - is the anchor of anchor's.....a mouth without teeth....This little fish is flying the flag of Nature and of all its soldiers; it is Nature that nabs and stops these 'galleys'....that which cannot be bridled.....a buccaneer of the sea.....a pirate of nature'' [Page 369/407 'Dwellings of the Philosophers'].

Small 'n' Big 'N' as a means....

Refresher: ''Monarchy of the eye in relation to the Democracy of the nose.''

Remedy? Red or White?

From a different poerspective: ''The soul of man, while she is still in the body, is like a candle shut up in the dark lan'thorn', or a fire that is almost stifled for want of air {'bowels' of the earth?}. Spirits - say the Platonics - when they are ''in their own country'' {Dionysus?} are like the inhabitants of green fields who live perpetually amongst flowers, in a spicy, odorous air; but HERE BELOW, in the ''circle of generation'' {120? i.e., 15x'eight'} they 'morn' because of darkness and solitude....This  makes the soul subject to so many {'generations'?} of passions - to such a Proteus of humours {Helen?}. Now she flourishes now she withers...How long this same self round?...Satisfied with nothing but 'God', from Whom at first 'She' descended {Al-Qurn?}....She can in an instant transfer her own 'vessel' {vase?} from one place to another {Aquarius?}...I omit to speak of her magnet wherewith she can attract all things - spiritual and natural....When it has attained the source of its 'divinity' - which the Magi {'we three kings'?} term the soul standing {''upright''?} not falling  - can accomplish anything by its own power - and apart from any external help. But who is HE  - amidst so many thousand philosophers - that knows her nature?....This is Abrahams great secret, hidden, with six seals....divided into male and female...'' [Pages 47/8 'The Works of Thomas Vaughan / Edward Waite].

Refresher: "In Leo and Virgo lay now the long forgotten asterism Fahne, of which Ideler wrote: 'The Flag is a constellation of the heavens, one part in Leo, one part in Virgo. Has many stars. On the iron {the arrowhead of the staff} in front one; on the flag two; on every fold of the flag, one...Brown repeats a Euphratean inscription: 'The constellation of the 'Yoke' - 'like a flag floated' - although he claims no connection here, and associates the Yoke with Capricorn." [Page 255 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].

''Chariot'' or ''car''?

'Pregnant' with something? N.B. Amarna: Smack bang in the middle {'navel'?} of Egypt. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Mount Tabor {Israel}. Crossroads {'navel'} between E/W and N/S. + Lower/Higher Galilee.

Understanding the above - because of those universal constants - gets us closer to the 'mind set' of such statements as : "For example, the larger anthropomorphic pillars at Gobekli-tepe feature thick sculptured belts very similar to those on the Tiahuanaco and Easter Island figures. Also noteworthy are the hand positions seen at both the same sites...long fingers placed forward and almost meeting across the belly. Last but not least, just as Easter Island, Tiahuanaco and Cuzco share the odd concept of being 'navels of the earth' - so too does Gobekli-tepe...If all these are coincidences then their profusion is rather extraordinary..." ['The Magicians of the Gods'].

''Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.'' [John: Chapter 7:38].

Egyptian Hippo?

Try Gobekli tepe for that similar viewpoint. And/or ''belt''/ ''transforming fingers'' {'butter' link?}.

Side note. ''Viewpoint'' in relation to 'angle' symbolism - therefore 90 degrees link? {conjunction?}. 'H' link?

Finger width?

Analogy: ''We do not know where or when Jesus set Mary free, but this was a pivotal moment in her journey. His way was not imposing, but welcoming. It was at once a "being set free" and an initiation into God's Kingdom. Jesus said, "If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." (Luke 11:20). The finger of God is the Holy Spirit that has the power to restore life. Jesus invites us to a fullness of life, a deep communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, beginning with our baptism and maturing throughout our lives.

Too often our "falling short" makes us fear God and flee from his invitation of friendship (CCC 29). Perhaps we see only the eyes of a disappointed father, rather than the loving and open arms of Jesus. While we were originally banished from the garden, the Father sent his Son "to free us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father" (Rev 1:5-6). Entrance into this Kingdom requires a trusting, child-like spirit. As Jesus tells us, "Unless you change and become like a little child, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3).'' ['Mary Magdalene Novena' / Magdala / Israel / 2023].

Fox pelt ? therefore trickster aspect? And/or ''transforming fingers''? As a means....? 'There is a book inside us, written by the finger of god, through which we may read all things'. Michael Maier.

REFRESHER: "I remained obstinately silent. My Guru quickly penetrated my difficulty. "Do you think your relatives will laugh at you?"...'I will not return'...The controversial tension unrelieved, i bowed reverently at his feet and departed. Walking in the midnight darkness towards the hermitage, i wondered why the miraculous meeting had ended on an inharmonious note. The dual scales of maya - that balance every joy with a grief! My young heart was not yet malleable to the transforming fingers of my guru." [Extract from the book on Paramahansa Yogananda. Enlarged elsewhere].

Analogy of same {principles?} - "The mural inside, like the one in the Lower Temple of the Jaguars, is arranged in five levels with significant action in the middle of each tier. The most interesting image is seen on the lowest level, where a huge deity lies prostrate with vines growing from its belly. Directly above the navel manifestation, on the second level, we see an unoccupied throne. It is difficult not to think of the Hindu deity Vishnu, who manifested the universe from his navel." ['Galactic Alignment'].

A working example: ''Then one day she dares to enter the synagogue when he is teaching. She watches Jesus approach a woman crippled for 'eighteen' years. He puts his hand on the woman’s stooped back and immediately she straightens up {'right angle'?}. Surprise, delight, and anger ripple through the onlookers. The synagogue leaders challenge the morality of his healing on the Sabbath. With an unpretentious authority Jesus holds his ground, exclaiming that it was only right that this woman, bound by Satan, be set free on the Sabbath day (Luke 13:10-17).'' [Novena: 'Nine Days With Mary Magdalene' / Magdala/Israel / 2022].

“If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” [Luke 11:20].

From a different perspective: ''I met up with Neil Oliver on the wild and windswept west coast of Ireland. We were in Spiddal, County Calway, for a modern Celtic festival: the Traidphicnic music and crafts festival. 'Did you find them?' Neil asked me. 'Its so difficult. I've travelled right across Europe, trying to grasp these people, and they just keep slipping through my fingers.'' [Epilogue: ''The Celts: Search for a Civilization' / A. Roberts].

Side note: ''The Finger Lakes are a group of eleven long, narrow, roughly north–south {from an West-East perspective} lakes located directly south of Lake Ontario in an area called the Finger Lakes region in New York, in the United States. This region straddles the northern and transitional edge of the Northern Allegheny Plateau, known as the Finger Lakes Uplands and Gorges ecoregion, and the Ontario Lowlands ecoregion of the Great Lakes Lowlands.

The geological term finger lake refers to a long, narrow lake in an overdeepened glacial valley, while the proper name Finger Lakes goes back to the late 19th century.[2][3] Cayuga and Seneca Lakes are among the deepest in the United States, measuring 435 feet (133 m) and 618 feet (188 m) respectively, with bottoms well below sea level. Though none of the lakes' widths exceed 3.5 miles (5.6 km), Seneca Lake is 38.1 miles (61.3 km) long, and 66.9 square miles (173 km2), the largest in total area.

The origin of the name Finger Lakes is uncertain.''

And/or: "St. Stephens gate is the place where you go into the city. Named after him. Named after a martyr. Also called Lions Gate after Saladin the Great carved lions into it. Others know it as the Gate of Miriam or Mary, because tradition says that Mary's house where she was born is inside the gate. And some call it the Gates of Jehoshaphat or the Valley of Jehoshaphat because we are right in the Kidron Valley - almost straddling it - the valley of the final judgement." [Day 23 {'twentythree'}: Cloud of Witnesses: Holy Monastery of St. Stephen. Pilgrimage of Prayer. Jerusalem. Lent 2024].

When not alluding to the literal animal, the goat emoji stands for GOAT, an acronym meaning Greatest of All Time. It is generally used in reference to highly skilled individuals, such as award-winning musicians or talented athletes, in order to praise them as being the all-time best in their chosen field.

Ancient Iberian headgear. 'Whorl' to enlarge.

And/or: "The Judaic names that have been explored {i.e., as one example 'Simon'}, are those contained within the biblical accounts. However, the Judiac Talmud use an alternative point of view and some very different names for the same characters in this saga, and this gives us a second opportunity to 'see' the true ancestry of the biblical family. One of the more famous names from the Talmund is that of Pantera, who was reputed to be the father of Jesus. The full quote from the Babylonian Talmud is as follows: 'He who cuts upon his flesh {'tattoo'?}. It is a tradition that Rabbi Eliezer said to the wise, 'Did not Ben Stada bring spells from Egypt in a cut upon his flesh?' They said to him 'He was a fool, and they do not bring proof from a fool'. {Ben Stada is Ben Pandira. Rab Chisda said 'the husband was Stada, the paramour was Pandera'. The husband was Pappos ben Jehudah, the mother was Stada. The mother was Miriam, THE DRESSER OF WOMENS HAIR; as we say in Pumbeditha 'Such a one has been false to her husband'}. {Original brackets}.


The first thing that is abundantly clear from this quote is that the authors of the Talmud knew an awful lot more than they were giving away in their vast biblical commentary, and that their first and foremost objective was to conceal the truth from all but a select few of Judiac initiates. That this is a fact can be demonstrated by the term 'the mother was Miriam, the dresser of womens hair'....also related to the word Nazarene....meaning fish. It is from this 'dresser of hair pun' that the childrens fairy story of Rapunzel is derived. [Pages 98/99 'Cleopatra to Christ' / R. Ellis].

Magdala synagogue of the first century CE with evidence of a mosaic floor and the carved stone in the center area of the synagogue. Under the mosaic a bronze coin of Herod Antipas minted in Tiberias (Year 33 = 29 CE) was found.

"Artificial" or 'natural'?

The "Maiden in the Tower" archetype has drawn comparisons to a possible lost matriarchal myth connected to the sacred marriage between the prince and the maiden and the rivalry between the maiden, representing life and spring, and the crone, representing death and winter.

'Tower of the Fish'.

Side note: Since the 17th century, we've been using obverse for the front side of coins (usually the side depicting the head or bust of a prominent person). The opposite of this sense of obverse is reverse, the back or tails side of a coin. Since the 19th century, obverse has referred to an opposing counterpart or an opposite. The 'obverse' of a Roman coin from the period of the Roman empire usually depicts the issuer, often the emperor or empress. They are shown with a bust - a side view of their head, as the Queen is on our coins today....

Sutton Hoo purse clasp: Wolfs / eagles and ducks.

Confusingly, this word also means "the opposite," as in, "Your messy room is the obverse of your idea of yourself as a tidy person." The Latin root helps to explain this seeming conflict between meanings — obversus means both "directed toward" and "turned against."

Climbing or falling?

Continued: The population of Magdala in the 1st century followed the laws and customs of Judaism. We know this from the objects discovered, such as pottery, a type of chalkstone vessel characteristic of Galilee and Judea, and also from the presence of ritual baths. The identification of a synagogue is key to understanding the type of inhabitants of Magdala and, personally, the objects that best explain the ethnicity of a settlement: the art. In Magdala, there are two mosaic floors, both with a very simple geometric floral design, which is actually a manifestation of the respect for the commandment not to depict anything created in heaven and earth, a unique characteristic of Judaism of this period.‍

'Emergence' to enlarge.

By law and custom, women in antiquity had their names in relation to a man, and the Jews were no exception. In various texts, we can read that women were known as "the daughter of," "the wife of," or "the mother of." In Mary's case, her name is related to a place: Magdala. Although this has been a subject of debate in recent years, we know that Jewish laws allowed some women, without a familial status with a man, to own land, and their name would be related to their possessions. For this reason, we can think that Mary of Magdala was a woman without marital status, with a certain legal and economic independence that allowed her to have her own name.

In conclusion, although we do not have an inscription that tells us about the details of Mary Magdalene, we do have archaeological evidence that provides context about the events and characters of the Gospel. The inhabitants of Magdala were followers of the laws and customs of Judaism, so we can assume the same about Mary. Her name, following the law, suggests that she was a woman with a certain legal and economic independence and that she most likely owned land in the village from which she takes her name, that is, in Magdala of Galilee.

Rapunzel: The "Maiden in the Tower" archetype has drawn comparisons to a possible lost matriarchal myth connected to the sacred marriage between the prince and the maiden and the rivalry between the maiden, representing life and spring, and the crone, representing death and winter.

Red thread? "Bower" to enlarge.

Continued: Both of these traditions were originally brought in the Babylonian Talmud, but they were eliminated in part from later editions as a result of Christian censorship, for reasons that will be made clear immediately. The later printed texts of TB Shabbat 104b read as follows: "R. Eliezer said to the Sages: Isn't it true that Ben Sṭara brought witchcraft out of Egypt by marking on his flesh? They said to him: He was an idiot, and one does not bring proofs from idiots". Here the sugya ends in the later printed editions. The continuation of the sugya, as represented by all manuscripts and the earliest printed text, reads as follows: "[Was he] the son of Sṭara (or: Sṭada)? Wasn't he rather the son of Pandira! Rav Ḥisda said: Sṭara was [his mother's] husband; Pandira was [his mother's] lover. [But his mother's] husband was Papos the son of Judah! Rather, his mother was Sṭara (or Sṭada), his father was Pandira. [But] his mother was Mary the hairdresser (magdala)! Rather [she was called Sṭada] because of what they say in Pumbedita: She cheated (saṭa da) on her husband." The name "Ben Pandira" was understood in the Babylonian Talmud as a euphemism for Jesus (cf. Tosefta Ḥul. 2:24, TB Av. Za. 16b-17a). It is fairly clear, therefore, that this entire talmudic passage is an anti-Christian polemic, ridiculing the doctrine of the virgin birth of Jesus (see D. Rokeah, "Ben Sṭara is Ben Pantira").

Dresden {Saxony} East Germany. Rooster on top. Rooster also on top of Notra Dame lead roof. Above the attics 'Forest of oaks'.

In keeping with this anti-Christian tendency, the version of the second baraita as brought in the uncensored text of TB Sanhedrin 67a reads as follows: "And that is precisely what they did to Ben Sṭada (or: Sṭara) in Lydda, and they hung him on the day before the Passover" – apparently a reference to the crucifixion. The text then continues as in Shabbat ("Was he the son of Sṭara? Wasn't he rather …").

While the Babylonian tradition clearly seems to identify Ben Sṭada with Ben Pantira (Jesus), it is highly unlikely that this reflects any historical tradition deriving from the tannaitic period. On the contrary, it is almost certainly a classic example of the Babylonian Talmud's "creative historiography" which seeks to identify obscure and unknown figures (like Ben Sṭada) with significant and well known figures (like Ben Pantira = Jesus). The Babylonian Talmud here as elsewhere reworks early sources (Tosefta and TJ) in order to achieve its own literary and polemical ends. It is therefore not surprising that inconsistencies remain between the older, more original elements, and the more recent trends and interpretations which coexist in the Babylonian Talmud's final retelling of these stories. Attempts to relate all of these various elements to a particular concrete historical figure will therefore almost always result in contradiction.

"Barber" to enlarge.

"Lions' Gate (Hebrewשער האריותromanizedSha'ar ha-Arayotlit.'Lions' Gate', Arabicباب الأسباطromanizedBab al-Asbatlit.'Gate of the Tribes'), also St Stephen's Gate, is one of the seven open Gates of the Old City of Jerusalem. It leads into the Muslim Quarter of the Old City....

The start of the traditional Christian observance of the last walk of Jesus from prison to crucifixion, the Via Dolorosa, begins at the Lions' Gate, called St Stephen's Gate by Christians. Carved into the wall above the gate are four lions, two on the left and two on the right. Suleiman the Magnificent had the carvings made to celebrate the Ottoman defeat of the Mamluks in 1517. Legend has it that Suleiman's predecessor Selim I dreamed of lions that were going to eat him because of his plans to level the city. He was spared only after promising to protect the city by building a wall around it. This led to the lion becoming the heraldic symbol of Jerusalem.[4][dubious ]...Historian Moshe Sharon notes the similarity of the sculpted felines to similar pairs at Jisr Jindas and Qasr al-Basha in Gaza. All represent the same Mamluk sultan, Baibars. Sharon estimates that they all date to approximately 1273 C.E."

'Twisting' to enlarge.

Side note: "An unearthed bronze key handle suggests lions were used in executions in Roman Britain, archaeologists have said.

The handle, which shows a "Barbarian" grappling with a lion, was excavated from under a Roman town house, off Great Central Street in Leicester.

It also shows figures of four boys cowering in terror."

Ishon to enlarge.

The hand of Sabazios. Thumb = pinecone?

Kidron Valley (classical transliteration, Cedron, from Hebrewנחל קדרוןNaḥal Qidron, literally Qidron River; also Qidron Valley)[1][2][3][4] is the modern name of the valley originating slightly northeast of the Old City of Jerusalem, which then separates the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives, and ending at the Dead Sea. Beyond Jerusalem it continues in a general south-easterly direction through the Judean desert in the West Bank, reaching the Dead Sea near the settlement of Ovnat, and descending 4,000 feet (1,200 m) along its 20-mile (32 km) course.

In ancient Hebrew sources, as well as in Arabic, different segments of the valley bear different names. Arabic names include وادي الجوز, Wadi el-Joz, 'Valley of the Walnut', but possibly a shortening of "Valley of Josaphat", for the upper segment, near the Temple Mount; and Wadi en-Nar, 'Fire Valley', for the rest of it – with at least the segment at the ancient Mar Saba ('Saint Sabbas') monastery also known in the 19th century as Wadi er-Rahib, 'Monk's Valley'.

In its upper part, the Palestinian neighbourhood of Wadi Joz bears the valley's Arabic name.[5] The Jewish settlement of Kedar, in the West Bank, located on a ridge above the valley, is named after the valley's Hebrew name. The Hebrew Bible apparently calls the upper course Emek Yehoshafat, the "Valley of Josaphat". It appears in Jewish eschatologic prophecies, which include the return of Elijah, followed by the arrival of the Messiah, and the War of Gog and Magog and Judgment Day...

Part of the moon's surface is much older than experts previously thought, with many of the craters pockmarking the iconic "man in the moon" predating that landform by hundreds of millions of years, new research finds.

Etymology: The Hebrew name Qidron is derived from the root qadar, "to be dark", and may be meant in this context as "dusky".[10]

In Christian tradition the similarity between the Greek word for cedar, κέδρος (kedros), and the Greek name of the valley as used in the Septuagint, Kedron, has led to the Qidron Valley being wrongly called "Valley of the Cedars".

Jehoshaphat (/əˈhɒʃəfæt/; alternatively spelled JehosaphatJosaphat, or YehoshafatHebrewיְהוֹשָׁפָטModern: YəhōšafaṭTiberian: Yŏhōšāp̄āṭ, "Yahweh has judged";[1] GreekἸωσαφάτromanizedIosafátLatinJosaphat), according to the Hebrew Bible, was the son of Asa, and the fourth king of the Kingdom of Judah, in succession to his father. His children included Jehoram, who succeeded him as king. His mother was Azubah. Historically, his name has sometimes been connected with the Valley of Josaphat....

2 Chronicles chapters 17 to 21 are devoted to the reign of Jehoshaphat. First Kings treats him more briefly: 1 Kings 15:24[3] mentions him as successor to Asa, and 1 Kings 22:1–50[4] summarizes the events of his life. The Jerusalem Bible states that "the Chronicler sees Asa as a type of the peaceful, Jehoshaphat of the strong king".[5] According to these passages, Jehoshaphat ascended the throne at the age of thirty-five and reigned for twenty-five years. He "walked in the ways" of his father or ancestor, King David.[6] He spent the first years of his reign fortifying his kingdom against the Kingdom of Israel. His zeal in suppressing the idolatrous worship of the "high places" is commended in 2 Chronicles 17:6.

'Numbers' ? 64 petals?

Continued: "Contrary to what might be considered logical, the mineral kingdom is not situated at the bottom, of the lowest register of the temple walls that explains the phases of becoming. As the first corporeal form, the metallic or mineral kingdom is the closest to the origin, closer to the spirit that animates everything. Because it is created and not procreated. It is located at the uppermost register of the tableaux. The personages at this highest level symbolize non-procreated principles and are depicted without navels. The lowest register portrays Royal Man, symbol of the ultimate aim of creation. Between the two {'void'?} is located the register of pure Number, corresponding to the plant kingdom, and next is the register of combinations or geometry of Numbers, the animal kingdom. The temple is fashioned by man in the image of the heavens, in the image of his world...The incarnation of the universe in man is the fundamental theme of all religions...." [Page 27 'The Egyptian Miracle: An Introduction to the Wisdom of the Temple' / R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz].

Joy or grief?

Side note: ''...Radin's trickster cycle preserves the shadow in its pristine mythological form, and thus points back to a much earlier stage of consciousness which existed before the birth of the myth, when the Indian was still groping about in a similar mental darkness. Only when his consciousness reached a higher level could he detach the earlier state from himself and objectify it, that is, say anything about it. So long as his consciousness was itself 'trickster like', such a confrontation could obviously not take place. It was possible only when the attainment of a newer and higher level of consciousness enabled him to look back on a lower and inferior state..." [From the chapter entitled 'On the Psychology of the Trickster Character' by C. Jung - within the book 'The Trickster' by P. Radin]. Try 2:11 to enlarge further.

Continued: Recall Osiris with 'grain'' growing from ''his belly''.

Higher/lower? ''Navel'' = midpoint? And/or: IN/OF the ''horizon'' ?

Something to pondor on: 'Vine' in relation to Dionysus? Of which Alexander was well versed. Understanding that gives clues to his final resting place. And/or {synchronistic link?}: What did Alexander finally 'die' of?

As is: "But who are these four relations of Gwenddoleu's {i.e.,Druid culture/system} : Pabo, Nudd, Eleuver, and Cov? Their names tell us that they represent four links in the great seven fold chain of the stages of planetary evolution {i.e.,''cosmic and terrestrial evolution'' / H/V ?}." The fourth one {i.e.,Cov } is listed as : "The next is Cov, ''Memory''. And this is not quite so easy to grasp. It refers to the primeval state of 'fire', or heat without light, and the ancient wisdom called it ''Saturn''. What was engendered then, among other things, was that which has now become - for us - the power of memory and the sense of time...Hence, in the very ancient times, and most especially in those parts of the world that long ago gave a first refuge to the wanderers from the 'submerged' Atlantis, we find to begin with records of the existence of the so-called Mysteries of Saturn, whom the Greeks called Cronos, the Father of Time. Through this wisdom there could flow a perpetuation of the memory of the golden age of 'clairvoyance' relating to the 'evolution' of the Earth through rhythmic sequences of Time..." ['The Flaming Door']. Recall Part 1.

A working example: "Now, reviewing in your mind all of this material on Saturn that we have discussed today...where you are in your life in relation to this principle...insights you may have had about your own chart...recognizing 'Saturn' in your imagination and your life experience. And gradually begin to release the whole lot...hidden away down in the belly of one's experience..." ['Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs'].

Transforming fingers = remedy?

Mother Russia or Putin's Russia? KGB mindset?

A working example {and/or something extra}: ''And when the harsh fire , the primeval sulphur, burns in the pit of our stomachs, it is difficult for us to choose to be good hearted." [Page 93 'The Secret  History of the World' / J. Black].

Try ''Sulphur''.

'Mercury' and 'Salt'?

'Burning Bush'.

And/or: ''As well as in medicine, the Chinese and Japanese tend to lay great emphasis on the role of the solar plexus in spiritual practice. If you contemplate a statue of a meditating Buddha, you will see someone who has gathered himself inward, and that the center of this meditation, his center of mental and spiritual gravity, is his lower belly....He has sunk down into the center within himself - sometimes called the 'hara' - that is connected with all life. [Page 76 same book].

From a different perspective: ''The Belly Breath is very similar to the Heart Breath, with a single redirection: you inhale from the heart of Earth directly to your lower abdomen instead of the heart.....especially good for grounding oneself.'' [Page 126 'Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess' / N. Scully].

Heart in relation to ''grace''?

Feet first?

North of Saqqara shafts full of mummified Ibis birds and Baboons found. At the bottom was found - one single clay pot/vase/container with the stamp of Djoser. Question. Fired/UNfired?

A working example {i.e., in 'story' form}: ''He began to inch his way up the face of the bank. Towards the top he had to negotiate the huge exposed roots of the yews which creaked like old hinges in the wind....Tom could see nothing at first except the smooth moss covered mound in the center. He recognised it as a long barrow, a burial mound built on the far horizon of history by Stone Age men. On top of the mound, a single massive finger of stone accused the sky. He searched the clearing for the source of the weird sound. Two figures stood at the nearest corners of the mound; they were shrounded in robes of deep blue {'horizon'?}...they belonged to the Little Brothers of the Apostles... The chanting grew louder and higher - it seemed to bypass the ear and directly pierce the solar plexus....It knocked the breath out of him; heard it hissing between his 'teeth'....It climbed to a single unbearable note - and then died away sharply to a thin {'narrow'?} blade of sound'' [Page 6 'The Serpents Circle' / P. Harpur].

The solar plexus, or celiac plexus, is the name given to the network of nerves near the stomach. “Celiac” comes from the Greek word for “belly” and “plexus” means “braid” in Latin. ... We call this region the solar plexus because the network (braid) of nerves looks like the rays of the sun. [Wiki].


Shadow or anima? or both?

"But where can man [or woman] find truth? If he seeks deep enough in himself he will find it revealed, each man may know his own heart. He may send a ray of his intelligence into the depths of his soul and search its bottom, he may find it to be as infinitely deep as the sky above his head. He may find corals and pearls, or watch the monsters of the deep {'shadow'?}. If his thought is steady and unwavering, he may enter the innermost sanctuary of his own temple and see the goddess {'anima'?} unveiled. Not every one can penetrate the depths, because the thought is easily led astray; but the strong and persistent searcher will penetrate veil after veil, until at the inner most center it discovers the germ {'seed'?} of truth, which, awakened to consciousness, will grow into a 'sun' that illuminates the whole of the interior world, wherein everything is contained." [quote from within the book by F. Hartman]. Link to the word ''middle way''; its use of and/or benefit of - relative to an understanding - any process of understanding. This readers input.

REFRESHER: Amon = ''the hidden sun''. Aten = ?

"Knowledge" they say is power. "Power" in the sense that it broadens ones horizon. As all subjects prove; in one form or another.

In the belly of the serpent?

Menkaure sarcophagus. False doors?

"In Latin a pearl was 'unio', because, as Pliny writes, it is 'the unique gem', or because pearls are only found singly...Oysters open and shut, like doors [folding doors in English were once called 'bivalves'], and the open shell of an oyster looks like the number 8." [Quote from the Lexicon chapter to the book ' The Book of Babel: Words and the Way We See Things' by N. Lewis].

"The voice of truth in a person that has not yet awakened to spiritual life, is the still ''small voice'' that may be felt in the heart, listened to by the 'imperfect', as a half conscious dreamer may listen to the ringing of bells in the distance; but in those that have become conscious of life, that have passed through the first 'resurrection' of the spirit in their own heart, and received the baptism of the first initiation, administered by themselves, the voice of the new born ego, has no uncertain sound, but becomes the powerful Word of the 'master'. "

"In this dream the anima appears in 'her' proper positive role - that is, as a mediator between the ego and the self." Enlarged elsewhere.

Small in relation to large. Inner in relation to outer. Coarse in relation to 'smooth'. Hewn in relation to UNhewn. Lower in relation to higher. Ishon in relation to 'teacher' [or 'master']. Dionysus in relation to Apollo. Anything yet? i.e.,

Orpheus = equilibrium - representation of. Question. Equilibrium of what? With what aim in mind? Try ''soul'' and ''spirit'' and/or ''bow''.

The author of 'Galactic Alignment' researching throughout numerous cultures on those common factors that relate {as one example} to Sagittarius {3 degrees?} - in relation to the 'centers' of Polar/Galactic/Zenith. All as a means...? i.e.,recall what ''three'' represents. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

A closer analogy to what Sagittarius 3 degrees may represent {if only to this reader} could be: "Sagittarius is the symbol of the civilizing and abstract mind. The spiritual {archetypes?} and structural energies which stream through this section of the universal matrix arouses in people who have become, to some extent at least, 'individuals' the power to construct with ideas as there raw material...Seen as a vision, an ideal, an archetype...And the source of such a creative act is the 'vision' which has come upon him, the vision that was born in his union with the star shining at the zenith of his being... " ['The Zodiac as the Universal Matrix' and 'The 12 Astrological Houses'].

Meridian of the Sun?

Remember - before those first impressions dictate something else {shadow/nadir link?} - we are attempting to define a mindset in order to understand subject material.

''Vision'' in relation to 'eureka moment'. Apply it to understand {'see'?} 'Star of Light' {zenith} in both the Micro and Macro sense of the word. Try Part 3.

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

"The word Microcosm is an esoteric word for humanity. It is derived from the Greek word micros or ''small'' and kosmos or ''world''. Humanity is considered a ''mirror'' of the greater universe and is the body, soul, and spirit, a miniature version of the cosmos in every detail." [Chapter 5, 'The Tree of Life'. Mentioned elsewhere]. The Micro within the Macro.

Understand the above [amongst others; found elsewhere] defines the word ''teacher'' in the Dead sea scrolls. Therefore proving - if only - the viability of the subject.


The {'Tara'} Brooch. Has nothing to do with the name Tara other than for commercial reasons. To understand ''Tara'' and the brooch's symbolism ATTEMPT to define a mind set. ['Digging for Britain'. Series 4. Episode 4]. Embossed/ Debossed. Inner/outer. Which and why?

"The omphalos was not only the sacred seat of Apollo at Delphi but also the tomb of the slain and resurrected Dionysus. .....The omphalos was also held to be the tomb of the Python, the 'dragon' that Apollo slew at Delphi. Thus a serpent often coiled about the stone, is a frequent component of omphalos iconography. [Recall also, the external serpents on those South American structures]. Every sacred culture possesses an omphalos in one form or another. The oldest known....was the ben-ben at Heliopolis...the prototype for both the pyramid and obelisk. ......There was also an omphalos in Ireland at Tara [explained elsewhere], For the Pythagoreans, the omphalos at Delphi was an emblem of the Monad, the 'seed' or first cause of the universe."

Apollo therefore in control {i.e., aware of something and/or manifested} of aspects YET to be understood by such individuals {principles} that Dionysus REPRESENT.

And/or Obelisk = 'Eye of the Needle' ? Cleopatra's?

''The brooch has a diameter of 8.7 cm and the pin has a length of 32 cm. It is made of cast and gilt silver, decorated on both front and rear. On the front are fine gold filigree panels depicting animal and abstract motifs, separated by studs of glass, enamel and amber. The back is flatter than the front, and the decoration is cast. The motifs consist of scrolls and triple spirals. Attached to the brooch by a swivel attachment is a silver chain made from plaited wire. The swivel consists of animal heads framing two small cast glass human heads.'' [Wiki].

Rock crystal to enlarge.

"Nature is a net of correspondence to be deciphered and integrated into a holistic {whole?} worldview." [extract from the book 'The Magister'. Parenthesis, this readers].

N.B. The root of the word ''holy'' = whole: i.e.,a reunion of the ''whole?'' By way of ''correspondences?''

The author of 'Letter To A Disciple' defines the same principle as the ''primordial disposition.'' [Introduction]. Benefit of. Link to ''Primordial Mound'' - in the 'spiritual' sense of the word.

Spirit 'fire' veiled? Lyre = balance between the two?

Eight strands each. Sixtyfour in total.

"Dionysus and Osiris are both ''dismembered'' and ''resurrected'' gods. Gods associated with the mystery of the seed and the vegetation cycle. A plant starts from the seed of unity, comes forth into manifestation, and dies through ''dismemberment'' in the course of the seasons.

But the inner spark of life remains hidden in the transcendental, resurrecting power of the seed. The gnostics taught that at the center of every human being there exists a divine spark or spiritual seed, our immortal essence. By properly cultivating this inner 'seed' it is possible to realize our true identity.

An objective eye?

That is why the Greek word ''initiation'' [teleo] means, among other things, completion, realization, bearing fruit in due season, and 'ripening' to perfection. As we realize our inner spiritual spark, we cannot avoid becoming who we truly are." [Both paragraphs taken from chapter 10, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God........'. Mentioned elsewhere].

A working example: ''The two cities remained close allies after the war, joining their legal systems and circulating the same currency - silver coins, often stamped with the image of the griffin. Abdera supplied Teos with grain, and Teians likely shipped wine to the Abderites. Both cities prospered.'' {Article entitled: Twin Cities / 'Archaeology' / Jan-Feb 2023}.

''Hecataeus of Abdera or of Teos (Greek: Ἑκαταῖος ὁ Ἀβδηρίτης; c. 360 BC – c. 290 BC[1]), was a Greek historian who flourished in the 4th century BC. Though none of his works survive, his writings are attested by later authors in various fragments, in particular his Aegyptica, a work on the society and culture of the Egyptians, and his On the Hyperboreans.''

''A sister city or a twin town relationship is a form of legal or social agreement between two geographically and politically distinct localities for the purpose of promoting cultural and commercial ties. While there are early examples of international links between municipalities akin to what are known as sister cities or twin towns today dating back to the 9th century,[2] the modern concept was first established and adopted worldwide during World War II.''


Sycamore fig. Mentioned 7 times in the Old Testament.

Refresher: "If the spark becomes conscious in your humanity it grows into a vital germ and through this, if you let it govern the animal-human in you, you will be master of your fate. The soul is not subject to the stars..." Continued elsewhere. Try Part 3.

Elevating spirt/soul? Define a mind set beyond the obvious. i.e., 'Fig Leaf: The Biggest Coverup in History' [BBC 4].

And/or..."The sun god of the spring was pictured as a youthful warrior triumphing over the storms of winter. The goddess of vegetation - Ishtar, under various names - unites herself to this god, and the two in unison - 'sun' and 'earth' - bring forth new life in the fields and meadows...The change of seasons was depicted as due to the death of this youthful god; according to one tradition, he was deserted by this goddess who had won his 'love'; according to another, he was slain by a wild boar. An old Sumerian designation of this god was Dumu-Zi-Abzu, and interpreted as ''the legitimate child of the deep''...eventually {evolving?} in the form of Tammuz...Ishtar/Tammuz are closely related figures; both symbolise vegetation {personification of sun/earth}...An attempt to combine two figures that represent the same idea...male and female principles." [Religious Belief in Babylonian and Assyria' by M. Jastrow].

'Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life' by C. Kerenyi. Question. Where would Apollo fit in?



Make a connection with: "In Rosicrucian and other esoteric thought, the Golden Fleece is a symbol of the vegetative or 'etheric' part of human nature once it has been transformed by spiritual practice. Once we have 'tamed' the animal side of ourselves {lower?}, we start to work on the vegetable side of ourselves, charging it with the 'golden' spirit {divine 'bit' link} of the sun god..." ['The Sacred History' / J. Black].

Try ''vegetative'' etc. Before those first impressions sprout {create?} something else.

"Initiation is not a ceremony, it is the beginning of a new way of using the mind...

...Now this study of moon symbols [or any other symbol. This readers input. What some call the ''Green Language''], is intended to show the reader a way of initiation. If studied in the right way, [i.e., objectively], it will enable a self initiation into symbolism......."[ Chapter entitled The Old Religion- A study in the Symbolism of Moon Mysteries, from the book 'The New Dimensions Red Book'].

Proving the viability of the subject, regardless of ones first impressions of it. [That same link to the book, 'The Eighth Reveals the Ninth: A New Hermetic Initiation Discourse' by Keizer].

Side note: ''The Bottom of the Ninth':  (baseball) The second part of the ninth and final inning; the end of the game. Hitting a home run with the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth let the home team finish ahead of the visitors. (idiomatic) By extension, any last chance or final opportunity.''

gog-magogContinued: "The task of the scholar of esoteric studies is not to prove that such an invisible 'tradition', hidden behind the veil of historic events, did or did not exist; as such; before the Renaissance; rather, the task consists of trying to grasp and to describe the different facets of the emergence of this idea as it appears in the imaginary and the discourses of the last centuries [and/or millenniums. This readers input]. Quote by A. Faivre.

"Error runs down an inclined plane, while truth has to laboriously climb its way up hill". Question. What picture {symbol?} represents it?

Its 'opposite', representation or twin side or flip side [i.e.,in the sense of a different meaning, if only in a subtle sense, i.e.,"opposite ends on the same pole" ], could be The nine 'angelic hierarchies' that include in 'balanced' proportions the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. Or even the symbolic intent of Satyrs and Nymphs, i.e.,''mercurial'' qualities, both positive / negative at ''boundary lines.'' Explained within.

"An unearthed bronze key handle suggests lions were used in executions in Roman Britain, archaeologists have said. The handle, which shows a "Barbarian" grappling with a lion, was excavated from under a Roman town house, off Great Central Street in Leicester.
It also shows figures of four boys cowering in terror."  Barbarian or 'Master of the house'?

Both those 'opposite' ends that relate to the 'wet way' and 'dry way', i.e.,bottom up or top down, relative to an understanding. Can you tell the difference?

That link to Dionysus in relation to Apollo by way of Orpheus. Put Satyrs in the usual box.

Side note: "The formation of this constellation on the Euphrates undoubtedly preceded that of the larger figure, the Centaur Chiron; but the first recorded classic figuring was in Eratoshenes description of it as a Satyr, probably derived from the characteristics of the original Centaur...But Manilius mentioned it, as in our modern style, and with threatening look, very different from the mild aspect of the educated Chiron, the Centaur of the South; while it is sometimes given in later manuscripts and maps with the flowing Robes; but his crown always appears near his fore feet, and his arrow is always aimed at the Scorpions Heart. Dupuis that that it was shown in Egypt as an Ibis or Swan; but the Denderah zodiac has the customary Archer with the face of a lion added, as making it bifaced..." [Page 353 {Sagittarius} from the book 'Star Names and Their Meaning']. Try ''lion''.

Put all those COMMON FACTORS {keys} together to take something forward.

The tail end of the ''stinger'' = two swimming ducks.

And/or: "The constellation of the Scorpion is one of the links between the cultures of central America and those of the ancient East, possibly Mesopotania, whose ziggurats were so similar to the Mexican pyramids....Scorpio was the same everywhere....The Maya of Yucatan also called the same constellation ''scorpion stars''....

Astrological myths everywhere placed Aquarius the Water-drawer at the winter solstice, Taurus the Bull at the spring equinox, Leo the Lion at the summer solstice, and Scorpio at the autumnal equinox. Therefore it was said in Egypt that the Scorpion killed Horus the sun, sending him to his midwinters death and resurrection as his Mother Isis gave him rebirth; and Pharaoh's daughter apparently played the part of the Water-drawer or divine midwife on the banks of the Nile - as shown by the myth of Moses.'' [Page 900 'The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets'].



Sixteen to enlarge.

And/or: "In meditation it is possible to discover for ourselves that we have an 'etheric' body when we feel a certain intimation of ecstasy - of expansion - of feeling as though we could embrace, with invisible  arms, the distant and more distant things around us; we feel the world like liquid 'glass' in which we are not separated from anything outside of us, but melting into it all. This is a fairly common experience. But it is quite another thing to keep hold of oneself, to keep a spiritual 'presence of mind' until this first and nearest region of higher consciousness begins to know its surroundings....The gateway to constructive imagination....In olden times this experience was called the ''meeting with the lion'' for the 'visions' may take possession of us as dreams or nightmares may do; the lion rushes forth to devour us, but he must be tamed and ridden. This is the courage we need for the quest of the Spirit and for the 'conquest' for ourselves." [Page 39-41 'Spiritual Knowledge: The Reality and its Shadow' / C. Merry].

Remember - we are attempting to understand a mind set. Try ''glass''


"An unearthed bronze key handle suggests lions were used in executions in Roman Britain, archaeologists have said. The handle, which shows a "Barbarian" grappling with a lion, was excavated from under a Roman town house, off Great Central Street in Leicester.
It also shows figures of four boys cowering in terror." Question. Barbarian or 'Master of the house'?

As is: "Nergal, the Winged Lion or Sun of Death, is the ruler of Leo. Twin lions represent Leo; one for the sun and the other symbolizes Nergal, the Lofty Dragon, beloved of Ekur." [Page 22 'Pathways to the Zodiac'].

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

Side note: ''In the Chinese Zodiac the year of the snake directly follows the year of the dragon.'' ['Impossible'].

And/or: There is no year of the lion in the Chinese Zodiac.''

Continued: "From his Assyrian researches Cheyne translates the 36th verse from the 38th chapter of the Book of Job: 'Who hath put wisdom into the Lance Star? Or given understanding to the Bow star?' Jenson referring this Lance Star to Antares. Hommel, however, identifies it with Canis Minor. In Egyptian astronomy it represented the goddess Selket, heralding the sunrise at the autumn equinox {3700-3500BC} and was the symbol of Isis. Renouf included it with Arcturus in the immense figure of Menat...The Hindu's as a pendent Ear Jewel...'' [Page 366 {'Scorpio'} 'Star Names and Their Meanings']. Try ''Pierced'' / ''pierce''

Understanding the above gives further clues to defining what the author of 'Galactic Alignment' is attempting.

''Lance'' in relation to the Harpoon as mentioned in the book by Jane Sellers in relation to the Hippo and Croc? ['The Death of the gods in Ancient Egypt'].

'Five' golden rings?

Those '12' UP to the EVE of the ''Epiphany''. ''Some variants have "juniper tree" or "June apple tree" rather than "pear tree", presumably a mishearing of "partridge in a pear tree".

Side note: A 'harpoon' {made of Juniper} - inscribed with a serpent found in the 'moat' that surrounded the Step Pyramid. That same structure where the 'five' star symbol began. Imhotep its 'creator'. ['Lost Tresures of Egypt'/ Nat. Geo].

Hippo to enlarge.

And/or: ''Therefore let us return to our left purpose of the 'two' fires'': Keys mentioned such as -   January / Torch / Taper / ''circular revolutions as in those of a labyrinth, and in furnaces,  which they call a tower'' and/or: ''instead of burning to bake or consume'' and/or: ''and with such a 'fire' 120 chicks were hatched  / ''eggs curved as if under a Hen'' / ashes and live coals in relation to the gum of a juniper tree = 120 + live coals link [Pages 46/7 'Discourse on Fire and Salt'].


N.B. Recall the 'right' turn into the tomb of Tutankhamun. ALL OTHERS = left turn.

Ancient Libyan chief. Hooked hairsyle? ''Lure''?

And/or: ''North of the area known as Saqqara lies Abusir, and south lies Dahshur. The area running from Giza to Dahshur has been used as a necropolis by the inhabitants of Memphis at different times, and it was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979. Some scholars believe that the name Saqqara is not derived from the ancient Egyptian funerary deity, Sokar, but from a local Berber tribe called Beni Saqqar.'' [Wiki].

Try that one!


Continued: All of which that relate to the word 'nine' in such words as feminine, or feminine principle etc. Recall what the 'female' aspect, within this subject always relates to, in one form or another. A representation of an 'unknown' quantity, that through a learning process becomes a 'known'. A known value. That 'value' that also has a 'quantity/quality' to it.

"Then like the lightening flash cleaving the night, comes at the dark midnight hour the Great Mystery, the birth of the Birthless, the action of the Actionless, and once again the light of the world is revealed to them that walk in darkness. Therefore does those in the know say...that they who know the essential nature of his divine birth and actions, wander no more in the cycles of suffering, but attain to his exalted being." What this subject calls, ''The dark night of the soul,'' i.e.,something that at one time was 'unknown', is now becoming a 'known'. From 'dark' to 'light'. [Chapter 4, 'The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gita'].

Question. How would that be represented in the ''natural'' cycle of things? Try ''Douglas Monroe'' for a direction.

aaaHermetic equivalent..."Hermes meditating in the 'desert', freed his higher consciousness from his bodily senses. [Figuratively speaking, 'buddha' implies the same 'process']... and in so doing released his 'divine' nature, whereupon he beheld the great 'dragon', ''of the mysteries of life''[ an altogether different dragon from Typhon]. The dragon asked Hermes why he meditated on the world mystery,[also a link to the 'Hebrew way'] and in response Hermes asked the dragon to reveal itself. 'I am Poimandres, the 'mind' of the universe, the creative intelligence, and the absolute emperor ['King' / 'Lord' link] of all.' When Hermes asked the dragon to explain the mysteries, the dragon changed into a pulsating light. This, the spiritual nature of the 'dragon' itself, [link to the word 'lucifer' i.e.,bringer of light ], subsumed Hermes, who was raised away from the material world. [Light over dark, i.e, represented in this case as the unconscious relative to being conscious of something. Potential of ]......

Side note: ''In the Chinese Zodiac the year of the snake directly follows the year of the dragon.'' ['Impossible'].

And/or: There is no year of the lion in the Chinese Zodiac.''

rrrContinued: .....Soon the light was consumed by darkness, [ i.e., that ''potential'' not yet realized ].... and a watery substance swirled around him. [i.e., from 'upper' to 'lower'. From 'dry' to 'wet', relative to a learning process]. The fading light turned to groans and sighs, and it was swallowed by the darkness. [Link to Tiamet and the 'Epic of Creation']. Hermes was told that the 'light' was the nature of the spiritual universe, and from this light the world was created [Link to Plato's 'Demiurge'] . Then a dialogue ensued through which Hermes attained enlightenment. [Remember Marduk did not, or at least not in the complete form]. 'He who through the error of attachment loves his body [or related 'things' only], abides wandering in darkness, aware of his physical senses, suffers the things of death, but he who realizes that the body is but the tomb of his soul {anima therefore 'female' aspect} - rises to immortality."[''Transcendent third'' link, as well as 'Lord' Pacal's tomb]. The above also a link to the 'empty' Sarcophagus in the TOP [i.e., higher] chamber [Not 'Kings' chamber. There is a difference]. And the Palenque Lid of 'Lord' Pacal's Tomb. Clue. One relates to top down, i.e., 'dry' way. The other bottom up, i.e., 'wet' way. One contained a lid, the other did not. One a representative of the 'effort' taken, by way of, thought, emotion and will. The other represents a 'start' point, from an 'unknown' point of view, i.e., a 'potential' yet to be realized. Just as the 'shafts' in that 'top' chamber have to represent the same. Top down as well as bottom up. 'In to' as well as 'back to'. A beginning and end. Horus 'in' / 'of' the horizon. Cygnus in relation to Orion? [Alpha / Omega].

Elephant Fish?

Wet way /  Dry way in relation to: ''The town of Eleusis, where the most famous mysteries of all took place, was said to be named after the Attic {'loft'?] King Eleusis. Eleusis means 'Advent' and the word was adopted in the Christian relation to the 'Divine Child'....It comprised the four preceding weeks {4 outer shrines of King Tut?}. The Mother of Eleusis was Daeira, daughter of Oceanus, 'the wise one of the sea' and was identified with Aphrodite the Minoan 'dove' goddess who rose from the sea at paphos in Cyprus every year with her virginity renewed. King Eleusis was another name for the Corn-Dionysus, whose life story was celebrated at the Great Mysteries, a Harvest Thanksgiving festival in late September {Easter Island?}, and his father was sometimes said to be Ogygus Ogyges {oxy-rhynchus fish?}, the Theban king in whose reign the great flood took place which engulfed the corn lands of Boeotia {central Greece}." [Page 152 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].


''Paphos in Cyprus is home to the 'Tombs of the Kings' necropolis.'' ['Impossible' / BBC1 / 2022].

''The grandeur of the site led to the belief that the tombs had once been the burial place of the kings of Judah, hence the name Tombs of the Kings; but the tombs are now associated with Queen Helena of Adiabene. According to this theory, Queen Helena chose the site to bury her son Isates and others of her dynasty.''

''Paphos is a city on the southwest coast of the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Inhabited since Neolithic times, it has several sites relating to the cult of goddess Aphrodite, whose mythical birthplace was at Old Paphos (Kouklia and/or ''uphill''). New Paphos is the modern city that incorporates the harbor, and the ancient ruins of tombs, fortresses, theaters and villas at Paphos Archaeological Park.'' [Wiki].

Side note: ''In 1489 Venice bought Cyprus. Mentioned in Othello. ['The Chase' / 2022].

And/or: ''Murano, an island suburb of Venice, is renowned for producing glassware.'' ['Tipping Point' / 2022].

''The main train station in Venice is named after Saint Lucia.'' ['The Chase' / 2018].

''According to tradition, St. Lucy consecrated her virginity to God, angering a suitor. She was reported to the Roman authorities and was eventually sentenced to death by fire. Although she miraculously survived the flames without harm, she was then fatally stabbed in the neck....The train station for Venice is called Santa Lucia Railway Station and is located at the western TIP of Venice, just where the causeway from the mainland makes landfall......Lucia, an Italian Catholic martyr from Lucia meaning light, Santa Lucia is also the patron saint of the blind, the eyes, the electricians, the oculists and the stonemasons, and is often invoked for eye diseases. As the patron saint of sight, she is also sollicited for sight problems, such as myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia or blindness.m Syracuse, who over the centuries has lent her name to an annual festival of light in Sweden....'' [Wiki].

And/or: ''Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent form the Windward part of the Caribbean Islands as opposed to the Leeward.'' ['The Chase'].


''Station of No Station''?

''The crystalline lens is the name given to the natural lens that humans are born with. Small muscles attached to the lens can make the lens change shape, which allows the eyes to focus on near or far objects.''

Fishers of men ?{and women}. Try ''Easter Island'' to enlarge.

Continued: ''Where aufu is the living conglomerate of spirit-mind-body, khat is the physical form. It is the empty vessel waiting to fill prior to conception and the vacant bodily shell after the winged soul has taken flight. The hieroglyphic pun on akh {spirit} and its anagram khat {body} reveals their close association....Khat is an ancient word meaning 'the fire altar' within the sacred temple....It is the temple for the spirit. The fish, the usual hieroglyph for khat, was both abominated and revered throughout ancient Egypt. Osirian myth tells us that the oxyrhynchus fish ate the phallus of Osiris AFTER it was cast into the Nile; therefore say the Greeks, the fish was reviled....The 'fish' is psychic being swimming in the Nun, the primordial waters preceding creation...the psychic unconscious - symbol of the profound life of the spritual world that underlies the world of appearances....Fish is the first form at the onset of transformation.'' [Page 160/1+ 345 'Dreams of Isis: A Womans spiritual Sojourn' / N. Ellis].

REFRESHER: "A Latin proverb says: canis panem somniat, piscator pisces (the dog dreams of bread, the fisherman of fish). The alchemist, too, dreams in his own specific language."

And/or: ''A fragmant of the Gospel of Thomas found within the Oxyrhynchus Papyrus states: ''Raise the stone and thou shall find me, cleave the wood and i am there.'' [Page 159 'The Gnostic Jung' / S. Hoeller].

Coptos to enlarge.

Top/down in relation to Bottom/up. Patriarch/Matriarch . North/South. A balance has to be got between the two to achieve a 'result' and/or MINDSET.

Question. Sweet corn?

Pelasgus {Pelasgians} / Eurynome link? [Page 139 'The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons of the Dead' / S. Hoeller].

Try ''fingers''.

A working in progress: Hundreds of Phoenician ceramic figurines found on the seafloor off northern Israel - 50 years ago. Deliberately cast into the 'water' ''as part of a ritual that was repeated from the 7th throught 3rd centuries BC''...ALL women - ''Some have protruding bellies or a hand placed over the abdomen {'navel'?} - and others carrying children''.....Some are believed to bear the symbol of the goddess Tanit {child sacrifice}. [Page 18 'Archaeology' / Jan/Feb 2021].


Side note: ''Fish on Friday! He goes a long way toward explaining this joke in relation
to the Princess. Divine Art comes in catching this merry and royal fish or little bather (or heir) in your sea -- like catching a unicorn in a virgin's lap ("within the forest of the work are found the twin natures..."), that is, "the vessel of the fish."

Vesica Pisces?

''It's in the Mutus Liber and later glosses thereon; Magaphon follows d'Espagnet and Fulcanelli follows Magaphon.'' [Roberet Scott Martin].

Try Fulcanelli. Male or female?

Stranger to the norm? ''Foreign spirit''? A 'sharp' nose or just a normal one?

As seen from a different perspective: "These two words alah ''he went up'' and yarad ''he went down,'' are Hebrew terms used in the sense of ascending and descending. When a 'body' moves from a higher to a lower place, the verb yarad is used. From lower to higher alah is applied. Both verbs used in relation to 'greatness' and 'power'. When a man falls from a high position we say ''he has come down'' {''mountain low''}. When he rises in station we say ''he has gone up'' {''valley high''?}. Thus the almighty says: "The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high, and thou shalt come down very low...The two words are also applied to intellectual processes, namely, when we reflect on something beneath ourselves we are said to go down, and when our attention is raised to a subject above us we are said to rise..." ['Guide for the Perplexed'].

Side note: ''The 'square' is both a noun and a verb.'' ['The Chase' / 2018].

Try ''stranger'' and ''station'' to 'see' something else OTHER than the obvious - by way of the ''cognitive faculty''. That final link to the word ''Gnosis''. Its meaning and purpose. 'See' it?

REFRESHER: ''The siren heralds a friend the bee a stranger.''

And/or: ''Let us go down and there confound their language" [Genesis 11:7]. ''And the Lord came 'down' to SEE..." [Genesis 11:5]. All as a means...?

Ascending / Descending. Which and why?

Joy / Melancholy?

"The two words are also applied to 'intellectual' processes, namely, when we reflect on something 'beneath' ourselves we are said to go down, and when our attention is raised to a subject above us we are said to rise....The ascent is mentioned before the descent, inasmuch as the ''ascending'' and the arriving {'station'?} at a certain height of the 'ladder' precedes the ''descending,'' i.e., the application of the knowledge acquired in the ascent for the training and instruction of mankind. This application is termed ''descent,'' in accordance with our explanation of the term ''yarad''. [Same book].

Uas Sceptre?

Recall those 'passageways' within the Great Pyramid. ''Ladder'' in relation to Grand Gallery. 'Notches' along its base = step by step increments?

"Hermes questioned why the ignorant should be deprived of everlasting life - ''to the ignorant the body [or physical world] is supreme and they are incapable of realizing the immortality that is within them.[Link to 'Divine bit']. Knowing only the body, which is subject to death, they believe in death, because they worship that substance, which is the cause and reality of death.'' Then Hermes asked how the righteous [link to 'teacher' of Dead Sea Scroll fame. Explained elsewhere] and wise pass to god. "Because the 'father' of all things consists of 'life' and 'light', whereof man is made, if therefore a man shall learn and understand the nature of life and light, then he shall pass into eternity of life and light.'' But how could a man attain eternal life?....let the man imbued with a mind, consider and learn of himself, and with the power of his mind divide himself from the not self, and become a servant of reality." [Objective and 'collective' effort link]. Both paragraphs taken from pages 198/9 'The Tutankhamun Prophecies'].

Come back to it later - has one has to do - in ANY SUBJECT.

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

The author of amongst others 'The Secret History of the World', another example of same, i.e.,"I have been looking for a concise, reliable and completely clear guide to the secret teachings for more than twenty years. I have decided to write one myself, because i am convinced that no such book exists"........"i did not want this knowledge given to me, all of a piece. I wanted to continue enjoying to work it out for myself". [Introduction to the same book, by Jonathan Black].

The same could be said of Mr Colin Wilson. [In relation to learning something from ''scratch'']. An ex homeless [?] person who while sleeping on park benches at night sought shelter in the local ‘reading room’ during the day. Fortunately for Mr Wilson...or synchronistic? He always... from an early age had a liking for pen and paper. So prolific was he with his chosen tools one does wonder if he began his writing interest as soon as he decided to ’ discontinue’ breast feeding. More than likely he began to write before walking hence the need...if only later in life...for fresh air and a park bench. Eventually however because of that interest he decided to write a book that same reading room [in part]...for it later to become a best seller. The rest as they say is history. Once established he was asked to give his opinion by way of his own written word on different subjects. One of those was the ‘Occult’ subject. Later he wrote ‘The Mysteries’. Both are related to this same overall subject...and both when you think/analyze it...have at its core that familiar one. That word 'occult' one of those words that can hinder the reader, in understanding a subject, especially in its infancy.

Mr Wilsons use of it, for this reader, refers more to the subject of the paranormal than it does to what most perceive that word to mean. This subject, sometimes thought of under the same label, mainly because of its link to the word 'Esoteric', [explained elsewhere]. Some authors use it, some don't, i.e., 'The Secret Doctrine' by M. Blavatsky. A book that some say began the public interest to the subject ;as a whole; uses it throughout, [...and, at the end of which; according to legend; [or mythology], she was still wearing ....dry ones]. Think about it.

'The Fourth Dimension: A Christian Approach to the Occult' by A. Duncan.

But another quote by someone of the same the present day..."This book explores some of the possibilities of regeneration through 'power within the land', for both ourselves and the planet. It uses the language of the perennial wisdom traditions, but in a simple and direct way. This is not a book on 'occultism', which is a nineteenth century invention, now, like most Victorian engines, virtually derelict and obsolete. It is instead an exploration of reality apprehended through meditation, visualization, and our individual and collective energies". [introduction to the book 'Power within the Land'. Mentioned elsewhere]. What is generally termed as the ''Western Way.'' One of those specialist subjects - but one could just as easily have used the word 'study' instead of ''visualization''. The end result is the same. Knowledge is attained - simply because regardless of what 'method' one uses; ALL subscribe to those same universal 'keys'. Those universal ''archetypes''. That ''individual'' effort; by way of the ''collective'' one [i.e.,the study of the material written by other multiple authors] - gives that end result. AS it does in ANY subject. Hence...

"These three essays {i.e.,'Gnosis and Gnosicism' - 'The Kabbala and Jewish Mysicism' - Concerning Magic' } provide a general background without which the study of occultism is carried on as it were in a vacuum. This, all to often is the case even in the writings of serious 'occultists' serves only to obscure that which is of real value and highlight the less substantial, often tendentious, and frequently bizarre speculation which so easily disfigures the whole field of STUDY." [ From the book by A. Duncan].

And/or: {as one example}: "Other rooms in the mastaba served as ceremonial chambers supported by walls carefully inscribed with the formulae meant to ensure continuity of the spirit in the inner life. The spells and rituals were most often rendered in illustrated form, a convention of the Old Kingdom which has been misunderstood in modern times. Literal translation of the figures may show the deceased leading an army, hunting in a marsh, practicing veterinary medicine, and collecting taxes in his region - all diverse and unrelated professions for one apparently remarkable person. The illustrations are metaphorical, and are similarly found in all tombs of the period and in every class of persons. Each scene represents a spiritual reality, rendered in earthly terms much as the corporeal world was understood to mirror the cosmic world. Leading an army was symbolic for 'overcoming the adversary' - hunting in a marsh was 'returning to the primeval marsh of time', and collecting taxes was 'balancing accounts', in the sense of paying one's moral debts." ['The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt' / R. Clark].

For this reader the word 'voodoo' sums up its true meaning, [or in a lesser form; such words as Grimoires and Goetias; of which the higher keys of Solomon are incorrectly associated with]. Basically, [some may say crudely]... those who practice it, believe they can influence 'something' in [B] in order to get something from [A]. That 'framework', if / when understood correctly gives; again; a certain credible logic; and therefore a possible understanding; to that 'process', [especially, and if only, in relation to 'Primary' and 'Secondary'. Explained within].

Non of these authors however recommend in any way or form, participating in such an activity, mainly because of what they call 'Karma'. What goes around, comes around. Like attracts like. [Very well explained in such works as the two most recent publications by Mr D. Wilcock]. Or more importantly, especially in relation to 'real time', i.e., on a day to day basis... 'to be careful of what we wish for' be careful of our own individual 'choice of words'. Those same words that we chose to 'live' [and/or 'die' by]. Hence that link to one of those universally known biblical quotes, that seem on first impressions nothing more than a quaint pun, yet after a certain reflection, become very profound..."IN [i.e.,note; not 'of'] the beginning was the word, and the word was with 'god', and the word was god."

" often takes me many weeks of silence to recover from the futility of words." [C. Jung].

'Strange Life of Ivan Osokin' / P. D. Ouspensky.

Together with..."One fundamental principle of esoteric science, taught in every form of schooling, must never be violated if we wish to achieve our goal. Every insight that you seek only to enrich your own store of learning and to accumulate 'treasure' for yourself alone leads you from your path, but every insight that you seek in order to become more mature on the path of the ennoblement of humanity and world evolution brings you one step forward. This fundamental law must always be observed. Only if we make it the guiding principle of our lives can we call our selves, genuine seekers after 'higher' knowledge".[Chapter one. 'How to Know 'Higher' Worlds' by Rudolf Steiner].

Question. ''Higher'' = Deeper?

"Initiation means the journey inwards..." [From the book 'Little Essays Toward Truth'].

Short cuts are not advisable, or recommended... a 'self' interest, which within this subject is more of a negative than a positive. That 'process' mainly of African origin, in the past and still according to some in the present, mainly because of the conditions they find themselves in. But according to these authors, that condition will someday change, that remaining 'negative' will be changed into a positive, mainly because; according to the same; [by implication].... of the collective effort.

[Practical?] analogy of same..."When Frater Ash had first started his occult practice at the age of 16, he used a spell from a somewhat tawdry book called 'Winning with Witchcraft'. This was one of the first practical books he had purchased, and it contained a money spell in which the reader was asked to wave a silver coin at the moon and chant something like ''money, money, come to me..." or similar. Frater Ash duly took a 5p coin and shook it that night at the moon, chanting very earnestly. The following morning at breakfast, his father said to him, ''You know, last night when i was out, taking your Grandfather to his meeting, he gave me this five pound note for the travel. I said, i wouldn't take it, but he insisted. Here, you have it." And the thing that went through the young spell-casters head was not ''It worked!'' but rather, ''What would have happened if i had waved a 10p coin?"...The journey is the task of your lifetime and has no set periods of time, although some stages are more predictable than others as to there likely duration. Some stages are dependent upon your background, and others depend on grace..." [Extract from the book 'The Magister' by M. Katz: alias Frater V ].

Priestess Melisandre? {Game of Thrones}.

Whats the common factor between all three?

b-275x300''Grimoire' has a familiar ring to many people, particularly following the popularity of such 'teen witch' dramas as 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Charmed', but few people are sure what it means, and my computer spell checker certainly does not know what to make of it. Put simply then, grimoires are books of conjurations and charms, providing instructions on how to make 'magical' objects such as protective amulets and talismans''..."The derivation of 'grimoire' is not entirely certain. In the early 19th century it was suggested that it came from the Italian 'rimario', a book of rhymes or Bible verses. It more than likely derives from the French word 'grammaire', which originally referred to a work written in Latin.


By the 18th Century it was being widely used in France to refer to magic books, perhaps because many of them continued to circulate in Latin manuscripts at a time when most other publications were in French. It was used as a figure of speech to denote something that was difficult to read or impossible to understand, such as, 'its like a grimoire to me'. It was only in the 19th century, with the educated resurgence of interest in the occult, that it began to enter general English usage." [Introduction to the book 'Grimoires: A History of Magic Books' by Owen Davies].

In other words [in the main] 'superstition' - FOR the uniformed, [i.e., ''irrational belief'' - 'Concise Oxford English Dictionary']. This subject explains what that ''superstition'' derives from. From what it originates from. More importantly it explains OR informs the UNinformed. As it does with the following...

"Grimoires exist because of the desire to create a physical record of 'magical' knowledge, reflecting concerns regarding the uncontrollable and corruptible nature of the oral transmission of - valuable secret or sacred information." [Same book]. The understanding of this subject - AS A WHOLE - explains what that ''information'' is - As it does with the following...

"Defining the meaning of 'magic' is a far trickier task. For all the time, paper, and intellectual energy spent on trying to do so, there is no overwhelming answer. Any useful understanding must be tied to the cultures of the people being studied in specific periods and places. The boundary between re-ligion and magic is certainly never clear cut and changes over time and in relation to different religious belief systems." [Same book and chapter. Emphasis; this readers]. Look up the word ''magic'' and ''re-ligion'' in the usual box; to understand something that this author is still attempting to understand. Before you ask yourself those bigger questions. Enlarged elsewhere.

''Books can be magical without actually containing 'magic'. [Same author].

A practical example: ''It doesn't have to be that u have to win everything. Just to be part of something THAT'S magical. That's what you dream about.'' ['John McEnroe' / 2022].

As part of that ''true poetry''. Others found throughout.

One vase or two?

REFRESHER: From a different perspective: ''My thesis is that the language of poetic myth anciently current in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe was a' magical' language bound up with popular religious ceremonies in honour of the moon goddess, or muse, some of them dating from the Old Stone Age, and that remains the language of TRUE poetry....but it is only fair to warn the reader that this remains a very difficult book, as well as a very queer one {'peculiar'?}, to be avoided by anyone with a distracted, tired or rigidly scientific mind...." [Forward to the book 'The White Goddess' / R. Graves].
Side note: Why a 'serpent'? Crawls on belly {horizontal?} but can strike in the vertical? Can be found in both salt and fresh water? Sheds its skin? etc. All as a means...?
Try ''poison/antidote''.

Refresher: "The children of Seth [Set] first possessed that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies",[chapter five.' The Sirius Mystery'],

Another 'part' of that ''true poetry''. 'Man in the moon'? Others found throughout.

Sense or nonsense?

As seen from ONE perspective: {and/or something hinted at}: "There is probably more rubbish believed and written about magical rituals than any other subject. From the wildest guesswork and the most fertile imaginations, magical rituals and their practitioners are invested with every conceivable impossibility or absurdity. Nonsense runs riot. As usual, the sensationalist writer catering for the willingly credulous reader is largely to blame. Most people want to believe in whatever stirs their sense beyond the average rate, thus providing them with lifts, kicks, thrills, or variations from their living-line. It is of course quite necessary to human progress and evolution that we should rise above our own levels all the time, but their are right and wrong ways of doing this. 'Magical' workings can provide both. We come from the eternal and return to this same source through an unimaginable cosmic creative evolution. In an attempt to relate ourselves consciously with our hidden origins and backgrounds...." [First page, first chapter, first paragraph 'Magical Ritual Methods' / W. Gray].

''UNimaginable'' = unknown. ''Consciously'' = Known. By way of the ''creative'' process. {Anima?}. As a means....? ENLARGED THROUGHOUT.

REFRESHER: ''Books can be magical without actually containing any magic.''

Triangular headgear or tumulus? One vase or two? Next level up? Lotus flowers?

A practical? analogy - {conversation between Meg Rosoff and Susie Orbach for 'Artsnight' BBC2. Enlarged elsewhere}: Rosoff. " I talk about writers magic. People think writers are magic people, because we can do things with many characters doing this and that. I go to great lengths to explain to people that its not magic but what it actually is; is allowing something to come to the surface." {'Horizontal' link?}.

Orbach. "Well the thing about being creative whether its a writer, painter, composer or physicist - is that there is a massive amount of learning, discipline and skill - that gets developed {as it is in 'learning' any subject material?}. That then allows you to surrender to another part of yourself {'intuitive' link?}. So you have to be able to hear {Sais/Eypt?} as to whats emerging...Its the you of you. The 'you of you' comes out of your work. Then you have to catch up with the 'you of you' in your life - and putting these two things together is really quite interesting." {'higher/lower'?}.

Side note {analogy?}: "The writer is 'double'. There is the Self that does the writing, and there is the Self that does the living. And they talk and they argue. Writing is talking to oneself - and I've been doing it all my life - long before i first saw this house 5 years ago." [Alan Bennett 'Lady in a Van']. Enlarged elsewhere.

Another: "Pauli could not fail to notice what a supreme example of synchronicity this was. A chinese woman had played an important part in his dreams, particularly those involving mirrors and their reflections: a chinese woman had carried out the critical experiments that brought about the downfall of 'parity' - that is of mirror symmetry - in physics. He wrote to Jung of his shock. Fierz had told him he had a ''mirror complex,'' "I admitted as much,'' Pauli wrote to Jung. ''But i was still left with the task of acknowledging the nature of my ''mirror complex." Pauli's curious dream of 1954 had occurred right after he had finished his work on mirror symmetry. He was convinced that ''the unconscious motives play a role'' in creative thinking, especially in the case of symmetry." Enlarged elsewhere.

Continued: Rosoff. "It is interesting. There are moments in ones writing work when you really don't know where the writing is coming from - its just there. And this is what feels like magic."

Orbach. "I'm not opposed to calling it magic."

Rosoff. "I don't think it is magic."

Orbach. "It is'nt - but what you are describing is harmony - again i would use the word surrender, because you are both {i.e., the 'you of you'} actively producing - but not knowing you are doing it. It is a deep engagement..." [All emphasis/parenthesis this readers]. ''Harmony'' in relation to the 'middle' way? Try 'mirror'' to see 'it' in its broader context.

Question. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

N.B. 'Still waters run deep' = a waveless lake.

And/or: "Asana, therefore, has to do with the establishment of a correct posture which will allow interior silence to take place readily...The object of Asana is to enable the body to pray {and/or study}...There are a number of techniques which may be employed to attain this end, so that the body may be left in peace and the consciousness may concentrate {revision?} upon 'higher' things." [From the book by A. Duncan. Parenthesis, this readers].

Side note. ''You of You'' = "Everyone has an internal thought process: that silent other self who speaks to you; the one you debate with." [First sentence; first paragraph; first page of the book by Q. S. Lam]. Question. Higher/lower?

Refresher: As {seen?} from a different perspective? "The writer is 'double'. There is the Self that does the writing, and there is the Self that does the living. And they talk and they argue. Writing is talking to oneself - and I've been doing it all my life - long before i first saw this house 5 years ago." [Alan Bennett 'Lady in a Van']. Enlarged elsewhere.

'Talking to Myself: Blues Lyrics 1921-1942' / M. Taft.

Back to the beginning... The stand out point however as to why Mr Wilson is used {several paragraphs back} -as an example - is the same as it is with any author on this subject. The synchronistic one. For some reason when you go looking for those answers that this subject ‘throws up’{boomerang?} become surprised at how quickly and in what manner those answers are found. Using Mr Wilson as an example again. He is so familiar with his own synchronistic moments that if he does not experience them on a daily basis he believes he must be "doing something wrong"!

Analogy of same..."What is decisive for me is that i dream about physics as Mr. Jung [and other non-physicists] think about physics. Every time i have talked to Mr. Jung [about the ''synchronistic'' phenomenon and such], a certain spiritual fertilization takes place." Wolfgang Pauli.


Refresher: "The ancient religions of the moon goddess represent the education of the emotional life as taking place, not through a course of study, not even as the result of a system of discipline, though both these things doubtless entered in, but through an initiation. The interpretation of the moon mysteries suggested in the following chapters links our modern life problems to those of the ancient peoples who recognized that in their day, as in ours, the world at times became sterile and was laid waste, not by war or pestilence, but because some essential fertilizing spirit had been withdrawn." [Preface to the book, 'Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern' by M. Esther Harding].

'The Waste Land' by T. S. Elliot.

Still waters run deep?

As one example: "I wanted to use water because the film is talking about faith, and it contains fish, life and every emotion for Pi. And air is God, heaven and something spiritual and death. That's how I see it. I believe the thing we call faith or God is our emotional attachment to the unknown. I'm Chinese; I believe in the Taoist Buddha. We don't talk about a deity, which is very much like this book; we're not talking about religion but God in the abstract sense, something to overpower you." [ Ang Lee, on the use of water and the spiritual element of 'Life of Pi' / film, November 17, 2012].

Side note: 'Tiger' = Pi. Try ''Herod'' for its {opposite?} point of view.

"The miraculous appurtenances of the Holy Grail are similar. When it appears and processes round the company each one finds before him the 'food' he most likes to eat. And it is of course intimately associated with the cure of the enchanted land and remedying the sin of the {Dolorous Stroke?}, in so far that the Grail Seeker, must ask three key questions about it. These are: What is the Grail? What is the purpose of the Grail? Who is served by the Grail? As has been discovered in many a modern context, it is not enough to be able to answer difficult questions that solve a problem, but the ability to discern the right questions that need to be answered. The Grail stories tell of what happens when a Grail seeker wins through to a revelation {eureka moment?} of the 'Grail' but fails in his wonder to ask the right questions. All disappears as a phantasm and he finds himself back in the enchanted Wasteland, with castigation heaped upon him for his lost opportunity." ['Experience of the Inner Worlds']. Try ''food'' and/or ''phantom'' - to see it from a different perspective.

That link to the meaning and understanding of 'incarnation' in relation to 'reincarnation'. Find it, to understand it - rather than leave to those first impressions - i.e., it has nothing to do with 'another' life; but more to do with this present one - a 'newer' you - from the old you {reinvention?}. Try ''habit/s''.

Involution/evolution? if only in the 'spiritual' sense of the word?

Side note: Something hinted at: ''Profound progress in thinking will not come about by the demonstration of a new geometric theorem. In what way is evolution assisted by showing the relationships of the Golden section to the pentagon and that into a hexagon, as well as all the logical sequences of the Platonic solids - i know these things - as such they only represent mental satisfaction. It is more important for me to discover, in the functions of Phi, of Pi, and of the pentagon, the function that compels them to be what they are. It is more important to know why, through the spring equinox, the male mollusk becomes female..." [ Page 60 'The Egyptian Miracle'].

"The way of involution must be followed until the candidate stands at the initiatory gates of life and starts the way of 'return' on the evolutionary path." [Page 125 'The Western Way'. Vol 2].

'Gardening with the Moon and Stars' by Elen Sentier.

Different take on the same theme?

Celtic origins: Alte Burg. Described as an oval shaped 'hippodrome'. ''Divided longitudely by a ledge in the middle.'' The first of its kind. ''A plaform on top ''eight by EIGHT. In the MIDDLE  A FIVE metre deep shaft within it. Skeletons found.'' Underworld therefore 'Dark/shadw' aspect in relation to 'light/awareness' aspect? Day/Night? ['Celts: The Untold Story' / S1 EP1].

A Practical analogy..."Channeling the unconscious into story telling is what i do for a living. It took me a long time to get there - i was 47 before my first book was published. You might be watching this and thinking that connecting to the unconscious is what artists do and is near impossible for anyone else. But i passionately believe we can all do it. When i teach creative writing i tell all my students that anyone can do it. That really it is just a question of going into your psyche and paying attention to whats in there. To make it simpler i do a drawing - a big oval that represents the unconscious and a little one next to it that represents the conscious mind...a narrow bridge divides the two...the more you walk between the two i.e.,the conscious mind where you think about the daily stuff like taxes and what to eat for dinner - and the unconscious stuff wherein lies the bigger thoughts - the more resonance you get in your everyday life..." [Quote from the novelist Meg Rosoff within an interview for 'Artsnight'. BBC2 - August 2016. Emphasis, this readers]. Continued elsewhere.

The Bridge of Sirat?

Bridge over troubled waters?

A working example: ''In 1857, just eleven years after Ramsauser began excavating the Early Iron Age cemetery near the salt mine at Hallstatt, metal objects began to turn up in the shallows near the N/E shore of Lake Neuchatel, in Switzerland....The site became known as La Tene {'the shallows' in French}....The waterlogged conditions had preserved wooden bowls, yokes, wheels, leather, ropes, nets and baskets. But most objects were metal....60% were weapons. It has been suggested that iron swords were being thrown into the water, perhaps as offerings to the gods, FROM THE BRIDGES OF LA TENE...'' [Page 108 'The Celts' / A. Roberts].

'Flat' top? Truncated as a means....

And/or: ''The Fens, also known as the Fenlands, in eastern England are a naturally marshy region supporting a rich ecology and numerous species. Most of the fens were drained centuries ago, resulting in a flat, dry, low-lying agricultural region supported by a system of drainage channels and man-made rivers (dykes and drains) and automated pumping stations....The Fens lie inland of the Wash, and are an area of nearly 1,500 sq mi (3,900 km2) in Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, and Norfolk....''

Side note: ''Peat is essentially pickled vegetation that's been building up for thousands of years under our feet. It was once a lake or pond but because of that build up is now a huge carbon store that has to be protected from being lost into the atmosphere. Peat is a bit of a miracle substance. Normally rotting vegetation releases carbon dioxide but peat land stores it. Locks it in the earth and stops it being released, heating the planet. Our peatlands, bogs, marshland, fens and swamps cover about 3% of the earths land surface BUT they store more than twice the amount of carbon that is held IN ALL THE WORLDS FORESTS - isn't that incredible?'' ['The Lakes with Simon Reeves' / BBC2 / S1 EP3].

Continued: ''Alte Burg is a large Celtic hilltop fortification, or hillfort, {all man made, 10x30 metres}, that may have been used as a cult or assembly site for the regional population. It is located 9 kilometers from a major settlement of the Hallstatt and early La Tène period, the Heuneburg. Alte Burg lies in the municipality of Langenenslingen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.''

Recall the dimentions of Solomons temple.

Something 'new'?

Found nearby {Glauberg}. AFTER that brand new start. What became known as 'Princely Seats of power.'  i.e., kingship related. And/or: ''SIXTEEN post holes found lined up in a perculiar manner, at the foot of a burial mound.'' i.e., 'zigzag' lines.'' Any armrings?

And/or: ''Heuneburg ''A Celtic city, possibly its first one.''

And/or: At Glauberg: 'Eighteen' in relation to the moons zenith at its most southern point before reversal....And/or: At the end of this second period at Glauberg ramparts burnt {to the appearance of ''glass''}, and three of the FOUR statues were broken on purpose {i.e., ritually, i.e., a ''quarter'' of 16}, before moving on. And/or: ''Around this time a large rampart was built over the burial site of a WOMAN - so this is an example of a period where  ANCESTORS are deliberately disregarded. Perhaps they wanted to demonstrate in no uncertain terms that a new generation had risen to power.''  [S1 EP1].

Ancestors/copper/iron/bronze to enlarge - in the spiritual SENSE of the word {i.e., logos}.

Side note: ''Historical sources bear witness to the upheaval in the 8th century BC, when horse-riding nomads - Cimmerians and Scythians - surged south into Asia Minor... With their focus on horse riding....Evidence of Scythian culture on the great Eurasian steppe, comes from burial mounds, or kurgans - at Arzhan, in the Tuva Republic of southern Siberia....Numerous chambers found within - for at least 'sixteen' people, including a royal couple. In and around the kurgan were the remains of 160 horses.'' [Page 81 'The Celts'].

Sixteen to enlarge.

''The grave goods inside the mound included bronze daggers, battleaxes and arrowheads, as well as ornate bronze and gold horse trappings, decorated with images of boars, tigers and leopards...In another kurgan; grave goods included man and woman whose clothing had included golden inch long panther motifs.'' [Page 82].

And/or: Heavy arm rings with a zigzag pattern pressed into them—were not generally pecked or otherwise tested. “My interpretation,” Gustafsson says, “is that this jewelry acted as a traditional form of currency and was assumed to contain pure silver.”

These arm rings are among the most commonly found items in Gotland’s hoards, along with coins, and experts had long assumed they were made on the island, but no evidence of their manufacture had been found until Carlsson’s team uncovered a workshop area at Fröjel. “We found the artifacts exactly where they had been dropped,” says Carlsson. There are precious stones: amber, carnelian, garnet. There are half-finished beads, cracked during drilling and discarded. There is elk antler for crafting combs. There is also a large lump of iron, as well as rivets for use in boats, coffins, and storage chests. And, providing evidence of a smelting operation, there are drops of silver.

To give ones right arm for?

Made from antlers. Ivory?

Researchers found that the metalworkers of Fröjel used an apparatus called a cupellation hearth to transform a suspect source of imported silver, such as coins or ingots, into jewelry or decorated weapons with precisely calibrated silver content. They would melt the silver source with lead and blow air over the molten mélange with a bellows, causing the lead and other impurities to oxidize, separate from the silver, and attach to the hearth lining. The resulting pure silver would then be combined with other metals to produce a desired alloy. The cupellation technique is known from classical times, says Gustafsson, but so far this is the first and only time such a hearth has been found on Gotland. Only one other intact example from the Viking Age has been found in Sweden, at the mainland settlement of Sigtuna. Traces of lead and other impurities were found embedded in pieces of the cupellation hearth among the material excavated from the workshop area at Fröjel. The hearth has been radiocarbon dated to around 1100. Also unearthed from the workshop area were fragments of molds imprinted with the zigzag patterns found on Gotlandic silver arm rings, establishing that they were, in fact, made on the island—and that the workshop was the site of the full chain of production, from metal refinement to casting. “We have these silver arm rings in many hoards all over Gotland,” says Carlsson. “But we never before saw exactly where they were making them.”

Right or wrong method?  Boundaries/Dionysus links.

Continued: ''Other sites such as the Glauberg warrior from west-central Germany, show that the La Tene culture emerged in the 5th century BC. A shift of power. The Hallstatt hill forts like Heuneburg were abandoned, and such burials close to them, like Hochdorf and Bettelbuhl, came to an end. Power shifted to the north, where high status burials emphasized the elite status of the warrior - something which had not seemed so important in the Hallstatt societies of central Europe. BUT their is evidence of continuity with that preceding Celtic culture: funerary carts {though now two-wheeled rather than four-wheeled} and drinking equipment were often included in elite La Tene burials.'' [Page 109-110 'The Celts' / A. Roberts].

The Wain and Poseidon to enlarge.



Side step: ''Burg is a crater in the Lake of Death on the satellite known as the Moon.''

Side note: Mistletoe mentioned in relation to ''warrior''  headgear.


''The word 'mistletoe' derives from the older form 'mistle' adding the Old English word tān (twig). 'Mistle' is common Germanic (Old High German mistil, Middle High German mistel, Old English mistel, Old Norse mistil).[4] Further etymology is uncertain, but may be related to the Germanic base for 'mash'....Mistletoe is the common name for obligate hemiparasitic plants in the order Santalales. They are attached to their host tree or shrub by a structure called the haustorium, through which they extract water and nutrients from the host plant... European mistletoe has smooth-edged, oval, evergreen leaves borne in pairs along the woody stem, and waxy, white berries that it bears in clusters of two to six. The eastern mistletoe of North America is similar, but has shorter, broader leaves and longer clusters of 10 or more berries.''

Analogy with same {principle?} in mind = 'Feast of Fools'. Purpose of. Enlarged elsewhere.

And/or: ''Duck and dive = twentyfive.''

The term is a shortening of the term "duck's egg", the latter being used long before Test cricket began. When referring to the Prince of Wales' (the future Edward VII) score of nought on 17 July 1866, a contemporary newspaper wrote that the Prince "retired to the royal pavilion on a 'duck's egg' ".[2] The name is believed to come from the shape of the number "0" being similar to that of a duck's egg, as in the case of the American slang term "goose-egg" popular in baseball and the tennis term "love", derived – according to one theory – from French l'œuf ("the egg"). The Concise Oxford Dictionary still cites "duck's egg" as an alternative version of the term.[

The tail end of the ''stinger'' = two swimming ducks.

The real question that all the above throws up however is...Why does this subject seem to relate to that same word; the synchronistic one; more than any other. Why does this subject and ‘synchronicity’ seem to go 'hand in hand'? [Link to 'grasp' symbolism].

''Life is what happens to you - when you're busy doing other things''. [John Lennon].

The answer strangely enough can be assessed and a possible solution found; if only theoretically; only when you understand that full framework that is common throughout this subject regardless of place or culture. The one that can be understood objectively by way of a ‘general idea’ [i.e.,''overview'', link to 'eldest'?] by way of those ‘keys’. [ Keys of Solomon ].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

A practical example {if only in the 'lower' sense of the 'word'?}: A scene from the movie 'The Imitation Game' - a film on the life of Alan Turing...

Alan. "What's that you're reading?

Friend. "Its about cryptology."

Alan. "Secret messages?"

Friend. "No - not secret. That's the brilliant part. Messages that anyone can see, but no one knows what they mean - unless you have a key.

Alan. "How's that different from talking? When people are talking they never say what they mean, they say something else, and you are expected to know what they mean. But i never do..."

Friend. "Alan, i have a funny idea, you may be very good at this..."

ahura mazdaAnalogy with same principle in mind {but now in the overall ['higher'?] sense of the word}..."The Hawk, by reason of its ability to remain poised in the empyrean, was a perfect symbol of the divine self which, detached from all things of earth and form, looks down upon them with the eye of equanimity. The whole subject should be carefully studied, and if half as much care and attention is given by the reader to the study of the 'Gods' as the average man devotes to his daily newspaper, a great deal of useful knowledge of profound importance in 'magic' will be gained." [Enlarged elsewhere].

"...looks down upon them with the eye of equanimity" = 'an objective view'? - relative to an understanding? Regardless of subject.

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

"He regretted that the Helios course seemed to have fallen into very wrong hands. I hastened to reassure him on that score, but it was plain to me that the Helios course was not suitable for the kind of innovation that i had in mind. I would have to think again. Nonetheless positive forces were already at work. When one door shuts another opens. As the course broke up i fell into conversation with a young couple...I asked them if they would like to help me start a new study course...they agreed. Thus at tea time on Sunday 15th April 1973, what was to become the Gareth Knight Group was founded called Hawkwood." ['I Called it Magic']. Coincidence or a meaningful one?

Try ''15'' for a further connection before those two bigger questions are asked.

"In the Pagan Mysteries, beginners were known as 'mystae', meaning 'those with eyes closed', and enlightened initiates were known as 'epopteia' meaning, 'those who can see'." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy].

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

Refresher: {as one example}: "In ancient Roman religion, a flamen was a priest assigned to one of fifteen deities with official cults during the Roman Republic. The most important three were the flamines maiores (or "major priests"), who served the three chief Roman gods of the Archaic Triad. The remaining twelve {therefore 12+3} - were the flamines minores ("lesser priests"). Two of the minores cultivated deities whose names are now unknown; among the others are deities about whom little is known other than the name. During the Imperial era, the cult of a deified emperor (divus) also had a flamen."


"Silence thy thoughts and fix thy whole attention..."

A {practical?} analogy..."Notice that the distinguishing criteria between this Way and the others certainly does not have to do with an opposition between ''scientific'' and ''mystical'', nor between ''monastic'' and ''ordinary life'', but that the important criteria which must guide us is ''understanding''. This understanding is neither scientific nor mystical. Neither reason alone, nor the heart alone can obtain it. It is the precious fruit of conscious work combining the intellectual and emotional centers. And it can be produced among monks as well as among lay people." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way'].

Try ''Simultaneous'' - THROUGHOUT.

Example of same...’The Huna code in religions’. By M. F. Long. Or ‘The Quest for the Celtic Keys’. By K. Macleod / I. Robertson. Or ’ Icons: And the Mystical Origins of Christianity’. By R. Temple. N.B... Jacob Boehme referred to the same, as 'signatures'. Emanuel Swedenborg as 'Correspondences'. Or Ibn al-Arabi as ''latent essences.''

Question. What is the difference between the words ''magic'' {and/or 'magical'} and ''mystical?'' and why are they applied? Enlarged elsewhere. Try Part 4 before those first impressions make one yawn; while 'creating' an inner 'vision' of the armchair and TV set.