Esotericism Part 4 Sec 03




trekA side step: A {practical?} analogy..."Every so often Shatner would ride his Suzuki Titan 500 motorcycle in the desert near Palmdale, in the area between the San Gabriel mountain and Edwards Air Force base...One day, he was riding through the desert with four friends when his bike hit a hole and he was thrown off. The heavy bike fell on top of him, striking his head, and he lost consciousness for a short time. Oddly, the other bikers saw none of this. They said later, that the fourth figure on the bike behind them, which they assumed was Shatner, was never out of their sight. The identity of this rider has never been determined. Just as he was coming to, Shatner felt and heard something strange. He later described it as 'like when you have a nightmare and you feel something crawling over your body and wrestling with you'. Whatever the 'shadowy phantom' was, Shatner immediately felt better, as if he were infused with fresh energy. He got up, righted his motorcycle, and tried to start it. But the machine would not start...Suddenly his bike seemed to acquire a mind of its own. He could push it only in one direction - it was as if an unseen force was directing it. On the horizon, directly in front of him, he kept seeing a mysterious dark figure waving him on. Seeing the figure renewed his vigour to push on...He almost certainly would have died had he not been guided by the UNknown presence." [From the book 'Captain Quirk' by D. Hauck. All emphasis, this readers].

And/or: ''The ka has often been called the wraith or double {'pelican'?}, that is, an exact replica of the living person. Both the German author Goethe and the English poet Shelley were said to have seen their own wraiths {'shadow'?} appearing to them before death. The Austrian composer Mozart was visited by a shadowy figure who ordered him to compose a Requiem and frequently came to check on the composition's progress. The music was completed just in time to be played at Mozart's funeral.'' [Page 236 'Dreams of Isis: A Woman's Spiritual Sojourn' / N. Ellis].

The Welsh poets ''Weird''?

A further head scratch and/or change of pace {i.e.,as seen from a different 'angle'}: The words ''stranger'' and ''strange'' - from the above two examples - in relation to...

"The siren heralds a friend - the bee a stranger."

''Truth is stranger than fiction.''

trek2"Wisdom is a flower from which the bee its honey makes and the spider poison, each according to its own nature." [Chapter 2, 'Alchemists Handbook' by F. Albertus]. Link to the word ''chakra'' and/or ''karma''.

"One of the titles of Zeus was 'Melissaios,' the Bee Man. It is said he had a 'son' by a nymph, who afraid of Hera's wrath, had the 'babe' placed in a wood, where Zeus caused him to be fed by bees. The shepherd Phagros, son of Apollo and the same nymph, found the child and gave him the name Meliteus. He became a great hero, and founded a town which he called Melita, the honey - town." [Same chapter, same book]. 'Food' for thought?

"Other chapters of the Quran are called the ''Ant'' and the ''Spider,'' but the Bee is the only animal whom Muhammed says is addressed by the 'Lord' himself.''

Question. Which of the above represents lower/higher and why?

"Another writer, Ibn Magih, relates that the Prophet said: Honey is a remedy for every illness, and the Quran is a remedy for all illnesses of the mind, therefore i recommend to you both remedies, the Quran and honey." [Chapter 6, 'The Sacred Bee'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"The fact that Plutarch, along with numerous others, writes of the close relationship between Dionysus and Apollo at Delphi suggests an intimacy and affinity between the two gods, one that was well known to antiquity. Yet, their radical differences and polarity is also well recognized. Further, the 'mythologems' which constitute the mythic history of Dionysus and Apollo are quite diverse and come from numerous and varied sources. These sources frequently express a 'conflict' between the two gods, particularly in terms of the realms that each of them represent. This conflict may be expressed as one between the celestial Apollo [1.e.,above and/or 'dry'] and the chthonic Dionysus [i.e., below and/or 'wet']. Between them stands the 'singer' Orpheus, whose human task is to establish a necessary harmony between them." [Chapter entitled The Orphic Mystery: Harmony and Mediation, from the book 'Alexandria'. Vol One, by D. Fideler].

"...the opening of the knowledge of the masculine and feminine potencies necessary unto the manifestation of all things." Potency in relation to polarity?

Chapter 6, 'The Tree of Life' by I. Regardie. Dionysus in relation to the Egyptian Osiris.



Temple mount.

"The six 'Meditations' and accompanying selections from the 'Objections and Replies' provide a definitive statement of what Descartes intended as the foundations of his whole philosophy. His project was to resolve the epistemological questions brought about by the prevailing scepticism of his age: to build, from the basis of self awareness [Cogito, ergo sum], through the notion of a 'benevolent god', to a systematic and novel approach to metaphysics, and to construct a secure starting point for science." [Back cover....'Meditations and other Metaphysical Writings' by Rene Descartes].

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

Exercise {ie., apply the above to 'see' a possible connection}: "There; at Abu Ruash; the pyramid of {Djed}efre was built on top of a rocky outcrop that in antiquity would have been clearly visible {'horizon' link?} from Heliopolis. As a matter of fact - sunset at the winter solstice." [Page 29 'Imhotep the African: Architect of the Cosmos' / R. Bauval].

'Line of sight' in relation to ''afar''.

Refresher: The end of something {dark?} begins the process {light?} of something else - RELATIVE to a 'learning curve' {arc}?

REFRESHER: "Your house of many mansions is not built by hands. It is situated within yourself and is an essential and permanent part of you. It is your citadel. Picture yourself standing within its portals and take conscious possession of your property." [From the book 'The Silent Road' by W. T. Pole].



The foundation stone.

As seen from a different perspective: "Abraham was a seeker. A spiritual seeker. He was looking for truth...Mount Moriah was a sacred place even before the story of Abraham's 'sacrifice' of a ram {Aries?} on top of that rocky outcrop...David's greatest act - once Jerusalem was established - was to buy a piece of land within the land of Moriah...On top of which was built the first temple...The name 'Jerusalem' and 'Moriah' are connected to the word ''foundation''...." Enlarged elsewhere.

''The Foundation Stone is the name of the rock at the center of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. It is also known as the Pierced Stone because it has a small hole in the S/E corner that enters a cavern beneath the rock...Some say it is the most holy spot in Jerusalem." ['Wiki'].


'Mountain' {top of.} in relation to 'cave' as a means...? Enlarged throughout.

Try ''lance'' / ''pierced'' / S/E corner - for that universal connection - before those bigger questions are asked.


'In motion' or static? As a means...?

A centering within a brain or maze? Troy Town?

And/or: ''RELATIVE'' in relation to: "The theories of space and time we discuss in this book may well - in fact, probably will - turn out to be approximations to an as yet undiscovered deeper theory. Perhaps we should not be too surprised that nature sometimes appears counterintuitive to a tribe of observers, carbon based ape descendants roaming around on the surface of a rocky world orbiting an unremarkable middle-aged star at the outer edge of the Milky Way galaxy. Science is a discipline that celebrates uncertainty, and recognizing this is the key to its success. Galileo Galilei was born twenty years after Copernicus proposed his sun-centered model of the universe, and he thought very deeply about the meaning of motion. His intuition probably would have been the same as ours. The earth seems to us as though it is standing still, although the evidence from the motion of the planets across the sky points very strongly to the fact that it is not. Galileo's great insight was to draw a profound conclusion from this paradox. It feels like we are standing still, even though we know we are moving in orbit around the sun, because there is no way, not even in principle, of deciding what is standing still and what is moving. In other words, it only ever makes sense to speak of motion relative to something else. This is an incredibly important idea. It might seem obvious in some sense, but to fully appreciate its content requires some thought." [ Chapter entitled 'Space and Time' from the book 'Why Does E=Mc2?' / B. Cox and J. Forshaw].

Apply that thought to understand ''Counterintuitive'' in relation {relative?} to the Geocentric principle. As a means...? IF ONLY in defining a mind set.

As {one} example: "Sirius is sometimes called the 'Sun behind the sun', indicating that while the star we call the Sun is related to our physical center of Self in our Solar Plexus and the expression of our Selves within the physical earth, Sirius represents a more hidden center." ['Red Tree, White Tree']. Try ''center''.

Then ''static/dynamic''.

From a different perspective.

From a different perspective: "Rest implies Activity, and Activity implies Rest. Behind all activity there is a static background. Siva represents the static aspect of Reality and Sakti the moving aspect. The two, as they are in themselves, are one." [Page 24, 'The Serpent Power' / J. Woodroffe].

Analogy?: ''The terms 'stopping' and 'seeing' basically cannot be seperated. They mean concentration and insight.'' [Page 21 'The Secret of the Golden Flower' / T. Cleary].

Side note: ''Failure does not matter in life to a progressive person; even a thousand failures do not matter. He keeps success before his view, and success is his, even after a 1000 failures. The greatest pity is when life comes to a standstill and does not move any further. A sensible person prefers death to such a life.'' Signed Muhammed Ali - peace - 1971. {'Pawn Stars' / S14 EP11].

As a working {hypothetical?} example: ''In closing the introduction of this study of zodiacal signs we should ask the reader to remember that these studies will consider the zodiac as a fundamental factor in astrological interpretation; as an actual 'field' {i.e., EGYPTIAN equivalent = ''running the fields''?} of structuring energies surrounding and pervading the earth and all its inhabitants. We shall see zodiacal signs as definite types of energies {as an example}...the Sun, when passing through a zodiacal 'sign', acts in a way, any other planet acts. It is merely the central planet, the most powerful agent acting upon the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Thus when the sun is at 'birth' in {say, Taurus}, the organic functions represented in any organism by Taurus can be considered as those receiving the largest share of vital energy and commanding the native's strongest powers of attention. The 'Taurus' function is shown to be the central function of the organism - and NOTHING more.'' [Page 15 'The Zodiac and the Universal Matrix' / Dane Rudhyar].

And/or: ''....On this battlefield {'struggle' / 'duality' link} previously unacknowledged parts of oneself demand to be recognised - demand 'a place in the sun'....." [Page 15 'The Lover and the Serpent' / Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee].

All as a means....?


''Hippo-cratic Oath.''

Qubbet el-Hawa or "Dome of the Wind" is a site on the western bank of the Nile, opposite Aswan, that serves as the resting place of ancient nobles and priests from the Old and Middle Kingdoms of ancient Egypt. The necropolis in use from the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt until the Roman Period. The site was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979 along with other examples of Upper Egyptian architecture, as part of the "Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae" (despite Qubbet el-Hawa being neither Nubian, nor between Abu Simbel and Philae).

Yet another: Different time; different place {in 'story' form}: "You see Arthur, the most telling facts about opposites is that, to remain opposites, they must never come into merging contact with one another, least they lose their identity, and become neutral {Hippo/Croc/Oryx?}. When a force is united with its antithesis, there is a cancellation of all individual force - a chaotic redistribution for both - unity, yes, but no real movement. Neutrality, you see, is a state of non-motion, neither forward nor back. Only imbalance of one polarity or the other produces movement, in the direction of the weaker force {'croc'? and/or 'weak legs'?} - in the direction which most needs work. This teaching tool, the Druidic colleges have called: Constructive Imbalance. In contrast, when a force is paired with a like force {'hippo'? and/or 'strong legs'?}, there is strength in unity of a like kind, and growth results....You see, the societies of mankind are also subject to the grand division of two kinds: 1). Those who are as yet ignorant or unaccepting of the truth of re-birth, and so live lives of spiritual confinement and slow awakening; subject to the physical illusions of the world, but unable to see through them, and 2}. Those who have gained through time the spiritual maturity to dispense the illusions of the physical world, and live at once in both worlds {hippo/croc?} - while growing into 'The Beyond' {'glass' link?}…." [Page 215 'The 21 Lessons of Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic and Lore' / Douglas Monroe].

Try ''simultaneous'' in relation to the sentence in italics.


''The pineal body, a triangular or cone shaped organ is in the upper central part of the brain. Occult teaching says that this is the center through which the vibrations of 'superconsciousness' reach us....It is represented with the Mercury symbol." ['Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment' / P. F. Case].

And/or: {from a different perspective?}: " The Sanskrit name for 'superconsciousness' is Satta. It means literally, ''illumination material''. Its alchemical symbol is Mercury: the upper part of this symbol is a crescent, emblem of the Moon. The central part is a circle, representing the sun. The lower part is the cross of the four elements. The sun corresponds to what we have been calling Self-consciousness, and the moon to the subconscious. Hence the Mercury symbol signifies the raising of the powers of the subconscious ABOVE those of Self-consciousness. This is what happens when we become channels of 'superconsciousness'….HENCE: Mercury alone, among the planetary symbols, combines all three elements. The crescent symbol of subconsciousness is uppermost, the circle representing superconsciousness is now in the middle, and the 'cross' of self-consciousness is at the bottom. Thus Mercury represents the equilibrium of all three planes of consciousness. Do not understand that the placing of the crescent symbol at the top means that the subconsciousness has been made the superior term. What is meant is that the subconscious has been purified and RAISED so that it becomes the grail to receive the wine of life - the inspiration of spiritual wisdom....Rightly understood, the Mercury sign is one of the most enlightening symbols...." [Pages 21/41 of the book by P. F. Case].

And/or: ''Tomb 49 - not visited since 1906 - is found a glass ring belonging to Ramses the 3rd , who was buried elsewhere {Tomb eleven}: ''one of the warrior pharaohs''. ['Lost Treasures of Egypt' S1 EP3].

Question. Why glass. Marriage link?

Inward or Outward? Sink or swim?

Side note: Alice Roberts {'Britain's Biggest Dig' / 2020} finds ''extremely strange'' artefacts buried with 'owners'. A 'brick' inside a skull is a common find {'philosopher's stone'?}. A marmalade jar another {'glass' and 'sweet' link}. A wine goblet - without the base - is also found in the course of the digs. Symbolic intent only?

Question. Would a brick sink or float? That link to what a 'wine glass' represents. Did any of those individuals belong to a ''mystery club''? Same one? Understand subject material to gain a possible insight.

Think about it all in relation to that universal ''bit'' FROM the earthly {'horizontal'} perspective. On a day to day basis.

Try ''Scoria'' to see it from a different perspective.

A working example: ''Hermeticism is an athanor {'alchemical furnace'} erected in the individual human consciousness, where the mercury of intellectuality undergoes transmutation into the gold of spirituality.'' [Page 194 'Meditations on the Tarot].

Yoni/Lingam from a different perspective. Temple construction that took over from the Pyramids. Both beginning at Saqqara.

Eureka moments do the same. Apply same to : "The cup markings, which appear to be universal in these Scandinavian sites and which are found occasionally on the walls and even roofs of stone built graves have long been a problem. The idea that they were libation cups, for offering food to the gods, cannot always be accepted on account of their position. Many, of course, in Scotland were used for the offering of milk to the 'Little People', until quite recent times and may be still. However the view is now held widely that many more were intended to represent symbols of a 'goddess' and are to be compared with the 'yoni' and 'lingam' of India...." [Page 87 'GogMagog' / T. Lethbridge].

A more closer to the 'mark' {Key} attempt of gaining an insight into a mindset would be ''foods untouched by fire''. Enlarged elsewhere.

Soul {female} as opposed to Spirit {male}. All as a means....?

Something extra: "Druidism was only one of the many religions in Gaul and not necessary the most widespread. Caesar tells us that Mercury was the Gaulish god to whom most reverence was paid and who had the most statues. Now by saying Mercury, Caesar was equating him with a group of three Gaulish gods, all of which had some of the attributes of Mercury...." [Page 151 'Gog Magog' / T. Lethbridge].

''I always wanted to be a wizard." Samwell Tarly. {Game of Thrones}.

A working example: ''Hermeticism is an athanor {'alchemical furnace'} erected in the individual human consciousness, where the mercury of intellectuality undergoes transmutation into the gold of spirituality.'' [Page 194 'Meditations on the Tarot].

Question. Cursus link to Heb Sed? i.e., person {Pharaoh} had to 'journey' 4 times clockwise/Anticlockwise - each 'three' or 'thirty' years. And/or ''cursus'' = racetrack = 'horses' link? {''Feast of the Tail'' regardless of it being lion or horse? i.e., ''animal'' being the common factor. 'Lower' aspect? Higher/lower cursus?}. To get as close to a possible answer get into that MIND SET. Question 2. Which of those two 'movements' i.e., clockwise/Anti-clockwise represent ''Precession''?

Exercise: ''Corner'' {nine paragraphs back} - in relation to 4 corners {junction} in relation to: "The river Eridanus is divided into the Northern and Southern Stream - the former winding from the star Rigel of Orion to the paws of Cetus - the later extending thence southwards, southeast, and finally southwest below the horizon of New York City - 2 degrees beyond the lucida Achernar - near the junction of Phoenix, Tucana, Hydrus, and Horologium....It is the longest constellation in the sky...Caesius thought of it as the sky representation of the Jordan, or of the Red Sea, which the Israelites passed over as on dry land....Assemani quoted Al Kaff Algeria from the Borgian Globe for stars in the bend of the stream; but Ideler claimed these for Cetus... " ['Star Names and Their Meaning'].

''Whale'' in relation to Wet/Dry? Enlarged elsewhere.

And/or Square corner relative to a rounded one?

Question. Why should a ''bend'' be mentioned?

Side step: "In Greek thought 'Apollo' was the Logos or Word, the source of the worlds harmony, 'weaving' in eternal song all that is and will be. The most sacred thing at Delphi was the omphalos 'stone',[i.e.,meaning 'navel'], that marked the sacred center of the world and the place where all the worlds met. This 'stone' was covered with a net, 'mathematically' generated by the numbers of the 'gods' names. This 'net' depicted the world's soul. It 'caught' the thoughts or ideas of the great Cosmic 'mind' and pulled them into the material world. We each have a sacred 'center' like this in our body." [Chapter 21, 'The Sacred History'].

And / or..."The 'net' was a symbol of what, even today we call the net of meridians and parallels. The omphalos of Delphi was similar to the object which represented the god Amon in Thebes, the "navel" of Egypt. [Page 349, 'Secrets of the Great Pyramid']. Latitude/ Longitude?

Try ''labyrinth''.

'On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious' / D. E. Harding.

A 'feather' in the Cap? An initiate one? Ostrich feather?

Analogy of same; but now with different KEYS..."There is a third way, and that is the approach to the center - the center of the spiral. That is, to the mid point of the web of creation. Here may be found a very ancient feminine symbol in the spider who spins and designs and builds the web of manifestation. The symbol is also found in Rosicrucian diagrams. She represents in other symbolic formulations the Three Sisters, the Fates, spinning, weaving and cutting the thread of life. Whoever becomes a 'victim' of the Spider is, when bound and eaten by her, transformed. She is also the sleeping Lady Venus who, if awakened, gives birth to a 'King'. Whoever has found her secret door is translated from questing querent into guardian of her Mysteries. In other words, a change of function, or a transformation, takes place." [Chapter 6, 'The Rose Cross and the Goddess: The Quest for the Eternal Feminine Principle ' by G. Knight].

''...a transformation takes place'' - as it does in any learning curve. Yes or No?

Left or right?

Refresher: ''Ma'at is the weaving {Neith/Arachne}, the pivotal feather at the center of the vibrant web of all interrelationships.''

And/or ''Neith weaves a balance of logic and creativity in the left and right hemispheres of the brain...'' [Pages 10/162 'Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess' / N. Scully].

Side note:  "The ancient ones of early eastern Christianity taught that, in relation to intruding thoughts, we should be so vigilant that as soon as they ''show there heads, like a serpent appearing through a hole, we must cut it off''! This is a potent use of 'stop exercise' which is also meant to halt the entry and influence of ''I's'' that seek to claim our identity. The more you live in a more quiet inner place {an inner sanctuary} where features cannot take over, the more you will see the difference between passing thoughts and feelings, and your deeper self." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way'].

Refresher: ''In ancient Egypt the Scorpion symbol {'M'} was represented with the loops of a Viper or Cobra.'' Redeemed/Unredeemed? Mount Moriah?

Continued: Define the above to understand {'transform'?} the following: "The head of Dorado marks the south pole of the ecliptic, so that, according to Caesius, the constellation gave its name to that point as the Polus Doradinalis. Within 3 degrees of this pole is the very remarkable nebula 30 Doradus, that Smyth called the True Lover's Knot, although now known as the Great Looped Nebula....Described by Sir John Herschel as an assemblage of loops and one of the most extraordinary objects in the heavens - ''the center of a great spiral.'' ['Star Names and Their Meaning' under Dorado, the Goldfish]. Try ''the center of...''

'Dolphin' in relation Mediterranean and Atlantic {waters} but Dorado in relation to tropical waters...ALL as a means...?

Hooked nose?

Side note: In a shaft complex close to Saqqara {600 BC} -  two tombs found at 'right angles' to each other. 'Libya' connection. The 'head' of one at the feet of the other. Semi-circlular face - similar to the 'Cloud People'.  Both had 'male' names inscribed on top of 'lids'. Both therefore speculated to be 'priests' {'anima'?}. At least one turns out to be a woman {'priestess' i.e., right arm down by side - left arm across breast plate}. Both belong to an ancient cult of the ''Serpent goddess'' Niut-Shaes - an ancient aspect of the {vulture} goddess Mut - Mother/Wife of Amun. As seen in the private chapel of same at Karnac. Just as another feminine aspect Sekhmet has. A double loop serpent as well as a ''hook'' shaped symbol being aspects of ''her'' divinity. ['Kingdom of the Mummies: Servants of the Serpent' / Sat/TV].

A working example {synchronistic?}: ''Borchardt's men discovered twentythree {23} similar but better made gypsum plaster FACES and heads in Thutmose's pantry. FOUR of these pieces were sculpted heads, NINETEEN were faces with or without ears, and there was also four isolated body parts: an ear, a mouth and two feet {i.e., no 'nose'}.'' ['Page 44 'Nefertiti's Face' / J. Tyldesley].

''To move straight ahead is to follow ones nose.''

And/or: ''Psi /ˈsaɪ/ (uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ; Greek: ψι psi [ˈpsi]) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and is associated with a numeric value of 700.'' [Wiki].

'Sixes and Sevens'?

Menkaure to enlarge.

"It should be remembered that our stellar Dolphin is figured as the common cetacean of Atlantic and Med. waters, not the tropical that Dorado represents...Arabic calls it the Riding Camel...considered the Cross of Jesus by the early Christians, that was transferred to the skies after the crucifixion; but in Kazwini's day the learned of Arabia called {that star group} the Pearls or Precious Stones....Arabian astronomers called it ''a marine animal friendly to man, attendant upon ships to save the drowning sailors...Dorado {the Goldfish} first published by Bayer among his new southern figures...The word is from the Spanish, and refers not to our little exotic cyprinoid, but to the large coryphaena of the tropical seas, of changing colours at death...." Same book.

'Peacock' feathers?

'fortytwo' {cm} High. How many nomes in Egypt?

Side note: The 'cross within the circle' being another aspect of the Serpent Goddess - Niut- Shaes.

''Tropical'' in relation to Sidereal. H/V?

''The little child of the cat'' being one the names of the two ''priests''.

New Name?

Among others try Bast and/or Menkaure to get into that MIND SET.

''Usually when someone appears smug and self-satisfied with just a hint of guilt,  satisfaction and/or feigned nonchalance added to the mix, that person is said to look “like the cat that ate the canary.”  The version of this phrase in the UK and Australia is that the person is said to look “like the cat that got the cream.”

Milk and/or Canary Islands link. Try Norwich to enlarge.

Synchronistic link: 'Shaft 24' in relation to ''23''.

''The great cat goddess Bast comes to celebrate with us the birth of the new human - whether one is creating a new human form, a body of work etc - the first great round will be in place, more or less consciously in accordance with your attention. The second round prepares us for the birth of our universal creativity. 'Bast' invokes inspiration - the sensual beauty that feeds our passion to create. Our renewed heart, the ab, is the seat of consciousness; it houses the essential desire that fuels the creative process....that lures the 'gods' into incarnating into human form. That's why it was called the Fall. It is the Fall into incarnation.....Falling is just the  another side of 'rising' {uas sceptre?}...'' [Pages 104/5 'Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt' / N. Scully + L. Wolf].

Is he ever seen upside down?

Other 'nuggets' mentioned - that give a direction to follow: ''void of potential'' / ''mother-to-be eating grapes'' {Dionysus link} / ''This birth chamber is palatial, right down to the peacocks'' / ''cradled in a soft leopard skin'' {recall Tuts 'shield' found in tomb} / ''The number 12 represents the Hanged Man....someone {initiate?} turned upside down, like a bat upside down in a cave....or even the image of a baby upside down as it comes through the birth canal and INTO the earth....from a new above so below...old ways of being and seeing for new ones....expansion and contraction of consciousness.'' { recall the bats UNDER the Sphinx TOGETHER with the upside down statues of {Khafre?} found {where?} / ''When we 'make the turn' we become ready to change perspective'' {river 'bend'} / Lotus/Cake [Pages 104-122 same book].

Solomon Islands. S/W Pacific.  Plenty of bats. 'Fruit' bats. 'Hooked' wings.

'Ring of Fire' ?

''In 1568, the Spanish navigator Álvaro de Mendaña was the first European to visit the Solomon Islands archipelago, naming it Islas Salomón ("Solomon Islands") after the wealthy biblical King Solomon.[12] It is said that they were given this name in the mistaken assumption that they contained great riches,[16] and he believed them to be the Bible-mentioned city of Ophir.[17] During most of the colonial period, the territory's official name was "British Solomon Islands Protectorate" until 1975, when it was changed to "Solomon Islands".[18][19] The definite article, "the", is not part of the country's official name but is sometimes used, both within and outside the country. Colloquially the islands are referred to simply as "the Solomons".[8]'' [Wiki].

REFRESHER: "A further cosmological significant number utilised in Egyptian chronologies is the number 144. Instead of the modern preference for the century, the ancient Egyptians reckoned in terms of 144-year periods. Once again this number relates to a Sothic cycle: 144 = 4x36, that is, the 36 weeks of the year times the number of years in the smallest Sothic cycle, namely the period during which Sirius continues to rise on the same day of the civil calendar. So, for example, the Old Kingdom Palermo Stone link's Manetho's Third and Fourth dynasties into a single era of 144 years..." [Page 101, 'Temple of the Cosmos' / J. Naydler].

Question. Would that include any other 'Dynasties'? As a means....?

Davos Seaworth? {Game of Thrones}.

Side step: "What is decisive for me is that i dream about physics as Mr. Jung [and other non-physicists] think about physics. Every time i have talked to Mr. Jung [about the ''synchronistic'' phenomenon and such], a certain spiritual fertilization takes place." Wolfgang Pauli.

Dream Stela?

"Nature is a net of correspondence to be deciphered and integrated into a holistic {whole?} worldview." [extract from the book 'The Magister'. Parenthesis, this readers]. Anything?

N.B. The root of the word ''holy'' = whole, i.e., a reunion of the ''whole?'' By way of ''correspondences?''

''The whole gamut of human experience {and/or emotions}''. Question. What animal represents that final word? ...Why?

Question. If Thebes equates to the 'navel' of Egypt, why is it that Amarna was indeed 'positioned' in the 'middle'. Once that 'development' was complete, Thebes was 'reinstated', [represented by 'the golden child']. See anything?

Question 2. Akhenaten has been associated with Moses - ''who attempted to speak to god 'face too face?'...'' - represented {of sorts} with the so called Mask of Agamemnon. Where within that Egyptian landscape would be the representation of ''he who walked with god''? Enlarged elsewhere.

N.B. Osiris = Aries = Ram = 'Sure footed' ? { i.e.,'mountain' as opposed to valley}. And/or ''head strong''?

Side note. Understanding those 'differences' defines or narrows down what such artifacts may represent and therefore belong to? Proving the validity of subject material. More importantly - the study of it.

Static or dynamic?

A working example: Many statues on Easter Island found ''face'' down {downhill}  and lying on their ''backs'' {uphill}. An even number found in BOTH positions on level ground {''fallen'' aspect?}….''Probably just left them'' - in answer as to WHY.  Experts believe it has to do with the legend that the statues ''walked'' to their place of rest - being the platforms {'foundation'?} that they are renowned for - Some Facing out towards the HORIZON. But looking upwards towards the heavens {horizontal/vertical?}. Some facing inwards {seven'?} looking towards the center. All made from within an extinct volcano {compressed ASH}. Always made in the horizontal position {'awakened'?} before being ''walked'' to THE foundation spot {'spotless'?} - in the vertical one. Pot bellied {'pregnant'?}. Also discovered a ''right angle'' between eyes and forehead that allowed a third rope to be engaged {'overhang'?}. ['Lost Empire of Easter Island' / Nat. Geo / December 2019].

''Error runs down a  plane while truth has to laboriously climb its way uphill."

Question. Did those early explorers that 'found' Easter Island ALREADY know of its natural 'resources'? {Polynesians}. What was the real/original {primordial?} reason for deciding to move and live on that ''island''. An 'evolution' of 'religion'? Enlarged elsewhere and throughout.

Side note: If the experts are right then try ''Ropes'' in relation to: 'Arachne Rising: The Search for the 13th Sign of the Zodiac' / J. Vogh .

A working example: "These bleak perspectives unnerve my skepticism, which i thought was invulnerable. Your earlier explanations gave me a reassuring impression of reality. But i confess that i am surprised to feel myself troubled by a subject i have always treated as superstition.'' Dominique listened to Thomas with an understanding smile. 'I am happy for you', he said. 'This proves that your intuition 'heard' what i was trying to transmit to you. The feeling you speak of has its purpose, for your new comprehension puts you face to face with a danger that could compromise your intuitive awakening, if you misunderstood its importance." ['Journey into the Light'].

"No one knows what these figures are meant to be. The Chinese call them 'The Acrobats' - more than 50 {'higher' link?}. Found in a {''small''} pit; very close to the 1st Emperor of China...Anatomically correct movement, unlike the Terracotta army figures. Not made to a template - all individually sculptured. One foot in front, the other behind...Arms, hips all in movement: 'It is something we only find in Greece. ONLY Greeks would do that. The people who made these had an idea how the Greeks did it. It took the Greeks centuries to learn it'. [Quotes by Dan Snow and Dr. Lucas Nickel within the program 'The Greatest Tomb on Earth'. Enlarged elsewhere].

move7Question. Who did the Greeks learn from? Proof. The 'rod' within the cat figurine {enlarged elsewhere} was also of Egyptian origin. Therefore that {possible} question is - who did the 1st Emperor first seek out - Greek or an Egyptian - and why - OR does it really matter? Universal {concepts?} available to ALL?

Side note: ALL statues of the same 'form' seem to be pulling something. Question. What is that 'something'. What does it REPRESENT?

The Wain?

A side step: "The 'eight' {Hermopolis link} are called the 'fathers and mothers' of Re, for the child that comes forth from this primordial lotus is Re, or Ra, the principle of light itself. It is often said that that 'Re' is himself the sun, which is inaccurate, for many texts affirm that Re 'penetrates' the solar globe and causes it to shine, so that he renders it luminous by his passage. Thus 'Re' is not the light but that which provokes {''divine bit'' link} the phenomenon of light. Thus Re is all. He is called Atum-Re at Heliopolis, Re-Horakhty at Memphis, and Amun-Re at Thebes..." [Extract from the book 'Egyptian Mysteries'. Emphasis - this readers].

Hermopolis, located by a small village called El Ashmunein (derived from Shmun), was the capital of the Fifteenth (Hare) Nome of Upper Egypt, but in ancient times was it was one of the great Egyptian cities known as Khmunu (Shmun). The name Shmun, which is ancient Egyptian for the word 'eight', is interesting and reflects one of the creation myths of the ancient Egyptians. This refers to the eight ancestors of creation who created the first child and thus it was believed that the first sun rise was over this city, which in turn created the world. Try ''child''.

"The water which appeared with creation, carrying the dark hillock Tum {Atum}, becomes the object of the Hermopolitan teaching. The sacred name of Hermopolis, fifteenth nome of Upper Egypt, was Khemenu, the city of the Eight, meaning eight Primordials; its civil name was Un, meaning ''existence''. ['Sacred Science']. Dark hillock? Something unknown?

Question. How would its known 'value' be represented?

''Fascination'', fixation or just biology? Team player?

"The active, living principle of the first fixation which is Tum, the black, is symbolised by the hieroglyph men, foundation, men.t the thigh, Mentu the sacred bull. But the principle of fixity is found in all of nature through the four elements, and can equally well be white, black, red or mottled {white speckled with red}. Inasmuch as function, the principle of fixity is therefore not to be confused with a state or an aspect; this is why Apis, the sacred bull of Memphis, is black; but the four Mentus {of Karnak, Medamud, Erman, and Tod, surrounding Thebes}, which symbolise the four qualities of fixity {earth, air, water and fire}, are respectively black, white red and mottled. Another example of the four aspects..." ['Sacred Science'. Includes italics and parenthesis with the exception of the words in bold print].

''Surrounding Thebes''. Therefore Thebes being the main point of interest {Principle?}. Recall its position in "the greater scheme of things".

And/or: ''Qualities" in relation to {versus?} 'quantities'.

Refresher: "The swan is white without spot" ?

"Many of the kings of the Old Kingdom Incorporated Mentu, the bull, in their names, and the age of Mentu ended with the Mentuhoteps 1-5. In the temple of Mentu consecrated to Mentuhotep 2nd - the king is shown as an old man. The word 'hotep' is generally translated as 'peace', but when translated to Schwaller de Lubicz's kind of translation it takes on a richer significance for htp is the reverse of Ptah, creator of form, and refers in this sense to realization or completion - of which 'peace' is but an aspect. Ptahhotep means 'realization of the work of Ptah'..." [Page 100 'Serpent in the Sky' / J. West].

God in reverse = dog. Dog Star? Anima link? 'Anima' of what?

Define {'see'} the above to get an idea {''hang on''?} - the following: The Cerrigydrudion Crown. A Celtic piece of ancient artwork. Bronze {'red'?} and leather {'cow'?] headpiece. ''Possibly signifies 'warrior' headgear - with palm leaf and lotus designs - neither of which are common to these islands {UK}.'' ['Inside Museums: St. Fagan/Cardiff. Sat.TV].

A working example: Recall Odysseus journey back to his homeland. Lotus island being its 'first stage'.

'Spirit/Soul' - as a means....?

Question. What would ''hang on'' be represented with - if anything?

N.B. Odysseus also had a dog. His most 'faithful' one.

Try ''warrior'' / ''struggle'' etc., etc.

Refresher: ''Error runs down a plane while truth has to labour uphill.''

Side step: Here, Thoth was worshiped in the form of the ibis and baboon. He was Hermes (hence, the modern name of the city) to the Greeks and Trismegistus {'three' link} in the hermetic test, who was the scribe who presided over all forms of knowledge.

''Knowledge'' therefore 'set' in stone. In the spiritual SENSE of the word. 'See' it? If you do, then you  will understand what the ''Philosophers Stone'' implies i.e., in the spiritual sense not the material one. That link to the word/meaning and purpose of 'Set' in Egypt i.e., in the negative sense of the word.

As is...'Silence is golden'.

Horus and or ''golden child'' in the positive sense of the word?

Question 2. On what 'side' of that bend in a river was the ''Valley of Kings'' established on?


'Balanced' Cross. Equinox link?

A {working?} example: "The teaching of the three forces is at the root of all ancient systems. The first force may be called active or positive, the second, passive or negative; the third, neutralizing {'balance' therefore Libra link?}. But these are merely names, for in reality, all three forces are equally active and appear as active, passive, and neutralizing only at their meeting points - that is to say - only in relation to one another at a given moment. The first two forces are more or less comprehensible to man and the third may sometimes be discovered either at the point of application of the forces, or in the 'medium', or in the 'result' {i.e.,eureka moments - process of. But now in relation to the 'personal' stuff}.

Question. ''Meeting'' in relation to 'crossover point' - if only in relation to subject material {i.e.,the 'spiritual' stuff}.

Landscape equivalent: "It is the Harroway that took Belloc's prehistoric travellers westwards towards Salisbury Plain and Stonehenge. For Salisbury Plain is where all the great chalk ridges of southern England converge....The Harroway served as a key east-west trackway that extended across southern England." [Page 30 'The Pilgrims Way' / Derek Bright].

Continued..."But, speaking in general, the third force is not easily accessible to direct observation and understanding. The reason for this is be found in the functional limitations of man's ordinary psychological activity and in the fundamental categories of our perception of the phenomenal world, that is, in our sensation of space and time resulting from these limitations {i.e.,the 'background' upon which the above 'principle' is manifested. Representational of}. HENCE...

"People cannot perceive and observe the 'third' force directly any more than they can spatially perceive the 'fourth dimension'. BUT by studying himself, the manifestations of his thought, consciousness, activity - his habits, his desires, and so on - man may learn to observe and to 'see' in himself the action of the three forces..."

Analogy?..."It is shocking that such a profound insight into the philosophical implications of the theory of relativity has had little impact on physicists, it is dismaying that Godel's ideas have failed to catch the attention of philosophers { i.e.,that ''time'' is based only on our particular 'internal' experience, and not an actual feature of the physical universe}. Enlarged elsewhere.

Question. If ''time'' - THEREFORE 'space'?

'Being and Time' / Martin Heidegger.

New knowledge.

Vine staff.

Continued..."Let us suppose for instance, that a man wants to work on himself, in order to change certain of his characteristics, to attain a higher level of being. His desire, his initiative, is the active force. The inertia of all his habitual psychological life which shows opposition to his initiative will be the passive or negative force. The two forces will either counter balance one another, or one will completely conquer the other, but, at the same time, it will become to weak for any further action. Thus, the two forces will, as it were, revolve one around the other, one absorbing the other and producing no result whatsoever. This may continue for a lifetime. A man may feel desire and initiative. But all this initiative may be absorbed in overcoming the habitual inertia of life, leaving nothing for the purpose towards which the initiative ought to be directed. And so it may go on until the third force makes its appearance, in the form, for instance, of new knowledge, showing at once the advantage or necessity of work on oneself and, in this way, supporting and strengthening the initiative. Then the initiative, with the support of this third force, may conquer inertia and the man becomes active in the desired direction. Examples of the action of the 'three' forces, and the moments of 'entry' of the third force, may be discovered in all manifestations of our psychic life , in all phenomena of the life of human communities and of humanity as a whole, and in all the phenomena of nature around us." ['In Search of the Miraculous'].

" in the desired direction''. Question. Walking or running pace? {'line of sight' ?}.


'Flat' top ?

Analogy {synchronistic?}: "Perhaps the most important aspect of these 'moments of vision' is that they suggest that there is a way of acquiring knowledge that is quite unlike the ordinary method of 'learning from experience' {'Tower of Babel'?}. When the visionary faculty is switched on the mind seems to be able to penetrate reality - rather in the manner of X-rays - and to grasp meanings that normally elude it...This is Faculty X. And the paradox is that we already possess it to a large degree, but are unconscious of possessing it. It lies at the heart {'bosom'?} of the so called 'occult' experience. It is with such experience that this book is concerned...But Faculty X should not be regarded as some 'paranormal' faculty. It is simply the opposite of that feeling of being 'mediocre, accidental, mortal', which all of us feel when we are tired and depressed....Whenever Faculty X awakens, it tells us that we are not contingent, accidental or mortal. Our 'powers' are far greater than we realize...The English paperback came out in a large grass-green volume, with some nonsensical quote about it being 'a book for those who would walk with the gods'..." [From the 'Occult' and 'Beyond the Occult' by C. Wilson. Emphasis, this readers]. Try among others ''rays''. As a means...?

Question. Do not eureka moments {regardless of subject} give us that 'greater' feeling?

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

A {working} example {i.e., something hinted at}: "As soon as you think you have an answer to a problem, let me know - and I will return the reply - to say whether your HARE found what I want you to discover for yourself." [Page 158 of the book by P. F. Case. Vol 1].

'Mans Search for Meaning' / Viktor Frankl.

Follow the title of the book to 'see' it within its broader {'horizon'?} - viewpoint.

''Accident'' in relation to: "Why are we here? If you trace it right back, the odds of you existing in this universe is small; infinitesimally small. Is our existence merely accidental? And if we are merely accidents what about the universe? Is its form and existence also accidental? And if that's the case what does that mean to you? I think modern science is very close to answering these questions." [Human Universe / B. Cox. 2/5].

This subject has already asked those questions - from the oral tradition - "Before the written word came into common use."

right2Side note: "One other aspect of gematria, [i.e.,'number' symbolism] which is examined throughout the course of this study, is in connection with the ratios of geometry, from which the term is derived in the first place. To cite a simple yet elegant example, a circle with the perimeter of 891, has a diameter of 284 units. The gematria value of ''Heaven'', is 891 while the value of , ''God'' is 284. The arrangement nicely illustrates the conception that the abode of 'divinity' is in the heavenly sphere. More importantly, according to the Pythagorean philosophers of Greece, the ratios of the fundamental geometry underlie the structure of the Kosmos or world order. Further more , the most central numbers of Greek gematria were derived from the number values of these very same ratios that were seen as underlying the universal fabric." Chapter 2, {Gematria: The Secret Language of the Christian Mysteries} from the book, 'Jesus Christ Sun of God'. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''logos''.

Question. Which came first- the value of ''Pi'' - or number symbolism?....and WHY?

"The present Arabic name of Egypt is al-Misri, which is the equivalent of the biblical Misraim. This name is derived from the Semitic root which in Akkadian gives the verb asaru, "to cut, to delimit, to delineate", and hence, "to draw a picture, a plan, " and the noun esertu, "drawing plan, representation," applied in particular to the specifications for the construction of a building. In Semitic language an 'm' before the root of a verb forms what we would call a past participle: Egypt is the country built according to a geometric plan. The Egyptians expressed this idea by calling their land To- Mera, "the land of the mr." The word 'mr' is used to refer to the pyramids, but more specifically it refers to the meridian triangle of a pyramid, whose hypotenuse is the apothem. The 'mr', essentially is a right angle triangle....." [Page 291, same book]. Put ''hypotenuse'' in the box.

Those two words 'Son of' .....Key words in understanding a further 'development'.

"The destiny of man, as we have said, is to make or create himself. He is, and he will be the son of his works, both for time and eternity." Quote by E. Levi.

sycamore 2

Sycamore Tree ['sacred'?]. Mentioned seven times in the Old Testament. Why? ''Sweet'' link?

Djedefre's defacement of the nose. Did he get 'his flowers'?

The author T. Lethbridge attempting to define the same in his book, 'The Legend of the Sons of God'. For this reader, a more practical example of same could be...."the pyramid built by Djedefre, Khufu's son, and successor, is 5 miles to the North of a hillock overlooking the Giza plateau, [Abu Ruash]. ......Perhaps he was motivated by religious reasons since Djedefre is the first pharaoh to take the title 'Son of Re'. [Chapter three 'The Egypt Code' by R. Bauval]. Compare to 'its' Southern point {?} that includes a 'Well' and a Sacred Sycamore. Question. Why a Sycamore? Clue, what does the 'Fig' represent. [if only in this subject].

Side note: The same tree mentioned in a N/E position at Karnak - attributes of Milky sap and figs used in relation to Sekhmet. ['Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess' / N. Scully].

Sycamore GAP. N/W boundary of Europe. Any 'new growth' on that present day stump?

And/or: "Here, a route leads tourists, beginning at the colossus and leading to Baneshi's tomb and the collection of granite sarcophagi, on to the tomb of Waja-Hur, and then out of the museum where tourists will be directed towards the Tree of the Virgin, a sycamore that is said to have been planted in 1672 from the shoot of an older tree. According to Coptic Christian tradition, the Holy Family on their journey through Egypt rested beneath this tree after crossing the desert, and it remains a place of pilgrimage. Visitors will finally end up at the now famous obelisk."

'Eye of the Needle' ?

Cleopatra's or Marys?

Analogy?..."The Maya developed a complete complex writing system, 1 of only 5 in the history of the world. It is composed of over 800 symbols called hieroglyphs. They wrote on paper made from the inner bark of the fig tree covered with lime plaster, using lime based pigments." Enlarged elsewhere.

Made from two tree trunks. Lower {Sycamore}. Higher {Tamarisk}. Longwood?

In 'three' pieces. Middle trunk - eight sided with inlays. Top right {N/E?} = Ebony. Botton left {S/W?} = Ivory. Dark/Light. Heavy/ light.

A working example: ''When the coffin was excavated {Qurna 'queen'}, some areas of the paint and plaster had been worn away. They were later restored by conservators (read more in this blog). The child’s coffin {at her feet}, is much plainer than the woman’s, but the white plaster which covers it hides planks and dowels {'pegs'?} of exotic woods such as East African ebony and cedar from Lebanon. It is shaped like a temple shrine.''

White Chapel to enlarge.

N.B. " the summit {of Gobekli-tepe} - a single fig mulberry tree, a sight clearly visible to anyone approaching the mountain from the plain below." [From the book of the same name by A. Collins]. Question. Any connection between the three?

And/or: The tree that Buddha sat under produced figs. Coincidence?

As seen from a different perspective: "It shared its companion's much mixed degenerate nomenclature...Among these are Fovea, a pit, that Caesius commented much upon, but little to our enlightenment - and/or Morus, the Sycamore tree, the equivalent of one of its Arabic titles...The Bright Star of Syria, thus named because it disappeared from the Arab's view at its setting beyond that country...Little Dog associated with the left hand. Greater one with the right..." [Info. on Canis Minor 'Star Names and Their Meaning'].

Try Canis Minor/Major to enlarge within the whole. Top/down or Bottom/up?

norrie's law

What do you think? Enlarged elsewhere. H/V?



Further clue?..."The 'seas' of the Moon are physical features that stand out sharply on a clear night. One of Hera's earrings with its triple pendents is a metaphor for three 'seas' on the Western side of the moon when viewed from earth: Mare Crisium, Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Necteris. On the Eastern side Mare Imbrium, Mare Humorum and Mare Nubium make up the matching earring. In Leaf's translation the earrings are described as 'earrings of triple drops', but a literal translation of the phrase is said to imply mulberries, and Robert Fagles writes of 'ripe mulberry clusters dangling in triple drops' - another striking image for the 'seas'..." ['Homer's Secret Iliad'].

That triple word again.

The Mare Way? {5:6}

''You are the moon of my life'' {Game of Thrones/ Khal Drogo}.

SIDE NOTE: Widan el-Faras is located on Gebel el-Qatrani, Faiyum, 60 km (37 mi) southwest of Cairo in the Western Desert and is one of the oldest preserved hard-stone quarries sites.[9] Widen el-Faras, literarily translates to "Ears of the Mare" and is named for the twin peaks located east of the quarry site.[9] The quarry landscape of the Northern Faiyum Desert comprise both the Umm es-Sawan and Widan el-Faras basalt quarries, both heavily exploited for hardstone during the Old Kingdom pyramid age due to their proximity to the Nile Valley.[1] The quarry was active between the Old Kingdom and Late Period.[1] The ancient quarries have since been partially destroyed but Widen el-Faras continues to be a site for modern quarrying through the 20th century.

Continued: "The Imperial State Crown contains four pearls that are said to have been used as earrings by Elizabeth I." ['The Chase' / 2018].

[15] ''And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines.''

Side note: ''The chemical elements ytterbium, erbium, and terbium { ALL silvery earth metals} are named after Ytterby, a village in Sweden.'' ['Tipping Point'].

What does the 'fig' represent? Link it to 'hen' and 'chick'.

A different time; a different place - but meaning {wisdom?} expected to be found within {keys?} it: "The 'root' of the tree is the in Earth as long as the man works out his terrestrial destiny in a series of rebirths. Its trunk is Nut's body, or the man's if he has become fully conscious. Its branches and interlaced leaves are in the sky; they are his own emanations, envelopes, energetic or spiritual states in which he was at one with cosmic states of the same kind; they are centers or planes of registration which preserve and sum up the experience of the ''person'' and decide his fate. ' I should detail these centers or planes; show you the relationship between the human 'egg' and each fruit of the sycamore. But to do this would go beyond the scope of this lesson. Sleep, Her-Bak, if you are to hear instruction tomorrow. It will be the same subject under other names and from another view-point." ['Her-Bak'].

Continued....Two of the other Giza 'kings', i.e.,Khafre and Menkaure ['pharaoh', only came into use from Hatshepsut onwards] identified with 'Re' in some form, but Khufu identified with Khnum the 'creator' god of "children and their ''Ka" ['' and/or link to Plato's Demiurge?], and according to some,i.e., Dr Zahi Hawass... ['The first undertaker of Egypt']...Khufu attempted to be associated with same. Compare to other information on Mr Khufu.

"The Demiurge has no knowledge of the Primal Parent, Christ or Achamoth, and so believes himself to be the Lord of the Universe..."

''Intellectual'' in relation to ''Gnosis'' ? AS a means...

Side note: The author of 'In Search of the Miraculous' uses the word ''mechanical''.

The author Isha Schwaller de Lubicz uses the word Automaton.

Djedefre's defacement of the nose.

Together with..."Hence the statement that during the prologue, so to say, of the drama of creation, or the beginning of the cosmic evolution, the universe or the 'Son' lies still concealed "in the Divine Thought", which has not yet penetrated "into the Divine Bosom". ['heart' symbolism link]. This idea note well, is at the root, and forms the origin of all the allegories about the "Sons of God" born of immaculate virgins". [Stanza two, page 61, 'The Secret Doctrine'. Volume one. Mentioned elsewhere]. Try ''grace''. Purpose of.

'Virgin' {Virgo} the brightest star {'Stella'} of which = Spica = {'an ear of corn'} - ALL as a means...?

Side note: "The hebdomad is the only number within the decad {apart from the monad} which neither generates nor is generated by another number within the decad; hence it is called by Pythagoreans ''virgin, not born of mother''.....Moreover, the hebdomad consisting of the dimensions and the four limits makes manifest corporeality and organic life. The limits are point, line, plane, solid; the dimensions are length, breadth, depth." [Page 186 'Alexandria' Vol 3. / D. Fideler].

'A grain of wisdom' or playtime addicts?

Question. How many grains make a cake?

Funerary or wedding cake?

'Wheels' of time?

Working example: ''Of all the old heroes in cycle-fanatic Belgium, Eddy Merckx takes the cake. While he’s often cited as the fastest, the toughest, and all-around greatest cyclist to ever compete, there’s still a lot you may not know about this Brussels-raised rider.''

''Brussels has a metro station named after Eddy Merckx.'' ['The Chase'].

'Station of No Station'.

Did he eat those cakes? Evolution of a myth? For what reason?

Side note {a working example?}: "Somebody asked at a meeting: How should evolution be understood?''... ''The evolution of man,'' G. replied, ''can be taken as the development in him of those 'powers' and possibilities which never develop by themselves, that is, mechanically {i.e.,by way of - what this subject defines as ''Gnosis''?}. Only this kind of development, only this kind of growth, marks the real evolution of man...The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness. And consciousness cannot evolve UNconsciously...Evolution is the result of conscious struggle..." [In Search of the Miraculous'. Parenthesis, this readers]. Try ''struggle''.

'By endurance we conquer' / Ernest Shackleton.

'Man's Search for Meaning' / Victor Frankl.

EXERCISE. Put all the above together to define..."The Demiurge has no knowledge of the Primal Parent, Christ or Achamoth, and so believes himself to be the Lord of the Universe . He does not understand that 'Christ' and 'Achamoth' have been acting through him to create the cosmos of appearances as a copy of the pleromic 'archetypes'. The Demiurge is a product of Achamoths ignorance so, not surprisingly, he is an ignorant creator god of a cosmos which is ignorance made manifest." [From the book by T. Freke and P. Gandy. Emphasis, this readers].

''UNmanifested/Manifested. As a representation of something. Anything?

'Tower' in relation to 'tree' ? And/or S/W - S/E ? And/or Glastonbury - Seahenge ?

Question. 'Middle' ground = Stonehenge?


A spotted cat. Ears that are represented with wings. A 'flight' of something? Question. If this subject main teaching aid is the 'psyche'. What aspect of the 'psyche' is being represented? And why? Question 2. Fiction or non-fiction? Try ''ears''.

Offerings to Ptah-Seker-Osiris. What about the 'female' aspect? Any 'gaps'?

"Sappho's Eros burns away our fixed notions of who we are...Eros ['agape'] thus opens a gap, a split, a hole in our lives. Eros is this gap, this space of desire, held between boundaries. It moves across it like lightening...It is not something that can be expressed in is like a flame kindled by a leaping spark. " [Extract taken from 'Alexandria' vol 2 by D. Fideler].

Leaping snake or 'hare'?

A work in progress: ''This is the invitation, i think, that this valley is making to us: St. John of the Cross, invites us to reflect on the Songs: He says he will go up to the high caves of rock that are deeply hidden. In these caves the soul wants to go deeper and deeper - to be absorbed; to get intoxicated. To be deeper transformed in the love that the knowledge of the mystery will give to it, and to hide in the bosom of her beloved. The latter indeed invites her in the Song of Songs to enter into the GAPS of stone, into the caves of the wall.'' [Day seventeen: The Sound of Sheer Silence: Elijah's Spring: Exodus: Pilgrimage of Silence: Lent 2023: Magdala: Israel].

And/or: ''And the people of the land have used oppression, and robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy - they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. And i looked for a man among them, that should make up the wall and stand in the gap before me - for the land - so i would not destroy it. But i found none.'' [Ezekiel 22: 30].

And/or: ''Said the Lord: Woe unto foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing. O Israell, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. You have not gone up into the gaps, nor made up the wall for the house of Israel: to stand in the battle in the day of the lord.'' [Ezekiel 13:5].

A 'crack' ?

Offerings to Ptah-Seker-Osiris. What about the 'female' aspect? Any 'gaps'?

Something hinted at: {something learnt?}: "There is a crack in everything - that is how the light gets in! The acorn must crack apart before the mighty Oak emerges! If you want the kernel, you must first break the shell. If you wish to discover natures secrets, you must first crack its symbols. The cracks are the things - the gaps are the spirits domain! Reach out to the gaps wherever you find them, squeeze into a crack in the 'soil', and discover more than an Oak - discover a universe instead." [Page 262 'The Deeper Teachings of....? / D. Monroe].

The Oak Men?

Swell = "squeezed"?

A working example: ''The myth clearly states that when the coffin of Osiris was washed ashore in Bablos, it touched the sacred tamarisk tree, and the tree shot up to an enormous height, enclosing the 'god' in its trunk. This 'magical' sprouting corresponds with the mystical idea of the Tree of Life as representative of the Tree of Knowledge - that is, that life on earth mirrors life in the cosmos. Says Madame Blavatsky of this tree: 'In the beginning its roots were generated in Heaven, and grew out of the Rootless Root of all being. Its trunk grew and developed, crossing the planes of Pleroma, it shot out crossways its branches, first on the plane of hardly differentiated matter, and then downward untill they touched the terrestrial plane. Thus {the Tree of Life and Being} it is said: It grows with its roots above and branches below.'' [Page 75 'Feasts of Lights: Celebrations of the Seasons and Egyptian Goddess Mysteries' / N. Ellis].

Head/Feet = Aries/Pisces?

And/or: ''Physarum Polycephalum: It has no eyes, no mouth, no stomach, or legs - yet it can see, smell and digest and move around. It has no nervous system or brain - yet it can problem solve i.e., cognitive.... As streamlined as a rail network...Never in the same place twice...due to the 'external memory' of its mucus i.e., a repellent... In Florence plant cognitive work undertaken: 'The question of intelligence and whether other organisms are intelligent or not depends a lot on our definition of the word i.e., the ability to solve problems in order to survive in a harsh environmemt. Darwin says that every organism lives around two poles: a cognitive pole and a reproductive pole. Plants are the INVERSE of human beings. They have their head underground, and the part we can see, the flowers, is the reproductive part.''  [The Blob: A Genius Without a Brain' / BBC4].

"It is a single cell that grows without ever dividing," explains Pierre Ferrand, professor of Earth sciences and life seconded to French space agency CNES, one of the people behind the project.

Too many lagers?

Another oddity: "When most organisms make do with two sex types, the Blob has more than 720. It is an organism 'with drawers' which tells us that life consists of multitude originalities," he says.''

A single cell organism that eats among other things -mushrooms. And/or: When the TIP of the root is 'cut off' it can no longer problem solve - but grows in a straight line. Habitual learning discovered + the sharing of it....But strongly repelled by light.

Good and bad?

'Followers of the Blob'?

''Straight South'' to enlarge {if only to put ones cognitive abilities to work in the hypothetical SENSE of the word}.

Side step: Owen discovered that our arms and legs, our hands and feet, fit into a larger scheme. He saw what anatomists before him had long known, that there is a pattern to the skeleton of a human arm: one bone in the upper arm, two bones in the forearm, a bunch of nine little bones at the wrists, then a series of five rods that make the fingers. The pattern of bones in the human leg is much the same: one bone, two bones, lotsa blobs, and five toes. In comparing this pattern with the diversity of skeletons in the world, Owen made a remarkable discovery.


Owen’s genius was not that he focused on what made the various skeletons different. What he found, and later promoted in a series of lectures and volumes, were exceptional similarities among creatures as different as frogs and people. All creatures with limbs, whether those limbs are wings, flippers, or hands, have a common design....

One bone, the humerus in the arm or the femur in the leg, articulates with two bones, which attach to a series of small blobs, which connect with the fingers or toes. This pattern underlies the architecture of all limbs. Want to make a bat wing? Make the fingers really long. Make a horse? Elongate the middle fingers and toes and reduce and lose the outer ones. How about a frog leg? Elongate the bones of the leg and fuse several of them together....The common plan for all limbs: one bone, followed by two bones, then little blobs, then fingers or toes....The differences between creatures lie in differences in the shapes and sizes of the bones and the numbers of blobs, fingers, and toes. Despite radical changes in what limbs do and what they look like, this underlying blueprint is always present. ['Your Inner Fish' / N. Shubin].

Big Fish is a 2003 American fantasy drama film directed by Tim Burton, and based on the 1998 novel Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions by Daniel Wallace. The film stars Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup, Jessica Lange, Helena Bonham Carter, Alison Lohman, Robert Guillaume, Marion Cotillard, Steve Buscemi, and Danny DeVito. The film tells the story of a frustrated son who tries to distinguish fact from fiction in the life of his father, a teller of tall tales.

Different layers of......?

And/or: ''The new construction at Karnac emphasized Nefertiti's role as Aten's high priestess. One of the four temples that Amenhotep IV {Akhenaten} had erected before the end of Year 5 was a temple called the Mansion of the Benben. {The Benben stone was the most sacred monument within the temple of Ra-Atum at Heliopolis}....All built from lightweight talatat stone. But never showing the king, ONLY Nefertiti worshipping the Aten...The only other person who appears in the Mansion of the Benben is Meritaten {eldest daughter}.'' [Page 134/5 'Ancient Egypt' / March-April 2023].

Ra-Atum in relation to Atum-Ra.

Upstream or downstream?


Side note: These are the sons of David who were born to him in Hebron: the firstborn, Amnon, by Ahinoam the Jezreelite; the second, oDaniel, by Abigail the Carmelite, the third, Absalom, whose mother was Maacah, the daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur; the fourth, Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith; the fifth, Shephatiah, by Abital; the sixth, Ithream, by his wife Eglah; six were born to him in Hebron, pwhere he reigned for seven years and six months. qAnd he reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem. rThese were born to him in Jerusalem: sShimea, Shobab, Nathan and tSolomon, four by uBath-shua, the daughter of uAmmiel; then Ibhar, vElishama, Eliphelet, Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama, wEliada, and Eliphelet, nine. All these were David’s sons, besides the sons of the concubines, xand Tamar was their sister.

Minoan. Ducks or Geese?

Continued: ''As flake is to blizzard, as Curve is to sphere {'180'?}, as Knot is to net {'153'?}, as One is to many, as Coin is to money, as Bird is to flock, as Rock is to mountain, as Drop is to fountain, as Spring is to river, as Glint is to glitter, as Near is to far {'line of sight'?}, as Wind is to weather, as Feather is to flight {'weighing of heart'?}, as Light is to star {'of ones being'?}, as Kindness is to good {'Maat'?}, SO ACORN IS TO WOOD.'' {'The Lost Worlds' / R. Macfarlane + J. Morris}.

'A lightening strike'? = the beginnings of something? REPRESENTED with....?

An unkindness?


''It is perhaps not too far fetched to suggest that this kind of subtle resolution, occasioned by a point of equipoise emerging between the two contending forces, has a profound bearing on the mystery of Abraxas....Between the two opposites, God and Devil, betwixt and between the night and the day, at the very CRACK of the dawn, stands {'upright'? i.e., 90*} the majestic chanticleer, the rooster headed god of cosmic and psychic ENERGY, drawing his strength from both the night and the day and preparing to race with his chariot drawn by the white steeds of the dawn to a world 'beyond' earth and stars, out of time and out of mind.'' [

Question. Solstice or Equinox?

Side note: ''The 'dog' follows the 'rooster' in the Chinese calendar.'' ['The Chase'].


A working example: ''It seems quite likely that the alternative names used by the classical writers, Galatai and Galli, may have come from the same Celtic root. Perhaps the Greeks were being respectful when they referred to their north-westerly neighbours as Galatai -'warriors' in their own language....But its also possible that the word 'Galatai' isn't Celtic at all, and actually has its roots in Greek. Galaktos means 'of milk' in ancient Greek - so was this a term that the olive -skinned Mediterraneans coined for those pale, 'milk-white' tribespeople in the N/W? As for the origin of the term 'Galli', that simply appears to be a Latin version of the Greek 'Galatai'. When Galatai becomes Latinized to Galli, a pun is created {Sacred ones?} - it also means 'cockerel'. The mascot of the French football team is a rooster. The Gallic rooster has adorned the French strip since 1909, but its been the unofficial mascot of the French nation for centuries - since Roman times.'' [Page 34/5 'The Celts' / A. Roberts].


wide or narrow? 'Three and a half'?

Part 1 to enlarge {'six'}.

'Pyrene and Cynesians' to enlarge.

N.B. 'Pyr' = 'fire' link.

Question. What about water, earth and air?

And/or: ''Road distances to London are traditionally measured from a central point at Charing Cross (in the City of Westminster), which is marked by the statue of King Charles I at the junction of the Strand, Whitehall and Cockspur Street, just south of Trafalgar Square.''


'Prince' and ''palace' to enlarge.

Side note: The landlocked country Chad in Africa is also a shortened form of the name Charles.'' ['Reddiculous'].

90 V 180?

From 'Huddersfield'.

Continued: ''Charing Cross (/ˈærɪŋ/ CHARR-ing)[1] is a junction in London, England, where SIX routes meet. Clockwise from north these are: the east side of Trafalgar Square leading to St Martin's Place and then Charing Cross Road; the Strand leading to the City; Northumberland Avenue leading to the Thames Embankment; Whitehall leading to Parliament Square; The Mall leading to Admiralty Arch and Buckingham Palace; and two short roads leading to Pall Mall. The name also commonly refers to the Queen Eleanor Memorial Cross at Charing Cross station.

A bronze equestrian statue of Charles I, erected in 1675, stands on a high plinth, situated roughly where a medieval monumental cross had previously stood for 353 years (since its construction in 1294) until destroyed in 1647 by Cromwell and his revolutionary government. The famously beheaded King, appearing ascendant, is the work of French sculptor Hubert Le Sueur.''

Location and etymology:

Cherry tower?

The old Eleanor cross at Charing (c. 1293 to 1643)

A map showing the Charing Cross ward of Westminster Metropolitan Borough as it appeared in 1916
Charing Cross shown on John Norden's map of Westminster, 1593. The map is oriented with north to the top right, and Whitehall to the bottom left.

Erect a rich and stately carved cross,
Whereon her statue shall with glory shine;
And henceforth see you call it Charing Cross.

The name of the lost hamlet, Charing, is derived from the Old English word most helpfully spelt cierring, a river BEND, in this case thus meaning: in the Thames.[4][5][6]

The suffix "Cross" refers to the Eleanor cross made during 1291–94 by order of King Edward I as a memorial to his wife, Eleanor of Castile.[7] At the time, this place comprised little more than wayside cottages serving the Royal Mews in the northern area of today's Trafalgar Square, and built specifically for the Palace of Whitehall (today much of the east side of Whitehall). A debunked folk etymology ran that the name is a corruption of chère reine ("dear queen" in French), but the name pre-dates Eleanor's death by at least a hundred years.[4][8] A variant form in the hazy Middle English orthography of the late fourteenth century is Cherryngescrouche.[4]

Question. What would grow on top - if it was a 'fertile mountain' rather than a desolate one? = the next cycle? = Pan link?

From a different perspective: ''The New Light and the Open Entrance are alchemical works of their period in the more strict understanding of the term, i.e., that the transmutation of 'metals' {inside the earth?} is their sole or main concern - and in this SENSE only...'' [ Introduction to the book 'The Works of Thomas Vaughan' / Ed. Waite].

The Midnight Sun?

Understanding that mind set explains the transition from pyramid to temple to pyramid texts as explored in the program 'Legends of the Pharaoh's' / Series 1. Episode 6].

And/or the bricked up ''open entrance'' of the temple of Ramesses - that {once ''unblocked''} - led to his PALACE at Abydos.

Something internal not external.

''May be responding to certain changes in Egyptian religion -  wanting to emphasize certain aspects of the solar cult.'' [John Darnell].

Any 'plant life'?

A working example and/or something closer to the 'mark' could be: ''Such disjunctions of masculine and feminine ENERGIES, where the outer crack in the bookcase {i.e., in this example that would be within the room where the conversation took place between Freud and Jung} is synchronistic with the inner 'split' in psyche - pointing to the 'crack between the worlds' - where extraordinary experiences may be had....A polarization imagined as fire and water mixed, such that the water does not touch the fire to douse it, and the fire does not touch the water to vaporise it - that space between - where the synchronistic moment occurs....Here, again, we find Hermes or Mercury lurking, as the alchemists 'Mercurial Waters', an admixture of fire and water; birthed as an extended range of senses - earth and air... Represented as ''luminous'' as in ''luminous fish'' {Peacocks tail?} and/or: ''Also the strange flickering lights as seen sometimes on the surface of a marsh - with its death smell or corpse smell {Bog bodies?}....This reflective and reflexive process that comes out of, and turns back to the collective unconscious, the mundus imaginalis, is a 'perfect seeking', the adoption of a spiritual path. Such seeking is facilitated through the opening {doorway?} or flowering of the Self {'Palace'?}.'' [Pages 162/180/290 'Fruits of the Moon Tree' / A. Bleakley].

Waun Mawn?

''The sun that rises in the West''?


From a different perspective.

And/or: ''The Famine Stela was inscribed into a natural granite block whose surface was cut into the rectangular shape of a stela. The inscription is written in hieroglyphs and contains 'fortytwo' columns. The top part of the stele depicts three Egyptian deities: Khnum, Satis and Anuket. In front of them, Djoser faces them, carrying offerings in his outstretched hands. A broad fissure, which already was there at the time of creating the stela, goes through the middle of the rock. Some sections of the stela are damaged, making a few passages of the text unreadable.'' [Wiki].

''Middle'' = navel link therefore 'placenta'?


Fire AND water? Truncated?

Working example: ''It is difficut to express the sense of loss that one feels at the premature truncation of the final stanzas of the ''Dark Night.'' If we possessed them, they would explain the birth of the light - 'Dawns first breathings in the heavens above' - which breaks through the black darkness of the Active and Passive Nights. They would tell us, too, of the souls further progress towards the Sun's full brightness. It is true, of course, that some part of this great GAP is filled by St. John of the Cross himself in his other treatises....'' [Intro. 'Dark Night of the Soul' / E. A. Peers].

'Unfinished' to enlarge.

Any gold or silver?

And/or: ''Lady of Wisdom...hers is a science belonging to the 'rising dawn' , that joyful 'golden hour' called Mother of the Sun' a betwixt and between time which is the 'true golden hour at the end of their labours' for those 'who correctly perform the various operations', neither complete light nor complete darkness, a time when the invisible gateway opens {'gap'?} for those longing  to commune with her.'' [Page 224 'Hathor's Alchemy'].

And/or: ''In terms of Denderah's round zodiac it is the terse inscription in the space above Shu's head {'gap'?} that holds especially priceless information: What is done in the first month of Akhet in accordance with the coming forth of Sothis.''

''Shu (Egyptian šw, "emptiness" or "he who rises up") was one of the primordial Egyptian gods, spouse and brother to the goddess Tefnut, and one of the nine deities of the Ennead of the Heliopolis cosmogony. He was the god of peace, lions, air, and wind. Shu.''

Other keys mentioned: eighteen / sheep decans / ''No decrease occurs at the beginning of the year for Re'' + ''Re is on the way to the stars.''  / ''Water {Aquarius} is poured onto a starfish.'' [Page 137 i.e., in the 'middle' of the book].

1547 Dance of Death {woodcut engravings} - Hans Holbein.

Objective view?


And/or: ''Usually, the body and person are unstable, in the SENSE that they are predictably unpredictable - vulnerable and defensive in character, a closed but cracked and flawed vessel. At the crossing point of vertical and horizontal is the null point {'zero'?} where the vessel is open but does not leak; is saturated with soul, and is an imageless stability. This is a moment of enlightenment, where the chora {vessel} is permeable to both inner and outer equally, and inner work meets the exterior shape of the personality change desired {'glass'?}. This is the completion of a major piece of 'therapy', as the imaginative act, the transcendent moment that constitutes a quantum leap in insight. In Egyptian mysteries, this is akin to the meeting of the four sons of Horus.'' [Page 226 'Fruits of the Moon Tree'].

On the S/W wall of the temple of Ramesses the 'Second' - a bricked up 'OPEN ENTRANCE' was found that led  to his Palace - at Abydos. Around the corner {90 degress} lies the Qena Governate {'180'} - the beginnings of which include the Denderah zodiac - on the S/W bank of the Nile. Ramesses dad {Seti 1st} also has temple with a 90 degree aspect to it. On its facade {'face to face'} are six 'portals' either side of the main 'gateway' {i.e., '13' in total}. Recall what 11/12/13 REPRESENT.   Try ''upright'' to enlarge INTO that mind set.

REFRESHER: As seen from a different {perspective?}: "A single obsessional idea runs through all my work: the paradoxical nature of freedom...The trouble is the narrowness of consciousness. It is as if you tried to see a panoramic scene through cracks in a high fence, but were never allowed to look over the fence and see it as a whole." ['The Occult' and 'Beyond the Occult' by C. Wilson].

Gobel el-Silsila?

As one example. That high wall that surrounded the Step Pyramid. All as a means....?

'Waters of the Gap' Enlarged elsewhere.

"On the cosmic level, Achamoth is redeemed by the 'Christ' as the LOGOS."

'Mother of Dragons'?

Question. Pleiades link?

Example of that end result [Hindu equivalent]. 'Play of Consciousness' by Swami Muktananda. What the author defines as ''breaking of the Blue star.'' [Micro]. Gurdjieff defines the same as the ''fourth way.'' [Macro]. Represented in one of its physical forms as the American Medal of Honor. [Micro within the Macro]. Explained elsewhere.

That ''gap'' that in the Hebrew example is the void {'Daath'} between the top three [i.e.,1-3] and the rest of the 'Tree'.

"God will establish in strength [the hearts] of those who believe with the word that stands firm {'tower'?} in the world and in the Hereafter." [Quran 14:27. Extract taken [including parenthesis] from, Chapter 3, 'The Secret of Secrets']. Try ''oak''.

From a different perspective: Mary Magdalene = ''Tower of the fish''.

Tower of strength? Feet first?

From a different perspective: ''I have already said too little and too much about the Stone of the Philosophers. Why should i not speak more plainly still? Why shouldn't i, too, prize open a small door in the King's shut palace? [ Page 369 'Mercurius' / P. Harpur].

Osirion/Osireion also found at Abydos. Any 'library'? What are words written on? Papyrus/'flowers'?

Anima or animus?

And/or: ''....all manner of flotsam came floating up from my wreaked heart; but above all, my soul came - without my calling him - and now maybe, just maybe i can see a way out because this business of the soul has given me a bit of leverage on you and my bloody life. I'll explain about my soul if i can - because i want you to understand - but first i must tell you about the cellar - i really am under threat from floods. I should have guessed when i saw how the whole area is reverting to a water meadow. You see the library and two bedrooms above it are Victorian additions - built on at right angles to the cottage {'wattle and daub'?}....They've sunk to a lower level than the rest of the house so that when you go through the door set into the bookcases at the back of the library you have to go down some steps to the former cottage's dark and narrow corridor, which ends in a blank wall {'wattle and daub'?}. At the end on the left is a door which leads back to the hall....'' [ Page 29 'Mercurius' / P. Harpur].


'Perpendicular' or juxtaposition ?


'Him' or 'her'? HEAD FIRST?


A true 'Son' possesses his 'fathers,' essence and secret both in his exterior appearance and in his inner being. The Prophet explains this secret as, ...' a special knowledge like a hidden treasure that only those who know the Essence of 'god' can find. Yet when the mystery is revealed, no one who is conscious and sincere can deny it." [Chapter 5, 'The Secret of Secrets' by Al - Jilani]. Think about it, relative to all the above, together with the external [explained elsewhere] and especially internal 'composition' of all three pyramids,[i.e.,only the 'big one' has any 'development' in its higher 'division'. The rest, take note, are all in the 'lower'].

Question. When all the available 'information' is put together, and just using nothing more than a 'first impression' [but now from 'a possible positive understanding' point of view, brought about by that 'individual' effort, i.e., objective analysis] - what; when thought about; is the most likely...order of construction? [in relation to the Pyramids].

That together with a quote from 'The Riddle of the Sphinx' [Discovery/ History channel], about Djedefre being represented with three 'Falcons', Khufu [his dad] represented with two, and his grandad with one. Knock knock...'See' anything. Hear anything...language of 'birds'? relation to a development / 'foundation' of something? i.e., the tail end of something and the beginning of something else? All represented, 'as a journey' [ship].

An objective eye?

That same link to ‘Nefertiti’. The left eye purposely ‘opaque/invisible’ indicative of the ‘inner’ eye. Which is ‘helpful ’; amongst other things; in understanding concepts and abstracts, i.e., in regards to this subject, i.e., the possibility of ‘B/C’ relation to the observer in [A]. 'B/C'...Always represented with the ‘left’ of anything. ‘Right’ is indicative of the physical world [A]. i.e., the ‘start’ of something. The start of a possible understanding of something, [ ‘East’ ]. Hence the link to the physical eye. Pagan/Greek ‘equivalent’ = ‘Cyclops’ i.e., from its ‘unknown’ state, i.e., a 'monster' of the 'deep', [ in relation to the psyche ]. Which is always represented; when psyche symbolism used; as the ‘unconscious aspect’. Therefore implying that 'something'... has 'to be' made aware of, therefore that link to a one eyed 'monster', that one eye that is indicative of an awareness; the beginning of one, from the depths, i.e., the 'id' . Hebrew equivalent; of sorts..."David who slew a {one?} eyed giant. He grew up to become the first king to unite the settled tribes in one kingdom", i.e.,'lower' self. [ Chapter 18, 'The Sacred History'].

'In the One Eyed Giants Cave'. Chapter/Book 9 'The Odyssey' by Homer.

Yet another analogy of same, i.e.,with the same intent. But by a different author... "Nothing is permanent but the truth? If he seeks deep enough in himself he will find it revealed, each may know his own heart. He may send a ray of his intelligence into the depths of his soul and search its bottom, he may find it to be infinitely deep as the sky above his head. He may find corals and pearls, or watch the monsters of the deep. If his thought is steady and unwavering , he may enter the innermost sanctuary of his own temple and see the 'goddess' unveiled. Not everyone can penetrate into such depths, because the thought is easily led astray; but the strong and persistent searcher will penetrate veil after veil, until at the inner most center it discovers the germ of truth, which awakened to consciousness, will grow into a sun that illuminates the whole of the interior world, wherein everything is contained." ['Magic: White and Black' by F. Hartman]. Link to the phrase ''son of''.

horus eyeThat link to Hades who has the use of both eyes. Equals a further 'development'. [Or chapter seven,'The secret History of the World']. "Nefertiti, in Thutmose's head, [in reference to the 'potter' who made the bust], is telling us that 'only half of the person can be seen' , drawing a distinction between the physical and spiritual sides of life. In the same way the eye of Akhenaten is also missing, he to can only 'see' half of the picture, but this time it is the right eye that is missing". [Page 88, 'The Tutankhamun Prophecies'].

Think about it, relative to those Egyptian 'profile' figures drawn on many a wall both external and inner. The right eye of which is always seen left to right. The left therefore always right to left. 'See' anything? i.e., one of those two represent [in some form] more so than the other the Precession of the Equinox. Can you tell which and why? [Put ''profile'' in the search box, [on all pages] for further clues. In order to assess correctly.

"The vine staff is often featured on Roman tombs of the 1st through 4th century as a symbol of a centurion's status. These monuments show a variety of forms. During the early Principate, it was usually straight with a rounded top; it later acquired a mushroom-shaped head, which was continued under the Byzantines.[3] Less often, it appeared in knotted and sinuous forms. One centurion gave his vine staff to the Temple of Jupiter at Heliopolis (modern Baalbek) as a votive offering. It was broken and given to the emperor Trajan when he inquired of the oracle of the Heliopolitan Jupiter whether he would survive his upcoming invasion of Parthia."

"The platform {of a Sed Festival building} is in the form of an immense measuring rod, similar to those preserved today in several museums. The classic type, most often made of wood and intended for actual use, is demonstrated by the Turin Museum cubit. On one of its 'faces' is an ascending enumeration of digits, palms, and spans. This face is read left to right, and the remen or remen cubit of 20 digits, the small cubit of twentyfour digits, and the royal cubit of twentyeight digits or 7 palms are all marked on it. The fractioning of each digit is read in the opposite direction, from 1/2 to 1/16th {=1.17mm or 1/22 inch}. Also to be read from right-left are the names of 28 divinities, one for each digit, from the Great Ennead to Thoth, who occupies the 15th place, appropriate for the master of measure and time." [Extract from the book 'Egyptian Mysteries'].


One eye or two?

"All the great truths are disguised. After all, the material world is at best a mask for the Spiritual World. I think that's why he kept a bust of himself in the shop." [Extract taken from [ prologue] 'The Zelator' by Mark Hedsel ].

Question. What does ''15'' represent. If only in the context of this 'subject material' ? Then try ''64''.

Analogy of same..."In common with most of the other very ancient female figures they are generally described in an ugly and grotesque form, [ the word 'unmanifest' could be applied to represent that same 'principle']. This is not necessarily the case, [i.e., for its alternative / opposite and/or 'flip side' interpretation, see below], though the fact that they were called the 'grey ones' and shared a single eye and a single tooth does conjure an image of grotesque senility. However, greyness does not necessarily mean physical age. Ancient these goddesses certainly are, but, as with the other 'old and lordly' ones it is possible to be ever young. Their greyness might also be conceived in terms of shimmering morning mist, under moonlight or starlight. And their single eye and single tooth organs of perception of a unique and rare character. The 'all seeing eye' associated with the omniscience of God-Head; and the tooth being the three-fold emblem of the immortal spirit. As with the Hebrew letter 'Shin' which means the spirit and a tooth - the hardest organic part of the physical body. [Representational of. This readers input]. Question. Why? [Extract taken from the book 'The Rose Cross and the Goddess: The Quest for the Eternal Feminine Principle'. Mentioned elsewhere].

The eye and ear. Both represented in the Nile delta. Recall what 'it' represents. Put ''Sais'' in the box.

The word ''id'' can also be related to such words an ''Hoary'' or ''ancient'' old man and/or..."I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a 'distant life' in which i had been a yogi...these glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future..." All in relation to the main [underlying] character within the book - namely Lahiri Mahasaya...

Side note. ''Dimensionless in relation to the number 137 - enlarged elsewhere.

''Let us go IN THE SPIRIT to the manger and bring to the 'Child' our sacrifice and gift - which lie in the knowledge that something altogether new must fill our SOULS, in order that we may fulfill the tasks that can lead human kind out of barbarism into a true new civilization'' {Page 178}.

From a different perspective: ''This Isis shines out of the cosmos in an aura of many lunimous colours. We must learn to understand Isis when we look out into the cosmos, to see this cosmos in its aura of luminous colours....We must create this legend, for it presents the truth of our times. We must speak of the dead and 'lost' Isis, the divine Sophia, in the same way that ancient Egyptians spoke of the dead and lost Osiris....In other words, in what natural science gives us, we must find something which stimulates us inwardly toward Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition..... This is the light that Goethe fought against in his theory of colours, opposing the statement that white light contains all the colours, which in truth extend over the mysterious, manifold and secret deeds of the whole universe.'' [Page 174 'Ancient Myths: And the New Isis Mystery' / R. Steiner].

South American equivalent: Feathered Serpent and/or Green Crocodile? [Teotihuacan's Lost Kings / PBS America].

Refresher: ''Westward LEADING still proceeding guide us to thy....''

And/or: ''If you have pulled this card. you are asked to embody your star consciousness. The star of your being is rising....'' [Card 17 -Sothis- 'The Anubis Oracle'].

A brooch for a Muse?

And/or: ''The rending of Orpheus becomes an image of the warring fractions of knowledge, nominally pacified by his music. The seven strings of his lyre are the seven keys of the spectrum {'137'?}, or of universal knowledge {'archons'?}…..He was the son of Apollo and Calliope, the Muse of harmony and rhythm." [Page 26 'The Western Way'. Vol 2].

''I would like to remind you of something which i have repeatedly brought forward in various ways in the course of many years. I have told you: We look back {east or west?} into the first Post Atlantean age, which was filled with the deeds and experiences of the ancient indian people; we look back {hindsight/foresight?} into the ancient Persian epoch of post-Atlantean humanity, into the Egypto-Chaldean, and into the Greco-Latin. We come then to the fifth epoch of the post Atlantean humanity; our own. Our epoch will be followed by the 6th and 7th. I have drawn your attention to the fact that the Greco-Latin, the 4th epoch, stands as it were in the middle....'' [Page 167 'Ancient Myths' / R. Steiner].

And/or: These seemingly simple connections between thinking, feeling and willing are the foundation upon which, if we survey it, will find that our whole life is built....These midpoints of thinking, feeling and willing are connected to our finer bodies in a definite and lawful manner.'' [Page 176/7 'How to Know Higher Worlds' / R. Steiner].

'Seat of First Occasion'?

'Three and a half' and/or Senet board game and/or Amarna? {i.e., on the brow of a hill}.

''Westward leading still proceeding.......''

From a different perspective: {with something extra?}:  ''This concept of Celli Wig, a seat of government and therefore symbolic of the central recess of Arthurs soul, raises the whole question of the significance of the topographical description insisted on throughout this myth. That a 'boar hunt' should range from the west of Ireland, across the Irish Channel, to West Wales, thence to South Wales as far as the river Severn, and now be threatening Cornwall, clearly indicates some psychic concept.'' [Page 163 'A Celtic Quest' / J. Layard].

''Go west young man, go west ?''


Analogy: ..."Although it throws me ahead of my story by a number of years, i will recount here the last words given to me by Bhaduri Mahasaya. Shortly before i embarked for the West, i sought him out and humbly knelt for his farewell blessing: 'Son, go to America. Take the dignity of hoary India for your shield. Victory is written on your brow; the noble distant people will well receive you." [Both extracts from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi: Paramahansa Yogananda' ]. Understand that 'relationship' defines what is being implied.

The Hebrew equivalent of a 'development' = Solomons ‘Shulamite’, i.e., in relation to the learning of something. A process begun, [i.e., manifest]. ‘Pacified/content’. Think back to Nefertiti. A link to the ‘Hangmans’ card of tarot fame. Note the expression. Symbolic of ‘a learning’. Knowledge ‘acquired’?. Ancient Egyptian equivalent = 'Expression' [and composition] of the face of the Sphinx. In its ‘known’ state. [ Explained elsewhere. Together with the program, 'The Riddle of the Sphinx' ].

Side note: "He was carried to the weir of Gwyddno Garanhair near Dovey and Aberystwyth, in Cardigan Bay, and rescued from it by Prince Elphin, the son of Gwyddno and nephew of king Maelgwyn of Gwynedd {North Wales}, who had come there to 'net fish' {'153' of them?}. Elphin, though he caught no fish, considered himself well rewarded for his labour, and renamed Gwion 'Taliesin', meaning either 'fine value' or 'beautiful brow' - a subject for punning {sacred ones?} - by the author of the romance." [Page 28 'The White Goddesss' / R. Graves].

nhyBooks explaining an individuals journey = ‘Zealtor’ by M. Hedsel. Or 'Play of Consciousness' by Swami Muktananda. Or 'Dreams of Isis' by Normandi Ellis. Or ’My Rosicrucian adventure’ by Israel Regardie. Or 'Letter to a Disciple' / Al-Ghazali. Or ’Book of shadows’ by P. Curott. Or ’I Called it Magic’ by G. Knight {others elsewhere}. The real ’magic’ by the way’, before those first impressions take hold of the the understanding of the subject. The "getting the head around it". The understanding of something new and its potential / ‘magic’, to each individual. As it is in any subject, i.e.,those eureka moments, that every subject must have in order to understand them. [Egyptian equivalent the word Heka. Explained elsewhere]. Sufi's define that same 'process' as ''direct tasting.'' Link to 'food' symbolism. Explained elsewhere. Or as a ''mystical impulse'' as by the author of 'Letter To a Disciple'.

Miss Liberty - Wrapped in the American flag. Walking to the left towards the rising sun." {'Fifty' cents / 'Half' dollar}. Mint / Libra to enlarge.

A work in progress: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it may be with fear, has also given rise to re-ligion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling {'Geminin'?} is at the center of true religiousness." [Albert Einstein].

"...the supreme object of magic is the knowledge of the 'higher' self." [Extract taken from the book by I. Regardie].

Minds eye?

Analogy: ''She protects all her children through 'magical' means. Each of us male or female, may see ourselves as her 'children' recognizing the divinity within ourselves and acknowledging our connection to the Source. More accessible than our human mothers, Isis tends, inspires, and teaches us at the speed of a single thought {eureka moments?}. Isis and Thoth are among the most accessible and trustworthy guides and teachers.'' [Page 38 'The Union of Isis and Thoth' / N. Ellis and N. Scully].

''Source'' in relation to Part 1. ''Child'' as the beginning of a learning curve.

"Magic is considered both an art and a science. Behind all science is theory, and to understand magic one must theorize on why magic works." [Chapter 8, 'Keeper of secrets' Vol 2 by R. Siblerud]. i.e., 'Divine bit' relative to framework.

"The word ''magic'' has a way of revealing the inmost thoughts of the soul. Tell me a mans reaction to the word, and i will tell you, approximately, the state of his souls evolution."..."To use a 'magical' expression, magic is lifting the Veil of Isis." [Chapter 2, 'The Forgotten Mage'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"...pioneers of a science of the ignored or neglected domain of 'magic', i.e., a science of the dynamic relationship which exist between subjective consciousness and objective phenomena." [Extract from the book by Tomberg].


Qurna 'Queen and child'. 'Feathers' around the coffin.

Childs play?

"For the soul grows and progresses as comprehension and intuition expand through successive acts of the spirit on the road of the Magic of Light. The wings then grow stronger, the flight itself grows longer, and the inner lamp fed on the Oil of wisdom remains constantly burning." [Quote taken from 'The Tree of Life'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"The cords which bind man with a strength beyond all mortal chains and fetter may thus be severed. There is no dissolution of these irons other than by the magical knowledge of his own inner self..."[Chapter 3, 'The Tree of Life' by I. Regardie].

Gotland to enlarge.

'Silver' and 'gold' ? If so, WHAT represents them ?

House of the Iron Islands? {Game of Thrones}.

"Also, let it not be forgotten that once the magic of the soul is grasped by the personality, that soul steadily dominates and can be trusted to carry forward the training of the man to fruition..." [Extract taken from the book by A. Bailey].

"He states deliberately that the 'magical' form, wherein is concealed the unguent or elixir of life, is within man himself in exactly the same sense as combustion is latent in combustible natures. It only awaits evocation." [Chapter 4, 'The Philosopher's Stone.' Mentioned elsewhere].


''Meanders'' in a different 'form'. ''Be as wise as serpents or as innocent as doves.''

Represented; in the main; as a coiled serpent. Especially a sleeping one. Link to Ro-setau, i.e.,the 'coiled rope' being one of its emblems. That same 'rope' that is seen on many wall 'pictorial events'... all the 'aspects' of which are shown in some form or have that potential of a .... 'connectedness'. From something 'asleep' to 'being awakened'. No rabbits out of hats. 'Hare’ possibly. Think on it.

'The Art and Meaning of Magic'. By I. Regardie].

"One of the main means whereby man arrives at an understanding of that great sum total we call the Macrocosm - 'God', functioning through a solar system - is by an understanding of himself, and the Delphic injunction ''Man, know thyself'' was an inspired utterance, intended to give man the clue to the mystery of deity....

Meanders in a different form: Upstream or Downstream?

Through the Law of Analogy, or correspondence, the cosmic processes, and the nature of the cosmic principles are indicated in the functions, structure and characteristics of a human being. They are indicated but are not explained or elaborated. They serve simply as signposts [or keys], directing man along the path whereon future sign posts may be found and more definite indications noted." [Introduction to the book 'Treatise on White Magic' or 'The Way of the Disciple' by Alice Bailey]. Recall what ''correspondence'' implies. Try Part 2.

T. S. Eliot refers to same as ''a timeless moment." Enlarged elsewhere.

The author who attempts to define Sufism and the Arabic within the Quran - Henry Corbin - defines the same with the word Dasein, i.e.,an ''act of presence''. Enlarged elsewhere.

"Pliny the Elder [23-79 AD], who actually lived during the time of Christ, in Book XXX of his 'Natural History' wrote that the Greek astronomer Eudoxus of Cnidus [409-356 BC] ....''wished 'magic' to be acknowledged as the noblest and more useful of the schools of philosophy.'' [Chapter one, 'Serpent of Wisdom' by D. Tyson]. Recall what 'philosophy' meant. Enlarged elsewhere.

menkaure and hare

Menkaure - one foot raised towards his 'seat' of 'authority'. His right foot. Hare in the top left corner - if only to the observer.

Understanding Djedefre 'water mountain' [or 'fountain' [key]], hieroglyphs... which includes 'rope' gives the reader that deeper insight into Mr Djedefre's true status, especially in relation to Mr Khufu's. As speculated within the book 'The Black Genesis' by R. Bauval and T. Brophy]. Found within. But more importantly in relation to 'younger', i.e., Menkaure. Of the three ''pharaoh's'' only the youngest has the words ''divine'' and ''eternal'' within his 'name'. He was also known as the most benign. A 'prerequisite' of Kingship. ''Divine'' in relation to the unveiling of something. Use the search box. Try ''fountain.''

Analogy of same, i.e., with the same principle in mind..."In Ibn al-Arabi's technical vocabulary, "opening'' [futuh] is a near synonym for several other terms, such as unveiling, tasting, witnessing, divine effusion, divine self disclosure, and insight. Each of these words designates a mode of gaining direct knowledge of 'god' and the 'unseen' worlds without the intermediary of study, teacher, or rational faculty. 'God' ''opens up'' the heart to the infusion of knowledge. The word ''opening'' suggests that this type of knowledge comes to the aspirant suddenly after he had been waiting patiently at the door". [Introduction to the book,' The Sufi Path of Knowledge' by W. Chittick].

''Patience is the mother of will. If you have no mother, how can you be born?" Gurdjieff.

Samwell Tarly? {Game of Thrones}.

hare 3

''Younger'' relative to the beginning of something? 15th Nome = Hare symbol. Those same boundaries that were shared by the new [i.e.,youngest?] - 'religion' of Akhenaten. What does that imply? A common factor? Why? How can something brand new 'share' something of the old?

Egyptian equivalent the word 'Heka', and that 'connectedness' to the 'serpent',i.e.,'Uraeus'. Chapter three. 'British Museum Book of Ancient Egyptian'. Especially noteworthy in its research on the symbolism of 'snake poison' as a "manifestation of divinity" of 'life'...against 'death', i.e.,antidote of same. Think about it in relation to that 'potential' of a 'development', by way of an understanding. Apophis link, i.e.,from its unknown/'negative' start point, i.e.,'sting in the tail', [metaphor only]. Explained elsewhere. Link to 'spider' symbolism. Enlarged elsewhere.

Scorpion? i.e.,'Sting in the tail' in relation to ''untransmuted'' ?

A {working} example: "The ancient ones of early eastern Christianity taught that, in relation to intruding thoughts, we should be so vigilant that as soon as they ''show there heads, like a serpent appearing through a hole, we must cut it off''! This is a potent use of 'stop exercise' which is also meant to halt the entry and influence of ''I's'' that seek to claim our identity. The more you live in a more quiet inner place {an inner sanctuary} where features cannot take over, the more you will see the difference between passing thoughts and feelings, and your deeper self." ['Wisdom of the 4th Way'].

See picture of same elsewhere for a 'connection'.

Meanders in a different form?

And/or..."This strong presence of serpentine imagery on the carved stones at Gobekli tepe begged the question of just what this creature might have symbolized to the peoples of the Pre- Pottery Neolithic age. Universally, snakes are seen as symbols of supernatural power, divine energy, otherworldly knowledge, male and female sexuality, and, because they shed their skin, metaphysical transformation. The snake also represents the active spirit of medicines, the reason it is today a universal symbol of the medical profession. Moreover, the snake is associated not just with beneficial medicines...In Christian legend for instance, poison offered to John the Evangelist in a laced chalice of wine was made to slither away as a black snake moments before the apostle was about to drink it. Are the snakes carved on the pillars meant to symbolize the visionary effects of mind altering or sleep inducing drugs? It seems likely, for as Schmidt writes himself, several large basalt bowls found at the site were perhaps used in the preparation of medicines or drugs." ['Gobekli Tepe' by A. Collins]. Try ''cup'' / 'snake' / ''bowl'' for an alternative view, while recalling what ''basalt'' derives from. ALL AS A MEANS...?

REFRESHER: "....the words 'idea', 'wisdom' and 'vision' ALL originate from the common Indo-European root which means ''to see''. An idea is an insight, an inner flash of illumination that can result in 'wisdom'." [From the book 'Alexandria' / Vol 3 ].

Something closer to the 'mark': Working example {i.e., especially in relation to ''basalt''. Other 'keys' highlighted}: "It has taken me virtually 45 years to distil within the vessel of my scientific work the things I experienced and wrote down at that time. As a young man my goal had been to accomplish something in my science. But then, I hit upon this stream of lava, and the heat of its fires reshaped my life...." [Page 225 'Memories, Dreams and Reflections' / C. G. Jung].

And/or: ''As we continue to pin this thought down, it will twist this way and that. The very act of looking at it changes it, causes reactions, perhaps sometimes even contradictory reactions. A thought is never still. It is a living thing that can never be identified definitively with the dead letter of language. This is why Schopenhauer, another proponent of the mystical philosophy at the heart of this book, said that 'as soon as you try to put a thought into words it ceases to be true'....'' [Page 52 'The Secret History of the World' / J. Black].

"....this has been likened to grasping a snake, previously asleep in the sunlight. Once we have grasped it, we awaken it and must then engage in a constant battle {and/or ''struggle''} with 'it', grasping it ever tighter, lest it escape and bite us..." Enlarged elsewhere. Try Part 3. Before those 1st impressions whisper {hiss?} something else.

"For both the ''mud of the serpent of old'' and a ''kind of godly fluid'' indeed flow in the veins of the human race. Is this dualism then? Do the serpents venom and the tears of the 'Virgin' therefore flow together eternally in the flow of life? [Extract from the book by Tomberg. 'Letter 17' ].

"...metaphor is the language of art." Quote by Joseph Campbell.

"Metaphor is the dreamwork of language and like all dreamwork, its interpretation reflects as much on the interpreter as the originator...So to understanding a metaphor is as much a creative endeavour as making a metaphor, and as little guided by rules." [Taken from the book 'The Book of Babel'. Mentioned elsewhere].

"The fruit of the Underworld Tree is only 'poisonous' in its untransmuted state." [Chapter 4, 'The Underworld Initiation' by R. Stewart]. That link to the difference in 'meaning' to ''incarnation'' and ''reincarnation,'' IF only in relation to this subject. Use the usual box.

Adam and Eve?

'The fruit of ones labours' ?

A working example: ''After the resurrection the righteous will go to the Garden of Eden, but the sinners will be punished in a place called Gehenna - its entrance in the Valley of Cedars {I.e., Kidron valley}. ['Jerusalem: Center of the World' / PBS America. Episode 1].

Try ''Herod''. And/or: Recall the Gilgamesh story {myth?}.


THAT ''duality'' at work again. Opposite ends on the same pole? S/W?

From a different perspective: ''The text further complicates matters by interpretating Rex and Regina as the 'body and soul of our matter'. The latter are explicitly related to sulphur and mercury since they are joined in the 'mercurial fountain' and 'burned by the sulphurous  fires of Gehenna'. In alchemical terms, the usually 'fixed' sulphur has become volatile and the usually volatile mercury, 'fixed'. Psychologically, this seems to express a variation on the main theme.....'' [Page 143 'Mercurius' / P. Harpur].


A working example: ''Hermeticism is an athanor {'alchemical furnace'} erected in the individual human consciousness, where the mercury of intellectuality undergoes transmutation into the gold of spirituality.'' [Page 194 'Meditations on the Tarot].